Electronic Waste Management Policy For Uganda

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The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolution has
no doubt had the biggest impact on the globe over the past two decades.
Driven by more efficient, smaller and cheaper microchips, technology
has wowed the world and changed people’s lives. However, a dangerous
new waste stream, namely electronic waste, or “E-Waste”, is growing up
alongside the proliferation of electronic products.

Today, it is widely believed that besides global warming, E-Waste is the

most threatening environmental problem in the world. Mounting global
sales of electrical and electronic products are generating an equally
imposing amount of toxic waste that is too complicated to process,
especially in developing countries such as Uganda.

In Uganda, just like in many developing countries, workers in e-waste

scrap yards are constantly exposed to toxic chemicals that are by-products
of deconstructing components. These chemicals also pollute water, soil and
According to the Basel Convention’s definition - the most widely accepted
and which Uganda is adopting - E-waste encompasses all discarded and
disposed of electrical and electronic assemblies, scrap, components and
batteries; some of these wastes may contain hazardous materials such as
cadmium, mercury, lead and polychlorinated biphenyl. Therefore, E-waste
includes a broad range and growing number of electronic devices - from
large household appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners, to
personal products such as handheld cellular phones, personal stereos,
consumer electronics and computers.

The E-waste problem has turned into a crisis primarily for two reasons.
First, it is hazardous because it contains numerous substances, many of
which are toxic, and hence, pollution is created upon its disposal. Second,
it is being generated at an alarming rate due to the constant evolution of

technology, which in turn has driven the sale of new products, as well as
the frequent obsolescence of electronics. Sales of other electronic gadgets
- computers, TVs, monitors and console game platforms - are growing
internationally from 10 percent to 400 percent annually.

In order to deal with this complex menace and as a first step, the
Government of Uganda has developed this E-Waste Management Policy
which presents the vision of Uganda in this area. It also elaborates the
mission, goal, policy objectives and strategies in considerable detail.
Further, it includes an institutional framework, as well as a monitoring and
evaluation arrangement for its implementation.

Following the approval of the Policy by Cabinet, the Ministry of

Information and Communications Technology intends to rapidly engage
stakeholders to embark on its implementation, starting with putting in
place a supportive legal and regulatory framework.

I urge all people to embrace this policy and support the Government to
ensure that we together deal with the threat of E-waste in a safe, smart
and modern manner so as to guarantee the safety of all of us and of our
beautiful environment.

Ruhakana Rugunda

1.2.1 Current Status of E-waste Management in Uganda 11
1.2.2 Legal and Policy Framework 12
1.2.3 Human Resource 12
1.2.4 Infrastructure 12
1.2.5 E-waste awareness and education 13
1.2.6 ICT Equipment standards and regulations 13
1.3.1 Rationale 14
1.3.2 Development Context 15
2.1 Vision 16
Mission 16
Goal 16
2.4 Policy Guiding Principles 16
2.5 Policy Objectives 17
2.6 Policy Strategies 17
2.6.1 Establishment of E-waste Management Infrastructure 18
2.6.2 Awareness and Education 18
2.6.3 Legal Framework 19

Human Resource Development 20
Resource Mobilisation 20
2.6.6 E-waste Fund 20
3.1 Establishment of E-waste management Infrastructure 22
3.2 E-waste Skills Development and Awareness building 22
3.3 Legal and Regulatory Framework 23
4.1 Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 24
4.2 Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) 24
4.3 Ministry of Trade and Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) 24
Ministry of Health (MOH) 24
4.5 National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) 25
Uganda Communications Commission 26
4.7 National Information Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U) 26
4.8 Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) 26
4.9 Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) 27
4.10 Local Governments 27
4.11 Private sector 27
4.12 The role of other Stakeholders 27
• APPENDIX A: Hazardous components of e-waste 29
• APPENDIX B: Categories of E-Waste generated from
Electrical and Electronic Equipment 33
• APPENDIX C: E-Waste Taskforce members 36


In recent years, there has been an increased uptake of ICTs and related
equipment, both in Government and private sector. Government has also
developed initiatives to increase the use of ICT through elimination of
trade barriers in importation of computer hardware and software into the
country. Parallel to this, liberalization of the telecommunications sector
has led to increased use of mobile phones, fax and telephones. To crown it
all, more and more households and businesses are using more and more
electronic and electrical equipment ranging including fridges, through
microwave ovens, Television sets, generators, power supply systems and
voltage stabilizers.

