Rulebook Zombicide 2nd Edition PDF
Rulebook Zombicide 2nd Edition PDF
Rulebook Zombicide 2nd Edition PDF
Noisy Equipment.............................13
Combat Characteristics...................13 MELEE ACTION................................ 27 M11 - THE DITCH.............................. 47
Noise...............................................14 RANGED ACTION............................. 27 M12 - CAR CRASH...........................48
ADRENALINE, DANGER LEVEL, AND • Targeting Priority Order..............28 M13 - BURNING STREETS................49
SKILLS.............................................15 • Friendly Fire................................28 M14 - BREAKFAST AT JESSE’S........50
- INVENTORY..................... 16 - EQUIPMENT TRAITS....... 29 M15 - UNITED WE STAND..................51
- THE ZOMBIES.................. 17 • Flashlight....................................29 M16 - PALE SHELTER....................... 52
WALKER..........................................17 • Molotov.......................................29 M17 - THE BLIGHT...........................53
BRUTE.............................................17 • Reload.........................................29 M18 - THE END OF THE ROAD..........54
RUNNER..........................................17 • Equipment Skill...........................29 M19 - BEST FRIENDS FOREVER........55
ABOMINATION.................................17 - ADDITIONAL GAME M20 - THE ZOMBIEFEST..................56
• Hobomination...............................18 MODES............................... 30 M21 - HEAVY-DUTY......................... 57
• Abominawild.................................18 ABOMINATION FEST........................30 M22 - CRANK IT UP TO 11................58
• Abominacop..................................18 CAR ACTIONS..................................30 M23 - MERCY STREET.....................59
12 Survivors
76 Zomb ies
x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4
x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4
40 Walkers 16 Brutes
x4 x4 x4 x4
16 Runners 4 Abominations
• 6 Starting Equipment
Baseball Bat.....................................1
Fire Axe.............................................1
• Door (Blue - open/closed)........ 1
• 45 Equipment • Door (Green - open/closed)..... 1
Aaahh!!.............................................4 • Door (Red - open/closed).......15
Bag of Rice......................................2
Canned Food...................................2 • Exit Zone...................................... 1
Crowbar............................................1 • First Player.................................. 1
Fire Axe.............................................1
Flashlight.........................................2 • Noise token................................18
• 11 Epic Weapons
Army Sniper Rifle...........................1 6 SU RVIVO R DASH BOARDS
Automatic Shotgun........................1
Evil Twins..........................................1
Golden AK-47..................................1
Golden Kukri....................................1
Ma's Shotgun...................................1
4 Ab om ina tio n Ca rd s
40 Zo mb ie Ca rd s
#02 #03 TO 2
Not so long ago, most of us were ordinary people Many players have been hunting zombies for years and know
leading ordinary lives, our dreams bound by ordinary the rules of survival by heart. The most important of them is
laws. And then, the zombies came, storming knowing when to evolve. If you are a veteran player, here are
humanity by surprise. The infected destroyed the the pages you need to check to know what’s new.
old world in a matter of days.
Facing the apocalypse, a few of us showed their • Setup (P. 6). Quicker Setup, with Doors on the tiles, and
true selves, and survived, guns blazing. We are no predefined Zones for Objectives and Epic Weapons.
longer the people we used to be. The past is gone. • Reading An Equipment Card (P. 12). Introducing new
We are now free to choose our fate. It won’ t be a symbols, like Ammo and Weapon type.
zombie world. It ’ s time for payback. It ’ s time for • Experience Points have been replaced with Adrenaline
Zombicide! Points. They work the same.
• The Zombies (P. 17). Introducing Zombie Rushes and new
Zombicide is a cooperative game where 1 to 6 players take Abomination rules.
the roles of Survivors battling Zombies controlled by the • Move Action (P. 19). Kid Survivors may use the Slippery
game itself. The theme is about fellowship, heart-pounding Skill once per Turn.
action, and reaching victory against impossible odds. • Spawning in Buildings (P. 20). Zombies spawn in Dark Zones.
The game’s goal is to choose a Mission and complete its • Zombie Attack (P. 23). Classic Survivors are eliminated
objective, killing as many Zombies as possible along the with 3 Wounds. Kid Survivors may only take 2.
way. The monsters are unpredictable and come in greater • Zombie Move (P. 24). Updated Split rules.
numbers as adrenaline builds up, threatening to overwhelm • Zombie Spawn (P. 25). The Spawn Step always starts with
the Survivors. Keep an eye on each other’s back! the Starting Spawn Zone.
Survivors use whatever weapons they can get to kill Zombies • Targeting Priority Order (P. 28). Brutes go first. Simplified
4– Select the Survivors and distribute them between the
players as desired. As they are cooperating against the game,
all players form a single team. Players sit around the table in
any order they choose.
Yes, we wander from one city to the next. This is
where we can find quick meals, fancy clothes, soap, 5– Players take 1 Dashboard for each of their Survivors,
cars, and guns. You don’ t seem to understand, so let placing the Survivor’s ID Card on it. They take a colored
me be clear: we live here not in spite of the zombie plastic base and attach it to the Survivor’s miniature to help
population, but because of it. A predator always identify it. They also take 5 plastic trackers of the same color
follows its prey! as their base.
The standard game of Zombicide features 6 Survivors, 6– Set the following cards in separate decks. They are
distributed among the players. For newer players, we identified by their category, as written on their back, and
recommend playing with 6 players, each controlling 1 their respective color. Shuffle each of these decks and place
Survivor. A veteran player can easily control a whole team of them facedown close to the board.
6 Survivors and blast their way through the deadly mission! • Starting Equipment (grey).
• Equipment (blue).
Objective tokens.
- Closed doors are already drawn on buildings.
the empty crate behind. 9– Each player places their Survivors’ Dashboard(s) in front
of them. Make sure the sliding arrow is on the 0 space in the
blue area of the Danger Bar. Then, they place a tracker in
the appropriate slot of their Wound Bar (see next page) and
another tracker in the slot for the first (Blue) Skill. Place 3
more trackers in the reserve slots at the top of the Dashboard.
The Objective token Starting Equipment may be set in the Hand or Backpack slots
and the Epic Weapon At the start of the
Crate token have been
of the Dashboard (P. 16).
game, a Zombie
placed on top of their has to be placed
respective markings. here. In this case,
it is a Walker.
10– The player with the Fire Axe as their
Starting Equipment is the first player for
the first Game Round. Give them the First
Player token.
Amy is a classic
Survivor and starts
with Health 3. This is the First
Player token.
3 Trackers
in reserve.
on the
Bunny G is a Kid. Blue Skill.
He starts with
Health 2 and can
use the Slippery
Skill once per Turn.
OVERVIEW Remove all Noise tokens from the board. The first player
hands the First Player token to the player on their left.
Our infected foes no longer use the weapons they Another Game Round then begins.
tried to defend their former lives with. In some
places, you can just pick one up and start firing on
the spot. On the other hand, zombies are not to WINNING AND LOSING
be underestimated. They find strength in numbers
and may prove unpredictable. This is a war no one The game is won immediately when all of the Mission
was prepared for. objectives have been accomplished.
The game is lost whenever a Survivor is eliminated, when
Zombicide is played over a series of Game Rounds, which the Mission objectives can no longer be fulfilled, or when a
proceed as follows. specified losing condition is met.
Zombicide is a cooperative game, so all players win or lose
The player with the First Player token takes their Turn,
activating their Survivors 1 at a time, in any order of their
choice. Each Survivor can initially perform 3 Actions per
Turn, though they may gain Skills allowing them to perform
extra Actions as the game progresses. The Survivor may
use their Actions to kill Zombies, move around the board,
and perform other tasks to accomplish the various Mission
All Zombies on the board activate and spend 1 Action
to either attack a Survivor standing in their
Zone or, if they have nobody to attack,
Move towards the Survivors.
Some Zombies, called Runners, get
2 Actions, so they can attack twice,
attack and move, move and attack, or
move twice.
Once all Zombies have performed
#06 THE
One rule: no rules. Well, almost. Find cool weapons,
stick together, kill zombies, enjoy life, and
everything should be fine.
Actor: A Survivor or Zombie.
Zone: Inside a building, a Zone is a room. On a street, a Zone
is the area between two linear markings (or a linear marking
and the board’s edge) and the walls of buildings.
This is a
building Zone.
