Phet Physics 2022
Phet Physics 2022
Phet Physics 2022
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the impact of physics education using the
interactive simulation program (PHET) and the virtual laboratories (Praxilabs) on the
achievement of the tenth core class students in the Northern Mazar district of education. The
study sample consisted of (105) students from the tenth core class of the Irhaba Secondary
School for Boys, divided into three simple randomness groups, the first group and the second
experimental group and the third group officer. The first experimental group consisted of (32)
students who studied using the interactive simulation program (PHET). The second
experimental group consisted of (41) students who studied using virtual laboratories
(Praxilabs). The third group consisted of (32) students who studied using the standard
method. The study tool consisted of a collection test designed by the researcher. The results of
the study showed statistically significant differences between the average performance of the
students in the two experimental groups and the performance of the RDT for the two
experimental groups. The study also showed that there is a statistically significant difference
between the average performance of the first experimental group and the second group for the
second experimental group, which was studied using the virtual laboratories (PraxiLabs). The
study recommended that private physics teachers and general science teachers should use
virtual laboratories (PraxiLabs) and PHET in the educational process.
Keywords: virtual laboratories (praxilabs); interactive simulation method (phet); physic; tenth-
I. Introduction
Physics is a natural science that is interested in studying the laws of matter and energy,
and is considered one of the basic sciences for the advancement of societies and their progress
in all fields, where it helps to understand the components of nature, from the nucleus, atom,
cells, solids, computers, the atmosphere, the universe that contains life, and explains natural
phenomena (skik, 2006). The teaching of physics aims to acquire scientific knowledge,
scientific thinking and skills, to learners through experiments, and scientific activities
(Abdessalam, 2001).
Olsted (1992, ll) pointed out the importance of experiments in teaching scientific
subjects because of their effective role in the direct interaction of the learner with the
educational environment, as he considered it an artificial educational position, to
DOI: -58-
Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education (BIoLAE) Journal
ISSN: 2685-4813 (Online), 2685-4805 (Print)
Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2022, Page: 58-72
study scientific natural phenomena, and reveal their causes under certain circumstances, where
the problem becomes clear to the learner, and from here he can develop the appropriate
hypothesis of the problem, and apply the method of testing.
The interactive simulations play an important role in improving learners ' learning of
the concepts, terminology, scientific, and this leads to an increase in the desire to raise
attainment (Holtermann & lrvin ,moojani, timms, 2011). Interactive simulation has many
advantages, including: interactive simulation keeps the learner from using hazardous materials
produced by real experiments and providing rich and many bounties, ease and flexibility in
dealing and application, saving time, where the experiment is done in less time than the
application of the experiment on the ground, and saving money, as it allows the learner to gain
experiences that may cost a lot of money when each attempt to do the experiment. It also
creates an atmosphere of suspense and excitement when studying the educational material,
gives the learner the skills of solving problems, applying the method of exploration of
information, learning new concepts by reworking old misconceptions, helps feedback,
improve learning efficiency, improve their motivation towards education, helps in
communicating theories, laws and physical principles and their depiction to the learner. This
meets the learner's needs of creating conditions and reducing material requirements, studying
situations and information that are difficult to apply on the ground because of their gravity,
provides mutual experiences, and helps make concepts felt and easy to understand for learners
(Al Ghazal, 2015).
One of the innovations of technology used in conducting scientific experiments in
physics is virtual laboratories, defined as interactive programs consisting of tools of the
science laboratory, including physics, chemistry and biology to carry out experiments and draw
tables of various results (Al Bayati, 2006). It is also known as digital laboratories containing
computers, stored energy, scientific software and means to connect to the internet, helping the
learner to conduct scientific digital experiments and return them, and watch the results, while
maintaining safety and without exposure to risks, and in the least Time, least cost and least
effort possible (Al-Mannai, 2008), and it is also known as a virtual environment for
conducting experiments, where the real science laboratory is simulated and linking the
theoretical material to the practical material (Al-Hashash, 2018).
The virtual laboratory technology is modern, so its use at the level of schools and
universities is very small, while the technology of (PHET) is relatively new, so its use is small.