This equipment gradually reaches end of life and has to be disposed of

as Electronic or Electrical waste (E-Waste). Poor management of e-waste
leads to exposure of human beings and indeed the whole environment
to dangerous toxic materials. Government has, therefore, developed
an e-Waste Management Policy to address this threat. The e-waste
management policy provides for, among others, enactment of specific
legislation for proper E-waste management and disposal to safe guard
human life and the environment against the said hazards.

This Policy document is structured along the following themes:

i. Situational analysis which highlights recorded efforts to survey the

magnitude of E-waste in the country, existing enabling legislation
at both international and local levels, existence or lack of qualified
personnel to address the disposal of E-waste, existence or lack of
e-Waste handling facilities, limited awareness at all levels with
regard to the danger posed by e-waste and how to deal with it, as
well as lack of standards and regulations for importation of ICT
equipment into the country;

ii. Rationale and justification for having in place an e-Waste policy

to guide the nation on how to deal with increased uptake of use of

ICT equipment which with time reaches end of life and has to be
disposed of;

iii. The development context that looks at international conventions

such as the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-Boundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which
serves to protect human health and the environment from POPs,
the World Charter for Nature 1982 that provides for avoidance
of discharge of pollutants into the natural systems, the Vienna
Convention for the Protection of the O-zone layer 1985, and the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)which, among other issues,
is geared towards ensuring environmental sustainability;

iv. The vision, mission, goal, policy guiding principles, policy

objectives and strategies, as well as policy priority areas that
include establishment of E-waste management infrastructure,
e-waste skills development and awareness building, as well as legal
and regulatory framework;

v. Institutional framework that spells out stakeholder collaboration

in implementation of the policy, including Ministry of Information
and Communications Technology, Ministry of Finance, Planning
and Economic Development, Ministry of Trade, Industry
and Cooperatives, Ministry of Health, National Environment
Management Authority, Uganda Communications Commission,
National Information Technology Authority-Uganda, Uganda
National Bureau of Standards, Uganda Revenue Authority, Local
Governments, and the private sector;

vi. Resource mobilisation for implementation of the policy;

vii. Monitoring and Evaluation that establishes mechanisms for

measurement of progress on the path to achieve set goals; and

viii. Annexes that list hazardous components of E-Waste, as well as
Categories of E-Waste generated from Electrical and Electronic

It is the belief of Government that if this policy is implemented fully, then

E-Waste will be handled in a sustainable manner and, consequently, cease
to be a threat to the people and environment of Uganda.

ARF Advanced Recycling Fee
Cd Cadium
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
CFSK Computer for Schools Kenya
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
E-Waste Electronic Waste
eWASA Electronic Waste Management Authority of South Africa
ICT Information and Communications Technology
LCD Liquid Crystal Displays
LGs Local Governments
MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MOH Ministry of Health
MTTI Ministry of Trade Tourism and Industry
NEMA National Environmental Management Authority
NGO Non Government Organisation
NITA-U National Information Technology Authority Uganda
PBB Polybrominated Biphenyls
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
PRO Producer Responsibility Organisation
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
TBBA Tetrabromo bis-biphenol-a
UCC Uganda Communications Commission
UNBS Uganda National Bureau of Standards
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WTO World Trade Organisation

Electronic Equipment: This is equipment that involves the
controlled conduction of electrons
(especially in gas or vacuum or

Environment: All living and non-living things that occur naturally

on Earth.

E-waste: Electronic waste (e-waste) is an informal

term referring to electronics that are at or
near the end of their useful life and are due
for disposal.

ICT: Is an umbrella term that includes any

communication device or application,
encompassing: radio, television, cellular
phones, computer and network hardware
and software, satellite systems as well as the
various services and applications associated
with them, such as videoconferencing and
distance learning.

Recycling: Refers to the process by which discarded

materials are collected, sorted, processed
and converted into raw materials which are
then used in the creation of new products.
Sustainability: A pattern of resource use that aims to
meet human needs while preserving the
environment so that these needs can be met
not only in the present, but also for future



Government of Uganda identified Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) as an enabling factor for the socio-economic
development of the country. As a result, there has been an increased
uptake of ICT and both in government and private sector. Government
has also put in place an enabling environment to increase the use of
ICT through elimination of trade barriers in importation of computer
hardware and software into the country. Parallel to this, liberalization of
the telecommunications sector has in addition increased use of mobile
phones, fax machines and telephones.