The room These 8 building Zones
is delimited form a single building
by walls. straddling 2 tiles.
This building
has 4 rooms,
forming 4 separate
building Zones.
LINE OF SIGHT In building Zones, an Actor sees into all the Zones that
share an opening with the room the Actor currently occupies.
Lines of Sight define whether Actors can see each other, If there is an opening, the walls do not block Line of Sight
such as whether a Survivor can see a Zombie through a door between 2 Zones. An Actor’s Line of Sight is limited,
opening, from one room to the next, across the street, etc. however, to a distance of 1 Zone.
• If the Survivor is looking from a building Zone out into street
In street Zones, Actors see in straight lines that run parallel Zones, the Line of Sight can go through any number of street
to the edges of the board. Actors cannot see diagonally. Zones in a straight line.
Their Line of Sight covers as many Zones as the line can pass • If the Actor is looking from a street Zone into a building, the
through before reaching a wall or the edge of the board. Line of Sight can go only 1 Zone into the building.
Elle has a Line of Sight through the Doug sees 1 Zone into the buildings, but no further.
open door, all the way through the He sees Elle far away, but cannot see past the
street. Doug and her see each other! first Zone trough the building in front of him.
in a street
Zone, Amy
has Lines
of Sight in
straight lines,
until they
meet either a
wall, a closed
door, or the
board’s edge.
Wanda has a
Line of Sight
through the
street, up to 1
Zone into the
There is no diagonal Line building on the
of Sight in Zombicide. other side of
the street.
Wanda’s Line of
Sight cannot go
Amy’s Line further, she cannot
of Sight is see Doug (and the
interrupted other way around).
by the wall.
Josh stands
in a Street
Zone. He sees
in straight
lines, up to
walls, closed
doors, and the Josh sees
board’s edge. 1 Zone into
building Zones. Josh can’t see more
than 1 Zone through
building Zones.
Josh’s Line
of Sight is
interrupted by
the closed door.
Movement is life. Keep on moving!
- Wanda
Actors can move from one Zone to the next as long as the
first Zone shares at least one edge with the destination
Zone. Corners do not count. This means Actors cannot move
Lili can Move 1 ...but she cannot All walls have
Zone north or Move diagonally. openings and
south through the door is open,
the street... so Ostara can
move wherever
she wants.
Remember: no
diagonal Moves!
Melee weapons
bear the Melee
They have a Range 0 value
and thus can only be used
in the same Zone as the
Survivor. They are used
with Melee Actions (P. 21).
Ranged weapons
bear the Ranged
They usually have a
maximum Range value of
1 (or more). They are used
with Ranged Actions (P.
21). Attacking at Range 0
with a Ranged weapon is
still a Ranged Action. Pistols, Shotguns, and Sniper
Rifles are Ranged weapons.
Weapons display Combat characteristics used to eliminate
Many Equipment cards, such as the Crowbar, Fire Axe, and Zombies in many ways.
Chainsaw, allow Survivors to open doors as well as eliminate
Equipment that allows Survivors to kill Damage
Zombies has either the Ranged or Melee inflicted with
each success.
symbol. Damage does
not stack
with multiple
Equipment that allows players to open Doors successes.
has this symbol.
Accuracy. Each
Each of these symbols is accompanied by a second symbol roll that equals
related to Noise, defining if the Action is noisy or not. Noise or exceeds
Weapon type. this value is
attracts Zombies! This Equipment a success.
is a Melee Lower results
weapon. are failures.
This Action is noisy and produces a Noise token.
This Action is not noisy and does not produce a Range. Min. and max. Dice. Roll this many dice
number of Zones the when a Melee Action is
Noise token. weapon can reach. spent to use this weapon.
0 indicates it can
only be used in the
EXAMPLE 1 – The Fire Axe: Survivor’s Zone.
Can open
doors and
Range. Min. and max. Dice. Roll this many
produces a number of Zones the dice when a Ranged
Noise token weapon can reach. 0-1 Action is spent to
when used indicates it can be used use this weapon.
that way. to shoot in the Survivor’s
Zone or up to 1 Zone away
(and within Line of Sight).
Accuracy. Each roll that equals
or exceeds this value is a success.
Lower results are failures.
Can kill
Zombies and
a Noise
token when
doing so.
• A single Action can only produce a single Noise token, no
matter how many dice are rolled, how many hits are obtained,
or whether Dual weapons were used.
• Noise tokens are removed from the board during the End
Phase (see P. 8).
ADRENALINE, DANGER LEVEL, AND Building up Adrenaline has a side effect. When players
SKILLS draw a Zombie card to spawn Zombies, read the line that
corresponds to the highest Danger Level achieved by
any Survivor (see Zombie Spawn, P. 25). The stronger the
Tell me how you kill zombies, and I’ ll tell you who Survivor is, the more Zombies appear.
you are.
- Elle
the Survivor with a new Skill (P. 63) to help them on their
Mission. Skills stack across Danger Levels. As new Skills are Blue Level: 1 Walker
A Survivor starts the The Yellow Level is The Orange Danger Level is The Red Danger Level is
game at Blue Level with reached with 7 Adrenaline reached with 19 Adrenaline reached with 43 Adrenaline
0 Adrenaline Points Points. The Survivor Points. Choose a Skill among Points. Choose a Skill among
and a single Skill. gains a fourth Action. the 2 indicated at this Level. the 3 indicated at this Level.
Each Survivor can carry up to 5 Equipment cards, divided
into two types of Equipment slots on their Dashboard: 2 Hand
and 3 Backpack slots. Players may discard cards from their
Survivor’s inventory to make room for new cards at any time,
- Mister? You’ve got the weapon I’ m looking for. for free (even during another player’s Turn).
- I was about to tell you the same thing. What ’ s
your name, young punk? Each Hand slot may hold 1 Equipment card. Weapons and
- Ostara. You? other items in Hand slots may be used normally.
- Ned.
- Nice to meet you. Can I have this weapon? The Backpack can hold up to 3 Equipment cards.
Please? Characteristics and game effects described on Equipment
cards cannot be used until they are moved to a Hand
inventory slot.
Equipment cards bearing “May be used in the Backpack”
may be used when in either Hand or Backpack slots.
#08 THE
It stinks, it’s nasty, and it’s slow.
Wounds dealt: 1
Amped up for some reason, these Abomination. Please note no weapon in Zombicide’s core box
guys move twice as fast as Walkers. has a natural Damage 3 value. It can be reached with Skills
(like +1 Damage, P. 63), or Mission special rules.
Wounds dealt: 1 • Resolve these game effects whenever a Zombie card
To eliminate: Damage 1 spawning an Abomination is drawn:
Adrenaline provided: 1 point - If there is no Abomination on the board, draw a card
Special rule: Runners have 2 Actions from the Abomination deck. Then, place the corresponding
every time they are activated (P. 25). Abomination in the Spawn Zone. Don’t forget its special
game effects (see next page)!
- If there is already an Abomination on the board, it gets
an extra Activation.
PHASE Life is like a closed building. You never know what
you’ re gonna get.
I don’ t have time for dummies. Get out of my way! - Ned
- Lili
Starting with whoever holds the First Player token, each Equipment that allows Survivors to open Doors
player activates their Survivors one after the other, in the has this symbol.
order of their choice. Each Survivor can perform up to
3 Actions at the Blue Danger Level (not counting any free
Action their Blue Level Skill may give them). The possible
Actions are:
Let ’ s head this way! More zombies to kill!
- Josh
The Survivor moves from their Zone to the next, but cannot
move through walls or closed doors.
• A Survivor must spend 1 additional Action per Zombie
standing in the Zone they’re attempting to leave.
REMEMBER: Kids can use the Slippery Skill (P. 66) once
per Turn. The Survivor uses their Door-opening Equipment to open a
Open the door! Open the door! I want to see Some Missions feature colored doors. Usually, these cannot
what ’ s inside! What? Curious? Me? be opened until some condition is met, like finding an
- Ostara Objective of the matching color. Read the Mission description
to know more.
A Survivor can only Search building Zones and only if there
are no Zombies in that Zone. The player draws the top card
from the Equipment deck. They may then either place it
in their Survivor’s inventory, reorganizing it for free, or
immediately discard it.
A Survivor can only perform a single Search Action per
Turn (even if it’s a free Action).
When the Equipment deck runs out, reshuffle all the
discarded cards (excluding any Starting Equipment cards)
to make a new deck.