A number of domestic and foreign studies have addressed topics of indirect relevance to the
subject of the current study, and have been presented in chronological order from the most
recent to the oldest. Al-badrsawi (2019) conducted a study aimed at revealing the impact of
the use of PHET technology (PHET) for interactive simulation in the development of
achievement and some analytical thinking skills in science among students of the seventh
grade in Gaza, where the semi-experimental method was used on two experimental and
control groups with measurement before and after, the study sample consisted of (85) : A
control group consisting of (42) female students studied in the traditional way, and the
experimental one consisting of (43) female students studied with the technique of (PHET) the
following tools were used achievement test and analytical thinking test as measuring tools and
the results indicated that there are significant differences at the level of significance (0 0.05)
between the average grades of students of the experimental group who learned using
interactive simulation in the tribal and dimensional application of the test of measuring
achievement and measuring analytical thinking skills in favor of dimensional measurement.
A study of Eyadat (2019) investigated the impact of using the interactive simulation
method in the achievement of tenth grade female students in the field of physics and their
trends towards it, the number of the study sample (59) students from the school of
educational harvest. They were selected from the tenth grade people at random, divided into
two groups: a control group consisting of (29) female students, and an experimental group
consisting of (30) female students. The first group was studied in the traditional way and the
second group in the interactive simulation method and after collecting data from the study
sample, the results of the study indicated that there is an impact of using the interactive
simulation method in teaching various scientific topics, especially in the field of physics for
different school stages.
The study of Abu Fouar and Ayoub (2017) examined the impact of the use of virtual
laboratories on the learning of concepts for tenth grade students in the subject of continuous
electrical circuits and their attitudes towards physics. The sample of the study consisted of (50)
students from the tenth grade were randomly assigned in two groups each group number (25)
students experimental group using virtual laboratories and studied activities using Viet PHET
the control group was taught using interactive displays and used real laboratory tools. The
results showed that the average scores of the experimental group were higher than that of the
control group.
Comment on studies
Through the above researcher believes that this study will be characterized from other
studies as one of the first studies in the limits of the informed researcher and knowledge at the
local level in the use of technology programme of interactive simulation (phet) and the default
(praxilabs), being the interface between the two methods in conducting physical experiments
that addressed the programme of interactive simulations feta (phet) and the programme on
the default (praxilabs) In the detection of collection of the tenth grade students in the brigade
further north, and that unless a study by, where he spoke on several studies for specific types
of programs, interactive simulations and virtual labs and their impact on achievement and
impact in the improvement of some variables.
Due to the importance of physics in human life and the importance of interactive
simulations and virtual laboratories in teaching physics and conducting scientific experiments,
this study came to reveal the impact of teaching physics using the interactive simulation
program (PHET) and virtual laboratories (rrl) in the achievement of tenth grade students in
the northern shrine brigade.
The use of the traditional method in teaching takes the theoretical side and neglects
the Applied side of knowledge (Nuri, 2011). This phenomenon must be addressed through the
search for modern teaching strategies that allow the learner to actively participate in teaching
situations, self-learning, exploration, inquiry, search for information and excitement, and
create a pleasant learning environment during the educational process.
Interactive simulation programs and virtual laboratories are modern strategies and
technological applications that can overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of learners
in the study of physics, and increase their motivation towards learning physics, which helps
them to raise their level of achievement and equipping them with thinking skills. due to the
lack of studies – within the limits of the researcher's knowledge - that dealt with the impact of
teaching physics using interactive simulation programs and virtual laboratories in Jordan, this
study came to reveal the impact of teaching physics using interactive simulation programs and
virtual laboratories (r) in the achievement of tenth grade students in the northern Mazar
brigade. Specifically, this study tries to answer the following question:
1. Are there statistically significant differences (0 0.05) in the achievement of basic
tenth grade students in physics attributable to the method of teaching (teaching using ((Phet),
teaching using the virtual coefficient (praxilabs), the traditional method)
Study objectives:
This study aims to reveal the impact of teaching physics using the interactive
simulation program (PHET) and virtual laboratories (praxilabs) in teaching physics in the
achievement of the tenth grade students in the northern Mazar brigade.
Significance of study:
The importance of the current study is as follows:
1. The study offers modern strategies in teaching physics using the internet in the learning
2. Sensitize physics teachers using interactive simulation programs and virtual labs in teaching
3. This study comes to the lack of studies according to the researcher's knowledge that dealt
with the program of interactive simulation (PHET) and virtual laboratories (praxilabs) in
the achievement of students in physics.
4. This study may benefit curricular authors in including science and physics curricula in
particular interactive simulation programs and virtual labs in conducting scientific
Study terms and procedural definitions:
Interactive simulation: computer programs that enable students to conduct physical
experiments through a set of computers regardless of their location at a specific time to make
an experiment that is difficult to achieve in practice in the laboratory either because of its
danger or impossibility or because of the high cost of implementation or because of the lack
of materials and tools in the real laboratory.