The drive to transform the nation into an Information Society through

initiatives such as tele-medicine, e-government, e-education and
e-commerce, are gradually leading to increased use of circuit-based
equipment. The private sector, business and household communities
have also adopted the use the same equipment in their daily operations.
This equipment gradually reaches its end of life and has to be replaced.
Not until recently, a lot of used circuit system based equipment has been
coming into the country through donations from developed countries.
Further still, due to the prohibitive prices for acquisition of new electric
and electronic equipment, there is high demand for used products. All
this eventually becomes electronic waste (E-Waste).

In this policy, Uganda has adopted the Basel Convention’s definition of

E-Waste, which is the most widely accepted across the globe. According
to this Convention, E-waste encompasses all discarded and disposed of
electrical and electronic assemblies, scrap, components and batteries;
some of these wastes may contain hazardous materials such as cadmium,
mercury, lead and polychlorinated biphenyl. Therefore, E-waste includes
a broad range and growing number of electronic devices - from large
household appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners, to

personal products such as handheld cellular phones, personal stereos,
consumer electronics and computers.

Ordinarily any circuit based equipment would qualify to contribute

towards e-waste and contain hazardous materials that are harmful
to human health as well as the environment. Typically, these include
substances listed in Appendix A.


1.2.1 Current Status of E-waste Management in Uganda

The relevance of electronic equipment in conducting business has resulted

into its increased adoption over the years, in government, educational
institutions and the private sector. In particular, the ICT sector is very
dynamic and indeed technology advancements occur at a fast rate. This,
overtime, results into increased production of electronic equipment
that is more efficient and cheaper in cost, which in turn leads to the
old equipment being disposed of to obtain improved versions of the

A quantitative and qualitative assessment of e-waste in Uganda was carried

out by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in
2008. Analysis of the data indicated that Government owns the highest
number of ICT equipment in the country followed by Non- Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) at about 75%, large enterprises at about 20%,
private households, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and others at
about 5%. Individual Government Institutions do not dispose of obsolete
ICT equipment in a well-planned and managed manner. The same applies
to the private sector and households. Equipment is damped on outdoor
garbage heaps and landfills, thus becoming a danger to human beings and
the environment.

In a nutshell, there has been no policy or strategy to handle the E-waste


1.2.2 Legal and Policy Framework

The draft national IT policy for Uganda has an objective that addresses
e-waste. Under Policy Priority area 2.7, it states that an e-waste policy
should be developed and implemented.

The National Environmental Act, Cap.153 that provides for sustainable

environment, addresses solid waste management in general. It is silent on
e-waste management. There is, therefore, no specific e-waste legislation in

The Ratification of Treaties Act 5/1998 provides for the procedure for
ratification of treaties in accordance with article 123 of the Constitution,
which allows Uganda to ratify international conventions related to e-waste.
This treaty has allowed Uganda to be part of the international conventions
concerning e-waste. These are the Basel Convention on the Control of
Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the World
Charter for Nature.

1.2.3 Human Resource

Currently, the country faces a severe shortage of qualified personnel to

address the disposal of e-waste. Matters are not any better with regard to
the National curriculum at various levels of the education system, as well
as private training and certification centers. They do not cover e-waste as a
priority at the moment.

1.2.4 Infrastructure

To-date, Uganda does not have any e-waste handling facility. Some private
sector entities, though, have set up centers for refurbishment for computer
equipment but they operate at a low capacity and the primary focus is
to make profits by availing low cost computers to a section of society.
Equipment that is beyond refurbishment is still disposed of.

1.2.5 E-waste awareness and education
There is limited e-waste awareness in the public and private sector. There
have been initiatives in the private sector at a low rate geared towards
e-waste awareness. In the public sector, the National Environmental
Management Authority (NEMA) has carried out preliminary e-waste
awareness initiatives, but they are not sufficient to change the attitude of
Ugandans towards E-waste management.

1.2.6 ICT Equipment standards and regulations

The National Information Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U)

was established in 2009 to address, among others, the issue of defining
standards for ICT equipment to be imported into the country. This is
supposed to be undertaken in collaboration with the National Bureau of
Standards (UNBS), but has so far, the exercise has not yielded tangible


1.3.1 Rationale

Poorly disposed e-waste can lead to severe human health and

environmental hazards due to highly toxic substances like mercury
(cancerous mercury) and lead (lead poisoning). In order to mitigate
the danger of this happening, there is need to develop a comprehensive
national policy on e-waste to safeguard the nation’s human resource and
environment. This is a challenge to deal with due to the increased uptake
of use of ICT equipment which in time reaches end of life and has to be
disposed of.