- SPAWNING IN BUILDINGS Tiger Sam just opened this building. Zombies spawn in all the Dark
Zones, one after the other, in the order of the player’s choosing.
Players decide to spawn Zombies in the indicated order, from 1 to 4.
Entering a building is quite a thrill.
Whenever they don’ t chase someone,
zombies gather in the dark, waiting for
a victim to ambush. It ’ s better than an
amusement park!
- Lou
starting from the farthest to the closest), and A Zombie card is drawn for the first Dark Zone.
The most advanced Survivor is at the Yellow Danger Level,
draw a Zombie card for each of them. Place the so the Zombies on the Yellow line are the ones that spawn
(P. 25). 3 Walker miniatures are placed in this Zone.
corresponding number and type of Zombies in
the indicated Dark Zone.
Kids, it ’ s snack time! Ok, let me see in my rucksack. Combat Actions use Melee and Ranged Equipment cards to
Canned beans, dry rice, some water, plushies, a pair eliminate Zombies.
of pistols, a machete, a picture of mommy...
The Survivor can reorganize the cards in their inventory in We have a running contest about the farthest
any way the player wishes. distance a zombie head can fly with a decapitating
The Survivor can simultaneously exchange any number strike. Do you want to join? The entry fee is...
of cards with 1 (and only 1) other Survivor currently in the reasonable.
same Zone. This other Survivor may reorganize their own - Odin
inventory for free.
A Trade Action doesn’t have to be equal. Players can trade
everything for nothing if both parties agree!
The Survivor uses a Ranged weapon they are holding in their RULES
Hand to fire at a single Zone within the Range shown on the
weapon’s card and within Line of Sight (see Combat, P. 27).
Survivors shoot at Zones, not Actors. This is especially
important for Targeting Priority Order (P. 28).
Using a Ranged weapon at Range 0 is still a Ranged Action.
This new world offers a great boon: we just have to ...And this is how I learned to whistle.
look down to find what we need. Batteries, blankets, - Bunny G
clothes, soap, and the like. And it ’s free! We feed
off the city’s remains to hunt and kill zombies. The Survivor makes Noise in an attempt to attract Zombies.
Place a Noise token in the Survivor’s Zone.
The Survivor does nothing and prematurely ends their Turn.
Any remaining Actions they had are lost.
Once the players have activated all their Survivors, the
Zombies activate. No single player controls them. The
Zombies act all on their own, performing the following steps
in order.
Each Zombie activates and spends its Action on either an
Attack or a Move, depending on the situation. Resolve all
the Attacks first, then all the Moves. Each Zombie performs
either an Attack OR a Move with a single Action.
Wounds being dealt that it would be overkill.
- MOVE If there is more than one route of the same length to their
target Zone, Zombies split into groups of equal numbers
The Zombies that did not Attack use their Action to Move 1 separated by type to follow all possible routes. They also
Zone toward Survivors: split up if different target Zones contain the same number
of Noise tokens.
1– Zombies select their destination Zone. Uneven Zombie groups are split the same way. Decide
• The first Zone they select is the one with Survivors in Line which splitting group gets the extra Zombie and which
of Sight that has the most Noise tokens. Remember, each direction the uneven split groups go. In case of a single
Survivor counts as a Noise token. Zombie being offered multiple routes, the players decide
• If no Survivors are visible, they select the noisiest Zone. which direction it goes.
In both cases, distance doesn’t matter. A Zombie always goes
for the noisiest target they can see or hear. EXAMPLE: A group of 4 Walkers, 3 Brutes, and 1 Runner
move toward a group of Survivors. The Zombies can take 2
2– Zombies move 1 Zone toward their destination Zone by routes of the same length, so they split into 2 groups.
taking the shortest available path. • 2 Walkers go one way. The other 2 take the other route.
If there are no open paths to their destination Zone, the • 2 Brutes go one way. The last one takes the other route
Zombies don’t move. (players choose).
- PLAYING RUNNERS This Zombie card
spawns Walkers.
highest Adrenaline (Blue, Yellow, Orange, or Red). Place the
indicated amount of the corresponding Zombie type in the
Starting Spawn Zone. The Starting Spawn Zone is always
the first one to spawn.
Repeat this for each Spawn Zone, one after the other, going
clockwise from the Starting Spawn Zone.
When the Zombie deck runs out, reshuffle all the discarded
Zombie cards to make a new deck.
Once in a while, a zombie does something
unexpected. It keeps your senses sharp and
prevents you from getting bad habits. Zombies are Players may run out of miniatures of the indicated type
a girl ’ s best friend. when required to place a Zombie on the board through
- Amy
spawning. In this case, the remaining Zombie miniatures
are placed (if there are any). Then, all Zombies of the
indicated type immediately resolve an extra Activation
When a player draws a
Zombie card featuring (P. 23). Multiple extra Activations may occur in a row.
the Rush keyword, the Keep an eye on the Zombie population!
Zombies placed by that card
perform an Activation (see
Activation step on P. 23)
right after being placed.
COMBAT I fight with anything I find, but have a crush
with hand-to-hand fighting. Melee weapons are
This is not only about revenge, it ’ s about the more... wild, you know. Especially chainsaws.
future. We spent most of our lives bending the - Wanda
knee to the rich and famous. Now, we can fight
and party hard!
- Amy
When a Survivor performs a Melee or Ranged
Action to attack Zombies, roll as many dice as the
Dice number of the weapon used.
EXAMPLE: Josh has 2 Pistols in his Hands. The Pistol has the RANGED ACTION
Dual symbol, so Josh can shoot them both simultaneously.
This allows him to roll 2 dice (1 for each Pistol) with a single Zombies fight bare-handed, like beasts. That ’ s
Ranged Action. why I prefer fighting them from a distance. Why
expose ourselves if civilization provided us with the
ACCURACY SYMBOL safety of distance and superior firepower?
Each die that equals or exceeds the Accuracy - Elle
value of the weapon scores a successful hit. Missed
ranged attacks can cause Friendly Fire (P. 28).
Each hit inflicts the amount of Damage specified by RULES
the Damage value of the weapon to a single target.
If all targets are eliminated, extra hits are lost.
Ranged weapons
are marked with the
• Walkers and Runners are killed with a Damage 1 (or more) hit. Ranged symbol.
• Brutes are killed with a Damage 2 hit. Damage 1 has no effect
on them, no matter how many times a Survivor hits them.
• Abominations are killed with a Damage 3 hit. In any case, a A Survivor holding a Ranged weapon in their Hand can shoot at
Molotov works! a Zone within the weapon’s Range and in Line of Sight (P. 10).
REMEMBER: EXAMPLE: Armed with a Shotgun (Damage 2), Lou
• For building Zones, the Line of Sight is limited to the Zones performs a Ranged Action at a Zone with 1 Brute, 2 Walkers,
that share an opening and just 1 Zone away. and 2 Runners.
• For street Zones, the Line of Sight goes in a straight line • Lou rolls • and • for her first Action. Hits are obtained
parallel to the board’s edge until it meets a wall or the board’s with 4 or more, which means 2 Hits. Following the Targeting
edge. Priority Order, the first hit is assigned to the Brute,
• Missed shots can cause Friendly Fire (see below), so carefully eliminating it (Damage 2). The second hit is assigned to a
consider the risks! Walker, eliminating it as well (1 hit = 1 target).
• Lou rolls • and • with her second Action, obtaining 2
RANGE SYMBOL hits. The Targeting Priority Order lists the Walker as the
The Range of a weapon, indicated by the Range first target, so it’s eliminated. The second hit is allocated
value on its card, is the number of Zones it can to either of the Runners, eliminating it as well. A single
shoot across. Runner remains.
The first of the 2 values shows the minimum Range. The NOTE: Brutes are first in the Targeting Priority Order and
weapon may not shoot at Zones closer than the minimum. In are immune to Damage 1 weapons. This means they can
some cases, it may be 0, meaning the Survivor can shoot at protect Walkers and Runners in their Zone from all Damage
targets in the Zone they currently occupy (it is still a Ranged 1 Ranged Actions, as they need to be removed first. The
Action). same applies to Abominations, requiring Damage 3 (or a
The second value shows the maximum Range of the weapon. Molotov) to be eliminated.
A weapon cannot fire at Zones beyond its maximum Range.
