Curvas de Operación Bombas Centrifugas
Curvas de Operación Bombas Centrifugas
Curvas de Operación Bombas Centrifugas
Pumps are often considered as a machine which will provide a required flow and
pressure, however in reality the performance of a pump is dictated by a performance
curve detailing how the pump will provide a range of flows at differing pressures.
Pumps provide a differential pressure and flow according to their installation. As there
are 3 main families of pumps being Centrifugal, Rotary Positive Displacement and
Reciprocating Positive Displacement which have different characteristics dependent on
the circumstances they face.
A pumps performance will be in-line with the pressure losses in the system, with pumps
producing a differential flow and pressure based on the conditions at the inlet. A pump
curve is a graphical representation of what flows and differential pressures can be
produced by a pump.
As 90% of problems with pumps are caused by the system they are installed in, it is
important to note that pump selection is just part of the process of selecting a pump
which is right for the process.
In order for a pump to be selected for your process it is important that the following are
1. Fluid being pumped
2. Application
3. Flow Required
4. Pressure required
5. Viscosity of fluid & Specific Gravity
6. Temperature
7. Power available / Power medium being used to drive pump.
There are two types of pump curves dependent on the pump selected, which are
Centrifugal Pumps and Positive displacement Pump Curves.
The numbers at the end of the curve is the impeller diameter, which is trimmed to
achieve the required flow and pressure. The more an impeller is trimmed the higher
the impact on a pumps efficiency as the gap between the outside of the impeller and
casing is larger creating inefficiencies.
Although a pump curve shows the various duty points that a pump can achieve,
operating the pump in some of the areas of operation can lead to many problems.
As you can see in the below illustration if the pump is operated on the left it can mean
low bearing life, mechanical seal failure and heavy vibration.
If a pump is operated too far left on its curve there is no allowance for extra capacity
should there be miscalculation in system pressures. Too far to the right and there is the
risk of cavitation which can destroy the pump casing and impeller very quickly and cause
the liquid to boil. Good practice is to always have a safety margin maybe 10% towards
the left of the duty point to ensure the pump can operate as required, as a pumps
performance can always be reduced, but not increased.
This is because a positive displacement pump flow is proportional to rpm and does not
decrease with pressure like a centrifugal pump. A PD pump curve usually has a separate
axis detailing viscosity, where the pump will show a flow against viscosity as per the
graph below.
What is a NPSH Pump Curve?
The NPSH pump curve shows the Net Positive Suction Pressure Required (NPSH) in
Metres (M) to deliver the duty point. The NPSH of a centrifugal pump is typically stable
on the left side of the axis, where a pump is producing the highest pressure but lowest
flow. After the Best Efficiency Point the NPSH curve steadily increases before rising
sharply at the end of the performance curve where the pump will cavitate if operated.
The NPSH curve is more relevant to rotary centrifugal pumps and less relevant to
positive displacement pumps which are less likely to operate end of curve and cavitate.
In the below curve an NPSH of 3.32M is required to deliver the required performance.
Outside of the Best Efficiency Point (BEP) the pumps performance will suffer and if
operated inefficiently can damage itself, leading to its destruction within minutes.
Pump curve vs rpm
Pump curves are shown at full motor speed, but if the speed of the pump is reduced the
curve will reduce. The outer edge of the curve will step inwards towards the axis on all
sides meaning a reduction in both outlet pressure and flow. Reducing a pumps speed is
more efficient than reducing an impeller diameter as the clearances between the
impeller tip and casing remain small. 2 pumps operating at 50% capacity will save more
energy than one pump operating at full capacity.
Curve Basis
Curves are always based on fresh water at 20°C at sea level which may not reflect the
requirements of your application which is why the fluid viscosity and specific gravity are
required to create an accurate representation of what your equipment will achieve.
Viscosity can vary significant with certain fluids such as oils and it is important to ensure
the figure quoted is correct. Many fluids have a viscosity quoted at 20°C or 60°C which
can be far from the actual pumping temperature especially in cooling applications where
the pump is required to work prior to the oil being heated.
Some applications will require a pump to operate for a short amount of time, and others
for 24/7 such as in cooling at which point a low motor speed will be chosen. A PD pump
may have a 2 pole motor rather than a higher pole due to the starting torque. Care
should also be taken as motors can be listed as having a high RPM but in actual fact the
rpm may be rated as less from the motor. North Ridge Pump curves are specified to the
exact RPM of the motor rather than using a general figure.
· 1B, 1E and 1U
· 2B and 2U
· 3B
This means that depending on the class used for testing the head can vary between +-
0% to +-7% and flow between 0% to +-9% which requires careful consideration during
pump selection. This is often why margins are added to requested performance.
Table of Pump Design Tolerances
1U 1E 1B
Flow Rate tQ +0% to 10 ± ± 5% ± 8% ± 9%
% 5%
Pressure tH +0% to 6 ± ± 3% ± 5% ± 7%
% 3%
Pump η 0% 0% -3% -5% -7%
Pump Power p 10% 4% 4% 8% 9%
As the shaft speed or the impeller diameter is altered, the flow will change by the same
amount. If the speed of a pump is reduced by 20% the flow at the same head will also
decrease by 20%.
When the impeller diameter is altered or shaft speed is changed pressure changes
proportional to the square of the change in shaft speed or impeller diameter. If a shafts
speed increases by 10% then pressure at the same flow will increase by 21%