Abdulaziz S. Ayob| 1 – YB – 7 | 2nd Semester |Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
• This implies that the increase in the size of the
12. Stationary population population is not merely attributed to excess in births
- one that is both stable and unchanging in size (the difference but also the effect of migration.
between crude birth rate and crude death rate is zero). 1. Absolute increase per year Measures the number of
- A stable population does not necessarily remain fixed in size, people that are added to the population per year. This is
it can be expanding or shrinking computed using the following formula:
Fertility Where:
- involves the number of children that women have and is to be Pt= Population size at a late time
contrasted with fecundity. Po= Population size at an earlier time
t= number of years between time 0 and the time
- is the study of the causes, consequences, and measurement
of processes affecting death to members
2. Relative increase Is the actual difference between the two
of the population.
census counts expressed in percent relative to the population
size made during an earlier census.
- refers to the movement of persons from an origin place to a
destination place across some pre-defined, political
- Migration researchers do not designate movements
migrations' unless they are
somewhat permanent.
- Thus demographers do not consider tourists and travelers to
be migrating.
- While demographers who study migration typically do so Where:
through census data on place of residence, indirect sources of Pt= population size at a later time
data including tax forms and labor force surveys are also Po= population size at an earlier time
Population Composition
One method of measuring the population size is by determining - The composition of the population is commonly described in
the increase in the population resulting from excess of births terms of its age and sex.
compared to deaths. - The PW utilizes data on age and sex composition to decide
1. Natural increase who among the population groups merits attention in terms of
- is simply the difference between the number of births and the health services and programs
number of death occurring in a population in a specified period
of time 1. Sex composition
= number of births - Number of deaths To describe the sex composition of the population, the nurse
(specified year) (specified year) computes for the sex ratio. The sex ratio compares the number
of males to the number of females in the population using the
formula below
2. Rate of Natural increase
- is the difference between the Crude Birth Rate and the Crude
Death rate occurring in a population in a specified period of The sex ratio represents the number of males for every 1000
time females in the population.
= Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate 2. Age composition
(specified year) (specified year) There are two ways to describe the age composition of the
A. Median age divides the population into two equal parts. So,
if the median age is said to be 19 years old, it means half of the
population belongs to 19 years and above, while the other half
The second method of measuring population size is to belongs to ages below 19 years old.
determine the increase in the population using data obtained B. Dependency ratio compares the number of economically
during two census periods. dependent with the economically productive group in the
population. The economically dependent are those who belong
to the 0-14 and 65 above age groups. Considered to be
economically productive are those within the 15-64 age group.
The dependency ratio represents the number of economically
dependent for every 100 economically productive.