EXAMPLE 1: The Sniper Rifle has a Range of 1-3, which
means it can shoot up to 3 Zones away but cannot be used
to fire at the same Zone as the Survivor.
Remember: Targeting Priority Order doesn’t apply to Melee EXAMPLE 2: Lili shoots with a Shotgun at a Zone where
Actions. Odin and a Runner stand. She rolls • and •, 2 successes!
One is enough to kill the Runner. The other success is lost.
Only missed shots are assigned to Survivors, so Odin is safe.
No matter what, fight with style!
- Lili
The Survivor benefits from the
Search: 2 cards Skill (P. 66). Draw
2 cards when Searching with this
Reloadable weapons have powerful burst power, but
NOTE: The game effect does not need to be reloaded before being fired again.
stack with itself. Having multiple
Flashlights does not provide more Weapons with the Reload trait are emptied each time they are
than 2 cards. fired. A Survivor may spend 1 Action to Reload the weapon,
if they want to fire it several times in the same Game Round.
All such weapons are freely reloaded during the End Phase,
Flashlights help finding the best so they start each Game Round ready to fire.
Equipment early in the game. • If such a weapon is fired, and is then given to another
Survivor without being reloaded, it must still be reloaded
before the new owner can use it in the same Game Round.
MOLOTOV • A single Action is enough to reload 2 weapons fired in a
GAME MODES Everyday cars, with the plastic parts, hybrid stuff
and all, proved useless both to evade the invasion
The additional game modes described in this chapter deepen and move around an apocalyptic town. We favor
Zombicide’s atmosphere with new rules. Use them to enrich the good old muscle cars made of steel and pure
games, replay previous Missions with new possibilities, and badass spirit. As my friends never remember the
create new thematic challenges! brands, we simply call them Muscle Cars. We also
look for police cars with upgraded engines and
reinforced hulls. They carry us around, smash
ABOMINATION FEST zombies, and sometimes carry our stuff. I consider
them our best allies.
The Abomination Fest allows the game to have several - Josh
Abominations on the board at the same time. The more there
are, the deadlier the game gets, as the Molotov amount is still
limited. Before using this game mode, make sure everyone is
a seasoned player or is playing with Survivors able to handle
- DRIVE A CAR The car can only be driven by the Driver (obviously), and only
if the Mission allows it. A car cannot be driven into building
- Sam, how do your feet touch the pedals? Zones. This Action is not a Move and is not subject to
- Boxes. I duct-taped boxes to them. movement modifiers. The car can leave or go through Zones
- Do I see my first-aid kit down there? with Zombies without spending extra Actions or stopping.
Choose a driving mode with each Drive Action spent in the car:
- Touch anything you want but the siren button.
Oh. Exactly my kind of car. And my kind of weapon. Please.
It that real gold? It is real gold! - Really? Why? (push!)
- Lili - Tiger Sam to Bunny G
Some missions instruct you to add a Epic Weapon Crate Each Muscle Car contains a single Epic Weapon. Police
token on top of the Muscle Car. These can be taken in the Cars contain an unlimited amount of weapon cards.
same way as Objectives. Remove the Epic Weapon Crate
from the Muscle Car token. The Survivor immediately earns Police Cars may be Searched for weapons. Search-
a random Epic Weapon among those still available. They can related game effects (like +1 free Search Action, Can Search
then reorganize their inventory for free. More Than Once, or the Flashlight Equipment) apply when
A Muscle Car may be driven while still holding its Epic Searching a Police Car.
Weapon Crate. In that case, the Crate moves along with the When Searching a Police Car, draw cards until a weapon
Muscle Car. The weapon is stashed in the trunk and does not card is drawn. Discard the other cards. The “Aaahh!!” card
occupy a seat. triggers the appearance of a Walker as usual and interrupts
the Search (even with a Flashlight, for example).
Using the Dark Zone rules make the game a little harder and
instills a deep sense of dread in Survivors. The following rules
apply when using this game mode:
• Actors can’t trace Lines of Sight to Dark Zones, except at
Range 0-1.
• Ranged Attacks aimed at Dark Zones have Accuracy 6+
(rolling a 6 is required to hit). Having a Flashlight cancels
- You are so cute! Would you like me to adopt you?
- Whatever, as long as you have candies and
- Amy and Bunny G
support characters. They are called Companions and either
play as described in the Mission or follow Survivors. Players
choose which Companion is set in each of the spots indicated
TIGER SAM by the Mission. Set aside their ID Cards during Setup for all
players to see.
Mission descriptions may differ from the following rules. In
Odin just opened the door. that case, the Mission’s special rules have priority.
Zombies were spawned in Dark Zones.
Unfortunately, Runners stand right
in front of Odin and his Ranged attacks NOTE: Survivors with the Starts with Health [X], Starts with
are severely hindered (Accuracy 6+) by 2 AP, or Starts with [Equipment] Skill (P. 66) cannot be used
the darkness. A little help would be welcome!
as Companions. If one is drawn, ignore it and get another.
- ESCORTING A COMPANION The Mission may also feature lone Companions standing on
their own. Any Survivor may spend an Action to rally a lone
According to the Mission, a Companion may be linked Companion standing in the same Zone. They become the
to a given Survivor during Setup. The Survivor gets the Companion’s Leader and acquire their ID Card.
corresponding ID Card and benefits from the Companion’s
Blue Danger Level Skill (if the Companion has several Blue - COMPANIONS GENERAL TRAITS
Skills, only the first one listed on the ID Card applies). This
ID Card doesn’t take up an Inventory slot. The Companion’s A Companion:
miniature is placed next to the Survivor’s. • Is a Survivor. It also means they count as 1 Noise.
The Companion’s ID Card may be traded, along with the • Is hit by Friendly Fire (P. 28).
corresponding miniature and Skill, in the same way as an • Is eliminated upon receiving any Wound. Unless otherwise
Equipment card. stated by the Mission, the game is lost if they are eliminated.
The Survivor possessing the Companion’s ID Card is called • Always stays together with their Leader. All special rules,
their Leader. A Survivor may be the Leader of several Move-related Skills, and Car-related Actions also apply to the
Companions. Companion. A Companion takes a Passenger seat in a car.
• Does not have an Inventory.
• Does not have any Actions.
Zombicide’s difficulty
may be tuned up or down
using the card numbers.
Ultrared Mode: When a Survivor reaches the Red Level, move Sometimes the game may be too easy, or just too hard, for
the Adrenaline tracker back to 0 and add any Adrenaline players and their group. In that case, sort the Zombie cards
Points gained past the minimum required to hit the Red using their card number.
Level. The Survivor is still on the Red Level and keeps their
Skills. Count additional Adrenaline Points as usual and gain • Zombie cards #001 to #018 form the easier part of a
and goes for +1 free Combat Action. The Adrenaline counter
returns to the start.
During her 3rd time through the Adrenaline bar, Ostara
doesn’t get any new Skill at Blue, Yellow, or Orange Levels,
as she already has them all. Upon reaching the Red Level for
the 3rd time, she earns the last Red Level Skill: Slippery. The
Adrenaline counter goes to the start again.
From now on, Ostara still earns Adrenaline Points and gets a
player-chosen Skill every time she reaches the Orange Level,
and then another upon reaching the Red Danger Level.
#14 MISSIONS A fresh start (sort of). Take all Objectives and Epic Weapon
Crates. Then, reach the Exit with all Survivors. Any Survivor
The following Missions can be played in any order, suiting may escape through this Zone at the end of their Turn as long
player’s play time and desired challenge level. Special rules as there are no Zombies in it.
detailed in Missions supersede general rules and card rules.
The first 10 Missions are inspired by original Zombicide, but - SPECIAL RULES
updated to suit the 2nd Edition rules. The next 15 Missions
were created just for this new edition! • Setup. Place a Brute, a Runner, and 2 Walkers in the
indicated Zones.
M0 – ZOMBICIDE LIFE (TUTORIAL) • These won’t be made anymore. Each Objective gives 5
Adrenaline Points to the Survivor who takes it.
Easy / 30 minutes
• Bigger guns. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Anyone having even the bare minimum of zombie Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
knowledge knows it won’ t be long until the infected takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
swarm the whole place and bring society down. We
have to prepare and find the proper equipment
to survive. Oddly, I’ m not worried about weapons,
as there are plenty around. No, the most precious 2x 2x
thing we have to look for is medicine. Being sick or Survivor Objectives Epic Weapon
injured in a zombie world could prove a nightmare. Starting Zone (5 AP) Crates
Ah, and we ’ ll need toothpaste, too. And batteries.
