Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar
Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar
Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar
Bengali grammar.
A Comprehensive Grammar
The Grammar is an essential reference source for the learner and user
of Bengali, irrespective of level. It is ideal for use in schools, colleges,
universities and adult classes of all types. With clear and simple
explanations this book will remain the standard reference work for years to
come for both learners and linguists alike.
Features include:
Hanne-Ruth Thompson teaches Bengali at the School of Oriental and
African Studies in London. Previous publications include Essential Everyday
Bengali: A Grammar and Glossary of Colloquial Bengali with Examples
Throughout (1999).
A Comprehensive Grammar
Bengali Language
Hanne - Ruth Thompson
an informa business
A Comprehensive Grammar
Modern Welsh
Modern Written Arabic
A Comprehensive Grammar
Hanne-Ruth Thompson
First edition published 2010
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN
Acknowledgements xvii
Glossary xviii
Abbreviations and Glosses xxiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
1.1 Aims and organisation of the book 3
1.2 Bangla grammar terms 5
1.3 Bangla and its speakers 8
1.4 History (language and literature) 9
1.5 The Bangla lexicon 13
1.6 Sadhu bhasha 15
Many people have helped me with this book in many different ways: those
who first taught me Bangla, those who patiently answered my many
endless questions, those who encouraged me along the way, those who
challenged me or allowed me to try out my theories on them, those who
had faith in me and those who put up with me during my times of dogged
equational The type of sentence which has a → copula how green was my
experiencer A human being involved in an event. In many Bangla sentences
this experiencer is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. experiencer
contrasts with subject in impersonal sentences.
Glossary extended verb A type of verb in Bangla which has a two-syllable verb
object The sentence part towards which the action of the verb is directed:
I asked him, he denied his statement. We can distinguish between → direct
(accusative) object and → indirect object.
reflexive Referring back to itself, e.g. he is washing himself, they hate each
relative A kind of pronoun relating to something already mentioned, e.g.
the man who knew too much.
root The basic unit which carries the meaning, e.g. from the Latin root
flux flow we have English words like fluent, influence, fluctuate, fluid.
tense Expression of time in verbs; the most basic tenses are past, present,
transitive The type of verb which can take a direct object.
verb Word class (doing or action words) ride, consider, forget, destroy.
verb ending Added to the stem of the verb for use in sentences, e.g. walk:
we walk-ed home, he was walk-ing away.
verbal noun A non-finite verb form which is used as a noun krh, xhowh,
vowel A sound which has no audible constriction, e.g. a, e, i, o, u, as opposed
to → consonant.
word class A group of words which share the same syntactic features.
th, yt, zn, tvkv are marked as -CL (classifiers), gvflh and gvyl as -PL-CL (plural
classifier), rh and `qr are marked as -PL (plural) and PL-CASE (plural-case),
Bangla does not distinguish gender in its personal pronouns. In the trans-
lations, gender has to be assigned and I have variously assigned he or she.
and Glosses
Verb glosses are always given in full except with some particular verb
forms from incomplete verbs: forms of ahC- [exists] or [is present], `ni [is
absent] and nw [is not] yCl [was/were] are given in square brackets.
Verb forms with a following yn (negation of present and past perfect) are
given as not verb-PERSON-TENSE rather than verb-PERSON-TENSE not to
show the close connection between the verb and the negation.
For conjunct verbs the noun and verb are linked with a hyphen, e.g.
Abbreviations Correlatives
and Glosses
Relative and correlative pronouns and conjunctions are marked as such
only where they are the topic of discussion.
o, `uh and i are all given as -EMP (emphasiser) except when they are the
topic of discussion. When o is used as a conjunction it is given as also or
Glosses are given where they are deemed helpful in understanding sentence
Part 1
Chapter 1
The whole book is organised around examples – lots of examples. This has
four basic reasons:
The example sentences used in this book come from a great variety of
sources. Quite a few are from spoken language. Early on in my research
I gave up on the idea of asking people’s opinion on different language
structures. Replies to these types of questions tend to be varied and con-
tradictory, and there is a considerable gap between what people perceive
to be ‘good language’ and the way they themselves speak. Instead of
asking, I listened and kept a record. My readings have gone from essays
to popular magazines, from great literature to children’s stories, from
scholarly discussions to advertisements on the Metro in Kolkata. I have
been reading `qS (Kolkata), —Um ahflh and khyl o klm (Dhaka) and count-
less stories and novels. I lost my heart to Buddhadeva Bose and Sunil
Gangopadhyay and greatly enjoyed reading Bimal Mitra, Ashapurna Devi,
Praphulla Ray, Sankar, Mahasveta Devi, Bimal Kar, Kabita Singh, Hasan
Azizul Haque and many other writers. My initial resolve not to use any
4 texts more than fifty years old crumbled before Buddhadeva’s mesmerising
language and assured mastery of complex sentence structures which are a
joy to read and to analyse. Some of his sentences, as also some examples Bangla
from Tagore and Bibhutibhusan, have found their way into this book. grammar
With all my reading, the structures of the language, the way sentences are terms
formed and words put together were my primary interest and form the
basis of my interpretation. As is almost inevitable with this kind of work,
some questions, grey areas, uncertainties and, no doubt, blind spots remain.
They are part of the learning process and will, I hope, challenge and
encourage others to recognise that there is still a lot to discover in the field
of Bangla language structures.
Part 1 – Peripheries – deals briefly with the areas of language that cannot
properly be classified as grammar: background, history, sounds and script,
and some broad morphological features such as prefixes and suffixes, verb,
noun and adjective formation. It ends with an overview of the morpho-
logical features of Bangla.
Part 2 – Word Classes – gives us the word classes of Bangla, their sub-
categories and their morphological features – it is in this section that you will
find paradigms and charts, conjugation patterns and the main forms of the
language. The non-declinable word classes (adjectives, adverbs, postpositions,
conjunctions, emphasisers, particles, interjections) are dealt with in this part.
India was split into two countries, India and Pakistan. East Bengal – then
East Pakistan, now Bangladesh – became one of the provinces of the new
Muslim state of Pakistan. This was at first welcomed by East Bengali
Muslims but the geographical distance between them and the rest of the
country – with the whole of India between the two halves of the country
– as well as economic inequalities soon started to cause discontent and
resentment in East Pakistan. Much more divisive, however, was the language
8 question.
Having Urdu as the only state language in Pakistan imposed on them History
by the Pakistan government woke East Bengali Muslims to their own (language and
identity. From 1948 onwards a language movement started, led by students literature)
and professors of Dhaka University, with the express purpose of making
Bangla a state language. This movement culminated in a violent clash
between protestors and the police on 21 February 1952 in which five
students were killed. This was the first time in Bengali history that lives
were lost in the cause of a language. In the immediate wake of these events,
throughout the whole province, a new Bengali consciousness emerged,
based on language and culture rather than on religion. Bangla became a
state language of Pakistan in 1956 but it was another 15 years later, in
1971, that Bangladesh became an independent country with a secular
constitution. 21 February is still celebrated in Bangladesh every year and
in 1999 it was made International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in
memory of the events in 1952 and to promote linguistic and cultural
diversity and multilingualism.
The Bangla language is, like most other Indian languages, a descendant of
Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages with records dating back as
far as 1500–1000 bc. It is not very clear where Sanskrit originated, but
scholars place it in the Indus Valley, in what is now Pakistan and north-
western India. Sanskrit is an Indo-Aryan language and the relationship
between Bangla and Sanskrit in terms of grammar and vocabulary is com-
parable to the relationship between French and Classical Latin. Although
Sanskrit still counts as one of the official languages of India, it was always
more a scholarly and devotional language rather than a means of com-
munication. The Rig Veda, the oldest sacred writing of Hinduism, was
written in an early form of Sanskrit, now called Vedic Sanskrit.
The Bangla language can be dated back as far as 1000 years ago. The
oldest texts which can be identified as being written in Bangla were found
in Nepal by the Bengali scholar Haraprasad Shastri and published in 1909.
They are Buddhist devotional songs known as Charyapada and dated
between ad 900 and 1100. It was during this period that Assamese, Oriya
and Bangla split off from Sanskrit and from one another. The reasons
for claiming the Charyapada for Bangla rather than for Assamese or Oriya
are related to word formation, pronouns, case endings and emerging post-
positions which seem to point the way for later forms in Bangla. The
period between ad 900 and 1400 is called Old Bengali. Verb inflections
were starting to appear and pronouns like ami and tumi were formed.
Also around that time the Bengali script started to develop its own charac-
teristic features, separating it from Devanagari. Both Devanagari and the
Bangla script were designed and used primarily for writing Sanskrit.
The Middle Bengali period is dated between the fifteenth and the eighteenth
centuries. The earliest examples of Middle Bengali literature are Sri Krishna
Kirtan and Vaishnava religious love poems by Chandidas and Vidyapati.
During the later middle period Mangal Kabya and Persian-influenced
romances were written.
With the advent of the British and the start of British Rule in India after
the Battle of Plassey in 1757, a new era began which changed not only the poli-
tical and educational system but also brought about a significant growth
of literature in Bangla. The British established themselves first in Kolkata
and then expanded their sphere of influence and power throughout the
10 whole of the sub-continent during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
In 1778, a first grammar A Grammar of the Bengal Language was written History
by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, a British philologist. The title of the book (language and
suggests that the name Bengali for the language was not yet entirely fixed. literature)
It was for the production of this book that the first printing press was
developed for writing Bangla. The New Bengali period starts around this
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries a large portion of India’s
most celebrated works of poetry were created in Bangla during a literary
renaissance led by figures such as Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1834–73)
and Bankim Chandra Chatterji (1838–98), the founders of modern
Bangla literature. Madhusudan was a great admirer and diligent student
of European literature, from Dante, to Milton to Shakespeare and, in a
great leap of faith, set out to create comparably great literature in Bangla.
He was the first to write sonnets in Bangla and he also introduced blank
verse. An endeavour of this kind at that time required, above all, faith in
the potential of the Bangla language. Madhusudan’s masterpiece `mGnhq bQ
khbj (Meghnadbadh Kabya) is not only the greatest epic that has ever been
written in Bangla but is also world class literature.
As Europeans, we tend to underestimate the influence individual writers
and poets have on the development of a language. But there is no doubt
that for Bangla it was people like Bankim, Madhusudan and soon after
them Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) who not only gave the language
status and credibility through their literature but had a tremendous and
lasting effect on the language itself.
Tagore was a poet, novelist, short-story writer, dramatist, essayist and
educator as well as a musician and a painter. The sheer volume of his work
remains an unprecedented achievement, and he continues to occupy an
almost god-like status among Bengalis due to the profound understanding
of human nature displayed in all his writings. Poetry and song have always
played a central role in Bengali cultural life and Tagore provided the nation
with countless haunting and expressive songs that spoke, and still speak,
to people in a personal way. Tagore was the first non-European ever to
win the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was largely responsible for Bangla
literature gaining considerable international prestige and for Bangla
being accredited with a unique standing among the languages of India.
What is, among all these achievements, less well known about Tagore
is his deep interest in and engagement with his language. In his book
bhLlh BhXh pyrcw (1938) he combines systematic description with intuitive
observation in a way that is more congenial to the language than a purely
analytical approach. 11
1 Standard Colloquial Bengali (calit bhasha) took over from sadhu bhasha
Introduction (see pp. 15–18) as the main version of written as well as spoken Bangla
during Tagore’s lifetime in the early years of the twentieth century. This
move helped to standardise and unify the language.
Tagore was such a giant figure in literary terms that the writers and
poets who were his contemporaries or who came after him were inevit-
ably influenced, inspired or, in some cases, overwhelmed by him. Some
important writers and poets of the twentieth century are Jibanananda
Das (1899–1954), Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899–1976), the national poet of
Bangladesh, Buddhadeva Bose (1908–74), Syed Waliullah (1922–79),
Shamsur Rahman (1929–2006), Sunil Gangopadhyay (born 1934), Syed
Shamsul Haque (born 1935), Hasan Azizul Haq (born 1939) and
Akhtaruzzaman Ilias (1943–97).
The language of poetry has its own idiosyncrasies and is therefore often
less suitable for demonstrating language structures. Here is a very famous
poem by Jibanananda Das, written in 1934, which celebrates the beauty
of Bengal and contains a typical mixture of calit and sadhu bhasha. The
English translation is by Sukanta Chaudhuri:
I have seen the face of Bengal The Bangla
I have seen the face of Bengal; so the beauty of the earth
I seek no more; waking in the dark, I see
Under the great umbrella-leaf of the fig tree
The daybreak’s magpie-robin: all round, silent massed leaves
Of jam and banyan, hijal, peepul and jackfruit:
Their shadows fall on the thorn-bush, the clump of arrowroot.
So Chand the Merchant long ago, from his honey-bee boat,
Sailing past Champa, saw the same blue shadows float
Bangla has a vast vocabulary. The great majority of lexical items are derived
more or less directly from Sanskrit. Linguists distinguish two different
kinds of derivations. Sanskrit words which are used in Bangla in their pure
form are called tatsama. About half of the Bangla lexicon consists of Sankrit
tatsama words. A further quarter are words which come from Sanskrit but
have undergone some changes or have been adapted to the phonological
patterns of Bangla. These words are called tadbhava. These facts establish
without doubt that the relationship between Bangla and Sanskrit is not
one of cross-linguistic borrowing but one of direct descent.
These figures do not, however, reflect actual language use. Many tatsama
words are archaic and so formal that they are not suitable for communica-
tion. It is estimated that in actual use today the percentages for tatsama and
tadbhava words are reversed. About 65 per cent of the active vocabulary
are tadbhava and only 25 per cent tatsama words.
The lists below give an impression of where some everyday Bangla words
come from:
deshi (indigenous)
alu potato khõj search thæng thigh
kala deaf cal/caul rice grain nhol dhol, drum
kuzi twenty cingri shrimp pet belly
khuki girl cula oven, stove boba mute
khoka boy jhinuk shell math field, open land
khõca stab jhol gravy muzi puffed rice
accha OK kahini story caca father’s brother
cahida demand pfchondo like phaltu useless
akkel wisdom khæyal consideration phokir poor person
alada separate gorib poor boi book
ashol real jfbab answer bfdol exchange
elaka area jfma collect baki remainder
ojon weight jinish thing mfshla spice
kfbor grave tarikh date shaheb sir
khfbor news dunia world hishab calculation
khali empty nfkol imitation
aoyaj sound gfrom hot pfrda curtain
andaj guess cfshma glasses bfd bad
ayna mirror cakri job bagan garden
aram comfort cador blanket bacca child
aste slowly jayga place mfja fun
kagoj paper dfm breath rasta road
kharap bad deri late roj everyday
khub very dokan store shfsta cheap
Turkish Sadhu bhasha
Bangla counts as a diglossic language. This means that the language has a
high level used in formal writing and a low level in ordinary spoken language.
The gap between these two levels of Bangla was particularly visible and
actively promoted in the nineteenth century when the so-called sadhu bhasha
(shQv BhXh) = pure language came to be used for literary writing. 15
1 Soon after the publication of Nathaniel Brassey Halhed’s first Bangla grammar
Introduction (1778), this new style of literary writing emerged. Halhed had expressed
the view that the Arabic and Persian vocabulary used in Bangla was having
a detrimental effect on the language and that Bangla would be strengthened
by a closer association with Sanskrit. The new literary style was taken up
and developed by writers like Rammohun Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
and Bankim Chandra Chatterji, who felt that high literature needed a more
elevated style of writing. The characteristics of the sadhu bhasha were a
flowery style of writing, a highly Sanskritised vocabulary, fuller forms in
pronouns and verb conjugation (see below) and a number of archaic post-
positions. The style of writing was modelled on the Middle Bengali of the
sixteenth century.
Sadhu basha is not dealt with in this book but the differences in pronouns
and in verb-formation are given below.
sadhu calit
To show what sadhu bhasha looks like in texts, here is the well-known
first passage of St John’s Gospel:
ahyqfu bhkj yCfln, ebL bhkj ISáfrr khfC yCfln, ebL bhkj ISár yCfln/ yuyn ahyqfu
ISáfrr khfC yCfln/ skli u£hMhr #hrh MiwhyCl, xhMh MiwhyCl, uhMhr ykCvi u£hMh bjyufrfk
Mw nhi/ u£hMhr mfQj zYbn yCl, ebL `si zYbn mnvXjgfNr `zjhyu yCl/ ahr `si `zjhyu
aíkhfrr mfQj qYyú yqfufC, ahr aíkhr uhMh gîMN kyrl nh/
ek zn mnvXj \pyñu Mifln, yuyn ISár Mifu MiwhyCfln, u£hMhr nhm `xhMn/ yuyn shfÇjr
znj ahyswhyCfln, `xn `si `zjhyur ybXfw shÇj `qn, `xn skfl u£hMhr #hrh ybSáhs kfr/
yuyn `si `zjhyu yCfln nh, yk≤ ahysfln, `xn `si `zjhyur ybXfw shÇj `qn/ —kéyu `zjhyu
yCfln, yxyn skl mnvXjfk qYyú `qn, yuyn zgfu ahysfuyCfln/ yuyn zgfu yCfln, ebL
zgJ u£hMhfk ycynl nh/ yuyn ynz ayQkhfr ahysfln, ahr xhMhrh u£hMhr ynfzr, uhMhrh gîMN
kyrl nh/
Chapter 2
Bangla is written in the Eastern Nagari script which is related to but dis
tinct from the Devanagari script used for Hindi, Nepali, Sanskrit and other
Indian languages. It is written from left to right, does not distinguish lower
and upper case letters, and is characterised by a distinctive horizontal line
running along the tops of the letters to link them together.
The crucial difference between the Bangla script and the Roman system
of writing is the way the letters are arranged with one another. While in
languages like English we have consonants and vowels following one
another as individual letters, the Bangla script is syllabic. This means that
each consonant has a vowel attached to it and the two together form a
syllabic unit. This also explains why Bangla vowels have two symbols each,
a full vowel which forms its own syllable and a vowel sign which is attached
to consonants. When no vowel is attached to a consonant, the first vowel
of the alphabet, the inherent vowel, steps in.
The Bangla script has eleven vowels, 39 consonants and a great number
of conjunct letters.
a f ah, h a i, y i I, Y c
\, v u |, V e å, é v
e, f e E, ∏ oi o f con h o O, f con H ou
L p A o £ ~
k k K kh g g G gh W u
c c C ch z j Z jh õ ñ
t t T th d, R n, r D, ƒ nh, rh N q
u, J t U th q d Q dh n n
p p P ph b b B bh m m
x y w y r r l l
S w X s s s M h
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0
The names of the letters and some additional symbols, useful for spelling
a a f
ah ah a h ah-khr a-kar
i Mî… i hrfsho i y Mî… i-khr hrfsho i-kar
I qYGò I dirgho i Y qYGò I-khr dirgho i-kar
\ Mî… \ hrfsho u v Mî… \-khr hrfsho u-kar
| qYGò | dirgho u V qYGò |-khr dirgho u-kar
å å ri é å-khr ri-kar
e e e f e-khr e-kar
E E oi ∏ E-khr oi-kar
o o o `h o-khr o-kar
20 O O ou `H O-khr ou-kar
consonants Spellings and
Most consonants are called by their sound with the inherent vowel follow
ing (kf, khf, gf) but some have descriptive names to distinguish them from
one another:
This chart gives both the standard transliteration (TL) and the sounds of
the Bangla letters. A colon : indicates a long or closed pronunciation of
Script and
a f f, o ah, h a a, a: i,y i i, i: I, Y c i, i:
\, v u u, u: |, V e u, u: å, é v ri
e, f e e, æ E, ∏ oi oi o, f con h o o O, f con H ou ou
k k k K kh kh g g g G gh gh W u ng
c c c=7 C ch ch = 7 + h z j j Z jh jh õ ñ ñ
t t t T th th d, R n, r n, r D, ƒ nh, rh nh, rh N q n
u, J t t U th th q d d Q dh dh n n n
p p p P ph ph, f b b b B bh bh m m m
x y j w y y r r r l l l
S w sh X s sh s s sh, s M h h
2.3 Phonemes
The sounds of a language are classified not so much by the way they are
pronounced by individual speakers but by their significance within the
sound system of the language. Significant sounds are called phonemes. A
phoneme is the smallest unit of sound which makes a difference in mean
ing. In English the two different pronunciations of voiced th 2 in that and
unvoiced th 8 in think are mere alternatives to one another and do not
contrast with one another. These variations in sounds are called allophones.
The same distinction of voiced and unvoiced, however, makes a big
difference, for instance with b and p (bit – pit), g and k (git – kit), d and
t (din – tin) and so on. In order to identify the phonemes of a language we
find pairs of words which are identical except for one sound to see whether
that one sound makes a difference to the meaning of the word. This is
called minimal pair analysis.
Before we go into the details of individual sounds, here is an overview of how
and where in the mouth the sounds of Bangla are produced. The positioning
of consonants in the mouth also gives us a way to classify these sounds.
Bangla phonemes
high i i, I u \, |
high mid ee o a, o
low mid æ e, jh fa
low a ah
stops (plosives) only – this is an extract from the following chart, arranged
according to the Bangla alphabet
unvoiced voiced
unaspirated aspirated unaspirated aspirated
velar k k kh K g g gh G
palatal c c ch C j z jh Z
cerebral t t th T n d nh D
dental t u th U d q dh Q
labial p p ph P b b bh B
2 consonants
Script and
front of the mouth _____________ back of the mouth
plosives (stops)
unaspirated pp t u, J tt cc kk
aspirated ph P th U th T ch C kh K
unaspirated bb dq nd j z, x gg
aspirated bh B dh Q nh D jh Z gh G
nasals mm nn nN ñõ ng L W
flaps rr rR
lateral ll
spirants sh s sh X sh S hM
This section is about the sounds and phonemes of Bangla in the following
The phonetic transcript in this section represents the sound quality of Bangla Sounds and
vowels as follows: phonemes
[i] a high front vowel which can be either short as in bin yk≤ [kintu]
or long as in seen yqn [di:n]
[i] can form minimal pairs with [e] yk [ki:] – `k [ke] or [a] yqn [di:n]
– qhn [dan] but the distinction between [i] and [i:] is purely distribu
tional in that most occurrences are short but monosyllabic words
take the long [i:] sound. [i] can appear at the beginning, in the
middle or at the end of words:
[a] can form minimal pairs with [f] khl [kal] – kl [kfl]. The differ
ence between long and short [a] is distributional. Monosyllabic
words take long [a:] mhl [ma:l], twosyllable words take the short
vowel mhlh [mala]. [a] can appear in all positions.
2 initial medial final
Script and ahmhr [amar] Bhl [bhalo] mzh [mfja]
[f] a midlow midback open vowel as in pot. blh [bfla], mn [mfn],
tk [tfk], this sound is represented by the inherent vowel in Bangla.
It forms minimal pairs with [a] khl [kal] – kl [kfl] and with [o]
mzh [mfja] – `mhzh [moja] and can occur in initial and medial
Diphthongs are combinations which shift from one vowel sound to another.
The minimal pair test is no longer required here as the individual vowel
phonemes have already been established. The following diphthongs and
vowelglide combinations appear in Bangla. There are four distinct ways of
writing these vowel combinations:
We are disregarding here the fact that some of these combinations prod
uce one syllable, others produce two. Syllable structure is discussed on
p. 40.
j i£qvr [jdur] rat, ys£yR [shjri] stairs, yp£pRh [pjpra] ant, yM£cRhfnh [hjcrano]
i `p£ch [pxca] twist, `p£whz [piyaj], `u£uvl [titul] tamarind,
`s£ufs£u [shxtshxt] damp
ã P£hyk [phãki] deception, M£hth [hãta] walk, s£huhr [shãtar] swimming,
q£hRhfnh [dãrano] stand
m p£chyS [pmcashi] eighty-five, g£q [gmd] gum, s£ph [shmpa] dedication
õ `C£hwh [chõya] touch, `K£hz [khõj] search, `Z£hk [jhõk] tendency,
`Q£hwh [dhõya] smoke
l Z£vyk [jhlki] risk, k£vkRh [klkra] curly, g£vRh [glra] powder
(4) consonants
1 unvoiced, unaspirated
2 unvoiced, aspirated
3 voiced, unaspirated
4 voiced, aspirated
The sounds are listed, with one or two exceptions, in the groups they form
in the alphabet. The columns give (1) the phoneme, (2) a description of
the sound, (3) the Bangla letter and (4) the transliteration. Occurrences of
28 these sounds are given from p. 36 onwards.
velar plosives Sounds and
These sounds are similar to English.
1 2 3 4
k unvoiced, unaspirated velar, k as in meek, no k k
kh unvoiced, aspirated velar, aspirated k as in king K kh
g voiced, unaspirated velar, g as in good, no g g
gh voiced, aspirated velar, aspirated g: try: gfho G gh
ng velar nasals, ng as in singer or ngg as in finger W, L u
minimal pairs: k - K : khyl kali ink – Khyl khali empty, kbr kfbor grave –
Kbr khfbor news
g - G : gh ga body – Gh gha wound, `ghRh gora root, base –
`GhRh ghora horse
palatal plosives
These sounds are further forward in the mouth than ch and j in English.
1 2 3 4
c unvoiced, unaspirated, as in chap with little c c
ch unvoiced, aspirated, as in chap with more C ch
j voiced, unaspirated, as in jam z, x j
jh voiced, aspirated, aspirated j: try johol Z jh
ñ palatal nasal, nasal n õ ñ
minimal pairs: c - C : chph capa press – Chph chapa print, cvyr curi stealing –
Cvyr churi knife
z - Z : zhl jal net – Zhl jhal spicy, zrh jfra pickle – Zrh jhfra
retroflex plosives
These sounds are not very different from English t and d but are produced
further back in the mouth.
The tongue is curled back and the underside of the tongue touches the
hard palate. This should produce a slightly hollow or echoey sound. 29
2 1 2 3 4
Script and t unvoiced, unaspirated retroflex t t
sound th unvoiced, aspirated retroflex T th
n voiced, unaspirated retroflex d n
r retroflex flap R r
nh voiced, aspirated retroflex, try: dohol D nh
rh aspirated, retroflex trilled flap ƒ rh
minimal pairs: t and T: ytk tik tick – yTk thik right, correct, pht pat jute –
phT path lesson
d and D : dhkh naka call – Dhkh nhaka cover, dhlh nala wicker-
tray – Dhlh nhala pour
R and r : pRh pfra fall – prh pfra wear, kRh kfra harsh –
krh kfra do
dental plosives
These are soft sounds, produced with the tongue at the back of the teeth,
much like Italian dental sounds.
1 2 3 4
t unvoiced, unaspirated dental u, J t
th unvoiced, aspirated dental U th
d voiced, unaspirated dental q d
dh voiced, aspirated dental Q dh
n dental nasal n n, N n
minimal pairs: u - U : uhmh tama copper – Uhmh thama stop, uhlh tala lock –
Uhlh thala plate
q - Q : qhn dan gift – Qhn dhan paddy, qSòn dfrshon seeing –
QXòN dhfrshon rape
bilabial plosives
1 2 3 4
y semivowel y or w as in lawyer or lower w y
r dental flap r r r
l dental lateral l, as in luck, at the front of the mouth l l
sh sibilant sh, as in shine S, X, x w, s, s
h aspirate, h as in hot M h
minimal pairs: r and l : khr whose – khl time, rhgh get angry – lhgh
2.5 Vowels
Each vowel in Bangla, except for the inherent vowel a f (see p. 36) has two
symbols, a full vowel which stands on its own at the beginning of words
and syllables, e.g. ahm am mango, Igl igol eagle, \kvn ukun louse, eth eta
this and a vowel sign which is attached to consonants within a syllable:
km kfm, mh ma mother, yk ki what, nYl ni:l blue, mvK mu:kh face, mVl mu:l root,
`mG megh cloud.
Vowel signs are attached to consonants in varying positions: after, before,
underneath or around the consonants. The resulting consonant–vowel
combination forms a syllabic unit. This means that even though the combina
tion within a syllable can be vowel sign plus consonant, e.g. y i + m m = ym,
the consonant is always pronounced first: mi.
Here is an overview, this time in the order of the alphabet. k (k) is the
consonant given in the demonstration. The last column gives the trans
literation of the vowels, not the pronunciation. The differences between
spelling and pronunciation are our topic here. The transliteration is given
in the chart only. The phonetic transcript is given throughout.
1 Vowel positions
Script and
sound full vowel pronounced position demo translit
vowel sign
a – f, o no vowel sign is k- k
(inherent) written
ah h a after the consonant kh ka
i y i, i: before the consonant yk ki
I Y i, i: after the consonant kY kc
\ v u, u: underneath the kv ku
| V u, u: underneath the kV ke
å é ri underneath the ké kv
e ` e, æ before the consonant `k ke
E ∏ oi before the consonant ∏k koi
o ` conh o around the consonant `kh ko
O ` con H ou around the consonant `kH kou
There are some mismatches between the written symbols and the sounds
of vowels.
Both ah a and o o have a onetoone relationship between sound and letter and
need no further comment here. The inherent vowel is discussed on p. 36ff.
2 E and O
Two of the symbols E and O actually represent diphthongs, not single vowels.
Both of these are historically derived from single vowels: E from i (yqn di:n
day – ∏qynk doinik daily, iyuMhs itihash history – EyuMhysk oitihashik historical)
and O from \ (sv~qr shundor beautiful – `sH~qxò soundorjo beauty, BVfghl bhugol
geography – `BHfghylk bhougolik geographical) but have taken on an exis
tence of their own.
E is pronounced oi and appears in words like ∏uyr toiri ready,
∏qynk doinik daily, ∏kyPwu koiphiyot explanation, ∏synk shoinik soldier,
Ekj oikko concord, EyuMhysk oitihashik historical, ∏Qxò dhoirjo patience.
O is pronounced ou and appears in `p£HCh põucha arrive, `qHR dour run,
`nHkh nouka boat, `mHmhyC moumachi bee, `sH~qxò soundorjo beauty, `rHqî roudro
32 sunshine, `BHfghylk bhougolik geographical, `pHfn poune three quarters.
képh kripa mercy, kéyX krishi agriculture, kéXk krishok farmer, —kéyu prokriti
nature, sLãkéu shongskrit Sanskrit, képN kripon miserly, kéu“ kritoggo gratitude,
kéy«m kritrim artificial, ké” krishno Krishna, géM griho house, home, géyMnY grihini
housewife, uéú tripto satisfied, uéuYw tritiyo third, qéSj drissho sight, qéy§ drishti
view, qé§h™ drishtanto example, aqéSj fdrissho invisible, qéƒ drirho durable,
qéú dripto proud, vain, péUk prithok separate, péyUbY prithibi world, pé©Th prishta
page, béÇ brikkho tree, béº briddho old, bé≠ britto circle, ahbéy≠ abritti recital,
béy§ brishti rain, béMãpyubhr brihoshpotibar Thursday, béMJ brihot big, méu mrito
dead, méuvj mrittu death, méqv mridu soft, SéóKl sringkhol chain, fetters, SéóKlh
sringkhola discipline, SéÃhr sringgar eroticism, ãméyu sriti memory.
4 i, I, \, |
Short i i (Mî… i) and long i I (qYGò I), short u \ (Mî… \) and long u | (qYGò |)
are the traditional names for these vowels and the transliteration symbols
are i = i, I = c, \ = u, | = e. These distinctions have not survived in the
pronunciation of these letters.
2 i and \ are much more frequent than their ‘long’ counterparts in writing
Script and but the differences in spelling remain and determine the meanings of words.
sound Here are some minimal pairs:
We have the opposite situation with e – one symbol for two sounds: e
and æ. As we have seen in the phoneme section, these two sounds do not
stand in phonemic contrast to one another but are determined by their
environment, so having one letter for both of them should not cause any
(i) In verbs with e in which vowel mutation does not result in a differ
ence in spelling:
`qKh - `qyK, `Plh - `Pyl, `Klh - `Kyl, `Tkh - `Tyk the low stem forms
are pronounced æ:
`qKh dækha see, ahym `qyK dekhi, uvym `qK dækho, `s `qfK dækhe
`Plh phæla throw, ahym `Pyl pheli, uvym `Pl phælo, `s `Pfl phæle
`Klh khæla play, ahym `Kyl kheli, uvym `Kl khælo, `s `Kfl khæle
`Tkh thæka touch, ahym `Tyk theki, uvym `Tk thæko, `s `Tfk thæke
`Tlh thæla pull, ahym `Tyl theli, uvym `Tl thælo, `s `Tfl thæke
Another complication exists in the fact that the sound æ can also be pro
duced in three other ways: by a jophola on its own: bjÄ bæsto, by a jophola
with following a-kar: bjhphr bæpar and, after “ by a-kar on its own: “hn gæn.
The jophola will be dealt with on p. 52, but here, in addition to the ones
mentioned above, are some common words with e and their respective
pronounced æ:
ekh æka alone, ekqm ækdom totally, efkbhfr ækebare totally, eklh ækla alone,
`xmn jæmon how, `kmn kæmon how, `kn kæno why, `knnh kænona because,
eu æto so much, `xn jæno so that, `blh bæla hour, `mlh mæla plenty, `zTh
jætha uncle, eghr ægaro eleven, `bRh bæra fence, eRhfnh ærano avoid, `bRhfnh
bærano go out, `gl gælo past, `nLth nængta naked
pronounced e:
`k ke who, `s she he, she, it `kbl kebol only, ekhyQk ekadhik a few, eth eta
this, ebL ebfng and, eKhfn ekhane here, `Cfl chele boy, `bkhr bekar un-
employed, `qR der one and a half, `nuh neta leader, ekuh ekota unity, elhkh
elaka area, `Ç«, `Ku khetro, khet field, `zlh jela district, `tr ter feeling, `Prh
phera return, `uz tej glow, `ul tel oil, `qS desh country, `pt pet stomach,
`pfrk perek nail, `cMhrh cehara face, `pSh pesha profession, `rSm reshom silk,
`lp lep quilt, `srh shera best, `sbh sheba care, `SX shesh end, `cfw ceye than. 35
6 Occurrence of vowels
Script and
sound initial medial final
a a™r fntor inside acl fcfl unmoving ku kfto how much
ah ahm am mango bhqhm badam nut mhlh mala necklace
i iyÃu inggit sign ydm ni:m egg chyb cabi key
I ISár isshor god nYl ni:l blue nqY nodi river
\ \nvn unun oven cvlh cula oven bhlv balu sand
| |rß uru thigh mVlj mullo value —sV prosu producing
å åuv ritu season béy§ brishti rain Qhué dhatri given
e emn æmon such `slhi shelai sewing `mfZ mejhe floor
E EyMk oihik worldly ∏uyr toiri ready —
o ozn ojon weight `Cht choto small `nHfkh nouko boat
O Oycuj oucitto decorum `pHfn poune three quarters —
The inherent vowel poses two separate puzzles to the foreign learner: first,
that of its presence or absence, and second, its pronunciation. There are
few hardandfast rules for either but there are some patterns which can
help us to develop some intuition. The transcription given in this section
is phonetic, which means it gives the pronunciation, not the spelling of the
Bangla words. Translations are not given.
(a) We can generally assume that the inherent vowel is pronounced between
consonants that have no other vowel attached to them: grm = g+r+m
= gfrom, `kbl = k+e+b+l = kebol, blh = b+l+ah = bola, etc.
There are, however, some words where two consonants stand next to one
another without forming a conjunct and without the inherent vowel between
them, e.g. chkyr cakri, ahzfk ajke, shmfn shamne, chpkhn capkan, ahtkhfnh atkano,
lhgsi lagsoi, and in conjugated verb forms krb korbo, bsfln boshlen, etc.
These words contain distinct and separate morphological units which resist
the forming of conjuncts.
(b) We have three sure indicators that the inherent vowel is not
36 pronounced:
1 L anv…r onushor never has a vowel after it: brL bfrong, svurhL shutorang, The inherent
ykLbh kingba, mYmhLsh mimangsha, sLbhq shfngbad vowel
2 J : K’ u khfqno tf which appears at the end of words and syllables
and stops the inherent vowel from being pronounced: pŸchJ pfshcat,
aUòhJ frthat, MThJ hfthat, \Jsb utshob
3 æ Ms™ hasanta. This symbol is optionally attached underneath con
sonants where the inherent vowel might otherwise be pronounced.
It is not frequently used: Msæyc– hoshcinho, \qæBîh™ udbhranto, `Skæsæypwhr
shekspiyar = Shakespeare
(c) The inherent vowel is normally not pronounced at the end of words
after single consonants. Here are some examples of one, two and
threesyllable words:
dhk nak, nK nfkh, xvg jug, `mG megh, rL rfng, khc kac, mhC mach,
khz kaj, mhZ majh, `mht mot, mhT math, `qR der, Bhu bhat, pU pfth,
Chq chad, qvQ dudh, yqn din, `Zhp jhop, lhP laph, Kvb khub, lhB labh,
`—m prem, Gr ghfr, lhl lal, qS dfsh, `SX shesh, mhs mash, `ghlhp
golap, ybRhl biral, `p£whz peyaj, a™r fntor, kvRhl kural, ybSîhm bisram,
kvkvr kukur, Chgl chagol, anvBb onubhfb, —yufrhQ protirodh,
Qnjbhq dhfnnobad, mÃlbhr mfnggolbar, etc.
The inherent vowel is pronounced:
(d) when a word ends in a conjunct: pxò™ porjonto, kmò kfrmo, …pä shfpno,
Sh™ shanto, r∆ rfkto, g¶p gflpo, ph« patro, kôp kfmpo, yr∆ rikto
The only regular exceptions to this are foreign words like ewhrfphtò
eyarport, phkò park, kjhf~thnæfm~t kantonment, yrfphtò riport, pjh~t pænt lhnæc lanch.
`qM deho, `säM , sneho, ysLM shingho, sf~qM shfndeho, —qhM prodaho,
sM shfho, qM dfho
(f) after ƒ (rh):
ghƒ garho qéƒ drirho mVƒ murho `—Hƒ prourho but ahXhƒ asharh
(g) after w preceded by i, u or e:
ylyKu likhito, ahMu ahfto, ybbhyMu bibahito, ynyŸcu niscito, pyuu pftito,
zYybu jibito, ycy™u cintito, ahqéu adrito, s®bu sfmbhfbfto, nu nfto,
ybfSXu bisheshfto, yñu sthito
(k) in the following very common adjectives, quantifiers, conjunctions and
question words (this list is not exhaustive):
e.g. kr kfro, `lK lekho, `Pl phælo, Uhk thako, krC korcho, kfrC
korecho, `KlC khelcho, `KflC khelecho, xhÉC jaccho, yg`wC giyecho,
`gC gecho, etc.
3rd person (ord) simple past, past continuous, past perfect, past
e.g. yCl chilo, `gl gælo, yql dilo, KhyÉCl khacchilo, nhmyCl namchilo,
kfryCl korechilo, BhlfbfsyCl bhalobeshechilo, blu bolto,
38 Bhbu bhabto
The inherent
(2) Pronunciation
The pronunciation of the inherent vowel fluctuates between open f and
closed o.1
(a) In words of two syllables with two inherent vowels the first inherent
vowel is pronounced f, the second o.
(b) in all the above instances (d to m) when the inherent vowel is the final
sound in a word.
(c) when the following syllable contains an i or a u:
kyb kobi, Cyb chobi, —Bv probhu, By∆ bhokti, gyl goli, QnY dhoni,
srß shoru, mQv modhu, bív bondhu, kyTn kothin, Synbhr shonibar,
rybbhr robibar
This also affects the following prefixes:
—yu- proti-, ayu- oti-, anv - onu-, ayB- obhi-, pyr- pori-
Note however that the negative prefixes a- and an- are pronounced
f, irrespective of what follows them: aynwm f-niyom, aynyŸcu f-niscito,
aynÉCh fn-iccha, anvpxv∆ fn-upojukto, anvpyñu fn-uposthit
(d) when preceded by a conjunct with r r
1 Bengali scholars are still debating whether the closed pronunciation of the inherent
vowel is in fact identical to that of o o or whether the sound falls somewhere between
f and o. If it turns out that there are three distinct sounds we will need another symbol
ô for the closed pronunciation of the inherent vowel. 39
2 (e) when followed by Ç
Script and
lÇ lokkho, lÇj lokkho, myÇkh mokkhika, bÇ bokkho, qÇ dokkho,
pfÇ pokkhe
(f) when followed by a conjunct with j jophola
bnjh bonna, suj shotto, abSj fbossho, rMsj rfhossho, Ssj shossho,
rmj rommo
We see from these examples that the pronunciation of the inherent vowel
depends on the environment it occurs in. The distinction between f and o
(as in o and o-kar), however, is phonemic:
Note that the word aÇr is and should be used to denote syllable rather
than letter. Since Bangla is a syllabic language, the syllable should be seen
as the base unit in words.
A vowel can form a syllable on its own but every consonant has to be
accompanied by a vowel except at the end of words where the inherent
vowel is usually not pronounced.
v ii
vc oT oth
vy ahw ay
cv bh ba
cvc khn kan
cvy chw cay
ccv Bîß bhru
cccv ã«Y stri
40 ccvc —hN praq
For foreign words cvcc is also possible as in ewhr`phtò with no following Syllable
inherent vowel. structure
k§, —h™, a™, —hú, aLS, \Js, anj, \Jpê, S∆, bí, q’, k÷
Linking syllables:
g-rm gf-rom, Uhmh tha-ma, `b-yS be-shi, ah-gvn a-gun, mhUh ma-tha
When two vowels follow one another directly there are two options.
1 The second vowel will constitute a new syllable and be written as a full
vowel, e.g. qh-o da-o, `k-\ ke-u, qv-i du-i, yn-\ ni-u
What about words like Mo or bi? They remind us that a consonant with
no visible vowel sign attached to it automatically takes the inherent
vowel. These words therefore have two syllables and are pronounced
Mo hf-o and bi bo-i.
2 The symbol w y which is derived from x and called a™Añ w ontostho f
is used between vowels as a glide or semivowel. Sound combinations
with this symbol were included in the diphthong section earlier, as there
is no difference in pronunciation between, for instance, yqo di-o and yqfwh
di-yo, the future imperative form of `qowh give, which can be written
either way.
The vowel following the glide is always a vowel sign. We can have either:
(a) vowel sign, glide, vowel sign: yqfw di-ye, Mfw ho-ye, Svfw shu-ye,
`Kfw khe-ye
or (b) full vowel, glide, vowel sign: ahfwh a-yo, efwh e-yo, `qowh de-o-ya,
Khifw kha-i-ye
The last two are threesyllable words.
2 w has two different pronunciations, based on ease of pronunciation. In all
Script and the following examples it is pronounced like the English y in layer:
yqfw di-ye, ySwhl shi-yal, yqfwh di-yo, `mfw me-ye, `Kwhl khe-yal, `xfwh je-yo,
bjhwhm bæ-yam, ñhwY stha-yi, ghfw ga-ye, mhwh ma-ya, ahwu a-yf-to, ahwv a-yu,
ahfwhzn a-yo-jon Mfw ho-ye, Qvfw dhu-ye
Between o and a, u and a, u and o it is pronounced like the English w in
w also occurs at the end of words following a vowel but without another
vowel following. In these cases it forms a diphthong with the previous
vowel and is pronounced more like e:
\phw upay = upae, `nw næy = næe, Mw hfy = hoe, `Shw shoy = shoe
w never appears at the beginning of a word.
Bangla words of more than four or five syllables are likely to be com
pounded of smaller units and contain pre or suffixes or reduplications.
Here are some examples of longer words:
Many Bangla consonants can occur at the beginning, in the middle and at
the end of words, but some are restricted in their use. A consonant in ‘final’
position means that it has no inherent vowel pronounced after it. The use
of most consonants is straightforward and each letter has one sound. The
exceptions to this are explained in the notes below. The consonants are
given in alphabetical order.
initial medial final Consonants
– use and
k khz, klh, ykCv ahkhS, phkh, \ykl dhk, \Jsvk, ycbvk
K yKl, Kbr, Khbhr eKn, `lKh, ShKh asvK, nK, `chK
g ghC, glh, gvrß ngr, ahgvn, bhghn qhg, Bhg, `bg, xvg
G Gr, Gvm, GvyR, `GhRh ahGhu, qYGò, bjhGhu `mG, bhG, afmhG
W, L (1) — ahWvr, `BfW, ryWn rL, bjhL
c chl, `chK, ycyT ahchr, ybchr, pyrcw k£hc, nhc, chmc
C Cyb, ChRh, `Cfl pC~q, ypCfn, bCr mhC, ghC, khC
z zl, zhMhz, zym mzvr, ozn, Mhzhr khz, `mzhz, `rhz
Z `Zhp, Z£vyk, ZR `bhZh, mhyZ, afZhr mhZ, abvZ
õ (2) occurs only in conjuncts
t tvl, thn, ytwh ahth, kwth, `Cht Ght, it, cht
T Tkh, yTkhnh, `T£ht ahTh, kyTn, \Thn khT, mhT, phT
d dhl, dhk, ydm Bh’hr, K’, khdò
R — ahRhi, nhyR, gRh ZR, `qR, KR
D Dhkh, Dhlh, yDl afDl —
ƒ (3) — ghƒ, mVƒ ahXhƒ
N (4) — QhrNh, arNj, `—rNh khrN, —hN, qhrßN
u yun, uvym, uKn Khuh, mu, auvl Bhu, rhu, uPhu
J (5) — \Jsb, \Jpy≠ MThJ, BybXjJ, aUòhJ
U Uyl, Uhmh, Uvuyn kUh, pyUk, —Um pU, rU,
q qi, qhm, yqn ahqh, nqY, chqr Chq, ahfmhq, yzq
Q QnY, Qhn, Qvyl y#Qh, —Qhn, ghQh khQ, ynfXQ, qvQ
n nhm, nVpvr ahnh, khnh, \nvn ghn, yqn, mn
p ypT, phrh, pvuvl ahph, nvpvr, kphl yCp, `Zhp, kvp
P Pl, `Pr, `Plh uPhJ, sPl brP, lhP
b bhu, bCr, ybz ahbhr, ybfbk, zbhb dhb, Kvb, aBhb
B Bhg, BVu, Bvl, yBy≠ gBYr, ayBmhn, asBj `lhB, lhB, `sHrB
m mhl, `mG, mvK ahfmhq, ynfmX, ahmhr qhm, grm, `—m
x (6) `x, `xhg, xmk axUh, shMxj, anvxhwY
w (7) — `cfw, ytwh, `qowh \phw, `nw, Khw
r rßyc, rs, rYyu, `rhg crm, pvrßX, qhrßN amr, khr, SMr, Gr
l lhgh, `lKh, ylyp mhlh, `gfl, zvlvm kl, qlYl, lhl
S (8) Skvn, Syn, Sûq, SYu ahSh, `phShk, `mSh ahkhS, ybS, MuhS
X (9) Xht, `Xhl, X£hR `phXh, ynfXQ mhnvX, pvrvX, ybX
s (10) sYmh, shqh, `shnh asvK, mhsY, ahsh bws, shMs, bhuhs
M MThJ, Mzm, Mhu `cMhrh, `qM, \pMhr —
2 õ: This letter is called i£fwh jyo and occurs only in conjuncts. Its descrip
tion is given as a nasalised nasal and in some ways in can be considered
as an allophone of the chondrobindu £. We see this in Bangla numbers.
All the numbers five have a chondrobindu except the ones which have
n (pfnr) or a conjunct with õ (pÅhS). Conjuncts with õ are given on
p. 48.
3 ƒ rh: this letter is extremely rare. Worth remembering are —ghƒ profound,
ghƒ deep-coloured, qéƒ firm, mvƒ foolish, `—Hƒ middle-aged. All of these have
the inherent vowel pronounced at the end. The only exception to this
is ahXhƒ asharh third Bengali month.
4 N murdhonno n (mVQònj n): the pronunciation of this letter is the same as
that of n n. N is used in Sanskrit words only.
aUòhJ namely, zgJ world, ycJkhr shouting, xhbJ until, mJsj fish,
SrJ early autumn
with \J : \Jsb ceremony, \Jsgò dedication, \Jpy≠ origin, \Jpê
produced, \Jphqn creation, \JshM enthusiasm, \Jsvk eager
with uJ : uJÇNhJ at once, uJpr afterwards, uJsfµo in spite of that,
uhJpxò significance
There are, however, quite a few words, notably \ycu ought and uPhu
difference, which do not take J in final position.
6 x a™Añ x fntfshtho jf: This letter sounds exactly like z j but its use is
quite different. It occurs in final position only in conjuncts (shMhxj help,
∏Qxò patience). Both the following letter w and the jophola j are derived
from this letter but for learners it is easier to treat these three separately.
In all relative pronouns and conjunctions x is the first letter:
`x what, xh what, xhr whose, xKn when, `xmn as, xyq if, xu how much
Other common words are: xÕ care, xì instrument, tool xhowh go,
xvy∆ reason, xvg era, age, xvº war, `xhg link, union, `xhgj fit, suitable
7 w a™Añ w fntfshtho f: This is a glide or semivowel and is used to link
vowels. Its use is given on p. 41 under syllable structure. 45
2 8–10 S uhlbj S talobbo shf, x mVQònj X murdhonno shf, s q™j s dfnto shf:
Script and
All these three sibilants are pronounced sh as in shine when they occur
alone, and spellings need to be learnt. The pronunciation of s changes
to s as in sun in conjuncts (see p. 50). s is the most common of the three
and X is rare at the beginning of words. Here are some common words.
S: `qS country, KvyS happy, Shy™ peace, SrYr body, Sûq word,
ahSh hope, `byS much, pSv animal, qS ten
X: pvrßX man, mhnvX person ybX poison, ybfSX special, BhXh language,
`SX end, `qhX fault, ynfXQ forbidden
s: sb everything, mhs month, súhM week, ahsh come, shrh all,
ahsl real, sv~qr beautiful, skhl morning
Despite the identical pronunciation of these letters, they constitute distinct
features of the language. Here are some minimal pairs:
2.9 Conjuncts
Œ = k + k, ê = n + n, ^ = l + l, ú = p + u;
but there are quite a few conjuncts which look considerably different from
their individual components.
The use of these conjuncts is currently under debate and some writers and
publishers (including the 2003 edition of the Samsad Dictionary) have
changed to more recognisable representations of consonant clusters; for
instance the combination for k + u (∆) is now given as ⁄u, the combina
tion for W + g (Ã) as óg. These combinations may soon become the norm
but for learners of Bangla it remains important to recognise the traditional
46 (and more elegant) conjuncts.
There are some consistent patterns: Conjuncts
kò = r + k, Kò = r + K, gò = r + g and so on
When r occurs as the second letter of a consonant cluster, it is written as
î (rophola) underneath the letter it follows, but there are some special
qî = q + r, gî = g + r, — = p + r, bî = b + r but œ = k + r, « = u + r
When x follows another consonant it is written as j (jophola) after that
Apart from consonant clusters there are also some separate symbols for
consonant + u combinations. These and a considered selection of conjuncts
are listed below, with examples. I have also included three letter conjuncts
in this list. Only a limited number of conjuncts occur at the beginning of
with k
∆ k +u kt — xv∆hÇr, r∆, Snh∆,
œ k+r kr œm, œhy™, yœwh, Svœbhr, ahœmN,
`œhQ cœ, uœ
k† k+l kl k†h™, yk†§, k†Yb, `k†S Svk†h, ayk†§
Ç k+X initial kh ÇN, Çyu, Çmh, Çvqî, lÇ, aÇr, afpÇh,
medial kkh `Ç« prYÇh
ÇÖ k+X+m kkh — lÇÖY, pÇÖ
⁄ü k+s ksh — bh⁄ü, m⁄ü
conjunct components pronunciation initial medial or final
Script and
with g
gÜ g+Q gdh — mvgÜ, ysägÜ, qgÜ
gî g+r gr gîhm, gîhs, gîY©m ahgîM, \gî
with W ng
¬ W+k nk — a¬, l¬h, S¬r, Mv¬hr
à W+g ngg — sfÃ, \lÃ, ryÃn
with c
Éc c+c tsh — bhÉch, \ÉchrN,
ÉC c+C tssh — iÉCh, kÉCp, ybyÉCê
all present and past continuous verb forms of verbs whose stems end in a vowel
yqyÉC, xhyÉClhm, KhÉC, phyÉCfl, MfÉC, QvyÉCl, `bhZhfÉCn, GvmhyÉCfln etc.
with z
° z+z jj — l°h, \°Yybu,
°á z+z+b jj — \°ál, smv°ál
zá z + b bophola záhlhfnh, zár, zálzál —záln, zhzáljmhn
“ z+õ initial g “hn, “hpk yb“hn, kéu“, x“
medial gg
with õ
Å õ+c nc — aÅl, bÅnh
´ õ+z nj — bj´n, `gy´, s´w
with t
Ñ t+t tt — ThÑh, CÑgîhm
ö d+d nn — ahöh, bö, \öwn
with N
∂t N+t qt — G∂th, k∂tk
÷ N+T qth — k÷, lv÷n
’ N+D qn — py’u, Th’h, q’
with u
≠ u+u tt — \≠r, yBy≠, s≠r
µ u+u+b tt — sfµo, uµ, uhyµk
¥ u + b bophola tt — c¥r, qVr¥, qhyw¥,
uÖ u + m mophola tt — ahuÖh, ahuÖYw
« u+r tr «ßyu, «hs, y«S, y«Bvz mh«, pv«, Ch«
with q
Ø q+q dd — \Øhm, \yØpnh
º q+Q ddh — ybrßfº, bvyº,
Svº, xvº
# (1) q + b bophola initial d y#uYw, #~#, #hrh, #Yp yby#§, a#w, \#hwY
medial dd
conjunct components pronunciation initial medial or final
in compound words where q and b are next to one another the pronunciation of
b is preserved (2)
# (2) q+b db — \y#gä, \#uòn
À q+B dbh — aÀvu, sÀhb, u®b
with n
™ n+u — a™r, auj™, an™,
ì n+u+r — mìY, ynmìN, uì, xì
√ n+U — p√h, ph√, gî√
~q n+q nd — ah~qhz, ahn~q, m~q
~qî n+q+r ndr — i~qîh, rbY~qînhU
í n+Q — aí, bív, bí
ê n+n nn — rhêh, syêQhn, yCê,
with p
ú p+u pt — —hú, lvú, súhM,
ù p+p pp — Khùh, gù
— p+r pr —Bv, —Um, y—w a—≥u, a—fwhzn,
p† p+l pl p†hbn ybp†b, ahèlvu
with b
ûq b+q bd — Sûq, aûq
bÜ b+Q bdh — lvbÜ, ÇvbÜ
ûb b+b bb — ahûbh, cyûbS
with m
ôp m +p mp — kôp, qôpyu
ôb (1) m + b bophola mm — smáfí, sfmáhQn
ôb (2) m+b mb — aôbr, kôbl, cvôbn
® m+B mbh — s®b, ahr®, g®Yr
ôm m+m mm — sômhn, ahômh
with r
kò, Kò etc r + any other consonant — azòn, Qmò, pxò™, gbò
with l
¶p l+p lp — g¶p, yS¶pY, k¶pnh
^ l+l ll — p^Ygîhm, \f^K,
with S
Ÿc S+c shc — ahŸcxò, ynŸcw, pyŸcm
Sá S + b bophola initial sh SáSvr, Sáhs, `Sáu ybSá, ISár, ahSáÄ
medial ssh
Sî S+r sr `Sî©T, Sîhº, SîhbN, Sîvyu ybSîY, ahSîw, aSîv
conjunct components pronunciation initial medial or final
Script and
with X
©k X+k shk — ahyb©khr, pyr©khr,
§ X +t sht — ymy§, `c§h, béy§
©T X+T shth — `Sî©T, anv©Thn, Gyn©T
” X+N shn — \”, ké”, syM”v
with s
ãk s+k sk ãkvl, ãkí Bhãkr, nmãkhr,
ãt This combination is used for foreign words only.
s+t st `ãtSn, ãtvydfwh mhãthr, `Mhfãtl,
Ä s+u st Än, ÄbÜ, Äy®u, Är nhÄh, rhÄh, MÄ
ñ s+U sth ñvl, ñhn, yñu bjbñh, abñh, ahñh,
sä s+n sn sähn, `säM `zjhJsäh
ã« s+u+r str ã«Y ymyã«, Shã«
ãp s+p sp ãp§, ãp~qn ynãp~q, béMãpyu
ãP s+P sph ãPhrN, ãPYu yb`ãPhrN
… s+b initial sh …hmY, …Ykhr, …hBhybk up…Y
medial ssh
sî s+r sr `sîhu, sîbN yMLsî, sLsîb
with M
– M+n nh — yc–, a–, mQjh–
Æ M+m mm — bîÆ, bîÆN
Mj M+x jj — sMj
(note that in this book the special symbols for gu ç, shu ¿ and hu ÿ are
not used)
Conjuncts of this group: ™ nt, √ nth, ~q nd, í ndh, Ä st, ñ sth, ã« str, sä sn,
sî sr
rophola î —hN life, gîhm village, —hUònh prayer, —yu each, —fujk each,
pyb« sacred, ybSî∞hm rest, Bqî gentle, `sî∞hu current, ahgî∞M
interest, —Um first, `tî∞n train, œm sequence, order, yœwh work,
`—m love, SîhbN Bengali month, ph« vessel, Ch« student,
cyr« character, —mhN proof, pyrSî∞m hard work, nmî∞ soft,
Mî∞… short
reph ò Qmò religion, bNò letter, sVxò sun, qYGò long, pVNò full,
pqòh curtain, kmò work, pVbò east, qvbòl weak, bXòh rain,
ahŸcxò amazing, pxò™ until, pyrbuòn change, mmò heart,
ynBòr dependence, ukò argument, ccòh practise, …gò heaven,
aUòhJ namely
2.10 Jophola
The role of the jophola falls somewhere in between the second component
of a conjunct and a vowel sign. It has three main uses:
The pronunciation of (2) and (3) are the same – the spellings need to be
Very occasionally the jophola occurs with other vowels with no effect on
the pronunciation of the words:
This section brings together the remaining symbols, which have not yet been
explained. They are given in alphabetical order. The first three symbols (1)
to (3) do not count as separate letters in the alphabet, but in dictionary
entries they occur, in this order, between the vowels and the consonants
(see also pp. 60–61).
