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Kevin Pattern 1

Baby Kevin (from UP) Amigurumi

By Kristel K. (MilesofCrochet)
For personal use ONLY. Do not reproduce pattern or sell finished products.

Finished product measures about 8“tall depending on yarn used.

1. G crochet hook (4.00 mm)
2. Worsted weight yarn in BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, PINK, PURPLE, LIGHT BLUE, and GRAY
(If you can get fluffy yarn for the body colors, you won’t have to brush the yarn
afterwards. It’s all a matter of preference, but I used just regular worsted because it was
all I could find. For the light blue wings, I used Bernat Pipsqueak brand since it was the
closest color I owned. Feel free to use whatever texture yarn you would like, as long as
it’s a worsted weight!)
3. Needle with large eye
4. Polyester stuffing
5. Pipe cleaners: preferably blue or purple.
6. Felt in light blue, white, purple, turquoise.
Kevin Pattern 2

7. Fabric or Tacky glue

8. White thread, purple thread, and a needle (if you don’t own purple thread, it isn’t a
necessity. For sewing the purple head feathers, you can use virtually any color thread
since it is such a small detail)
9. Orange fabric paint (for the beak, optional)
10. Wire pet brush (to brush the body and make it fluffy, optional)

• Sc: single crochet
• dec: decrease (sc 2 tog)
• inc: increase (sc 2 in next st)
• sl st: slip stitch
• HDC: half-double crochet
• DC: double crochet

Instructions that need to be repeated will be marked with marked with asterisks like *this*, followed by
the number of times repeated. Everything is crocheted in the round unless stated otherwise.

Head R19: *Sc 7, inc 1*, rep 3 times. (27)

Using BLUE R20: Sc in each sc around. (27)
R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook. R21: *Sc 8, inc 1*, rep 3 times. (30)
R2: Inc each sc around. (12) R22: *Sc 4, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (36)
R3: *Sc 1, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (18) R23: *Sc 5, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (42)
R4: *Sc 2, inc *, rep 6 times. (24) Change to ORANGE. Leave a long tail each
R5: *Sc 3, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (30) time you change colors: these tails can be
R6-11: Sc in each sc around. (30) used later to attach the entire piece to the
R12: *Sc 8, dec 1*, rep 3 times. (27) body while matching each color change.
R13: Sc in each sc around. (27) R24: Sc 22, ch 1, turn. (22)
R14: *Sc 7, dec 1*, rep 3 times. (24) Continue on crocheting in rows, not
R15: *Sc 6, dec 1*, rep 3 times. (21) rounds: after each row, chain 1 and turn.
R16-17: Sc in each sc around. (21) R25: Sc in each sc around. (22)
R18: *Sc 6, inc 1*, rep 3 times. (24)
Kevin Pattern 3

R26: *Sc 4, inc 1*, rep 4 times, sc in last 2 R15: *Sc 5, dec 1*, rep 6 times. (36)
st. (26) R16-21: Sc in each sc around. (36)
R27: Sc in each sc around. (26) R22: *Sc 4, dec*, rep 6 times. (30)
R28: Sc 8, dec 1, sc 7, dec 1, sc 7. (24) Stuff.
R29: Sc in each sc around. (24) R23: *Sc 3, dec*, rep 6 times. (24)
Change to PURPLE. R24: *Sc 2, dec*, rep 6 times. (18)
R30: Sc 7, dec 1, sc 7, dec 1, sc 6. (22) R25: *Sc 1, dec*, rep 6 times. (12)
R31-33: Sc in each sc around. (22) Finish stuffing as needed.
R34: Sc 6, dec 1, sc 6, dec 1, sc 6. (20) R26: *Sc 1, dec*, rep 6 times. (8)
R35: Sc 4, dec 1, sc 8, dec 1, sc 4. (18) Dec 2, and finish off. Weave in ends. This is
Change to PINK. the top of the body.
R36: Sc in each sc around. (18)
R37: Sc 3, dec 1, sc 8, dec 1, sc 3. (16) Eye Circles (make 2)
R38: Sc 4, dec 1, sc 4, dec 1, sc 4. (14) Using YELLOW
R39: *Sc 2, dec 1*, rep 3 times, sc in last 2 In Rows:

st. (11) R1: Ch 5, turn. (4)

R40: Dec 1, HDC 2, DC 3, HDC 2, dec 1. (9) R2: Sc 3, inc 3 in next st, sc 2 around

Tie off, leave long tail for sewing. Stuff the bottom of chain, inc 3 in next st. (11) (you

blue section (the head). will now have a round comprised of 11

stitches. Continue on crocheting in the
Using YELLOW R3: *Sc 1, inc 1*, rep 5 times, sc 1 in last st.
R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook. (16)
R2: Inc each sc around. (12) R4: *Sc 1, inc 1*, rep 8 times. (24)
R3: *Sc 1, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (18) R5: *Sc 3, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (30)
R4: *Sc 2, inc *, rep 6 times. (24) Sl st. in next st. Tie off, leave long tail for
R5: *Sc 3, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (30) sewing.
R6: *Sc 4, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (36)
R7: *Sc 5, inc *, rep 6 times. (42)
R8-14: Sc in each sc around. (42)
Kevin Pattern 4

Sl st in next st. Tie off, leave long tail for

Beak sewing.
Using YELLOW Wings (make 2)
R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook. Using LIGHT BLUE
R2: Inc each sc around. (12) R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook.
R3-5: Sc in each sc around. (12) R2: Inc each sc around. (12)
R6: *Sc 4, dec 1 *, rep 2 times. (10) Sl st in next st. Tie off, leave long tail for
R7: Sc in each sc around. (10) sewing.
R8: *Sc 4, inc 1*, rep 2 times. (12)
R9: *Sc 5, inc 1*, rep 2 times. (14)
R10: Sc in each sc around. (14)
Sl st. in next st. Tie off, leave long tail for
sewing. Stuff.