What? Never saw a zombie movie? Welcome to the
real world! Brute Runner Walker
Medium / 45 minutes • Doing our part. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points
to the Survivor who takes it. Place the token on the Survivor’s
Our shelter is safe, for now. Unfortunately, our Dashboard. It does not take up space in their inventory and
food supplies won’ t last long. We also need some cannot be traded.
clothes, equipment, and supplies. We ’ve decided
to arm ourselves and go explore the surrounding • Finders keepers! Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
houses. We cannot come back empty-handed. Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3R, 4V, 5R, 6R, 7R, 8V, & 9R.
1V 7R 3R
5R 9R 6R
8V 2V 4V
Starting Zone
Exit Zone
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Spawn Zones
Hard / 60 minutes • I never thought we would crave this. Each Objective gives
5 Adrenaline Points to the Survivor who takes it.
The living are losing ground. The pockets of
resistance fall one after another, and our CB radio, • Tools of the trade. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
once bustling with messages, is now silent. We must Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
leave. The zombies are growing in numbers, and our takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
supplies are getting scarce.
I could kill for some toothpaste.
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3V, 4R, 5V, 6R, 7V, 8V, & 9R.
7V 5V 2V
9R 6R 4R
1V 8V 3V
Starting Zone
Exit Zone
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Spawn Zones
Medium / 90 minutes Full throttle! Reach the Red Danger Level with at least 1
There ’ s a large rest home in sight. The buildings
do not look too damaged, and some cars look like - SPECIAL RULES
they could still run. The supply room is probably full,
since it looks like the looters didn’ t linger here. • Cars and guns. Cars can be driven (see P. 31).
We quickly saw why. The area is swarming with - The Muscle Car contains a single Epic Weapon. Place a
zombies. The previous inhabitants couldn’ t really Epic Weapon Crate on top of it. The Epic Weapon Crate
put up a fight. Before exploring, we have to clean gives a random Epic Weapon, among those still available,
up. to the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
I dream of bubblegum. inventory for free.
- When Searching the Police Car, draw cards until a weapon
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3R, 4V, 5V, 6R, 7R, 8V, & 9V. card is drawn. Discard the other cards. The Aaahh!! card
triggers the appearance of a Walker as usual and interrupts
the Search.
2V 8V 9V
• I will enjoy this later. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline
Points to the Survivor who takes it.
7R 3R 6R
• Bring the heat! Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
1V 5V 4V Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
Starting Zone
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Spawn Zones
Police Car
(can be driven)
Muscle Car
(can be driven)
Medium / 90 minutes 5R 7R
Our new shelter doesn’ t have enough protection.
The zombies just keep coming. We can’ t sleep, and
4V 3V
some of us are beginning to lose their grip. There
must be a nest around here, probably in the business 6V 8V
area near the subway entrance. Until this threat is
neutralized, we ’ ll be continuously attacked.
I could use a new pair of shoes in my size.
a Molotov effect, then remove the car token (along with any
Epic Weapon Crate it may hold). Making a car explode on
a Red Spawn Zone moves the corresponding Red Zombie
Spawn token to the Starting Spawn Zone.
8V 1V 7R
Starting Zone
Exit Zone
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Open Doors
Spawn Zones
Hard / 90 minutes
2– Escape with the cars. Reach the Exit with all Survivors in
the cars. A car may escape through this Zone at the end of
its Driver’s Turn (along with its Passengers and stashed Food
cards), as long as there are no Zombies in it. If this Objective
can no longer be met, the game is lost.
Prevent the zombies from escaping. Accomplish the • Oh, oh, oh! Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Objectives in this order to win the game: Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
1– Secure the buildings. Gather all Zombie Spawn tokens on takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
the Starting Spawn Zone (see the Special Rules).
2– Lock them in for good. Throw a Molotov at the Starting
6V 4V
3V 8V
Starting Zone with permanent
Noise tokens
4x 4x
Objectives Epic Weapon
(5 AP) Crates
Open Doors
Spawn Zones
Hard / 30 minutes
2– Reach the Exit with all Survivors. Any Survivor may
escape through this Zone at the end of their Turn as long as
there are no Zombies in it.
Epic Weapon Crate on top of it. The Epic Weapon Crate Exit Zone
gives a random Epic Weapon, among those still available,
to the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
6R 9R 1x
inventory for free.
- When Searching the Police Car, draw cards until a weapon 8V 5V 1x
card is drawn. Discard the other cards. The Aaahh!! card Muscle Car Objectives
triggers the appearance of a Walker as usual and interrupts (can be driven) (5 AP)
the Search.
Medium / 60 minutes • Rescue your new friends. Find the three Companions to
win the game (see P. 33).
We ’ve found the shelter and we have enough
supplies to feed a small army. There ’ s also a radio - SPECIAL RULES
that ’ s still working. Thanks to this, we ’ve found
another group of survivors in the suburbs. They are • Setup. Place the Green Objective randomly among the Red
defenseless and surrounded by zombies. There ’ s no Objectives, facedown.
reason for this to be a trap. United we stand. Let ’ s
make some new friends. • Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name. Each
Found dental floss today. It felt like Xmas. Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points to the Survivor who
takes it.
Tiles needed: 2V, 3V, 4V, & 9R. - Taking the Green Objective has no additional effect.
- Taking a Red Objective also grants the Survivor a Companion
(P. 33). Pick a random Survivor ID Card among those not used
for this Mission. The Survivor becomes their Leader.
4V 2V
9R 3V
Starting Zone Spawn Zones
4x 4x
Epic Weapon Objectives
Crates (5 AP)
Police Car
(cannot be driven)
2V 1R
7R 5R
Starting Zone
Spawn Zones
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Cross the Ditch. Reach the Exit with all Survivors. Any • Did I read “do not open”? The Muscle Cars CANNOT be
Survivor may escape through this Zone at the end of driven. Each contains a single Epic Weapon. Place a Epic
their Turn as long as there are no Zombies in it, and no Weapon Crate on top of it. The Epic Weapon Crate gives
Abominations are on the board. a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
inventory for free.
9V 7V
Starting Zone Spawn Zones
6x 4x
Epic Weapon Objectives
Crates (5 AP)
Muscle Car
(cannot be driven)
Medium / 60 minutes
• Setup.
- Note the open doors on tile 8R.
- Place 6 Survivor miniatures that weren’t chosen by players
in the indicated Zone and set their ID Cards aside. These
injured Survivors cannot perform any Actions and do not
have inventories. They still count as Noise tokens.
• First aid kits. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points to Starting Zone Spawn Zones
the Survivor who takes it. It also grants the Survivor a first aid
kit. Place the Objective token on the Survivor’s Dashboard. It 9V 1R
doesn’t take up an inventory slot and can be traded like an
6x 6x
Equipment card. 8R 6R Epic Weapon Objectives
Using 1 Action, a Survivor may drop a Red Objective token Crates (5 AP)
from their inventory in the injured Survivors’ Zone. An injured 7V 2R
Survivor of the player’s choosing then becomes a Companion
(P. 33) to the Survivor.
• Weapon crates. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random Crashed Car
Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who Injured
takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free. Survivors’
Zone Open Doors
• A wreck. The car cannot be driven or searched.
Medium / 45 minutes
We spotted a massive zombie herd coming right Starting Zone Spawn Zones
at our shelter. Eliminating them would not be an
issue, but it could take days. On the other hand,
4x 7x
hearing them all night long would certainly drive
us mad! The best way is to block the access and Epic Weapon
divert the infected flow in another direction. To 7V 4V 1x Crates
achieve this, fire is our best friend.
Let ’ s burn!
1R 6R
Tiles needed: 1R, 2V, 3V, 4V, 6R, & 7V. (5 AP)
2V 3V Police Car
(can be driven)
takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
• Everyday sweets. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points
Get to the Survivors. Rally all Companions (see P.33) and to the Survivor who takes it.
gather all Survivors on the Exit Zone, without any Zombies
on it. The game is lost if a Survivor (including those on tile • Secret weapons. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
4R) is eliminated. Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
Place 6
you don't use
in this Zone.
9V 4R
6R 2V
8R 7V
5x 6x
Epic Weapon
1x Crates
Survivor Objectives
Starting Zone (5 AP)
Closed Doors
building around. Now! The remaining Survivors become Companions to rally.