Other reasons for the justification of an e-waste management policy


(a) Rapidly increasing e-waste volumes, both domestically generated

as well as through imports. Imports are often disguised as second-
hand computer donations towards bridging the digital divide or
simply as metal scrap.

(b) No accurate estimates of the quantity of e-waste generated and


(c) Low level of awareness amongst manufacturers and consumers of

the hazards of incorrect e-waste disposal.

(d) Widespread e-waste recycling in the informal sector using

rudimentary techniques such as acid leaching and open air burning
resulting in severe environmental damage

(e) E-waste workers (if they exist in Uganda) have little or no

knowledge of toxins in e-waste and are exposed to serious health

(f) Inefficient recycling processes result in substantial losses of

material value

(g) ‘Cherry-picking’ by recyclers who recover precious metals and
improperly dispose of the rest.

1.3.2 Development Context

This policy has been developed in the context of the international

conventions that Uganda is party/ signatory to. These conventions are
related to e-waste management.

According to Article 4.2 of the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-

boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Party
States are required to ensure that: the generation of hazardous wastes
and other wastes are minimized; that adequate disposal facilities exist for
sound environmental management of wastes; and that managers of waste
minimize the risk to human health and the environment (Article 4.2).

Article 7.3 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

(POPs) which serves to protect human health and the environment from
POPs states that the Parties shall endeavor to utilize and, where necessary,
establish the means to integrate national implementation plans for
persistent organic pollutants in their sustainable development strategies
where appropriate.

The World Charter for Nature 1982 under paragraph 7, as adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly, provides for avoidance of discharge
of pollutants into the natural systems and specifies that discharge of
pollutants into natural systems should be avoided.

Furthermore, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
1985 aims at raising international cooperation among United Nations
Member States in protecting the ozone layer from depletion. Article 2(b),
party states are obliged to adopt legislative or administrative measures
and cooperate in harmonizing appropriate policies to control, limit or
reduce or prevent human activities under their jurisdiction that are likely
to have adverse effects resulting from modification or likely modification of
the ozone layer.
E-waste hazards affect human health in one way or another. Therefore, this
policy has been developed in the context of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), and specifically, MDG 4 concerning reduction of child
mortality, MDG 5 concerning improving maternal health and MDG 7 which
is geared towards ensuring environmental sustainability.


It is the intention of the Government of Uganda to consolidate its efforts

and focus its energies to protect the health of its citizens and environment
against the hazards of e-waste.

2.1 Vision

Sustainable e-waste management for a healthy nation and environment

2.2 Mission

To have an e-waste knowledgeable nation through promotion of efficient

handling and sustainable management of e-waste, hence safeguarding the
country’s human life and environment

2.3 Goal

To guide, promote and ensure the safe management of E-waste in Uganda

and contribute to reduction of environmental degradation by mitigating
pollution arising from the use of electric and electronic equipment

2.4 Policy Guiding Principles

The guiding principles for the policy are as follows:
a) Ensuring human life and environmental protection: The
government shall put in place mechanisms that will increase
the safety of citizens and the environment against the threat
of hazardous materials released into the environment through
improper E-waste disposal.
b) Taking into consideration of the impact of globalization on
manufacture, usage and disposal of used electrical and electronic

c) Ensuring consumer awareness in usage and disposal of E-waste.
d) The need for Public Private Partnership in E-waste management
in conformity with the Government’s Macroeconomic policy
reforms (Liberalization, privatization, good governance and
e) Addressing cross-cutting issues in E-waste management such as
sustainability, gender, youth and people with disabilities.

2.5 Policy Objectives

The national e-waste policy shall have the following objectives

(a) To provide for establishment of e-waste facilities in the country.

(b) To mobilize and sensitize the Government, private sector and the
communities on the proper management and handling of e-waste
on a sustainable basis.

(c) To provide for the putting in place of specific E-waste standards,

regulations and guidelines for the acquisition, handling and
disposal processes;

(d) To develop a critical human resource base knowledgeable in

E-waste management;

(e) To provide for resource mobilization for efficient management and

disposal of e-waste.

(f) To establish incentives for encouraging both local and foreign

investors to establish e-waste facilities in Uganda.

2.6 Policy Strategies

For each of the above Policy Objectives, a number of strategies have been
identified, which if fully implemented will lead to achievement of the
objectives and consequently the goal, mission and vision of the Policy.