1 L anv…r onushor
This occurs in Sanskrit words, usually in the middle after prefixes such
as ynA without, a™A within, qvA bad, pvnA again, mnA mind or at the end
after uA to. In recent spelling reforms the use of the bishorgo has been
drastically reduced. We now find a™u fntoto at least, —Qhnu prodhanoto
mainly, ybfSXu bisheshoto especially, shQhrNu shadharonoto usually, mnĵ
monostftto psychology without the bishorgo. A bishorgo after a con
sonant has no effect on the pronunciation. After a vowel the bishorgo
produces a slight hesitation before or emphasis on the following con
sonant. The only occurrence in nonSanskritic words is in exclamations
such as bhA bah wow, yCA chih ugh, oA oh oh, ahA ah ah where the bishorgo
produces an h sound.
3 £ c~qî-yb~qv cfndrobindu
This is the sign for the nasal which is placed on the consonant preced
ing the nasalised vowel. Nasalisation is explained on p. 27 but here
are a few more comments. Nasalisation is less prominent in Bangladesh
and some areas of West Bengal than it is in Kolkata. This explains
relatively new word creations like enhr enar for e£r ir and \nhr unar for
o£r õr.
Here are some of the most common nasalised words in Bangla. Pro
nunciations are not given.
• M£jh hx yes
• p£hc pãc five and all the numbers with five except those with n or
Å in them.
• all honorific pronouns except the nominative singular forms yuyn,
54 iyn and \yn he, she
• common verbs: a£hkh draw, k£hqh weep, k£hph shiver, `K£hzh search, `c£chfnh Other symbols
shout, `C£Rh tear, `C£hwh touch, Z£hkh shake, q£hRhfnh stand, `p£chfnh twist, `p£HCh
arrive, b£hch survive, b£hchfnh save, b£hQh bind, s£huhr khth swim, M£hth walk,
M£hphfnh gasp
• common adjectives: k£hch raw, K£hyt pure, `K£hRh lame, crippled, ynK£vu
perfect, P£hkh empty, s£jhu`s£fu wet
• common nouns: a£hK sugarcane, ah£c surmise, guess, i£qrv rat, k£hth thorn,
k£hyc scissors, k£hThl jackfruit, c£hq moon, Z£vyk risk, `u£uvl tamarind, q£hu
tooth, Q£hQh riddle, p£hzr rib, yp£pRh ant, `p£fp papaya, P£hk gap, P£hq trap,
b£hyS flute, ys£yR stairs, M£hs duck
4 æ Ms™ hfshfnto
Both the m from atta and the w/b from sagat have been dropped in the
pronunciation but they are still there in the spelling of the words.
The use of the mophola is not very extensive in common Bangla words.
The bophola is more common and often appears at the beginning of words.
This means that an awareness of its presence is essential when using a
dictionary. Both the bophola and the mophola have the effect of doubling 55
2 a consonant in the middle of words, though not at the beginning. Historically
Script and the bophola is derived from two distinct Sanskrit letters, b and v. That
sound explains why in some cases the bophola is pronounced as b b. There are
also some words where m appears as the second element in a conjunct and
is pronounced as m. Examples with phonetic transcript are given below.
zálh jola burn, záhlh jala light, \°ál ujjol bright, #~# dfndo conflict,
#hrh dara through, #Yp di:p island, y#uYw dityio second, QáLs dhfngsho
destruction, Qáyn dhoni sound, sh™ánh shantona comfort, ybSáhs bisshash
belief, ynASáhS nisshash breath, ISár isshor God, ybSá bissho world (here
is the doubling effect!), SáSvr shoshur father-in-law, …ÉC shfccho clear,
…pä shfpno dream, …Bhb shfbhab characteristic, …hBhybk shabhabik
natural, smáfí sfmmondhe about, …wL shfyong self, …r shfr voice,
…gò shfrgo heaven, …yÄ shosti comfort, …hgum shagftom welcome,
…hq shad taste, …hQYn shadhin independent, …hmY shami husband,
…hñj shastho health, …hUò shartho selfishness, …Ykhr shikar
acknowledgement, `…ÉCh sheccha own wish
with u t and ≠ tt (these are usually abstract nouns – there are many
more like this)
yk≤ `s-ycyT ahmhr `lKh Mwyn; smw Mfw ofTyn `SX pxò™/
But I didn’t manage to write that letter; in the end I just didn’t have time.
Hyphens tend to be used rather idiosyncratically. They can help to make
the sentence structure clear, for instance with verbal adjectives preceding
a noun:
`x-`k\ anyone, ahr-`k\ someone else, `x-sb all that, nh-Mfl if not,
`khUho-nh-`khUho somewhere or other
Hyphens can connect reduplicated items:
M£htfu-M£htfu phfw bjUh Qfr `gl/ The feet were sore from walking.
ahfÄ-ahfÄ kUh bflh/ Speak slowly!
khpR-`chpR gvyCfw nho/ Tidy up the clothes!
Hyphens can link similar items in lists. Here is a sentence which reads
like a shoppinglist:2
Apostrophes usually indicate that something has been left out. Common
examples for this are mh"r for mhfwr (genitive of mh mother), "pr for \pr
above, C"th for Cwth six, k"th for kwth how many, qv" for qvi two, ek S" for
ek Su one hundred, "75 for 1975 1975 and so on.
We also find some authors indicating what they consider omissions in
verb forms, particularly in the perfective participle:
The full stop is essentially a foreign element in Bangla and is used for
abbreviations only. In older books the use of A (bishorgo) can be found
instead. Some abbreviations are done with L (onushvor).
bophola: …pä, …gò, …hmY, …hq, …hQYn, …hBhybk, …Ykhr, sh™ánh, záhlh
mophola: ãmrN, ãméyu, ahuÖh, pqÖ
jophola: bjUh, bjhphr, bjy∆, anj, bnjh
bishorgo: qvAK, ynASáhs
Chapter 3
Morphological features
3.1 Duplication
Bangla has a preference for pairings and doublings. We find this in compound
verbs Bvfl xhowh forget, in adverbs ahfÄ ahfÄ slowly, uhRhuhyR quickly, in onomato-
poeia yKlyKl giggling, K£h K£h desolate and in the reduplication of verb forms
Mhsfu Mhsfu laughing, `p£HfC `p£HfC arriving. And we find it in a great number of
noun-pairs. The following is an extract from a more comprehensive collection
given in Ch. 35. Onomatopoeia are dealt with separately in Ch. 36.
1 . . . etcetera
Two nouns, verbs or adjectives with the same or similar meanings are
paired up with an accumulative effect:
5 opposite meanings
a¶p a¶p a small amount, ahfÄ ahfÄ slowly, ekh ekh lonely, ektv ektv
a little bit, kUhw kUhw by the way, k£hthw k£hthw on the dot, punctually
The process of vowel sounds moving closer together takes place slowly
and is not entirely predictable, but we can see its effect in word pairs where
the following shifts take or have taken place:
ymUjh mittha → ymfUj mitthe, iÉCh iccha → ifÉC icche, yMshb hishab →
yMfsb hisheb, yblhu bilat → ybflu bilet, ybqhw bidae → ybfqw bidey,
yz“hs jiggash → yzf“s jiggesh
2 a preceding high vowel pulls a up to o:
`lKh lekha but ylyK likhi, `cnh cena but ycyn cini, `mShymyS meshamishi
5 a following high vowel shifts the pronunciation of the inherent vowel
up from f to o:
Qrh dhfra but Qyr dhori, mrh mfra but mrß moru
kfb kfbe but kyb kobi and kbvur kobutor
ufb tfbe but ubv tobu
p£wuhy^S pmytallish but pw£y«S põytrish
64 blhbyl bflaboli
6 a following i pulls o up to u: Vowel
`bhZh bojha but bvyZ bujhi, `KhlhKvyl kholakhuli
and vowel
On the basis of these forms it is not surprising that sadhu bhasha verb mutation
forms like ygwhyC giyachi with their jumps from high to low vowels have
settled into a medial form ygfwyC giyechi or `gyC gechi.
7 a following a pulls a high vowel down. The first form of each pair is
an older version.
ySKh shikha → `SKh shekha learn, Kvqh khuda → `Khqh khoda God,
Bvlh bhula → `Bhlh bhola forget, Svnh shuna → `Shnh shona hear,
`Klh khela → `Klh khæla play, `qKh dekha → `qKh dækha see,
ypwhz piyaj → `pwhz peyaj onion, ybRhl biral → `bRhl beral cat,
ySwhl shiyal → `Swhl sheyal fox
Vowel mutation runs like a thread through much of the Bangla lexicon. It
means that morphologically related words show a systematic change between
adjacent vowels or vowels and diphthongs, as follows. This applies to the entire
verbal system but also to a considerable number of nouns and adjectives.
u – ou mvK mu:kh mouth – `mHyKk moukhik verbal, oral
mVl mu:l root – `mHylk moulik fundamental, basic
sv~qr sundor beautiful – `sH~qxò soundorsho beauty
BVu bhu:t ghost – `BHyuk bhoutik ghostly
BVym bhumi land – `BHymk bhoumik landlord
uvl tu:l balance – `uHl toul weight
gvrß guru master – `gHrb gourob glory, dignity
o–u `xhg jog link – xv∆ jukto linked
`ShX shosh dryness – Sv©k shushko dry
`qhX dosh fault – qvXh dusha accuse
`qhl dol swing – qvlvyn duluni rocking
`KhS khosh delightful – KvyS khushi happy
`rhQ rodh obstruction – rߺ ruddho shut, closed
f–a sMhw shfhae helper – shMhxj shahajjo help
…Bhb shfbhab nature – …hBhybk shabhabik natural
—Um prfthom first – —hUymk prathomik primary
rL rfng colour – rhWhfnh rangano dye, colour
uhp [tap] heat – uú [tfpto] hot
a–e ahfs ashe he comes – efs eshe having come
mhZ majh middle – `mfZh mehjo second-born
thk tak baldness – `tfkh teko bald 65
3 i–e yqyS dishi – `qyS deshi local, yglh gila – `glh gela swallow
Morphological ynyXº nishiddho – ynfXQ nishedh – forbidden
i – oi yqn di:n day – ∏qynk doinik daily,
yskuh shikota sand, gravel – ∏sku soikot sandy beach, gulf
ygyr [giri] mountain – ∏gyrk goirik dyed with red ochre from
the mountain
e/æ – oi `snh sena soldier – ∏synk soinik soldier
`cunh cetona consciousness – ∏cunj coitonno consciousness
bjhkrN bækoron grammar – ∏bwhkrN boiyakoron grammatical
Some more examples like this can be found in the sections on verbal patterns
(p. 73) and adjective derivation (p. 77).
Consonant assimilation
Bangla has a great number of prefixes. With many of them their semantic
impact is quite varied, but an awareness of them can be of considerable
help in trying to work out the meaning of new words.
Here is a list from Tagore which shows the variability of Bangla prefixes.
He accompanied this list with the statement: ‘There is a race between a
rule and its exceptions.’1
`bahin unlawful
`bahqb unmannerly, impudent
`bimhn perfidious, unfaithful
`bozr admitting no excuse
`bksvr free from guilt
`bkhwqh awkward
`bkhr out of work
`bKhp unfitting, inappropriate
`bfKwhl inattentive
`bfghC untidy, disorderly
`bchrh helpless, wretched
`bchl misbehaving, dissolute
`bzhu degenerated caste
`bfzhR uneven (numbers)
`byTk erroneous, incorrect
`buymz uncivil, arrogant
`bur indisposed
`buhr radio (wireless!)
`bqm breathless
`bqrkhr unnecessary
`bnhym anonymous
`bsvr guiltless, innocent
qr indicating sub-. This semantic feature is not very visible in the examples.
qrKhÄ application qrkhr need, qrp≠n sublease, qrbhr court
nh negating
nhchr helpless, nhrhz unwilling, nhbhlk under-age, nhfKhS displeased,
68 nhlhfwk unfit
bq meaning bad Prefixes and
bqfmzhz bad temper, bqfKwhl evil intentions, bqnhm bad reputation,
bqmhS wicked, evil
ahlhp introduction, ahMhr food, ahbhr again, ahchr pickle, ahcrN behaviour,
ahgmn arrival, ahghmY next, ahœmN attack, ahgî∞M interest, ahGht blow, shock,
ahkhS sky, ahylÃn embrace, ahfmhq amusement, ahs∆ attracted, ahpy≠
objection, ahfbqn prayer, ahBhX preface, ahbéy≠ recital
noun suffixes
All verbs with a monosyllabic stem and a verbal noun ending in a are
counted as simple verbs.
krh do, Mowh be, Uhkh stay, `qowh give, xhowh go, ahsh come, `Shnh hear,
clh move, `lKh write, blh speak are examples of simple verbs. 73
(2) Extended verbs
Extended verbs have a two-syllable stem ending in a and a verbal noun
ending in `nh no. Many extended verbs are derived from nouns or adjectives.
Here are just a few. Extended verbs are discussed in Ch. 16.
Causative verbs are derived from simple verbs. They follow the same pattern
as extended verbs, i.e. they have an additional syllable and the verbal noun
ends in `nh no. They change the meaning of the simple verb from do to
cause to do, as in
Common simple verbs like krh do, khth cut, mhrh hit, Khowh consume, `qowh
give, `nowh take, combine with nouns and adjectives to form new meanings.
These verbs are called conjunct verbs. Conjunct verbs expand the range
of verbal expression in Bangla considerably and are useful for new word
creations, particularly with foreign words:
In many cases only the perfective participle of these verbs is in regular use.
Here are just a few:
When adjectives are derived from nouns or verbs they usually have distinc-
tive endings. Here are some English examples:
i adjectives
ito, to (and variations) adjectives – some of these are old passive participle
gu obtained, held
ayQgu attained, obtained abgu informed, aware
anvgu obedient mVlgu basic, fundamental
zYbngu related to life bjbMhrgu customary, practical
bjhkrNgu grammatical BhXhgu related to language
u≠águ well-grounded, sound bvjJpy≠gu etymological, derivative
a™gòu enclosed in m°hgu inherent, inveterate
yUoyrgu theoretical this suggests that gu is productive
2 Sanskrit scholars may find much to criticise here. I do believe, however, that, within
the framework of synchronic linguistic analysis, the time has come to look at the reality
82 of the Bangla language as a whole even at the expense of derivational purity.
khmnh desire ybfbcnh consideration Noun
Gtnh event, occurrence `bqnh pain derivations
`GhXNh announcement Bhbnh thought
`cunh consciousness xìNh torture
uvlnh comparison rcnh composition
QhrNh idea s®hbnh possibility
nmvnh sample sh™ánh consolation
abstract jophola and bophola nouns (often with vowel change in stem)
als lazy < ahlsj laziness
ISár god < ESáxò supremacy, divinity
\ycu proper < Oycuj propriety
ek one < Ekj union, unity
ek one < ek¥ sameness, identity
g®Yr serious < gh®Yxò gravity, solemnity
cÅl mobile, moving < chÅlj restlessness, agitation
cuvr intelligent, clever < chuvxò intelligence, dexterity
cpl restless, fickle < chplj restlessness
qhwY responsible < qhwY¥ responsibility
QYr slow < ∏Qxò patience
—cvr plenty < —hcvxò abundance
bMv plenty < bhMvlj abundance
ybfSX special < ybfSxj noun
ybfSX special < ybfSX¥, ∏byS§j characteristic
mQv (noun) honey < mhQvxò sweetness
ym« (noun) friend < ∏m«j friendship
sKh (noun) friend < sKj friendship
svzn (noun) good person < `sHznj civility
sv~qr beautiful < `sH~qxò beauty
yñr still < ∏ñxò firmness, steadiness
i nouns from o adjectives
people in i
aujhchrY tyrant, ayQbhsY resident, chXY farmer, qryz tailor, bhbvryc cook, yb“hnY
scientist, bjy∆ person, mìY minister, mhyZ fisherman, mhyl gardener, ymyã«
carpenter, xh«Y traveller, r£hQnY cook, sìhsY terrorist, …hmY husband
people in dar
Verb conjugation distinguishes person, formality and tense but not number
or gender. Verbs have eight tenses:
Bangla verbs have 2nd and 3rd person imperatives. Each verb has four
non-finite verb forms: verbal noun xhowh, imperfective participle `xfu, perfective
participle ygfw and conditional participle `gfl. Non-finite verb forms provide
the aspectual features of Bangla and also play a crucial role in the formation
of sentences. Verbal nouns can be the subjects of sentences and they can also
be used attributively before nouns as verbal adjectives.
Bangla has causative verbs. The relatively small inventory of Bangla simple
verbs is augmented by noun–verb or adjective–verb combinations (conjunct
verbs) with the capacity to bring new verbs into the language.
A small number of high-frequency verbs provide the basis for the different
types of sentences in Bangla.
Negation occurs on the sentence level and follows the verb at the end of
the sentence. Negation can be restricted by placing the universal negator
nh before certain verb forms. Bangla has two incomplete negative verbs. The
invariable `ni which negates the existential verb ahC-, and n-, the negator
in equational structures.
Postpositions are mainly derived from nouns and verbs but have moved
away from their nominal and verbal origins to form a word class by
themselves. There are also some underived postpositions. Many postpositions
can also be used adverbially.
Word order
Basic word order is SOV: Subject – Object – Verb. For sentence forma-
tion this means that the subject at the beginning and the verb at the end 87
3 provide a kind of frame and all other sentence parts, except negation, come
Morphological between subject and verb. The position directly before the verb is taken
features up by objects which are governed by the verb. Any other items like adverbs
or postpositional phrases come directly after the subject. Due to the
inflected character of the language, word order is relatively flexible. Attri-
butive adjectives precede nouns. Case endings are suffixed and there are
Sentence types
Word classes
Chapter 4
Nouns give us the focus or topic of sentences. Nouns name people, things,
events and ideas. They function as subjects and objects but also give us
place bhghfn in the garden, time skhfl in the morning and circumstances
aynÉChw against one’s will of actions or events.
(a) proper names sL“hbhck ybfSXj nzrßl Nazrul, gÃh Ganges, Bhru
India, uhz mMl Taj Mahal
(b) common nouns shQhrN ybfSXj nlkVp tubewell, ghyR car, kvkvr dog,
chmc spoon
(c) generic nouns zhyubhck ybfSXj mhnvX person, phyK bird, Pl fruit,
ghC tree
(d) collective nouns smy§bhck ybfSXj ql group, phl flock, ghqh heap,
`SîNY class
(e) materials pqhUòbhck ybfSXj zl water, `lhMh iron, khT wood,
`rSm silk
(f ) singular nouns ekk ybfSXj sVxò sun, c£hq moon, ah^hM Allah,
ISár God
(g) abstract nouns gvNbhck ybfSXj svK happiness, smw time, k¶pnh
imagination, BhXh language
(h) verbal nouns yœwhbhck ybfSXj gNn counting, ySÇh learning,
qSòn view, ChRh releasing
4 These divisions are quite flexible and individual words can switch from
Nouns one group to another. Just as kvkvr dog can be used as a generic noun, so
phyK bird can be a common noun. The distinctions will prove useful when
we come to distinctions of count – non-count and singular – plural issues
Nouns in Bangla have no uniform shape but there are many nouns
which are derived from adjectives or verbs and have distinctive endings:
s®b possible – s®hbnh possibility, srl honest – srluh honesty, sv~qr beautiful
– `sH~qxò beauty, etc. A list of these is given on pp. 88ff (noun derivations).
singular – plural
definite – indefinite
animate – inanimate
ordinary – honorific
count – non-count
case (nominative, genitive, objective, locative)
Bangla has no fixed articles but operates with a small number of classifiers
which are added to nouns to make them definite or indefinite, singular or
plural. The use of these classifiers differs according to whether a noun is
animate or inanimate, count or non-count, ordinary or honorific. Classifiers
work together with numbers, quantifiers and, of course, case endings to
make noun phrases. Not only is this system of marking nouns quite
different from what we know in English, it is also rather fluid in itself in
that the same classifiers are used for different purposes. This makes the
classification of nouns one of the more complex chapters of Bangla
A section on gender is added to show that what has often been considered
to be a grammatical feature of Bangla nouns is, in fact, nothing more than
a lexical distinction between male and female humans.
4.3 Gender
Natural gender refers to the distinction between male and female living
beings. Bengali pronouns distinguish person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) but not gender.
The 3rd person pronoun `s can refer to men, women and inanimates equ-
ally. Predicative adjectives do not make a gender distinction, i.e. `mfwyt asvñ
the girl is ill and `Cflyt asvñ the boy is ill, `mfwyt sv~qr the girl is beautiful
and gîhmth sv~qr the village is beautiful.
male female
adjectives with male forms in bhn -ban or mhn -man, female forms in buY -boti
or moti
it, svryk o ysfm~t ynfw klkhuh SMfr `ChthCvyt krfC qS bCr Qfr/
For the last ten years he has been running around in Kolkata with
bricks, brick-dust and cement.
ei `qfS Qhn pht Mw/ Rice and jute grow here.
(f) Bare nouns are used generically, i.e. in simple present tense statements
which are often called universal truths.
(a) singular: th, yt, zn, Khnh, Khyn (b) plural: gvflh, gvyl
Added to these is the bit of classifier tvkv which is used with non-count
All of these, when suffixed to a bare noun, will make this noun definite. Not
all classifiers can be used with all nouns. The exact use of each classifier
is given in 4.7.
singular definite:
klmth the pen, Sûqyt the word, `lhkzn the person, biKhnh the book,
MhuKhyn the hand, mvKtvkv the (small) face
plural definite:
Singular classifiers, added to the numeral ek one before the bare noun,
make the noun indefinite, e.g.:
singular indefinite:
ekth klm a pen, ekyt Sûq a word, ekzn `lhk a person, ekKhnh bi a book,
ekKhyn Mhu a hand, ektvkv mvK a (small) face
Plural indefinites are often without any classifier.
For animate nouns we have the plural marker rh with its variants -erh and
-`wrh. This can create definite or indefinite noun phrases, depending on the
context. 97
4 rh -ra follows vowels:
from `mfw girl `mfwrh girls or the girls
from myMlh woman myMlhrh women or the women
from bhbv gentleman bhbvrh the gentlemen or gentlemen
erh -era follows consonants:
from `lhk person `lhfkrh the people or people
from `bhn sister `bhfnrh the sisters or sisters
from br bridegroom bfrrh the bridegrooms or bridegrooms
`wrh -yera follows monosyllabic nouns ending in a vowel or diphthong
from mh mother mhfwrh the mothers or mothers
from Bhi brother Bhifwrh the brothers or brothers
from Qhi midwife Qhifwrh the midwives or midwives
rh is not counted as a classifier because it does not display the flexibility
classifiers have. rh cannot be followed by a case marker and, in many ways,
it can be considered a nominative plural case marker for animate nouns.
The classifiers
4.7 The classifiers – one-by-one
– one-by-one
1 th
p£hczn `Cflfk p£hcth `Cfl blfl uhfqr mnvXjuh ektv km bfl Qrh xhw/ uhfu
`Cflrh `umn ahpy≠ krfb nh/ `nuhrh yk≤ krfb/
Calling five-rh boys five-th boys reduces their human status a little bit.
Boys-rh won’t mind that so much but leaders-rh will mind. and
thfwr mhUhr yqfk —yufbSY `xmn zn, phfwr yqfk `umn Khnh/
As zn is the neighbour of th at the top, so Khnh is its neighbour at the
bottom end.
(a) th is added to a noun to make it definite:
qvfth two, yunft three, chrft four chybft the key, eft this
kfwkth smsjh a few problems shrhth yqn the whole day long
euth ∏MFc so much fuss afnkth smw much time
ykCvth Bhl moderately good uuth grm so hot
(e) With low numbers only and with some quantifiers, the order of
noun and number/quantifier plus th is reversed to produce a definite
noun phrase:
`Cfl qvfth the two boys klm yunft the three pens
phyK chrth the four birds smsjh kfwkth the few problems
(f) th is optionally added to deictic noun phrases with no obvious
deictic pronouns: eth this (thing), oth that (thing), `sth that (thing)
adjectives: lhlth the red one, bRth the big one, asBjth the impolite
one, anjth the other one
possessive pronouns: ahmhrth my one, ynfzrth one’s own
adverbs, quantifiers, postpositions, conjunctions: eirkmth this
kind of thing, ykCvth some, ahfgrth the previous one, b£h yqfkrth the
one on the left side, \pfrrth the one on top, bhifrrth the one
outside, yk≤th the ‘but’
Once these derived nouns are formed they can take case endings
like other nouns, e.g.:
(a) definite nouns (b) indefinite nouns (c) numbered indefinite (d) quantified (e) numbered
102 definite (f) with deictics
(i) th can be added to verbal nouns to make them definite, sometimes The classifiers
in conjunction with deictics: – one-by-one
yt is more limited in its use than th but it has one feature that th does
not have: it can be used with honorific verb endings. We can say mhnvXyt
efsfCn/ The man has come, but not * mhnvXth efsfCn/ yt shares with th all
the uses from (a) to (f). Traditionally, yt is said to have a less neutral,
more sympathetic or affectionate overtone than th. This is generally true
in the context of human beings: we are more likely to have `lhkth the
man and `mfwyt the girl than the other way round. However, there are
many factual contexts where th and yt are used equally without any
emotional content. Authors switch from one to the other freely; and
nouns can be assigned first one then the other classifier even in the same
sentence. Here is a typical example from a scientific article:
`shnh ahr ekyt yny©œw pqhUò - uhi `sth `khno ykCvr sfà ybyœwh kfr nh/
Gold is another inactive material – that is why it does not react with
anything else.
Tagore says that th looks at the whole of one concept whereas yt em-
phasises the limited specifics. This is worth keeping in mind as we look
at the examples.
examples with yt
(a) yqnyt the day, mvfKr Mhysyt the smile on her face, \pnjhsyt the novel,
bjhphryt the matter
(b) ekyt ghn a song, ekyt myMlh a woman, ekyt ybfSX mhnvX a special person
(c) yunyt bi three books, p£hcyt chmc five spoons, qvyt nqY two rivers
(d) kfwkyt —Sä a few questions, ahfrkyt ahŸcxò Gtnh another amazing event,
—yuyt bhÉch every child
(e) phyK qvyt the two birds, `mfw chryt the four girls, ghyR yunyt the three cars
(f) `s khyMnYyt that story, ei Cybyt this picture, e qéy§yt this view
(a) definite nouns (b) indefinite nouns (c) numbered indefinite (d) quantified (e) numbered
definite (f) with deictics 103
4 3 zn
zn can only be used with human beings and rarely follows a noun. It
does not have the definite singular properties of th or yt. Adding zn to
nouns such as `lhk person or mhnvX human being results in definite or
indefinite plural noun phrases:
ekKhnh mhC means fish on the plate, ekth mhC can also refer to live fish.2
When we say nqYKhnh we think of the river as something seen in a picture.3
(a) bjhphrKhnh the matter, ahowhzKhnh the sound, BhbKhnh the attitude, `cMhrhKhnh
the appearance
(b) ekKhnh zym a piece of land, ekKhnh ycyT a letter, ekKhyn khpR a piece of
cloth, ekKhnh bhyR a house
(c) ahQKhnh ahfpl half an apple, uhr qvKhyn Mhu both her hands, p£hcKhnh \pMhr
five presents, ahQKhnh mh« ã«Yflhk a slip of a woman, yunKhyn ShyR three
sarees, qvfwkKhyn ghn one or two songs
(d) amounts: afnkKhyn Shy™ much peace, afnkKhyn ãp§ much clearer, quite
clear, a¶pKhyn a…yÄ some discomfort
(e) chqr qvKhnh the two sheets, mhlh yunKhyn the three garlands, Khuh chrKhnh
the four notebooks
(f) `s srß ghKhyn that slim body, ei mvKKhnh this face, e MhysKhnh this smile,
emn ekKhnh ahflh-Zrhfnh `mfw ‘a girl who sheds light around her’
5 gvflh, gvyl (occasionally gvlh)
These are plural classifiers. They are used mainly with inanimate
nouns but can also be used non-honorifically with humans. They can
add definiteness as well as plurality. They are added to nouns, possessive
and deictic pronouns, quantifiers and other adjectives, but never to
numbers. gvyl, similarly to yt, can indicate sympathy or smallness.
(a) definite nouns (b) indefinite nouns (c) numbered indefinite (d) quantified (e) numbered
definite (f) with deictics 105
4 (g, h) gvflh /gvyl, like th can nominalise adjectives and take case endings
Nouns accordingly.
bRgvyl the big ones, nuvngvyl the new ones, lhlgvflh the red ones
bRgvylfu ahsbhb `byS/ There is too much furniture in the
big ones.
nuvngvylr Grgvflh ahro sv~qr/ The rooms in the new ones are more
lhlgvflhr …hq ymy§/ The red ones are sweet.
6 tvkv
tvkv (with its variants tv and tvk) gives us a small part of or a little bit of
something. It is separated from the other singular classifiers because it
is predominantly used with non-count nouns and specifies amount rather
than number. tvk, tvkv could also be considered a quantifier, but like the
other classifiers it is a noun suffix and does not stand alone. tvkv can
occasionally combine with distinct singular units `s bhrh~qhtvkv that smallish
verandah, but its main application is with non-count nouns.
(a) definite phrases:
shbhntvkv the bit of soap, xÕtvkv the little bit of care, Mhystvkv the trace
of a smile, qvQtvkv the bit of milk
`sKhfn mvKtvkv Qvfw ykCv `Klhm/
There I washed my face and had something to eat.
Srbutvkv Khifw QYfr QYfr phKhr bhuhs krfu lhgl …hmYr mhUhw/
Having fed him the sherbet she slowly starting fanning her husband’s
(b) indefinite phrases are formed with ektv :
ektv `ul a bit of oil , ektv Shy™ a bit of peace, ektv khyl a bit of
ink , ektv ch a little bit of tea
(c) and (e) tvkv is never added to numbers.
(d) indefinite with quantifiers:
eutvkv `mfwfk ybfw yqfw yqs `uhrh/
You arrange the weddings of so many little girls.
shmhnj ayBfxhgtvkvo phowh `gl nh/
Not even any minor complaints were received.
(a) definite nouns (b) indefinite nouns (c) numbered indefinite (d) quantified (e) numbered
106 definite (f) with deictics
(f) tvkv differs from all the other classifiers in its combinations with Plural
deictics. All other classifiers can only appear after the noun in deictic formation
phrases: e Cybth, `s ghCgvflh, not following the deictic directly, not
*eth Cyb. With tvkv we find both [deictic + noun + tvkv ] and [deictic +
tvkv + noun] with no difference in meaning:
`s zhwghtvkv or `stvkv zhwgh that bit of space
ei smsjhtvkv or eitvkv smsjh this little problem
`si ∏Qxòtvkv or `sitvkv ∏Qxò that bit of patience
etvkv bvyº `uhmhr Ml nh? You didn’t even have that little
bit of sense?
`sitvkv Shy™fu uhfk Uhkfu qho/ Allow him a bit of peace.
(g) tvkv can turn deictic and relative pronouns into nouns:
etvkv bvZfu phyr `x uhr ekth pyr©khr phrhdhim-`cunh yCl/
I have understood this little bit, that he had a clear awareness of
xutvkv chn `Phfnr Krc yTk uutvkv/
Your phone expenses will be just as little as you want them to be.
singular plural
ekth `mfw `mfw girls
ekyt —Sä —Sä questions
ekKhnh bi bi books
ekth kvkvr kvkvr dogs
mhnvXzn `qKfl kvymr phlhw/
When crocodiles see people they run away.
(a) definite nouns (b) indefinite nouns (c) numbered indefinite (d) quantified (e) numbered
definite (f) with deictics 107
4.8.2 Adding a plural ending or a plural classifier:
bare noun plural
`mfw `mfwgvyl the girls
—Sä —Sägvflh the questions
kvkvr kvkvrgvflh the dogs
mhnvX mhnvXrh or mhnvfXrh people or the people
`Cfl `Cflrh boys or the boys
ysºh™ ysºh™gvyl the decisions
`cwhr `cwhrgvflh the chairs
This can be the same word repeated, a rhyming word added or an accu-
mulative noun-pair.
pvrh ahkhfS uhrh uhrh stars all over the sky
Kv£ytnhyt niceties, details
shyr shyr ghC rows of trees
qfl qfl xhuhwhu krh travel in groups
khpR-`chpR clothes
ghCphlh trees and plants
bip« books
`Cflpvfl children
bívbhíb friends
`lhfk people
mhnvfX people
bhfG tigers
grßfu cows
Chgfl goats
phyKfu birds
`s `Chtfqr phfkò ynfw `gfC/ She has taken the little ones to the park.
urßNrh ahpnhr mvK `Ufk Svnvk/ Let the young people hear it from your
ahzfkr `Cflrh boys of today
`cnhzhnhrh ahsvk, `qKvk! Let the acquaintances come and see!
ahuÖYw …zfnrh ynfw ahsfu phfrn/ You can bring (any) relatives.
ãklhrrh, ayBQhnkhrrh scholars, lexicographers
110 ySyÇu `qSbhsYrh educated citizens
anjhnj `lKkrh other writers Plural
nhgyrkrh town people formation
uhi `Cflrh `rMhi `pfw ygfwyCl/ So the boys were exempted.
uhr yc™h uhr s™hnfqr BybXJ ynfw/ His worries are about his children’s
mìYrh ahghymkhlfk `qKh krfbn/ The ministers will meet tomorrow.
`xn `lhfkrh yk Bhbfb bh Bhbfb nh uh ynfw `khno bvyºmhn `lhk khnhkyRo pfrhwh
kfr kKfnh/
As if any intelligent person would give a hoot what people think or don’t
kvmhrY `mfwr sfà `khno xvbfkr Gyn©Tuh `qKfl mh-bhbhrh \y#gä nh-Mfw phfrn nh/
Parents cannot help worrying when they see their young daughter getting
close to a young man.
run uhykfw `qKl ahkhfS ahz afnk uhrh PvftfC/ uhrhgvflh `xn rufnr yqfk
uhykfw ahfC ahz/ `xn uhykfw uhykfw rufnr khfC ek bhuòh phThfÉC uhrhrh/
Roton saw that many stars had appeared today. It was as if the stars
were looking at her. As if by looking at her the stars were sending her
a message.
When, after a lot of thought, we find that the only possible plural of a
honorific noun such as ybchrk judge is ybchrkrh or ybchrfkrh and we know
that a rh ending does not necessarily make a noun definite, we are tempted
to think that honorific nouns cannot form a definite plural. This is of course
not the case. When we compare the following two English sentences
We have seen the shift from an indefinite classifier before the noun to a
definite classifier after the noun.
The classifier zn and the plural suffix rh are reserved for animate beings.
The classifier Khnh is reserved for non-animate things.
The lines between those two groups can be crossed. We have seen ahQKhnh
mh« ã«Yflhk a slip of a woman and uhfsrh the cards. By mixing up what
should naturally stay apart, authors want to convey a particular attitude.
We saw in the plural section that the animate plural ending rh can turn
adjectives into people gyrb poor → gyrbrh the poor. It can also turn a
verbal noun into people ycJkhr krhrh those who were shouting. For animals,
the neutral gvflh plural is the norm but when a farmer talks about his cows
he may well use grßrh.
For our present purposes we need to remember that nouns with th and
gvflh /gvyl call for an ordinary verb form whereas nouns with yt, zn or rh can
go either way. This also means that th is never used with honorific nouns.
yt can be used with nouns which can be either honorific or non-honorific:
myMlhyt efsfCn/ The lady has arrived. Some nouns such as rhzh king, mìY
minister, dh∆hr doctor, kyb poet, etc. are always honorific and do not take
classifiers at all:
The distinction between count and noun-count is, in the first place, a
semantic one. Items that can be counted, such as people, marbles, rivers,
stars, radios and elephants are count nouns; rice, milk, metal, silk, patience,
love and sunshine are non-count nouns. The distinction matters because with
non-count nouns we need measure words or quantifiers to count them:
Instead of ekth we use ektv with non-count nouns. Although many quan-
tifiers can go with either count or non-count nouns, some of them are
more selective. kfwk a few and kwth a few can only go with count nouns,
114 ektv can only go with non-count nouns.
4.13 Case
We have four cases in Bangla, each with its own set of case endings. All
case endings are added after classifiers such as th, yt, gvyl or gvflh.
4.13.1 Nominative
The nominative is the unmarked case which has no case ending and is
used for the subjects of sentences. Nominative nouns and pronouns often
appear at the beginning of sentences.
4 For a discussion of these issues see my article ‘Panini’s Magic – Towards a clearer
picture of the Bengali case system’, in Rainbow of Linguistics, T Media Publications,
Kolkata 2007. 115
4 `Cfl boy `Cflrh
Nouns `mfw girl `mfwrh
bív friend bívrh
Ch« student Ch«rh
nouns ending in a consonant take erh era or rh ra
4.13.2 Genitive
The genitive ending is added to nouns that modify other nouns and geni-
tive nouns by themselves often act as experiencer subjects in existential
and impersonal structures (see Ch. 30.2)
For nouns of more than one syllable ending in any single vowel except the
inherent vowel, r -r is added to the nominative form:
nominative genitive
`mfwrh the girls `mfwfqr
myMXrh the buffaloes myMXfqr
The plural classifier for inanimate nouns gvflh changes to gvflhr for the
genitive, gvyl to gvylr.
A small group of time and place words retain an older genitive form by
adding -khr to the nominative. This formation is well established for some
lexical items, particularly eKhnkhr and eKnkhr, but with other words the
er genitive is also in use. The genitive form -`kr for ahz today and khl
yesterday, tomorrow is a variation of the -khr form.
4.13.3 Objective
The objective is used to mark both direct and indirect animate objects (see
Ch. 30.3.1). With inanimate objects (things) the case ending is usually
dropped but it can be used in more complex sentences to clearly mark the
different sentence parts.
mh `Cflthfk Khowhw/ Mother feeds the boy. Case
ahym bhbhfk dhklhm/ I called father.
The objective is used to mark the sentence subject with the imperfective
participle and a 3rd person form of Mowh be, become to express
bhbhfk ahzfk ayPfs `xfu Mfb/ Father will have to go to the office today.
The case ending for the objective is ke `k:
nominative objective
myMlhrh the women myMlhfqr
`lhfkrh the people `lhkfqr
bívrh the friends bívfqr
\yklrh the lawyers \yklfqr
Ch«rh the students Ch«fqr
In order to distinguish the two forms, an additional `k ke is sometimes
added to the `qr der ending for the objective.
ySyÇkh bhÉchfqrfk g¶p `Shnhn/ The teacher tells the children a story.
4.13.4 Locative
nominative locative
aíkhr darkness aíkhfr
anjhw wrong-doing anjhfw
khgz paper khgfz
khl time khfl
gîhm village gîhfm
Gr building, room Gfr
qhw danger qhfw
qvpvr midday qvpvfr
php sin phfp
bi book bifw (note the additional glide w y)
Nouns ending in a and occasionally nouns ending in o add w y or `u te.
The w ending is the more traditional form but `u endings on nouns ending
in a are on the increase. Undoubtedly the extra syllable is felt to be more
effective by many people.
nominative locative
ahSh hope ahShw or ahShfu
klkhuh Kolkata klkhuhw or klkhuhfu
khwqh method khwqhw or khwqhfu
kvwhSh fog kvwhShw or kvwhShfu
`c§h effort `c§hw or `c§hfu
thkh money thkhw or thkhfu
uvlnh comparison uvlnhw or uvlnhfu
bhsh house bhshw or bhshfu
xhwgh place xhwghw or xhwghfu
síjh evening síjhw or síjhfu
`Phfth photo `Phfthw or `Phfthfu
eth this ethfu
uh that uhfu
Nouns ending in i, u, e, o and diphthongs add `u te Multiple noun
ahflh light ahflhfu
bhyR home bhyRfu
`mfZ floor `mfZfu
rYyu system rYyufu
Shy™ peace Shy™fu
Svrß beginning Svrßfu
Nouns ending in the inherent vowel drop the o and add e e
nominative locative
ahym I ahmhw, ahmhfu
uvym you (familiar) `uhmhw, `uhmhfu
ahpyn you (polite) ahpnhfu
When two or more nouns occur together in sentences, the required attach-
ments such as classifiers and case ending are, in most cases, added to the
final item only.
Chapter 5
1 The three way distinction in these forms expresses proximity: `s, uhrh is unmarked
(neutral), e, erh = here (near), o, orh = there (far). 123
5 plural nominative genitive objective
Pronouns 1st ps we our us
ahmrh ahmhfqr ahmhfqr
2nd ps (fam) `uhmrh you `uhmhfqr your `uhmhfqr (to) you
2nd ps (int) `uhrh you `uhfqr your `uhfqr (to) you
2nd ps (pol) ahpnhrh you ahpnhfqr your ahpnhfqr (to) you
3rd ps (ord)2 uhrh, erh, orh they uhfqr, efqr, ofqr their uhfqr, efqr, ofqr them
3rd ps (hon)2 u£hrh, e£rh, o£rh they u£hfqr, e£fqr, o£fqr their u£hfqr, e£fqr, o£fqr them
124 2 The three way distinction in these forms expresses proximity: `s, uhrh is unmarked
(neutral), e, erh = here (near), o, orh = there (far).
5.1.7 Deictic (demonstrative) pronouns ynfqòSk sbònhm
nominative genitive objective locative
NEUTRAL `s, `sth that uhr, `sthr `sthfk `sthfu
NEAR e, eth this er, ethr e, eth efu, ethfu
FAR o, oth that or, othr o, eth ofu, othfu
There are three degrees of politeness for the 2nd person: familiar, polite
and intimate.
There are two degrees of politeness for the 3rd person: ordinary and
The second person polite ahpyn is the usual form of address between
strangers, acquaintances, work colleagues and anyone outside the immediate
circle of friends and family, but also for particularly respected members
of the family. Many Bengali women go through their whole adult lives
addressing their parents-in-law as ahpyn even if, as is usually the case, they
live with them. To address their parents-in-law as uvym would to them be a
sign of disrespect.
The second person familiar uvym is used between husband and wife, friends
and relatives, although it is not unusual for younger members of the family
to address their elders as ahpyn and be themselves addressed as uvym.
The second person intimate uvi is used between siblings and classmates.
Parents sometimes address their young children as uvi but, as the children 125
get older, a change to uvym is the norm. For anyone outside the immediate
5 circle of mutually close uvi relationships, the use of uvi is derogative rather
Pronouns than intimate and should therefore be avoided by foreigners.
It is unusual for adult Bengalis to change from ahpyn to uvym amongst them-
selves, but in their dealings with foreign informal tendencies, they are likely
to offer the use of uvym more easily. It is however best to use ahpyn to all
adults in the beginning. Children under the age of sixteen can be addressed
with uvym.
Proximity – distance
In spoken language, the far forms are in common use, whereas in narra-
tive writing the neutral forms tend to be used. e is rarely used on its own
as a personal pronoun.
Possessive pronouns are used as adjectives before nouns (my father, your
pullover, their debt, etc.) and they can also function as subjects in impersonal
sentence structures (see Ch. 28.3).
singular plural
1st person ahmhr ahmhfqr
2nd person familiar `uhmhr `uhmhfqr
2nd person intimate `uhr `uhfqr
2nd person polite ahpnhr ahpnhfqr
3rd person ordinary (male and female)
NEUTRAL uhr uhfqr
NEAR er efqr
FAR or ofqr
3rd person honorific (male and female)
NEUTRAL u£hr u£hfqr
NEAR e£r or enhr e£fqr or enhfqr
FAR o£r or \nhr o£fqr or \nhfqr
singular plural
1st person ahmhr klm `khUhw? ahmhfqr bhyRr shmfn
Where is my pen? in front of our house
2nd fam `uhmhr bhbh bflfCn/ `uhmhfqr prYÇhr pfr
Your father said so. after your exams
2nd int `uhr Khuh `qyK/ `uhfqr zvuhgvflh `Khl/
Let me see your notebook. Take off your shoes.
2nd pol ahpnhr ghyR efsfC/ ahpnhfqr ytykt yqn/
Your car has come. Give me your tickets.
3rd person ordinary
NEUTRAL uhr asvK/ uhfqr thkh `ni/
128 He is ill. They have no money.
NEAR (this use is relatively rare) Personal
er chkyr MfwfC/ e`qr bigvflh eKhfn/ pronouns
He has found a job. Their books are here.
FAR or mhbhbh `ni/ ofqr bhyR `khUhw?
She has no parents. Where is their house?
3rd person honorific
NEUTRAL u£hr ã«Y bR aMLkhrY/ u£hfqr `Cflfmfw `ni/
His wife is very haughty. They don’t have children.
NEAR e£r afnk bvyº/ e£fqr ahzfk Cvyt/
He is very wise. They have a holiday today. or
enhr ã«Y efsfCn/ enhfqr asMj lhgfÉC/
His wife has come. They are fed up.
FAR \nhr mh mhrh `gfCn/ \nhfqr afnk khz ahfC/
His mother has died. They have a lot of work. or
o£r yKqh `pfwfC/ o£fqr Gr `Cht/
He is hungry. Their house is small.
singular plural
1st person ahmhfk 3 ahmhfqr or ahmhfqrfk
2nd person familiar `uhmhfk `uhmhfqr or `uhmhfqrfk
2nd person intimate `uhfk `uhfqr or `uhfqrfk
2nd person polite ahpnhfk ahpnhfqr or ahpnhfqrfk
3rd person ordinary (male and female)
NEUTRAL uhfk uhfqr or uhfqrfk
NEAR efk efqr or efqrfk or
FAR ofk ofqr or ofqrfk or
3rd person honorific (male and female)
NEUTRAL u£hfk u£hfqr or u£hfqrfk
NEAR e£fk e£fqr or e£fqrfk or
enhfqr or enhfqrfk
FAR o£fk o£fqr or o£fqrfk or
\nhfqr or \nhfqrfk
Relative pronouns are used in correlative structures and follow the same
pattern as 3rd person personal pronouns. For animate nouns the dis-
tinction between ordinary and honorific forms remains in place. English
makes no distinction between interrogative and relative pronouns, so the
English equivalents here would be structures of the type the man who
came, those who waited, etc.
Bangla distinguishes between singular and plural interrogatives for animate nouns.
This distinction cannot be rendered accurately in the English translation. 133
5 singular plural
Pronouns nominative `k who? khrh
genitive khr whose? khfqr
objective khfk (to) whom? khfqr(fk)
anm, nom, sg \yn `k? Who is he?
`k `uhmhfk ei kUh bflfC? Who told you this?
bhzhfr xhfb `k? Who will go to the market?
anm, nom, pl orh khrh? Who are they?
khrh eKhfn Uhfk? Who lives here?
khrh `uhmhr sfà efsfC? Who has come with you?
anm, gen, sg eth khr bi? Whose book is this?
khr kUh blC? Who are you talking about?
chth khr Bhl lhfg yn? Who didn’t like the tea?
anm, gen, pl egvflh khfqr yzyns? Whose things are these?
khfqr shMhxj phowh xhfb? Whose help will be available?
uvym kflfz khfqr sfà Uhk? Who are you living with at
anm, obj, sg uvym khfk dhkC? Whom are you calling?
biyt khfk `qb? Whom should I give the book to?
`uhmhr khfk Bhl `lfgfC? Whom did you like?
anm, obj, pl ei thkh ynfw khfqr shMhxj krfb? Whom will you help with
this money?
khfqr eKni `xfu Mfb? Who has to leave right now?
uvym khfqr ei kUh bflC? Whom did you say this to?
animate inanimate
nominative `k\ ykCv
genitive khro ykCvr
objective kh\fk ykCv
locative — ykCvfu
nom, anm `k\ abSj ahpy≠ krfb/ Someone will of course object.
`k\ yk rhg kfryn? Wasn’t anyone angry?
ahzfk `k\ ahsfb nh/ No-one will come today.
gen, anm khro sfà kUh blhr iÉCh `ni ahmhr/ I don’t feel like talking
to anyone.
egvflh sb khro mfn `uh Uhkfbi/ All this will be remembered
by someone.
khro khC `Ufk thkh `nfb nh/ Don’t take money from anyone.
obj, anm ahym kh\fk a…yÄfu `Plfu chi nh/ I don’t want to make
anyone uncomfortable.
uvym bhghfn kh\fk `qfKC nhyk? You saw someone in the
garden, didn’t you?
khzth kh\fk krfui Mfb/ Someone will have to do this job.
nom, inanm ykCv MfwfC, uhi nh? Something has happened, hasn’t it?
eKhfn ykCv `ni/ There is nothing here.
ykCv `uh ahfgr mu `Ufk `gfC/ Something has remained the
same as before.
gen, inanm ahmrh ykCvr Bw kyr nh/ We are not afraid of anything.
ykCvr `c§h krfb nh? Won’t you try something?
o eKno ykCvr ahSh rhfK/ He is still hoping for something.
5 obj, inanm ykCv blhr qrkhr yCl/ Something needed to be said.
Pronouns uvym yk ykCv Khfb? Will you eat something?
ykCv `uh `bhfZ nh/ He doesn’t understand anything.
loc, inanm yk≤ uhr ahr ykCvfu ahgîM `ni/ But he is not interested in
anything any more.
uhr ykCvfu mn Khrhp Mfw `gfC/ Something has made him sad.
uvym ykCvfu yk uhfk sf~qM kr? Do you doubt him for some
singular plural
nominative ynfz ynfzrh
genitive ynfzr ynfzfqr
objective ynfzfk ynfzfqr(fk)
nom, sg ahym ynfz xhb/ I will go myself.
`s ynfzo `Bfb abhk Mfw `gfC/ He himself was amazed when
he thought about it.
nom, pl ahmrh ynfzrh `khno ysfãtm q£hR krhfu phyr nh? Can we ourselves
not come up with a system?
`uhmrh ynfzrh khpvrßX bhynfwC/ You have turned yourselves into
gen, sg `uhmhr ynfzr shMs `ni? Don’t you have any courage yourself ?
uhr ynfzr mfQj sôpVNò yCl/ He was complete in himself.
gen, pl orh uhfqr ynfzfqr oXvQgvflh bjbMhr kfr/ They use their own
ahmhfqr ynfzr thkh `uh `ni/ We don’t have any money ourselves.
obj, sg ynfzfk uvym xuth apyrMhxò mfn kr uh uvym no/ You are not as
indispensable as you think.
ynfzfk péyUbYfu a—fwhznYw mfn MfÉC/ He considered himself
superfluous in the world.
obj, pl ahmrh ynfzfqr TkhyÉC/ We are deceiving ourselves.
sbhi béy§ `Ufk ynfzfqr b£hchfu `c§h krl/ Everybody tried to protect
136 themselves from the rain.
Two other forms ynz… and ahpn need to be mentioned here. Both of Reflexive
them belong to a somewhat more formal register than ynz. ynz… is, strictly pronouns
speaking, not a pronoun but an isolated adjective meaning own. It is equi-
valent to the genitive form of ynfzr (genitive form of ynz) and is therefore
included here.
ahpn (the 2nd person polite pronoun ahpyn is derived from this) appears in
all four cases:
The nominative ahpyn and the doubled nominative ahpnh ahpyn often trans-
late as by itself, on its own:
`tylfPhfn ahbhr k£v k£v Sûq/ ahpnh ahpyn yTk Mfw `gl nhyk?
telephone-LOC again kl kl sound. ahpyn ahpyn right become-PP
go-3-P-S not what?