Program feta (phet): test for (physics Education Technology), which is a collection of
educational software, serving scientific experiments to various get rid of, and rely on
interactive simulations that fall under the theory of Constructivism, where it is free-to-use, and
available on the internet, the program is designed by Carl Wyman (Carl Wieman) at the
University of Colorado in Boulder (Colordo Universite/ Boulder), winner of the Nobel Prize
in physics, 1995. The goal was interactive simulation of school stages (Chan &Black, 2006).
Virtual labs (praxilabs) are procedurally defined: they are a three-dimensional web-
based computer program used within the study to conduct physical experiments for basic
tenth grade students.
Standard method: the method of teaching used by the physics teacher in the
classroom, which is based on explanation and classroom discussion, and without the use of
technology in teaching.
Achievement: the set of concepts, facts and skills acquired by the learner after studying
physics. It is measured by the degree obtained by the student in the test prepared for this
Study limitations:
The limits of the study were as follows:
Objective limits: the study is limited to the use of the interactive simulation program
(PHET) and the virtual coefficient (praxilabs) in teaching the unit of motion from the physics
textbook for the tenth grade Part I.
Spatial boundaries: the study was applied at Irhaba Comprehensive Secondary School
for boys in the northern Mazar district /Irbid.
Time limits: this study was conducted in the first semester of the academic year
Human limits: the study was applied to students of the basic tenth grade in the
Comprehensive High School for boys.
II. Research Methods
Table 1. Specification table of the achievement test
Total analysis application understanding remember Subject
011% 01% 73% 52% 52%
31 3 5 1 4 motion in one
31 3 4 1 4 motion in two
dimensions 50%
15 1 9 6 8 355% Total
Table 2. Correlation coefficient for each paragraph of the achievement test with the overall
score of the test
correlation coefficient Item correlation coefficient Item
*5445 34 0.78* 3
*5486 35 0,66* 1
*5456 36 0.49* 1
*5451 31 0.50* 4
*5446 38 0.61* 5
*5466 39 0.77* 6
*5411 15 0.61* 1
*5415 13 0.41* 8
*5461 11 0.80* 9
*5465 11 *5411 35
*5463 14 0.56* 33
*5419 15 0.39* 31
*5481 31
* Statistically significant function at the level of indication (α ≤ 0.05)
Table (2) shows that all the correlation coefficients for each paragraph of the
achievement test, and the overall score of the test was statistically significant at a level of (0
0.05) indicating the sincerity of the internal consistency of the achievement test.
Independent variable: the teaching method has three levels: (interactive simulation
program, virtual labs (r CLL), and the standard method).
III. Results and Discussion
“Are there statistically significant differences (α0.05) in the achievement of the 10th gr
ade students in physics attributable to the teaching method (teaching with the PHET program,
teaching with virtual laboratories (praxilabs), and the traditional method)?”"
To answer this question, the dimensional achievement test was applied to the member
s of the three groups (the interactive simulation program (phet), the virtual laboratories (praxil
abs) and the traditional method). The first group of experiments was taught using the interacti
ve simulation program (phet) and the second group of experimental groups was taught using t
he virtual laboratories (praxilabs). The third group was studied using the normal method and c
alculations of arithmetic averages and standard deviations were made of the results of the thre
e groups' collection tests. Table 5 shows this.
Table 3 shows the apparent differences in the arithmetic averages between study group
members. To see the significance of these differences, the One Way Anova analysis was used
to detect differences between groups in the performance level of the RDT, and table 4 shows
the results.
Table 4. One Way Anova test results for performance differences between groups on the
post- test
function level F value Mean degrees of sum of squares contrast source
squares freedom
0.000* 17.767 225.663 2 451.327 between groups
12.701 102 1295.530 Inside groups
104 1746.857 Total
*A statistically significant function at a significance level (α≤ 0.05)
Table (4) indicates statistically significant differences between groups in the remote ap
plication of the collection test, with a value (F) and its concomitant significance level. In order
to determine the benefit of those differences, a transparent telemetry test was used and table 5
shows the results.