2.6.1 Establishment of E-waste Management Infrastructure

As elaborated in the Situation analysis, there is hardly any infrastructure

in the country capable of handling E-waste to the required national and
international health and environmental standards. To this end, therefore,
Government shall

(a) Develop sustainable models for E-waste management such as

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) as envisaged in the PPP Policy.

(b) Encourage set up of facilities to handle refurbishment of unwanted

electrical and electronic equipment and/ or E-waste recycling in all
regions of the country.

(c) Develop incentives for establishment of sustainable E-waste

disposal agencies through mutually beneficial reuse and/or
recycling schemes.

(d) Carry out a baseline survey and analysis of the E-waste threat.

2.6.2 Awareness and Education

There is average awareness on the hazards of e-waste among the public

sector and business sector as well as NGOs but limited awareness in
rural communities. Community awareness campaigns on how to safely
handle e-waste are nonexistent. To this end, the Government of Uganda

(a) Develop a strategy for education efforts including partnerships

with manufacturers/ retailers/ recyclers.

(b) Develop of a national e-waste resource web portal.

(c) Organize annual events to promote e-waste awareness.

(d) Design and conduct consumer awareness campaigns to ensure

understanding of how to safely dispose of e-waste and how to
access safe disposal systems.

(e) Encourage procurement of environmentally friendly ICT
equipment across government.

(f) Mainstream e-waste issues in the national education curriculum.

2.6.3 Legal Framework

The available legislation related to e-waste is reflected in the National

Environment Act, Cap 153 laws of Uganda. It is broad and does not
specifically address E-waste management. There is, therefore, need to
have in place specific E-waste legal framework to protect the environment
and the human life in Uganda. To this end, the Government of Uganda

(a) Review and amend the relevant Laws and Acts to address the gaps
in the existing legal framework for e-waste.

(b) Develop standards aimed at controlling the importation of used ICT


(c) Develop laws to discourage landfill dumping of ICT equipment to

protect the environment.

(d) Establish gazetted areas for environmental protected industrial

parks where recycling of e-waste is done to reduce the negative
impact of e-waste on the environment.

(e) Develop product stewardship framework legislation which will

cater for ICT equipment at the end of life stage.

(f) Establish a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) for all

manufacturers, importers and resellers of electronic equipment
where they will be charged membership fees to cater for the cost of
collection and recycling.

(g) Develop take-back system legislature that requires producers/

importers and distributors/ sellers to take back old and end of life

(h) Develop a legal framework for national collection recycling scheme.

2.6.4 Human Resource Development

The existing skills in the area of e-waste are limited yet these skills are a
prerequisite for successful national protection against e-waste hazards
for both the environment and human health. To this end, the Government
of Uganda shall;

(a) Facilitate development of e-waste training modules to

cover technical maintenance, dismantling, sustainable
e-waste management and waste to art projects to provide for
environmental and human health benefits. The training will also
cater for training those in the e-waste industry (both informal
and formal) to avoid health and environmental risks and local
entrepreneurs on e-waste business opportunities. This will lead to
job creation for certain segments of the unemployed youth.

(b) Develop e-waste business models which will yield social benefits
like jobs and skills transfer from central to local governments in
partnership with the private sector.

2.6.5 Resource Mobilisation

The e-waste issue is a new area and therefore does not have any funds
allocated to it by Government, or even private sector. To this end, the
Government of Uganda shall:

(a) Increase the budgetary allocation to the initiatives targeted at

reducing e-waste risks.

(b) Put in place mechanism for resource mobilization from

development partners.

2.6.6 E-waste Fund

In order to ensure sustainability of e-waste management process, an

e-waste fund shall be established as specified in the National Information
Technology (IT) Policy, 2011. To this end, the Ministry of Finance planning
and Economic development, the Ministry of ICT together with other
stakeholders; shall develop guidelines to provide for the following:

(a) Establishment and governance framework for the e-waste fund;

(b) Financing mechanisms for the e-waste fund, including collection of

Advanced Recycling Fees (ARF) on electronic equipment, as well as
an e-waste levy on electronic communications and services, among

(c) Criteria for eligibility of access to and utilization of the fund; and

(d) Sustainability for the fund


3.1 Establishment of E-waste management Infrastructure

Currently, there is no effective E-waste management infrastructure. To
address this gap, government shall:
a) Carry out a baseline survey and analysis of the E-waste threat;
b) Develop sustainable models for E-waste management;
c) Encourage set up of facilities to handle refurbishment of unwanted
electrical and electronic equipment and/ or E-waste recycling in all
regions of the country; and
d) Develop incentives for establishment of sustainable E-waste disposal
agencies through mutually beneficial reuse and/or recycling

