4a's LP For Grade 7 - JHS (Poetry)
4a's LP For Grade 7 - JHS (Poetry)
4a's LP For Grade 7 - JHS (Poetry)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. To be able to identify and define poetry and its types.
2. to be able to differentiate and distinguish the types of poetry and when it can be used in life.
3. To be able to appreciate and express poetry as an individual.
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Observing proper health protocols
2. Opening prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
B. Review (5 minutes)
The teacher asks the class if Literature is important in their daily lives. If so, how does it affect them, either
negatively or positively.
C. Motivation (5 minutes)
The teacher presents a poem entitled “TREES by Joyce Kilmer” and reads it to the class. After reading the
teacher asks if there are any difficult words that the students don’t understand. After unlocking of words,
the teacher asks the class to read it for the second time.
After reading as a class, have 2 students answer the following questions:
1. Is there any word/s that you are interested in the poem? What made you like it or dislike it?
2. The main topic of the poem is about a TREE, for you how would you do you see a TREE now after reading
the poem?
D. Activity (5 minutes)
Rhyme Time
The teacher asks the class to form a circle and give the instructions to “Word Connect.”
The teacher gives the first word and the students have to say a word that rhymes with the previous word or
else they would be out for the round. Repeat the process until 5 or 6 students have been eliminated.
The eliminated students are then asked what they think about the activity and how it is connected to the
po·et·ry (n)
• A writing chosen and arranged to create a certain emotional response through meaning, sound,
and rhythm
• Focuses on provoking an emotional response
Narrative Poetry Lyrical Poetry
• Tell a story. It is a • USES EXPRESSIONIS
story told in verse, by AND EMOTIONS TO
a speaker or narrator. CONVEY THE
• There is a plot … MEANING IN THE
Word Vault something happens; MESSAGE.
because of this, • MAINLY SHORTER
• LINES – a line is considered as one sentence something else COMPARED TO
when writing a poem. happens. NARRATIVE POETRY,
• STANZA – a group of 2,4 or more lines that • TYPES WITH 3-10
are grouped together just like a paragraph. 1. BALLAD PARAGRAPHS AND A
• COUPLET – the last 2 lines of a poem that are 2. EPIC COUPLET.
always rhyming, the tone can either be • EXPRESS THE
serious or funny. PERSONAL FEELINGS
F. Application (5 minutes)
The teacher gives a short assessment using True or False to check the understanding of the students.
Answers would be written on their English notebook.
1. Literature and poetry both can be expressed through words.
2. Lyrical poetry focuses on creating emotions in the poem.
3. A haiku needs 3 stanzas with 5-7 lines each.
4. The last 2 lines of a poem is called a stanza.
5. Having 12 lines and a couplet is the format for a sonnet.
On a one whole short bond paper make your own lyrical poem. You can choose what specific type of lyrical
poem it is as long as you make it following the guidelines and characteristics of that specific poem.