Table (5) shows the following results:
1. Statistically significant differences between the first experimental group studied using
PHET, the control group studied in the normal way, for the experimental group studied
using PHET. This result may be attributed to:
Learning with software provides the opportunity to test and verify homework and that
teaching with this software is easy to understand and conceptualizes science-physical
concepts in comparison with the traditional method. It allows the learner to self-learn and
the possibility to conduct experiments anywhere and at any time. Software learning also
allows measurement to be done multiple times, contributing to the development of visual
intelligence and observation skills and providing the learner with feedback.
This finding is consistent with the results of studies conducted to investigate computer
simulation in crop development. ≤ For example, the Abu Halima (2018) study, which
showed statistically significant differences at a semantic level (α0.05) between the mean
score of the pilot group students and the control group grades in the remote application of
the conceptual and procedural knowledge test for the experimental group, and the study
(Al-Ghazal, 2015), which showed results on the effectiveness of the use of chemical self-
learning simulations and some visual thinking skills of secondary students, the study (Al-
Deek, 2010), which showed statistical differences between the group studied using
computers and those who learned in the traditional way, the study (Al-Ghazw, 2015),
which outweighed the impact of the physiological method on the impact of the academic
concept and processes on the individual's concepts of science.
2. Statistically significant differences between the second experimental group studied using the
virtual laboratories (praxilabs), the control group studied in the ordinary way, for the
experimental group studied using the virtual laboratories (praxilabs).
This result can be explained by:
a. Using praxilabs to learn science, particularly physics, provides an opportunity to
experiment and search for answers.
b. Acquiring observation and data processing skills provides students with the opportunity
to learn and gain knowledge through practice and practice.
c. She helped the students memorize and prepare experiments anytime, anywhere.
d. allows students to record different results and compare them.
e. Feedback is also provided to students through self-test.
f. Providing enriching information about the scientific content of matter.
g. The opportunity for effective and mutual participation of students and teachers by
sharing their results and recorded data.
h. Help is given to the student by viewing videos and showing how to perform the
experiment. This helps the students understand physical concepts.
i. Helps promote troubleshooting, attempt and error.
≤ This is in line with the Abu Faour & Ayoubi study (Abu Faour & Ayoubi, 2017) which
showed a significant improvement in theoretical understanding of the electrical circuit and
DC, showing that the average score of the experimental group was significantly higher than
the control group, and the Abu Zeina study (2011) (which showed a statistically significant
difference in achievement at the statistical significance level (α0.05) for the experimental
group studied using the virtual laboratory, the Shdeifat study (2013) which showed
statistically significant differences (α≤0.05) between the average score and motivation of
the physical group in the tenth grade between the experimental groups and the
experimental concept study conducted by the experimental group in the experimental
group and laboratory (Kon-tem Sun,,2008) which showed that the pilot group
students using the virtual laboratories scored better than the control group students taught
the traditional method.
3. Statistically significant differences between the first experimental group studied using the
PHET program and the second group studied using the virtual laboratories (praxilabs) for
the second experimental group studied using the virtual laboratories (praxilabs).
The researcher explained the superiority of the virtual laboratories (praxilabs over the
interactive simulations software (phet), noting that the virtual laboratory (praxilabs) was
designed and developed in 2018 in 3D, taking into account control panels and the options
within them to ensure that there were no difficulties in using it. 3D stimulates the desire and
excitement of students to learn and keep going. It provides a learning environment akin to
electronic games by simulating 3D science experiments, particularly physics, to help motivate
students and increase their level of interaction while learning. It provides an opportunity to
practice scientific experiments at all steps by fully simulating the tools, devices and materials
used in a real laboratory. Full and immediate support is provided during the trial to ensure that
they adhere to the steps of conducting the correct experiment and understand the theory and
general concept of the experiment. Supported by teaching materials to explain the theories
and the steps of experimentation, taking into account different learning patterns among
students. It supports multiple languages including Arabic and English, with the possibility of
adding other languages. Integration with learning management systems enables you to track
students' academic performance by linking praxilaps with e-learning management systems
used in the educational institution. It provides the highest level of safety for students, reducing
their need to enter real laboratories, repeat experiments and exposure to dangerous materials.
They offer use anytime, anywhere, and conduct experiments in proportion to their preferred
times and methods of learning. Fostering individual growth, self-learning, critical thinking,
cognitive and problem-solving skills all considered modern learning skills.
IV. Conclusion
In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommends the following:
1. Adoption by science teachers in general, and physics in particular, using the interactive simu
lation software (phet) and virtual laboratories (praxilabs) in teaching.
2. Conduct more studies interested in using PHET and praxilabs, at other school stages, in va
rious instructional materials and other variables.
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