3.2 E-waste Skills Development and Awareness building

Currently, there is lack of human resource capacity capable of taking on the
task of E-waste management. There is also limited awareness about the
hazards of E-waste among the population. Awareness campaigns on how
to safely handle E-waste are nonexistent. To this end, the Government of
Uganda shall:
a) Establish centers of excellence for training the requisite human
b) Develop and popularize a change management programme for
leaders of Government and private sector institutions to embrace
proper E-waste management;
c) Develop and implement an awareness campaign strategy to create
general vigilance about the issues of E-waste management and
ensure that the population understands how to safely dispose of
E-waste and access safe disposal systems;
d) Ensure procurement of environmentally friendly electric and
electronic equipment across the country; and
d) Mainstream E-waste issues at all levels in the national education

3.3 Legal and Regulatory Framework
The Government of Uganda takes protection of the environment very
seriously. To demonstrate this, the National Environment Act was enacted.
However, at the time of its development, the issue of E-waste was not
considered. In order to address this gap in the law, the Government of
Uganda commits itself to:
a) Review and amend the relevant Laws and Acts to cater for E-waste
management, including issues of manufacturer responsibility and
end-of-life equipment take-back; and
b) Develop the relevant regulations and guidelines to operationalise the
revised Law;


The E-waste Management Policy shall be implemented through

collaboration among stakeholder institutions as follows:

4.1 Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

The ministry of ICT shall:

a) Develop an all-encompassing strategic plan for implementing
the E-waste Management policy, detailing the costs, time frames,
targets, outputs and outcomes;
b) Coordinate the development of regulations, standards, guidelines
and quality assurance as concerns E-waste;
c) Coordinate the establishment of safe electronic waste disposal
mechanisms and facilities;
d) Liaise with international agencies to ensure compliance with global
Conventions, Protocols and Treaties with regards to electronic
Waste management, ICT and Climate Change initiatives and
environmental issues in general;
e) Coordinate the Management and operations of the e-waste fund;
f) Supervise, guide and provide technical support to MDAs as well as
undertake monitoring and evaluation;
g) Undertake baseline surveys to establish the magnitude of the
E-waste threat under the sector; and
h) Take the lead in E-waste awareness programs.

4.2 Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development

The Ministry of Finance planning and Economic development shall give
guidelines on:

a) Establishment of a governance framework for the e-waste fund;

b) Financing mechanisms for the e-waste fund, including collection of
advanced recycling fees; e-waste levy on communication services
among others;
c) Criteria for eligibility of access to and utilization of the fund;
d) Sustainability for the fund; and
e) Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the Policy

4.3 Ministry of Trade and Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC)

The Ministry of Trade and Industry and cooperatives shall:
a) Liaise with the World Trade Organization (WTO) with a view of
informing the development of standards and regulations regarding
importation of electronic and electric equipment into the country;
b) Develop a mechanism to audit and monitor compliance of incoming
electrical and electronic equipment with set standards and

4.4 Ministry of Health (MOH)

MOH will develop policies that govern health and safety standards on
e-waste management.

4.5 National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)

To ensure participation in the enforcement of the policy, NEMA shall:
a) Spearhead the review of the NEMA Act to incorporate E-waste
management legislation;
b) Issue and enforce E-waste handling licenses in the country for
entities dealing with collection, transportation and disposal/
recycling of end-of-life equipment;
c) Participate in the informative studies on E-waste such as baseline
surveys; and
d) Monitor the implementation of environmental programmes
including E-waste management

4.6 Uganda Communications Commission

The Uganda Communication Commission shall:
a) Collaborate with the Ministry of ICT to undertake a baseline
survey to establish the magnitude of the E-waste threat under the
Communications sub- sector;
b) Appropriately integrate E-waste management into licensing
conditions of telecommunications and broadcasting service
c) Advise the Ministry of ICT and other relevant bodies on E-waste
matters in the communications sector;
d) Provide technical support in matters of E-waste management in the
communications sub-sector; and
e) Collaborate with key stakeholders to educate the public in matters
of E-waste management in the Communications sub-sector.

4.7 National Information Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U)

The National Information Technology Authority shall:

a) Collaborate with the Ministry of ICT to undertake a baseline survey
to establish the magnitude of the E-waste threat under the IT sub-
b) Enforce standards and regulations on E-waste management; and
c) Provide technical support and advice on E-waste disposal to the
public and private sector.

