The Solvent Effect in B-Pinene Oxide Rearrangement PDF
The Solvent Effect in B-Pinene Oxide Rearrangement PDF
The Solvent Effect in B-Pinene Oxide Rearrangement PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11144-016-0994-9
Received: 7 January 2016 / Accepted: 28 January 2016 / Published online: 11 February 2016
Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2016
236 Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246
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-Pinene oxide Myrtanal Myrtenol Perillyl alcohol
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the catalyst and that when using Sn modified MCM-41, previously used for selective
preparation of myrtanal, perillyl acohol may be prepared with high selectivity.
For USY (Zeolyst Inc.), Si/Al ratio of zeolite catalysts was 15. MCM-41 was
prepared by hydrothermal synthesis [17] and modified by Sn using SnCl2.
Impregnation was followed by calcination (X-ray powder diffraction data were
collected at room temperature with an X’Pert PRO h-h powder diffractometer with
parafocusing Bragg–Brentano geometry using Cu Ka radiation). The amount of Sn
was 5.61 %. The amount of elements in the materials was confirmed by XRF
analysis (ARL 9400 XP sequential WD-XRF spectrometer was used). FeCl3 was
purchased from Penta.
The Brønsted and Lewis acid sites of the catalysts were measured by infrared
spectroscopy (ATI Mattson FTIR) using pyridine as a probe molecule. A thin self-
supported wafer of catalyst was pressed and then placed into the FTIR-cell. The cell
was evacuated and the temperature was raised to 450 °C and kept for 1 h.
Thereafter, the temperature was decreased to 100 °C and the background spectra of
the sample were recorded. Pyridine was adsorbed on the sample for 30 min at
100 °C followed by desorption at 250, 350 and 450 °C for 1 h and the spectra of the
sample were recorded in between every temperature ramp. The scanning was
performed under vacuum at 100 °C. Spectral bands at 1545 cm-1 and at 1450 cm-1
were used to identify Brønsted (BAS) and Lewis (LAS) acid sites, respectively. The
quantitative amount of BAS and LAS was calculated with the constants of Emeis
238 Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246
Catalytic test
b-Pinene oxide (purity 80 %) was obtained from Aroma a.s. and purified by
distillation before use to obtain purity 96 %. N,N-Dimethyl formamide, 1,4-dioxane
and acetonitrile were purchased from Penta, N,N-dimethyl acetamide and N-methyl
pyrrolidone were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and dimethylsulfoxide from
The solid catalysts were dried overnight at 300 °C under nitrogen atmosphere
prior to use. In a typical experiment, 1.25 g of b-pinene oxide (8.2 mmol) was
dissolved in 6 ml of a solvent (concentration of was 1.4 mol/l). The reaction
mixture was heated to the desired temperature (70 °C) and 0.125 g of catalyst was
added. Reactions were performed under nitrogen atmosphere. The samples taken
were analyzed by GC equipped with non-polar DB-5 column. The identification of
the products was performed using GC–MS, non-polar column DB-1.
High basicity polar aprotic solvents show wide variation in their ability to interact
with cations [19]. The measurement of their basicity, donor number, may divide
them to two groups: with high donor numbers and with low donor numbers. We
have chosen some members of both groups as can be seen in Table 1. From the
group possessing the high ones, N,N-dimethyl formamide, N-methyl pyrrolidone,
N,N-dimethyl acetamide and dimethyl sulfoxide were used. From the other group,
acetonitrile and dioxane were chosen. The polarity of the solvent also plays an
important role in many reactions. Dioxane was the least polar of all solvents
(relative permittivity 2.2), the highest polarity from studied group had dimethyl
sulfoxide. The differences between polarities of other solvents were more or less
The solid catalysts applied here were commercial USY in H? form, which was
used without any treatment and its characterization was often studied in details. Sn-
Table 1 Chosen properties of the solvents used
Solvent Dielectric constant Donor number Boiling
(relative permittivity er) (kJ/mol) [9] point (°C)
Acetonitrile 37.5 59 82
Dioxane 2.2 62 101
Dimethyl formamide (DMF) 36.7 111 152
N-Methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) 32 114 202
Dimethyl acetamide (DMA) 37.8 116 165
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 46.7 125 189
Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246 239
MCM-41 was characterized by XRD to confirm that MCM-41 structure (Fig. 2) was
preserved. Fig. 2 shows low angle XRD patterns with the evident diffraction peak at
2h values of 2.3° corresponding to (100) reflection together with small reflections at
3.9° and 4.6°, which are characteristic for the mesoporous structure of MCM-41.
Catalysts characterization
The basic information necessary for the evaluation of b-pinene oxide rearrangement
is the acidity of the catalysts. Concentrations of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites were
determined by FTIR using pyridine as a probe molecule and supporting acidity
measurement was performed by TPD of pyridine. The comparison of these two
methods is possible [21, 22]. The distribution of Brønsted (BAS) and Lewis (LAS)
acid sites for the catalysts is given in Table 2.