The telephone made a kL kL sound again. Had it put itself straight?
5 In the genitive ahpnhr corresponds to own, belonging to
\yn ahpnhr khz krfu cfl `gfCn/
he-H ahpnhr work do-IP go-3H-PR-PERF
He has left to do some work of his own.
eKhfn smÄ `uhmhr ahpnhr/
here everything your ahpnhr
Here everything is your own.
The objective use occurs mostly in formal writing.
`s ahpnhfk Kvb chlhk mfn kfr/
he ahpnhfk very clever mind-LOC do-3-PR-S
He considers himself very clever.
uvym ahpnhfk rÇh krfu phrfb nh/
you-F-SG ahpnhfk protect do-IP be able to-2F-FUT not
You won’t be able to protect yourself.
The reflexive locative ahpnhfu is used in this famous sentence by
xyq uvym ahpnhfu ahpyn Shy™ pho ebL chryqfk sh™ánh qhn krfu phr, uhMfl zYbn
smî∞h“Yr `cfw shUòk/
if you ahpnhfu self peace get-2-PR-S and four direction-LOC solace
give-do-IP be able to-2-PR-S then life empress than meaningful
If you gain peace within yourself and are able to give comfort all around,
then your life is more meaningful than that of an empress.
the double use of ynz implies each
mhnvX ynz ynz zYbn ynfw clfC/
human being ynz (×2) life
Each human being lives their own life.
e - ei, o - oi or E, `s - `si
Here is an overview of the forms involved:
This is in itself a pleasingly neat and logical system. In actual language use
there is a tendency to divide the labour between e and o - e is more often
used for non-human referents, o for humans, which means that the original
deictic dimensions are no longer in force. In combination with classifiers
th or gvflh they are again restored.
Examples are given here for what can be considered deictic pronouns
and adjectives only. For basic deictics we have the following distribution:
nominative and genitive forms can stand alone as pronouns as well as
appear attributively before nouns, i.e. as adjectives. Nominative and
objective forms are the same but the objective case ending `k is sometimes
added. The locative forms are not used attributively.
Chapter 6
If nouns provide the building blocks of sentences then verbs supply the
dynamics. They are the doing, being or becoming elements of the whole and
they determine which other elements accompany them. Every verb form
used in speech and writing consists of a stem and a verb ending. While
the stem gives us the meaning, the verb ending gives us either the person
and tense or the mode of the action.
Bengali verbs can be classed into six groups according to their conjugation
patterns. These are determined by the stem formation of the individual
verb. The stem of a verb is the base form which remains when verb endings
are taken away.
Class 1 CVC/ VC e.g. `lK lekh write, `qK dækh see, kr kfr do,
oT oth rise
Class 2 CaC, aC e.g. Uhk thak stay, ahs as come, ahn an bring
Class 3 CV e.g. M hf be, `Sh sho lie down, `q de give, `n ne take
Class 4 Ca e.g. xh ya go, ph pa, Kh kha eat, ch ca want
Class 5 CaCa/CVCA e.g. chlh cala drive, Gvmh ghuma sleep (extended
Class 6 extended o e.g. eg ego advance, `bfrh bero go out
142 conjugation,
Vowel mutation
6.3 Vowel mutation
Bangla verb conjugation is very regular but all verbs have a systematic
vowel mutation. This is a bit like the change in English verbs from simple
present sing to simple past sang, come – came, get – got, find – found,
except these count as irregular verbs in English and need to be learnt indi
vidually. In Bangla the vowel mutation is systematic and affects all verbs,
so basically there are no irregular verbs.
In order to understand the way Bangla verb forms change from one person
to another, we postulate a high stem and a low stem for all verbs, except
for those whose stem vowel is a. The stem of a verb is the fragment we
are left with when the verb endings are dropped.
If we take the form ahym ylyK I write with its verbal noun `lKh and drop off
the endings we are left with two stems: high ylK , low `lK. These are the
two base forms for all other forms of `lKh.
Vowel mutation occurs between two adjacent vowels as set out in the
blh speak: ahym byl boli, uvym bl bflo, uvi byls bolis, `s bfl bfle, ahpyn
bfln bflen
`Plh throw: ahym `Pyl pheli, uvym `Pl phælo, uvi `Pyls phelis, `s `Pfl phæle,
ahpyn `Pfln phælen
Class 1 and Class 3 verbs have a vowel mutation in the stem between high
and low.
Class 1 verbs (CVC) have the low stem for the verbal noun as well as the
following simple present verb forms: 2nd person familiar and polite, 3rd
person ordinary and honorific.
simple present high bvyZ low `bhZ high bvyZs low `bhfZ low `bhfZn
all other tenses high bvZlhm high bvfZC high bvZyus high bvZfC high bvZfbn
imperative (pr) — low `bhZ high bvZ high bvZvk low/high
`bhfZn, bvZvn
imperative (fut) — high bvZ high bvyZs — high bvfZn
verbal noun: low `bhZh, `bhZbh imperfective participle: high bvZfu
perfective participle: high bvfZ conditional participle: high bvZfl
Class 3 verbs (CV) differ from Class 1 (CVC) verbs in the formation of the
future tense forms. All but the 2nd person intimate have low stem in the
future. Other tenses and nonfinite verb forms follow the same patterns as
Class 1 verbs.
Here are the stem patterns with the verb `Shwh lie down (stem Sv - `Sh) as an
simple present high Svi low `Sho high Svs low `Shw low `Shn
future low `Shb low `Shfb high Svyb low `Shfb low `Shfbn
all other tenses high Svlhm high SvfwyC high Svyus high SvfÉC high SvfwyCfln
imperative (pr) — low `Sho low `Sh high Svk low `Shn
imperative (fut) — low `Shfb high Svs — low `Shfbn
verbal noun: low `Shwh, `Shbh imperfective participle: high Svfu
perfective participle: high Svfw conditional participle: high Svfl
In Class 2 and 4 verbs with a in the stem, vowel mutation does not occur,
but the a in the stem changes to e in present and past perfect in all persons
and the perfective participle. Verbs of this type in class 4 (xh, gh, ph, Kh, etc.)
change their stem from a to either e or ai in the simple past, past habitual,
imperfective participle and conditional participle. The individual patterns
are shown below. xhowh go is the only verb in Bangla with some real irre
gularities in that it has a perfective stem yg-, `g-. The verb chart for xhowh
is given in (n).
In Class 5 (extended) verbs vowel mutation does not occur in verbs with
either a, u or du in the stem. In all other extended verbs the present and
past perfect in all persons as well as the perfective participle have the high
144 stem.
`bhZhfnh – bvyZfw, bshfnh bfsano – bysfw bosiye, `qKhfnh dækhano – `qyKfw dekhiye, Verb forms
`SKhfnh – ySyKfw
Class 6 is a small group of extended verbs with an alternative second vowel
o instead of a, i.e. Gvmfnh instead of Gvmhfnh sleep. All of these verbs can also
appear with o-kar in the second syllable (Gvfmhfnh). This conjugation pattern
is standard in West Bengal. A list of the verbs concerned is given in 6.8.
There are two forms for the third person, ordinary and honorific (see
Ch. 5.2)
There are three forms for the 2nd person, familiar, honorific and intimate
(see Ch. 5.2)
Note that all honorific forms have the same endings. For neuter uh it and all
other third person uses the ordinary forms (as for `s he, she) are used. 145
verb endings 1st ps 2nd ps fam 3rd ps ord 2nd ps int hon, 2nd
and 3rd ps
The columns for 2nd ps int uvi and 3rd ps ordinary `s have been reversed
in the chart to show the (shaded) area of difficulty in remembering verb
endings correctly.
In addition to these, every verb has four nonfinite forms (an explanation
is given at the beginning of Ch. 29).
1 verbal noun: h -a is added to the low stem of Class 1 and Class 2 verbs,
owh oya to Class 3 (Ca) and Class 4 (CV) verbs and `nh nd to Class 5 and
Class 6 (extended) verbs
2 imperfective participle: `u te is added to the high stem of the verb.
3 perfective participle: e e is added to the high stem of the verb.
4 conditional participle: `l le is added to the high stem of the verb.
Bangla verbs have two imperative forms, present and future for the follow
ing persons:
2nd person familiar, 2nd person intimate, 2nd person polite, 3rd person
honorific. Many of these forms are identical to the simple present and
future tense verb forms. The 2nd person intimate present imperative is
identical to the low verb stem, the 2nd person intimate future imperative
is identical to the simple present verb form.
Class 1
(a) CVC vowel mutation u o bvZ - `bhZh understand
(b) CVC vowel mutation o f bl - bl say, speak
(c) CVC vowel mutation i e ylK - `lK read
(d) CVC vowel mutation e æ `Pl - `Pl throw
(e) VC vowel mutation u o \T - oT rise, get up
Class 2
(f) CaC Uhk stay
(g) aC ahn bring
(h) aC ahs come
Class 3
(i) CV vowel mutation o - f Mo - M be, become
(j) CV vowel mutation u o Sv - `Sh lie, lie down
(k) CV vowel mutation i e yq - `q give
Class 4
(l) Ca ph get, receive
(m) Ca ch want
(n) Ca xh go
Class 5
(o) CuCa Gvmh sleep
(p) CVCa `bhZh explain
(q) CaCa chlh drive
Class 6 oconjugation
(r) variation without okar eg advance
(s) variation with okar `bfrh go out
(t) incomplete verb ahC ach be present, exist, have
(u) incomplete verb n- be not 147
6 6.6 Conjugation charts
Note that all verb forms ending in o are pronounced as closed o and are
also found with o-kar endings. This applies to the following forms of all
verbs and is nothing more than a spelling convention.
In this book the o-kar endings have been added only for the 2nd person fam
iliar (uvym) imperative forms to distinguish them from the second person
intimate (uvi) forms and for the verbal noun endings of extended verbs.
For demonstration purposes, here is the chart for `bhZh understand with all
the o-kars added:
Class 1 CVC
(a) u d mutation `bhZh understand [with the same pattern: `Khlh open,
`uhlh lift, raise `Bhlh forget, `Shnh hear, listen, `Ghrh turn, `bhnh knit,
(b) o - f mutation: blh bfla say, speak [with the same pattern: krh do,
Gth happen, occur, clh go, move, Qrh hold, pRh read, fall, bsh sit, Brh fill,
mrh die, srh move]
(d) e - æ mutation: `Plh phæla throw [with the same pattern: `qKh see, `Tlh
push, `bch sell]
(e) VC oTh rise, ascend [with the same pattern: oRh fly] Conjugation
Class 2
(f) CaC Uhkh stay, remain, live [with the same pattern: k£hqh cry, k£hph shiver,
khth cut, chph press, ChRh leave, zhgh wake, dhkh call, Uhmh stop, nhch dance,
nhmh descend, phrh be able to, Phth burst, b£hch survive, bhRh increase, BhÃh
break, Bhbh think, Bhlbhsh love, mhnh observe, mind, mhrh beat, lhgh attach,
stick, shrh finish, M£hth walk, Mhrh be lost, Mhsh laugh, smile
Class 3 CV
simple present Mi Mo Ms Mw Mn
present continuous MyÉC MÉC MyÉCs MfÉC MfÉCn
152 present perfect MfwyC MfwC MfwyCs MfwfC MfwfCn
future tense Mb Mfb Myb Mfb Mfbn charts
simple past Mlhm Mfl Myl Ml Mfln
past continuous MyÉClhm MyÉCfl MyÉCyl MyÉCl MyÉCfln
past perfect MfwyClhm MfwyCfl MfwyCyl MfwyCl MfwyCfln
past habitual Muhm Mfu Myus Mu Mfun
imperative (pr) — Mo M Mk, M\k, `Mhk Mn, Mfwn
imperative (fut) — Mfwh Ms — Mfbn
verbal b-form imperfective perfective conditional
noun (VN) VN participle (IP) participle (PP) participle (CP)
Mowh Mbh Mfu Mfw Mfl
(j) CV `Shwh lie down [with the same pattern: `Qhwh wash]
(k) CV `qowh give, also `nowh take. These verbs have some irregularities.
(m) Ca chowh want [with the same pattern ghowh sing, nhowh bathe]
(n) xhowh go. This verb has some irregularities. Conjugation
tenses ahym uvym uvi `s ahpyn, yuyn
(o) CuCa, CouCa (extended verbs) Gvmhfnh sleep [with the same pattern
`qHRhfnh run, `p£HChfnh arrive, lvkhfnh hide]
6 (p) CVCa `bhZhfnh explain [with the same pattern: oThfnh raise, lift, Tkhfnh cheat,
Verbs `dhbhfnh immerse, drown `phRhfnh ignite, set on fire, `SKhfnh teach, `Shnhfnh
tell, make listen]
(q) CaCa chlhfnh lead, drive [with the same pattern ahtkhfnh stop, arrest,
khmRhfnh bite, záhlhfnh ignite, uhkhfnh stare, look at, q£hRhfnh stand, phThfnh
send, phlhfnh flee, b£hchfnh save, lhghfnh employ, Mhrhfnh lose]
(t) incomplete verb ahC- be present, exist, have (simple present and simple
past only)
simple present ni no ns nw nn
conditional participle (CP) nifl
There are some alternative forms for some verb endings which ought to
be recorded in order to complete the picture.
Instead of lhm and uhm we sometimes find lvm and uvm or `lm and `um. lvm
and uvm are used in Kolkata speech and writing, `lm and `um are likely
to be older forms.
(5) colloquial present continuous and present perfect forms (all verbs).
In the present continuous -`u -te is inserted between the stem and the
verb ending. These are older forms which are commonly used in spoken
language in Bangladesh. There is a paradigm shift here: lengthening
158 of the present continuous forms shifts the standard present continuous
form kryC, BhbyC, phiyC to the present perfect. Note that extended verbs Extended
(Class 5 and 6) always insert an i i at the end of the stem: ahym GvmhiyC o-kar verbs
– I have slept, `s ghyRth chlhifC He drove the car. These forms are rarely
written. Note: because of the shift in meaning in these forms and the
potential for misunderstandings, their use is not recommended for
a-kar o-kar
conjugation conjugation
\lthfnh, olthfnh \lfthfnh turn upside down
— efghfnh or egfnh advance
k£vckhfnh, `k£hckhfnh k£cfkhfnh shrink, contract 159
6 k£vchfnh, `k£hchfnh k£vfchfnh chop finely
Verbs kvRhfnh kvfRhfnh gather, collect
kvphfnh, `khphfnh kvfphfnh strike, dig
kvlhfnh, kvflhfnh kvflhfnh be sufficient, be adequate
yK£chfnh yK£fchfnh grimace, make faces
gvChfnh, `ghChfnh gvfChfnh tidy up, put into order, arrange
gvthfnh, `ghthfnh gvfthfnh roll up, wind up
Gvmhfnh Gvfmhfnh sleep
ycbhfnh ycfbhfnh chew, masticate
c£vwhfnh, `c£hwhfnh cvfwhfnh ooze, leak, fall in drops
cvlkhfnh cvlfkfnh scratch, itch
yzwhfnh yzfwhfnh keep alive, preserve
yzrhfnh yzfrhfnh relax, take a rest
zvRhfnh zvfRhfnh cool, soothe, calm
Zvlhfnh, `Zhlhfnh Zvflhfnh suspend, hang
yTkrhfnh yTkfrhfnh scatter, disperse
dvbhfnh, `dhbhfnh dvfbhfnh plunge, drown
UvbRhfnh, `UhbRhfnh UvbfRhfnh fall flat on one’s face
`qHRhfnh `qHfRhfnh run, rush, dash
ynbhfnh, `nbhfnh ybfbhfnh extinguish, put out (fire)
pvRhfnh, `phRhfnh pvfRhfnh set on fire, incinerate, burn, afflict
pvrhfnh pvfrhfnh fill, fulfil, satisfy
`p£HChfnh `pHfChfnh arrive, reach, come
P£vphfnh, `P£hphfnh P£vfphfnh sob, whimper
Pvthfnh, `Phthfnh Pvfthfnh cause to bloom, boil
Pvrhfnh Pvfrhfnh terminate, conclude, finish
Pvslhfnh, `Phslhfnh Pvsflhfnh instigate, entice, seduce
yb£Qhfnh, `b£Qhfnh ybfQhfnh pierce, prick
ybkhfnh ybfkhfnh sell, give away
ybgRhfnh ybgfRhfnh corrupt, spoil
bvlhfnh bvflhfnh caress, pass (hand) lightly over
— `bfrhfnh or `brfnh go out, come out, be published
yBzhfnh, `Bzhfnh yBfzhfnh make wet, soak
ymthfnh, `mthfnh ymfthfnh accomplish, finish, settle, compromise
ymShfnh, `mShfnh ymfShfnh mix, blend, join, unite
mvckhfnh, `mhckhfnh mvcfkhfnh sprain, twist, injure
lvkhfnh lvfkhfnh hide, put out of sight
Svkhfnh Svfkhfnh dry, extract moisture
SvQrhfnh, `ShQfrhfnh SvQfrhfnh rectify, correct
6.9 Non-finite verb forms
verb forms
Each Bangla verb has four nonfinite verb forms: a verbal noun, an imperfec
tive participle, a perfective participle and a conditional participle. Although
these forms need a finite verb form to go with them, they all have a variety
of functions and uses and play an important role in the structuring of Bangla
sentences. For a detailed explanation of these forms see Chs 20–23.
The verbal noun is the form given in dictionaries. It behaves like any other
noun in that it can be the subject of a sentence and it can have modifiers,
classifiers and case endings.
Verbal nouns are formed by adding ah a to the low stem of Class 1 and 2
verb stems, owh owa to the low stem of Class 3 and 4 verbs and `nh no to
the verb stems of Class 5 and 6:
bh verbal noun
There is an alternative verbal noun form in bh ba which is usually added
to the low stem of Class 1 verbs and the low stem of all other verbs though
high stem forms are also found.
This form used to be a future tense verbal noun but has lost the tense
component in contemporary language use. The bh ba – verbal noun form
in the nominative remains in use only in one particular structure with mh«
but the genitive forms (Khbhr, xhbhr, krbhr, blbhr, `qbhr, `qKbhr, phThbhr etc.) are
still in use.
The imperfective participle ends in -`u te. This form has often been called
the infinitive because some of its uses are equivalent to the use of infinitives
in other languages:
The conditional participle adds `l le to the high stem of Class 1 and Class 3
verbs. Class 2 verbs add `l le to the a stem of the verb. In Class 4 verbs
the a changes to e or to ai in the stem before adding the `l le ending. The
conditional participle is identical in form to the 2nd person familiar simple
past. The conditional participle is discussed in Ch. 22.
Extended verbs (Class 5 and 6) drop the a (or o) from the stem and add
ifw iye to the high stem, though averbs do not change their stem to e.
Extended verbs do not have vowel mutation in the stem except in the
perfect tenses and the perfective participle where the high vowel is used:
`bhZhfnh explain, ahym `bhZhi I explain, ahym `bhZhlhm I explained, ahym `bhZhb
I will explain but
perfective participle bvyZfw having explained, perfect tense ahym bvyZfwyC
I have explained
`SKhfnh teach, ahym `SKhi I teach, ahym `SKhlhm I taught, ahym `SKhb I will teach
perfective participle ySyKfw having taught, perfect tense ahym ySyKfwyC
I have taught
6.10 Imperatives
Imperatives are the verb forms used for direct address. Imperatives in
Bangla have a wider application than they do in English as they are not
just about telling someone what to do but are also used to direct third 165
6 person activities and to pronounce blessings, dismissals or curses. Imperatives
Verbs are found for all 2nd (uvym, uvi, ahpyn) and 3rd persons (`s, yuyn) and it is
not unreasonable to suggest a 1st person imperative with the meaning let’s,
but since these imperative forms would all be identical to 1st person
simple present forms, they are not given here. For all but the 3rd person
ordinary there are two forms, present and future.
2F = 2nd person familiar uvym, `uhmrh
H = 2nd and 3rd person honorific ahpyn, ahpnhrh, yuyn, u£hrh
2I = 2nd person intimate uvi, `uhrh
3 = 3rd person ordinary `s, uhrh
Class 1
CVC u - o vowel change `mhCh wipe present future
2F `mhfCh (mocho) mvVfCh mucho
H `mhfCn, `mhCvn mvCfbn
2I `mhC (moch) mvyCs
3 mvCvk —
CVC o - f vowel change blh speak present future
2F bflh (bflo) bflh (bolo)
H bfln, blvn blfbn
2I bl (bol) byls
3 blvk —
CVC i - e vowel change `lKh write present future
2F `lfKh (lekho) ylfKh
H `lfKn, ylKfbn
(typo), ylKvn ylKfbn
2I `lK (lekh) ylyKs
3 ylKvk —
CVC e - æ vowel change `Plh throw present future
2F `Pflh (phælo) `Pflh (phelo)
H `Pfln, `Plvn `Plfbn
2I `Pl (phæl) `Pyls (phelis)
3 `Plvk —
VC u - o vowel change oTh rise present future
2F ofTh (otho) \fTh
H ofTn, \Tvn \Tfbn
2I \T (oth) \yTs
3 \Tvk —
Class 2 Imperatives
Class 3
Class 4
6 Ca phowh get, receive present future
Verbs 2F pho phfb
H phn phfbn
2I ph phs
3 phk —
Ca xhowh go present future
2F xho, `xfwh xhfb
H xhn xhfbn
2I xh xhs
3 xhk —
Class 5
6.11 Negation
The usual way of negating a sentence is to add the negative particle nh after
the verb:
affirmative negative
ahym ahzfk xhb/ → ahym ahzfk xhb nh/
I will go today. I will not go today.
(b) with yn
Two out of the eight tenses in Bangla do not follow this pattern. Both the
present perfect and the past perfect form their negatives with the simple
present tense form of the verb followed by yn. yn carries both a negative
and a past tense component. It is often attached to the verb. yn never
appears anywhere other than straight after a simple present verb form. It
cannot be used as a sentence negator.
`s GvymfwyCl/ → `s Gvmhwyn/
He slept. → He didn’t sleep.
(c) with n-
Copulative (equational) sentences have the zero verb in the simple present.
These sentences are negated with the incomplete verb n-. The full chart is
given on p. 158. Here are just two examples: 169
6 uvym ahmhr bív/ → uvym ahmhr bív no/
Verbs You are my friend. → You are not my friend.
gîhmth `bS bR/ → gîhmth `byS bR nw/
The village is quite big. → The village is not very big.
(c) with `ni
`ni is the invariable negation of the incomplete but very important verb
ahC- be present, exist in the present tense. `ni stays the same for all persons.1
ahmhr bhyR ahfC/ → ahmhr bhyR `ni/
I have a home. → I don’t have a home.
\yn klkhuhw ahfCn/ → \yn klkhuhw `ni/
He is in Kolkata. → He is not in Kolkata.
(a) The incomplete verb ahC- be present, exist has only simple present and
simple past tense forms. For all other forms, including the nonfinite
forms, the verb Uhkh stay is used.
(b) The invariable `ni is absent functions as the negation of ahC- for all
persons in the simple present tense. The past tense of `ni is ahym yClhm /
uvym yCfl / `s yCl / ahpyn, yuyn yCfln nh, the future tense is formed with either
Uhkh stay or Mowh be, become and nh.
(c) The incomplete verb n- is not has only simple present tense forms (ni,
no, nw, nn) and the conditional participle nifl. This verb is used to
negate equational (copulative) statements which have the zero verb in
affirmative sentences.
Verbal fragments:
(d) bft of course no doubt is the only remnant of an older verb bth be. It
is no longer used as a 3rd person simple present verb form but as a
sentence adverb, often at the end of the sentence.
1 The pronunciation of this word changes to nhi in some areas, though this form is
170 rarely written.
uh sMfz `chfK pfR nh bft/ Periphrastic
that easily eye-LOC fall-3-PR-S not bft tenses
That is of course not immediately obvious.
(e) Mbv, related to the verb Mowh be, become is used as an attributive adjective
meaning future, to be:
(f) bvyZ is the 1st person simple present of `bhZh understand, a fully func
tioning verb, but bvyZ is used as a sentence adverb meaning I suppose,
no doubt.
Periphrastic (or compound) tenses are tenses which are formed with the
help of auxiliary verbs. The present perfect and the future tense in English
are formed with have and will, respectively.
1 the future perfect, formed by a perfective participle with the future tense
of Uhkh stay. 171
6 ahym nuvn shifkl ykfn Uhkb/
Verbs I new bicycle buy-PP stay-1-FUT
I will have bought a new bicycle.
The intention behind adding these two structures as tenses is to make the
Bengali tense system more symmetrical:
The fact is, however, that the perfective participle and the imperfective
participle can combine with forms of Uhkh in the simple present, the simple
past and the past habitual as well as in the future tense.
perfective participle:
simple present: ufb zYbfn emn aÀvu Gtnh mhfZ mhfZi Gft Uhfk/
but life-LOC such strange event sometimes EMP
happen-PP stay-3-PR-S
But strange things sometimes happen in life.
imperfective participle: Periphrastic
simple present: Pfl pyrbhfrr ahwun `Cht Mfu Uhfk/
result-LOC family-GEN extent small be-IP stay-3-PR-S
As a result the family is getting smaller.
simple past: ybSánhUbhbv ektv shmfl ynfw Bhu `Kfu Uhkfln/
Biswanath a bit control-PP take-PP rice beaking-IP
Biswanath pulled himself together and carried on eating.
past habitual: `s uKn zvwh `Klfu Uhku/
He then gambling play-IP stay-3-P-HABIT
He used to be a gambler then.
For this reason the future perfective and the future continuous are con
sidered to be aspective features but not tenses in this book. For more on
combinations with Uhkh and ahfC see Ch. 32 Aspect.
Chapter 7
Adjectives come in all shapes and sizes and don’t necessarily have any
distinctive features. lhl is an adjective, mhl is a noun, k§ is a noun, n§ is
an adjective, chlhk is an adjective, uhlhk is a noun, qÇ is an adjective, kÇ
is a noun.
There are, however, quite a few specific endings for adjectives which are
derived from nouns or verbs. So, even though we cannot know for sure
that a new word is not an adjective, these endings can identify words as
adjectives. A list of these is given on p. 77 (adjective derivation).
bR big, pvrhfnh old, khnh blind, grm hot, yuuh bitter, lhl red,
S∆ hard, ybyCê varied, `shnhyl golden, `PkhfS pale, Qhrhl sharp,
—hcYn ancient, ãp§ clear, phkh ripe, nkl artificial
(ii) non-physical characteristics:
7 (b) quantifiers and numbers
afnk khz much work ykCv smsjh some problems
ayQkhLS `Çf« in most fields ahro qi more yoghurt
eu ahn~q so much joy uhr —Um znÖyqn his first birthday
ektv qvQ a little bit of milk kfwkzn a few people
afnk Zv£yk much risk smÄ SMfr in the whole town
(c) possessives
(d) distributive
anj mhnvX other people uhr ekmh« iÉCh his only wish
—fujkyt pvrßX each man —yuyt `Cfl every boy
(e) interrogative
(f) deictic
All but descriptive, qualifying adjectives are rather restricted in their use
as predicates:
(c) possessive and (f) deictic adjectives revert back to being pronouns.
`uhmhr bws ku? lit: your age how much = How old
are you?
efu uhr ahpy≠ yk? lit: in this his objection what =
What is his objection? 177
7 uhr SrYr eKn `kmn? lit: his health now how = How is he now?
Adjectives ahmhr Uhlh `khnth? Which one is my plate?
`Cflyt `kmn? What is the boy like?
Sentences with predicative adjectives can be equational (copulative) when
the adjective stands on its own. Adjectives can also be part of a verb phrase
in active sentences:
The verbal nouns of many verbs can be used as adjectives. In English these
can often only be rendered with relative clauses. Here is a beautiful sentence
which shows the potential of descriptive adjectives. Verbal adjectives are
underlined. The gloss is given below.
`Sî©T best from `Sîw good, kyn©T youngest, `zj©T eldest, Gyn©T close from
Gn dense
Here are two sentences which show these uses. The first one also shows
that the old superlative forms have lost their superlative connotations:
When something is very much more than, bigger or better we can use afnk
much or afnk `byS very much
Three other postpositions `Ufk, chifu and Mfu can be used instead of `cfw.
Both chifu and Mfu are really non-finite verb forms, namely the imperfective
participles of chowh look and Mowh be. But then, both `cfw and `Ufk are also
originally perfective participles of chowh look and Uhkh stay, respectively.
They have moved a long way from their verbal origins, particularly in their
case use.
ei bhsh bhyRr `Ufk ahro afnk bR/
this EMP home-GEN more much big
This house is much bigger than home.
bhghfnr khz rhêh krhr `Ufk pyrSîmY/
garden work cook-do-VN-GEN `Ufk laborious
Gardening is harder work than cooking.
khzth `uhmhr ahrhfmr chifu zrßyr/
work-CL your relaxation-GEN chifu urgent
182 The work is more urgent than your relaxation.
In the following three sentences the genitive noun phrases come first: Comparison of
Khbhfrr Mfu zl Khowh gvrߥpVNò/
food-GEN Mfu water drink-VN important
Water is more important than food.
uhr `Ufko xh gvrßuápVNò, uh Ml . . .
that-GEN `Ufk EMP what-REL important that PC . . .
And what is more important than that . . .
ymUjh kUh blhr `Ufk cvp kfr Uhkh Bhl/
lie word say-VN-GEN `Ufk quiet-do-PP stay good
It is better to keep quiet than to lie.
It is worth mentioning at the end of this section that uhr `cfw can be used
in the sense of rather or instead. This is an additional use of `cfw which is
not directly comparative and does not involve adjectives. The more usual
word for rather is brL , the word for instead is pyrbfuò.
7.6 Quantifiers
Quantifiers are differentiated from other adjectives by their ability to take a
classifier without turning into a noun. When we add the classifier th to an
adjective, that adjective becomes a noun and can no longer be used attribu-
tively. ei lhlth this red one but not *ei lhlth klm. Quantifiers, on the other
hand, can be used attributively with or without a classifier: afnk zl and
afnkth zl a lot of water. Here are the important quantifiers and their uses.
These can function as adjectives or adverbs. They can be used with count
and non-count nouns and can take singular and plural classifiers. The use
of ku is restricted to exclamative sentences.
as adjectives
afnk can be used with count and non-count nouns. It can take th or gvflh
and it can function as an adverb meaning very.
with th
as an adverb
ektv can be used as an adjective or an adverb. ektv can be seen as the non-
count version of ekth, and as such does not take th or gvflh but combines
only with Khyn.
as an adjective
uhfk ektv smw yqfu Mfb/
he-OBJ a little time give-IP be-3-FUT
He needs to be given a bit of time.
ahmhr ektv sf~qM ahfC/
I-GEN a bit doubt [is present]
I have some doubts.
Here is a combination with ahQtv half
`mfwfqr sfà ektv ahQtv `ghQvlYr Bhbo ahmhr `bS ahfs/
girl-PL-GEN with a bit half twilight-GEN mood also I-Gen quite
I also have quite a talent for flirting with the girls.
as an adverb
ahym ahr ektv Gvmhb/
I more a little sleep-1-FUT
I will sleep a bit more.
`Cflyt ektv pfr ahbhr efs pRl/
boy-CL a bit later again come-PP fall-3-P-S
The boy came back again a bit later.
doubled as an adverb with kfr: bit by bit
rhfur gBYruh ektv ektv kfr bhRfu Uhfk/
night-GEN depth a bit (×2) do-PP increase-IP stay-3-PR-S
190 The night was gradually getting deeper.
with classifier Quantifiers
chkyr `Ufk absr gîMfNr yqn kfwfkr mfQji yuyn prphfr xh«h krfln/
job from leisure acceptance-GEN day a few-GEN with he-H other
shore-LOC journey do-3H-P-S
He died within a few days of retiring.
Here is a nice passage from Buddhadeva Bose which contains a few differ-
ent uses of ykCv:
`tybfl CRhfnh khgz, ykCv y—w bi, ykCv Pfth/ sbykCvfui ykCv nh ykCv aãPvt Sûq,
azhnh svfrr `rS, \Échyru o anvÉchyru kUh, ykCv Bhbhfbg, ahfrh ku ykCv `ssfbr
zYNòuhr mfQjo mhwhBfr zyRfw ahfC/
table-LOC scatter-VA paper, ykCv beloved book, ykCv photo. all ykCv-LOC
ykCv not ykCv undeveloped word unknown-VA voice-GEN resonance,
pronounced and unpronounced word, ykCv emotional excitement, more
how much ykCv this all-GEN raggedness-GEN among fascination fill-PP
connect-PP [is present]
Papers strewn over the table, some much-loved books, some photos. Some
obscure sounds, the resonance of an unknown voice, spoken and unspoken
words, some unresolved emotion and oh, so much more was wrapped up in
the fascinating raggedness of it all.
(g) ykCvfu can have the normal locative use in something but it is also often
used as an adverbial phrase meaning at all.
Earlier on we had the phrase ykCv \≠r `qowhr ahfg. Compared to `khno
\≠r `qowhr ahfg the phrase with ykCv is somewhat more definite:
`khno \≠r `qowhr ahfg before he could make any reply
ykCv \≠r `qowhr ahfg before he could make some reply
The uses of `khno are given in Ch. 14.2.1.
Both an adjective and an adverb, Khynk can take th and is used mainly with
non-count nouns.
sb, like afnk and ykCv, belongs to the type of quantifier that can do anything
and be everything. The only job it does not do is to function as an adverb
with adjectives. While we have afnk bR very big and ykCvth nrm a bit soft,
sb stays with its role as a quantifier and leaves the modification of degrees
to the adverb Kvb very. sb goes with count and non-count nouns. It combines
with singular and plural classifiers. It can function as an adjective or a
noun and it teams up with ykCv for the all-inclusive sb ykCv everything.
sb zhwgh everywhere, sb smw always, sb rkm all sorts, sb Qrfnr all kinds of,
ahmhfqr sb …pä all our dreams, `ssb mhnvX all those people, sb shfMbrh all the
Sahibs, e sbgvflh all these, sb mhnvX, sb `lhk everybody. As well as sb `lhk
there is the noun sbhi everybody (see below).
uhrho zhfn esb kUh/
they also know-3-PR-S this all word
They know all this too.
sb bhyRr `lhfkr khn Zhlhphlh Mfw `xu/
all house-GEN person-GEN ear deafened be-PP go-3-P-HABIT
Everyone in the house used to be almost deafened.
ahym sbgvyl Khuh ahlhqh `rfKyC/
I all-CL notebooks separate put-1-PR-PERF
I have put all the notebooks away separately.
`Cflyt sbth Bhu `Kfw `PflfC/
boy-CL all-CL rice eat-PP trow-3-PR-PERF
The boy has eaten up all the rice.
sb can also be used as a collective noun:
ahym eKni ygfw `lhkzn sb yPyrfw yqyÉC/
I right now go-PP people-CL all return-PP give-1-PR-C
196 I am going right now to send everyone back.
eKn sbth nh bvZflo prbuòY zYbfn ei sb kUh ofqr mfn pRfb/ Quantifiers
now all-CL not understand-CP even later life-LOC this all word
they-GEN mind-LOC fall-3-FUT
Even if they don’t understand everything now, they will remember all this
in later life.
sbhi everyone
Animacy and plurality are inherent in the meaning of this word so no
other plural indicators such as gvflh or rh are needed. No classifiers are used.
Case endings are singular.
smÄ can be used with count and non-count nouns. Due to its all-inclusive
meaning, it combines only with th. It does not function as an adverb.
7.6.10 shrh whole
shrh is almost exactly equivalent to smÄ. It is very commonly used in shrhyqn
all day. shrh can combine with th.
ahro more and afnk much are used in affirmative sentences. ahr more and
`byS much in negative sentences.
affirmative negative
ahym ahro Bhu Khb/ ahym ahr Bhu Khb nh/
I will eat more rice. I won’t eat any more rice.
uhfk ahro ykCv qho/ uhfk ahr ykCv yqfwh nh/
Give him some more. Don’t give him any more.
ahro afnfkr sfà kUh MfwfC/ ahr khro sfà kUh Mwyn/
We talked to many more people. We didn’t talk to anyone else.
uhr afnk thkh ahfC/ uhr `byS thkh `ni/
198 He has a lot of money. He does not have a lot of money.
`s afnk kUh bfl/ `s `byS kUh bfl nh/ Amounts
He talks a lot. He doesn’t say much.
7.7.2 ahro
ahro is used to express more with numbers, with amounts and adverbs in
affirmative sentences. ahro is used in comparative structures.
numbers: ahro qvith klm `nb/ I will take two more pens.
ahro p£hcth Khm another five envelopes
ahro ybSzn efsfC/ Another twenty people came.
Note that ahr ekth is the normal way of saying one more, but ahro can be
used with ek for emphasis:
7.7.3 ahr
ahr combines with question words and indefinites and it is used in affirma-
tive sentences with ek one. 199
7 with ek:
ahr ekth svfxhg qho ahmhfk/
more one-CL chance give-2-PR-IMP I-OBJ
Give me one more chance!
`qKfu elhm, ahmhr khfC ahpnhr Mhsfu ahr Bhflh lhfg yknh/
see-IP come-1-P-S I-GEN close to you-GEN laugh-IP more good
feel-3-PR-S what not
200 I have come to see whether you still like laughing with me or not.
7.7.4 `byS much, too much
The different uses of afnk were given in 7.6.2.
—yu is a distributive adjective more than a quantifier but it shares with quan-
tifiers the ability to take a classifier when it is used attributively. —yu is not
used predicatively or adverbially and it cannot take plural classifiers. 201
7 ahym —yuyt `Cflr SrYfrr zfnj yc™h kyr/
Adjectives I each-CL boy-GEN health-GEN for worry-do-1-PR-S
I worry about the health of each of the boys.
—yuyt ycyT ynfzr Mhfu ylfKfCn/
each letter own-GEN hand-LOC write-3H-PR-PERF
He wrote every letter in his own hand.
The use of —yuyqn every day is given in Chapter 8.3.2.
This is quite similar to —yu in its attributive use but it also forms an animate
noun in e —fujfk each person.
Chapter 8
1 locative noun forms: all adverbs with Bhfb and many other adverbs in
-e (`ghpfn secretly, qVfr far away, eKhfn here, efkbhfr completely, `zhfr force-
fully, mhfZ mhfZ sometimes, `mhfti at all and so on)
2 adjective plus nominative noun combinations: euyqn for so long, eKn
now, ebhr this time, ekqm completely, etc.
3 perfective participles: all adverbs with kfr
4 adjectives proper: bR big, Bhyr heavy, eu so much, ayu too much, xfU§
sufficient, ektv a bit, BYXN terribly and so on
5 If we follow the traditional division of adverbials into adverbs of time,
place and manner, we detect a close relationship between pronouns and
pronouns adverbs
time place manner
neutral uh, `s uKn `sKhfn `umn
near e eKn eKhfn emn
far o — oKhfn omn
relative `x xKn `xKhfn `xmn
interrogative `k kKn `khUh `kmn 203
8 These represent only a tiny portion of existing adverbs but they show an
Adverbs underlying arrangement of the Bangla lexicon which is logical and elegant
in its simplicity. It is good to keep this basic orderliness in mind as we
enter the flourishing jungle of Bangla adverbs!
There are many independent adverbs and there are a great number of
adjectives which can also function as adverbs.
Examples of these can be found in the lists below. There are also some
systematic ways of forming adverbs.
aLSu partly, a™u at least, iuÄu here and there, œmhgu incessantly,
continuously, qvrBhgjbSu unfortunately, —Umu firstly, at first, —Qhnu mainly,
Plu consequently, as a result, bSu on account of, ybfSXu especially,
s®bu probably, possibly, shQhrNu usually, ãp§u clearly, …Bhbu naturally
Adverbs can be classified according to the company they keep. Only a few
examples are given for each type. A more complete picture is given in the
semantic classification below. Note that the lists below include adjectives
acting as adverbs as well as quantifiers. Many adverbs and adjectives act-
ing as adverbs have multiple uses.
au sMfz so easily
ku sv~qrBhfb how beautifully
Kvb uhRhuhyR very quickly
afnk `zhfr very fast
ekqm `ghpfn totally secretly
ahro uhRhuhyR more quickly
(d) sentence adverbs
Sentence adverbs are quite distinct from other adverbs in that they do
not have multiple functions. Here are some examples:
ahbhr again
uvym ahbhr kfb ahsfb?
When will you come again?
eKn now
eKn ahr yk krh xhw?
Now what else can be done?
mh« as a time adverbial can also stand on its own meaning just now, but it
is often preceded by ei this.
mh« often appears after nominative verbal nouns. Examples of this use are
given in Ch. 20.1.5.
bhbho gu Mowhr sfà sfà `Mlhfnr mh `s bhyR `SX krhr zfnj bR `Cflfk anbru
chp yqfu lhgfln/
Immediately after father’s death Helan’s mother started pressuring her
oldest son incessantly to dissolve the household.
sô—yu recently
`syqn that day, `s smw and `skhl at that time. All of these can be used for
talking about the distant past.
Some adverbs, such as sb smw, can be time adverbials when they are com-
bined with stative verbs.
`s km kUh bfl/
He doesn’t speak much.
emn Gtnh Kvb kmi Gft/
Such events happen very rarely.
—yuyqn every day
uhfu yk —yuyqn zl `qowh \ycu nw?
Should this not be watered daily?
ahmhfk —yuyqn afnk qVfr BîmN krfu Mw/
I have to travel a long distance every day.
—hw, —hwi often
uhr `chK qvyt ahmhr yqfk —hw yñr Mfwi ahfC/
Her two eyes are often fixed on me.
uhrh —hw `uhmhr kUh bfl/
They often talk about you.
bhr time
bhr is a noun which combines with numbers and quantifiers and can also be
doubled to imply again and again
rYyumu regularly
`s rYyumu khz kfr nh/
He doesn’t work regularly.
`rhz daily
`rhz eki khz krfu khro Bhl lhfg nh/
No one likes doing the same work everyday.
Some place adverbs are also postpositions and are discussed in Ch. 9. The
remaining common adverbs are given here.
Adjectives of direction are dhn right and b£h (or bhm) left. For adverbial uses
locative endings are added: dhfn xhn/ Go right! b£hfw xhn/ Go left! or the noun
for direction yqk can be added.
8.3.4 Adverbs of manner
We will take a closer look at just a few common adjectives/adverbs. Adverbs
of manner answer to the question how `kmn? The non-specific answers are
`umn, emn, amn. emn, amn, `umn, emnBhfb . . . so, such, in such a way, emyn just like
that, for no reason
The difference between them is the deictic near–far distinction, with `umn
the neutral element. Both emn and amn can express emotional involvement.
emn is much more common than amn. They are adjectives but can also act
as adverbs modifying adjectives (emn khyMl so exhausted) or other adverbs
(amn uhRhuhyR so quickly). In order to modify verbs they can combine with
Bhfb. emnBhfb, `umnBhfb in such a way. They are also occasionally used as
`kn ei kUh blfl? emyn/ Why did you say that? Just because . . .
ahymo uhfk `umyn `qfKyC/
I also thought of him in the same way.
ahbhr `umyn MThJ shrh ahkhS ahflhyku Mfw pfR ek apr∑p qYyúfu/
And then again, suddenly, the whole sky is lit up by an incomparable
qYGò yqnth QYfr QYfr `kft `gl/ The long day passed slowly.
ahfÄ ahfÄ kUh bl/ Speak softly!
`s Kvb ahfÄ ahfÄ khz kfr/ He works very slowly.
uhfk ynfw ektv ahfÄ egfu Mfb/ One has to proceed a bit carefully with him.
ekh, eklh, ekh ekh alone
ekh is the neutral word for alone.
ahym ekh Uhyk/ I live alone.
ekh khz krfu Bhl lhfg uhr/ He likes working alone.
eklh alone, without others. eklh tends to emphasise independence.
uvym eklh `xfu phrfb nh/
You can’t go by yourself. 219
8 `s eklh sb bhyRr khz kfr/
Adverbs She does all the housework by herself.
ekh ekh alone, lonely
This is more emotionally charged, and can imply lonelinessly or deliberately
setting oneself apart from others.
yTk precisely
ahr yTk uKn Gtnhth MfwfC/
And just at that moment it happened.
ahmrh yTk khgz ybyœ kyr nh/
We do not exactly sell paper.
`nMhu, `nMhJ perforce, of course
`nMhJi aBjhfsr `zhfr `s ekth bi efnyCl Mhfu kfr/
Through force of habit he had brought a book with him in his hand.
bkvl chph glhw uzòn krl 'Bhl Mfb nh blyC qhqh/ `nMhu ahym nuvn mhnvX/ nifl
lhPhlhyP `c£chfmyc kfr ek kh’i bhyQfw yquhm/"
Bokul threatened in a strained voice, ‘Not a good idea, Dada. Of course, I
am a new man. Otherwise I might have kicked up quite a fuss about this.’
sMfz easily
ahym sMfz uhr anvmyu phb/ I will easily get his permission.
orh sMfz sb `zfn `gfC/ They found out (about it) easily.
MThJ suddenly, immediately. MThJ can stand on its own or it can combine
with kfr.
MThJ e yk? What was this suddenly?
uhr MThJ mfn Ml . . . He suddenly remembered . . .
esb …pä MThJ gvylfw `gl/ All these dreams suddenly evaporated.
a™u at least
uhfk a™u ch yqfu phrfu/
You could at least have given him some tea.
bhblvfk a™u sfà ynfw `gfl Bhl Mu/
It would have been good to take at least Bablu along.
ekqm, efkbhfr, sôpVNò entirely, totally
These three adverbs are similar in their use. sôpVNò is somewhat more formal
and can also be used as an adjective.
emnyk even
`k\ bvZfu phfr nh ahmhr yk pyrbuòn MfwfC/ emn yk ahmhr bívrh ahmhfk yz“hsh
kfr ahym ynfzfk eu `Cht mfn kyr `kn/
No one can understand how I have changed. Even my friends ask me why
I have such a low opinion of myself.
zhMhfzr pfÇ ei —Nhylfu —fbS krh as®b emnyk `Cht lÅo ei zlpfU `xfu
phfr nh/
It is impossible for the ship to enter the canal. Even a small launch cannot
go on this waterway.
mh« yun chr yqfnr mfQj anj mhnvX Mfw `gl kljhN/
Within only three or four days Kalyan became a different person.
mh« shu bCr ahfgr kUh/
This was only seven years ago.
…pämh«i `Ufk xhfb/
This will remain a dream only.
Kvb very
Kvb is one of the most common and most versatile adverbs in Bangla. It can
(a) adjectives: Kvb bR very big, Kvb Bhl mhnvX a very good person, Kvb sv~qr very
beautiful, Kvb grm very hot
ei smw phyn Kvb km Uhfk/ At this time the water is very low.
\ilyt Kvb qYGò nw/ The will is not very long.
224 ybBîhy™fbhQ kryC Kvb/ I feel very confused.
(b) adverbs Adverbs of
`s Kvb `zhfr M£htl/ He walked very fast.
Kvb qîßu ahmrh bív Mfw \yT/ We became friends very quickly.
`s ahmhr Kvb khfC bsl/ He sat very close to me.
`s Kvb sMzBhfb bll . . . He said very easily . . .
(c) verbs
qhrßN very
—Qhnu mainly
uhr —hw sb khpR Mlvq/ Almost all her clothes are yellow.
eth sb mfn rhKh —hw as®b/ It is almost impossible to remember all of this. 225
8 ybfSXu especially
ahmhr ybfSXu zvuh yknfu efsyC/ We have come especially to buy some
ahmhr ybfSXu ei kybuh Bhl lhfg/ I like this poem especially.
`bS quite
\yn `bS Bhl \pfqS `qn/ He gives fairly good advice.
BYXN extremely.
BYXN is both an adjective and an adverb modifying adjectives.
\yn BYXN rhfgr mhnvX/ He is a very bad-tempered man.
uhfqr bhyR BYXN bR/ Their house is extremely big.
`mhthmvyt approximately, roughly, `mhfti at all
eiBhfb `mhthmvyt cfl xhfb/ This way it will work, pretty much.
ahmrh `mhthmvyt yun Mhzhr thkh Krc kfryC/
We spent about three thousand Taka.
`mht as a noun means total. With a locative ending it usually means in total,
ahym klkhuhw `mhft yunbhr `gyC/ I have been to Kolkata three times
in total.
With the emphasiser i it means at all and is used predominantly in nega-
tive structures.
ahym `sth `mhfti zhnfu chiyn/ I did not want to know this at all.
`mhfti Khrhp `Shnhw nh/ It doesn’t sound at all bad.
xfU§ sufficiently. This can be either an adjective or an adverb modifying
`s ahmhfqr xfU§ shMhxj kfrfC/ He has given us lots of help.
1 2 3 4 5
rLpvr `zlhr phwrhb~q gîhfmr ekth bhyRfu
5 4 3 2 1
at a house in the village of Payrabondo in the district of Rongpur
Chapter 9
`uhmhr sfÃ
you-GEN with
with you
`tybflr ynfc
table-GEN under
under the table
uh ynfw
that about
about that
gu rhfur qvGòtnhr pfr
last night-GEN accident-GEN after
after last night’s accident.
9.1 Common postpositions – overview
– overview
(a) underived postpositions:
abyQ since, until znj, zfnj for, #hrh through, nhghq until, up to,
pxò™ until, —yu towards, ybnh without, mu, mun like
(b) postpositions derived from verbs:
ChRh without, except, `Ufk from, yqfw by, through, Qfr during, ynfw with
(instrumental), Mfu, Mifu from, Mfw through, via
(c) postpositions derived from nouns:
(i) spatial
9 (c) occurrence and other uses
Postpositions (d) derivation
(e) for less common postpositions: synonymous postpositions
(a) within, at an interval of (b) nominative (c) not very common, also used
as a noun (d) nominal (e) pr pr
9.3.2 abyQ
(a) from, until (b) nominative (c) not very common (d) original postposi-
tion (e) `Ufk or pxò™
9.3.3 ahfg
(a) before, ago, in front of (b) genitive (c) very common, also used as an
adverb (d) nominal
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
230 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.4 \fØfS (also \fØfSj ) \pfr on, above
(a) to, towards (b) genitive (c) not very common (d) nominal, also used as
a noun meaning purpose, direction (e) yqfk
(a) on, on top of, above, on the topic of, more than, in addition to (b)
genitive (c) very common (d) nominal, also used as a noun meaning top,
also used as an adverb meaning above, upstairs, also used as an adverb
9.3.6 khChkhyC
(a) close to, near, by (b) genitive (c) not very common (d) nominal, more
commonly used as a noun (e) khfC
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 231
9 —hw —yuyqn ybfkfl nqYr khChkhyC bfs `Ufk kybuh `lfKn mnsvr shfMb/
Postpositions Mr Monsur sits by the river almost every afternoon writing poetry.
uhr bws y«fSr khChkhyC/ He is about thirty.
gîhfmr khChkhyC ahsfu `Cht bR sbhi Cvft el/
As he came close to the village everyone, young and old, came running.
9.3.7 khfC
(a) close to, near, by, to, from (b) genitive (c) very common (d) nominal,
also used as a noun in connection with `Ufk from: uhr khC `Ufk from him,
also used as an adverb
(a) than, compared to (b) genitive (c) very common (d) verbal, also used as
a verb form meaning having asked (see Appendix 4 on compound verbs),
also used as an adverb meaning rather (see Ch. 7.5.12)
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
232 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
uhfqr ahmhfqr `cfw \phzòn afnk `byS/ They have a much greater income ChRh except,
than we do. without
mvfKr chifu uhr gh afnk Prsh/ His body is a lot whiter than his face.
9.3.9 ChRh
(a) without, except, apart from (b) all cases (c) very common (d) verbal.
Unlike most other verbal postpositions in the perfective participle form,
ChRh is in the verbal noun form.
nom ahym ChRh sbhi cfl ygfwfC/
Everybody has left apart from me.
gen ahmhr ChRh sbhr syqò `lfgfC/
Everyone, apart from me, caught a cold.
obj kUhth ahym `uhmhfk ChRh kh\fk bylyn/
I have said this to no-one but you.
loc skhfl ChRh `x `khfnh smw ahsfu phr/
You can come any time except in the morning.
uh ChRh apart from that, also is often used at the beginning of sentences to
introduce additional information.
uhi `sKhfn yuyn rYyumu ghfnr uhylm `nn/ uh ChRh ahké§ Mn yUfwthfrr —yu/
So there he took regular singing lesson. And also he became attracted to
uKfnh eKhfn ynwymu —qSònY Mu nh/ uh ChRh eKhfn xh `qKhfnh Mu uhfk yTk ysfnmh
blh sÃu nw/
At that time there were no proper exhibitions. And what was shown could
not rightly be called cinema.
'uvym ahflwhr ypCfn CvtC/" 'ahflwh!" 'uh ChRh ahr yk?"
‘You are chasing after a delusion.’ ‘Delusion!’ ‘What else?’
uvym ChRh ahr `k\ kKfnh e kUh bflyn/ No one but you has ever said this.
ahmhfk ChRh o `khUho xhw nh/ He doesn’t go anywhere without me.
ahym `uhmhr ã«Y ChRh ahr ykCv ni/ I am just your wife.
ekth ChRh ahmhr y#uYw `kht `ni/ I have but the one coat.
\yn ChRh yunzn `slsæmjhn yCl/ There were three salesmen apart
from him.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 233
9.3.10 znj, zfnj (there is no difference in meaning or
use between the two forms)
(a) with animate nouns: for, on behalf of, about; with inanimate nouns:
due to, because of; with verbal nouns: in order to; with stretches of time:
for, for the duration of (b) genitive (c) very common (d) underived
(a) from, since (b) nominative, genitive after verbal nouns (c) very common,
also used as verb form (d) verbal
In combination with animate nouns khC `Ufk is more common than `Ufk on
its own. This use can be considered a double postposition but syntactically
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
234 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
the postposition khfC reverts back to its nominal function. More on com- `Ufk from
bined postpositions at the end of this chapter.
inanimate noun: rhÄh `Ufk from the road
animate noun: bhbhr khC `Ufk from father
`Ufk is often used in conjunction with pxò™ until:
skhl `Ufk rhu pxò™ from morning till night
ahz `Ufk ei mhfsr eky«S uhyrK pxò™
from today until the 31st of this month
uh `Ufk ahym \pfqS phi/ I get advice from that.
kphl `Ufk Ghm `mhCh wipe the sweat from one’s brow
Dhkh `Ufk klkhuh `byS qVr nw/ It is not very far from Dhaka to Kolkata.