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3V, 4R, 5R, 6R 7R, 8V, & 9R. • Keep on fighting! Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points
to the Survivor who takes it.
4R 9R 3V
7R 5R 6R
Starting Zone
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Spawn Zones
M16 – PALE SHELTER • Broken doors. Doors cannot be opened in any way, save
for the 4 doors placed on the board during Setup. These
Medium / 45 minutes represent broken doors:
- Survivors don’t need door-opening Equipment (P. 13) to
We have slept in many different places in the last open them.
weeks. Most of them weren’ t really secure. Well, - Zombies ignore them to define their route toward their
that may change in the coming days. We found destination Zone. They may even move through them during
a nice building with many reinforced doors, and their Activation for free. The door is then immediately
mostly left untouched by the chaos. “ Mostly, ” opened.
because some doors are broken. I guess the - Classic rules still apply: opening the first door triggers a
Abomination we ’ve seen wandering around is to Zombie Spawn.
blame. I can’ t stop dreaming about what wonders
we may find inside. • Barricades. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points to
I could even get my own room for a few nights! the Survivor who takes it. They represent hammers, nails,
and planks, all the required material to barricade the broken
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3V, & 4V. doors for good. Place the Objective token on the Survivor’s
Dashboard. It doesn’t take up an inventory slot and can be
4V 2V
3V 1V
Starting Zone Spawn Zones
Objectives Doors
(5 AP) (See Special
Epic Weapon
Crates Abomination
Hard / 60 minutes • Doors of reckoning. The Blight’s doors can only be opened
by Survivors at Orange Danger Level (or higher).
There was this housing project near downtown.
They gave it a fancy name, but we now call it the • I need this right now. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline
Blight. It housed a few tough nuts showing prowess Points to the Survivor who takes it.
against zombies, calling people to get under their
protection. Of course, the cool guys also attracted • Is it Judgment Day already? Oh yes, it is! Each Epic
a growing number of zombies, driven mad by the Weapon Crate gives a random Epic Weapon, among those
fresh meat stored inside. The community never still available, to the Survivor who takes it. They can then
wanted to move, and eventually fell. This is now a reorganize their inventory for free.
charnel-house crowded with zombies of all shapes
and sizes. The mess can be heard and smelled from
districts away. That ’ s the Blight.
We can’ t stand it anymore. It ’ s too tempting!
7V 5V 4V
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4V, 5V, 6R, 7V, 8R, & 9R.
2R 9R 6R
8R 1R 3R
Cleanse the Blight. The building straddling tiles 7V, 5V, and
4V is the Blight. The game is won as soon as there are no
The Blight
Closed Doors
(Open at Orange
Danger Level
or higher)
(5 AP)
Epic Weapon
Spawn Zones
Hard / 60 minutes
4R 7R
Objective is taken.
- The Green Spawn Zone becomes active as soon as the
Green Objective is taken.
Hard / 45 minutes 6V 9V
• Setup.
- Each Survivor starts with a rallied Companion (see P. 33).
They form a Survivor duo. Players choose the way each
duo is formed. These duos cannot be separated. Trading
Companions is not allowed for this game.
- Note the Objective token in the Muscle Car.
Wounds. A Survivor duo can only take a single Objective
during the game.
takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
• Are you having fun? The Blue and the Green Doors open
Kill the zombie horde. Accomplish these Objectives in any like standard Doors. The Blue Spawn Zone becomes active
order to win the game: as soon as the Blue Door is open. The Green Spawn Zone
• Take all Objectives. becomes active as soon as the Green Door is open.
• Empty the Zombie reserve (see Special Rules) As soon as either colored Door is open, eliminated Zombies
are no longer put back in the reserve. It means the remaining
Zombies may get Extra Activations more often as Zombie
miniatures are progressively becoming scarce! Emptying the
reserve is a game objective.
3V 1R
8R 7R
6V 5V
6x 6x
Survivor Epic Weapon Objectives
Starting Zone Crates (5 AP)
Closed Doors
Spawn Zones
M21 – HEAVY-DUTY • Heavy stuff. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points
to the Survivor who takes it. They represent heavy boxes
Hard / 60 minutes to carry to the Muscle Car. Place the Objective token on the
Survivor’s Dashboard. It doesn’t take an inventory slot and
We ’ve been around town for some time now and can be traded like an Equipment card.
had the opportunity to help ourselves to anything - As long as the Survivor has 1 Objective (or more) on their
we saw fit. That means we hoarded a lot of material. Dashboard, each Move Action they perform costs 2 Actions
Most of it is survival stuff. Some of it is not, but we (instead of 1). Move-related Skills cannot be used.
don’ t care. Home appliances, furniture, and plain - Using 1 Action, a Survivor may drop an Objective token
nice stuff, everything is packed and ready to be from their inventory into a Muscle Car in the same Zone and
moved. It weighs a lot, but we have a nice, reliable without any Zombies in it. The Muscle Car is not affected by
Muscle Car to help. the movement penalties.
And, the zombies are coming. NOTE: Occupying a car seat doesn’t stash the Objective.
Did you notice I didn’ t say “ unfortunately ” ?
• Sentimental value (but not only). Each Epic Weapon Crate
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3V, 7R, 8R, & 9R. gives a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
- OBJECTIVES inventory for free.
Play the removal crew. Accomplish the Objectives in this • Horsepower. The Muscle Car can be driven (see P. 31). It
order to win the game: contains a single Epic Weapon. Place a Epic Weapon Crate on
1– Stash all Objectives in the Muscle Car (see Special top of it. The Epic Weapon Crate gives a random Epic Weapon,
Rules). among those still available, to the Survivor who takes it. They
Starting Zone
8R 3V Spawn Zones
9R 7R 6x 7x
Objectives Epic Weapon
2V 1V (5 AP) Crates
Hard / 45 minutes Shake the district. Accomplish the Objectives in this order
to win the game:
A storm is coming, and we didn’ t finish exploring 1– Take all Objectives (see Special Rules).
the district. We need to return to our shelter, 2– Get home. Reach the Exit with all Survivors. A Survivor
quickly. No kidding. Being sick when all physicians may escape through this Zone at the end their Turn, as long
around want to kill you makes things a lot harder! as there are no Zombies in it.
Luring all zombies to our position is a risky option,
but it ’ s the best one if we want to plunder the - SPECIAL RULES
place in the shortest time span. So, we had an idea:
find some loudspeakers and crank them to 11 for a • Wake up! Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline Points to
moment. Just long enough for the zombies to get up the Survivor who takes it. Taking the Green Objective opens
and come to find us. The question is, what should all closed doors on the board. Spawn Zombies normally in
we play to zombies? closed buildings opened this way.
Death metal!
• Loot boxes everywhere. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives
Tiles needed: 1R, 3R, 4R, 5V, 8V, & 9V. a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
inventory for free.
6x 5V 4R 9V
1x Epic Weapon Exit Zone
Starting Zone Spawn Zones Objectives (5 AP) Crates 8V 3R 1R
Medium / 45 minutes • Setup. Place the Blue and the Green Objectives randomly
among the Red Objectives, facedown.
Survivors cannot keep quiet for long. Do you know
why? When zombies have nothing left to destroy, • Is there anybody there? Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline
they stop groaning and everything falls silent. For Points to the Survivor who takes it.
us, silence means defeat and death. We won’ t fall - Taking a Red Objective also grants the Survivor a Companion
silent, ever. (see P. 33). Pick a random Survivor ID Card among those not
That ’ s why we worry for our neighbors, having set chosen for this Mission. The Survivor becomes their Leader.
their shelter on Mercy Street. We haven’ t heard - Taking either the Blue or the Green Objective triggers a
from them for a while, and we ’ re worried. We bad encounter! Spawn a Zombie card in the Survivor’s Zone
need to know if our friends are fine. (ignore Zombie Rushes).
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 6R, 7V, & 9V. • Lost treasures. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
- OBJECTIVES takes it. They can then reorganize their inventory for free.
6x 6x
Hard / 60 minutes - OBJECTIVES
Without proper support, civilization crumbles. Break through. Accomplish the Objectives in this order to
We didn’ t realize our shelter had suffered more win the game:
damage than we thought. A fire occurred as we 1– Get as many Epic Weapons as Survivors (up to the
tried using a generator, burning most of our goods. number of available Epic Weapons).
