SIM-Science-Week 4

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Science 5

Week 4
MELC: Describe the reproductive
parts in plant and their functions-


Illustrator: EMELYN L. LUMABAN

Department of Education • Schools Division of Marinduque

What’s New



The external parts of the plants are leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and seeds
are known as the plant organs. Each organ is an organized group of tissues that
works together to perform a specific function. The flower is the reproductive part of
a plant. The parts of the flower are receptacle, petal, sepal, stamen includes
anther and filament, and pistil includes stigma, style, and ovary.

1. petal The most obvious part of a Most petals are brightly
flower. A group of petals is colored to attract insects for
called the corolla. pollination.
2. sepal Modified leaves. A group of Enclose and protect the
sepals is called the calyx. other parts of the flower
when it is still a bud. When
the flower blooms, the
sepal supports the bottom
of the flower
3. stamen The male part of a flower. It The main function is to
consists of the filament and produce the pollen grains,
the anther. which house male
gametes, or sex cells
necessary for reproduction.
4. anther consists of two lobes that Produce male sex cells.
contain pollen sacs. Pollen
sacs have pollen grains
that are released by the
anther when they mature.
5. filament A long slender stalk that Hold the anthers up within
bears the anther within the flower, making the
which the pollen is formed. pollen more accessible to

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

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pollinators and the wind.
6. pistil The female part of a flower. It produces egg cells or sex
It consists of the stigma, cells.
style, and ovary.
7. stigma A specially adapted portion It receives the pollen
of the pistil was modified for grains. The mature stigma
the reception of pollen. secretes a fluid that
Feathery and branched or stimulates pollen grains to
elongated. germinate.
8. style Stalk that supports the It is tall enough to trap
stigma and connects it to pollen grains. It receives
the ovary. the pollen grains. The
major function of the style
is to assist with fertilization
by being the location where
pollen tubes travel to
deliver sperm cells to the
9. ovary Enlarge the basal portion of It contains ovules, which
the pistil. develop into seeds upon
10. receptacle The enlarged upper end of Bears the flower or group of
a flower stalk. flowers.

Figure 1. Parts of a Flower, by bluering media, Digital Image, Published 15 March 2014,

What I can Do
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
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Activity 1
A. Directions: Identify the reproductive parts of the plant that are described. Choose
your answer inside the box below. Then, write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Anther
2. Calyx
3. Corolla
4. Filament
5. Ovary
6. Pistil
7. Stamen
8. Stigma
9. Style
10. Receptacle

A. It is the male part of the flower.

B. It consists of two lobes that contain pollen sacs and pollen grains.
C. It refers to the collective term for sepals of a flower.
D. It is the female part of the flower.
E. It refers to all petals together.
F. It consists of the female gametes or sex cells called the ovum.
G. It is a swollen structure at the end of a style.
H. It is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk that bears the flower.
I. It holds the anther in a position tall enough to release the pollen.
J. It is a stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.

B.Directions: Describe the function/s of the reproductive parts of the plant in column
A with its column B by connecting line. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
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1. Style

A. The pollen-producing and the male part of the

2. Filament flower.
B. It bears the flower or group of flowers.
3. Stigma C. It produces egg cells or sex cells.
D. It protects the flower while in buds.
4. Ovary
E. Often large and colored, to attract insects.
F. It produces male sex cells.
5. Anther
G. It contains ovules that develop into seeds.
6. Petals H. It receives the pollen grains and assists with

7. Pistil I. It holds the anthers up within the flower.

J. It secretes a fluid that stimulates pollen grains to
8. Sepals germinate.

9. Receptacle

10. Stamen

Activity 2
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
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A.Directions: Describe the function/s of the reproductive parts of the plant by
completing the table.


1. Petals

2. Sepals

3. Receptacle

4. Pistil

5. Stamen

6. ovary

7. style

8. anther

9. filament

10. stigma

B. Directions: Describe the reproductive part of the plant by choosing the letter of the
correct answer in the big box. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
A. The female part of the flower, which is comprised of three parts – stigma,
style, and ovary.
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
B. The part thatLead
to Excel,the stigma
Excel and ovary.
to Lead”
C. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk.
1. Pistil

A. The part that connects the stigma and ovary.

2. Stamen B. The male parts of the flower that produces pollen grains that consist of a
filament and an anther.
C. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk.

A. The part that forms pollen grains

3. Stigma B. The female part of the flower, which is comprised of three parts – stigma,
style, and ovary.
C. The part where pollen grains land on the pistil.