4.8 Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)

Uganda National Bureau of Standards shall;
a) In collaboration with the Ministry of Trade ,Industry and
Cooperatives (MTIC), notify World Trade Organization (WTO)
member states on electronic Equipment standards set, policies and
regulations developed that affect quality of electric and electrical
imports into the country; and
b) Develop a mechanism to audit and monitor compliance of electric
and electronic equipment with set standards.

4.9 Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)

Uganda Revenue Authority shall;

a) Enforce compliance of all imported electric and electronic
equipment with set standards at the Point of Entry; and
b) Maintain statistical records of imported electric and electronic

4.1.0 Local Governments

The Local Governments shall;

Mobilize and participate in sensitizing the communities about the
threat of E-waste and how it can be safely managed.

4.1.1 Private sector

The private sector shall;
Take up the opportunity of the enabling and conducive policy
and legal framework to invest and create business as well as
employment around E-waste management.

4.1.2 The role of other Stakeholders

All other sectors, including, but not limited to Agriculture, Health,

Education, Tourism, Finance, Trade and Industry, Justice, Law and Order,
Gender, Civil Society as well as the development partners, shall;
a) Develop institutional E-waste policy guidelines;
b) Develop and operationalize implementation plans; and
c) Participate in E-waste awareness campaigns.


Measurement of progress on the path to achieve set goals, objectives,

strategies and targets in the implementation of the E-waste Policy will
require consistent monitoring and evaluation of the outcome indicators.
The Government together with other relevant stakeholders will carry out
monitoring and evaluation at different levels. A monitoring and evaluation
framework shall be developed to ensure midterm review of the policy.
The policy shall be reviewed every three (3) years to take into account
rapid changes in technology. Annual surveys shall be carried out to gather
statistics about E-waste and its management with a view to establishing
whether implementation of the policy is making a positive impact on
protection of the environment and life in general.

APPENDIX A: Hazardous components of e-waste
Substance Component
A flame retardant,
added to cathode ray Toxic to humans in ways
tube (CRT) monitor similar to arsenic; fatal in
Antimony trioxide large doses
glass, found in printed
circuit boards and
Arsenic is a known
In older cathode ray cancer-causing
Arsenic tubes and in light substance (carcinogen).
emitting diodes It is known to cause skin
and lung cancer.
When fish and other
aquatic organisms
absorb the barium
Barium In CRT
compounds, barium
will accumulate in their
Often allied with
copper to improve
copper’s strength,
conductivity and Long term exposure can
elasticity. Old be carcinogenic, especially
motherboards, contact for the lungs. Extreme
springs found in exposure can lead to a
Beryllium printed circuit boards, potentially fatal condition
relays, and in the known as Acute Beryllium
mirror mechanism Disease
of laser printers. In
power supply boxes
which contain silicon
controlled rectifiers
and x-ray lenses

Circuit boards and Breathing high levels
semiconductors, of Cd can cause lung
rechargeable NiCd- damage and death. Long
batteries, fluorescent term exposure to low
Cadmium layer (CRT screens), levels of Cd can cause
printer inks and elevated blood pressure
toners, photocopying- and kidney damage.
machines (printer Cadmium is a known
drums) carcinogen.
Converts to Chlorine
in the atmosphere that
attacks ozone molecules
Chlorofluorocarbon Cooling unit, causing ozone layer
(CFC) Insulation foam Depletion, Inhaled in
large volumes could
result in respiratory
Chromium has a variety
In steel as corrosion
of effects depending
protection, Data tapes,
how it enters the
floppy-disks, circuit
Chromium body. Chromium is a
boards, photocopying-
carcinogen if inhaled.
machines (printer
Chromium may also
cause DNA damage
Data tapes, floppy
Chromium VI
This agent is
Component in steel carcinogenic in
Cobalt for structural strength experimental animals at
and magnetivity. a relatively high dose

Initial symptoms of
exposure are anorexia,
Cathode ray tubes,
muscle pain, malaise,
solder, batteries,
and headache. Long-term
printed wiring boards
Lead exposure to lead decreases
(circuit boards),
the overall performance
solder on components,
of the nervous system.
mobile phone coatings,
High level exposure causes
brain damage and death.