`uhmrh kfb `Ufk eKhfn ahC? Since when have you been here?
ek `mrß `Ufk ybprYu `mrßfu xhowh go from one extreme to another
ahmrh ahfgr ahflhcnh `Ufk uh We realise that from the previous
lÇj kfryC/ discussion.
bhifr `Ufk uhkhfl uh sMfz `chfK This is not easily detected from the
pfR nh/ outside.
uhr Mhu `Ufk khgfzr tvkfrhth The piece of paper fell from his hand.
pfR `gl/
Here are two examples of `Ufk used with animate nouns:
ghdò `Ufk Svfn efs bll . . . heard from the guard, came
and said . . .
svurhL ahym mhnvX `Ufk qVfr bhs kyr/ So I live at a distance from people.
In some cases `Ufk can be used temporally meaning after:
`s `Ufk yk `x MfwyCl uhr `k zhfn/
Who knows what happened to him thereafter.
ahfmyrkh xhowhr `Ufk `s mq `CfR yqfwfC/
After going to America he gave up alcohol.
khC `Ufk:
`uhmhr khC `Ufk ahym yk `pfwyC? What have I received from you?
yPfrhz uhfqr khC `Ufk ybqhw ynfw . . . Having said good-bye to them, Firoz . . .
In the following example khC is clearly a noun:
ektv khC `Ufk `qKfl . . . When you look at it closely . . .
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 235
9 `Ufk is used with ynfz self meaning of his/her own accord
`s ynfz `Ufk ei kUh bll/ She said this of her own accord.
ahym yk uhr `Ufk `byS zhyn? Do I know anything more than that?
uhr `Ufko xh gvrßuápVNò, uh Ml uhfqr Çmuh yCl pvrßXfqr `Ufk `byS/
More importantly, they were more powerful than the men.
`ghlhfpr `Ufk z£i Pvflr gí `byS uYbî∞/
The smell of jasmine is more intense than that of roses.
Comparative structures are given in Ch. 7.5.
9.3.12 yqfk
(a) towards, in the direction of, at, approximating (b) genitive, nominative
in fixed phrases (c) very common, also used as a noun (d) nominal
bl `ghflr yqfk gyRfw `gl/ The ball was rolling towards the goal.
síjhr yqfk efsh/ Come around at evening time!
`cHfØh Sufkr yqfk in around the fourteenth century
with nominative
Gfrr pyŸcm yqfk ys£yR/ The stairs are on the west side of the house.
ahr qyÇN pyŸcm yqfk thylr Gr/
And towards the south-west is the tiled room.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
236 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
Here is an example which uses yqfk as a noun: yqfw with
sVxò, uvym `sîhfur \f¶th yqfk `xfu `cfwyCfl/
Surjo, you wanted to swim against the current.
9.3.13 yqfw
(a) with (instrumental), through, by, via, from, by means of (b) nominative,
object case with animate nouns (c) very common, also used as verb form
(d) verbal
`Khkh qvQ yqfw Bhu `mfK `KfwfC/ The boy ate rice mixed with milk.
phyK zhnhlh yqfw \fR `gfC/ The bird flew through the window.
cvl yqfw zl ZrfC/ Water is dripping off (her) hair.
rhÄhth `khnyqk yqfw? Which way is the road? or In which
direction do we go?
Mhu yqfw Bhu Khi We eat rice with our hands.
ycyn yqfw ch bhnhfnh prepare tea with sugar
qyR yqfw b£hQh tie with a rope
nhk yqfw r∆ pRh bleed from the nose
zhnhlh yqfw `qKh see through the window
rhÄh yqfw M£hth walk along the road
nuvn ybîz yqfw ahsh come via the new bridge
q£hu yqfw `T£ht khmRhfnh bite one’s lips
following animate nouns in the object case: with the help of, through,
uhfk yqfw ahsbhb srhfnh MfwfC/ The furniture was moved with
his help.
`s nhnhn rkm bi bhpfk yqfw He reads various books bought
ykynfw pfR/ by his father.
`uhmhr `qS `x `uhmhfk yqfw uhi chw/ Your country wants that from you.
The objective ending can be dropped when the noun is non-specific:
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 237
9 Here is an example in which the function of yqfw hovers between postposi-
Postpositions tion and verb:
`khno `khno síjh `s ghn yqfw Bfr rhKu/
Some evenings she used to fill with song.
In the following sentence yqfw is a verb form:
uhfqr qvAK yqfw uvym yk svKY Mfu phrfb?
Can you be happy if you give them grief ?
9.3.14 #hrh
9.3.15 Qfr
(a) by, via, with, during, for (with time), not used with animate nouns,
mainly used with time and place (b) nominative (c) common, also used as
verb form (d) verbal
nhm Qfr dhkh call by name
kyqn Qfri lÇ kryC . . . I have been noticing for a few days . . .
ek súhM Qfr œmhgu béy§ MfÉC/ There has been incessant rain for one week.
ei rhÄh Qfr eygfw `gfl —QhnmìYr bhsBbn/
Further along this road is the prime minister’s residence.
ahmrh anj ekth rhÄh Qfr efsyC/ We came along a different route.
euÇN Qfr xh `qKl uh ymUjh, uh mhwh/
What he had seen up till now were just lies and illusions.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
238 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
In some of these temporal uses, the meaning of Qfr comes close to the use nhghq up to
of zfnj for, but there is a difference in perspective:
(1) yun súhM Qfr béy§ MfwfC/ and (2) yun súhfMr zfnj béy§ MfwfC/ can both be trans-
lated as It has been raining for three weeks. Sentence (2) is more about
the amount of rainfall, sentence (1) about the stretch of time, the individual
days of incessant rain, the daily struggle to get the washing dry and things
like that. In other words, Qfr looks at the situation from the inside, zfnj
from the outside.
(a) up to, until, by (with time) (b) nominative (c) not very common (d)
underived (e) mfQj, pxò™
9.3.17 ynfc
(a) under, underneath, below, often spatial (b) genitive (c) very common,
also used as an adverb (d) nominal
9.3.18 ynfw
(a) with, about (b) nominative, objective with animates (c) very common,
also used as a verb form (d) verbal
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 239
9 s´w uhrpr ei bjhphrth ynfw afnk `BfbfC/
Postpositions Afterwards Sanjoy thought a lot about this matter.
ahzkhl pyrfbS ynfw chryqfk ahflhcnh clfC/
Nowadays the environment is being discussed everywhere.
uqvpyr asvñ SrYr ynfw yuyn ycyT ylfKn/
On top of that, in spite of his ill health, he writes letters.
ahmhfqr xh ahfC uh ynfw ahmrh gybòu Mfu phyr/
We can be proud of what we have.
er khrN ynfw py’urh nhnh rkfmr bjhKjh yqfwfCn/
Scholars have given various explanations as to the reasons for this.
with animate nouns and pronouns:
runfk ynfw kUh \Tl/ The topic of Roton came up.
ekzn aQòméu ã«Yfk ynfw syuj `uh `khfnh lhB `ni ahmhr/
Naturally, a half-dead wife is no use to me.
ahym ofqr sklfk ynfw pfrr yqni ydnhr Khowhlhm/
I fed them all dinner the following day.
\yn ã«Yfk ynfw `qhuhlh Gfrr \pfrr pVbò yqfkr khmrhw Uhfkn/
He and his wife live in the east room on the top floor of a two-storey
in the following two examples ynfw is a verb form:
9.3.19 pfÇ
(a) for, on behalf of, in regard to (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal (e)
overlaps with zfnj
pfÇ comes from pÇ meaning side. There are some overlaps with zfnj:
ahym `uhmhr pfÇ —hUònh kyr/
ahym `uhmhr zfnj —hUònh kyr/
I pray for you.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
240 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
pfÇ has the more limited and more specific range on behalf of, on the pyrbfuò instead
side of.
9.3.20 pyrbfuò
(a) instead of, in place of (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal (e) overlaps
with bqfl
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 241
9.3.21 pfr (also pr )
(a) after (b) genitive (c) very common (d) nominal, also used as adverb
9.3.22 pxò™
(a) until, up to, as long as, used spatially and temporally (b) nominative,
ocasionally locative, can also follow verb forms (c) very common, often
used in combination with `Ufk from (d) nominal
The use of pxò™ as a noun in the sense of limit, extreme is rare but the
nominal meaning pervades many of the postpositional uses.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
242 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
Mhsphuhl pxò™ `M£ft `xfu You will be able to walk as far as the hospital. pxò™ until
khC pxò™ xhowh s®b Ml nh/ It was not possible to get up close.
preceding locative:
ybfwr ahfg pxò™ sb Bhifbhn bhbh-mhfwr sfà bhs krfb/
Until they get married all the siblings will live with their parents.
emnyk `chfK pxò™ `qfKnyn u£hfk/
lit: even up to eyes you didn’t see him
But you didn’t even see him.
In this and the following structures English has to resort to an adverbial
ekfP£hth zl pxò™ Khnyn/
lit: up to one drop of water you didn’t drink
You didn’t even have a drop of water.
uhfk sh™ánh `qbhr BhXh pxò™ `syqn K£vfz phiyn ahym/
That day I couldn’t even find the language to comfort him.
examples with `SX pxò™:
`SX pxò™ `s `b£fc `gfC/
He survived in the end (after all).
Bhbfu Bhbfu `SX pxò™ `s bvZfu `pfryCl . . .
After a lot of thought he finally understood . . .
uKno ahmhfqr ybSáhs yCl, ahpyn Mwu `SX pxò™ —yuSîßyu BÃ krfbn nh/
At that time we still believed that you wouldn’t perhaps, after all, break
your promise.
pxò™ following an imperfective participle:
This is unusual and perhaps not representative as both examples are taken
from the same novel,1 but this use of pxò™ should be noted.
9.3.23 phfn
(a) towards, in the direction of (b) genitive (c) rare (d) underived, yqfk and
—yu are much more commonly used
zhnhlhr bhifr ÄbÜ rhy«r aíkhfrr phfn `cfw Uhfkn yuyn/
He is looking out of the window towards the stillness of the dark night.
(a) near, alongside, next to (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal, also used
as a noun
bhyRr ahfSphfS `khn `qhkhn `ni/ There are no shops close to the house.
`uhmhr Cybr phShphyS ahmhfqr Our photo was printed alongside
Cyb Chph MfwfC/ yours.
bhyRr yTk phfS ekth kqm ghC/ There is a Kadam tree right beside
the house.
(a) behind, at the back of (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal
uhr ypCfn afnk qvAfKr kUh/ There is a very sad story behind it.
ahmhfk uhr ypCfn `tfn ynfw `gl/ He dragged me along behind him.
xhrh ahmhfqr ypCfn ahsfb uhrh ei BhXh bvZfb nh/
Those who come after us (our descendants) will not understand this
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
244 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.26 —yu —yu towards
(a) towards (b) genitive (c) not very common, somewhat formal (d) un-
derived (e) yqfk is more common
9.3.27 bqfl
9.3.28 bhifr
(a) outside of, beyond (b) genitive (c) common, also used as noun (d)
Gfrr bhifr esb Mh\mh\ ykfsr? What is all that noise outside the house?
`qfSr bhifr ahflhcnhth clfC/ The discussion is going on outside the
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 245
9 esb yzyns uhr yc™hr bhifr/
Postpositions All these things are beyond his imagination.
9.3.29 bhfq
(a) after, except (b) nominative (c) not very common, pfr or ChRh are more
common (d) nominal
9.3.30 ybnh
(a) without (b) locative noun phrase follows ybnh (c) not very common
(d) underived (e) more common: ChRh
ybnh is the only preposition in current use. In most contexts the postposition
ChRh can be used instead of ybnh but the unusual positioning of ybnh before
the accompanying noun phrase makes for an unobtrusive and elegant
phrase structure, particularly in contexts like ybnh `c§hw effortlessly, ybnh kf§
without problems, etc. From a structural point of view, ybnh acts more like
a prefix than a preposition.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
246 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.31 ybrßfº ybrßfº against
(a) against, in opposition to (b) genitive (c) common (d) derived from adjec-
tive ybrߺ adverse, unfavourable
uhr ybrfº `uhmhr ayBfxhg ykfsr? What is your complaint against him?
xhrh ahmhr ybrßfº ofT those who rise against me
ybî∞ytS rhzhr ybrßfº kUh blfuo yuyn Bw `pfun nh/
He was not afraid to speak even against the British king.
(a) in, within, inside (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal, remains very close
to its original nominal meaning
(a) like, as, suitable for, according to (b) genitive, nominative (c) very common
(d) underived
mu is one of the most frequent and versatile postpositions in Bangla. The
examples below show its structural features and semantic range.
comparisons, with preceding genitive like, as
eKnkhr mu as now, ahfgr mu as before, uhr bhbhr mu like his father,
Bw-phowh ySSvr mu like a frightened child, rhfur mu aíkhr as dark as the
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 247
9 night, ahkhfSr mu \qhr as free as the sky, shgfrr mu gBYr as deep as the
Postpositions sea, tfmfthr mu tvktvfk lhl bright red like a tomato.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
248 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.34 mfQj mhZKhfn in
(a) within, among, in between, inside, in (b) genitive (c) very common
(d) nominal
qS mhiflr mfQj within ten miles, Gfrr mfQj in the room, `s mhfTr mfQj in
that field
Khuhth u£hr bigvflhr mfQj rfwfC/ The notebook was left among his books.
u£hbvr mfQj `khUho `s `ni/ He was nowhere in the tent.
uhr `qM bfnr mfQj pfR ahfC/ His body is lying in the forest.
(a) in the middle of (b) genitive (c) common (d) nominal (e) mfQj
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 249
9 rhzhr mu yqn khytfwfC `s, `khno Bhbnh `ni, `khno qhywuá `ni, ahkhS ahr
Postpositions péyUbYr mhZKhfn, sVfxòr ynfc Zflhmflh-ryWn —zhpyu/
He spent his days like a king, without worries or responsibilities,
a colourful bright butterfly in between the sky and the earth and
under the sun.
Khbhfrr mhZKhfn uhr mhUhw ei bvyº el/
In the middle of the meal she had this idea.
nqYr mhZhmhyZ `nHkhyt `Bfs xhfÉC/
The boat is floating in the middle of the river.
mhZKhfn can also be used temporally:
gu bCfrr mhZKhfn yqy^fu ygfwyCl/
He went to Delhi in the middle of last year.
9.3.36 mhfZ
(a) among, in the middle of, in between (b) genitive (c) not very common
(d) nominal (e) less common than mfQj
uhfqr ∏uyr pfUr mhfZ nhnh ybSî∞hm ñhfnr uhrh sv~qr sv~qr nhm yqfwyCl/
Along the paths they had built they had given beautiful names to various
rest stops.
afnfkr mhfZ uvym ekzn mh«/ You are just one among many.
9.3.37 mhQjfm
(a) through, by, by means of (b) genitive (c) not very common (d) nominal
(e) less common than yqfw
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
250 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.38 mhyPk mhrPu through
(a) according to (b) nominative (c) very rare (d) underived (e) mu is more
ahym ynfzr rßyvc mhyPk rhêh kyr/ I cook according to my own taste.
9.3.39 mhrPu
(a) through, by (b) nominative, genitive with pronouns (c) rare (d) un-
derived (e) yqfw or #hrh are more common
9.3.40 xhbJ
(a) since, for (with time) (b) nominative (c) rare (d) underived (e) ahfg `Ufk, Qfr
kwlh `ni qvyqn xhbJ/ There hasn’t been any coal for two days.
9.3.41 sfÃ
(a) with (b) genitive (c) very common, also used as an adverb (d) nominal
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 251
9 ufb Przhnhr pCf~qr sfà u£hr `umn yml `ni/
Postpositions But there was no real match between his and Farzana’s preferences.
`bcv aynÉChr sfà \fT q£hRhflh/ Becu stood up reluctantly.
uhrh gfbòr sfà uvfl Qrfln/ They accomplished it with pride.
qvAfKr sfà bflfC he said with sadness
aymuhB `bS `zhfrr sfà bll . . . Amitav said forcefully . . .
9.3.42 sfµo
9.3.43 sôpfkò
(a) about, on the subject of (b) nominative with nouns, optional genitive
with animate nouns and pronouns (c) not very common, also used as a
noun (d) nominal (e) ynfw is more common in informal language
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
252 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
9.3.44 smáfí shmfn in
front of
(a) about, on the subject of (b) nominative with nouns, optional genitive
with animate nouns and pronouns (c) not very common (d) nominal (e) ynfw
is used in informal contexts, ybXfw on the subject of is also used
(a) in front of, facing, ahead of (b) genitive (c) common. shmfn is more
common than shmnhshmyn. (d) nominal, also used as adverb
9.3.46 Mfu
Mfu is used in exactly the same way as `Ufk. The sadhu form Mifu is found
in older texts.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
ation, (e) synonymous postpositions 253
9 (a) (1) from, since (2) than, compared to (b) (1) nominative (2) genitive
Postpositions (c) not very common (d) imperfective participle form of Mowh be, become
(e) `Ufk is more commonly used
1 from, since
rhQhr Mfu lyluh afnk bR/ Lolita is much taller than Radha.
yuyn ISár gvfúr Mfu ykCvth ahQvynk/
He was somewhat more modern than Ishwar Gupta.
`b£fc Uhkh mfr xhowhr Mfu `byS xìNhr/
Staying alive is more painful than dying.
9.3.47 Mfw
(a) as, for, on behalf of, via (b) nominative and genitive (c) common (d)
verbal, also used as a verb form
With a preceding genitive Mfw expresses on behalf of and usually follows
an animate noun phrase.
(a) meaning, (b) case ending of preceding noun, (c) occurrence and other uses, (d) deriv-
254 ation, (e) synonymous postpositions
oKhfn ekth bhyRfu `pywLfgãt Mfw Uhyk/ Postpositions –
I stay in a house there as (having become) a paying guest. other uses
rßmh phUr Mfw q£hyRfw ril/ Ruma stood still like a stone.
ahym uhr bív nh Mfw uhr Mfw ykCv blfu phrb nh/
Not being his friend I cannot speak on his behalf.
pfr later
afnk yqn pfr ahbhr erkm Ml/ This happened again many years later.
uhrh pfr ahsfb/ They will come later.
eth pfr ahflhcnh krb/ We will discuss this later.
ahfg earlier, ago, first
\pMhrth ahfg qho/ Give me the present first.
ahfg Mhu-mvK Qvfw `ni/ (I) will wash my hands and face first.
9 All spatial postpositions can be used as adverbs.
`s bhifr `khUho xhw nh/ He doesn’t go out anywhere.
yBufr `k\ `ni/ There is no-one inside.
uvym shmfn ygfw q£hRho/ Go and stand at the front.
\pfr and ynfc as adverbs usually mean upstairs and downstairs:
`s \pfr Uhfk/ He lives upstairs.
ynfc ahr ekth P†jht ahfC/ There is another flat downstairs.
uhrh qvzfn Kvb khChkhyC/ The two of them are very close.
ahmrh ycryqn ypCfn q£hyRfw Will we forever be standing at the
Uhkb yk? back?
`qhkhnth eKhn `Ufk Kvb khfC/ The shop is very close to here.
ei `k~qîfk yGfr GVyNòZfRr —c’ uvlkhlhm Gtfu Uhfk, yk≤ yTk mhZKhfn ykCv `ni/
The tornado causes extensive chaos outside of this centre, but right in the
middle nothing happens.
sfà with, alongside
yryno sfà yCl/ Rini was also there.
When two postpositions occur together, the first one reverts to its nominal
status. The second postposition determines the case ending of the first.
With doubled spatial postpositions, the first one often gives the position,
the second one the direction.
ei yqk yqfw yk xhowh xhw nh? Is it not possible to go this way round?
The following two examples show the difference in case use:
Some postpositions are less likely to drop their locative endings than
others, simply because of their phonological shape. bhir outside does not
even exist as a dictionary entry. Both ahfg before and shmfn in front of are
so much more common than their nominative root words that the locative
endings stay.
Now that we have seen the postpositions that can function as adverbs, it
is not surprising that these same postpositions can be preceded by modify-
ing adverbs.
9.5 khC `Ufk and other places khC `Ufk and
other places
This section brings together some semantic observations which do not
easily fit in anywhere else. Glosses are given to show the differences between
Bangla and English. In bhLlh BhXh pyrcw 2 Tagore points out that `Ufk from
can only be used with inanimate objects, which is why we have to say
amvfkr khC `Ufk lit: from close to a person from someone. This has to do
with physical locations and draws attention to the fact that Bangla is very
precise in naming the location and origin of things. Tagore gives two further
Parallel to this, and moving away from `Ufk, we have phrases like the
following. It is noticeable how precise the Bangla phrases are compared
to the English and how the relevant body-parts are almost always named
where English takes a more holistic approach.
Chapter 10
1 coordinating conjunctions
2 subordinating conjunctions
3 correlative conjunctions
o and, also
ahym xhb uvymo xhfb/
I go-1-FUT you o go-2-FUT
You and I will go.
ebL and
uhr khfC sb Svfn ebL ynfzr `chfK `qfK efsyC/
he-GEN by all hear-PP ebL own eye-LOC see-PP come-1-PR-PERF.
I heard it all from him and saw it for myself.
10 ahr and, more
`s ekbhr Bhbl nh `khUhw xhfÉC ahr `kn bh xhfÉC/
he once think-3-P-S not where go-3-PR-C ahr why EMP go-3-PR-C
He didn’t think once where he was going or why he was going there.
ahbhr and, again, then
\fT q£hRhfln dh∆hr ∏m«, phwchyr krfln, ahbhr bsfln, ahbhr \Tfln/
get up-PP stand-3H-P-S Dr Mitra walk-do-3H-P-S ahbhr sit-3H-P-S
ahbhr get up-3H-P-S
Dr Mitra got up, paced up and down, sat down and stood up again.
aUbh or
khro znj rhêh kfr yqfw ahsfun aUbh khro Mfw ycyT-p« ylKfun/
someone-GEN for cook-do-PP give-PP come-3H-P-HABIT aUbh
someone-GEN on behalf of letter write-3H-P-HABIT
She would return having done the cooking for someone or she would be
writing letters on someone’s behalf.
bh or
ahym Gr mvCb bh uvym Gr mvCfb?
I house wipe-1-FUT bh you house wipe-2-FUT
Shall I wash the floor or will you do it?
yk or
uhrh rhyz yk grrhyz uh ahym ykCvi zhyn nh/
they willing yk unwilling that I something EMP know-1-PR-S not
I have no idea whether they are willing or not.
ykLbh, ykôbh or
xhrh Çmuhw ahfC ykLbh xhrh Çmuhw `xfu chw . . .
they-REL power-LOC [is present] ykLbh they-REL power-LOC go-IP
Those who have power or those who want to get power . . .
yknh whether or not
orh KvyS MfwfC yknh uh zhnfu `cfwyC/
they happy be-3-PR-PERF yknh that know-IP-want-1-PR-PERF
262 I wanted to know whether they were satisfied or not.
sb bjbñh yTkmu krh MfwfC yknh uho `uh `qKfu Mfb/ Coordinating
all arrangement properly do-VN be-3-PR-PERF yknh that also EMP conjunctions
see-IP be-3-FUT
We also have to see whether all the arrangements have been made
properly or not.
nh or
ahmhr qS nh bhr Uhlh lhgfb/
I-GEN ten or twelve plate need-3-FUT
I need ten or twelve plates.
nhyk or
`s `M£ft xhfbn nhyk yrkSh `nfbn yTk `ni/
he walk-PP go-3-H-FUT nhyk rickshaw take-3-H-FUT fixed [is absent]
Whether he will walk or go by rickshaw is not certain.
yk≤ but
ahym sb smw ei yqfk ahys yk≤ `Cflytfk ahzfk —Ufm `qKlhm/
I always this way-LOC come-1-PR-S yk≤ boy-CL-OBJ today first
I always come this way but I saw the boy for the first time today. 263
10 ufb but
pfR yknh zhyn nh ufb pRbhr `uh kUh/
read-3-PR-S whether or not know-1-PR-S not ufb read-ba-VN-GEN
EMP word
I don’t know whether he studies or not but study he should.
khrN because
khzth Kvb sMz nw khrN shMhxj krhr mu `k\ `ni/
work-CL very easy [is not] khrN help-do-VN-GEN like someone
[is absent]
The work is not very easy because there is no-one who could help.
`knnh because
mvrygr bhÉch `byS xfÕr mfQj yqfw phln krfu Mw/ `knnh, syTk pºyu zhnh nh
Uhkfl mvrygr bhÉch phlh sMz nw/
chicken-GEN young much care-GEN within with rear-do-IP
be-3-PR-S. `knnh method know-VN not be-CP chicken-GEN young
breeding easy [is not]
Breeding baby chickens has to be done with much care because
breeding them is not easy when you don’t know the proper
aueb therefore
uhr kuòbj `SX/ aueb klkhuhw yPfr `xfu asvybQh `ni/
he-GEN duty end. so Kolkata-LOC return-PP go-IP problem
[is not]
264 His duties were finished. So there was no problem in returning to Kolkata.
svurhL therefore, consequently Coordinating
`Cht chkyr `Ufk —fmhSn `pfw iwhdò-mhãthr pxò™ \Tflh/ svurhL `bufnr yqfk o
ahr yc™h yCl nh/
small job from promotion get-PP yard-master until rise-3-P-S. surhL
salary-GEN towards also more worry [was not]
He got promoted from a small job to station master. Hence there was no
more worry about his salary.
khfzi therefore, so
ahmhr `uh thkhr aBhb `ni/ khfzi `uhmhr l°h krhr yk ahfC?
I-GEN EMP money-GEN lack [is absent]. khfzi you-GEN
embarrassment-do-VN-GEN what [is present]
But I am not short of money. So why would you be embarrassed?
uhi so
uhr asfu `qyr MfwfC/ uhi Khrhp lhgfC/
he-GEN come-IP late be-3-PR-PERF. So bad feel-3-PR-C
He came late. That’s why he is feeling bad.
`sznj for this reason, therefore
mhnvXyt ektv anjrkm/ `szfnj uhr bív km/
man-CL a bit different. `szfnj he-GEN friend few
The man is a bit strange. That is why he has few friends.
uhMfl if this is so
uhMfl is a conditional clause which operates as the correlative in conditional
structures xyq – uhMfl if – then. It is also used as a preclause at the begin-
ning of sentences uhMfl ahym xhb nh in that case I won’t go. What distinguishes
it from purely temporal conjunctions like uhrpr then is that it always needs
a precursor, something to follow on from. Examples for uhMfl in conditional
sentences are given in Ch. 29.7.
10.1.6 Temporal
uhrpr, uhrpfr then
ahmrh ahfg Bhu `Kfw `ni, uhrpfr uhs `Klb, `kmn?
we before rice eat-PP take-1-PR-S uhrpfr card play-1-FUT how
How about we eat first and play cards afterwards?
Correlatives come in pairs and make for quite different sentence structures
than in English, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to translate the
conjunctions themselves. Correlative uses are demonstrated in detail in
Ch. 29.8. Apart from the subordinating correlative structures below, there
are the following two coordinating correlative structures:
Mw - nh Mw either – or
`qK, mh, Mw uvym e bhyR `CfR cfl xho, nh Mw ahym xhb/
look mother Mw you this house leave-PP move-PP go-2-PR-IMP nh Mw I
Look, mother, either you leave this house or I will go.
efk `uh p£hyzp£vyUfu ynfXQ ChRh kUhi `ni, uhr \pfr xyq Gfrr Shã« bhnhfu Uhk uh
Mfl bLSrÇh Mfb yk kfr?
one-LOC EMP almanac-LOC prohibition except word EMP [is absent]
that-GEN on if house-GEN rule make-IP stay-2-PR-S then family
protection be-3-FUT what do-PP
Not only are the almanacs full of prohibitions, but if on top of that you keep
on making your own family rules, how will the family line be preserved?
Here now are the subordinating correlatives:
In order to get to grips with the uses of o, ebL and ahr, here is something to
keep in mind. First, Bangla has naturally much less need for a conjunction
and. We sat and talked is ahmrh bfs kUh bllhm. You and I in Bangla is sim-
ply uvym ahym. When more people come along we can list them and add a
collective noun at the end, or we can add o or ahr before the last item:
ahym eKhn `Ufk sfr xhb nh ahr `uhmhr krhr ykCv `ni/
I here from move-IP go-1-FUT not ahr you-GEN do-VN-GEN
something [is absent]
I am not moving from here, and there is nothing you can do about it.
with ebL :
Chapter 11
Here are the basic question words with their word classes:
`k who pronoun
yk what pronoun
`kn why adverb
`kmn how adverb
`khUh where adverb
kfb when adverb
kKn when adverb
`khn which adjective
ku how much adjective
kw, k how many adjective
11.2 `k who
`k and its case and number variations khr, khfk, khrh, khfqr are quite straight
forward in their use. Since they are pronouns they will appear where their
equivalent nouns would be:
`k and its case variants can be placed at the end of sentences for emphasis:
yk≤ ei abñhw Svfw pRfb `k? But under these circumstances who will
go to bed?
kUhth bflfC `k? Who said that?
`mfr `Plfb? `mfr `Plfb khfk? Kill? Kill whom?
11.3 yk what
272 ykBhfb how, in what way ykrkm what kind yk Qrfnr what type.
with other nouns: yk what
Just these two sentences show that `kn lends itself to rhetorical
questions and accusations, particularly when it occurs at the beginning
of the sentence. Its unmarked position straight after the subject gives
a more neutral impression.
`kmn is both an adjective and an adverb and can mean how as well as what
kind, what sort.
as an adjective:
11 `kmn kfr how
phMhR `kmn kfr Ml?
mountain `kmn kfr be-3-P-S
How did mountains come into being?
`kmn kfr yC£fR `gfC?
`kmn kfr tear-PP go-3-PR-PERF
How did it get torn?
`khUh occurs with its locative ending `khUhw more often than it does without
it. The nominative appears in combinations with some postpositions `khUh
`Ufk from where, `khUh pxò™ up to where. ki koi and `kh ko are colloquial ver
sions of `khUhw. It can appear straight after the subject or follow the verb at
the end of the sentence. In existential sentences it always comes at the end.
uhr mhbhbh `khUhw Uhfkn?
his parents `khUhw live-3-PR-S
Where do his parents live?
`tîn `khUh `Ufk `CfRfC?
train `khUh from leave-3-PR-PERF
Where did the train leave from?
chybth ki?
key-CL where
Where is the key?
These two interrogatives differ according to the time frame they occur in,
seen from the present moment into either the past or the future.
kfb has a time frame of more than a day and less than, say, twenty years.
It can be replied to with either a point in time or with the stretch of time
that has passed or is still to come.
yuyn kfb mhrh `gfCn? gu bCr/
When did he die? Last year.
uhrh kfb efsfC? gukhl/
276 When did they arrive? Yesterday.
`uhmhr prYÇh kfb? ahro qv mhs pfr/ kfb and kKn
When is your exam? In another two months. when
Unlike yk in connection with nouns (yk asvybQh what problem, yk —Sä what
question) `khn presupposes a choice of options and asks for a specification.
zhmhth `khn `qhkhfn `knh? In which shop was the shirt bought?
`uhmhr `khn kybuh Bhl lhfg? Which poem do you like?
ghyRthr `khn thifpr iy´n? What type of an engine does the
car have?
for place: orh `khnKhfn Uhfk? Where (in which place) do they live?
`Mhftlth `khn yqfk? Which way is the hotel?
eth `khn zhwgh? What place is this?
for time: Khbhr `khn `blhw? At what time (of the day) is the
`uhmhr `khn smw svybQh? What time is convenient for you?
bXòhkhl `khn mhfs Mw? During which months is the monsoon?
Doubling of `khn implies plural:
BîmfNr zfnj `khn `khn xhnbhMn phowh xhw? What kinds of transport are
available for travelling?
278 uvym `khn `khn `qhkhfn ygfwyCfl? Which shops did you go to?
ku how much
11.9 ku how much and kw how many
and kw how
These two adjectives ask about amounts.
With the locative ending kwthw , or shortened kthw means at what time and
is asking for a specific time, given in numbers.
ku how much can be used with all noncount nouns but it is also used with
many count nouns and measure words. While kwth looks at individual items
ku looks at sums.
ku with measure words and nouns denoting time and space:
ku qhm lit: how much price = how much
ku qVr lit: how much distance = how far
ahr ku `qyr krfu Mfb? How long do (we) have to wait?
ku thkh how much money
ku smw at what time
kuÇN lit: how much moment = for how long (within a day)
ku yqn lit: how much day = for how long (longer than two days)
to compare:
`k who – `k\ someone, `khn which – `khno any, `khUh where – `khUho
somewhere, etc. (see Ch. 14.2)
But they can also function as indefinites themselves, usually in exclamative
sentences. Examples are given in Ch. 27.4.
Chapter 12
Emphasisers, particles,
This chapter gives the remaining word classes of Bangla, divided in the
following way:
12.1 Emphasisers
12.1.1 i
The role of i is built into the syntax of particular structures and implies
as soon as:
without i with i
In other contexts the impact can be sensed but often not translated very well.
12.1.2 o
1 Probal Dasgupta, Bangla in: George Cardona, Dhanesh Jain (eds) The Indo-Aryan
Languages, Routledge 2003. 283
12 1 o forms indefinite pronouns and adverbs from question words
khr whose – khro someone’s, `k who – `k\ someone, `khn which –
`khno any, `khUh where – `khUho somewhere. These are discussed
in Ch. 14.2.
2 o changes now eKn to still eKno and if xyq to even though xyqo
ahym sfà `gfl if I come too ahym sfà `gflo even if I come too
kuòbj kfr having done her duty kuòbj kfro even though she did her
Here is the full sentence:
12.1.3 `uh
12.2 Particles
Particles are lexical items which are taken out of their regular contexts
and sprinkled into the conversation to add a little twist or express attitude.
That Bangla is a language with attitude2 is particularly visible in these par-
ticles, in the way they unobtrusively combine with emphasisers and question
words, turn up in unexpected places and often add a note of sarcasm,
humour, irony or doubt.
12.2.1 uh
uh is, above all, a nominative and objective inanimate pronoun. It can stand
on its own as the subject or object of a sentence and is used in correlative
structures. But it can also act as a particle with no effect other than a
slight hesitation or looking for the right word. It usually occurs at the
beginning of sentences.
288 2 Rabindranath Tagore, bhLlh BhXh pyrcw, —Um yqbj—khS sLãkrN Dhaka 2002, p. 25
mh kfb mhrh `gfC ahmhr/ uh, ek qhqh ahfC/ Particles
mothere when hit-go I-GEN uh one older brother [is present]
My mother died a long time ago. But I have an older brother.
12.2.2 bh
`bchrh yk bh krfb?
poor man what bh do-3-FUT
What will the poor man do?
12.2.3 nh
Apart from being the universal negator in Bangla, nh has the following uses:
as a conjunction or
12.2.5 yk
yk has a variety of uses (see Ch. 11). In addition to these we find some
combinations with yk as a filler word or a wait-a minute-while-I decide-
what-to-say stop-gap. These combinations do not take kindly to being
taken out of context. Here are some of them.
orh yk nhyk ahzfk Uhkfb?
they yk not what today-3-FUT
They are staying today, are they?
syuji blfu yk/
true say-IP yk
You don’t say! (or something like that)
Here is a typical example with bh and yk together:
abSj ei ynfw ekth ghn nh ylfK bh `s kfr yk/
of course this with one-CL song not write-PP bh he do-3-PR-S yk
Of course, what does he do but write a song about it!
yk zhyn what do I know? is widely used, also on its own, to mean exactly
what is says.
o yk zhyn khr khC `Ufk SvfnfC/
he yk zhyn who-GEN to from hear-3-PR-PERF
He heard that from who knows where.
ahr yk what more? has a shoulder-shrugging effect
xhb ahr yk/
go-1-P-FUT more what
Might as well go. 291
12 Bfw mfr `gyClhm ahr yk/
Emphasisers, fear-LOC die-PP go-1-P-PERF more what
particles, I nearly died with fear.
yk `xn what as if indicates vagueness
`lhkyt eitvkv bfl yk `xn Bhbfu Uhfk/
man-CL this bit say-PP what as if think-IP stay-3-PR-S
The man said this much and then remained thinking about who knows
12.2.6 `x
Chapter 13
This chapter gives a close-up of what goes on in Bangla noun phrases. The
structure of Bangla noun phrases ranges from bare nouns or even a single
deictic e this! to quite complex formations. In sentences, noun phrases occur
as subjects, objects, complements or locative phrases but their internal struc-
ture is the same. For the present purpose we take the noun phrase out of
its sentence context. The term modifier in connection with noun phrases
is used to describe the categories (a) to (d) below. Note that, apart from
classifiers (th, yt, etc.), which are attached to nouns, quantifiers or numerals,
all the remaining modifiers function as attributive adjectives and come before
the noun. When they come together, they appear in the following order.
The sequential order of modifiers is quite stable. The way they occur with
one another and their relationships with classifiers (x) within noun phrases
is set out below. Noun phrases do not necessarily have a classifier at all, as
we saw earlier. There can never be more than one classifier in a noun phrase.
(x) classifiers: th, `th, `t, yt, Khnh, zn, tv, gvflh . . .
13.2 Possessives
These range from simple attributive pronouns such as ahmhr, `uhmhr my, your
to whole phrases.
In the sentence below s®hbnh possibility is the subject and the focus of our
noun phrase. The whole preceding phrase counts as a modifier.
`shmbhfrr pfr uhr shfU ahr `xhghfxhg Mowhr s®hbnh Uhkfb nh/
Monday-GEN after she-GEN with more contact be-VN-GEN
possibility be-3-FUT not
After Monday there will be no possibility of any contact with
her any more.
However, in the great majority of cases, this slot is filled by single or two-
word genitives.
with deictics:
Note that when the order of possessives and deictics is reversed, the
deictic inevitably becomes a noun phrase of its own:
ahmhr ei `Cfl this son of mine Deictics
but ei ahmhr `Cfl This is my son.
with quantifiers or numerals:
with qualifiers:
13.3 Deictics
Deictics are selective with quantifiers or numerals. They easily link up with
numbers, with kfwk a few, and with smÄ, skl, sb all. eu and au are them-
selves deictic quantifiers. Combinations with indefinite quantifiers such as
ykCv some or afnk much are unlikely. Pre-nominal quantifiers and numbers
usually produce an indefinite noun-phrase such as ekth `Cfl a boy, yunft Cyb
three pictures. With a deictic these noun phrases become definite ei ekth
`Cfl that one boy, ei yunft Cyb these three pictures.
13 (b) (c) (x) NOUN
Noun phrase `si ek th mvMVuò
structure that one CL moment
that one moment
`s sb Zhfmlh
all that fuss
ei kw th lhin
these few lines
Deictics combine with qualifiers:
As we have already seen, quantifiers and numbers have a special status in noun
phrases. Numbers almost automatically claim the classifier: p£hcth bi , never
*p£hc bith. Quantifiers are a bit more varied but they also take the classifier
away from the noun. Measure words such as ykflh kilo, mhil miles, gz yard, mn
maund can stand in for classifiers in that they follow a quantifier directly.
khflh klm th
the black pen
Quantifiers and qualifiers can swap places. This occurs in order to give the
qualifying adjective a more prominent position or sometimes just to create
a different rhythm. It is particularly common when the qualifier is modified
by Kvb very or afnk much.
Not all qualifiers participate in this reversal. Here are two examples:
qv th `Cht `Cfl
two small boys
are not remarkable enough to warrant the swap. In the examples below,
on the other hand, the reversal occurs almost automatically due to the
emphatic nature of the qualifiers. 303
13 example (ii) (d) (c) (x) NOUN
Noun phrase ybrht ek th nqY
structure huge one CL river
a huge river
Kvb sv~qr kfwk th ghn
very beautiful few CL song
a few very beautiful songs
BYXN bR qv yt Mhyu
extremely big two CL elephant
two huge elephants
These reversals occur much more often with the unobtrusive ekth than with
other numbers and they do not occur at all with sb all, afnk much or ykCv.
Two off-shoots of this reversal are bR ekth and Kvb ekth, used as adjectives
or adverbs, always negated and meaning not much, hardly, hardly at all.
They can have a noun following but often also appear with verbs. Here are
some examples:
as adjectives: ahmhr Kvb ekth asvybfQ Mwyn/
I-GEN Kvb ekth problem not be-3-PR-PERF
I didn’t have much of a problem.
uhfu uhr bR ekth BhbflS `ni/
that-LOC he-GEN Kvb ekth worry [is absent]
She did not feel very worried about this.
as adverbs: uKn `Ufk kUh ahr bR ekth bfl nh/
then from word more bR ekth say-3-PR-S not
Since then he has not said very much.
ahflhcnh bR ekth Mfu `qyKyn/
discussion bR ekth be-IP not see-1-PR-PERF
I did not see much of a discussion going on.
Chapter 14
Pronouns in use
The following sections bring together some further aspects of pronouns and
their uses in sentences.
14.2 Indefinites
This section deals with uses of indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.
The dividing line between pronouns on the one hand and adverbs and
adjectives on the other is not helpful in the consideration of these structures.
We will therefore call all the items listed below indefinites from now on.
As we are dealing with relatively simple sentence structures, no glosses are
given in this section.
interrogative indefinite
`k who `k\ someone
khr whose khro someone’s
khfk to whom kh\fk to someone
yk what ykCv some, something
`khUh where `khUho somewhere
kKn when kKno sometimes, ever
`khn which `khno any
Examples of indefinite pronouns were given in Ch. 5.2.5. The remaining
indefinites are `khUho somewhere, kKno ever, `khno any. ykCv counts as a quan-
tifier and is given in Ch 7.6.6.
14.2.1 `khUho somewhere, anywhere – `khUho plus negative
ahym uhfk ahfg `khUho `qfKyC/ I have seen him somewhere before.
eKhfn `khUho ekth bjhLk ahfC, uhi nh?
There is a bank somewhere here, isn’t there?
chybth `khUho phowh `gfC? Has the key been found anywhere?
uvym `khUho `brßÉC, nhyk? Are you going out somewhere?
`khUho xhb nh/ We won’t go anywhere.
ycyTth `khUho phiyn/ I didn’t find the letter anywhere.
`khno yqn any day is used as well as kKno in questions. As well as kKno nh
the phrase `khno yqno nh is used for never.
ahmrh kKno mhC Khi/ We eat fish sometimes.
`s kKno ahsu/ He used to come occasionally.
uvym kKno ycLyR mhC `KfwfC? Have you ever eaten shrimp?
uhrh yk `khno yqn ei kUh bflfC? Did they ever say that?
ahmrh kKno pjhyrfs xhiyn/ We have never been to Paris.
eth kKno Mfb nh/ That will never happen.
o uh `khno yqno ybSáhs krfb nh/ He will never believe that.
`k\ `k\ some people, kKno kKno once in a while, `khUho `khUho in various
places, `khno `khno some
`k\ `k\ mhUh `Ufk ghmCh Kvfl `khmfr `p£chw/
someone (×2) head from gamcha open-PP waist-LOC wrap-3-PR-S
Some took their gamchas1 from their heads and wrapped them around
their waists.
kKfnh kKfnh ahpn mfn kUh bfl \Tfu Mfb/
ever (×2) own mind-LOC word speak-PP rise-IP be-3-FUT
Once in a while one has to talk to oneself.
bhghfn `khUho `khUho rhfur mfQj nuvn Pvl PvftfC/
garden-LOC somewhere (×2) night-GEN within new flower
In some places in the garden new flowers have come up overnight.
`khno `khno Ch« ySÇfkr `cfw `byS `bhfZ/
any (×2) student teacher-GEN than much understand-3-PR-S
Some students understand more than their teachers.
Relative pronouns can combine with other relatives to create each to his
own structures.
esb ghfnr aUò Kvb pyr©khr nw/ eki sfà er ekth bhifrr aUò ebL ekth
a™ynòyMu aUò ahfC/
this all song-GEN meaning very clear [is not] same with this-GEN
one-CL outside-GEN meaning and one-CL internal meaning [is present]
The meaning of all these songs is not very clear. Also, they have an outer as
well as an internal meaning.
yk≤ `xsb my~qr rÇh `pfwfC, uhr mfQj Kvb pvfrhfnh `qhchlh `ni/
but that-R all temple protection get-3-PR-PERF that-CR within very
old double-roof [is absent]
But among all the temples that were saved there were none of the very old
double-roofed ones.
emn afnk g¶p blu, xhr `khno ayÄ¥ kKno yCl nh/
such much story tell-3-P-HABIT that-GEN any existence ever [was]-3 not
316 He told many such stories which did not contain any truth whatsoever.
When we look at these sentences a bit more closely we see that the plural nouns Reflexivity –
in questions are, in fact, all made plural by a preceding quantifier or by the me, myself, on
absence of any modifiers, not by plural endings. From a formal point of view my own
it therefore makes good sense that the pronouns should be singular.
The pronoun ynfz and its case variations ynfzr (genitive) and ynfzfk (objec-
tive) are used for reflexive structures. The genitive ynfzr as well as its more
formal alternative ynz… mean own rather than self and will be given as own
in the gloss (see Ch. 5.2.6 for further examples).
Unlike in English, Bangla reflexive pronouns can stand on their own with-
out a preceding noun or pronoun. Reflexive pronouns can either describe
interactions with oneself or they can reinforce personal pronouns.
Here is an example for each:
ynfzfk shmfl `nw —ym/
self-OBJ control-PP take-3-PR-S Promi
Promi took hold of herself.
ahym ynfzi xhb/
I self EMP go-1-FUT
I will go myself.
In both cases the accompanying pronoun can be left out and ynfz can stand
on its own.
ahym ynfzr \pfr rhg kryC/
I own on anger do-1-PR-C or, with an impersonal structure:
ynfzr \pfr rhg MfÉC/
self-GEN on anger be-3-PR-C
I am angry with myself.
ynfz nh krfl `khno khz Mw nh/
self not go-CP any work be-3-PR-S not
If you don’t do it yourself, no work gets done. 317
14 Where a pronoun does occur, the following principles apply. Plural pronouns
Pronouns can be followed by singular reflexives, though plural – plural combinations
in use also occur. This is the same phenomenon we find with relative pronouns.
plural – singular
`Cflrh Gfrr bhifr `kthyrL bjbsh xh krßk, ynfzfqr bhyRfu rhêhGfrr khz kfr nh
bh krfu chw nh/
boy-PL home-GEN outside catering business what-REL do-3-PR-IMP
own-PL home-LOC kitchen-GEN work do-3-PR-S not or do-IP
want-3-PR-S not
Whatever catering business men carry on outside the home, in their own
home they don’t do or don’t want to do any work in the kitchen.
ahmrh ynfzfqr ynfzrh ku `x Bhlbhys/
we self-PL-OBJ self-PL- how much love-1-PR-S
How much we love ourselves!
Case use: in genitive uses, ynfzr can stand by itself or combine with a geni-
tive noun or pronoun.
bnj—kéyu eKhfn ahuÖMhrh, lYlhmwY, ahpnhr `sH~qxò o ynybR —hcvfxò ahpyn mvgÜ/
forest nature here self-possessed playful own beauty and dense
abundance-LOC self-fascinated
The nature of the forest here is self-absorbed, playful, engrossed in its own
beauty and dense abundance.
14.5 Reciprocality (mutuality) – one another
in use
There are three useful lexical items for expressing mutual activities:
ek-ekzn o kUh blfu ek-ek yzyns `bhfZ, ahr —hwi `sgvflh prãpfrr
efkbhfr \f¶th/
one one person that word say-IP one one thing understand-3-PR-S
and often this-PL-CL mutual-GEN completely opposite
320 People’s interpretations of this are often diametrically opposed to one another.
ei pyrbhfrr qvi zh ké”BhymnY ahr svMhysnYr mfQj —khSj `khno ybfrhQ `ni, Reciprocality
brL glhgyl Bhbi ahfC, ufb ahRhfl prãpfrr nhfm `Ts yqfw kUh blhbyl, (mutuality) –
`s `uh Uhkfbi/ one another
this family-GEN two wife Krishnabhamini and Suhasini-GEN-between
openly any enmity [is absent] rather close relationship [is present] but
privately one another name-LOC insinuate-give-PP word speaking that
EMP stay-3-FUT
The two wives of the family Krishnabhamini and Suhasini did not publicly
display any enmity, on the contrary they were very close, but some private
gossiping about one another was of course going on.
The following sentences use repetition to convey mutuality. The noun qvzfn
the two people is commonly used.
Chapter 15
Verbs of being
The concepts of being and having employ four basic Bangla verbs, each
of which has its own semantic and syntactic domain. The types of sentences
these verbs produce will be dealt with in detail in Part 4. This section gives
an overview of the verbs themselves.
`s ahmhr Bhi/
he my brother
He is my brother.
The negation of the zero verb is formed with the incomplete verb n-. Here
is the pattern:
affirmative negative:
1st ps ahym asvñ/ I am ill. ahym asvñ ni/ I am not ill.
2nd ps fam uvym mhlY/ You are a gardener. uvym mhlY no/ You are not
a gardener.
2nd ps int uvi als/ You are lazy. uvi als ns/ You are not lazy.
322 2nd ps pol ahpyn `qhXY/ You are guilty. ahpyn `qhXY nn/ You are not guilty.
3rd ps ord ahmth ymy§/ The mango ahmth ymy§ nw/ The mango is ahC- exist, be
is sweet. not sweet. present
3rd ps hon yuyn \ykl/ He is a lawyer. yuyn \ykl nn/ He is not
a lawyer.
In the past tense the zero verb changes to the forms of yCl-, which is also
the past tense of ahC-.
1st ps ahym asvñ yClhm/ I was ill. ahym asvñ yClhm nh/ I was not ill.
2nd ps fam uvym mhlY yCfl/ You were a uvym mhlY yCfl nh/ You were not
gardener. a gardener.
2nd ps int uvi als yCyl/ You were lazy. uvi als yCyl nh/ You were
not lazy.
2nd ps pol ahpyn `qhXY yCfln/ You were ahpyn `qhXY yCfln nh/ You were
guilty. not guilty.
3rd ps ord ahmth ymy§ yCl/ The mango ahmth ymy§ yCl nh/ The mango
was sweet. was not sweet.
3rd ps hon yuyn \ykl yCfln/ He was yuyn \ykl yCfln nh/ He was
a lawyer. not a lawyer.
Future tense equational sentences can be formed with Mowh be, become.
This is an incomplete verb with only simple present and simple past tense
forms. The forms for ahC- are given at the end of the verb charts on p. 157.
ahC- in the simple present is negated with the invariable verb `ni.. ahC- com-
bines existential, locative and possessive uses.
These are purely existential sentences: I am, you are and so on. When we
add a genitive noun or pronoun at the beginning, the sentences become
‘possessive’ in the sense that we can translate them with possessive sentences
in English. In the Bangla structures the thing or person being possessed is
the grammatical subject of the sentence. The possessor is always in the
genitive. The only difference in Bangla between possessive and locative/
existential sentences is, therefore, the presence or absence of a genitive pos-
sessor. Here are some more sentences.
Uhkh steps in for all the forms ahC- does not have. For each form a sentence
with ahC- is given first to show the connection.
Mowh is the most common and the most versatile verb in Bangla. For the
concept of being, Mowh provides a dynamic quality which none of the other
verbs have. Translations into English do not always contain the verb be,
but the example sentences show the wide range of Mowh. Many Mowh sentences
have a genitive experiencer. Mowh is a full verb with all tenses and non-
finite verb forms.
15 Here is the contrast with ahC-:
Verbs of being
uhr asvK ahfC/ He has an illness.
uhr asvK MfwfC/ He has become ill.
uhr bhÉch ahfC/ She has a child.
uhr bhÉch MfwfC/ lit: of her a child has become → She has had a baby.
ahym Kvb KvyS MfwyC/
I very happy Mowh-1-PR-PERF
lit: I have become very happy
I am very happy.
asvybQh Mfb nh `uh?
problem Mowh-3-FUT EMP
There won’t be any problems, will there?
qvQ n§ MfwfC/
milk spoilt Mowh-3-PR-PERF
The milk has gone off.
`sth ykCvfui pVNò MfÉC nh/
this-CL at all EMP fulfilled Mowh-3-P-C not
This is not at all coming true.
eKhfn gm Mw/
here wheat Mowh-3-PR-S
Wheat grows here.
`uhmhr yk MfwfC?
you-GEN what Mowh-3-PR-PERF
What has happened to you?
ahpnhr zfnj ahmhr qvAK MfÉC/
you-H-GEN for I-GEN sadness Mowh-3-PR-C
lit: for you of me sadness occurs
I feel sad for you.
Chapter 16
Extended verbs
Extended verbs differ from simple verbs only in their stem form, which
has two syllables ending in h a and a verbal noun ending in `nh no. Here is
a list of common extended verbs. There seem to be only two verbs Tkhfnh
cheat and `p£HChfnh arrive which have an alternative simple verb with the same
`s `uhmhfk Tkfb nh/ `s `uhmhfk Tkhfb nh/ He will not cheat you.
ahmrh skhfl `p£HfCyC/ ahmrh skhfl `p£HyCfwyC/ We arrived this morning.
Many, but not all, extended verbs are derived from nouns. A more complete
list of extended verbs with these derivations is given in Appendix 4.
Chapter 17
Causative verbs
ahym uhfk yqfw khzth krhb/ I will get him to do the work.
A more specific example:
Here are some examples. The translations aim to reflect the colloquial style. 331
17 'uvym `xfu cho nh? ahym `uhmhfk chowhb/"
Causative verbs you go-IP want-2-PR-S not? I you-OBJ cause to go-1-FUT
‘You don’t want to go? I will make you want to.’
'mh, or xh Bhl lhfg nh, `kn uvym ofk uh krhÉC?" 'Bhl nh lhgfl clfb `kn?
Bhl lhghfu Mfb/"
mother he-GEN what-REL good feel-3-PR-S not why you he-OBJ that
cause to do-2-PR-C? good not feel-CP move-3-FUT why? good cause
to feel-IP be-3-FUT
‘Mother, why are you making him do something he doesn’t like?’
‘What’s liking got to do with it? He’s got to be made to like it.’
Chapter 18
Compound verbs
Compound verbs are a very common and idiomatic type of verb formation
in Bangla. They consist of a main verb in the perfective participle and a
compound maker. Only a limited number of verbs can act as compound
makers. They are:
monovalent compound makers:
xhowh go ahsh come
clh move oTh rise, get up
pRh fall bsh sit
q£hRhfnh stand
bivalent or trivalent compound makers:
`qowh give `nowh take
`Plh throw `uhlh lift
rhKh keep
Compare: single verb `s ghC `Ufk pfRfC/
he tree from fall-3-PR-PERF with
compound verb `s ghC `Ufk pfR `gfC/
he tree from fall-PP go-3-PR-PERF
Both sentences mean He/she fell from the tree, but the second sentence
sounds more natural, more idiomatic, more complete, and adds, if anything,
the bump of the landing.
In many compound verbs the link between the two verbs is so close that
they form one semantic unit:
`s `uhmhfk ynfw xhfb nh/ He will not take you with him (when he goes).