The fire is out, but things are even worse. The mess 2– Fasten your seatbelts. In a single Game Round, throw
attracted all the zombies from the surrounding Molotovs at both non-Starting Spawn Zones, then escape
areas. We need to escape as fast as possible before through these Zones with all Survivors aboard cars. A car
we get overwhelmed. We could use the cars parked (along with its driver and passengers) may escape through
outside. either Zone at the end of its driver’s Turn, as long as there
And we won’ t leave without getting some weapons, are no Zombies in it.
too. I feel naked without my gun!
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3V, 4R, 5R, 6R, 7R, 8R, & 9R.
3V 6R 8R
9R 7R 4R
1R 2R 5R
9x 9x
Survivor Objectives Epic Weapon Police Car
Starting Zone Spawn Zones (5 AP) Crates (can be driven)
Special cases need special handling. Accomplish the • Chemicals with funny names. Each Objective gives 5
Objectives in this order to win the game: Adrenaline Points to the Survivor who takes it. Taking the
1– Collect all components. Bring a Molotov, the Blue Blue or Green Objective also grants the Survivor a component
Objective, and the Green Objective to Ned (on tile 9R). for Ned’s recipe. Place the Objective token on the Survivor’s
2– Kill the Supabomination. Use Ned’s Moloturbo to do so. Dashboard. It does not take up an inventory slot and can be
2R 4V
7R 9R
8R 1R
8x 6x
Survivor Epic Weapon Objectives
Starting Zone Crates (5 AP)
• The secret ingredient? It’s not love! Ned is not played,
but still counts as a Survivor. He’s not a Companion, though.
The game is lost whenever a Zombie gets in his Zone (be SKILLS
careful about Aaahh!! cards when Searching or picking the
Epic Weapon Crate in his Zone!). Each Survivor in Zombicide has specific Skills with effects
- Any Survivor may drop a component (a Molotov card, the described in this section. In case of a conflict with the general
Blue, or the Green Objective) in Ned’s Zone, by using 1 Action. rules, the Skill rules have priority.
The components can’t be taken back. The effects of the following Skills and/or bonuses are
- When all 3 components are in Ned’s Zone, discard both immediate and may be used during the Turn in which they are
colored Objectives and Ned grants the Molotov card to a acquired. This means that if an Action causes a Survivor to
Survivor in his Zone (players choose). The Survivor may level up and gain a Skill, that Skill may be used immediately if
reorganize their inventory for free. This Molotov represent the Survivor has any Actions remaining (or the Survivor may
Ned’s Moloturbo. It is used in the same way as a Molotov, but use any extra Actions the Skill grants).
is the only weapon able to kill the Supabomination for good.
+1 Action – The Survivor has an extra Action they may use
• Is that experimental? Each Epic Weapon Crate gives as they please.
a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their +1 Damage: [Action] – The Survivor gets a +1 Damage bonus
inventory for free. with the specified type of Action (Combat, Melee, or Ranged).
• Street sweepers. The Muscle Cars can be driven (see +1 die: [Action] – Each of the Survivor’s weapons rolls an
P. 31). Each contains a single Epic Weapon. Place a Epic extra die with Actions of the specified type (Combat, Melee,
Weapon Crate on top of it. The Epic Weapon Crate gives or Ranged). Dual weapons each gain a die, for a total of +2
a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to dice per Dual Action of the specified type.
the Survivor who takes it. They can then reorganize their
inventory for free. +1 free [Action type] Action – The Survivor has 1 extra free
Barbarian – When resolving a Melee Action, the Survivor Combat reflexes – Whenever any Zombies spawn within
may substitute the Dice number of the Melee weapon(s) they Range 0-1 (and before any Rush), the Survivor may
use with the number of Zombies standing in their Zone. Skills immediately perform a free Combat Action against them.
affecting the dice value, like +1 die: Melee, still apply. This Action may eliminate more Zombies than have spawned.
Ranged Actions must still be aimed at the Zone where the
Blitz – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each of Zombies spawned. The Survivor may use this Skill once per
their Turns. The Survivor spends 1 Action: they Move up to Zombie card drawn.
2 Zones, to a Zone where Zombies are within Range of one
of their equipped Ranged weapons. They then gain 1 free Destiny – The Survivor can use this Skill once per Turn when
Ranged Action. Normal Movement rules apply. they reveal an Equipment card they drew. They can ignore
and discard that card. Then, draw another Equipment card
Bloodlust: [Action] – The Survivor can use this Skill once from the same deck.
during each of their Turns. The Survivor spends 1 Action: they
Move up to 2 Zones to a Zone containing at least 1 Zombie. Distributor – When resolving the Spawn Step during the
They then gain 1 free Action of the specified type (Combat, Zombie Phase, draw as many Zombie Cards as there are active
Melee, or Ranged). Normal Movement rules apply. Spawn Zones. Look at the Zombie Cards, then assign 1 of them
to each active Spawn Zone, spawning Zombies as indicated.
Break-in – The Survivor doesn’t need any Equipment to open EXAMPLE: A Survivor with the Escalation: Ranged Skill
doors. They don’t make Noise while using this Skill. However, spends their 1st Action performing a Ranged Action with a
other prerequisites still apply (such as taking a designated Pistol (Dice 1). Their 2nd Action is also spent for a Ranged
Objective before a door can be opened). Moreover, the Action, adding an additional die thanks to the Escalation
Survivor gains one extra free Action that can only be used Skill (Dice 2). The 3rd Action is spent for a Move Action. The
to open doors. Escalation bonus is lost.
Brother in arms: [game effect] – The Survivor can use this Field medic – The Survivor can use this Skill once during
Skill whenever they are standing in the same Zone as at each of their Turns. The Survivor spends 1 Action: they Move
least 1 other Survivor. As long as Brother in arms is active, up to 2 Zones to a Zone containing at least 1 Survivor. Then,
each Survivor in the Zone (including the one with this Skill) they may heal 1 Wound from any Survivor in the destination
benefits from the indicated Skill or game effect. Companions Zone, including themselves. Normal Movement rules apply.
do not benefit from this Skill. Field Medic may be used even if all Survivors in the destination
NOTE: Brother in arms may be shortened to B.I.A. Zone have no Wounds.
Can Search more than once – The Survivor can Search multiple Free reload – The Survivor reloads reloadable weapons (Ma’s
times per Turn, spending 1 Action for each Search Action. Shotgun, Sawed-Off, etc.) for free.
Charge – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each Full auto – When resolving a Ranged Action, the Survivor
of their Turns, for free. They move up to 2 Zones to a Zone may substitute the Dice number of the Ranged weapon(s)
containing at least 1 Zombie. Normal Movement rules still they use with the number of Zombies standing in the
apply. Entering a Zone containing Zombies still ends the targeted Zone. Skills affecting the dice value, like +1 die:
Survivor’s Move Action. Ranged, still apply.
Gunslinger – The Survivor treats all Ranged weapons as if Lifesaver – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each
they had the Dual symbol. of their Turns, for free. Select a Zone containing at least 1
Zombie and at least 1 Survivor at Range 1 from the Survivor.
Hit & run – The Survivor can use this Skill for free just after Both Zones need to share a clear path and a Line of Sight.
they resolve a Melee or Ranged Action resulting in at least 1 Choose Survivors in the selected Zone to be dragged to the
Zombie being eliminated. They can then make a free Move Survivor’s Zone without penalty. This is not a Move Action.
Action. The Survivor does not spend extra Actions to perform A Survivor may decline the rescue and stay in the selected
this free Move Action if Zombies are standing in their Zone. Zone if their player chooses.
Hoard – The Survivor can carry up to 2 extra Equipment cards. Low profile – The Survivor can’t get hit by Friendly Fire
They are placed near their Dashboard and are considered to (Molotov rules still apply). Ignore them when shooting at the
be in their Backpack. Zone they stand in.
Medic – This Skill is used for free during each End Phase. The
Improvised weapon: Ranged – The Survivor can use this Skill Survivor, and all other Survivors standing in the same Zone,
once during each of their Turns. They perform a free Ranged may heal 1 Wound (min. 0 Wound). The Survivor earns 1 AP
Attack using these characteristics. Ranged modifiers (other for each Wound healed this way.
Skills, for example) apply.