From FTIR measurements, it was obvious that the significantly higher Brønsted
acidity had zeolite USY as it was supposed. Sn-MCM-41 has only few BAS, but
possessed by weak and middle strong Lewis acid sites. The total amount of LAS of
Sn modified MCM-41 was slightly higher than LAS of USY, which has lower total
amount of Lewis acid center, but had also the strong ones. According to the
literature, [2] the type and amount of acid sites has significant influence on the
selectivity of b-pinene oxide rearrangement.
The total acidity of used materials was measured also by TPD of pyridine. This
technique showed lower total acidity of the surfaces, but this phenomenon was not
unusual [21] and reflected the fact, that the acidities were not determined under
identical experimental conditions. Differences could be the consequence of different
responses of the catalysts in holding the probe under the action of a carrier gas
rather than under vacuum. The trends in total acidity are the same using both of the
techniques. A TPD spectrum of pyridine from Sn-MCM-41 was composed of one
peak (Fig. 3). This showed the existence of one type of acidic centers of same
acidity strength. The temperature maximum (264 °C) indicated weaker acid centers.
From comparison with the results of pyridine-FTIR, it could be deduced that these
are Lewis acid centers in the groups LAS-250 °C and LAS 350 °C. Under TPD
conditions, pyridine desorbed from the surface of USY in the range 150–800 °C
2 4 6 8
2 Theta (°)
240 Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246
Table 2 Surface acid sites per gram of dry catalyst and overall surface acidity, determined by FTIR and
TPD analysis of pre-adsorbed pyridine
Catalyst FTIR TPD
(Fig. 3); the spectrum is composed from three peaks. Therefore, USY contains
active centers characterized by different acidity strength and the majority of them is
represented by a peak with maximum at 564 °C. By the deconvolution of the TPD-
MS curve (incorporated in the evaluation software), it was observed that the peaks
represent 15, 5 and 80 % of area of pyridine peak and their maxima can be
attributed to the temperatures 254, 360 and 564 °C. This relative distribution is in
conflict with the result obtained by FTIR, where the majority of acidic centers
correspond to weak and medium acid centers (Table 2).
As it was mentioned above, from b-pinene oxide rearrangement (Fig. 1), a large
variety of the products may be obtained. The most important of them are myrtanal,
myrtenol and perillyl alcohol. In the presence of water, p-menth-1-ene-7,8-diol can
also be present.
TPD-MS Signal (a.u.)
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 3 TPD spectra of pyridine (m/z = 79 fragment) from USY zeolite and Sn-MCM-41 (0.09 g of
sample, pyridine adsorption at 150 °C, heating ramp 5 °C/min)
Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246 241
From the literature, [2] the presence of amine is recommended for the increase of
the amount of perillyl alcohol in the reaction mixture. We have supposed that by the
replacement of amine (base) by Lewis basic solvent (Table 1) the formation of
perillyl alcohol could be also increased by the same mechanism and the difficult
catalyst modification could be excluded. Acetonitrile and dioxane were chosen as
low basic solvents and the rest of solvents as high basic solvents. From highly basic
solvents, the use of DMSO is desired from the point of view of use in
pharmaceutical industry.
We tested three types of catalysts in the b-pinene oxide rearrangement: (1)
Classic Lewis acid catalyst FeCl3. According to the literature, [2] in the presence of
a Lewis acid, a mixture of isomers is present in the reaction mixture in nitromethane
(DN = 11.3 kJ/mol) as a solvent. (2) Solid Brønsted acid USY and (3) Solid Lewis
acid—Sn-modified MCM-41. The results are summarized in Table 3.
In the case of ferric chloride and USY, it is obvious from Table 3 that with
increasing donor number, i.e. basicity of the solvent, the selectivity to perillyl
alcohol increased. The highest selectivity was in both cases obtained using DMSO
as a solvent. Ferric chloride should serve as Lewis acid, but the presence of
p-menth-1-ene-7,8-diol in the reaction mixture shows to the presence of water in the
reaction mixture. These traces of water may decompose this catalyst to HCl,
Brønsted acid. Moreover, similar results were obtained using hydrate of ferric
Reaction conditions: 70 °C, 10 wt% of catalyst, 24 h, except FeCl3 and all catalysts in DMSO, volume
ratio b-pinene oxide : solvent = 1:8
242 Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246
chloride instead of anhydrous one. USY contains a majority of Brønsted acid sites
(Table 2), but the reaction may be catalyzed by both types of acid centers. Zeolite
USY was more successful for the preparation of perillyl alcohol and using solvents
DMF, NMP and DMSO only slight increase of selectivity to perillyl alcohol was
observed (from 49.6 to 58.6 %).