(d) The compound verb has a meaning which is quite different from that
of the main verb.2
The connection between the two verbs that make up a compound verb
does not change when the compound maker is in non-finite form: If we
18.1 xhowh go
xhowh is the most common and the most versatile compound maker in
Bangla. Its semantic impact on the perfective participle ranges from adding
direction, finality, completion to no impact at all. The combinations with
xhowh given below are examples, not a complete list.
xhowh combines with:
1 verbs of motion. xhowh retains its own meaning and directs the movement
away from the speaker.
cfl xhowh go away, leave
eKhn `Ufk cfl xhn/
here from cfl xhowh (CV)-2H-PR-IMP
Go away from here.
bvl v smwfk cfl `xfu `qfK/
Bulu time-OBJ cfl xhowh (CV)-IP see-3-PR-S
Bulu watches the time go by.
Occasionally we find cfl xhowh with the meaning work out, go well, run
its course
uvym ahmhr phfS Uhkfl ahmhr `khno qvAK `ni/ mfn Mw zYbnth cfli xhfb/
you I-GEN side-LOC stay-CP I-GEN any regret [is absent].
mind-LOC be-3-PR-S life-CL cfl xhowh (CV)-3-FUT
I have no regrets when you are by my side. I think that life will go well.
oiKhnhfui ahmhr cfl xhfb/
that-CL-LOC-EMP I-GEN cfl xhowh (CV)-3-FUT
That one will do for me.
Gvfr xhowh wander about, travel
orh shrh péyUbYfu Gvfr xhfÉC/
they whole world-LOC Gvfr xhowh (CV)-3-PR-C
They are travelling around the whole world. 341
18 yPfr xhowh go back, return
ybkhflr ahfg bhyR yPfr `xfu phrb nh/
afternoon-GEN before home yPfr xhowh (CV)-IP be able
to-1-FUT not
I won’t be able to return home before this afternoon.
18 `Ufm xhowh come to a stop
MThJ uhr kUhr Qhrh `Ufm `gl/
suddenly his word-GEN flow `Ufm xhowh (CV)-3-P-S
Suddenly, in mid flow, he stopped talking.
`pyrfw xhowh pass, go by
ahro p£hc bCr `pyrfw `gl/
more five year `pyrfw xhowh (CV)-3-P-S
Another five years passed.
bfs xhowh go down, subside
nqYr phyn bfs `gfC/
river-GEN water bfs xhowh (CV)-3-PR-PERF
The water in the river has subsided.
\fb xhowh evaporate, vanish
mhfCr gí eKno \fb xhwyn/
fish-GEN smell yet \fb xhowh (CV)-3-PR-PERF not
The smell of fish still hasn’t gone.
Gft xhowh happen, occur
`s mvMVfuò Gtnhth Gft `gl/
that moment incident Gft xhowh (CV)-3-P-S
The incident happened at that moment.
\lft xhowh be turned upside down
MThJ uhr sb ahShgvflh \lft xhfÉC/
suddenly she-GEN all hope-PL-CL \lft xhowh (CV)-3-PR-C
Suddenly all her hopes were being turned upside down.
Like xhowh, ahsh can indicate direction, this time towards the speaker. ahsh often
implies a continuous process or state from the distant past to the present.
kfm ahsh reduce, Svykfw ahsh dry up, age mfr ahsh die down, ahtfk ahsh stop,
`nfm ahsh drop
ahmhr `xn qm ahtfk eflh
I-GEN as if breath ahtfk ahsh- (CV)-3-P-S
as if my breath had stopped
ghflr ynfc khfnr qvphS `Ufk ycbvk pxò™ `shzh `nfm ahsh `khnhkvyn lôbh `x
MhR qvfth rfwfC/
cheek-GEN underneath ear-GEN two side from chin until straight
`nfm ahsh (CV)-VA diagonal long that bone two-CL stay-3-PR-PERF
Those two long bones below the cheeks run from both sides of the ears
to the chin in a straight diagonal drop.
2 with bivalent verbs, indicating a process or action which has been going
on for some time. ahsh is often in the present continuous tense and has
a continuous or habitual impact on the main verb. There is no particularly
348 close connection between the verbs themselves and it is likely that most
bivalent verbs can be combined with ahsh in this way. This is reflected clh move
in the gloss.
ei bhghngvflh ahym `Chtfblh `Ufk Bhlfbfs ahsyC/
this garden-CL-PL I childhood from love-PP come-1-PR-C
I have loved these gardens since my childhood.
afnk bCr Qfr \yn ei eki Kbfrr khgz pfR ahsfCn/
many year during he-H this same newspaper read-PP come-3-H-PR-C
He has been reading the same newspaper for years.
Here is a present perfect example:
`s BhXhfk ahym ynuh™ ahmhr ynfzr `mHylk BhXh bfl afnkyqn `Bfb efsyC/
that language-OBJ I thoroughly my own original language say-PP
many day think-PP come-1-PR-PERF
For a long time I have considered this language my very own, original
clh as a compound maker can combine, much like xhowh and ahsh, with
verbs of motion. When it is combined with bivalent verbs it adds a con-
tinuous, on-going aspect to the main verb.
1 with verbs of motion or change.
yPfr clh return, Gvfr clh walk around, `M£ft clh walk, `qHyRfw clh run, eygfw
clh advance
ahmrh nqYr yqfk `M£ft cllhm/
we river-GEN direction-LOC walk-PP clh-1-P-S
We walked towards the river.
`uhmhr BybXfujr yqfk eygfw clfu `Ufkh/
you-GEN future-GEN towards advance-PP clh-IP stay-2-FUT-IMP
Keep moving towards your future.
`Cflrh mhfTr mfQj `qHyRfw clfC/
boy-PL field-GEN in run-PP clh-3-PR-C
The boys are running around in the field.
bws xu Mk, ektv Gvfr clfu Mw —yuyqn/
age so much be-3-IMP some walk around-PP clh-IP be-3-PR-S
every day
Whatever one’s age, one needs to walk around a bit every day. 349
18 2 with bivalent verbs clh retains its own meaning and adds a note of
Compound continuity to the main verb.
`s sb smw ei eki kUh bfl cfl/
he always this same word say-PP clh-3-PR-S
He is always saying the same thing.
uhr ahfqS `mfn clfu Mfb/
he-GEN order obey-PP clh-IP be-3-FUT
His order needs to be obeyed.
uhfqr sfà `uhmhr ektv bvfZ clh \ycu/
they-GEN with you-GEN a bit understand-PP clh-VN ought
lit: with them you ought to move having understood a bit
You ought to tread a bit carefully with them.
oTh combines with verbs of sound and with verbs describing change.
1 with verbs that describe sounds oTh adds a slight component of sudden-
ness. oTh is often in the simple past.
with adjectives:
with nouns:
ybfqyS BhXh ahmrh ekyt qviyt ySKfu phyr, yk≤ uh ahmhfqr —Bv Mfw \Tfb nh/
foreign language we one-CL two-CL learn-IP be able to-1-PR-S but
that our god Mfw oTh-3-FUT not
We can learn one or two foreign languages but they won’t become
our gods.
`si gNkbr yGfr ahpn mfn `bfR \fTyCl kfwkth `Kzvfrr ghC/
that EMP grave surround-PP own mind-LOC grow-PP oTh-3-P-PERF
few-CL date-GEN tree
Around that grave a few date-palms grew up all by themselves.
Khowh `SX kfr \fT pfR bfl, eKn `uhmhr smw ahfC?
Food end do-3-PP get up PP pRh-PP say-3-PR-S now your time
[is present]
Finishing his meal he got up and said, ‘Do you have time now?’
`s `kn MThJ eiBhfb `zTmhylynr ybrßfº ybfqîhM kfr bsl uh `s `Bfb \Tfu phrfC
he why suddenly this way-LOC Jethomalini-GEN against rebellion
do-PP bsh-3-P-S that he think-PP rise-IP be able to-3-PR-C not
He couldn’t understand why he would suddenly rebel against Jethomalini
in this way.
q£hRhfnh combines with Mowh and with oTh only. It provides an end-point or a
result. The two compound makers oTh and q£hRhfnh in the following sentence
express the same nuance.
mhnvfXr M∑qw mhfZ mhfZ `kmn ynÄbÜ Mfw ofT - bR yngvƒ Mfw q£hRhw/
man-GEN heart sometimes how still Mfw oTh-3-PR-S big secret be-PP
The human heart sometimes grows so still – becomes very mysterious. 353
18 ahfrkyt ybXfwr yqfk qéy§ nh yqfl mhMmvqvl Mkfk `bhZh kyTn Mfw q£hRhfb/
Compound more one-CL subject-GEN towards view not give-CP Mahomudul
verbs Haq-OBJ understand-VN difficult be-PP q£hRhfnh-3-FUT
There is another matter that needs looking at. Otherwise it will be difficult
to understand Mahomudul Haq.
ynfzo kKno \fT q£hRhfu phrl nh/
self EMP ever rise-PP q£hRhfnh-IP be able to-3-P-S
He was never able to stand up for himself.
cplh \fT q£hRhl/
Chapla rise-PP q£hRhflh-3-P-S
Chapla got up.
`qowh has either an intensifying effect or it directs the action away from the
speaker. As a bivalent verb, it is particularly suited to acting as a compound
maker with causative verbs.
ofk qVr kfr qho/ ofk bhyR `Ufk ybqhw kfr qho/
he-OBJ distance do-PP `qowh-2-PR-IMP he-OBJ home from farewell
do-PP `qowh-2-PR-IMP
Send him away! Get rid of him from our house.
uhr bhbh Kbrth `cfp yqfwfCn/
he-GEN father news-CL suppress-PP `qowh-3H-PR-PERF
Her father had kept the news from her.
ahmhr `chfKr shmfn Kvfl yqfln/
I-GEN eye-GEN in front of open-PP `qowh-3H-P-S
He opened it in front of me.
uvym ahmhfk ekth ShyR ykfn `qfb?
you I-OBJ one-CL saree buy-PP `qowh-2FUT
Will you buy me a saree?
`s uhfk bhyR `Ufk qVr kfr `qw nh/
she she-OBJ home from distance do-PP `qowh-3-PR-S not
She didn’t kick her out of the house.
bhlyur phyn `Dfl `qw mnyzlhr mhUhw/
bucket-GEN water pour-PP `qowh-3-PR-S Manjila-GEN head-LOC
354 She poured the bucket of water over Manjila’s head.
with causative verbs: `nowh take
bhbh bhÉchthfk ghfCr dhfl \yTfw yqfwfCn/
father child-CL-OBJ tree-GEN branch-LOC lift-PP `qowh-3H-PR-PERF
Father lifted the child up onto the tree branch.
`uhmhfk yk sb ykCv ahlhqh kfr bvyZfw yqfu Mfb?
you-OBJ what all something separate do-PP explain-PP `qowh-IP
Does everything have to be explained to you separately?
uh yuyn rbY~qînhUfk zhynfw yqfwfCn/
that he-H Rabindranath-OBJ inform `qowh-3H-PR-PERF
He informed Rabindranath of this.
kUhth uhr phfwr ync `Ufk mhyt syrfw yqfwfC/
word-CL his foot-GEN below from ground move-PP `qowh-3-PR-PERF
That pulled the rug out from under him.
ei béy§fu khpR-`chpR Svykfw qho yk kfr?
this rain-LOC clothes dry-PP `qowh-P-S what do-PP
How do you dry the clothes in this rain?
Like `qowh give `nowh combines predominantly with bivalent verbs. It indicates
the completion of an action and directs it towards the speaker.
Compare: with `qowh: ahym ch bhynfw yqfwyC/ I have made the tea
(for someone else)
with `nowh: ahym ch bhynfw ynfwyC/ I have made the tea
(for myself)
`Plh is, in many ways, the most developed of all the compound makers.
As the examples below show, compound verbs with `Plh can be used in
the future tense and in imperatives; the semantic scope of `Plh ranges from
changing the meaning of the main verb entirely to adding a completive
aspect or having no impact at all. `Plh combines predominantly with bivalent
verbs but there are also the idiomatic `k£fq `Plh burst into tears and `Mfs
`Plh burst out laughing.
uhrh `uhfk `qKfl ycfn `Plfu phfr/
they you-I-OBJ see-CP know-PP `Plh-IP be able to-3-PR-S
If they see you they may recognise you.
ahbhr ahshm uhfk ygfl `Pll/
again Assam he-OBJ swallow-PP `Plh-3-P-S
Assam swallowed him up again.
q£hRho mhmyN ahmhfqr khzgvflh ahfg `sfr `Pyl/
stand-2-PR-IMP Mamoni our work-PL-CL before finish-PP `Plh-PR-S
Wait, Mamoni, let us finish our work first.
uhr ahuÖhr ekth aLS `s Mhyrfw `PflfC/
his soul-GEN one-CL part he lose-PP `Plh-3-PR-PERF
He has lost a part of his soul.
ch `Kfw sähn kfr `Plvn/
tea drink-PP bath do-PP `Plh-2H-PR-IMP
When you’ve had your tea, take a shower.
uhr Bw MyÉCl …huYflKh emn ykCv bfl `Plfb xh uhr `Shnh \ycu nw/
he-GEN fear be-3-P-C Swatilekha such something say-PP `Plh-3-FUT
what-REL hear-VN ought [is not]
He was afraid that Swatilekha might blurt out something that he ought not
356 to hear.
ghCth yk `kft `Plh Mfb? `uhlh lift, raise
tree-CL what cut-PP throw-VN be-3-FUT
Will the tree be cut?
`uhlh is the bivalent counterpart of oTh. Like oTh it often implies an upward
motion or improvement. `uhlh only combines with bivalent verbs.
esb pRhr mfQj `s ynfz ekth ycnfu phrhr Çmuh zhygfw uvflfC/
this all read-VN-GEN within he self one-CL recognise-IP be able
to-VN-GEN power wake-PP `uhlh-3-PR-PERF
Through all this reading he awakened his own powers of recognition.
Apart from these regular compound makers, some verbs form compound-
like combinations with semantically related verbs. Here are some examples:
`cfw `qKh, uhykfw `qKh, `cfw uhkhfnh to look at
chowh look at, `qKh see and uhkhfnh look at combine with one another.
There is no fixed order but `qKh see is less likely than the other two to
appear as the first (perfective participle) verb.
Chapter 19
Conjunct verbs
The conjunct verbs in the following few examples are preceded by genitive
modifiers where we may have expected to see object case or postpositional
structures. If we look at the first example:
we understand that this is not about giving the girl, not `mfwytfk yqfu Mfb
but that ybfw `qowh means arrange a wedding and the preceding genitive is
quite logical. Here are some more examples.
We call this type of verb open-ended because all new verbal creations in
Bangla are likely to be conjunct verbs. People who pepper their Bangla with
English words use this structure: ymt krh meet, ydskhs krh discuss, ydylt krh
delete, yPl krh feel, p†jhn krh plan, etc.
The conjugation of these verbs is exactly the same as that of the simple
verbs. In the glosses conjunct verbs are marked with a hyphen between the
noun/adjective and the verb, e.g.
The following are simple examples with very common conjunct verbs in
addition to those mentioned above. An extensive list is given in Appendix 6.
No glosses are given.
with krh do
uhrh Cvyr bjbMhr kfr nh, They don’t use knives, they use a boti.1
b£yt bjbMhr kfr/
Bvl kfr mistake
ahmrh sbhi Bvl kyr/ We all make mistakes.
1 Large curved knife fixed onto a small wooden stool on which one sits to cut vegetables
or fish 365
19 mYmhLsh krh reconcile
Conjunct verbs
`uhmhr sfà mYmhLsh krfu efsyC/ We have come to make peace with
xuä krh take care of
`s uhr bhbhr xuä kfr/ She looks after her father.
rÇh krh protect
bhÉchfqr rÇh krfu Mfb/ The children have to be protected.
rhg krh be angry
ahym `uh rhg kyryn/ I am not angry.
rhêh krh cook
`uhmhr bhshw `k rhêh kfr? Who cooks at your house?
lÇj krh notice, observe
uvym `x yCfl nh uh orh lÇjo kfryn/ They did not even notice that you were
not there.
Svrß krh start, begin
orh `Bht gvnfu Svrß kfrfC/ They have started counting the votes.
`SX krh finish
uvym khzth eKno `SX kryn? Haven’t you finished the work yet?
`ShQ krh repay
åNth ahym kKno `ShQ krfu I will never be able to repay this debt.
phrb nh/
sf~qM krh doubt
`uhmhr kUh sf~qM kryC nh/ I am not doubting your word.
shMhxj krh help
uhrh ahmhfk afnk shMhxj kfrfC/ They have helped me a great deal.
ysºh™ krh decide
ahmrh qvfwk yqfnr mfQj ysºh™ krb/ We will make the decision within a day
or two.
`sbh krh nurse, look after
366 `mfwyt uhr bhbhr `sbh kfr/ The girl looks after her father.
séy§ krh create Conjunct verbs
eKhfn yk ekth kh’ séy§ kfrC? What disaster have you created now?
mn `qowh concentrate
mn nh yqfl khz Bhl Mw nh/ If you don’t concentrate the work will
not turn out well. 367
19 ShyÄ `qowh punish
Conjunct verbs
`x aprhQ kfrfC uhfk yk ShyÄ Don’t people who have done something
yqfu Mfb nh? wrong need to be punished?
All the nouns and adjectives which are used in conjunct verbs are also in
common use (with one exception)2 outside of these structures. Here is an
example with the noun iÉCh wish. In the following three examples with krh,
Mowh and ahC-, respectively, the English translations cannot adequately
convey the different nuances.
2 The word `tr is used only in the conjunct verb `tr phowh notice, feel 369
19 The structure with Mowh implies a gradual growing of, in this case, the wish
Conjunct verbs to leave. The sentence with ahC-, on the other hand, contains determination
or resolve: I have no intention of reading the book.
There are a few noun–verb combinations where the noun is in the locative.
The meaning of these verbs differs from the equivalent nominative noun–
verb conjuncts. I am hesitant to call these combinations conjunct verbs,
so they are listed here.
For a start, here are some combinations with mn mind which do not have
any nominative counterparts. They are all to do with more or less active
thinking. Bangla makes a distinction between deliberate thought and what
comes into one’s mind unbidden.
mfn pRh fall into the mind and mfn ahsh come into the mind: recall, remem-
ber, recollect
Chapter 20
Verbal noun
The following four sections deal with the non-finite forms of Bangla verbs.
Non-finite verb forms are the parts of the verb which are not subject to
tense and person. Here is how it works.
He likes running around in the park. and He wants to come home again.
we will quickly see that tense (simple present) and person (3rd person) are
expressed only in the two verb forms likes and wants. Change the sentence
into the past tense:
He liked running around in the park. and He wanted to come home again.
I like running around in the park. and I want to come home again.
and the rest of the sentences, including the two verbs running and to come,
remain the same. They are not dependent on tense or person but on the
finite verbs (like and want) to convey their meaning. In a nutshell: non-
finite verb forms depend on other verbs and they are detached from tense
and person.
All English verbs, except for the ones we call auxiliary verbs like can and
must, have two non-finite verb forms, the to- infinitive and the -ing form.
They link up with other verbs to expand sentences. She is scared of going
to the doctor, he finished reading the paper, they were mad to sell the
house, I pretended to be asleep – all these types of sentences contain (the
underlined) non-finite verb forms.
The verbal noun is the form of verbs given in dictionaries and can therefore
be considered the most basic of the non-finite verb forms. The verbal noun
can be used liked any other inanimate non-count noun. It can function
as the subject of sentences. It declines for case and takes modifiers and
classifiers but due to its inanimate status the objective case ending is rare.
Verbal nouns have no plural forms. The verbal noun also has a variety of
special uses.
20.1.1 As subject
Kvb `shzh kfr blfu `gfl khro shfU g¶p krhth rYyumfuh ybry∆kr ahmhr
very simple do-PP say-IP-go-CP someone-GEN with chat-do-CL-VN
regular annoying I-GEN close to
To put it very simply, I find chatting to anyone downright annoying.
Nominative verbal nouns are used in equational sentences with \ycu ought
to, should, with qrkhr need, and with —fwhzn necessity. More on these struc-
tures in Ch. 34.4 on modals.
Nominative verbal nouns are used with mh« only meaning as soon as. The
subject of the verbal noun can be different from that of the main verb.
This is the only structure where the nominative ba-verbal noun is still in use. 377
20 ahr `s cfl xhowhmh« `xn M£hp `CfR b£hcl/
Verbal noun and she move-PP-go-VN mh« like breath leave-PP survive-3-P-S
And as soon as she had gone he expelled a breath of relief.
mfnr Bhb —khS krbhr zfnj sbhi chfÉC uhr mfnr mhnvX/
mind-GEN mood expression-do-VN-GEN for everyone want-3-PR-C
he-GEN mind-GEN person
(We) all want a soul-mate to whom to reveal our secrets.
20.2.1 With mu
pRhr mu bi
a book worth reading
euznfk bshfnhr mu zhwgh
space to seat so many people
ahmhr uKn —yubhq krbhr mu Sy∆ yCl nh/
I-GEN then protest do-VN-GEN like strength [was not]
I didn’t have the strength to protest then.
Genitive verbal nouns modify other nouns. A list of these functions is given
The final two examples in the list below show that this structure is very
Genitive verbal nouns are used with sentence subjects in equational and
extended equational sentences. The subjects are often abstract nouns.
brhbr kmlhr mfn e-iÉCh yCl, ahr ekbhr Dhkhw ahsbhr, ekbhr a™u/
always Komla-GEN mind-LOC this wish [was] more once Dhaka-LOC
come-baVN-GEN once at least
There was always this wish in Komla’s mind to come back to Dhaka once
more, at least once more.
Genitive verbal nouns are used to modify direct objects, which, again, are
often abstract nouns. Translations can be done with infinitives in English:
the attempt to flee, the way to learn, the courage to sing.
The genitive verbal noun used independently in conjunction with the zero
verb and its negative nw creates a modal structure implying what must or
must not happen.
Structures with ahC- and `ni were given in (2 c). Compare the following
two sentences:
xh Mbhr Mfb/
what-REL be-baVN-GEN be-3-FUT
What has to happen will happen.
uh Mowhr nw - Mfbo nh/
that be-VN-GEN [is not] be-3-FUT not
That must not happen and will not happen.
e klkhuhr gÃhr yk ek thn ahfC uh `Bhlbhr nw/
this Kolkata-GEN Ganges-GEN what one pull [is present] that
382 forget-baVN-GEN [is not]
The Ganges in Kolkata has such a fascination that it can’t be forgotten.
nh, zYbn n§ krbhr nw/ Object verbal
no life waste do-baVN-GEN [is not] noun
No, life must not be wasted.
The verbal noun can be the object of a sentence. As with other inanimate
nouns, the objective case ending is usually not attached, but in sentences
giving definitions or paraphrases the ending can be used.
SrYfrr `chfKr `qKhfk xyq bjy∆k bh mVuò bfl ahKjhywu krh Mw, uhMfl mfnr
shMhfxj `qKhfk blh xhw ∏nbòjy∆k bh ybmVuò/
body-GEN eye-GEN see-VN-OBJ if personal or material say-PP called
be-3-PR-S then mind-GEN help-GEN see-VN-OBJ say-VN go-3-PR-S
impersonal or formless.
If seeing through physical eyes is described as personal or material, then
seeing with the mind can be called impersonal or formless.
20.4 Locative verbal noun
Verbal noun
Locative verbal nouns very often express cause. In order to understand the
logic behind this, we compare them to ordinary locative nouns:
These examples show that it is only a small step from the original locative
reading to a causal interpretation. The subject of the locative verbal noun
can be different from that of the main verb. The locative verbal noun
phrase often precedes the main clause.
Many verbal nouns can act as adjectives. In this use they take neither
classifiers nor case endings and can therefore be considered verbal adjectives.
Verbal adjectives are often passive in meaning (bhghfn `uhlh Cyb a photo taken
in the garden) but active meanings also occur:
These structures occur a lot less frequently than attributive verbal adjectives
and seem to be restricted to relatively simple sentences.
Some verb combinations, which fall somewhere between conjunct and com-
pound verbs, are formed with verbal adjectives. These structures are not as
common as perfective participle compounds and in many of them the verbal
adjective takes on a passive meaning.
with pRh fall Verbal
Qrh pRh get caught, be detected, be noticed
with krh do
`qKh krh see, meet (the use of this structure is restricted to intended
Chapter 21
Imperfective participle
The imperfective participle has the general feature of something that has not
yet happened, is anticipated or in the process of unfolding. In some cases the
imperfective participle is equivalent to the English infinitive with to, e.g.
Verbs of perception are combined with phowh get, receive to express ability.
The forms of phowh are often in the present continuous.
The imperfective participle with a third person form of Mowh be, become and
the sentence subject in the objective or genitive case expresses obligation
(see also Ch. 34.3.3).
The imperfective participle gives a time reference. There are usually two
different subjects in the two clauses. An emphatic i added to the imper-
fective participle often results in an as soon as structure.
ghyR `Ufk nhmfu nh nhmfui uYUòñhfnr ph’hfqr mun ofqr yGfr Qrl mhyZrh/
car from get down-IP not get down-IP EMP holy place-GEN guide-
GEN like they-OBJ surround-PP hold-3-P-S fisherman-PL-NOM
As soon as they got out of the car they were surrounded by fishermen
as if they were guides on a pilgrimage. 401
21 ahfrk Bhi —Ufm ph´hbY `mfw ybfw kfryCl ; ek bCr `xfu nh `xfui ydfBhsò/
Imperfective more one brother at first Punjabi girl marriage do-3-P-PERF;
participle one year go-IP not go-IP-EMP divorce
Another brother had at first married a Punjabi girl; divorced barely
a year later.
(e) mixed structures
ycyT `pfu `pfu emni afBjs Mfw `gfC `x ycyT nh `pfl mfn Mw yqnth béUh `gl/
letter get-IP (×2) such EMP habit become-PP -go-3-PR-PERF that
letter not get-CP mind-LOC is-3-PR-S day-CL futile go-3-P-S
I have got so used to getting letters that when I don’t get a letter the
day seems wasted.
Chapter 22
Conditional participle
22.1 If-Conditionals
`xsb mhnvX emynfu km kUh bfl uhrh Bw `pfl —cvr kUh bfl/
that all person as such-LOC few word say-3-PR-S they fear get-CP
much word say-3-PR-S
All those people who normally don’t say much get very talkative when they
are afraid.
ghfnr kUh blfl uhr Gvm phw/
song-GEN word say-CP he-GEN sleep get-3-PR-S
When you talk (to him) about music he gets sleepy.
ahmhr Bhbfl eKno gbò Mw ahmhr nhnY ahmhr ãkvflri ySyÇkh yCfln/
I-GEN think-CP still pride be-3-PR-S I-GEN grandmother I-GEN
school-GEN EMP teacher [was]-3H-P-S
I still feel proud to think that my grandmother was a teacher at my school.
uhr mvfKr yqfk uhkhfl ahym afnk ykCv bvZfu phyr/
he-GEN face-GEN towards look-CP I much some understand-IP be
able to-1-PR-S
Just from looking at his face I understand a lot.
Occasionally, when a speaker or writer wants to emphasise the temporal
properties of the structure, the conditional participle is followed by pr
Both Mowh be, become and clh move, when they follow a conditional participle
clause, put a seal of acceptability on the clause. Often Mowh and clh, always in
the 3rd person, are negated to say This won’t do! This is a modal structure.
SvQv `phShk bhChi krfl Mfb nh, uhr sfà yTk krfu Mfb mhnhnsi zvuh/
only clothes choose-VN EMP do-CP Mowh-3-FUT not that-GEN with
decide on-IP be-3-FUT suitable shoe
It is not enough to choose the clothes. On top of that you have to decide
on matching shoes.
ahr ektv pfr `gfl Mu nh?
more a bit after go-CP Mowh-3-P-HABIT not
Wouldn’t it do to go a bit later?
yMLsh krfl Mfb?
jealousy do-CP Mowh-3-FUT
Will it do any good to be jealous?
ahpyn blfli Mfb/
you-H say-CP EMP Mowh-3-FUT
It will work out on your say-so.
uhr pC~q apC~q ynfw `uhmhr mhUh nh Ghmhflo clfb/
he-GEN like dislike about you-GEN head not make sweat-CP EMP
lit: it is acceptable for you not to make your head sweat about his
likes and dislikes
There is no need for you to worry about his likes and dislikes.
Here are two examples with blh and an emphatic i following the condi-
tional participle:
In the following sentences both the conditional participle and the final verb
are negated, resulting in a strong suggestive overtone.
This is another modal This won’t do! structure but its impact is much
more imperative. A conditional participle followed by nw means nothing
less than Absolutely not! Although there is no reason to assume that the
conditional participle always has to be negated in this structure, the occur-
rences found are all negatives, giving us some examples of double negatives
in Bangla.
This is another modal structure. When phrh be able to follows the condi-
tional participle, it can result either in a relatively straightforward if you
do this then you can do that structure (examples (a), (b) and (c)). Or the
conditional participle can act like an imperfective participle and result in
a can do structure (examples (d), (e), (f)) but implying possibility rather
than ability. The forms of phrh are restricted to simple present, future tense
and past habitual.
(d) uh uvym o£fk \pMhr `knbhr zfnj ykCv thkh Qhr yqfl phrfu/
you he-H-OBJ present buy-VN-GEN for some money lend-give-CP
You could have lent him some money to buy a present.
zhnhlhth yTk uhr mhUhr \pfr, `s Mhu bhRhfli prqhth C£vfu phfr/
window-CL direct his head-GEN above he hand stretch out-CP i
curtain-CL touch-IP be able to-3-PR-S
The window is directly above his head, just by stretching out his hand he
can touch the curtain.
ahym kUhth blfli orh ahmhfk Uhkfu bll/
I word-CL say-CP i they I-OBJ stay-IP say-3-P-S
As soon as I said this they asked me to stay.
svfxhg `pfli kvkvryt phylfw xhw/
chance get-CP i he flee-PP go-3-PR-PERF
The dog runs off whenever it gets the chance. 409
22.8 Conditional participle followed by an imperative
This structure is characterised by two forms of the same verb being used
together and often expresses an impatient go ahead!
Chapter 23
Perfective participle
The perfective participle (also called PAP = past active participle) is by far
the most frequent non-finite verb form in Bangla. It is an active verb form
and English equivalents to kfr, bfl, ygfw are having done, having said,
having gone.
Its general task is to give a previously completed verbal action. Unlike
other non-finite verb forms, perfective participles can follow one another
to describe strings of actions and events. In narrative or spoken sequences,
where one event follows another, all but the last verb form can be in the
perfective participle form. Any Bengali verb can be used in such sequences.
The finite verb, which refers to the last event in the sequence, can be in
any tense. The subject for both (or all) verbal actions is usually the same
although there are some exceptions to this (see under 5). For temporal
sequences with different subjects, the conditional participle can be used.
The perfective participle is used for the formation of compound verbs.
They are discussed separately in Ch. 18.
A row of perfective participles in one sentence often creates an atmosphere
of breathlessness and urgency. The subject in these types of sentences is
sometimes deferred and comes between the perfective participles and the
main verb.
Here is a beautiful sentence by Profullo Ray (anj Bvbn, p. 7)
mhT `pyrfw, —h™r ydyWfw, yqgf™r pr yqg™ `pCfn `Pfl ahshm `ml qvzòw gyufu
Cvft cflfC/
field cross-PP margin leap-PP horizon-GEN after horizon back
throw-PP Assam mail inhospitable passage-LOC run-PP move-3-PR-P
Having passed the fields and crossed the wasteland, leaving behind horizon
after horizon, the Assam mail train was speeding through the inhospitable
landscape. 411
23 This sentence from Kasem Bin Abubakar’s yblyôbu bhsr (p. 49) is about an
Perfective upset mother:
ahfmnh `bgm `Cflr abñh `qfK rhêhr khz `Pfl `rfK Mh\mh\ kfr `k£fq uhfk
`zhyRfw Qfr blfln . . .
Amena Begum son-GEN state see-PP cooking-GEN work throw-PP
put-PP fuss make-PP cry-PP he-OBJ embrace-PP hold-PP say-3H-P-S
When Amena Begum saw the state her son was in, she abandoned her
cooking and, wailing loudly, she embraced him and said . . .
The quick succession of a row of perfective participles creates a tense and
worried atmosphere in this sentence.
It will be immediately apparent from the following few sentences that the use
of the perfective participle is so varied and so common that, except in very
short or stylised sentences, compound verb occurrences of the perfective par-
ticiple are bound to appear. For the present purpose these should be ignored.
23.3 Manner
The perfective participle can describe the manner of the main action:
And here is our ahfbg example sentence (from page 415) again:
23.4.4 With o
23.5.2 With abstract nouns like \phw. lhB, Pl, or with yk where the
reference is clear from the context:
Unlike other non-finite verb forms, perfective participles often precede the
subject, as we saw in the mail-train sentence by Prophullo Ray at the start
of this section. Here are some more examples:
23.8 Negation
23.9.1 kfr
23.9.2 Mfw
The perfective participle of Mowh be, become can give the manner, underlying
reason or accompanying circumstance of the main verbal action and can
often be translated with an adverbial phrase in English.
23.9.3 bfl
The perfective participle of blh speak, say can follow directly after a finite
verb form and ranges in meaning from cause to considering to on account
of the fact = having said. The finite verb can be in any tense. Because of
its syntactic capacity bfl has to be considered an independent conjunction
(see Ch. 29.1, 29.3.2) but here are some examples in which it retains its
verbal connections. 421
23 yk bfl `x ahpnhfk Qnjbhq `qb?
Perfective what bfl that you-H-OBJ thanks give-1-FUT
participle How can I thank you?
ei elhkhfk `lhkzn bhyrQhrh bfl `cfn/
this area-OBJ people Baridhara bfl know-3-PR-S
People know this area as Baridhara.
ahym uhfk `uhmhr bív bfl zhnuhm/
I he-OBJ you-GEN friend bfl know-1-P-HABIT
I had considered him your friend.
yqfw having given → with, through ahmrh Mhu yqfw Khi/ We eat with our
`Ufk having stayed → from, since skhl `Ufk béy§ MfÉC/ It has been raining
since morning.
ynfw having taken → with, about ahym uhfk ynfw yc™h kyr/ I worry about him.
Qfr having held → via, along orh ei rhÄh Qfr ahsfb/ They will come along
this road.
Mfw [1] having become → as, on behalf of ahym uhr Mfw kUh blfu phyr/ I can
speak for him.
Mfw [2] having become → via ahym bhzhr Mfw efsyC/ I came via the market.
[1] When xhowh go follows perfective participles of active verbs, we can get
verbal sequences with one action following another but in the stress pat-
terns of these structures the meaning of xhowh often falls by the wayside.
Imperative sentences such as Svfn xho Listen! `qfK xho Look! ch `Kfw xho Have
a cup of tea! are used to delay someone’s imminent departure, but the same
phrases are also used to atttract someone’s attention without any expecta-
tion of him/her leaving.
Here are some examples which show these fluctuations and the very fine
422 line between verbal sequences and compound verbs.
with going factor: From verbal
sequence to
ahym bfl yqfw `glhm/
I say-PP give-PP go-1-P-S
I told (them) and left.
ahmrh nuvn b\fk `qfK xhb/
we new wife-OBJ see-PP go-1-FUT
We will meet the new wife (before we leave).
yk Ml, `Khkh, Bhu yqfw `gfl nh?
what be-3-P-S boy rice give-PP go-3-P-S not
What happened, boy, you didn’t give me any rice?
without going factor:
The combination `Ufk xhowh having stayed, go has two distinct uses, one as
a verbal sequence meaning stay and then go and one as a compound verb
meaning remain. Even in the verbal sequence, however, the going element
can be played down. The phrase:
mh, `uhmhr Bhb `qfK mfn MfÉC eKhfni `Ufk xhfb/ yPrfu Mfb nh?
mother you-GEN mood see-PP mind-LOC be-3-PR-C here EMP `Ufk
xhowh-2-FUT. return-IP be-3-FUT not
Mother, to look at you one gets the impression that you are staying here.
Don’t we have to return?
is worried that his mother is settling in for the night at a relative’s house.
In his statement the going part of `Ufk xhowh has lost its impact and `Ufk
xhowh has become a compound verb.
The merging process is complete in the following modal structure. The
obligation which is expressed here refers to the perfective participle `Ufk,
not the syntactically required `xfu. That is why it is possible to have the
time adverbial ahro qvi yqn in this sentence.
Chapter 24
Verb valency
(i) The balloon burst. The man drowned. They have arrived. We laughed.
(ii)He is a genius. They were late. She grew tired. You seemed upset.
I went home. She will come tomorrow. He has arrived at the airport.
(iv)I saw the house. We did the job. We ate an ice-cream. They love
(v) He sent me a letter. She gave me the book. He told you the truth. He
promised her the moon.
The verbs under (i) require just a subject, which gives them a verb valency of
one. We call them monovalent. Traditionally these are classed as intransi-
tive verbs.
The verbs in groups (ii), (iii) and (iv) all have one other noun phrase in addition
to the subject. In (ii) we have complements, in (iii) locatives and in (iv) direct
objects. All these verbs have a verb valency of two and are called bivalent.
The verbs in (v) have both a direct and an indirect object, which gives them
a valency of three (trivalent).1
For a verb like `qowh give we assign a valency of three on the basis of:
The overt case marking in Bangla does not distinguish beween direct and
indirect objects. In ahym uhfk `qyK I see him uhfk is the direct object of `qKh 427
24 see, i.e. he is the object of my seeing. In ahym uhfk shMhxj kyr I help him uhfk
Verb valency is the indirect object of `qKh see, i.e. he is the recipient of my help. This may
seem a bit confusing at first, but in actual language use there is rarely any
(a) There is only a direct object (these are the great majority of cases) and
this object is inanimate. The object case ending is usually dropped:
Both Mowh be, become and ahC- be present, exist can be either monovalent
or bivalent verbs.
24 Bivalent occurrences of Mowh and ahC- include either a genitive experiencer
Verb valency or a location in addition to the subject.
ahnh bring uvym bith ahn yn? Didn’t you bring the book?
krh do `s ykCv kfr nh/ He doesn’t do anything.
Khowh eat, drink ahmrh ch Khb/ We will drink tea.
`Klh play uhrh uhs `KlfC/ They are playing cards.
`Khlh open ahym qrzhth Kvlb/ I will open the door.
ChRh leave `s ahmhfk `CfR `gfC/ He has left me.
`C£hwh touch orh mhLs `C£hw nh/ They don’t touch meat.
zhnh know uvym uh zhn nh? Don’t you know that?
thnh pull o yrkSh thfn/ He pulls a rickshaw.
dhkh call ahym uhfk `dfkyC/ I have called him.
uhkhfnh look at `s ahkhfSr yqfk uhkhl/ He was looking at the sky.
`uhlh lift, pick uhrh myrc uvlfC/ They are picking chillies.
`qKh see ahym kh\fk `qyKyn/ I didn’t see anyone.
Qrh hold, catch `s mhC Qrfb/ He will catch some fish.
430 `nowh take ahym thkhth ynfwyC/ I have taken the money.
pRh read `s bi pfR nh/ He does not read books. Trivalent verbs
phrh be able to ahym khzth phyr/ I can do the work.
blh speak \yn yk bflfCn? What did he say?
`bhZh understand ahym uhr kUh bvyZ nh/ I don’t understand him.
Bhbh think uvym yk BhbC? What are you thinking?
Bhlbhsh love `s kh\fk Bhlbhfs nh/ He does not love anyone.
`Bhlh forget ahym uh Bvlb nh/ I will not forget that.
mhnh respect `s ahmhr kUh mhfn/ He respects what I say.
`lKh write o ycyT `lfK nh/ He doesn’t write letters.
`SKh learn ahmrh bhLlh ySKyC/ We are learning Bangla.
oThfnh lift ahym qhgth oThfu phyr nh/ I can’t get rid of the stain.
kmhfnh decrease \yn ahmhfqr `bun kmhfb/ He will decrease our salary.
zmhfnh collect `s afnk bi zymfwfC/ He has collected many
zhghfnh wake up mh bhbhfk zhghl/ Mother woke up father.
záhlhfnh light, ahym bhyu záhlhb/ I will light the lamps.
nhchfnh excite ghnth ahmhfqr nhchw/ The song excites us.
bshfnh set up, ahym Bhu bysfwyC/ I have put on the rice.
put on
bhzhfnh play `s ublh bhzhw/ He plays the tabla.
Bhbhfnh cause bjhphrth ahmhfk Bhbhw/ The matter intrigues me.
to think
lhghfnh plant ahmrh ghC lhghyÉC/ We are planting trees.
and so on
Trivalent verbs are those that can take both a direct and an indirect object.
Many of these verbs can drop one of their objects in actual sentences,
e.g. in ahym bhÉchfk KhowhyÉC/ I am feeding the baby the direct object, e.g. klh
banana is omitted. All causative verbs of bivalent verbs are trivalent.
`qowh give uvym uhfk Bhu `qfb? Will you give him some rice?
phThfnh send ahym ycyTth uhr khfC phThlhm/ I sent the letter to him.
blh tell ahym `uhmhfk ekth g¶p blb/ I will tell you a story.
24 causative trivalent verbs
Verb valency
Khowhfnh feed ahym uhfqr pvlho Khowhlhm/ I gave them pulao to eat.
zhnhfnh inform `s ahmhfk Kbr zhnhfb/ He will let me know the
`qKhfnh show uvym uhfk ybpqth `qKhÉC/ You are showing him the
pRhfnh teach \yn `Cflfqr a¬ pRhn/ He teaches the boys maths.
`bhZhfnh explain ahpyn ahmhfk kUhth `bhZhfbn? Will you explain this to me?
`SKhfnh teach o ahmhfk uhs `Klfu `SKhw/ He teaches me to play
An awareness of these verbal features helps us to understand their behaviour
in sentences.
Part 4
Chapter 25
We are now moving from individual word classes to the way these word
classes interact with one another to form sentences. Before we look at
different types of sentence in detail, here is an overview of what goes
into sentences, i.e. the components of Bangla sentences and the order they
occur in.
For the purpose of this overview we distinguish two main types of simple
sentences according to their shapes:
(a) active, existential and impersonal structures on the one hand, and
(b) copulative (equational) structures on the other. A detailed description
of these sentence types is given in Ch. 26, sentence classification.
Existential and impersonal sentences often have a genitive subject but the
case of the subject does not affect the basic sentence components.
The basic word order in Bangla is SOV: subject – object – verb. The subject
at the beginning of the sentence and the verb at the end provide a frame
for all the other parts of the sentences. A direct object is an extension of 435
25 the verb and stays close to it in sentences. The space straight after the noun
Sentences is therefore the most likely space for any extras in the sentence.
and their
subject object verb
ahym Bhu Khi/
I rice eat-1-PR-S = I eat rice.
In existential sentences there is a location in place of the object. The two
adjectives Bhl good and yTk correct can also appear in this position.
béy§ pRfC/
rain fall-3-PR-C = Rain is falling.
ahm ahfC/
mango [exist] = There are mangoes.
In sentences with both an indirect and a direct object, the indirect object
usually comes before the direct object.
With more than one adverbial, the time adverbial comes first.
25.2 Complements
When we talk about word order and flexible word order, we are actually
referring to the mobility of sentence components such as subjects, verbs,
adverbial phrases and objects within a sentence.
In grammar books we can give sentences like
S adv V
ahym khlfk xhb I will go tomorrow.
and show that we can also say
khlfk ahym xhb
adv S V
or ahym xhb khlfk
S V adv
or khlfk xhb ahym
adv V S
This does not tell us very much about the arrangement of sentence com-
ponents in real sentences.
If sentence structure is about the particular flowers that go into a bunch,
then word order is about the arrangement of these flowers. In actual lan-
guage use there is flexibility in these arrangements. Due to case marking
440 and unambiguous verb endings in Bangla, word order is not an essential
factor in determining the meaning of sentences. Add to this the fact that Word order
Bangla verbs with their same-sounding endings (`gl went, Ml happened, flexibility
yql gave, yCl was, ygfwfC has gone, MfwfC has happened, pfRfC has fallen,
efsfC has come) as the final element in sentences can result in a monotonous
style. A common device for getting around this situation is variation in
arrangements. While in some cases the deviation from the norm is deter-
mined by balance within a sentence, there are a variety of other factors
at work.
Subjects occur at the end in many descriptive contexts. Here are some
examples from a popular introduction to nature for children.1
ei sb ymylfw ∏uyr Mw ycyn bh Skòrh/
this all mix-PP ready be-3-PR-S sugar or gravel.
From the mixture of all these sugar or gravel are prepared.
uKn phuhr yBufr Gft ahro afnk ykCv/
then leaf-GEN inside-LOC happen-3-PR-S more much something
Then a lot more happens inside the leaf.
egvflhr yBufr ahfC phyn ahr zYb™ `zlY/
this-CL-PL-GEN inside-LOC [is present] water and living jelly
Inside these are water and living jelly.
Placing these subjects at the end gives them focus.
Weighty subjects (i.e. those containing multiple modifiers or extended verbal
adjectives) can move to the end of the sentence:
Pvflr mfuh Pvft \Tfb afnk, afnkyqn Qfr lvfkhfnh `si sVxò/
flower-GEN like bloom-PP rise-3-FUT much much day during hide-VA
that EMP sun
The sun which had been hidden for many, many days, would unfold like a flower.
Single word subjects can move to the end of a sentence when they are
already the topic of discussion.
`khnorkfm dhn Mhu yqfwi q£hu bîhS kfr mvK Qvl `sHmn/
any way-LOC right hand with EMP tooth brush do-PP face wash-3-P-S
Somehow Soumen cleaned his teeth and washed his face with his right hand.
1 Siddika Sultana et al. ahmhfqr nYl gîM, pyrfbS o —kéyu Dhaka, 2002 441
25 yk `x záhlhw nh ahmhfk `Cflth!
Sentences what that bother-3-PR-S not I-OBJ boy-CL
and their How that boy bothers me!
bhyRr ypCfn yqkkhr b£hQhfnh pvkvrGhft ynfw `gl `s/
house-GEN behind direction-GEN pave-VA lake wharf take-PP
go-3-P-S he
He took me to the paved landing place on the lake which was behind
the house.
qîßufbfg Cvft xhw zYbn/ `kft `gl bCfrr pr bCr/
quick speed-LOC run-PP go-3-PR-S life. cut-PP go-3-P-S year-GEN
after year
Life was just flying past.Year after year went by.
The subject can move to the end for suspense:
`qowhl o uhr ybChnhr mhZhmhyZ zhwghw mhUh \£cv kfr uvflo tfcòr ahflh pRhr
qrßn shmywkBhfb ahflh-ah£Qhyr `lfg U-`Kfw ahfC ahyPî∞khr œVr o yMLsî∞um
shp - khflh mhôbh/
wall and his bed-GEN between place-LOC head high do-PP lift-PP
EMP torch-GEN light fall-VN-GEN due to momentary light darkness
attach-PP stupefied [is present] Africa-GEN vicious and deadly snake
black mamba
In the space between the wall and the bed, head held high, momentarily
blinded by the light and shadow of the torch, was Africa’s most vicious,
most deadly snake, a Black Mamba.
Here is a sequence of short, regular sentences, followed by an emphatic
statement with the subject at the end:2
`bHyq 3 ahmhfk afnkbhr ycyT ylfKyCfln, ynmìN kfryCfln/ ahym xhiyn/ ahym `xfu phyr
yn/ yqyqr khfC `bRhfu ahsh `mfwytr mvfKhmvyK q£hRhbhr Sy∆ azòn krfu phyryn ahym/
sister-in-law I-OBJ much time letter write-3-P-PERF invitation do-3-P-
PERF I not go-1-PR-PERF I go-IP not be able to-1-PR-PERF sister to
visit-IP come-VN girl-CL-GEN face-to-face stand-baVN-GEN strength
gather-do-IP not be able to-1-PR-PERF I
Boudi wrote to me many times to invite me. I didn’t go. I couldn’t go.
I could not muster the strength to come face-to-face with the girl who had
come to visit Boudi.
The following sentence starts with an emphatic imperative and has a fairly
heavy direct object.
25 ek `bhkh bjhphfr, bhfz ekth bifwr znj Phluv Khtvyn `Kft `s khytfw yql ahz
Sentences shrhth qvpvr/
and their one stupid matter-LOC pointless one-CL book-GEN for unnecessary
components effort labour-PP he spend-PP give-3-P-S today whole afternoon
He had wasted the whole afternoon on a stupid business, spent
unnecessary effort on a pointless book.
yk≤ ek aÀvu khrfN `s ynfz `BfW yqfwyCl ei sôpkò/
but one strange reason-LOC he self break-PP give-3-P-PERF this EMP
But for some strange reason he himself had destroyed this relationship.
In past tense equational sentences the verb normally comes at the end.
Here we have a long complement following the verb:
ahr eKhfn yuyn yCfln bvyºzYbY `Sî∞NY `Ufk ahlhqh, shQhrN mhnvfXr khChkhyC bh
uhfqr ekzn/
and here he-H [was] intellectual class from separate ordinary
person-GEN close or they-GEN one-CL
And in this he was different from the intellectual elite, close to ordinary
people, one of them.
25.3.6 Context
25.4 Pro-drop
ahghmYkhl Shnv bhyR xhfb, bll uhr thkhgvflh yqfw yqfl Bhl Mu/
tomorrow Shanu home go-3-FUT say-3-P-S his money-CL-PL give-PP
give-CP good be-3-P-HABIT
Tomorrow Shanu is going home – (he) said it would be good if (he) could
have his money back.
Here the subject is mentioned by name once and in the consecutive
sentences the pronoun is dropped:
bhbv bR anjmnãk Mfw `gl/ c£hqvr kUh BhbyCl/ gu bfCfrr Gtnhth MThJ mfn pRl/
Babu big thoughtful be-PP go-3-P-S Cadu-GEN word think-3-P-C last
year-GEN event-CL suddenly mind-LOC fall-3-P-S
Babu became very worried. (He) was thinking about Cadu. Suddenly (he)
remembered the incident from the year before.
In the following sentence sequence there are just two occurrences of the
subject pronoun (underlined). The first sentence contains six finite verb
anjyqn yuyno \fT pfRn, xh phfrn Gvfr Gvfr shMhxj kfrn `mfwfk, zl `qn bhghfn,
ch ahr rßyt `Kfu `Kfu ã«Yr khfC efs bfsn, svfsäfM yzf“s kfrn, 'ahz `kmn
ahC?" yk≤ ahz yuyn ykCvi krfln nh anjyqfnr mu/ `zfg `zfg Gvfmr Bhn kfr
pfR rifln ybChnhw/
other day he-H rise-PP fall-3H-PR-S what-R be able to-3H-PR-S
turn-PP (×2) help do-3H-PR-S girl-OBJ water give-3H-PR-S garden-
LOC tea and bread eat-IP (×2) wife-GEN close to come-PP sit-3H-
PR-S sympathy-LOC question do-3H-PR-S today how [is present] but
today he something EMP do-3-P-S not other day-GEN like wake-PP
(×2) sleep-GEN pretence hold-PP-fall-PP remain-3H-P-S bed-LOC
On other days he gets up, helps his daughter where he can, waters the
garden, sits down next to his wife while he is eating bread and drinking tea,
asks her sympathetically how she is. But today he did not do anything the
448 same as on other days. He stayed in bed awake, pretending to be asleep.
25.4.2 First and second person subject pronouns
In sentences with first or second person subjects the pronouns ahym, uvym, etc.
can be dropped:
example 1:
efu ykCv thkh ahfC, `uhmhr `ShQ krhr shmfUòjr yMfsb kfri yqfwyC/ yqyÉC `lhn
yMfsfb/ yk, ykCv blfb nh?
this-LOC some money [is present], you-GEN repay-do-VN-GEN
ability-GEN account do-PP EMP give-1-PR-PERF. give-1-PR-C loan
account-LOC. what, something say-2F-FUT not.
There is some money here. (I) have calculated it according to your ability to
pay it back. (I) am giving it to you as a loan. Won’t (you) say something?
The sentence:
yqyÉC `lhn yMfsfb/ is short for ahym `uhmhfk thkh `lhn yMshfb yqyÉC/
give-1-PR-C loan I you-OBJ money loan
account-LOC account-LOC give-1-PR-C
and can be considered to contain two cases of pro-drop, namely the sub-
ject and the object of the sentence. This is not uncommon and shows the
vital importance of context.
example 2:
uvym `qfKyC ahmhfk `khn bjhphfr ahr ybSáhs krfu phrC nh/
you see-1-PR-PERF any matter-LOC more belief-do-IP be able
to-2-PR-C not
(I) see that you can no longer trust me in anything.
We see here the neat way in which Bangla can intertwine clauses without
recourse to conjunctions.
25.4.3 Dialogue
(a) ch Khfbn?
tea drink-HON-FUT
Will (you) have some tea? 449
25 (b) M£jh, Khfbh/
Sentences Yes, drink-1-FUT
and their Yes, (I) will have some tea.
(a) o yk Khfb nh?
he what drink-3-FUT not
Will he not have some?
(b) M£jh, Khfb?
Yes, drink-3-FUT
Yes, (he) will.
In the second sentence of the following example the subject pronoun `s
is dropped.
Sentences like the following are so common that we hardly notice that
something has been left out. That is precisely the purpose of conditional
participles and to some extent Mowh – they greatly reduce the need for
personal structures. uh is effortlessly dropped.
Chapter 26
Sentence classifcation
We can classify sentences according to three different criteria: (A) – their inter-
nal structure or complexity, (B) – their intention or direction (mode) and
(C) – the relationship between subject and predicate.
1 A simple sentence consists of one or more subjects but only one predicate.
2 A complex sentence consists of at least one main clause and one subordinate
clause. The two clauses are usually, but not always, linked by a conjunc-
tion. A complex sentence contains two or more finite verb forms.
3 A compound sentence consists of two or more independent sentences
which can be linked by a coordinating conjunction. Complex sentences
can occur within compound sentences. 451
26 This is the traditional way of classifying sentences in Bengali grammar
Sentence books. Here are some examples:
Sentences may be classified according to their mode, i.e. their use in speech
or texts. We recognise four main sentence types.
The four sentence types exhibit different syntactic forms, which will be
dealt with in a later section (Ch. 27). For now, it is worth pointing out that
there is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship between the form of a
sentence and its function. For instance, the following sentence has declar-
ative form: You need some help, but when it is spoken with a rising
intonation, it becomes a question: You need some help?
26.2.1 Declarative sentences
Declarative sentences are more common than all of the other kinds of
sentences taken together.
ekth `Cfl xhr nhm imrßl, `s rhu qv"th ahRhithr yqfk `tylfPhn kfr/
one-CL boy he-GEN name Imrul he night two-CL half past
two-GEN toward telephone do-3-PR-S
A boy, whose name is Imrul, phones at night at around two, half past two.
yk Ml?
what be-3-P-S
What happened?