Burning sensation. Cough.
Labored breathing.
Batteries including
Shortness of breath. Sore
Lithium mobile phone

Short term exposure to all

Switches (mercury forms of mercury causes
wetted) and housing, lung damage, nausea,
fluorescent lamps vomiting, diarrhoea,
providing backlighting increases in blood
Mercury in liquid crystal pressure or heart rate, skin
displays (LCDs) for rashes, and eye irritation
monitors and laptops, Long term exposure
batteries, printed permanently damage
circuit boards the brain, kidneys, and
developing foetus.
Batteries, electron gun Nickel fumes are
Nickel in CRT , printed circuit respiratory irritants and
boards may cause pneumonitis
flame retardants
biphenyls (PCB), Plastic casings,
May cause disruption
polybrominated cables, and circuit
of ; steroid , thyroid and
biphenyls (PBB), boards, condensers,
hormone regulation.
Polybrominated transformers
biphenyl ethers
(PBDE), and
tetrabromo bis-
biphenol-a (TBBA)
When burnt it produces
Polyvinyl Chloride highly toxic dioxins;
Cable insulation
(PVC) research is finding if PCV
is a hormone disruptor.

Circuit boards
as power to
supply rectifier,
machines (printer
High doses may be
Interior of CRT
hazardous in case of eye
Zinc Sulphide screens, printed circuit
contact , ingestion and

Appendix B: Categories of E-Waste generated from Electrical and
Electronic Equipment
Category Used electrical & E-Waste
electronic equipment
Cat – A1 Large household o Refrigerators and freezers
appliances o Other appliances used for
refrigeration, conservation and
storage of food
o Washing machines
o Clothes dryers
o Dish washing machines
o Cooking ranges/stoves
o Electric hot plates
o Microwaves
o Other appliances used for cooking
and other processing of food
o Electric heating appliances
o Electric radiators
o Other fanning, exhaust ventilation
and conditioning equipment

Cat- A2 Small household o Vacuum cleaners
appliance o Carpet cleaners
o Other appliances used for
o Appliances used for sewing,
knitting, weaving, and other
processing for textiles
o Iron and other appliances used
for ironing and care of clothing
o Toasters
o Fryers
o Grinders, coffee machines and
equipment for opening or sealing
containers or packages
o Electric knives
o Appliances for hair cutting, hair
drying, tooth
o brushing, shaving, massage and
other body care appliances
o Digital clocks, watches and
equipment for the purpose
of measuring indicating of
registering time scales
Cat –A3 Toys, leisure and sports o Electric trains or car racing sets
equipment o Hand-held video game consoles
o Video games
o Computer for biking, diving,
running, rowing, etc
o Sports equipment with electric or
electronic components
o Coin slot machines

Cat-A4 Electrical and electronic o Drills
tools (except large-scale o Saws
stationary industrial o Sewing machines
tools) o Equipment for turning, milling,
sanding, grinding, sawing,
cutting, shearing, drilling, making
holes, punching, folding, bending
or similar processing of wood,
metal and other materials
o Tools for riveting, nailing or
screwing or removing rivets,
nails, screws or similar uses
o Tools for welding, soldering or
similar use
o Equipment for spraying,
spreading, dispersing or other
treatment of liquid or gaseous
substances by other means
o Tools for mowing or other
gardening activities

Cat-A5 Medical devices (except o Radiotherapy equipment

implanted and infected o Cardiology
products o Dialysis
o Pulmonary ventilators
o Nuclear medicine
o Laboratory equipment for in-
vitro diagnosis
o Analysers
o Freezers
o Fertilization tests
o Other appliances for detecting,
preventing, monitoring, treating,
alleviating illness, injury or

Cat-A6 Monitoring and control o Smoke detector
instruments o Heating regulators
o Thermostats
o Measuring, weighing or adjusting
appliances for household or as
laboratory equipment
o Other monitoring and control
instruments used in industrial
installation (e.g. in control
Cat-A7 Automatic dispensers o Automatic dispensers for
o beverages
o hot /cold bottles or cans
o solid products
o money
o All appliances which deliver
automatically all kind of

Appendix C : E-Waste Taskforce Members

Dr. Jimmy Saamanya Ministry of ICT
Dr. David Turahi Ministry of ICT
Mr. Ambrose Ruyooka Ministry of ICT
Mr. Godwin Kahuuta Ministry of ICT
Mr. Emmanuel Mugabi Ministry of ICT
MS. Eng. Geofrey Agoi Ministry of ICT
Eng. Paul Odoi Ministry of ICT
Mr. Richard Obita NITA - U
MS. Helen Ssekasala UCC
Mr. Dick Lufafa NEMA
Ms. Nancy Alimadi NEMA
Ms. Jackline Mbabazi NEMA



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