Point-blank – The Survivor can perform Ranged Actions
in their own Zone, no matter the minimum Range. When
resolving a Ranged Action at Range 0, the Survivor freely
1-1 2 4+ 1 chooses the targets and can eliminate any type of Zombies
(no matter the special abilities they may have). Their Ranged
weapons still need to inflict enough Damage to eliminate the
Is That All You’ve Got? – This Skill can be used any time the targets. Friendly Fire is ignored.
Survivor is about to endure Wounds. Negate 1 Wound for each
Equipment card discarded from the Survivor’s inventory. Reaper: [Action] – This Skill can be used when assigning hits
while resolving an Action of the specified type (Combat, Melee,
Jump – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each of or Ranged). 1 of these hits can freely eliminate an additional
their Turns. The Survivor spends 1 Action and moves 2 Zones. identical Zombie in the same Zone. Only a single additional
Ignore everything in the intervening Zone, except walls and Zombie can be eliminated per Action when using this Skill. The
closed doors. Survivor gains the Adrenaline for the additional Zombie.
Movement related Skills (like +1 Zone per Move or Slippery)
are ignored, but Movement penalties (like having Zombies in Regeneration – During each End Phase, the Survivor’s Health
the starting Zone) apply. is fully restored to its maximum.
Roll 6: +1 Damage [Action] – Add 1 to the Damage value of Sprint – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each of
the weapon the Survivor uses for each 6 rolled on an Action their Turns. Spend 1 Move Action with the Survivor: they may
of the specified type (Combat, Melee, or Ranged). Game move 2 or 3 Zones instead of 1. Entering a Zone containing
effects that allow re-rolls must be used before determining Zombies still ends the Survivor’s Move Action.
the Damage bonus granted by this Skill.
Starts with [X] Health – The Survivor starts with the
Roll 6: +1 die [Action] – An additional die can be rolled for indicated amount of Health. This is their base level.
each 6 rolled on an Action of the specified type (Combat, Note: Survivors with this Skill cannot be used as Companions.
Melee, or Ranged). Keep on rolling additional dice as long as
the player keeps getting 6. Game effects that allow re-rolls Starts with 2 AP – The Survivor begins the game with 2
must be used before rolling any additional dice for this Skill. Adrenaline Points.
Note: Survivors with this Skill cannot be used as Companions.
Scavenger – The Survivor may Search in any building or
street Zone. Normal Search rules apply (no Search in Zones Starts with a [Equipment] – The Survivor begins the game
with Zombies, for example). with the indicated Equipment. Its card is automatically
assigned to them during Setup.
Search: 2 cards – Draw 2 cards when Searching with the Survivor. Note: Survivors with this Skill cannot be used as Companions.
Shove – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each Steady hand – The Survivor can ignore other Survivors
of their Turns, for free. Select a Zone at Range 1 from the of their choosing when missing with a Ranged Action. This
Survivor. Both Zones need to share a clear path. All Zombies Skill does not apply to game effects killing everything in the
standing in the Survivor’s Zone are pushed to the selected targeted Zone (such as a Molotov, for example).
Zone. This is not a Movement.
Super strength – Consider the Damage value of Melee
Sidestep – Whenever any Zombies spawn within Range 0-1 weapons used by the Survivor to be 3.
(and before any Rushes), the Survivor may immediately
perform a free Move Action. The Survivor does not spend Swordmaster – The Survivor treats all Melee weapons as if
extra Actions to perform this free Move Action if Zombies are they had the Dual symbol.
standing in their Zone. The Survivor may use this Skill once
per Zombie card drawn. Tactician – The Survivor’s Turn can be resolved anytime
during the Player Phase, before or after any other Survivor’s
Slippery – The Survivor does not spend extra Actions when Turn. If several Survivors benefit from this Skill, players
they perform a Move Action out of a Zone containing Zombies. choose their Turn order.
The Survivor also ignores Zombies when performing Move
Actions (including those allowing them to cross several Taunt – The Survivor can use this Skill once during each of
Zones, with the Sprint Skill for example). their Turns, for free. Select a Zone up to 2 Zones away from
the Survivor and having a clear path to the Survivor (no walls,
Sniper – The Survivor may freely choose the targets of all closed Barricades, or closed Doors). No Line of Sight is needed.
their Ranged Actions. Friendly Fire is ignored. All Zombies standing in the selected Zone immediately gain
an extra Activation. They try to reach the taunting Survivor
by any means available. Taunted Zombies ignore all other
Survivors. They do not attack them and leave the Zone they
are standing in if needed to reach the taunting Survivor.
Drive a car...................................................31 Reloading................................................... 29
Dual weapons............................................27 Reorganizing inventory...........................21
End Phase.....................................................8 Runner..........................................................17
Equipment............................................12, 29 Running out of Zombies........................ 26
Abomination..................................17, 18, 30 First player................................................... 7 Search......................................................... 19
Accuracy...............................................13, 27 Friendly Fire........................................ 28, 31 Setup.............................................................6
Actions...................................... 8, 19, 27, 30 Game overview...........................................8 Skills............................................................ 63
Activating Zombies..................................23 Hit.................................................................27 Sniper rifle................................................ 29
Actor..............................................................9 ID card..................................................... 7, 15 Spawning Zombies.................................. 25
Adrenaline points..................................... 15 Inventory.................................................... 16 Starting Equipment...................................6
Assigning hits........................................... 28 Kids................................................................ 7 Taking an Objective.................................22
Basic rules....................................................9 Line of Sight............................................... 10 Targeting priority.................................... 28
Brute.............................................................17 Make Noise.................................................22 Trading Equipment....................................21
Car attack....................................................31 Melee Combat............................................21 Walker...........................................................17
Car, getting in or out.............................. 30 Missions..................................................... 36 Weapons......................................................12
Changing seats in a car......................... 30 Molotov ................................................17, 29 Winning and losing.....................................8
Combat.........................................................21 Move Action............................................... 19 Wounds................................................. 17, 23
Companions...............................................33 Movement.....................................................11 Zombie Attack...........................................23
Components................................................4 Noise..................................................... 14, 22 Zombie Move............................................ 24
Damage........................................... 13, 17, 27 Noisy weapons...........................................13 Zombie splitting....................................... 24
Danger Level............................................. 15 Number of players.....................................5 Zombie types........................................17, 18
Dark Zone........................................... 20, 33 Player Phase.............................................. 19 Zombie Phase............................................23
Dice........................................................13, 27 Epic Weapons.....................................22, 32 Zombie Rush............................................. 26
Do nothing..................................................22 Epic Weapon crate...................................32 Zone.......................................................... 6, 9
Door Action................................................ 19 Ranged Combat.........................................21
© 2020 CMON Global Limited, all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific
permission. Guillotine Games and the Guillotine Games logo are trademarks of Guillotine Press Ltd. Zombicide,
CMON, and the CMON logo are registered trademarks of CMON Global Limited. Actual components may vary
from those shown. Figures and plastic components included are pre-assembled and unpainted. Made in China.
Move 1 Zone (spend extra Actions if there are Zombies in the Each Zombie in the same Zone as Survivors performs an Attack.
starting Zone). A Zombie’s Attack is always successful and does not require any
In a building Zone free of Zombies only. Draw a card from the - MOVE:
Equipment deck. If searching from a Epic Weapon Crate, pick a The Zombies that have not Attacked use their Action to Move 1
card from the Epic Weapon deck. Zone toward Survivors.
NOTE: Runners get 2 Actions, so they can attack twice, attack
and move, move and attack, or move twice.
The Survivor uses Door-opening Equipment to open a door in
their Zone. No roll is required.
NOTE: Open Doors cannot be closed again. STEP 2: SPAWN
Using Zombie Spawn tokens, the Mission maps show where
Zombies appear at the end of each Zombie Phase. These are
The Survivor can reorganize the cards in their inventory in the Spawn Zones.
any way the player wishes. The Survivor can simultaneously • The Starting Spawn Zone is always the first one to spawn.
exchange any number of cards with 1 other Survivor currently • Always draw Zombie cards for all Spawn Zones in a clockwise
in the same Zone. This other Survivor may reorganize their own order starting with the Starting Spawn Zone.
inventory for free. • Zombies spawn following the highest Danger Level among
- COMBAT ACTION: Survivors (Blue, Yellow, Orange, or Red).
Melee Action: Equipped Melee weapon required.
Ranged Action: Equipped Ranged weapon required.
2 WALKER 1 1 1
3 RUNNER 2 1 1