A. The part that forms pollen grains

4. Anther B. The part that connects the stigma and ovary.
C. The female part of the flower, which is comprised of three parts – stigma,
style, and ovary.

A. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk.

5. Filament B. It supports the anther.
C. The part that connects the stigma and ovary.

A. The female part of the flower, which is comprised of three parts – stigma,
style, and ovary.
6. Sepal B. The part that forms pollen grains
C. The green leaf-like structures protect the flower bud.

A. The enlarged part of the pistil, which contains the egg cells and produces
the seeds.
7. Ovary B. The female part of the flower, which is comprised of three parts – stigma,
style, and ovary.
C. The part that forms pollen grains

A. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk.

8. Petal B. The Leaf-like, often colorful part of the plant that surrounds the reproductive
parts of the flower and makes the flower conspicuous to pollinators
C. The part that forms pollen grains

A. The part that forms pollen grains

9. Style B. The enlarged part of the pistil, which contains the egg cells and produces
the seeds.
C. The Thethat
enlarged upper
connects theend of aand
stigma flower stalk.
B. The part that connects the stigma and ovary.
10. Receptacle C. The Leaf-like, often colorful part of the plant that surrounds the
reproductive parts of the flower and makes the flower conspicuous to

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

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I. Directions: Choose the letter of the reproductive parts of the plant being described
in each sentence. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. The male reproductive organ of the flower.
A. sepal C. stamen
B. petal D. filament
2. The part of a flower that develops into 8ua fruit.
A. pollen C. petal
B. ovary D. all of the above

3. The brightly colored part is called _______.

A. sepal C. receptacle
B. petal D. pollen
4. The part of the flower produces sperm cells.
A. anther C. ovary
B. sepal D. stigma
5. The part of the flower you can find the egg cell.
A. ovary C. seed
B. anther D. sepal
6. The part of the stamen that holds the anther in position.
A. filament C. Stigma
B. Anther D. style
7. The parts of the pistil that receives the pollen grains.
A. stigma C. ovary
B. style D. anther
8. The modified leaves. When in a group of is called the calyx.
A. receptacle C. sepals
B. petals D. pistil
9. Modified for the reception of pollen and feathery and branched or elongated.
A. stigma C. stigma
B. pistil D. sepal
10. The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk.
A. stigma C. ovary
B. petal D. receptacle

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

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II.Directions: Match column A with column B with the functions of the reproductive
parts of the plant. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Stamen A. It traps and receives the pollen grains.
2. Pistil B. It develops into a seed that contains an ovule.
3. Petal C. It secretes a fluid that stimulates pollen grains to generate.
4. Sepal D. It produces male sex cells.
5. Receptacle E. It holds the anthers up with the flower.
6. Filament F. It bears the flowers or group of flowers.
7. Anther G. It enclosed and protect the other parts of the flower.
8. Stigma H. The brightly colored to attract insects.
9. Ovary I. The part where egg cells can find.
10. Style J. It produces pollen grains.
K. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the

Additional Activity

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Composed a song/poem that describe the functions of the reproductive parts of
the plant. Read the rubrics below on how to rate your output. Submit your output
through our group chat (GC) or to my messenger.


CRITERIA 3 points 2 points 1 points

Timeliness Output submitted the Output submitted on Output submitted late

day before the time of submission. on the date of
submission. submission.

Content The song/poem The song/poem The song/poem

describes the describes the describes the
functions of all of the functions of 9-6 functions of 5-3
reproductive parts of reproductive parts of reproductive parts of
the plant. the plant. the plant.


“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

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Sarte, E., Garcia, E., Lopez, L., dela Cruz, M., Arradaza, H. (2016). SCIENCE
Beyond Borders. Quezon : Vival Group Inc. .
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Relusco, L., dela Cruz, A., Trivinio, L., Salvador, M. (2008). SciENERGY (TIMSS-Based
Learning Materials For Elementary Level). Mandaluyong: B2G2 Enterprises.

Beckystoke Uk | Chessmuseum Template Library, Plant Reproduction Worksheet

Answers New Plant Reproduction Worksheet Pack, Accessed November 30, 2021,
Bluering media, Parts of a Flower, Digital Image, Published March 15, 2014,
Plant reproduction, Accessed November 29, 2021,
Vanderlande, Ann Marie, Reproductive Plant Parts, Published January 2008,

Para sa mga katanungan o puna, sumulat o tumawag sa:

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon – Schools Division Marinduque

T. Roque St., Malusak, Boac, Marinduque
Email: or;
Tel. No.: (042) 332-1009 / 332-1611

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

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