Totally different was the behavior of Sn-MCM-41. When using low polarity
solvents (acetonitrile and dioxane), myrtanal was the product with the highest
concentration in the reaction mixture as it was described in literature [2]. When
more basic solvents were used, the production of myrtanal was suppressed, but also
the concentration of perillyl alcohol was low (around 20–30 %). The concentration
of other products increased. In the reaction mixture using NMP as a solvent, the
following products were detected with the selectivity depicted in parentheses:
isoperillyl alcohol (10.6 %), p-mentha-1,4-dien-7-ol (9.7 %), p-mentha-2,5-dien-7-
ol (7.2 %) and myrtenal (4.3 %) (Fig. 4). It should be mentioned that these products
were detected also in other cases. Moreover, very low conversion compared to other
reactions were obtained using DMF, NMP and DMA as solvents. The low
conversion may be caused by the lowest concentration of acid sites in Sn-MCM-41
comparing other catalysts used. The relatively high concentration of perillyl alcohol
isomers can be attributed to isomerization reactions taking place in the reaction
When DMSO was used as a solvent, the results confirming the results obtained
using other two catalysts was observed. High reaction rate and high selectivity to
perillyl alcohol was obtained. The selectivity to desired perillyl alcohol was the
highest from all tested catalysts (66 %). We suppose the synergic behavior of polar
Lewis aprotic base and weak Lewis acid in the formation of perillyl alcohol and the
synergy between solid Lewis acid and base was even more successful. A similar
synergy was also observed before [6]. Supposing that the solvent may participate in
the reaction mechanism, the combination of relatively strong Lewis base and acid
(Brønsted or Lewis) could serve for proton transfer favoring the formation of
perillyl alcohol (Fig. 5). The proposed mechanism confirms the mechanism offered
before [2]. The explanation of the synergic effect of acid and high basicity polar
aprotic solvents is a very complex problem that is influenced by many factors given
by use of solid catalyst and also by properties of solvents [16].
Another explanation may be also given—the participation of solvent in
mechanism is excluded. When FeCl3 was used as a catalyst the formation of
organic complexes with solvent [23, 24] could occur e.g. Fe(III)2Cl5(DMSO)3,
Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246 243
O O+
Sn Sn H
Fig. 5 Proposed mechanism for the formation of perillyl alcohol in the presence of solid Brønsted (I) or
Lewis acid (II) and Lewis base (DMSO)
244 Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246
Table 4 Effect of solvent volume on conversion of b-pinene oxide and selectivity to products
b-Pinene oxide/ Conversion of b- Selectivity to Selectivity to Selectivity to
DMSO (vol./vol.) pinene oxide (%) perillyl alcohol (%) myrtanal (%) polymers (%)
Reaction conditions: catalyst Sn-MCM-41, solvent DMSO, temperature, 70 °C, 180 min
Dropwise addition of b-pinene oxide during 60 min
when ratio 1:10 was used in the range of measurement error. These results
confirmed the possible blockage of Brønsted acid sites and interaction of DMSO
with Lewis acid sites as it was mentioned above.
For the confirmation of optimal reaction conditions, the experiment was performed
on a larger scale (120 ml of DMSO, 1.5 g of Sn-MCM-41, 15 g of b-pinene oxide,
70 °C). The reaction rate of this experiment was lower compared to the kinetic
experiments (initial reaction rates 52.5 mmol/g/min and 0.55 mmol/g/min). The
selectivity to the desired perillyl alcohol was comparable in both cases. The
composition of experiment in a larger scale at the end of batch operation was: 3 %
of b-pinene oxide, 15 % of myrtanal, 10 % of myrtenol, 63 % of perillyl alcohol and
15 % of others compounds. The catalyst was separated by filtration and the reaction
mixture was separated from DMSO by extraction by water and diethyl ether. Using
elemental analysis, 50 ppm of sulfur was detected in a sample as a residue of DMSO.
For following hydrogenation it could be detrimental for some types of hydrogenation
catalyst. The catalyst was re-activated by calcination in the mixture O2:N2 = 30:70 at
550 °C for 8 h and reused in the reaction under the same conditions. The results are
listed in Table 5.
As it is visible from Table 5, the b-pinene oxide rearrangement was successful
with no significant loss of activity and selectivity after 4 cycles of reaction. All
differences are in the range of measurement error. In five experiments, 60 g of b-
Table 5 Reuse of Sn-MCM-41 as a catalyst in b-pinene oxide rearrangement
Cycle Conversion of b- Selectivity to perillyl Others Selectivity to Selectivity to
pinene oxide (%) alcohol(%) (%) myrtanal (%) myrtenol(%)
Reaction conditions: solvent DMSO, 4 h, 70 °C, volume ratio b-pinene oxide : DMSO 1:8, catalyst was
after each run filtered, washed by solvent and calcined in the mixture O2:N2 = 30:70 at 550 °C for 8 h
Reac Kinet Mech Cat (2016) 118:235–246 245
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