`s kUh khr khfC blh MfwfC ahr kuzn kUhth SvfnfC?
that word who-GEN near say-VN be-3-PR-PERF and how many
people word-CL hear-3-PR-PERF
To whom was this told and how many people heard it?
These tend to be relatively short, but there are plenty of complex sentences
containing imperative clauses, especially with 3rd person imperatives.
yk asvybQh!
What an inconvenience!
xh sb yMyzybyz `lKh!
All that illegible writing!
26.3.1 Active
Active sentences have nominative agent subjects and verbs which agree
with the subject.
26.3.3 Impersonal
26.3.4 Equational
ahz bvQbhr/
Today is Wednesday.
mhnvXyt ahmhr apyrycu/
person-CL of me unknown
That person is unknown to me.
esb `Mhftl yk afnk bR yCl nh?
this all hotel what much big [was not]
Weren’t all these hotels very big?
ekth bi `lKhr sbfcfw bR ahn~q nhyk `sth `SX krfu phrh/
one-CL book write-VN-GEN all than big joy not what that-CL
finish-do-IP be able to-VN
The biggest joy in writing a book is to be able to finish it, isn’t it?
ahr `uhmhr mhys `x ahmhro sôpfkò mhys Mn uho uvym u£hfk yzf“s krfli
zhnfu phrfb/
and your aunt that-R my also relationship-LOC aunt be-3-H-PR-S
that-CR also you she-H-OBJ question-do-CP know-IP be able
And you can ask your aunt to find out that if she is your aunt she is
also my aunt.
(j) A complex, B declarative, C active – active – active
euyqfn bvfZyC `x ahym xyq smÄ zYbn Pvlkypr chX kfr khytfw yquvm,
uhMflo péyUbYth `xyqn QáLs Mbhr, `syqni Mu/
by now understand-1-PR-PERF that I if all life cauliflower
grow-do-PP spend-PP give-1-P-HABIT that be-CP world-CL that
day-R destroy-be-ba-VN-GEN that day-CR be-3-P-HABIT
By now I have understood that if I spent my whole life growing
cauliflowers, the world would still end on the day it was meant to end.
(b) imperatives
Do imperatives count as finite verb forms? Since they are often the only
verbs in a sentence, they should surely have the same status as other
finite verbs. And if they do, how do we rate the following sentences?
qrzhr `Khlhr Sûq Mfui ahyqnhU mvK Gvyrfw qrzhr yqfk uhkhfui nYlhfk q£hyRfw
Uhkfu `qfK yz“hsh krfln . . .
door-GEN open-VN-GEN noise be-IP EMP Adinath face turn-PP
door-GEN direction-LOC look-IP EMP Nila-OBJ stand-PP see-PP
question-do-3H-P-S . . .
When he heard the sound of the door opening Adinath turned his face
towards the door and, seeing Nila standing there, said . . .
`uhmhfk ahz K£vfz bhr krfu nh phrfl uvym gBYr `Ufk gBYrur mrß—h™frr mfQj
ygfw pfR khl qvpvr nhghq ué”hw —hN Mhrhfu/
you-OBJ today search find-IP not be able to-CP you deep from
deeper desert edge-GEN in go-PP fall-PP tomorrow midday until life
If I had been unable to find you today, you would have gone deeper
and deeper into the desert and would have been dead by midday
Chapter 27
Declarative sentences in syntax are what the nominative is within the case
system, namely the most common, the least marked and the most impor
tant type of sentence. Declarative sentences make statements.
indirect questions:
27.2 Interrogatives
The simplest type of question is the one that can be answered with yes or
Answers to these questions can be a straight M£jh yes or nh no, but more
often the reply takes up some part of the question. In English we do the
same but a different part of the question is taken up.
uhi nh? or uhi nhyk? can stand alone in response to something the speaker
has just been told, meaning Is that so? Really? They can, but do not have
to, imply doubt.
implying doubt:
'eth Svfn Kvb KvyS MfwyC/" 'uhi nhyk?"
this-CL hear-PP very happy be-1-PR-PERF that EMP not what
‘I am very happy to hear that.’ ‘Really?’ 467
27 'ahmhr khfC thkh `uh `ni/" 'uhi nh?"
Modes I-GEN with money EMP [is absent] that EMP not
‘I don’t have any money with me.’ ‘Really?’
not implying doubt:
`kmn how is often used following a suggestion for confirmation from the
468 hearer:
ahym sfà xhb/ `kmn? Interrogatives
I with go-1-FUT how
I’ll go too. OK?
ahym `Prhr pfU bhzhr `Ufk mhLsth ynfw ahys/ `kmn?
I return-VN-GEN way-LOC market from meat-CL take-PP
come-1-PR-S how
On the way back I’ll bring the meat from the market. OK?
27.2.5 xyq if
These are questions with attitude which do not expect a reply. Some of
them contain sarcasm, others imply criticism. Here are just a few examples.
As these sentences depend heavily on context, the translations are often
27.3 Imperatives
Imperatives are forms of direct address with the intention of making the
hearer act in certain ways. Present tense imperative verb forms are iden
tical to the verb forms in declarative sentences and the only difference
between a declarative and an imperative structure lies in the omission of
the personal pronoun. Imperatives can be formed from active, existential
and equational sentences.
xho nh! Do go! ahr ektv Khn nh! Go on, eat a bit more!
si krßn nh! Do sign! Uhk nh! Let it be!
thkh yqk nh! Let him pay! Uhm nh! Please stop!
ahmhfk ybX efn qho gh, ahmhfk pvyRfw `mfr `Pl `g!
I-OBJ poison bring-PP give-2-PR-IMP gh I-OBJ cause to burn-PP hit-PP
throw-2-PR-IMP `g
Get me some poison, set me on fire and kill me!
`qKh xhk/
Let’s see.
ahr `SX pxò™ `c§h chlhfnhi uhr afBjs - PlhPl xh-i `Mhk nh/
and end until attempt-carry on-VN EMP his habit result what-R EMP
be-3-IMP nh
And it was his habit to keep trying until the end, whatever the result.
srkhr xui —ymz krßk nh `kn, `—hdhkSn mhfn Mhzhrth Zhfmlh/
government how much EMP promise do-3-IMP not why production
meaning thousand-CL problem
However many promises the government makes, production is a hazardous
`lKh nh Uhk, uhr mvfKr kUhi xfU§/
write-VN not stay-3-IMP his mouth-GEN word EMP sufficient
Never mind about writing, his spoken word is enough.
iLfryzfu uhfqr “hn `xmni `Mhk nh `kn, uhrh bhLlh BhXhw qvbòl/
English-LOC their knowledge how EMP be-3-IMP not why they
Bangl-LOC weak
However clever they were in English, they were weak in the Bangla language.
bjhphrth eKhfni iyu `Mhk ethi yCl uhr khmj/
matter-CL here EMP end be-3-IMP this-CL EMP [was] his wish
It was his wish that the matter end here.
In the next two sentences the imperatives function as content clauses.
ahym `uh chi, ahpnhr mvK `Ufk urßNrh Svnvk ebL `bhZhr `c§h krßk/
I EMP want-1-PR-S your-H mouth from young-PL hear-3-IMP and
understand-VN-GEN attempt-do-3-IMP
476 But I want the young people to hear it from you and try to understand.
ahmhr Çyu `Mhk emn khz o krfui phfr nh/ Exclamations
I-GEN harm be-3-IMP such work he do-IP EMP be able to not
He would not do anything to harm me.
And here is a correlative structure:
orho Svnvk, ySKvk, xuth bvZfu phfr bvZvk/
they also hear-3-IMP learn-3-IMP how much-CL understand-IP be able
to-3-PR-S understand-3-IMP
Let them also hear, learn and understand what they are able to understand.
chowh want often triggers a third person imperative:
ahmrh chi nh `s ahmhfqr ghyR chlhk/
we want-1-PR-S not he our car drive-3-IMP
We don’t want him to drive our car.
ahsfl uhr mh chifun nh uhr bhbh `qfS thkh phThk/
actually her mother want-3H-P-HABIT not her father country-LOC
money send-3-IMP
Actually her mother did not want her father to send money back home.
27.4 Exclamations
Exclamative sentences are usually short. They can make use of question
words, relative pronouns or deictics:
yk KvyS lhgfC! How happy he felt!
yk sv~qr Pvl! What beautiful flowers!
ku Bhl mhnvX! What a good man!
yk ybSîY! How ugly!
yk l°h! What an embarrassment!
kubhr blfu Mfb! How often do I need to say it!
ahym `khn smw efsyC! I have been here for ages!
`s ku `Kfu phfr! How much he can eat!
`kmn shMs! What courage!
xh grm! How hot!
`s `lhk! That man!
xh `qfKyC! What I have seen!
eu thkh! So much money!
uhfk ku ykCv blfu `cfwfC! How much he had to tell her!
xh `Kwhyl mhnvX `s! What a capricious man he is!
uhr `qS `x xfShfr uh `k zhnu! Who would have thought that she
was from Jessore! 477
27 They can consist simply of short declarative sentences, sometimes with `uh,
Modes sometimes incomplete. Often just a change of tone indicates the change in
Both xyq if and `xn as if, if only can produce exclamative phrases. Phrases
with xyq are usually in the past habitual. The verb in `xn clauses is in the
simple present.
Chapter 28
All verbs in Bangla are capable of forming active sentences but some verbs
have a preference for impersonal structures. They will be discussed in the
subsequent sections.
Existential sentences are formed with the incomplete verb ahC- be, be
present. Existential sentences have two main subgroups: (1) locative
existentials and (2) possessive existentials. The difference between the two
types is the presence of a genitive human experiencer (possessor) in
possessiveexistential sentences. Other existential sentence types (3) include
Bhl, yTk, verbal adjectives and stative adjective structures. What all existen
tial sentences have in common is that they are negated with `ni/
A chart for the forms of ahC- is given Ch. 15.2. For more on the relation
ship between Uhkh and ahfC see Ch. 32, Aspect.
28.2.1 Locative existentials Existential
Locative existentials have nominative subjects and verb agreement. They usu
ally include a location, which can also be a time, but there are also purely
existential sentences such as:
28.2.2 Possessive-existentials
The word ‘possessive’ is used in the widest possible sense in this context. The
minimum requirement for these structures is a genitive nounphrase which
governs the rest of the sentence. Here are four examples for a closer look:
(i) personal–possessive
ahmhr ekth nuvn `cwhr ahfC/
I-GEN one-CL new chair [is present]
I have a new chair.
(ii) personal–relational
ahmhr …hmY ahfCn/
I-GEN husband [is present]-3H
I have a husband.
(iii) personal–characteristic
uhr ∏Qxò `ni/
he-GEN patience [is absent]
He has no patience.
(iv) personal–experiential
uhr esb ufµr zhnh ahfC/
he-GEN this all theory-GEN know-VN [is present]
He knows all these theories.
Further examples:
uhr ekzno bív `ni/
he-GEN one-CL friend [is absent]
He doesn’t have a single friend.
bhbhr yunth GyR yCl/
father three-CL watch [was]
482 Father had three watches.
ahmhfqr Mwfuh ykCv Bvl «ßyt ahfC/ Existential
we-GEN perhaps some mistake fault [is present] structures
Perhaps we have some faults and shortcomings.
zYbfnr `Sxyqn pxò™ khz kfr xhowhr iÉCh ahmhr ahfC/
life-GEN end day until work do-PP go-VN-GEN wish i-GEN [is present]
I have the wish to carry on working until the final day of my life.
ahr ubv ero ekth ahkXòN ahfC/
and but this-GEN also one-CL attraction [is present]
And still, this also has an attraction.
`khno pyrk¶pnhr qîßu sôphqnhr —yuBh yCl u£hr ashmhnj/
any planning-GEN quick accomplishment-GEN genius [was]
he-H-GEN extraordinary
He had an extraordinary gift for carrying out plans.
ahpnhr ygyêr sfà phrhr Çmuh ahpnhfqr khro `ni/
your wife-GEN with be able to-VN-GEN power you-PL-GEN
someone-GEN [is absent]
None of you can compete with the competence of your wife.
ahmhr yk≤ esb `SKhr `khno `Z£hk `ni/
I-GEN but this all learn-VN-GEN any inclination [is absent]
But I have no inclination to learn all this.
uhr `s rkm `khno Bw `ni/
he-GEN that kind any fear [is absent]
He has no such fears.
qéSj o aqéSj sb ykCvri ekyt bh ekhyQk r∑p ahfC/
seen and unseen all something-GEN one-CL or a few form [is present]
Seen or unseen, everything has one or more than one form.
kUh blbhr abñh uhr yCl nh/
word speak-VN-GEN state he-GEN [was] not
He was not in a fit state to talk.
ahym KvyS/ I am happy. `s chlhk/ He is clever. khgzth yBzh/ The paper is wet.
The two verbs Bhl good and yTk correct have additional existential uses in
which the adjectives take on a separate meaning.
equational existential
ahym Bhl/ I am good. ahym Bhl ahyC/ I am well.
ahym Bl ni/ I am not good. ahym Bhl `ni/ I am not well.
eth yTk/ That is correct. eth yTk ahfC/ That is fine.
eth yTk nw/ That is not correct. eth yTk `ni/ That is not right.
Other adjectives, verbal nouns and abstract nouns are used in existential
structures. They often correspond to there is structures in English:
These sentences are usually short. They always have a third person verb form
and no subject. They can often only be translated with an impersonal one:
This use of lhgh has a genitive experiencer subject which is not always
expressed. lhgh can also take a direct object. Some more examples with
physical sensations and emotions are given below in Ch. 28.3.3.
In combinations with Bhl good and Khrhp bad lhgh can express like and
dislike. There is always a genitive experiencer subject and usually a direct
object. Note that when an object pronoun is dropped, we can get two
identicallooking structures:
Sentences (ii) with the dropped uh it are less likely to occur in continu
488 ous tenses. That and the context of these types of utterances make
misunderstandings rare but the similarity of the structures needs to be Impersonal
kept in mind. structures
This use is very common with money or amounts of time. kuÇN lhgfb?
How long will it take?
Mowh naturally combines with most of the sensations given above and with a great
number of abstract nouns besides. Additionally Mowh is used for emerging and
changing events. Some examples were given in Ch. 19.2 (conjunct verbs). 491
28 These uses of Mowh are different from the impersonal passive uses given in
Patterns Ch. 28.3.5 below.
subject (gen) sensation 3rd person of Mowh be become
ahmhr iÉCh MfwfC/ I felt like . . .
ahmhr rhg MfÉC/ I am feeling angry.
uhr svfxhg MfwfC/ An opportunity has come his way.
uhr Bvl MfwfC/ He made a mistake.
ahmhr uhr kUh ybSáhs MfÉC/ I believe him.
uhr sf~qM MfÉC/ He is having doubts.
`uhmhr yk yMLsh MfwfC? Were you feeling jealous?
uhr zár MfwfC/ He has a fever.
ahmhr asvK MfwfC/ I am ill.
ahmhfqr ZgRh MfwfC/ We have had an argument.
The expression mfn Mowh think is given in Ch. 19.3. Here is an example with
a direct object:
ahmhr uhfk mfn Ml zYb™, \JshMY/
I-GEN he-OBJ mind-LOC be-3-P-S alive enthusiastic
I thought of him as alive, enthusiastic.
other examples:
or mhr kUh `Bfb ahmhr k§ MfÉC/
her mother-GEN word think-PP I-GEN trouble be-3-PR-C
I feel upset when I think about her mother.
eibhr `uh pyrcw Ml/
this time EMP introduction be-3-P-S
This time introductions were made.
Khbhr `Kfw Mzm Mw nh/
food eat-PP digestion be-3-PR-S not
The food that has been eaten is not digested.
kéy«m \phfw `mG ∏uyr kfr béy§ nhmhfnhr `c§h MfwfC/
artificial way-LOC cloud prepare-do-PP rain cause to descend-VN-GEN
attempt be-3-PR-PERF
An attempt has been made to release rain from artificially produced clouds.
ghfC ghfC nuvn phuhr ahgmfnr shfU phyKr ghfn chryqk mvKyru Mw/
tree-LOC (×2) new leaf-GEN arrival-GEN with bird-GEN song-LOC
four direction resounding be-3-PR-S
The whole place resounds with bird song greeting the arrival of new leaves
492 on the trees.
28.3.5 Impersonal passives
In English only sentences containing a bivalent (transitive) verb with a
direct object can be passivised. An English passive sentence is derived from
an active one by dropping the subject (or adding it in a prepositional phrase
with by), raising the object to the subject position, and changing the active
verb form to the appropriate form of the verb be plus a past participle, e.g.
28 With Mowh happen, occur
Impersonal passives with Mowh express actual occurrence. In sentences
containing a direct object the agent is almost invariably suppressed. The
syntactic shape of these sentences is [object + verbal noun + 3rd person
form or nonfinite form of Mowh ]. The verb Mowh does not appear as the
verbal noun in this structure but can form a compound verb with oTh rise
or instead.
The verbal noun with a third person form of xhowh expresses possibility.
xhowh can be in any tense.
This is a thoroughly impersonal structure in that it never has any kind of
human agent, either nominative or genitive. Semantically this structure is
comparable to the imperfective participle with phrh be able to, be possible.
The phrh structure offers a nonimpersonal alternative.
28 ghnth Svfn shrhyqn KvyS Mowh xhw/
Patterns song-CL hear-PP all day happy be-VN go-3-PR-S
Listening to that song can make you happy for the whole day.
The following sentence would be rather awkward without a personal subject
in the English translation:
ekmh« `mf~dflr yUoyrr shMhfxj E-bjhphrthfk `bhZh xhw, `bhZhbhr `c§h krh xhw/
one only Mendel-GEN theory-GEN help-LOC that matter-CL-OBJ
understand-VN go-3-PR-S explain-baVN-GEN attempt do-VN
We can only understand or attempt to explain this with the help of
Mendel’s theory.
Here we have three sentences with a very tangible person behind the
impersonal structures:
The following sentence has an impersonal xhowh main clause with an active
subordinate content clause:
`sgvflhfk ektv Bhl Khbhr yqfw qvQ \Jphqfnr Çmuh bhRhfnh `xfu phfr/
that-CL-PL-OBJ a bit good food give-PP milk production-GEN power
increase-VN go-IP be able to-3-PR-S
Their ability to produce milk can be increased if they are fed well.
clh move, go
In impersonal structures clh takes on the meaning of cope, manage, be
acceptable, be sufficient
An impersonal structure with a combination of ahsh come and xhowh go is
often used in the negative to convey a don’t care attitude.
The structure also occurs in affirmative sentences. More details are given
in Ch. 37.1(b).
28.3.7 chi
chi is the 1st person simple present form of chowh want. This form is used
as an independent noun meaning need. It is not as common as qrkhr need
but, like qrkhr, it is used in impersonal structures with a genitive subject.
chi often has a more imperative impact than qrkhr.
blfln ahpnhfki ahmhr chi/
say-2H-P-S you-H-OBJ I-GEN chi
You said that I needed you.
Many modal structures are impersonal. They usually involve nonfinite verb
forms. Examples for these structures are given in Ch. 34.3 and 34.4.
ahŸcxò nw `sth/
surprising [is not] that
That is not surprising.
And here is an expanded equational sentence:
uhr prfnr ShyR qv-yun zhwghw `slhi krh Mflo myln nw/
her wearing-GEN saree two three place-LOC sew-do-VN be-CP even
dirty [is not]
Even though the saree she wears has been sewn in one or two places, it is
not dirty.
Equational sentences do not occur in the past or the future tense as often
as other sentences do, for two reasons. First, Bangla has much more
flexibility in its tense use than English does and a present tense sentence in
a past tense context is perfectly normal. Second, the past tense of the zero
verb is identical to that of ahC- and, although there is rarely any scope for
confusion between the two types of sentences, equational sentences lose Equational
some of their specific impact in the past or future tenses. For future and sentences
nonfinites forms of Mowh be, become are used. n- does not appear in any
but simple present tense contexts.
`s Qfr ynfwyCl `s brhbr eki rkm Uhkfb, ei Qfr `nowhthi MfwyCl crm Bvl/
he hold-PP take-3-P-PERF he forever one EMP kind stay-3-FUT this
hold-PP take-VN-CL EMP be-3-P-PERF big mistake
He had assumed that she would always stay the same. That assumption
had been a huge mistake.
yuyn SvQv y—w `lKki yCfln nh, u£hr shMs yCl syuj kUh `lKhr/
he only favourite writer EMP [was]-3-H not he-H-GEN courage
[was] truth word write-VN GEN
He was not just a favourite writer, he had the courage to write the truth.
We can see from these simple examples alone that the particular zero verb
characteristics no longer exist here but that the becoming sense of Mowh
takes over.
28.4.5 Pro-Copula (PC)
Equational sentences in the simple present usually have a zero verb. In
order to give these sentences a bit more structure and weight, a procopula
can be inserted between the subject and the complement. This is always a
3rd person form of Mowh be, become and the tenses used are the present
continuous, the simple past and occasionally the simple present. In their
procopulative uses these verb forms lose their tense component and take
on a tenseless quality. This is the one sentence type in Bangla where the verb
is banned from its usual end position, with good reason.
If we placed the verb form in its normal position at the end of the sentence,
we would get quite a different kind of sentence:
The procopula has subject verb agreement and there is free variation
between present continuous and simple past verb forms.
Here is a nice sentence from Parasuram’s yun ybQhuh which shows these
gd blfln, uh Mfui phfr nh/ uvym MÉC `uy«S `khytr ekzn, ahr ahym MyÉC ekmh«
ay#uYw ISár/
God say-3H-P-S that be-IP be possible not you PC thirty-three ten
million one-CL and I PC one only un-seconded god
God said, ‘That can’t be.You are one of 33 million, and I am the only
supreme God.’ 507
28 Here are some more examples from quite simple to a bit more complex.
Patterns There are no explicit rules for when the procopula should or should not
be used. As we see from the examples, even a simple pronoun as a subject
can be followed by a procopula. What the procopula certainly does do
is to add some emphasis and weight.
Here is a sentence with a double procopula: Equational
ahsl bjhphrth Ml oi ynmulhr Bqîflhk Mfln bhyRr mhylk/
actual matter-CL PC that downstairs gentleman PC house-GEN owner
In fact, the gentleman from downstairs is the owner of the house.
The noun mhfn meaning can stand in for the procopula:
Chapter 29
We have now dealt with the different modes and verbal patterns in Bangla
and turn our attention to the question of coordination and subordination.
no conjunction:
uhr cvl \RfC kphfl, ah£cl Kfs pRfC KvySfu, pyrSîfm, pR™ `rhfq zálzáfl lhlfc
uhr mvK/
her hair fly-3-PR-C, end of saree come off-PP fall-3-PR-C happy-LOC
hard work-LOC sinking sun-LOC bright bright reddish her face
Her hair is flying, the end of her saree is coming loose in her enjoyment,
in her effort. In the waning sunlight her face was bright red.
aUbh or
Mwfuh kvSl ybynmw aUbh erkm ykCv/
perhap expert exchange aUbh this kind something
Perhaps some expert exchange or something like that.
bXòhkhfl béy§ MfÉC nh aUbh ayubéy§ MfÉC/
rainy season-LOC rain be-3-PR-C not aUbh excessive rain be-3-PR-C
In the rainy season either it does not rain or it rains excessively.
aUòhJ namely
bhbho sô—yu `bkhr MfwfCn/ aUòhJ `Cflr esb Krc ahr yqfu phfrnyn/
father also recently unemployed be-3-H-PR-PERF that is son-GEN this
all expense more give-IP nor be able to-3-H-PR-PERF
The father has recently become unemployed, which means that he can’t
afford all his son’s expenses.
ahbhr again, and
\fT q£hRhfln dh∆hr ∏m«, phwchyr krfln, ahbhr bsfln, ahbhr \Tfln, ysghr
Qrhfln, ynybfw yqfln/
get up-PP stand-3H-P-S Doctor Maitra pacing-do-3H-P-S ahbhr
sit-3H-P-S ahbhr get up-3H-P-S cigar light-3H-P-S extinguish-PP
Doctor Maitra got up, walked up and down, sat down, got up again, lit a
cigar and extinguished it.
ykCvth a…y™ lhgfC uhr ahbhr Bhlo lhgfC/
somewhat uncomfortable feel-3-PR-C he-GEN ahbhr good also
He was feeling a bit uncomfortable but then again he liked it. 511
29 ahr and
and complex
ahym eKn ybfw krb nh ahr `sth ahpyn bhbhfk bvyZfw blvn/
I now marriage-do-1-FUT not ahr that-CL you-H father-OBJ
explain-PP say-2H-PR-IMP
I will not get married now. You explain that to father.
ei `qhlnhw `s qvlfC, qvlfC ahr Bw phfÉC ahr `Mfs \TfC `xn zlurfÃr ahowhz/
this swing-LOC she swing-3-PR-C swing-3-PR-C and fear get-3-PR-C
and laugh-PP rise-3-PR-C like wave-GEN sound
On this swing she is swinging, swinging and getting scared and laughing.
Like the sound of waves.
`lhyl KfRr mfQj Svfw M£hphfÉC ahr BhbfC eKn yk krh xhw?
Loli hay-GEN in lie-PP pant-3-PR-C ahr think-3-PR-C now what
do-VN go-3-PR-S
Loli was lying in the straw, panting and thinking, ‘Now what can I do?’
yk or
uhMfl anj `lhfkr zfnj ahpyn `mhfti Bhfbn nh? uhrh pRl yk nh pRl, uhfqr
Bhl lhgl yk lhgl nh?
so other peson-GEN for you-H at all think-2H-PR-S not they
read-3-P-S yk not read-3-P-S they-GEN good feel-3-P-S yk feel not
So you don’t think at all about other people? Whether they read it or not,
whether they liked it or not?
ykLbh or
`kkth ynfz bhnhb ykLbh uvym ekth ykfn ahnfb/
cake-CL self bake-1-FUT ykLbh you one-CL buy-PP bring-2-FUT
I will bake the cake myself or you will buy one.
'ahym ahr `qyr krfu phyr nh/" 'uhMfl cfl xhÉC nh `kn?"
I more delay-do-IP be able to-1-PR-S then move-PP go-2-PR-C
not why
‘I can’t delay any more.’ ‘Then why are you not leaving?’
nh or
ahmrh yk ybkhfl xhb nh khlfk xhb?
we what afternoon-LOC go-1-FUT nh tomorrow go
Shall we go this afternoon or tomorrow?
brL instead
eu \êyu sfμo zYbfnr mVlj bhfRyn ektvo brL ahro asMhw Mfw pfRfC mhnvX/
so much development in spite of life-GEN value not increase-3-PR-
PERF little bit EMP brL more helpless be-3-PP fall-3-PR-PERF person
In spite of all this development people’s quality of life has not increased one
bit. Instead they have become more helpless.
`s `umn ykCv mfn krl nh/ brL mfn mfn KvyS Ml/
he such something mind-LOC do-3-P-S not brL mind-LOC (×2) happy
He did not really mind, but felt happy.
bh or
orh ahzfk bhfs ygfwfC bh anj khro sfà ghyRr bjbñh kfrfC ahym zhyn nh/
they today bus-LOC go-3-PR-PERF bh other someone-GEN with
car-GEN arrangement do-3-PR-PERF I know-1-PR-S not.
They went on the bus or arranged a car with someone else,
I don't know. 513
29 svurhL therefore
yk≤ `s zhfn ahmhr zYbfnr Qhrh yk/ —yu©Th `ni, yb≠ `ni, emn ykCv `ni xhr qhrßN
and complex
`gHrb krh cfl/ svurhL Kvb …hBhybkBhfb ahmhfk zYNò bfã«r mu pyrujhg kfrfC/
but he know-3-PR-S my life-GEN flow what foundation [is absent]
wealth [is absent] such something [is absent] that-GEN excessive
glory do-VN move-3-PR-S svurhL very natural way-LOC I-OBJ
worn-out cloth-GEN like desertion-do-3-PR-PERF
But he knew what kind of a life I had. No foundation, no wealth, nothing
to be particularly proud of. That’s why he dumped me like a worn-out
piece of clothing.
29.3.2 Complex
with `xfMuv because
ahr uhfki yk `SX pxò™ ybfw krfu Mfb `xfMuv rhêh krbhr zfnj ekzn `lhk
qrkhr? `xfMuv skhfl uhr Gvm BhWbhr ahfg ch ∏uyr krbhr zfnj `k\ nh Uhkfl
cfl nh?
and he-OBJ EMP end until marriage-do-IP be-3-FUT `xfMuv cooking
do-ba-VN-GEN for one-CL person need `xfMuv morning-LOC his sleep
break-ba-VN-GEN before tea ready do-ba-VN-GEN for someone not
stay-CP move-3-PR-S not
And in the end he would have to marry her because he needed someone
to do the cooking? Because there had to be someone to get his tea ready
before he woke up in the morning?
yk≤ `xfMuv `s ayumh«hw sJ, `khno rkm 'svybfQ `nowh"fk GéNh kfr, ahr `xfMuv
ayBBhbk -mMfl svnhmrÇh uhr ybfSX —fwhzn, uhi eki `mfwfk C-mhs Qfr
pyRfwo `s phTj ybXw ChRh ahr `khno —sà \»hpn kfryn/
but `xfMuv highly honest any kind ‘take advantage’-OBJ hate-do-3-PR-S
and `xfMuv guardian-residence-LOC good reputation protection his
special need so EMP same girl-OBJ six month during teach-PP even he
lesson subject except more any topic raise-not-do-3-PR-PERF
But he was very honest and hated any kind of ‘taking advantage’, and
it was particularly important to him to preserve his good name in the
residence of a guardian. For that reason, even if he had been teaching
the same girl for six months, he would never raise any subject other than
the topic of the lessons.
with bfl because of, as, on account of
ahfgr rhf« uhr zár yCl bfl Bhl kfr `Kfu phfryn/
before-GEN night-LOC his fever [was] bfl good do-PP eat-IP not be
able to-3-PR-PERF
He couldn’t eat properly because he’d had a fever the night before.
thkh yqfwyC uhfk, uhr —fwhzn yCl bfli/
money give-1-PR-PERF he-OBJ he-GEN need [was] bfl
I gave him the money because he needed it.
xhwyn uhr b\ uhfk bhrN krl bfl/
not go-3-PR-PERF his wife he-OBJ forbid do-3-P-S bfl
He did not go because his wife forbade it.
29 kvymr mhrbhr ynwm uhfqr yCl nh bfl kvymfrr sLKjh `bfR `bfR pvkvr efkbhfr Byuò
Compound Mfw ygfwyCl/
and complex crocodile kill-baVN-GEN practice they-GEN [was] not bfl
sentences crocodile-GEN number increase-PP (×2) lake completely filled be-PP
Because they were not in the habit of killing crocodiles, the number
of crocodiles kept increasing and the lake was full of them.
ahr `Kfu iÉCh krfC nh bfl Mhu mvK Qvfw mhfwr ah£cfl Mhu mvK mvCl/
more eat-IP wish do-3-PR-C not because hand face wash-PP
mother-GEN saree hand face wipe-3-P-S
He didn’t want to eat any more, so he washed his hands and face and
wiped them on mother’s saree.2
chlhk mhnvX bfl ofk `Q£hkh yqfu phryn/
clever man bfl he-OBJ trick-give-IP not be able to-2-PR-PERF
He is a clever man, that’s why you couldn’t trick him.
ahymo ebhr `nMhu elhm e zhwghzymgvflh ybyœ kfr `Plb bfl/
I also this time perforce come-1-P-S this place land-PL-CL sell-do-PP
throw-1-FUT bfl
I also had to come along today because I am selling this land.
ekiBhfb ynfzfqr sôpq sôpfkò sfcun ni bfli ahmrh ybfqyS i\kjhylpths,
ekhySwh lhghyÉC yk≤ ahmhfqr ynmghC lhghyÉC nh/
this way-LOC own-PL-GEN wealth relationship-LOC aware [am not]
bfl EMP we foreign eucalyptus acacia plant-1-PR-C but our neemtree
plant-1-PR-C not
So because we are not aware of our own wealth we plant foreign
eucalyptus and acacia but not our own neem tree.
518 2 The ah£cl is the loose end of a saree which is draped over the shoulder or the head.
29.4.1 Compound Result clauses
aUc but
ahbhr ahkhfSr afnk \pfr \fT `gfl bhwvpv´ SYul Mfw xhw, aUc ynfckhr bhwvpv´
Uhfk \”/
again sky-GEN much up-LOC rise-PP go-CP air mass cold be-PP
go-3-PR-S aUc below-GEN air mass stay-3-PR-S warm
When the air mass goes up high in the sky it gets cold, but the air mass
below stays warm.
`s bi bCr kfwk ahfg Mici `Pfl yqfwyCl/ aUc eKn ahmrh zhyn . . .
that book year a few before uproar throw-PP give-3-P-PERF. aUc now
we know-1-PR-S
That book caused quite a stir a few years ago. But now we know . . .
euyqn xhowh ahsh krfCn yuyn ei bhyRfu, aUc MYfrmnYr `x ekth `Cfl ahfC, uhi
`tr phnyn/
so long go-VN come-VN do-3H-PR-C he-H this EMP house-LOC
aUc Hiremoni-GEN that one-CL boy [is present] that EMP not
He had been coming and going in her house for so long, but he hadn’t
known that Hiremoni had a son.
yk≤ but
bhbh Kvb skhfl ofTn/ ufb qvpvfrr yqfk ektv Gvm Mw u£hr/
father very morning-LOC get up-PS ufb midday-GEN towards a little
sleep be-3-PR-S he-H-GEN
Father gets up very early. But towards midday he has a little sleep.
The following sentence can serve to demonstrate how Bangla moves from
compound (coordinating) to complex (subordinating) structures. The
essential difference between these two types of sentence formation is that
compounding creates a loose connection which can easily revert back to
individual simple sentences. Complex (subordinating) structures, on the
other hand, are firmly interlinked and provide a semantic logic as well as
a syntactic composition.
xyqo `s shrhyqn khz kfr uUhyp uhr pRhfShnh yTkmu chylfw xhfÉC/
even though he all day work do-3-PR-S still his study properly
continue-PP go-3-PR-S
Even though he works all day, he continues with his studies conscientiously.
with ubvo
xyqo ek ahQbhr anj yqfk uhkhfÉC yk≤ Gvfr Gvfr prÇfN qéy§th ahmhr mvfK efs
even though one half time other direction-LOC look-3-PR-C but
turn-PP (×2) after moment-LOC look-CL I-GEN face-LOC come-PP
524 Even though she looks away for a bit, her gaze returns to my face constantly.
xyqo yuyn gyrb yk≤ afnk sJkhxòj kfrfCn/ Concessives
even though he-H poor but much charity work do-3H-PR-PERF
Even though he is poor, he has done a lot of charity work.
khqôbrY xyqo sfà efsfCn, yk≤ u£hr sfà rybr ybfSX `qKh Mw yn/
Kadambari even though with come-3H-PR-PERF but she-H-GEN with
Robi-GEN special see-VN not be-3-PR-PERF
Even though Kadambari came along, she and Robi did not see much of
each other.
no correlative
3 These types of subordinate clauses are also called complement clauses. The term
content clause was coined by Otto Jespersen and seems more appropriate for Bangla
in view of the fact that the term complement is used in the context of equational
(copulative) structures. I am grateful to W. L. Smith for suggesting this term in his Bengali
526 Reference Grammar, Stockholm 1997
the whole following clause. Verbs of saying or perception followed by `x Content
produce content clauses. The clause following `x is, in fact, the direct object clauses
of the main verb.
In this sentence `x uvym ahzfk ahsfb that you will come is the direct object
of zhnh know.
bfl, the perfective participle of blh speak comes in a different place in the
sentence when it is used as a conjunction than `x does. `x usually occurs
straight after the sentence subject, bfl after the finite verb of the subord
inate clause.
Content clauses are particularly suited for indirect speech, including indir
ect questions.
ahmhro mfn MfwyCl `x ahpyn Mwfuh ahmhfk ybSáhs krfu phrfCn nh/
I-GEN also mind-LOC be-3-P-PERF `x you-H perhaps I-OBJ
belief-do-IP be able to-2H-PR-C not
I also thought that you could perhaps not quite believe me.
e msyzq `qKfl `cnh xhw `x, eyt svluhnY ahmfl ∏uyr Mwyn/
this mosque see-CP know-VN go-3-PR-S `x this-CL Sultanic rule
built not be-3-PR-PERF
It is clear from looking at this mosque that it was not built under
Sultanic rule.
mhfwr QVmphfn gfBòr ySSvr `x Çyu Mfu phfr, `s kUh u£hrh Bvfl xhn bh yc™h
kfrn nh/
mother-GEN smoking uterus-GEN baby-GEN `x harm be-IP be
possible-3-PR-S that word they-H forget-PP go-3H-PR-S or
think-do-3H-PR S not
They forget or don’t think about the fact that the mother’s smoking can
harm the unborn baby.
ahr `s `x ekth Mhysr g¶p Svfn Mhsfu phrfb eth Mwfuh bR `byS ahSh krh/
and he `x one-CL laugh-GEN story hear-PP laugh-IP be able to-2-FUT
this-CL perhaps big much hope do-VN
It is perhaps too much to hope that he might be able to laugh when he
hears a funny story.
uhfqr mfQj afnkyqn `Ufk yTk Mfw ahfC `x ek rhf« aíkhfr bfs uhrh
kUh kifb/
they-GEN between many day from arranged be-PP [is present] `x one
night-LOC darkness-LOC sit-PP they word speak-3-FUT
It had been agreed between them for a long time that one night they
528 would sit in the dark and talk.
29.6.2 With bfl Content
Kvb sMfz ybfqw krh xhfb bfl mfn Mw nh/
very easily dismiss-do-VN go-3-FUT bfl mind-LOC be-3-PR-S not
I don’t think it will be very easy to get rid of him.
`s ahmhr sfà kUh blfb nh bfl yTk kfrfC/
he I-GEN with word speak-3-FUT not bfl decide-3-PR-PERF
He has decided not to speak with me.
iyn u£hr dhfwyrr mfQj `rhydyswhr ei a“hu zhfnhwhr qVr `Ufk `qfKfCn bfl \f^K
kfr ygfwfCn/
he-H his diary-GEN in Rhodesia-GEN this EMP unknown animal
distance from see-3-H-PR-PERF bfl mention do-PP go-3-H-PR-PERF
He mentioned in his diary that he had seen this unknown Rhodesian
animal from a distance.
`mfwr pfr `mfw Ml bfl ektvo ybr∆ Ml nh `k\/
girl-GEN after girl be-3-P-S bfl a bit even annoyed be-3-P-S not
No one was in the least annoyed that the second child was also a girl.
ayqyu zny—w Mfu `cfwfCn bfl mfn Mw nh/
Aditi popular be-IP want-3-PR-PERF bfl mind-LOC be-3-PR-S not
I don’t think that Aditi was trying to be popular.
ahym ahghymkhl rhzShMYfu xhb bfl kUh yqfwyC/
I tomorrow Rajshahi-LOC go-1-FUT bfl word give-1-PR-PERF
I promised that I would go to Rajshahi tomorrow.
shrhrhu Bhl Gvm MfwfC bfl `uh mfn MfÉC nh/
all night good sleep be-3-PR-PERF bfl EMP mind-LOC be-3-PR-C not
I don’t think that he slept well through the night.
iyumfQj uhr ekth ynz… muhmu ∏uyr MfwfC, `s ahr anj khro kUh xhchi nh kfr
`mfn `nw nh/
by now he-GEN one-CL own decision form be-3-PR-PERF he
more other someone-GEN word request not do-PP respect-PP
take-3-PR-S not
In the meantime he made up his mind that he would not listen to anyone
else’s opinion unless he had asked for it.
emn nw `x uhfqr mfQj ekzfnr uvlnhw anj zfnr Bhfg ykCv km pfRyCl/
such [is not] that they-GEN beween one-CL-GEN comparison-LOC
other-CL-GEN share-LOC something less fall-3-P-PERF
It was not that between them the share of one was less than that of the other.
conditional participle:
ahC- and `ni are replaced by forms of Uhkh stay, remain in conditional
sentences. Equational conditional sentences are formed with Mowh. Negation
in the xyq half comes before the verb. xyq usually appears straight after the
sentence subject but it can also come at the beginning of the sentence.
Although xyq - uhMfl can be considered the standard correlative pair, the
conjunction ufb but is frequently found in place of uhMfl. Other options are
the emphasiser `uh or no correlative partner at all. Examples of all these
are given below.
The xyq half of the sentence has a simple present tense verb form, the
second half is in the simple present, the future tense or an imperative.
xyq `khnoyqn mfnr mun kfr ah£kfu phyr, ufb `si Cybthr nhm `qb 'yS¶pYr
if any day mind-GEN like do-PP paint-IP be able to then that
picture-CL-GEN name give-1-FUT art-GEN dream
If I ever manage to paint (it) to my liking, then I will call that picture
534 ‘Art’s dream’.
`uhmhr xhowhr xyq qrkhr Mw, uhMfl `xfu phr/ Conditional
you-SG-GEN go-VN-GEN if need be-3-PR-S then go-IP be able sentences
You can go if you need to.
eKn xyq u£hfk blh Mw `x ghywkhyt ahsfu rhyz nw, uhMfl yuyn rhfg `Pft pRfbn/
now if he-OBJ say-VN be-3-PR-S that singer-CL come-IP agreed
[is not] then he anger-LOC explode-PP fall-3H-FUT
If he is now told that the singer is not willing to come, he will explode
with fury.
The correlative conjunction can sometimes be omitted.
yk≤ ektv xyq `chK `lfg ahfs amyn `k `xn chbvk `mfr uhfk zhygfw `qw/
but bit if eye attach-PP come just like that who as if whip hit-PP
he-OBJ cause to wake-PP give-3-PR-S
It is as if someone is cracking a whip to keep him awake every time his
eyes start to close even a bit.
xyq xhowh s®b Mw abSj xhb/
if go-VN possible is-3-PR-S of course go-1-FUT
Of course we will go if possible.
xyq emn-ykCv Uhfk, euÇN Qfr ahmhfk xh blfu `cfwfCn, eKn uh blfu phfrn/
if such something stay-3-PR-S so long during I-OBJ what-R say-IP
want-2H-PR-PERF now that-CR say-IP be able to-2H-PR-S
If there is anything that you have been wanting to say to me for a long
time, you can tell me now.
ynfzr Çmuhw xyq nh kvflhw, `s ahmhfk Mhu Qfr opfr uvlfu —≥u/
own power-LOC if not suffice-3-PR-S he I-OBJ hand hold-PP up
lift-IP willing
If my own power is not sufficient, then he is willing to take my hand and
pull me up.
xyq ymUjhchfr aBjñ nh Mfw \Tfu Mw ufb uhr mu svKY ahr `k\ Mfb nh/
if lying-LOC used to not be-PP rise-IP be-3-PR-S then he-GEN like
happy more someone be-3-FUT not
No one will be happier than he if he does not have to get used to lying.
The unusual tense sequence (simple present – simple past) in the following
sentence is due to the fact that the xyq clause is equational, the main clause
xyq ycrkhl `bhkh kfr rhKhi \fØSj Mw ufb mhnvX séy§ krhr yk qrkhr yCl?
if forever stupid do-PP keep-VN EMP purpose be-3-PR-S then human
being creation do-VN-GEN what need [was]
If the purpose was to keep human beings forever stupid, then why create
The xyq half of the sentence has a simple present verb form of Uhkh stay
preceded by the perfective participle of the main verb. The structure is
essential for talking about events that may already have happened.
Tenses other than the simple present or the past habitual can sometimes
occur in xyq clauses.
present perfect:
ahym euyqn xyq afpÇh kfryC `uh ahro yqn kfwk `xn afpÇh kyr/
I so much day if wait-do-1-PR-PERF then more day a few so that wait
If I have waited this long, I may as well wait another few days.
ahr uhr zl xyq ekbhr `KfwfCn, uhMfl ahr rfÇ `ni, bhyk zYbn anj `khno zl
ahpnhr mvfK rßcfb nh, ahr `s zflr aBhfb ahfÄ ahfÄ glh Svykfw mhrh xhfbn/
and it-GEN water if once drink-2H-PR-PERF then more protection [is
absent] remaining life other any water your mouth-LOC taste-3-FUT
not and that water-GEN lack-LOC slowly slowly throat dry-PP hit-VN
Once you have tasted its water, there is nothing you can do. For the rest
of your life, no other water will be to your taste and the lack of it will
gradually make your throat go dry and kill you.
`uhmhr b\-`Cfl-`mfwfk xyq `Kfu yqfu nh phrfb `uh ybfw krfli bh `kn?
your wife son daughter-OBJ if eat-IP give-IP not be able to-2-FUT then
marriage do-2-P-S EMP or why
540 If you can’t feed your wife and children then why did you get married?
xyq blfu Mfb, uhr ahu¬ MfÉC khz/ Correlatives
if say-IP-be-3-FUT his fear PC work
To be honest, he is afraid of work.
yk≤ xìNh xyq nh Uhkfb `uh `b£fc `Ufk svK yk?
but pain if not stay-3-FUT then survive-PP stay-PP happiness what
But if there is no pain, then where is the joy in being alive?
simple past:
ahr mhfZ-mhfZ xyq ybChnhw Svfw chfwr afpÇh krfu nh phrl, uhMfl ahr mhnvfXr
`Cht Bhi Uhfk `kn?
and sometimes if bed-LOC lie-PP tea-GEN wait-do-IP not be able
to-3-P-S then more person-GEN young brother stay-3-PR S why
Why have younger brothers if not so that one can sometimes lie in bed
waiting for one’s tea?
29.8 Correlatives
We have seen the preference Bangla has for doublings and pairings.
Correlative structures demonstrate this preference on the sentence level.
Some correlative pairs are pronouns, others are adjectives or adverbs. The
relative, which always starts with x, governs the subordinate relative clause,
the correlative governs the main clause. 541
29 For purposes of comparison, English also has some correlative pairs of
Compound conjunctions such as either – or, as – as, not only – but, whether – or not but
and complex these structures are not as central to English syntax as Bangla correlatives
sentences are to Bangla. In many ways the organisation of dependent (subordinate)
clauses in Bangla is built entirely around correlative structures.
In this section we will have a look at their use in sentences. Although each
relative has a designated partner, there are plenty of instances of non
matching pairs. Bangla relative clauses often precede the main clause but
they can also be embedded in the main clause or follow the main clause.
Examples are given below.
ekbhr xKn o£r mfn k£hth PvftfC, uKn Mhzhr ∏kyPwfuo uh \pfR `Plh xhfb nh/
one when-R his mind-LOC thorn grow-3-PR-PERF then-CR thousand
explanation-LOC EMP that uproot-PP throw-VN go-3-FUT not
542 But once he gets a bee in his bonnet, a thousand explanations can’t uproot it.
ekyt `Cht Kvykfk xKn ybfw krfui MfÉC, uKn mn Kvfl krhi Bhl/ Correlatives
one-CL small girl-OBJ when-R marriage do-IP EMP be-3-PR-C
then-CR mind open-PP do-VN EMP good
When one has to marry a little girl, it is a good idea to be open-minded
about it.
xKn `lKhr khz Uhfk nh, pRhr khzo ykCv Uhfk nh, xKn SvQv ybSîhm ynfu iÉCh kfr,
uKn rhÄhw-rhÄhw Gvfr `bRhi/
when-R write-VN-GEN work stay-3-PR-S not reading-VN-GEN work
also something stay-3-PR-S not when-R only rest take-IP (×2) wish
do-3-PR-S then-CR road-LOC (×2) wander-PP go-1-PR-S
When I have no work either writing or reading, when I just feel like having
a break, then I go wandering around in the streets.
BybXjfu nbYnkvmhr xKn shbhlk Mfb uKn gÃhnhrhwN sôpVNò sôpy≠ uhr Mhfu
uvfl `qfb/
future-LOC Nabinkumar when-R adult be-3-FUT then-CR
Ganganarayan entire property his hand-LOC lift-PP give-3-FUT
Ganganarayan will pass on his entire fortune to Nabinkumar in the future
when he is an adult.
ahmhr Mhfu xKn or znj ykCv krbhr Sy∆ `ni uKn ahr yk Mfb P£hkh sMhnvBvyu
my hand-LOC when-R he-GEN for something do-VN-GEN strength
[is absent] then-CR more what be-3-FUT empty sympathy show-PP
When there is nothing I can do for him, then what is the point in showing
empty sympathy? xu - uu as much
`qS xu bR Mw, `qfSr mhnvX xu qVfr qVfr CyRfw Uhfk, uui BhXhr ybyBêuh ahfs/
country how much-R big be-3-PR-S country-GEN person how much-R
distance-LOC (×2) scatter-PP stay-3-PR-S so much-CR language-GEN
variety come-3-PR-S
The bigger the country gets and the further away people are scattered, the
greater the variety in the language. 543
29 xubhr as many times, so often
and complex xubhr u£hr sfà `qKh Mw, uubhr yuyn ygyrSfk ektv ektv kfr b£hQfCn/
sentences as many times-R he-GEN with see-VN be-PR-S so many times-CR he
Girish-OBJ a bit a bit do-PP tie-3H-PR-C
He pulls Girish closer bit by bit, however often they meet.
xuyqn `b£fc Uhkh xhw uuyqn —Yyu, Çmh, syM”vuh - eigvylri xUhUòBhfb —fwhzn/
how long-R survive-PP stay-VN go-3-PR-S so long-CR love forgiveness
endurance this-PL-GEN EMP truly necessary
Love, forgiveness and endurance are real requirements for as long as we
are able to stay alive.
xuÇN nh mfnhmu ekth Sûq ahfs, uuÇN `si xìNh `Ufk yn©kéyu `ni/
as long-R not mind like one-CL word come-3-PR-S so long-CR that
EMP torture from release [is absent]
There is no release from torture until the right word comes along.
xuÇN `s ahmhr CqÖfbfSr kUh ei ayPfs P£hs nh kfr `qw uuÇN `s ahmhr
bív bft/
as long as-R she my disguise-GEN word this EMP office-LOC leak not
do-PP give-3-PR-S so long-CR she my friend of course
As long as she doesn’t expose my disguise in the office, she is, of course, my
xuÇfN E sb ykfn ahnyCl orh uuÇfN ekth ycyTo ylfK `Pll sfrhzhfk/
by then-R that all buy-PP bring-3-P-C they by then-CR one-CL letter
EMP write-PP throw-3-P-S Soroja-OBJ
544 By the time they had bought all that, he had also written a letter to Soroja.
xuqVr - uuqVr as far as Correlatives
zym Kvb asmul Mflo xuqVr `chK xhw uuqVr xhowh xhw/
land very rough be-CP EMP as far-R eye go-3-PR-S so far-CR
Even though the land is very rough you can go as far as you can see.
Examples include other cases and plural uses of `x and `s. yxyn - yuyn are
the honorific equivalents. They are also included here.
`x euÇN g¶p blyCl `s MThJ ahowhz Svfn uRhk kfr lhyPfw \fT `gftr yqfk Cvft `gl/
he-R so long story tell-3-P-C he-CR suddenly noise hear-PP quick-
do-PP jump-PP get up-PP gate-GEN towards run-PP go-3-P-S
The one who had been telling stories all this time suddenly heard a noise,
jumped up quickly and ran towards the gate.
ei `Bht xhrh yqfwyCl uhfqr sfà —Ufm `xhghfxhg krfu Mfb/
this vote who-PL-R give-3-P-PERF they-GEN with first contact do-IP
The people who cast these votes must be contacted first.
xhfqr Mfw kUh blbhr `k\ `ni, uhrh —yubhq krfu phfr nh/
they-GEN-R in place of speak-baVN GEN someone [is absent]
they-CR protest do-IP be able to-3-PR-S not
People are unable to protest if they don’t have anyone to speak on their behalf.
srkhr xhfk pC~q kfr nh, uhfk `k\ C£vfu shMs kfr nh/
government he-R-OBJ like-do-3-PR-S not he-CR-OBJ someone
touch-IP courage do-3-PR-S not
If the government does not like someone then no one has the courage to
touch him.
x£hfk Bhlbhys, ahr yxyn Bhlbhfsn u£hfk qvAK pRfli mhnvX `K£hfz/ `K£hfz nh?
who-R-H-OBJ love-1-PR-S and who-H love-3-H-PR-S he-CR-H-OBJ
sadness fall-CP person search-3-PR-S search-3-PR-S not
In times of sadness people look for the ones they love and who love them,
546 don’t they?
yk≤ xhr khz rhêh krh, uhr ahbhr ghn zhnhr qrkhr yk? Correlatives
but who-GEN-R work cooking do-VN she-CR again song know-VN-
GEN need what
Why would someone whose work is cooking need to know songs?
uhr bi yxyn pRfbn yuyn `sKhfn —cvr Bhbnhr `Khrhk phfbn/
who-GEN book he-R read-3H-FUT he-CR there much thought-GEN
provision find-3H-FUT
Whoever reads his book will find much food for thought in it.
Note that the deferred subject in the following sentence increases the
yk≤ xhfk ynfw eu yBR, xhfk `k~qî kfr eu ztlh, `si shpth yk≤ ynybòkhr/
but who-OBJ about such crowd who-OBJ centre do-PP such
confusion that snake-CL but unperturbed
But what had attracted such a crowd, what was at the centre of all that
confusion, namely that snake, was quite unperturbed.
`x mhnvX means the person who. In the same way `x can precede any other
noun in correlative structures. `x precedes `khno any before nouns. The
correlative can also contain a noun. In the first example, we have a bare
relative and a `s plus noun correlative:
This combination produces content clauses which are given in Ch. 29.6.