Legs (make 2)
Using GRAY
R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook.
R2: Inc each sc around. (12) Assembly:
R3: *Sc 1, inc 1*, rep 6 times. (18)
R4: Sc in each sc around. (18)  Head and Body: Start
by attaching the head
R5: Dec 9. (9)
and back to the body.
R6-12: Sc in each sc around. (9) The blue section should
Sl st in next st. Tie off, leave long tail for be stuffed firmly. The
back may need to be
slightly pulled to fit
snug over the yellow
body. The yellow body
Toes (make 6)
can be positioned at a
Using GRAY
slight angle in relation
R1: Ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook.
to the head/back (see pictures below).
R2-4: Sc each sc around. (6) Use pins if necessary to hold it in place
while you sew. Use your remaining tail
Kevin Pattern 5

strings from each color to sew  Use the tail string from the yellow
up the back. Weave in any eyepiece to attach the entire eyepiece
extra ends. flush against the face. Use pins as needed
to line the eyepiece up before sewing it on.
 Eyes and Beak: Stitch the two
eye circles together as shown
in the picture below.

 Cut two ovals out of white felt for the eyes,

and two slightly larger ovals out of light blue
felt for behind the white of the eyes.  Stuff the beak firmly and attach to face,
 Paint black ovals onto the whites of the eyes overlapping the eyepiece. Used finished
for the pupils (or use black felt. I find fabric product photos for guidance.
paint to be the easiest). Let it dry.
 Use a dab of tacky/fabric glue to attach the
whites of the eyes to the light blue felt. Use
the glue again to attach the entire eye to the
yellow piece; make sure you have the
placement where you like it. Then, to ensure
that the eye is secure, use white thread to
stitch the entire eye to the yellow eyepiece
(stitching through the white, blue, and yellow
layers around the inside of the white eye).  Once the beak is attached, you may choose
to add some orange color to the tip. You
may want to leave this step for later if you
wish to continue working. Start with
heavier amounts of paint at the tip for a
bright orange and as you cover the end of
Kevin Pattern 6

the beak, use less and less paint, wiping it off of  Repeat again so you have four “antennas”
your brush onto a napkin as you reapply paint. sticking out of the head (or repeat so you
The orange color should gradually fade into the have six. I think 4-6 feathers look nice,
yellow, so the further you go from the tip of the without looking crowded). Cut the pipe-
beak, the dryer your brush should be. cleaners down to size and bend the end
into a tiny loop.

 Feather-antennas Next comes the antenna-

like peacock-esque head feathers. Take your
 Now you need to wrap the pipe-cleaners in
pipe-cleaner and stick it into the head where
blue yarn. Take a long piece of blue yarn,
you want it, and thread it out through a
attach it close to the base of your pipe-
neighboring stitch (one long pipe-cleaner will
cleaner, and carefully wrap the pipe-
make two feathers).
cleaner tightly. It might take few tries to
get where very little pipe-cleaner is
showing, and if a little bit shows, don’t
stress over it. When you reach up to the
loop you made in the wire, carefully tie a
knot securing your string to the pipe-
cleaner (make several knots) and snip of
the end, close to the knot (see picture on
next page).
Kevin Pattern 7

above). Take the matching feather, dab

another dot of glue, and stich it onto the
loop, making a sort of feather-sandwich. If
you find that you didn’t trim your knot tails
short enough and they stick out of the
“feather-sandwich,” trim them as needed.
 Finish wrapping the rest of your Then, using purple thread (or whatever
feather-antennas. color you have handy), stitch around the
 Then you’ll need to make the actual feather.
feathers. Fold a piece of purple felt
in half and, cut small teardrop
shapes, about the size of your
thumb. You will need two for each

 Once all of the feathers are secure, cut out

small circles using turquoise felt and glue
them on each purple feather. They
shouldn’t need sewing.

 Put a dab of tacky/fabric glue on one

feather and press it flat onto the loop you
made in your pipe-cleaner (see picture
Kevin Pattern 8

 Fluff the body: If you used regular worsted bottom and make sure your bird sits
weight yarn like I did, you may want to brush the well before securing them on.
body to give it a fluffier look. Use a small wire pet  Wings: Finally, attach the tiny wings
brush and use small, short strokes across the body onto the back of the body, somewhere
in all directions (do not brush the head/neck). in the orange section.
Start gently, you don’t want to pull your stitches
apart! Gradually, the body will start to get fuzzy,
and the more directions you brush, the fuzzier it
will get. Your stitches will get pulled slightly and
you may get an occasional bump where a stitch
has been pulled, so go slowly and stop if you feel
that your yarn is getting buffeted too much by
your brushing.
 Assemble the Feet: When you are satisfied
with your brushing, then you can assemble
and attach the feet. It will be difficult to brush
the body any further after you attach the feet,
so be sure you are finished.
 Start by stuffing each leg. Each leg will get
three toes. The toes do not need stuffing and
can be attached to the end of the leg as shown
in the pictures.

Congrats! Your
little Kevin is
all finished!
 After the toes are attached, then attach the
entire leg to the body. Place them toward the

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