More complex sentences of this type are often best translated as two par
allel sentences in English.
ahmhfk `xmn `phShfkr opr Chrfphkhr mu rßmhr qhrßN bhRyu `lfgyCl, `umyn
`syqn rßmhfk ahmhr eu ayuyr∆ mfn Ml/
I-OBJ as-R cloth-GEN on bedbug-GEN like Ruma-GEN supremely
extra feel-3-P-PERF so-CR that day Ruma-OBJ so superfluous
mind-LOC be-3-P-S
I was as redundant to Ruma as a bedbug on a piece of clothing. And that
day she seemed just as superfluous to me.
síjhfblh zÃflr mfQj yqfw `gfl `xmn Z£hfk-Z£hfk mSh efs `C£fk Qfr, u£hr yc™ho
u£hfk `umni `C£fk Qfr qLShfu lhgl/
evening hour jungle-GEN in through go-CP as-R swarm-LOC (×2)
mosquito come-PP encircle-PP catch-3-PR-S his-H thought also
he-H-OBJ so-CR EMP encircle-PP hold-PP sting-PP start-3-P-S
His thoughts crowded in on him and stung him in the same way in which,
on his evening walk through the jungle, the mosquitoes would surround and
sting him. `x plus
`xKhfn Zrnh gyRfw cfl phMhfRr bvfkr \pr yqfw \ÉcMhysr Sûq CyRfw, bfnr Correlatives
sbvfzr P£hfk ycuhbhG Zlml kfr ofT, `sKhfn mvy∆, `sKhfn qYyú, `sKhfn rf∆r
mfQj svfxòr ãp~qn/
where-R fountain roll-PP move-3-PR-S mountain-GEN breast-GEN top
along loud laughter-GEN sound scatter-PP forest green-GEN gap-LOC
cheetah glimmer do-PP rise-3-PR-S there-CR freedom there-CR
splendour there-CR blood-GEN sun-GEN touch
Where waterfalls cascade, where the sound of laughter rings out over
the mountains, where the cheetah flickers through the gaps in the green
of the forest, there is freedom, there is splendour, there the blood is touched
by the sun.
`x znj - `s znj for that reason
ahmrh `x znj efsyC, orho `si znj ahfs/
we what-R for come-1-P-S they also that for-CR come-3-PR-S
They come for the same reason that we come.
`xyqk - `syqk that way
`xyqk yqfw DvfkyClhm `syqk yqfw bhifr cfl elhm/
what direction-R through enter-1-P-PERF that direction-CR through
outside move-PP go-1-P-S
I came back outside the way I had entered.
`xyqn - `syqn that day
`xyqn ybfw MfwfC `syqn `Ufk uhr asvK/
what day-R marriage be-3-PR-PERF that day-CR from her illness
She has been ill from the day she got married.
`xBhfb - `sBhfb in that way
`x-Bhfb ahym chi ahmhr ei `lKhpRh `Mhk, `s-Bhfb yk yunzn `lhk
what way-LO-R I want-1-PR-S my this study be-3-IMP that
way-LOC-CR what three-CL person study-3-FUT
Will there be three people who study in the way I want to organise
my studies?
`xrkm - `srkm in that way
ahym `xrkm Bhyb, ykCvi `srkm kKfnh Mw nh, Mfu phfr nh/
I what way-R think-1-PR-S something EMP that way-CR ever
be-3-PR-S not be-IP be possible-3-PR-S not
Nothing is ever, or can ever be, the way I imagine it. 551
29.8.2 Mixed pairs
and complex xKn - yTk `si smfw
eiBhfb xKn zYbnthfk Bhbfu Svrß kfr pvrhfnh CtPthyn `Ufk `rMhi phyÉC yTk `si
smfw alkhr sfà ahmhr uéuYwbhr `qKh Mfw ygfwyCl/
this way-LOC when-R life-CL-OBJ think-IP begin-do-PP old
restlessness from exemption get-1-PR-S exact that time-CR Olka-GEN
with I-GEN third time see-VN be-PP go-3-P-PERF
Similarly, just at the time when I was beginning to think of my life as having
escaped from my old restlessness, I met Olka again for the third time.
`x - emn mhnvX
afnk qVfr `xfu phfr `x emn ekth mhnvX chi/
much distance-LOC go-IP be able to-3-PR-S who-R such one-CL
person need
(We) need someone who can go far.
`xkhfl - uKn
`xkhfl ei cxòhgvflh rycu MfwfC, uKno bhLlh BhXh bfl `khno BhXh ∏uyr Mwyn/
that-R time-LOC Carya-CL-PL composed be-3-PR-S then-CR even
Bangla language say-PP any language ready not be-3-PR-PERF
At the time when the Caryas were composed, no such thing as a Bangla
language was in existence.
`xsb (noun) - uh
esb py«khw `xsb rcnh —khySu Mu uhr `bySr Bhg iLfryzfu `lKh Mu/
this all journal-LOC what-R all writing published be-3-P-HABIT
that-CR-GEN most-GEN part English-LOC write-VN be-3-P-HABIT
Most of the essays that were published in all these journals were written
in English.
`xsb (animate noun) - uhrh
`xsb mhnvfXr ahuÖ—ujw Uhfk `shmnhU uhfqr qfl nw/
what-R all person-GEN self-confidence stay-3-PR-S Somnath they-GEN
group-LOC [is not]
Somnath is not someone with self-confidence.
xu - uh
ynfzfk uvym xuth apyrMhxò mfn kr uh uvym no/
self-OBJ you how much-CL-R indispensable mind-LOC do-2-PR-S
that-CR you [is not]-2
552 You are not as indispensable as you think you are.
xh xh - sb Correlatives
`xKhfn - `s (nounLOC)
`xKhfn ahmhr sbfcfw `byS `zhr `si iLfryzfu `ShcnYwBhfb Bî§ MfwyClhm/
where-R I-GEN of all much strength that-CR EMP English-LOC
woefully fallen be-P-PERF
In English, which was my greatest strength, I failed miserably.
`xKhfn `xKhfn - `s sb zhwgh all the places The doubling of `xKhfn indicates
\yn `xKhfn `xKhfn `xfu phfrn `sisb zhwghw `K£hz ynfw bjUò Mfu MfwfC/
he-H where-LOC (×2)-R go-IP be able to-3H-PR-S that all
place-LOC-CR search take-PP fruitless be-IP be-3-PR-PERF
The search was bound to be fruitless in all the places he was able
to go to.
29.8.3 No correlative
uhr e —fSär zbhfb ahym byl, xu svybfQ `uhmhr chrphfS Uhkvk, mMJ yS¶p séy§
`khno sLgî∞hm ChRh s®b nw/
her this question-GEN answer-LOC I say-1-PR-S how much-R
convenience you-GEN four side-LOC stay-3-IMP big art creation any
fight without possible [is not]
In answer to her question I said, ‘However many advantages you have all
around you, the creation of great art is impossible without a struggle.’ 553
29 yuyn xh xh bflfCn `Bfbycf™ agîpŸchJ ybfbcnh kfr bflfCn/
Compound he what (×2)-R say-3H-PR-PERF think-PP forwards and backwards
and complex consideration do-PP say-3-PR-PERF
sentences All that he said was said thoughtfully and with due consideration of the
pros and cons.
au bR coRh rhÄhw xuqVr `chK xhw, `khno `lhkzn `chfK pfR nh/
so big wide road-LOC as far-R eye go-3-PR-S any person-CL
eye-LOC fall-3-PR-S not
On this big wide road there was not a single person to be seen
ahr xKn `k\ `khno kUh bfl, —yumhfk \fØSj kfr `bySr Bhg/
and when-R someone any word say-3-PR-S Protima-OBJ direction
do-PP much-GEN part
And when anyone made a remark it was mainly directed at Protima.
khrN u^hS krfu ygfw ahyb©khr kyr, xu asMj cyrf«r `s `Mhk, `s ahmhfk gvrV¥
yqfÉC Kvb/
reason research do-IP go-PP find-do-1-PR-S how much unbearable
character-GEN he be-3-IMP he I-OBJ importance give-3-PR-C very
Because with some searching I found that, however unbearable a character
554 he may be, he takes me very seriously.
29.8.4 Relative clause following
In the following sentences the relative clause follows the main clause. The
difference between the two types is that preceding main clauses (as below)
usually contain an indefinite subject which is then defined by the relative
clause. If we were to turn these structures around, the main clause would
contain emn, as many of the examples below do.
For instance:
with the usual order of a relative clause preceding the main clause:
xhfu `uhr Bhl Mfb, emn `khno khz yk uvi kKno krfu phyrs?
what-R-LOC you-GEN good be-3-FUT such any work-CR what you
ever do-IP be able to-2I-PR-S
Will you ever be able to do something that is good for you?
emn ekth Gtnh Gtl xh `Ufk S¬frr zYbfnr gyu `mhR Gvfr anj pfU cfl `gl/
such one-CL event-CR occur-3-P-S what-R Sankar-GEN life-GEN
passage crossing turn-PP other road move-PP go-3-P-S
Something happened to alter the direction of Sankar’s life and take it on
a different path.
shQhrN qéy§ yqfw `qKhr `si Çmuh `ni, xh ekyt b≥r ybfSX¥fk uvfl Qrfu phfr/
ordinary view with see-VN-GEN that-EMP power-CR [is absent]
that-R one-CL thing-GEN peculiarity-OBJ raise-PP hold-IP be able
Seen through ordinary eyes, it is difficult to detect the peculiarity of
a thing.
khrN `Shk ekth bhQh, ekth ypCv-thn, xh ahmhfqr phfw Qfr ah£kfR pfR Uhfk,
efghfu `qw nh/
because grief one-CL obstruction one-CL back pull what-R
we-GEN foot-LOC hold-PP hook-LOC fall-PP stay-3-PR-S advance-IP
give-3-PR-S not
Because grief is a hindrance, a drag which attaches itself to our feet and
won't allow us to move forward. 555
29 mhnvfXr zYbfn ykCv Uhkh qrkhr, xh ekmh« uhr/
Compound man-GEN life-LOC something stay-VN need, what-R one only he-GEN
and complex Man needs something in his life which is exclusively his.
ahym ahr kh\fk phi yn xhfk ahmhr …r∑fpr kUh blh xhw, ahmhr skl ymUjh skl
`ghpnYwuh xhr khfC Kvfl `mfl CyRfw Qrh xhw/
I more someone-CR-OBJ not find-1-PR-PERF who-R-OBJ my
nature-GEN word say-VN go-3-PR-S my all lie all secrecy who-R-GEN
to open-PP mix-PP scatter-PP hold-VN go-3-PR-S
I have never found anyone else to whom I could talk so naturally, with whom
all my lies, all my secrecy could be opened up, spread out and contained.
nh, efkbhfr ahlhqh ekth bhyR bhnhb, `xKhfn bfs uvym —kéyufk efkbhfr khfC
`Ufk phfb/
no totally separate one-CL house build-1-FUT where-R sit-PP you
nature-OBJ totally close from get-2-FUT
No, I will build a totally separate house where you will have nature really
close by.
ahfgäwygyr `si sb ñhn xhr mfQj yqfw péyUbYr aBj™frr \≠ú gylu ySlh BV¥k `Bq
kfr bhifr `byrfw ahfs/
volcano that EMP all place what-GEN within though earth
interior-GEN very hot melted rock crust split-do-PP outside come
out-PP come-3-PR-S
Volcanoes are all those places through which the extremely hot melted rock
from the interior of the earth splits the earth’s crust and comes out.
ahr ykCv Svnfu MfwyCl apNòhyqri mvK `Ufk, xKn ykCvi ahr `ghpn krbhr
ril nh/
more something hear-IP be-3-P-PERF Aparna-sister-GEN mouth
from, when-R something EMP more secret do-baVN-GEN
remain-3-P-S not
And when there was nothing left to keep secret, I had to listen to some
more from Aparnadi.
kwlh `xmn Subhr Qvflo uhr khflh rL `Ghfc nh, `umni bhWhylrh `xKhfni
Uhkvk, ahr `x `mfw ybfw krßk, uhfqr bhWhyl¥ `Ghfc nh/
coal as-R hundred time wash-CP even it-GEN black colour
lose-3-PR-S so EMP Bengalis where-R EMP stay-3-IMP and what-R
girl marry-do-3-IMP their Bengaliness lose-3-PR-S not
You can wash coal a hundred times but it will not shed its blackness.
Bengalis are the same. Wherever they live or whatever girl they marry,
they never shed their essential Bengaliness.
péyUbYfu xhr `k\ `ni, `x `mfw `khno pUi `cfn nh, `s yk kfr zhnfb, anj
`khUho uhr ahSîw zvtfb?
world-LOC who-GEN-R someone [is absent] what-R girl any way
EMP know-3-PR-S not she-CR what do-PP know-2-FUT other
somewhere her shelter be available-3-FUT
How can a girl who has no one, and doesn’t know her way around the
world, know where there might be a shelter for her somewhere else?
ynfzr mn xhfu shw nh `qw, `zhr kfr `umn `khno khz krfl - ahphuu uh
xui SvB, Pl—sV `Mhk, `SX pxò™ zYbfnr mVflr uh \fÉCq-shQn kfr, nh kfri
phfr nh/
own-GEN mind what-LOC-R consent not give-3-PR-S force do-PP
such any work do-CP for the moment how much beneficial
effective be-3-IMP end until life-GEN foundation-GEN that evict
endeavour-do-3-PR-S not do-PP EMP be able to-3-PR-S not
If something that the mind does not consent to is forced upon one,
however beneficial or effective it may be for the moment, life will, in the
end, get rid of it. There is no other way.
xuyqn bhyR `SX nh Mw uuyqn xyq ektv mhUh `g£hzbhr ahSî∞w `qn `uh ahmhr bR
\pkhr Mw/
how long-R house finish not be-3-PR-S so long-CR if a bit head
plant-VN-GEN shelter give-2-PR-S then I-GEN big favour
If you could give us somewhere to put our heads until the house is
finished, that would be a great help. 559
29 6 and 7 relative structure as content clause
6 `x skhfl bhyR `Ufk `br Mw, `s `x ahbhr qvpvfr Bhu `Kfu yPrfb, emn ahSh
and complex
—hwi Uhfk nh/
who-R morning-LOC house from out be-3-PR-S he-CR that again
midday-LOC rice eat-IP return-3-FUT such hope often EMP
stay-3-PR-S not
Often there is not much hope that someone who leaves the house in
the morning will come back at midday to eat.
7 `uhmhfqr ycyT xKn phi uKn bhfrbhfri mfn Mw, `uhmrh skfli bhLlhth ahmhr
`cfw afnk Bhl `lK/
you-PL-GEN letter when-R get-1-PR-S then-CR again-LOC (×2)
EMP mind-LOC be-3-PR-S you-PL all Bangla-CL I-GEN than much
EMP good write-2-PR-S
When I get your letters, I often think that all of you write Bangla better
than I do.
Part 5
Semantic features
Chapter 30
Case use
30.1 Nominative
The nominative is the unmarked case in Bangla which is used primarily for
the subjects of sentences. The only overt marking of the nominative is the
plural of animate nouns in -rh with its oblique form -`qr (see Ch. 4.13.1).
afnfk many people afnfk ei kUh Svfn Uhkfb/ Many will have heard this.
skfl everyone skfl bvfZ `gl kUhth/ Everybody understood this.
—fujfk each one —fujfkr —yubhq krhr ayQkhr ahfC/
Everyone has the right to protest.
\Bfw the two of them \Bfw ahro ek rhu Uhkfb/
The two of them will stay another night.
564 `lhfk people `lhfk yk nh bfl/ People say anything.
mhnvfX people mhnvfX Bhlbhsh chw/ People want love. Nominative
phyKfu birds phyKfu yk ybr∆ kfr nh? Aren’t birds a nuisance?
bhfG tigers bhfG yqfnr `blhw Gvmhw/ Tigers sleep during the day.
grßfu cows grßfu Ghs Khw/ Cows eat grass.
BVfu ghosts rhÄhw `bfrhfli BVfu `Kfw `nfb?
Will ghosts devour you when you go out?
kvymfr crocodiles kvymfr ahmhfk khmRhfb/ Crocodiles will bite me.
`khno ek rMsjmw khrfN skfl xh phfr `s uh phfr nh/
any one mysterious reason-LOC all-e what-R be able to-3-PR-S he
that-CR be able to-3-PR-S not
For some strange reason he can’t do what others can do.
30.2 Genitive
The genitive has a great variety of uses and is the only case which allows
multiple, additive occurrences as in:
uhr bhbhr lhl ghyRr chkhr smsjh
he-GEN father-GEN red car-GEN tyre-GEN problem
the problems with the tyres of his father’s red car
gîhfmr `lhk village person pvkvfrr mhC fish from the pond
`qfSr nqY the country’s rivers nqYr uYr river bank
SMfrr zYbn urban life bhyRr mhnvX people at home
mhytr mhnvX man of the earth `—fmr k£hth the thorns of love
568 `qfMr K£hch the cage of the body nnYr pvuvl a doll made from cream =
a weakling
`lhMhr SrYr body of iron = strong constitution Genitive
rhfgr Chwh anger’s shadow = dark cloud of anger
∏Qfxòjr prYÇh test of patience
kYyuòr `lhB the desire for fame smsjhr smhQhn solution to the problem
BhXhr `—ymk lover of languages —fSär \≠r answer to the question
sÃYfur ahkXòN attraction to music chkyrr `c§h attempts to get a job
cause or consequence
Genitive nouns can modify some adjectives. The adjective determines the
semantic component.
Genitive nouns, including verbal nouns, can modify abstract nouns, or,
indeed, adverbs, as in the first example below. We have already seen some
examples of this in Chapter 19, p. 361. Verbal noun examples are not given
Sentences like
The object case covers both direct and indirect objects. Indirect objects mark
the recipient, direct objects the instrument or goal of the verbal action.
`qowh give is a trivalent verb which takes indirect as well direct objects.
In: ahym `uhmhfk ekth \pMhr yqfwyC/ I have given you a present.
\pMhr present is the direct object, `uhmhfk you is the indirect object.
In sentences with trivalent verbs the direct object is not always expressed.
In: mh `Cflthfk Cyb `qKhfÉC/ Mother is showing the boy some pictures.
Cyb picture is the direct object, `Cflthfk the boy is the indirect object.
If his little sister comes along and wants to see the pictures too, she is
likely to say:
ahmhfko `qKho/ Show me, too! and the direct object is dropped.
Bivalent verbs with a direct object are considerably more common than
trivalent verbs with both kinds of object. Indirect objects (usually humans)
always have the object case marking. With direct objects the case marking
varies, as set out below.
30.3.2 Direct objects
Case use
Direct objects are more closely linked to the verb than indirect objects.
Bivalent (transitive) verbs often require a direct object.
The direct object case is always marked for nouns denoting individual
human beings, mentioned by name, pronoun or a descriptive term, whether
singular or plural.
`s ahmhfk `cfn/
he I-OBJ know-3-PR-S
He knows me.
30 Animals
Case use
Direct object case markings for animals are optional:
`s grß`qr ahnfu `gfC/
or `s grßgvflhfk ahnfu `gfC/
or `s gvrß ahnfu `gfC/ can all mean He has gone to get the cows.
The object case ending is dropped when human beings are referred to in
general or as representatives of a particular role or profession.
The following sentence shows the contrast:
afnk `mfw ahym `qfKyC, or mu ekznfko `qKlhm nh/
much girl I see-1-PR-PERF she-GEN like one-CL-OBJ EMP see-1-P-S not
I have seen a lot of girls, but I have never seen anyone like her.
zYbfn afnk rkm mhnvX `qfKyC/ svurhL ahmhr QhrNh yCl ahym mhnvX ycyn/
life much kind human being see-1-PR-PERF so my idea [was] I human
being know-1-PR-S
I have seen many people in my life. So I had the idea that I knew human
eirkm ekth mhnvX chi/
this kind one-CL person need
There is a need for people like that.
ahym `chr `qKb/
I thief see-1-FUT
I will see a thief.
bhfrk kUh yql `s uhr zfnj ekzn Mhysr br Kv£zfb/
once word give-3-P-S he she-GEN for one-CL laugh-GEN bridegroom
He promised once that he would find her a husband to laugh with.
dh∆hr ahnfu Mfb nh/
doctor bring-IP be-3-FUT not
There is no need to fetch a doctor.
ebhyRr `lhfkrh pvylS ahnfu `cfwyCfln/
this house-GEN person-PL police fetch-IP want-3H-P-PERF
576 The people from this household wanted to call the police.
The object case is always marked when the sentence subject is inanimate Object case
and the direct object animate, irrespective of whether the object is a par-
ticular person or has a general reference:
Object case endings are generally not used with inanimate objects. Glosses
are not given in this section.
There are certain cases where the direct object case ending is added to
inanimate nouns.
Similar to these structures are questions and relative clauses with inanimate
objects. The object pronouns khfk and xhfk whom are used for inanimate
nouns in these cases.
ekzn ycykJsk yM`sfb Kvb khC `Ufk zYbnfk `qKhr svfxhg Gft/
one-CL doctor account-LOC very close from life-OBJ see-VN-GEN
opportunity occur-3-PR-S
As a doctor he has the opportunity to see life from close up.
grYb bhyRfu qvfth `bkhr `ptfk `bySyqn `k\ sMj kfr nh/
poor house-LOC two-CL unemployed stomach much day someone
endure-do-3-PR-S not
No one in a poor household will put up with two unemployed mouths to
feed for very long.
Here is a sentence with a whole row of direct objects. The object ending
is added only to the last item.
`bgm `rhfkwh bhWhyl mvslmhn smhfzr nhnh rkm aíuh, `g£hRhym, kvsLãkhr, nhrYfqr
—yu abfMlh o ybf#X iujhyqfk uYbî∞ BhXhw smhflhcnh kfr `gfCn/
Begum Rokeya Bengali Muslim society-GEN various kind blindness
fanaticism superstition woman-GEN towards disrespect and
malice etcetera-OBJ strong language-LOC discuss-do-PP
Begum Rokeya exposed various kinds of blindness, fanaticism, superstition,
disrespect and malice towards women in Bengali Muslim society and
discussed these things in strong language.
There is just one structure in Bangla with a subject in the object case.
When the imperfective participle combines with a third person form of
Mowh be, become to express obligation, the animate experiencer is usually
in the object case.
30.4 Locative
The locative gives us the where and when and often also the why and how
of events in sentences. Locative endings are rarely used for animate nouns,
but the forms exist and we get occasional structures like:
bhXyÑ shfl ahmhr …hmYr krhycfu chkyr Svrß Mowhw ahym o krhycfu `xfu bhQj Mi/
62 year-LOC my husband Karachi-LOC job start-VN-LOC I also
Karachi-LOC go-IP agree-1-PR-S
Due to my husband starting a job in Karachi in 1962 I also agreed to go
to Karachi.
The locative uses are more flexible but also less precise than their post-
positional alternatives. Here are some real examples which show the very
wide spatial application of the locative. They include
filled with:
kfr, the perfective participle of krh do combines with all sorts of imple-
ments and forms of transport in the locative to produce adverbial phrases.
The locative noun forms alone do the same job.
Chapter 31
Tense use
Tense is built into the verbal system. Every finite verb form contains a
tense element. This is true in English as well as in Bangla, but actual tense
use in Bangla is very different from English tense use. In the previous chap
ters readers have probably noticed (and perhaps been irritated by) example
sentences where the translations did not match the Bangla tense. Here is
one such example:
So why not translate this as Hajra will not be able to bring himself to say
that? In order to answer this and to show just how differently Bangla
tenses operate, we need to take a quick look at the English tense system.
English has a very precise system for which tenses can go together. ‘When
living in the past, stay in the past’ is the formula for English tense use. It
means that in a past tense context, whether we are looking forward or back,
only other past tenses are permissible:
He told me that he had seen a ghost. He knew that he would fail the
exam. He thought that she was being silly.
Bangla has no such restrictions. We find the future tense in happy com
panionship with the past continuous, and the simple present and simple
past are best friends in Bangla. Here is an example with a past perfect and
a future tense:
Before we look at individual tenses there are two other important consider
ations about the Bangla tense system as a whole.
There are some very common structures which are, to all intents and
purposes, tenseless. The two negative verbs `ni is absent and n- is not
as well as zero verb equational structures and the existential verb ahC-,
are all essential and tenseless features of the language. On the basis of
the needtoknow principle it is normal for these structures to appear in
past tense contexts without having to change to a less expressive tensed
version of themselves.
One of the main tasks of nonfinite verb forms is to provide time rela
tionships within sentences. The perfective participles takes care of pre
ceding events, the imperfective participle can cover simultaneous events
as well as future intentions. A genitive verbal noun followed by smw
time (ronh `qowhr smw at the time of leaving) specifies points in time. The
conditional participle can provide a time frame for whichever tense the
finite verb happens to be in. These readily available devices not only
reduce the need for conjunctions in Bangla but also have a significant
influence on the Bangla tense system.
Each tense in Bangla has particular designated tasks. Here are the tenses
one by one.
1878 shfl sfur bCr bwfs yuyn —Um yblhu xhn/ `sKhfn u£hr qhqh sfuj~qînhU
Thkvr yCfln/
1878 year-LOC seventeen year age-LOC he-H first abroad go-3H-
PR-S there his-H older brother Satyendranath Thakur [was]-3H
In 1878, aged seventeen, he first went to Great Britain, where his older
brother Satyendranath Tagore was.
The simple present is used in modal clauses with xyq if, `xn so that, xhfu so
that, phfC lest, so that not.
594 1 khzY qYn mvMmÖq, SyP\l ahlm, ahmhfqr BhXh o rcnh, Dhaka 2005, p. 11 (rcnh)
Other modal uses of the simple present are given in Ch. 34. Present
The simple present can take all the above uses and put them in past tense
contexts. Authors frequently change to the simple present tense within a
narrative in order to add life and immediacy to a text.
The present continuous is the tense for present ongoing actions and events
as well as for regularly intermittent events in the present. Note that Bangla
uses the present continuous with verbs like phrh be able to, `bhZh understand,
chowh want, Bhbh think, Mowh be, become, lhgh feel where English would often
use the simple present.
`nHkhth dvfb xhfÉC/ The boat is sinking.
orh yk krfC? What are they doing?
béy§ MfÉC/ It is raining.
`s uhr cSmh K£vzfC/ He is looking for his glasses.
`mfwyt k£hqfC/ The girl is crying.
`s `uhmhr yqfk uhkhfÉC/ He is looking at you.
yk mfn MfÉC `uhmhr? What do you think?
ahym ynASáhs ynfu phryC nh/ I can’t breathe.
uhr Bw krfC/ He is scared.
bvZfu phryC/ I have understood.
ahmhr Bhl lhgfC nh/ I am not feeling well.
uhr prYÇh clfC/ She is in the middle of her exams.
tfcòr ahflh záhlhfu uhr Brsh MfÉC nh/
torch-GEN light turn on-IP he-GEN courage be-3-PR-C not
He doesn’t have the courage to switch on the torch.
ei nuvn bjUhth mhfZ mhfZ MfÉC srmhr/
this new pain sometimes occur-3-PR-C Sarma-GEN.
Sarma occasionally gets this new pain.
ku `lhk ahsfC xhfÉC/
how much person come-3-PR-C go-3-PR-C
So many people are coming and going!
shrhyqn Gfrr mfQj `Ufk-`Ufk esb `qfK `uhmhr mn ahro Khrhp Mfw xhfÉC/
all day house-GEN in stay-PP (×2) this all see-PP your mind more
bad be-PP go-3-PR-C
Staying in the house all day and seeing all this just makes you more
depressed. 595
31 `s eKn oi nuvn chX ynfw mhUh GhmhfÉC/
Tense use he now that EMP new farming take-PP head cause to sweat-3-PR-C
He is now worrying about that new farming.
`s ahmhr kUh gvrV¥ yqfÉC Kvb/
she I-GEN word importance give-3-PR-C very
She pays attention to me.
The present continuous is used for imminent future events:
qS bCr Qfr ahym brhbr `si `qhkhn `Ufki Kbfrr khgz ykfn ahsyC/
ten year during I always that EMP shop from newspaper buy-PP
For the last ten years I have always bought the newspaper from this shop.
Like the simple present, the present continuous can turn up in past tense
596 contexts to provide liveliness.
Present perfect
31.3 Present perfect
The future tense covers everything that comes later, whether we start in
the present or in the distant past. This is one of the reasons why Bangla
tense use seems erratic at times, when it is, in fact, remarkably consistent.
The future tense has an inbuilt modal potential in the sense that everything
we say about the future is, in effect, a prediction, an intention, a promise
598 or some such. The classification below is therefore somewhat arbitrary.
(a) future actions, events and states: Future tense
Examples of mixed tenses will be given below but here is one to show
the ease with which the future tense combines with other tenses.
The simple past is the usual tense in narrative contexts. Of the five past
tenses (present perfect, simple past, past continuous, past perfect and past
habitual), the simple past is the least marked. It can be used for events and
actions in the distant or the recent past and it can be accompanied by a
time adverbial specifying the time of the event.
yCl is the past tense of ahC- and also of the zero verb.
uKn SYukhl yCl/
then winter [was]
It was winter then.
ahmhr yk≤ shMs yCl nh/
I-GEN but courage [was] not
But I did not have the courage.
uhrh bív yCl/
they friend [was]
They were friends.
ahmrh xKn `Cht yClhm
we when small [was]-1
when we were young
kUhth uhr mfn yCl/
word-CL his mind-LOC [was]
He remembered.
uvym uKn yCfl nh/
you then [was]-2 not
You were not there then.
zhmhth yk lhl yCl nh?
shirt-CL what read [was] not
Wasn’t the shirt red?
ahmrh `mfwfqr sfà kUh blfu aBjñ yClhm nh/
we girl-PL-GEN with word speak-IP used to [was]-1 not
We were not used to speaking to girls.
Skv™lhr yk uKn “hn yCl `x `qKfb `k el, `k `gl!
Sakuntula-GEN what then awareness [was] that see-3-FUT who
come-3-P-S who go-3-P-S
As if Sakuntula had the presence of mind then to see who was coming
602 and going!
31.6 Past continuous
The past continuous either accompanies another past tense, or a perfective
participle, to describe events that were occurring simultaneously, or it can
describe ongoing processes or events in the past. The past continuous is
also used to make requests or demands more polite.
This is a very common use with verbs describing mental activity, ability
and such like. They are often equivalent to the simple past in English.
yuyn `qKyCfln yTki yk≤ `ssb u£hr mhUhw Chp `Plfu phryCl nh/
he see-3H-P-C certainly but that all his-H head-LOC impression
throw-IP be able to-3-P-C not
He had seen it, yes, but all this did not make much impression on him.
31.6.3 Politeness
This use is equivalent to the English shift from simple present I want to
the more polite I would like. It is restricted to first person and is very
common with chowh want.
The past perfect is used for completed events or actions in the past which
no longer have a direct bearing on the present. Events described in the
past perfect do not have to be in the distant past:
o skhfl efsyCl/
he morning-LOC come-3-P-PERF
604 He was here this morning.
and they do not need to be linked to subsequent events: Past perfect
The use of the past perfect implies that the event is over.
`ghth qvynwhfk Mhzhr Mhzhr bCr Qfr yMmSYul brfP `Dfk `rfKyCl brP xvg/
whole earth-OBJ thousand thousand year during freezing ice cover-PP
keep-3-P-PERF ice age
The ice age kept the whole earth covered in freezing ice for thousands
of years.
ahym `s smfw mfr ygfwyClhm/ méuvjr kyTn ah£Qhr chryqk `Ufk ahmhfk yGfr QfryCl/
ybChnhw Svfw Svfw ekh Gfrr aíkhfr bhlfkr mu `k£fqyClhm/
I that time die-PP go-1-P-PEF death-GEN merciless darkness four side
from I-OBJ surround-PP hold-3-P-PERF bed-LOC lie down-PP (×2)
alone room-GEN darkness-LOC boy-GEN like cry-1-P-PERF
I was falling apart at that time. The darkness of death surrounded me on
all sides. I lay on my bed alone in the dark house and cried like a boy. 605
31 The past perfect shares its negation with the present perfect.
Tense use
uhrpfr yTk yk MfwyCl, u£hfk zhnhwyn `s/
that-GEN after exactly what be-3-P-PERF he-H-OBJ not
inform-3-P-PERF he
He did not tell him exactly what happened afterwards.
ykCv ekth blfu `c§h kfryCfln yuyn, yk≤ glhr …r `Phftyn/
something one-CL say-IP attempt do-3H-P-PERF he-H but throat-GEN
voice not rise-3-P-PERF
She tried to say something, but her voice failed her.
Thkvmh `s yqn mhrh xhw yn/ ygfwyCl ahro qv-ekyqn pfr/
grandmother that day hit not go-3-P-PERF go-3-P-PERF more two one
day later
Grandmother did not die that day. She died one or two days later.
(1) habitual actions or events in the past, equivalent to the English use to.
The use of the past habitual often includes a fairly precise time frame, as
in the first two sentences.
The past habitual is rarely the main tense in narrative contexts but it mixes
easily with yCl and its variants.
ahmhfqr zgJ uKn ã«YflhkMYn yCl, `khno `mfwr ãpSògíybbyzòu abñhfui ahmrh
ahmhfqr `xHbn shà kruhm/
our world then female without [was] any woman-GEN touch
smell deprived situation-LOC EMP we our youth complete
Our life then was without females. We spent our youth removed from a
woman’s touch or smell.
ei l°h eu `byS yCl `x, …hmYr `GhRhr shmfn `xfuo yuyn l°h `pfun/
this shyness so much [was] that husband-GEN horse-GEN before
go-IP even she shyness get-3H-P-HABIT
Her shyness was so great that she was even embarrassed to appear before
her husband’s horse.
(2) The past habitual is used for hypothetical (modal) language use.
ektv Mfli sbhi gvyl `Kfw mrfu phru, zKm Mfw nqYr phynfu uylfw `xfu phru/
a bit be-CP EMP everyone bullet eat-PP die-IP be possible-3-P-HABIT
wounded be-PP river-GEN water-LOC drown-PP go-IP be
If anything had happened everyone could have been shot and killed, been
wounded and drowned in the river. 607
31 xyq ektv ahfg ahsfu phrfu?
Tense use if a bit before come-IP be able to-2-P-HABIT
If you could come a bit earlier?
`k\ oKhfn rhf« Uhku nh/
someone there night-LOC stay-3-P-HABIT not
No one would spend the night there.
The past habitual is used with zhnh know to convey a simple past meaning.
The following examples give an impression of the way tenses combine with
one another.2 Compare also the use of tenses in content clauses (Ch. 29.6).
2 Readers will have noticed that this book contains no chapter on direct and indirect
speech. The simple reason is that speech can be seamlessly inserted into narrative texts
and that the only difference between indirect and direct speech is the change of person
(`s bflfC `x `s xhfb He said that he would go rather than `s bflfC ahym xhb He said I will go),
608 the optional insertion of a linking `x that and the absence or presence of quotation marks
zero verb, past perfect, present perfect Mixed tenses
ahmhr bws uKn —hw cy^S, yk≤ ahmhr mfn MyÉCl ahym ahbhr ahmhr ahThr bCfr
yPfr ygfwyC/
my age then almost forty but my mind-LOC be-3-P-PERF I again my
eighteen year-LOC return-PP go-PR-PERF
I was almost forty years old then, but I felt as if I had returned to my
eighteen year old self.
simple present, present perfect, past perfect (contains direct speech)
bfli `ChRqh b\yqr yqfk ahRfchfK `cfw `nn/ b\yq euÇN mn yqfw bvfni xhyÉCfln/
ebhr `bhnh Uhymfw glhyt uvlfln . . .
say-PP EMP Chorada sister-in-law-GEN towards sidelong look-PP
take-3H-PR-S sister-in-law so long mind give-PP knit-PP go-3H-P-C
this time knit-VN stop-PP voice-CL lift-3H-P-S
Having said that, Chorada looked at his sister-in-law with a sidelong glance.
Up till now she had been concentrating on her knitting. Now she stopped
knitting and said . . .
present perfect, future tense, present perfect
yk≤ xh ykCv Mhyrfw `gfC ebL xh ykCv ahr yPfr ahsfb nh, sb ykCv E `qhulhr myMlh
qvyt Qfr `rfKfCn eKfnh/
but what something-R lose-PP go-3-PR-PERF and what something-R
more return-PP come-3-FUT not all something-CR that second floor
woman two-CL hold-PP keep-3H-PR-PERF still
But all that is lost and all that will not return is still held and preserved by
those two ladies from the second floor.
present perfect, ahfC , past perfect
e bhyRfu pÅhS bCr `kftfC `s ybml-—yuBhr ybfw pxò™ uhr mfn ahfC, afnk
Gtnh o rtnh `s `qfKyCl bh SvfnyCl/
this house-LOC fifty year spend-3-PR-PERF he Bimal-Protibha-GEN
wedding until his mind-LOC [is present] much event and publicity
he see-3-P-PERF or hear-3-P-PERF
He had spent fifty years in this house, could even remember Bimal and
Protibha’s wedding, had seen and heard a lot of comings and goings. 609
31 present perfect, present continuous
Tense use
shrhrhu Bhl Gvm MfwfC bfl `uh mfn MÉC nh/
all night good sleep be-3-PR-PERF that EMP mind-LOC be-3-PR-C not
I don’t think that he had a good sleep through the night.
simple past, present continuous
yuyn Mhsfln khrN uhr Mhlkh lhgfC/
he laugh-3-H-P-S khrN he-GEN light feel-3-H-PR-C
He laughed because he was feeling relieved.
past perfect, future tense
ahr ahymo yk rkm `bhkhr mu ybSáhs kfryClhm, `BfbyClhm uvym ahmhfk ymUjh kUh
blfb nh/
and I also what kind stupid-GEN like belief-do-1-P-PERF
think-1-P-PERF you I-OBJ lie word say-2-FUT not
I trusted you like an idiot, believed that you would not lie to me.
past perfect, future, present perfect, future
pyb« mfn mfn yTk kfr `rfKyCl ayPs Kvlfl - xKn sbhi `qKfb nuvn bshr bjbñh
MfwfC uKn pyb« dvb `mfr `qfb/
Pabitra mind-LOC (×2) right do-PP put-3-P-PERF office open-CP
when-R everyone see-3-FUT new sit-VN-GEN arrangement
be-3-P-PERF then Pabitra sink-PP hit-PP give-3-FUT
Pabitra worked out in his mind that when the office opened and everyone
saw the new seating arrangement that he would then drown himself.
past perfect, present continuous, future
pyb« `BfbyCl zl `khn yqfk gRhfÉC `qfK - `s pvfzhr pr mhsKhfnk dvb `qfb/
Pabitra think-3-P-PERF water which way-LOC flow-3-PR-C see-PP he
Puja-GEN after month one drowning give-3-FUT
Having seen which way the water flowed, Pabitra thought that he would
drown himself about a month after Puja.
past perfect (neg), past perfect, simple past, simple past (yCl)
ei kUhth uKn ahym Bhybyn abSj, afnk pfr `s yqngvylr kUh Bhbfu ygfw mfn
MfwyCflh, ykLbh Mwfuh eimh«i Bhblvm/ uKn ahmhr pfÇ emn ykCv Bhbh s®b yCl nh/
this EMP word-CL then I not think-1-P-PERF of course much late that
day-CL-PL-GEN word think-IP go-PP mind-LOC be-3-P-PERF or
perhaps this EMP only think-1-P-S then I-GEN such some think though
possible [was] not
I did not, of course, think about that then. It occurred to me a lot later
610 when I was thinking about that time or perhaps it has only just occurred to
me now. At that time that kind of thinking would have been impossible for me.
Chapter 32
Even though tense (when) and aspect (how) are clearly distinguished from
one another in some languages, the tense systems in both English and
Bangla have aspectual features built into them in, for instance, continuous
The characteristics of present perfect, past perfect and simple past, given
in 31.7 are aspectual distinctions. In fact, any language with more than
one present tense or more than one past tense is likely to have aspectual
features built into its tense system.
Here are the types of grammatical aspect languages usually display with 611
some Bangla examples.
32 (a) stative or continuative – ongoing non-active events
Srfu `khno `khno ghfCr phuh lhl rW QhrN kfr/
autumn any any tree-GEN leaf red colour take on-do-3-PR-S
In autumn the leaves of some trees turn red.
(b) progressive – ongoing active events
Lexical aspect deals with the internal structure of specific verbs. In Bangla
this is particularly relevant for the distinction between ahC- be, be present
and Uhkh stay, the use of ahC- and Uhkh with preceding perfective participles,
the imperfective participle with Uhkh stay and for some aspective features
of Mowh be, become.
We have seen that Uhkh steps in for the missing forms of ahC- (see
Ch. 15.4).
But we also have simple present tense uses of Uhkh in contrast with ahC-. 613
32 `s klkhuhw (ahfC)/ He is in Kolkata. gives us his actual current location
Aspect `s klkhuhw Uhfk/ He lives in Kolkata. gives us his place of residence
but makes no comment on his present whereabouts.
Perfective participles of many verbs can combine with both ahC- and Uhkh
to form aspective compound verbs. The aspectual difference between the
614 two structures in the simple present tense is the same as in the structures
above, i.e. ahC- implies immediacy, Uhkh a habitual action or event. Uhkh is Lexical aspect
used for all other tenses. Neither continuous nor perfect tenses occur in these
structures. The verbs used are predominantly stative.
eirkm xKn Mw uKn ymnh qrzhr uhlh yqfw cvp kfr uhr Gfr lvykfw Uhfk/
this kind when be-3-PR-S then Mina door-GEN give-PP quiet do-PP
her room-LOC hide-PP stay-3-PR-S
When this happens, Mina locks the door and hides quietly in her room.
`s sb Bvfl Uhkfb/
he all forget-PP stay-3-FUT
He will have forgotten everything.
Unlike other compound makers (Ch. 18) with their varying semantic prop-
erties, these two verbs consistently add a continuative or stative aspect to
the preceding verb.
The verb Mowh in many of its uses has an element of emerging, becoming,
developing. This may not be a traditionally recognised aspect but it
pervades the Bangla language in many contexts.
Chapter 33
33.1 nh
nh is the universal negative particle which is placed after the finite verb and
is therefore usually the last word in a sentence.
affirmative negative
orh khz kfr/ orh khz kfr nh/
They work. They don’t work.
ahym uhfk ycyn/ ahym uhfk ycyn nh/
I know him. I don’t know him.
`s `uhmhr sfà kUh blfb/ `s `uhmhr sfà kUh blfb nh/
he you-GEN with word say-3-FUT he you-GEN with word say-3-FUT not
He will talk with you. He will not talk with you.
uhrh bhzhfr `gl/ uhrh bhzhfr `gl nh/
they market-LOC go-3-P-S they market-LOC go-3-P-S not
They went to the market. They did not go to the market. 621
33 When answering yes–no questions in the negative, nh stands independently
Negation at the beginning of the sentence and again follows the verb at the end.
bl nh, yk eu BhbC uvym? Tell me, what are you so worried about?
ki, nh `uh, ykCv nh `uh/ What? No, there is nothing.
M£jh! Yes, there is!
nh nh! No, no!
blfb nh? Will you not tell (me)?
yk blb? yk ahmhr blhr ahfC? What am I supposed to say? What can I say?
ufb yk? Then what is it?
ykCv nh, ykCv nh! Nothing, nothing at all!
All except two tenses in Bangla negate with nh. Present perfect and past
perfect negatives are constructed with the simple present verb forms fol-
622 lowed by yn/
affirmative negative Negation and
tense (yn)
simple present ahym bi pyR/ ahym bi pyR nh/
I read books. I don’t read books.
present continuous ahym bi pRyC/ ahym bi pRyC nh/
I am reading a book. I am not reading a book.
present perfect ahym bith pfRyC/ ahym bith pyRyn/
I have read the book. I haven’t read the book.
future tense ahym bi pRfbh/ ahym bi pRfbh nh/
I will read books. I will not read books.
simple past ahym bith pRlhm/ ahym bith pRlhm nh/
I read the book. I didn’t read the book.
past continuous ahym bith pRyClhm/ ahym bith pRyClhm nh/
I was reading the book. I was not reading the book.
past perfect ahym bith pfRyClhm/ ahym bith pyRyn/
I had read the book. I hadn’t read the book.
past habitual ahym bi pRuhm/ ahym bi pRuhm nh/
I used to read books. I didn’t use to read books.
The fact that yn is used with simple present tense verb forms means that
yn has tense as well as negative properties and that there is no distinction
between present perfect and past perfect in the negative.
Unlike nh, yn never stands on its own and is often, but not always, attached
directly to the simple present verb form. This is just a spelling convention.
Some authors, e.g. Satyajit Ray, also attached nh to his verb forms. yn cannot
be added to tenses other than the simple present. Because of the lack of
distinction between present and past perfect, yn is retained in the glosses
below. In some cases the English translations require a simple past tense.
eth nuvn `khno sLkln yknh ahym zhnfu phyr yn/
this-CL new any collection or not I know-IP be able to-1-yn
I haven’t been able to find out whether this is a new collection or not.
ahpnhfk `uh blh Mw yn/
you-H-OBJ EMP say-VN be-3-yn
You have not been told.
eKhfn emn ykCv eKno Gftyn/
here such something yet not happen-3-PR-PERF
Nothing like this has happened here yet.
yuyn ahr kUh bhRhnyn/
he more word increase-3H-yn
He did not elaborate. 623
33 ahym uhr ypCfn lhygyn/
Negation I he-GEN behind not attach-1-yn
I was not teasing him.
qi, chtyn `uh fC£hwhi Mwyn/
yoghurt, chutney EMP touch EMP be-3-yn
The yoghurt and chutney were untouched.
ufb xh Bvfl xhnyn uh Ml `ghphl mvKhyzò mvKbvfz —NfbfSr ahœmN sMj kfrnyn/
but what-R not forget-go-3H-yn that be-3-P-S Gopal Mukherji mouth
shut-PP Pranabesh-GEN attack endure-do-3-yn
But what he had not forgotten was that Gopal Mukherji did not suffer
Pranabesh’s attack in silence.
Since the 3rd person ordinary is used for all inanimates as well as he, she and
624 they, the form nw appears much more frequently than any of the other forms.
eth emn ahŸcxò bjhphr nw/ n- (ni, no, ns,
this such amazing matter [is not] nw, nn ) is not
This is not such an amazing thing.
ei yk xfU§ nw?
this what enough [is not]
Is this not enough?
yk≤ yuyn xh bflfCn uhr ekyt Sûqo ymfUj nw/
but he-H what-R say-3H-PR-PERF that-GEN one-CL word even lie [is not]
But not a word of what he had said was a lie.
esb `mfwgvflh iLylS nw/
this all girl-CL-PL English [is not]
All these girls are not English.
o SvQv ahmhri nw, `uhmhro `mfw/
she only my EMP [is not] your also daughter
She is your daughter as well as mine.
n- is used to negate modal verbal noun structures with \ycu ought and kUh
supposed to (see Ch. 34 modals)
ei kUh blh \ycu nw/
this word say ought is not
This ought not to be said.
khro zhnhr uh kUho nw/
of someone of the knowing word is not
No one is supposed to know about this.
Past tense negation of the zero verb is shared with ahC-: yClhm, yCyl, yCfl,
yCl, yCfln nh.
Future tense and past habitual uses are formed with Mowh be, become.
Conditional and non-finite verb form uses are also done with Mowh.
simple present: uhr ahsh ahz s®b nw/
his coming today possible [is not]
He is not able to come today.
future tense: uhr ahsh khlfk s®b Mfb nh/
his coming tomorrow possible be-3-FUT
He will not be able to come tomorrow.
simple past: uhr ahsh gukhl s®b yCl nh/
his coming yesterday possible [was] not
He was not able to come yesterday. 625
33 past habitual: uhr ahsh `s yqn s®b Mu nh/
Negation his coming that day possible be-3-P-HABIT
He would not have been able to come that day.
Note that in informal contexts, particularly in Bangladesh, all forms of
n- can be replaced by nh/
33.3.1 Contrasting nw
33.3.2 uh nw
uh nw/
that [is not]-3
It’s not that.
uh nw is very frequently used to evade an affirmative statement and to keep
sentence structures simple. It is usually added after negative and occasionally
after affirmative statements. Structurally uh nw forms the main clause of
content clauses. (See Ch. 29.6.)
uh SvQv nw/
that only is not
626 It’s not just that.
emn sometimes takes the place of uh `ni Negation
of existential
emn `uh nw/ sentences
such that is not
It’s not like that.
qvAK `x Mw nh uh nw/
sadness that doesn’t occur is not
Not that there wasn’t any sadness.
Although all of these are overtly simple present tense negations, this
structure can be used for past and future as well as present tense contexts.
The existence of the two negative verbs n- and `ni , which are tenseless in
use, contributes significantly to the flexibility Bangla displays in its tense
`ni , like n- is a negative verb but it is unchangeable for all persons and is
only used in the simple present. `ni , in a nutshell, denotes absence. The
use of nhi for `ni is common in spoken language in some areas.
existential/locative use
affirmative negative
possessive use:
affirmative negative
uhr åN ahfC/ uhr åN `ni/
he-GEN debt [is present] he-GEN debt `ni
He has debts. He does not have debts.
uhfqr ykCv ahfC/ uhfqr ykCv `ni/
they-GEN something [is present] they-GEN something `ni
They have something. They have nothing.
Here is a nice sentence which shows the relationship between `ni and ahfC :
yk™ svfKr `D\ xKn mfn efs lhfg, uhr mu ykCv nw, smÄ péyUbYfu uhr mu ykCv `ni/
but happiness-GEN wave when-R mind-LOC come-PP touch-3-PR-S
it-GEN like something [is not]-3 whole world-LOC it-GEN like
something [is absent]
But when the wave of happiness reaches the mind, it is unlike anything else,
there is nothing in the world like it.
33.5 Positioning of nh
When nh follows the verb at the end of a sentence, the whole sentence
is negated. In order to get around this, there are certain cases where nh
precedes the verb.
xyq if
eth xyq syuj nh Mw ufb `k ahmhfk zhnhfb?
this-CL if true not be-3-PR-S then who I-OBJ inform-3-FUT
If this is not true then who will tell me?
uhfqr xyq ghyR nh Uhfk ufb yk kfr xhfb?
they-GEN if car not stay-3-PR-S then what do-PP go-3-FUT
How will they go if they don’t have a car?
`xn so that
uhr Gvm `xn `BfW nh xhw, ahym bhÉchfqr bhifr ynfw `gyC/
his sleep so that break-PP not go-3-PR-S I child-PL-OBJ outside
take-PP go-1-PR-PERF
I took the children outside so as not to disturb his sleep.
yk≤ xuyqn nh péyUbY QáLs MfÉC, uuyqn `uh mhnvfXr ahMhfrr sLñhn krfu Mfb/
but as long not world destroy be-3-PR-C so long-CR EMP person-
GEN food-GEN arrangement do-IP be-3-FUT
But as long as the world is not on the point of extinction, provisions have to
630 be made for man to eat.
33.5.3 Non-finite verb forms Positioning
of nh
nh precedes non-finite verb forms in order to restrict the negative impact
to the particular verbal action following it.
With pxò™ until, up to nh is added either before the verbal noun or before
pxò™. The translation is often best done with before or as long as . . .
That is not nothing. Bangla double negatives are often best translated with
affirmative structures in English.
ynfzr ayQkhfrr sYmh kuqVr pxò™ thnh, `sth uhr azhnh nw/
own-GEN right-GEN limit how far stretch-VA that-CL he-GEN
unknown [is not]
He was not unaware of how far he could stretch the limits of his privileges.
uh ChRh u£hr mfQj emn ek —bl bjy∆¥ rfwfC, xh amhnj krh as®b/
that except she-GEN in such one strong personality stay-3-PR-PERF
what-R ignore do-VN impossible
Apart from this, she had such a strong personality. It was impossible to
ignore it.
emn yqn bR xhw nh `xyqn a™u qv-ekbhr ShyR-prh Mhlkh ektv Mhowh mhKnlhlfk
ahnmnh kfr nh `qw/
such day big go-3-PR-S not what day at least two one time saree
wear-VA light a bit air Makhanlal-OBJ distract-do-PP not give-3-PR-S
Not a day goes by that Makhanlal does not get distracted at least once or
634 twice by a light breeze, dressed in a saree.
Negation of
33.8 Negation of compound verbs
The negation of compound verbs is a crucial factor in their definition.
As the following sentences show, a sentence final nh negates the perfective
participle and leaves the compound maker unnegated, making the two an
indivisible unit.
Chapter 34
Anything in a language that goes beyond the factual, anything that expresses
intention, purpose, wish, attitude, prohibition or any other kind of directed
ness or illocutionary force can be considered modal or subjunctive. In many
languages the subjunctive has its own set of verb forms which stand in
contrast to the verb forms of the indicative (factual) mood. English has
traces of subjunctive verb forms in structures like I request that he be
there. If I were younger, I would go. Heaven forbid! and so on. The fact
that these forms are gradually disappearing from the English language does
not mean that modals are going out of fashion, though, just that the forms
are changing. This chapter gives an overview of how modals are formed
systematically in Bangla. It does not take into account lexical items such
as adverbials, verbs like phrh be possible, chowh want. Examples for phrh and
chowh can be found in Ch. 21 (imperfective participle).
Let us take a simple example for a comparison between English and Bangla.
Apart from the past habitual, Bangla has the following ways of making
modal structures:
xyq if usually comes straight after the sentence subject (see also
Ch. 29)
ahphuu ahmhr \pyñyu xyq bhMvlj mfn Mw ahym brL bhifr `Ufk ektv Gvfr
ahsfu rhyz ahyC/
now my presence if superfluous mind-LOC is-3-PR-S I rather
outside from a bit stroll-PP come-IP agreed [I am]
If my presence is considered superfluous at this time, then I have no
objections to taking a little walk.
past habitual:
nh precedes the verb. The verb in the subordinate xhfu clause is in the
simple present. xhfu is the locative form of the relative pronoun xh that,
literally meaning in that. The modal element in xhfu varies from almost
nonexistent (see below) to a thoughtful planning of future events.
bYNh emnBhfb `Mfs \Tl xhfu bRyqr kUhthr crm ashruh —mhN krh Mw/
bina such way-LOC laugh-PP rise-3-P-S so that big sister-GEN
word-CL-GEN big absurdity proof-do-VN be-3-PR-S
Bina laughed like that in order to prove the total absurdity of her big
sister’s statement.
ahr xhfu qviyt s™hfnr `byS znÖgîMN nh kfr `s yqfko nzr rhKfu Mfb/
and so that two-CL offspring-GEN much birth not do-3-PR-S that
direction-LOC also observation keep-IP be-3-FUT
And care must also be taken that no more than two children should
be born.
apyrycu ñhfn `bySqVr agîsr Mbhr smfw pfUr phfS `s `xn `khno yc– `rfK
xhw xhfu ahbhr `si yc– Qfr yPrfu phfr/
unknown place-LOC much distance advance-be-baVN time-LOC
path-GEN side-LOC he so that any sign leave-PP go-3-PR-S xhfu
again that sign catch-PP return-IP be able to-3-PR-S
When he goes any distance in an unknown place he should leave a
sign at the side of the path so that he can find his way back from
that sign.
Mwfuh anj `khno rkm svK uhrh `pfwfCn xhfu smÄ pvyXfw xhw/
perhaps other any kind happiness they find-3-PR-PERF xhfu all
nourish-PP go-3-PR-S
Perhaps they have found some other kind of happiness which fulfils them.
(c) phfC lest, in order not to, so that not
The finite verb in the phfC sentence is in the simple present and nh would
come before the verb but in fact negation in phfC sentences is unlikely
from a logistic point of view.
uhRhuhyR `s `chK nhymfw ynflh, phfC plhS mvK `Prhw, phfC uhfqr `chKhfchyK Mw/
quickly she eye lower-PP take-3-P-S phfC Polash face turn-3-PR-S
phfC they-GEN eye-contact be-3-PR-S
She quickly lowered her eyes in case Polash turned his head, in order
to avoid eye-contact.
ahmhr emn Bw Mw, emn Bw Mw, Bhi, phfC ahym mfr xhi/
I-GEN such fear be-3-PR-S such fear be-3-PR-S brother phfC I
die-PP go-1-PR-S
I feel such fear, such fear, as if I was going to die.
yuyn ct kfr ykCv blfln nh, phfC Bvl kUh bfl `Pfln/
he quick-do-PP something say-3H-P-S not phfC mistake word
say-PP throw-3H-PR-S
He didn’t say anything immediately so as not to say the wrong thing.
Bvbn mhzvmqhr phfC ã«Yr nhfk `Q£hwh lhfg `si zfnj ektv qVfr Gfrr `cHkhfTr
bhifr bfs uhmhk `Ku/
Bhubon Majumdar phfC wife-GEN nose-LOC smoke attach-3-PR-S
this for a bit distance-LOC house-GEN door-frame-GEN outside
sit-PP tobacco smoke-3-P-HABIT
In order to prevent the smoke from irritating his wife, Bhubon
Majumdar used to sit a little way away from the house to smoke his
tobacco. 639
34 phfC uvym qvAK pho uhi `uhmhfk ahfg `Ufk —≥u kfr yqlvm/
Modals phfC you sadness receive-2-PR-S so you-OBJ before from
ready-do-PP give-1-P-S
I prepared you beforehand so that you wouldn’t be disappointed.
sb smw ahmhfqr ahzkhl Bw, phfC smw n§ Mw/
all time we-GEN nowadays fear phfC time waste be-3-PR-S
Nowadays we are always anxious not to waste time.
uhr mfn brhbr `uh eri Bw yCl, phfC uhrh ymUjhfk `dfk ahfn, phfC uhrh
prãprfk apmhn kfr, Mujh kfr/ uhr `cfw qvAfKr ahr ykCv Mu nh/
his mind-LOC again and again this-GEN EMP fear [was] phfC
they lie-OBJ call-PP bring-3-PR-S phfC they one another
offend-do-3-PR-S killing-do-3-PR-S that-GEN than sadness-GEN
more something be-3-P-HABIT not
There was the constant fear in his mind that they might be inviting a
lie, that they might offend or kill one another. Nothing would be more
painful than that.
(d) `xn
`xn has two distinct uses (1) meaning as if with no tense restrictions
and (2) meaning so that used with simple present verb forms and nh
preceding the verb
1 as if
`xmn is also used in this sense, `kmn `xn is also common. Both of
these are included here.
ahr ahmrh svfKr ypCfn Cvyt, `xn xfU§ `zhfr Cvtfu phrfli uhfk Qrh
and we happiness-GEN behind run-1-PR-S `xn sufficient
force-LOC run-IP be able to-CP it-OBJ catch-VN go-3-FUT
And we chase after happiness in the illusion that if we run fast
enough we can grab hold of it.
'ahzkhl `kn erkm bjbMhr kfrn?" 'yk rkm?" '`xn `cfnn nh/"
nowadays why this way behaviour-do-2-H-PR S what way as if
know-2-H-PR-S not
‘Why are you behaving like this these days?’ ‘Like what?’ ‘As if you
didn’t know me.’
yk≤ eKn - ynCk k†hy™ ChRh ahr ykCv smáfí `s `xn sfcun nw/
but now sheer tiredness except more something about he as
if aware [is not]
But now it seemed as if he was unaware of anything except sheer
ahr ahz smÄ zYbn `xmn uhr bvfkr \pr `BfW pRfu chifC/
and today whole life as if his chest on break-PP fall-IP
And today his whole life seemed to be falling on top of him.
In the following sentence `xn is followed by a present perfect verb form: 641
34 uhfk `qfK emn mzh `pfw `gl `Chkrhgvflh `xn `khno ynyXº p^Yfu uhfk
Modals uhrh ahyb©khr kfrfC/
he-OBJ see-PP such fun get-PP go-3-P-S boy-CL-PL as if any
forbidden place-LOC he-OBJ they discover-do-3-PR-PERF
The boys were greatly amused by seeing him, as if they had
discovered him in some forbidden place.
a™u ahmhfqr mfn `xn ybnw Uhfk, Sîº∞h Uhfk, `säM Uhfk/ ahr ykCv nh phyr,
qvAfKr `xn ahmrh mhnMhyn nh kyr, `knnh, qvAfKri K£vyt qrkhr, svK ynfzr
phfw q£hRhfu phfr, `qhMhi `qbuhr, M∑qwfk `xn ahmrh phUr kfr
nh uvyl/
at least our mind-LOC so that modesty stay-3-PR-S respect
stay-3-PR-S affection stay-3-PR-S more something not be
able to-1-PR-S grief-GEN so that we mind defeat not
do-1-PR-S because grief-GEN EMP stake need happiness
own-GEN foot-LOC stand-IP be able to-3-PR-S in the name of
god heart-OBJ so that we stone do-PP not raise-1-PR-S
So that at least we have modesty, respect and affection in our
hearts. Even if we can’t do anything else, let us not be defeated
by grief. Because grief needs a support. Happiness can stand
on its own feet. Let us, for heaven’s sake, not make our hearts
into stone.
ynfzr mfQj xui anjrkm lhgvk, mhnvfXr shmfn `xn `mzhz Bhl Uhfk/
self-GEN within how much other way feel-3-IMP person-GEN
before so that temper good stay-3-PR-S
However strange you feel, make sure you are even-tempered with
other people.
`bS Bhl kfr Kv£ytfw Kv£ythw `qfK ynn/ `SXkhl `xn blfbn nh `x ahym
ahpnhfk Qhùh yqfwyC/
quite good do-PP observe-PP (×2) take-2-H-PR-IMP. end
time so that say-3-H-FUT not that I you-OBJ bluff
Take a thorough look around, so that in the end you won’t say I was
tricking you.
uhrpr yPfr uhkhl, `xn ahym uhfk anvsrN kryC yknh `qKhr zfnj/
then return-PP look-3-P-S so that I he-OBJ follow-do-1-PR-C
what not see-VN-GEN for
642 Then he looked back to see whether I was following him or not.
Tense changes
34.2 Tense changes
GyR `qKlhm/ rht ahtth/ eKn klkhuhw yPrfu chifl bhrth `bfz xhfb/
watch see-1-P-S night eight-CL now Kolkata-LOC return-IP want-CP
twelve ring-PP go-3-FUT
I looked at my watch. Eight o’clock. If I wanted to return to Kolkata now
it would be midnight.
2 simple present
3 simple past
pfnfrh bCr Qfr ekth Çuñhn `x eKno emn k£hch yCl, `k zhnu/
fifteen year during one-CL wound that still so raw [was present]
who zhnh-3-P-HABIT
Who could have known that after fifteen years a wound could still be so
Nonfinite verb forms in connection with some of the very common verbs
646 produce modal meanings such as prohibition, possibility, sufficiency,
obligation. All Bangla verbs can participate in these structures, which are Non-finite
all impersonal, i.e. they have a third person finite verb form. In some cases modal
a genitive experiencer subject can be expressed. Here is an overview of the structures
structures with the verb xhowh as an example.
non-finite verb form + 3rd ps verb form modal meaning
ex xhowh go pos neg
1 conditional participle `gfl Mw Mw nh sufficiency
2 conditional participle `gfl cfl cfl nh sufficiency
3 imperfective participle `xfu Mw Mw nh obligation
4 imperfective participle `xfu ahfC `ni acceptability
5 negated conditional nh `gfl - nw compulsion
participle must go
6 verbal noun genitive xhowhr - nw compulsion
must not
7 verbal noun xhowh xhw xhw nh possibility
All of these structures have already appeared earlier in the book. Here are
just a few examples for each of them, focusing on their modal properties.
34.3.1 Conditional participle with clh go, move and Mowh be,
The third person form of Mowh can be in any tense but the future tense is by
far the most common tense for anything that is not in the past or a has a
habitual connotation.
When this structure is negated the obligation is taken away, i.e. there is
no need to . . .
Mowh in future tense
ahmhfk eKni `xfu Mfb/
I-OBJ right now go-IP be-3-FUT
I have to leave right now.
emn mn Khrhp krfu Mfb nh/
such mind bad do-IP be-3-FUT not
(You) don’t need to be so down.
ahmhfki ynfzr Mhfu Mhl Qrfu Mfb/
I-OBJ own hand-LOC control take-IP be-3-FUT
648 I will have to take control myself.
aueb ahflh ahr aíkhfrr mfQji ekth pU ahmhfqr `bfC ynfu Mfb/ Non-finite
so light and day-GEN between one-CL path we-OBJ choose-PP modal
take-IP be-3-FUT structures
So we have to choose a path midway between light and darkness.
e ynfw mhysmhfk bjÄ krfu Mfb nh/
this take-PP aunt-OBJ anxious do-IP be-3-FUT not
Aunt doesn’t need to worry about that.
`uhmhfk uhr \pfr eu chp yqfu Mfb nh/
you-OBJ he-GEN on so much pressure give-IP be-3-FUT not
You don’t have to put so much pressure on him.
Mowh is used in the simple present for recurrent or habitual events:
`rhz `uh khpR Qvfu Mw/
daily EMP clothes wash-IP be-3-PR-S
But the clothes have to be washed every day.
SrYr Bhflh rhKhr zfnj Bhflh Khbhr `Kfu Mw/
health good keep-VN-GEN for good food eat be-3-PR-S
In order to be healthy one has to eat well.
uhfqr zfnj pNjshmgîYr srbrhMo bhRhfu Mw/
they-GEN for saleable total-GEN supply increase-IP be-3-PR-S
For them the supply of merchandise has to be increased.
Mowh in the simple past for specific events in the past:
khfzi yTkhnh chifu Ml/
therefore address ask-IP be-3-P-S
So (we) had to ask for the address.
ny~qnYfk rhg yglfu Ml/
Nandini-OBJ anger swallow-IP be-3-P-S
Nandini had to swallow her anger.
Mowh in present continuous for ongoing, repeated events:
b\fk afnk ymUjh blfu MfÉC/
wife-OBJ many lie say-IP be-3-PR-C
He is having to tell his wife many lies.
ahmhfk `uh bhrbhr erkm bhfz khgz yPl-ahp krfu MfÉC/
I-OBJ EMP again and again this kind pointless paper fill up do-IP
I keep having to fill in these pointless papers. 649
34 Mowh in present perfect for unspecified events in the past:
ghyRth ybyœ krfu MfwfC/
car-CL sale-do-IP be-3-PR-PERF
The car had to be sold.
—yuyt uhmhr pwsh gvnfu MfwfC/
each-CL copper-GEN money count-IP be-3-PR-PERF
Each copper coin had to be counted.
Mowh in past habitual for hypothetical contexts or habitual events in the
The `ni version of this structure is common. The version with ahC- appears
occasionally in questions. The structure expresses acceptability or the lack
of it. Forms of ahC- are always in the third person and there is no animate
subject. Some examples are given in Ch. 21.1 (k).
34.3.6 Verbal noun plus xhowh to express possibility
This is one of the main impersonal structures in Bangla with the modal
component of possibility.
These three important structures are for many foreign learners the first
point of contact with verbal nouns. Of the nonfinite structures given in
34.3 above, the imperfective participle with Mowh (34.3.1) alongside the
verbal noun with xhowh (34.3.6) far outweigh the other structures in terms
of frequency of occurrence. Verbal noun structures with qrkhr, \ycu and
kUh are only a little less frequent than these.
When it stands on its own, preceding verbal nouns, other inanimate nouns
and pronouns as well as nonspecific animate nouns are in the nominative.
Personal pronouns and specific people (names) are in the object case.
—Um ahmhr zhnh qrkhr `uhmhr zfnj `s `kmn ph« yTk kfrfC/
first I-GEN know-VN need you-GEN for he how partner
First I need to know what kind of a partner he has decided on for you.
The situation with \ycu is very much simpler than that with qrkhr. \ycu is an
adjective, the preceding verbal noun is in the nominative, animate subjects
in the genitive. It is negated with nw, future and past tense are formed with
Mowh be and yCl, respectively. The translation of \ycu in dictionaries is usually
given as proper, which fits with the word class but is a bit weak in reflecting
its modal features. \ycu is used in situations where external moral codes
or questions of propriety are under discussion.
uhr Bw MyÉCl `mfwyt emn ykCv bfl `Plfb xh uhr `Shnh \ycu nw/
his fear be-3-P-C girl-CL such something say-PP throw-3-FUT what-R
he-GEN hear-VN \ycu [is not]
He was afraid that the girl might suddenly say something which he ought
658 not to hear.
ahpnhfk ybfSX Qnjbhq yqfu ahsh \ycu yCl ahmhr/ Verbal noun
you-H-OBJ special thanks give-IP come-VN \ycu [was] I-GEN with qrkhr
I should have come especially to thank you. need, \ycu
should ought,
yk≤ `s ynfzfk `x-Bhfb `qfK `sBhfb `qKbhr `c§h krh \ycu yCl/
kUh supposed to
but he self-OBJ what way-LOC-R see-3-PR-S that way-CR
see-baVN-GEN attempt do-VN \ycu [was]
But we ought to have tried to see him the way he sees himself.
`s qrzh bíi Uhfk - bí Uhkh \ycu/
that door closed stay-3-PR-S closed stay-VN \ycu
That door stays closed and ought to stay closed.
`uhr \ycu yCl nh uhfk `xfu `qowh/
you-I-GEN \ycu [was] not he-OBJ go-IP give-VN
You ought not to have let him go.
ahmhr uhrpfr yk blh \ycu yCl?
I-GEN that-GEN after what say-VN \ycu [was]
What was I supposed to say after that?
ahmhr iÉChr ybrßfº `zhr krhth uhr \ycu nw/
my wish against force do-VN-CL he-GEN \ycu [is not]
He should not force me against my will.
o-rkm zGnj cyrf«r `lhfkr sfà ahmhr `khno `xhghfxhg rhKh \ycu Mwyn/
that type abominable character-GEN person-GEN with I-GEN any
contact keep-VN \ycu not be-3-PR-PERF
I should not have kept in touch with a person of such abominable
ghmCh shbhn xhr xhr ahlhqh Uhkh \ycu/
gamcha soap who-GEN (x 2) separate stay \ycu
They should each have their own, separate gamcha and soap.
`sth Mfu `qowh \ycu Mfb nh/
that-CL be-IP give-VN \ycu be-3-FUT not
That should not be allowed to happen.
uhr bjy∆gu ycyT pRh `uhmhr \ycu yCl nh/
his private letter read-VN you-GEN \ycu [was not]
You should not have read his private letters.
afShkkvmhfrr shmfn …huYflKhr nhm blh \ycu Mfb nh/
Ashok Kumar-GEN before Swatilekha-GEN name say-VN \ycu
be-3-FUT not
Swatilekha’s name should not be mentioned in front of Ashok Kumar. 659
34 …hmYr \pr `khno khrfN `khno `mfwr aSîºhr \fqî∞k krh khro \ycu nw/
Modals husband-GEN on any reason-LOC any girl disrespect-GEN
incite-do-VN someone-GEN \ycu [is not]
No one should incite any woman for any reason to be disrespectful to her
The word kUh has so many meanings and farreaching uses that it is
difficult to gauge whether the particular structure given here should count
as a special use. There is no doubt, however, that it is modal, implying
expectations, arrangements and the failure of the two. kUh is preceded by
a genitive verbal noun, the structure is negated with nw and formed with
yCl in the past tense. There can be a genitive subject and there seem to be
no future tense uses. Translations are quite varied, but the supposed to or
meant to factor is fairly consistent.
`x mhnvX GyRr khthr ynfqòS `mfn cfln u£hr afMuvk yblôb Mbhr kUh nw/
that person clock-GEN hand-GEN directive obey-PP move-3H-PR-S
he-H-GEN without reason delay be-baVN-GEN kUh [is not]
Someone who lives by the dictates of the clock is not meant to be
inexplicably delayed.
Chapter 35
35.1 . . . etcetera
The purpose of these combinations is not to make short words longer but
to add a note of nonchalance or depreciation: and things like that. Here
are just a few examples:
ektv bvfZ-svfZ cl . . .
a bit understand-PP RHYMEWORD go-3-PR-IMP
tread a bit carefully . . .
myMlh `rfg-`mfg ekth ykCv kfr bsfbn/
woman be angry-PP RHYMEWORD one-CL something do-PP sit-3H-FUT
The woman will do something in her anger . . .
ahmrh uhfk `p£chfu-`t£chfu chiyn/
we he-OBJ involve-IP RHYMEWORD not want-1-PR-P
We didn’t want to involve him.
Two nouns, verbs or adjectives with the same or very similar meanings
are paired up with an accumulative effect:
35.3 Accumulative
`k `k who (plural)
yk yk what (plural)
kKno kKno from time to time
`k\ `k\ somebody or other
ykCv ykCv a little bit
`khno `khno any, something or other
1 From Abanindranath Thakur, bvfRh ahLlh, Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, 8th edition,
670 2002, p. 20
`rlghyR `xmn `qS-ybfqfSr mfQj yqfw b£hyS yqfu yqfu `ãtSfn `ãtSfn nuvn nuvn Doubling of
`lhk oThfu oThfu cfl, ei phyKr qlo `umni ahkhS yqfw dhk yqfu yqfu cfl ; finite verb
ahr ei gîhm `s gîhm e `qS `s `qS e bn o bn `Ufk xhy«-phyK sb \fR ygfw Z£hfk forms
ymfS ahnf~q mÄ ek ql `b£fQ clfu Uhfk ; ahkhS yqfw ekthr pr ekth shrhyqn
emyn qfl qfl xhuhwhu kfr dhk-M£hk yqfu yqfu - `Cht-bR nhnh phyK/
train as-R country abroad-GEN in through whistle give-IP (×2)
station-LOC (×2) new (×2) person lift-IP (×2) go-3-PR-S so-CR sky
through call give-IP (×2) and this village that village this country that
country this forest that forest from traveller bird all fly-PP go-PP
flock-LOC mix-PP joy-LOC big one group form-PP go-IP stay-3-PR-S
sky through one-CL-GEN after one-CL all day group-LOC (×2)
travel-do-IP call cry give-IP (×2) small big various bird
Just as a train goes from country to country, blowing its whistle, loading up
new passengers at every station, so the group of birds call out as they move
through the sky. Through village after village, country after country, forest
after forest the travelling birds fly up, form groups and come together in
delight to form a large flock. They fly through the sky one group after
another, all day long they travel uttering their shouts and cries, many
different birds, big and small.
Chapter 36
bvºvr bhp ahr `khfnh Bwhnk ghl Kv£fz nh `pfw e kUh bfl/
Buddhur Bap more any scary abuse search-PP not find-PP this word
Buddhur Bap couldn’t think of a scarier term of abuse so he said it.
This is the way onomatopoeia come about – when nothing else is quite
expressive enough. The range of onomatopoeia in Bangla goes far beyond
sound-imitating words and Tagore’s1 coinage of QánjhuÖk soul in the sound is
probably the best way to describe them. The Greek word ονοµατοποιeω
(onomatopoieo) actually means name-making and has, by itself, no connota-
tion of imitating sounds. I will therefore continue to use this word but in its
expanded sense of word-creations, sound-pictures or sensory words.
Onomatopoeia are an open word class: new creations are added to the
language all the time but there is a long list of well-established specimens.
In order to increase our understanding of Bangla onomatopoeia they need
Onomatopoeia in use
3 This sounds strange in English but it is the way Bengalis specify their relatives. `mz
chch indicates that the speaker’s father has (at least) three younger brothers and the one
676 in question is the middle one.
ahmhr Mhu ph BYXN Bfw Ur Ur kfr k£hpfu lhgl/ Onomatopoeia
my hand foot extreme fear Ur Ur do-PP shiver-IP start-3-P-S
In great fear I started shivering all over.
ei smwthfu Z£hfk Z£hfk phyKrh ahfs, shrhyqn ykycrymycr, `c£chfmycfu mvKr Uhfk
Pflr bhghn/
this time-CL-LOC flock-LOC (×2) bird-PL come-3-PR-S, all
day ykycrymycr `c£ c hfmyc -LOC resounding stay-3-PR-S fruit-GEN
At that time the birds come in flocks; and the fruit garden resounds with
their chirping and twittering all day.
uhr `Chfth qvyt cyt ct-ct krfC uhr Bhbnhr Cf~qr uhfl-uhfl/
her small two sandal ct-ct do-3-PR-C her thought-GEN rhythm
beat-LOC (×2)
Her two small sandals were slapping to the rhythm of her thoughts.
phRhr yTk —h™buòY —kh’ ekth btghC yCl, `sKhnth eKn K£h-K£h krfC/
village-GEN exact border huge one-CL banyan tree [was present]
there-CL now K£h-K£h do-3-PR-C
Right at the border of the village there used to be a huge banyan tree.
That place is now empty.
ahŸcxò nw, btghCfk `x oKhfn ytkfu `q`b nh, `k zhfn ku qYGò bCr Qfr xh ahfÄ Onomatopoeia
ahfÄ mhytr gBYr aíkhfrr mfQj mVl ybÄhr kfr ahkhfSr ynfc agNj phuhw ybkySu
uhr yZryZfr —hN CyRfw yqfwyCl/
amazing [is not] banyan tree-OBJ that-REL there stay-IP allow-3-FUT
not who know-3-P-S how many long year during that slowly (×2)
earth-GEN deep darkness-GEN in root spread-do-PP sky-GEN under
countless leaf-LOC shed it-GEN gradually-ONOM life spread-PP
This banyan tree, which they will not allow to stay there! No wonder! Who
knows how for many long years it spread out its roots slowly deep into the
earth’s darkness, displayed itself in countless leaves under the sky and
gently scattered its life-force.
uKn sbhi pi-pi kfr blfl, ahi-ys-es yk yb-ys-es xh `Mhk ekth prYÇh `q/
then everyone pi-pi do-PP say-3-P-S ICS or BCS that-REL
be-3-PR-IMP one-CL exam give-2I-PR-IMP
Then everyone said repeatedly, ‘Whether it be an ICS or a BCS, just take
any exam.’
qv thkh p£hc thkhr zfnj Pjh-Pjh kfr eKhn `Ufk Gvfr `bRhfnh - eri zfnj yk uvi
eu `lKhpRh ySfKyCyl?
two Taka five Taka-GEN for Pjh-Pjh do-PP here from turn round-PP
go around-VN – this-GEN for what-QU you-INT so much studying
Did you do all this studying in order to wander about aimlessly in search of
a few measly Taka?
`khno S∆ mhnvfXr ph^hw pRfli mhUh yncv kfr k£vi k£vi kfr/
any hard person-GEN control fall-PP EMP head down do-PP k£vi k£vi
When he falls into the clutches of a strong man, he pulls his head in and groans. 681
36 qh\qh\ kfr shrh bfn ahgvn záfl \Tflh/
Onomatopoeia qh\qh\ do-PP whole forest-LOC fire burn rise-3-P-S
The whole forest was engulfed in flames.
The colours white, red and black each have their own accompaniment:
ykCvÇN pr \fThfn chl bhCfu bhCfu ahymnh bhghfnr yqfk mvK `Prhw/ rhzhfk ahr
`qKfu phw nh/ `bhQMw `khno ghfCr ahRhl MfwfC/ rhzhr zfnj qvyŸc™h `x MfÉC nh uh
nw/ `chfKr bhifr `gfli bvk qvrqvr kfr/ ph-Mhu yMm Mfw xhw/ ySrq£hRh ySrySyrfw
ofT/ bvk P£hkh Mfw xhw/ mhUh yZmyZm kfr/
A bit later, as she was picking through the rice in the courtyard, Amina
looked towards the garden. She couldn’t see Raja any more. Probably he
was hidden by a tree. Not that she didn’t worry about him. As soon as he
was out of her sight her heart would start racing. Her hands and feet went
cold. Her spine would tingle, she would have a feeling of emptiness in her
chest and feel dizzy.
Chapter 37
Individual verbs
The following section brings together special features and idiomatic uses
of some very common verbs.
They are (1) ahsh: efs-xhowh, (2) oTh, (3) khth, (4) Khowh, (5) Gth, (6) chowh,
(7) zhnh, (8) `qKh, (9) phowh, (10) phrh, (11) blh, (12) mhnh
Glosses are given in this section only where they are felt to be necessary.
two finite verb forms uhfu ahmhr ykCv xhw ahfs nh/
It makes no difference to me.
ek `Cfl nh Uhkfl ykCv ahfs xhw nh/
One boy’s absence makes no difference.
affirmative erh Bhl yk m~q Mfl afnk ykCv efs xhw/
Whether they are good or bad makes a great
deal of difference.
simple past nh `pfl `uh khr yk efs `gl?
If he doesn’t get it, who cares?
uhfu efs `gl nh ykCv/
That didn’t matter.
present continuous yk≤ ahz ykCvfu ahr ykCv efs xhfÉC nh/
But nothing today will make any difference any more.
future uhfu yk ahr ykCv efs xhfb?
Will that make any difference?
oTh is one of the important compound makers and combines with a great
number of other verbs. Here we look at some of its other uses.
—Sä oTh and kUh oTh are often used in negative structures to imply that some-
684 thing was out of the question or too absurd to consider.
ekh ekh `khUho xhowhr `uh —Sä ofT nh/ khth cut –
(Her) going out on her own is out of the question. khthfnh cause
to cut
ahr iÉCh yk aynÉCh, ahn~q yk ybué”hr kUh `uh ofT nh/
And the question of wanting or not wanting, of joy or disgust doesn’t even
The use of oTh can be tricky as it has two diametrically opposite meanings.
oTh-pRh as a noun-pair means rise and fall but it can also imply confusion
or aimlessness:
Both khth and khthfnh have a variety of idiomatic uses. The most common
is in relation to time:
In negative sentences it can also be used for things that were expected to
688 occur and did not:
uhfqr `qKh krh ahr Gtl nh/ They did not meet again. chowh want,
look at
ei bCfr klkhuh SMfrr byMrfÃr ybfSX ykCv pyrbuòn Gftyn/
This year nothing much had changed in the appearance of Kolkata.
The following sentence makes a contrast between the simple Gth happen
and its causative Gthfnh cause to happen
yk≤ mhnvfXr zYbfn emn sb aÀvu Gtnh Gft xh \pnjhfs Gthfu `gfl pTfkrh ybSáhs
krfu chifb nh, `Mfs \yRfw `qfb/
All these strange things happen in human life, but when they are made to
happen in a novel readers don’t want to believe them and laugh them
`mfwyt ahmhr yqfk `cfw ril/ The girl kept looking at me.
yuyn `chK `mfl chifln/ He was staring with wide-open eyes.
`s Cybthr yqfk ahr chifu phfryn/ She could not look at the picture any more.
ahr ekbhr zhnhlhr bhifrr yqfk `cfw rhuth ah~qhz krl/
One more time she looked out of the window to guess the time of night.
but we also find occurrences like:
`mfwyt ahmhr yqfk chiu nh/ The girl never looked at me.
chowh meaning want can appear in all tenses when it is preceded by an
imperfective participle:
zhnh has some peculiarities in its tense use – in fact its tense use splits the
verb into two quite distinct meanings. To a lesser extent this split can also
occur with verbs of comprehension like `bhZh understand or `qKh see but it
is particularly poignant with zhnh.
The simple past is often used with fixed points of time in the past and
means learn, find out about, come to know
eki mhnvX `x kybo Mfu phfr, py’uo Mfu phfr, uh yk yuyn zhnfun nh?
same person that poet be-IP be able to-3-PR-S scholar also be-IP be
able to-3-PR-S that what he-H zhnh-3H-P-HABIT
Did he not know that one person can be both a poet and a scholar?
This means that the past habitual of zhnh operates as the normal past tense
form when zhnh means know, be aware of
37.7.3 Present perfect
Individual verbs
The present perfect uses of zhnh again split into the two different meanings:
pfr `zfnyC . . .
after zhnh-1-PR-PERF
we found out later
er mfQj ahmrh `zfn `gyC . . .
this-GEN within we zhnh-PP go-1-PR-PERF
by then we had come to know . . .
yuyn zhnfu `pfrfCn . . .
he zhnh-IP be able to-3-PR-PERF
He found out . . .
khz `x `pfwyCs, uh `uhr thkh phThfnhfu `zfnyC/
work that-REL find-2I-PR-PERF that you-GEN money send-VN-LOC
We knew that you had found a job because you were sending money.
negative: know, be aware of. It seems that the use of the present perfect
can provide a time element which is absent with the past habitual. All the
example sentences contain kKno ever.
37.7.4 Verbal noun zhnh know
zhnh is also frequently used as a verbal noun with ahC-. This structure
implies awareness of:
`s `x ct kfr e rkm ekth lhifs~s `pfw xhfb `s kUh zhnh yCl nh ahmhr/
he that quick-do-PP this kind one-CL license get-PP go-3-FUT that
word I-GEN zhnh-VN [was not]
I was not aware that he would get this kind of licence so quickly.
ei kUh `uh sbhri zhnh ahfC/
this word EMP everybody-GEN zhnh [is present]
Everyone knows this.
uhfqr ybfw `x MfwfC `uhmhr yk zhnh `ni?
they-GEN marriage that be-3-PR PERF you-GEN what zhnh [is absent]
Did you not know that they got married?
The regular verb for specific knowledge in the sense of recognition is `cnh.
`qKh is similar in scope to the English see but its actual uses are quite
ahym uhfk `qKlhm/ I saw him, maybe from a distance, but did
not speak to him.
`qKh Mowh meet, whether by design or chance
uhr sfà `qKh MfwfC/ I met him, perhaps by chance, and talked to him.
khlfk uhr sfà `qKh Mfb/ I will see him tomorrow. (We work in the same
place or we are going to the same event.)
Not necessarily a deliberate meeting.
uhr sfà —hwi `qKh Mw/ I often see him. (Our paths cross.)
ahbhr `qKh Mfb! See you! This is a common phrase for
saying goodbye.
`s rhzhmShifk `qyr krhr `khno khrN yqfu phfrn nh `qfK bll, bhifrr péyUbYfk
Kvbi ynmòl `qKhfÉC/
he king–OBJ delay do-VN-GEN any reason give-IP be able to-3H-
PR-S not `qfK say outside-GEN world-OBJ very EMP fair show-3-
He saw that he could not give the king any reason to delay. So he said,
‘The weather looks very nice.’
Figurative uses of `qKh include:
look after: bhghnth ektv `qKfbn? Will you look after the garden a bit?
examine: dh∆hr uhfk gukhl
`qfKfCn/ The doctor examined him yesterday.
wait: ahr ektv `qyK/ Let’s wait a bit longer.
`qKh xhk! Let’s wait and see!
consider: uhfqr abñh `qKfu Mfb/ Their situation needs to be considered.
read: Kbfrr khgz ahz `qyKyn/ I haven’t read the newspaper today.
phowh is used with the perfective participles of `K£hzh search: K£vfz phowh find
and in negative contexts with the perfective participle of Bhbh think: `Bfb nh
phowh not be able to think, imagine.
Examples for K£vfz phowh are given in Ch. 18.13 under compound verbs.
37 Imperfective participle with phrh and verbal noun with xhowh.
Individual verbs
phrh preceded by an imperfective participle is the personal equivalent to
structures with a verbal noun followed by xhowh. Both structures express
(1) kUhth blfu phrh xhw/ or (2) kUhth blh `xfu phfr/ It is possible to say this.
Note that the impersonal character of the verbal noun + xhowh structure
remains in place and makes (2) a phrase without a subject.
`s yk bflfC?
he what say-3-PR-PERF
What did he say?
`s ykCv bflyn/
he something not say-3-PR-PERF
He didn’t say anything.
blh can become a trivalent verb with an indirect as well as a direct object:
ahym `uhmhfk sb ykCv blb/
I you-OBJ all something say-1-FUT
I will tell you everything.
In this type of structure the direct object can be dropped (as is also pos-
sible in English) – this is an elliptical use:
verbal noun:
The perfective participle bfl acts as a conjunction (see Ch. 29.3.2, 29.6,
mhnh ranges in meaning from pay heed, listen, believe to respect and an
acceptance of particular rules.
ei Qrfnr `khfnh ukò \Tfl `SX pxò™ ahmhfk Mhr mhnfu Mw/
When there is an argument of this kind, in the end I will have to admit
uhr kUh ahym `mfn ynfu phryC nh/ I can’t accept what he is saying.
smhfzr ahin-khnvn `mfn cflfC/ They followed the rules of society.
`xn GyRr k£htho emn ynwm `mfn cfl nh/
It seems as if the hands on the clock don’t follow such a system either.
sb `mfn ynfw cyl/ I accept everything and live accordingly.
eirkm kvsLãkhfrr kUh ahmrh mhyn nh/
We don’t listen to this kind of superstitious talk.
mhnhfnh fit, suit
`bhkhr mu kUh blfbn nh, `bhkhr mu kUh blh ahpnhfk mhnhw nh/
Don’t talk like a fool. Talking like a fool does not suit you.
ShyRth uhfk Kvb mhnhw/ The saree suits her very well.
rLth `uhmhfk mhnhw nh/ The colour does not suit you.
'`qKvn `uh Qvyuth uhfk mhnhfb yknh?" 'o mh! `Cflfqr ahbhr mhnhfnh, a-mhnhfnh yk?"
‘Have a look whether the dhoti will be right for him.’ ‘Heavens, why should
men worry about things like that?’
Chapter 38
kUh is very widely used and covers everything from an individual state
ment to a whole philosophy or theory. Sûq is the appropriate term for an
individual word. kUh can be used with personal pronouns to talk about
people, particular in connection with memories and opinions about these
people. Where in English we say directly I remember him, in Bangla we
are likely to say uhr kUh ahmhr mfn ahfC/
1 Some of the examples in this section are taken from ShMhzhn mynb, bhLlh bjhkrN, Student’s
704 publication, first edition 1959, second edition 2006, Dhaka.
kUh `qowh promise kUh statement,
utterance, fact
ahym `uhmhfk `khno kUh `qiyn/
I did not promise you anything.
khz is not just work but any deed or action that human beings undertake.
38.4 gh body
ph ytfpytfp on tiptoe
ahmrh ph ytfpytfp cvfp cvfp cfl `glhm/
We crept out quietly on tiptoe.
mn oTh be satisfied
xu ybfSX bjbñh krfb, uhr mn uhfu \Tfb nh/
Whatever special arrangements you make for him, he won’t be satisfied.
mhUh is predominantly the human head but it can also signify the top of a
mountain (phMhfRr mhUh), the end of a road (rhÄhr mhUh), the tip of a finger
(ahWvflr mhUh) or similar objects, the head of a family (pyrbhfrr mhUh), the
beginning of a narrative (gf¶pr mhUh) and so on.
uhr qv§vymfu mhUh `ni/
He is not one for being naughty.
mhUh Ghmhfnh worry
mhUh Ghmhfnh `khno lhB `ni/
There is no point in worrying.
mhUh Qrh headache
`rhfqî `M£ft `gfl uhr mhUh Qfr/
He gets a headache when he goes walking in the sunshine.
mhUh Khowh spoil rotten
ayu ahqr yqfw `Cflthr mhUh `Kfwh nh/
712 Don’t spoil the boy with too much loving.
mhUh gvylfw `qowh confuse mvK face, mouth
38 Adjectives
38.13 bR big
Apart from indicating physical size, bR has the following idiomatic uses.
as an adjective:
`s ahmhr bR Bhi/ He is my older brother.
716 bhÉchrh bR Mfw `gfC/ The children have grown up.
eth bR kUh nw/ This is not what matters. Idioms with
emn bR bjhphfr . . . in such an important matter . . . numbers
`s afnk bR g¶p blfu phfr/ He can tell long stories.
ahmrh bRyqfn `khUhw Uhkb? Where will we be at Christmas?
uhr bR chkyr ahfC/ He has an important job.
uhr mn Kvb bR/ He is very broad-minded.
`s bR `bun phw/ He has a substantial salary.
`s bR glhw kUh bfl/ He talks in a loud voice.
yuyn Kvb bR `lhk/ He is a very influential man.
kUhth Svfn bR qvAK `pfwfC/ He was deeply saddened when he heard this.
bR mzh MfwfC/ It was great fun.
uhr bR åN ahfC/ He has severe debts.
`s bR pyrbhfrr `Cfl/ He comes from an upper class family.
emn bR shMs uhr! He is very impudent.
as an adverb very
Mhzhr `Mhk
lit: let it be a thousand
be that as it may 717
38 nw-Cw krh waste
Idioms sbgvflh thkh nw-Cw kfr \yRfw yqfwh nh/
Don’t fritter all the money away.
smÄ `x nw-Cw Mfw xhw/
lit: everything becomes nine six
Everything goes to pot.
ahpnhr bhrth bhyzfw `qb/
lit: I will make it strike twelve for you
I will finish you off.
lit: seven in the morning
very early morning
Chapter 39
gîhm gramme
`phwh quarter of a seer, 230 gr
ykflh, `kyz kilogramme, 1000 g
tn tonne, 1000 kg
`sr seer, 0.9 kg
mn maund, 37.5 kg
Cthk about 60 grammes
`uhlh about 12 grammes
mhXh about 15 grammes
Byr about 11 grammes (180 grains)
Su Su hundred hundred
orh sfà kfr efnyCfln Su Su bhbvycò/
they with do-PP bring-3-P-PERF hundred (×2) cook
They brought with them hundreds of cooks.
Mhzhr Mhzhr thousand thousand
Mhzhr Mhzhr `lhk mhrh xhn/
thousand (×2) person die-3-PR-S
Thousands of people died. 723
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
200 adjectives
Appendix 3
Extended and
causative verbs
Appendix 3.1
ahoRhfnh recite repeatedly from ahoR whirlpool
ah£cRhfnh scratch, comb from ah£cR scraping
ahtkhfnh obstruct from ahtk impediment
ahPshfnh brag, bluster from ahPshyn fretting, chafing
\lthfnh turn upside down from \lth opposite
kkhfnh sob, groan from kkhyn groan, sobbing
khmRhfnh bite from khmR bite
khmhfnh earn money from khmhi earnings
k£vkRhfnh curl, shrivel from `k£hkRh curly
k£vckhfnh shrink, contract from `k£hc wrinkle
`khqlhfnh dig with spade from `khqhl spade
yK£chfnh grimace from `K£ch convulsion, cramp
gzòhfnh roar from gzòn roar
Gnhfnh thicken, draw near from Gn thick, dense
Gvmhfnh sleep from Gvm sleep
cvlkhfnh itch from cvl hair
CRhfnh scatter, sprinkle from CR bunch, cluster
yCtkhfnh scatter, sprinkle from yCt drop, blob
znÖhfnh bring forth, produce from znÖ birth
tpkhfnh leap, jump from tp adv quickly
Thorhfnh view, see from ThMr act of seeing
uhkhfnh look at, gaze from uhk target, aim
734 uhRhfnh chase away from uhRh hurry
UhpRhfnh slap from UhpR, UhùR slap Extended and
UhbRhfnh slap from Uhbh paw causative verbs
qLShfnh sting, bite from qLS gnat, gadfly
qmhfnh subdue, suppress from qmn subdual, restraint
q£hRhfnh stand from q£hR standing
`qHRhfnh run from `qHR run, spurt
Qmkhfnh scold from Qmk act of scolding
phlthfnh exchange from phlt reversal
ypClhfnh slip, slide from ypClh slippery
bqlhfnh change from bql change
bhghfnh control, tame from bhghn garden
yb£Qhfnh pierce, prick from yb£Q perforation
ybkhfnh sell from ybyk, ybyœ sale
`xhghfnh supply, purvey from `xhg union, mixture
rshfnh add interest from rs juice
rhghfnh make angry from rhg anger
lhPhfnh jump from lhP jump
`lpthfnh wrap around from `lp quilt
Svkhfnh dry from Svknh, Sv©k dry
`ShQrhfnh correct from `ShQ correction
shmlhfnh manage from shmhl act of restraining
Mkckhfnh be nonplussed from Mk = proper ck = square ?
MhuRhfnh misappropriate from Mhu hand
Appendix 3.2
The pattern for causative verbs is very regular: oTh rise (simple) → oThfnh
raise (causative), lhgh be attached (simple) → lhghfnh attach, employ (causa-
tive). Simple verbs are not given in this chart.
extended causative
(non causative)
ahoRhfnh recite
ah£cRhfnh comb, scratch
ahtkhfnh confine, obstruct, take hold of, block
ahPshfnh brag, bluster, fret
\lthfnh turn upside down
eRhfnh avoid
oThfnh raise, lift, wake
kkhfnh sob, groan, moan
kmhfnh reduce
krhfnh cause to do
k£hqhfnh make weep
k£hphfnh set trembling
khthfnh cause to be cut, spend
khmRhfnh, khmR `qowh bite 735
Appendix 3 khmhfnh earn (money)
k£vckhfnh shrink, contract
kvchfnh chop finely
kvRhfnh gather, collect
kvphfnh, `khphfnh strike, dig
kvlhfnh be sufficient, be adequate
`k£hkRhfnh curl, shrink
Khowhfnh feed, give to eat
Khthfnh cause to work
yK£chfnh grimace, make faces
`Kqhfnh drive away, scare off
`K£hRhfnh limp, hobble
gChfnh persuade to accept
gzrhfnh rumble, grumble, growl
gzhfnh sprout, originate, evolve
gRhfnh roll, cause to roll, pour
gzòhfnh roar, howl, thunder
g£hzhfnh ferment
ghlhfnh melt, cause to melt
gvChfnh tidy up, put into order, arrange
gvzrhfnh spend (time), pass
gvthfnh roll up, wind up
`g£zhfnh, g£jhzhfnh chatter, gossip
`ghWhfnh whine, whimper
Gnhfnh thicken, draw near
GhbRhfnh be taken aback, lose one’s balance
Gvmhfnh sleep
ctkhfnh knead, press, handle
cRhfnh ride, board, cause to rise
clkhfnh spill, overflow
chphfnh lay upon, place onto
chlhfnh drive, conduct, lead
ycbhfnh chew, masticate
cvthfnh do one’s utmost
cvwhfnh ooze, leak, fall in drops
cvlkhfnh scratch, itch
`c£chfnh shout, scream, yell
CRhfnh scatter, spread out
ChRhfnh release, set off
Chphfnh print
yCtkhfnh splash, sprinkle (of liquids)
yCthfnh spray, sprinkle
yCnhfnh snatch, seize
`Chphfnh stain, dye
zRhfnh embrace, hug
z~Öhfnh produce, grow
zmhfnh save, collect
zrhfnh smear, preserve, pickle Extended and
zhghfnh wake up, cause to wake causative verbs
zhnhfnh inform, make known
zhpthfnh seize, clasp
zhrhfnh digest, dissolve
yzwhfnh keep alive, preserve
yzrhfnh relax, take a rest
zvRhfnh cool, soothe, calm
zvRhfnh cause to join, add, unite
záhlhfnh kindle, light, set on fire, irritate, vex, annoy
Zlshfnh dazzle, singe
Z£hkhfnh shake
tpkhfnh leap, take two steps at a time
tltlhfnh stagger, totter, waver
tskhfnh be weakened, impaired
thWhfnh suspend, hang up
ththfnh smart, feel acute pain
Tkhfnh (Tkh) cheat, deceive
yTkrhfnh scatter, disperse
`Tkhfnh obstruct, impede
`Thkrhfnh peck, nibble
dvbhfnh plunge, drown
uRphfnh boast, brag
ulhfnh be drowned, sink, probe
uhowhfnh heat up, provoke, incite
uhkhfnh look at, see, stare, gaze
uhRhfnh chase away, drive out
uhuhfnh make hot, heat, warm up, provoke, excite
uvbRhfnh shrivel, shrink
`ulhfnh grease, cover in oil
`uhulhfnh stammer, stutter
Umkhfnh stop suddenly, halt abruptly
UhbRhfnh strike, slap
Uhmhfnh stop, arrest, check, cause to stop
UvbRhfnh fall flat on one’s face
`U£ulhfnh smash, pound, bruise
qLShfnh bite, sting
qmhfnh suppress, subdue
q£hRhfnh stand, wait
qhbRhfnh bully, threaten
`qKhfnh show, cause to see
`qhlhfnh cause to swing, cause to rock
`qHRhfnh run, rush, dash
Qmkhfnh rebuff, scold, threaten
`Qhwhfnh cause to wash, have cleaned
nhchfnh cause to dance, move, excite
nhmhfnh drop off, set off, unload
Appendix 3 ynbhfnh extinguish, put out (fire)
ptkhfnh knock down, fling to the ground
pRhfnh teach, instruct
prhfnh cause to wear, dress
phkRhfnh catch, seize, arrest
phkhfnh cook
phkhfnh involve in, twist, engage in, complicate
phThfnh send, despatch
ph¶thfnh alter, revoke, change
phlhfnh flee, run away
pvRhfnh, `phRhfnh set on fire, incinerate, burn, afflict
pvrhfnh fill, fulfil, satisfy
`p£chfnh twist, involve, entangle
`phMhfnh dawn, end (night), be exposed to
`p£HChfnh (`p£HCh) arrive, reach, come
Pskhfnh slip, miss (an opportunity)
Phthfnh cause to explode
P£vphfnh sob, whimper
Pvthfnh, `Phthfnh cause to bloom, boil
Pvrhfnh terminate, conclude, finish
Pvslhfnh instigate, entice, seduce
`Pthfnh whisk, froth up
`Prhfnh cause to return, bring back
bqlhfnh change, exchange
bshfnh place, set down, cause to sit, plant
b£hkhfnh deflect, bend, cause to swerve, turn
b£hchfnh save, rescue, revive
b£hQhfnh bind, enframe, dam up
bhghfnh bring under control, tame, master
bhzhfnh play (a musical instrument), strike
bhRhfnh increase, augment, enhance, enlarge
bhnhfnh prepare, create, build, get ready, devise
yb£Qhfnh pierce, prick
ybkhfnh sell, give away
ybgRhfnh corrupt, spoil
bvlhfnh caress, pass (hand) lightly over
`bRhfnh walk, go out, visit
`bhZhfnh explain, make understand, comfort
Brhfnh fill, fill up, load
BhWhfnh break, split
yBzhfnh, `Bzhfnh make wet, soak
mckhfnh sprain, twist (ankle etc)
mtkhfnh twist, snap, break, crack
mhnhfnh fit, suit, become
ymthfnh, `mthfnh accomplish, finish, settle, compromise
ymShfnh mix, blend, join, unite
mvckhfnh sprain, twist, injure
`mlhfnh open, spread out Extended and
`mhcRhfnh twist, wrench causative verbs
`xhghfnh supply, purvey
rthfnh circulate, spread
rshfnh add spice, add interest
ltkhfnh hang, hang up, post
lhghfnh plant, attach, apply, employ, engage
lhPhfnh jump, spring
lvkhfnh hide, put out of sight
`lpthfnh wrap around oneself, huddle into
`llhfnh incite, attack, set upon
Shnh, Shnhfnh whet, sharpen
Svkhfnh dry, extract moisture
SvQrhfnh, `ShQrhfnh rectify, correct
`SKhfnh teach
`Shnhfnh cause to hear, tell
`Shwhfnh lay down, cause to lie down
stkhfnh decamp, escape
srhfnh move, remove, shift
shzhfnh dress, decorate, embellish, fit out
shmlhfnh manage, check, guard
shrhfnh mend, repair, correct
Mkckhfnh be nonplussed, be taken aback
MRkhfnh slip, lose one’s footing
MhuRhfnh misappropriate
Mhrhfnh lose, misplace
Mhshfnh amuse
Appendix 4
Compound verbs
with transitive verbs Compound
ynfw xhowh take bfl xhowh tell
ymfS xhowh mix `rfK xhowh leave behind
`Pfl xhowh abandon, throw away Bvfl xhowh forget
chylfw xhowh continue `CfR xhowh give up, leave
2 ahsh come
Mfw ahsh become cfl ahsh arrive
yPfr ahsh return, come back Gvfr ahsh turn around, come back
`rfK ahsh leave behind `Pfl ahsh desert
ynfw ahsh bring `nfm ahsh come down
3 clh move, go
yPfr clh return Gvfr clh walk around
`M£ft clh carry on walking `qHyRfw clh carry on running
Qfr clh carry on holding kfr clh carry on doing
bfl clh continue saying `mfn clh pay attention
`CfR clh leave behind ylfK clh continue writing
4 oTh rise, get up
Mfw oTh become `k£fq oTh burst into tears
`Mfs oTh burst out laughing Pvfl oTh swell, blossom
Gft oTh happen `sfr oTh be finished
`bfR oTh increase `rfg oTh burst out in anger
kfr oTh finish doing bfl oTh have one’s say
ylfK oTh finish writing pfR oTh read to the end
`mfr oTh hit suddenly Qvfw oTh finish washing
`Kfw oTh eat up uvfl oTh lift up
5 pRh fall, drop
Mfw pRh happen \fT pRh get up
`byrfw pRh get out Dvfk pRh enter
`nfm pRh get down efs pRh arrive
bfs pRh sit down `Bfà pRh break down, have a breakdown
`Pft pRh explode Gvymfw pRh fall asleep
Svfw pRh lie down kfm pRh decrease rapidly
6 bsh sit
\fT bsh get up efs arrive
ygfw arrive kfr bsh do
bfl bsh say `cfw bsh demand 741
Appendix 4 7 q£hRhfnh stand
Appendix 5
Conjunct verbs
Appendix 6
cardinal ordinal
32 32 by«S 32S #hy«LS
33 33 `uy«S 33S «wyã«LS
34 34 `cHy«S 34S cuvyãLS
35 35 p£wy«S 35S pÅy«LS
36 36 Cy«S 36S Xty«LS
37 37 s£hiy«S 37S súy«LS
38 38 ahty«S 38S a§hy«LS
39 39 \ncy^S 39S \nc¥hyrLS
40 40 cy^S 40S c¥hyrLS
41 41 ekcy^S 41S ekc¥hyrLS
42 42 ybwhy^S 42S y#c¥hyrLS
43 43 `uuhy^S 43S y«Ÿc¥hyrLS
44 44 cvwhy^S 44S cuvŸc¥hyrLS
45 45 p£wuhy^S 45S pÅc¥hyrLS
46 46 `Ccy^S 46S Xtc¥hyrLS
47 47 shucy^S 47S súc¥hyrLS
48 48 ahtcy^S 48S a§c¥hyrLS
49 49 \npÅhS 49um \npÅhS≠m
50 50 pÅhS 50um pÅhS≠m
51 51 ekhê 51um ekpÅhS≠m
52 52 bhMhê 52um y#pÅhS≠m
53 53 yuùhê 53um y«pÅhS≠m
54 54 cvwhê 54um cuvApÅhS≠m
55 55 pÅhê 55um pÅpÅhS≠m
56 56 Chùhê 56um XtpÅhS≠m
57 57 shuhê 57um súpÅhS≠m
58 58 ahthê 58um a§pÅhS≠m
59 59 \nXht 59um \nXy§um
60 60 Xht 60um Xy§um
61 61 ekXyÑ 61um ekXy§um
62 62 bhXyÑ 62um y#Xy§um
63 63 `uXyÑ 63um y«Xy§um Numbers
64 64 `cHXyÑ 64um cuvAXy§um
65 65 p£wXyÑ 65um pÅXy§um
66 66 `CXyÑ 66om XtXy§um
67 67 shuXyÑ 67um súXy§um
68 68 ahtXyÑ 68um a§hXy§um
69 69 \ns≠r 69um \nsúyuum
70 70 s≠r 70um súyuum
71 71 ekh≠r 71um eksúyuum
72 72 bhMh≠r 72um y#súyuum
73 73 yuwh≠r 73um y«súyuum
74 74 cvwh≠r 74um cuvAsúyuum
75 75 p£ch≠r 75om pÅsúyuum
76 76 yCwh≠r 76um Xtsúyuum
77 77 shuh≠r 77um súsúyuum
78 78 ahth≠r 78um a§hsúyuum
79 79 \nahyS 79um \nhSYyuum
80 80 ahyS 80um ahSYyuum
81 81 ekhyS 81um ekhSYyuum
82 82 ybrhyS 82um #jSYyuum
83 83 yurhyS 83um «jSYyuum
84 84 cvrhyS 84um cuvrSYyuum
85 85 p£chyS 85um pÅhSYyuum
86 86 yCwhyS 86um XRSYyuum
87 87 shuhyS 87um súSYyuum
88 88 ahthyS, a§hyS 88um a§SYyuum
89 89 \nnûbi 89um \nhnbyuum
90 90 nûbi 90um nbyuum
91 91 ekhnûbi 91um eknbyuum
92 92 ybrhnûbi 92um y#nbyuum
93 93 yrhnûbi 93um y«nbyuum
94 94 cvrhnûbi 94um cuvnòbyuum
95 95 p£chnûbi 95um pÅnbyuum
96 96 yCwhnûbi 96um XNäbyuum
97 97 shuhnûbi 97um súnbyuum
98 98 ahthnûbi 98um a§hnbyuum
99 99 ynrhnûbi 99um nbnbyuum
100 100 ek S 100um Suum
200 200 qv S 200um y#Suum
1000 1000 Mhzhr, sMsî 1000um sMsîum
zero SVnj (0)
Appendix 6 For big numbers, Bengalis think in lhK lakh (one hundred thousand)
and `œhR crore (ten million) rather than in millions and billions. This applies
to writing in figures too – the commas sit at the lakh and crore
ten thousand 10,000 qS Mhzhr 10,000
one hundred thousand (one lakh) 100,000 ek lhK, ek lÇ 1,00,000
one million 1,000,000 qS lhK 10, 00, 000
ten million (one crore) 10,000,000 ek `khyt, ek `œhR 1,00,00,000
Primary sources
For further readings and resources suitable for learners of Bangla, see
William Radice, Teach Yourself Bengali, p. 293
Bangla index
This index contains lexical items, including pre-and suffixes and those individual
letters which are dealt with in detail. It does not contain Bangla grammatical terms.
These can be accessed via the English index. A list of Bangla grammatical terminology
is given on pages 5 and 6. Declined noun and pronoun forms as well as conjugated
verb forms are not given unless they have special uses, such as `Ufk from, blfu `gfl
so to speak, bhfq after etc. Abbreviations can be found on page xxiii. All references
are to page numbers.
English index
This index contains the keywords and grammatical terms used in this book, general
grammatical terms which readers may be looking for and semantic headwords such
as cause, comparison, purpose etc. It does not contain English lexical items. If you
want to know how to say have in Bangla, go to possessives. If you want to know
about each, go to adjectives or find the Bangla word and look in the Bangla index.
Personal names are not given.