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Energy and AI
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Key words: Electrification of heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) is critical to realization of the target of carbon neutralization in the
Driving cycles future. For most HDVs, the influence of road slope on vehicle power usually cannot be ignored due to significant
Markov chain method road slope variation during long driving mileages. In order to design the powertrain system for electrified HDVs
Power demand
effectively, it is necessary to construct representative driving cycles with road slope information. There are two
Road slope observation
Segment matching
difficulties for this task. (1) Road slope measuring devices are usually costly. A cheaper yet effective method for
measuring road slope needs to be developed. (2) A 3D (three dimension) Markov chain method is usually utilized
for constructing cycles with velocity and road slope. This method is complex and time consuming, and needs to
be improved. In this paper, a 2D (two dimension) Markov chain method for addressing these issues is proposed. A
road slope observation is designed based on normal GPS (Global Positioning System) signals and a high order
Butterworth filter. The effectiveness of the method is validated. Driving velocity and road slope are collected and
observed for the area between Beijing and Zhangjiakou in northern China. Representative cycles with road slope
are constructed using a 2D Markov chain method and a matching algorithm based on average speed. With the
introduced technology, three representative driving cycles with road slope for urban, suburban and highway
routes are designed. Statistic results on vehicle power show that, the representative driving cycles are effective
with relative errors less than 4% compared to the real driving conditions. These driving cycles will be utilized in
designing electric HDVs, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the future.
* Corresponding authors: State Key Lab of Automotive Safety and Energy, School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.
E-mail addresses: xuliangfei@tsinghua.edu.cn (L. Xu), lijianqiu@tsinghua.edu.cn (J. Li).
Received 18 July 2021; Received in revised form 12 September 2021; Accepted 13 September 2021
Available online 26 September 2021
2666-5468/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
1. Introduction
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
Table 2
Characteristic parameters of three different routes.
Parameters Urban Suburban Highway
Route Route Route
cycles for HDVs such as fuel cell vehicles. Three typical driving cycles
with road slope for urban, suburban and highway routes are designed
using this technology. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in
troduces the new method in general. Section 3 presents the construction
of the driving cycles without slope. Section 4 introduces how to integrate
the slope into the driving cycles. Section 5 is the conclusion.
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
Table 3
Comparison of characteristic parameters.
Parameters Urban Route Suburban Route Highway Route
Real data Driving cycles Relative errors Real data Driving cycles Relative errors Real data Driving cycles Relative errors
Vm (km /h) 19.92 20.02 0.50% 22.64 21.67 -4.28% 51.16 49.91 -2.44%
Vmr (km /h) 27.32 26.49 -3.04% 31.61 30.10 -4.78% 65.47 60.89 -7.00%
Vmax (km /h) 57.00 58.00 1.75% 85.71 83.00 -3.16% 99.50 97.40 -2.11%
am (m /s2 ) 0.4947 0.4993 0.93% 0.3637 0.3519 -3.24% 0.3591 0.3507 -2.34%
dm (m /s2 ) -0.5488 -0.5104 -7.00% -0.5308 -0.5332 0.45% -0.3968 -0.4110 3.58%
pi (%) 27.21 24.43 -10.22% 28.40 28.00 -1.41% 17.55 17.98 2.45%
pa (%) 27.00 25.07 -7.15% 28.66 30.06 4.88% 24.26 22.33 -7.96%
pd (%) 23.52 24.86 5.70% 19.57 20.44 4.45% 21.82 19.22 -11.92%
pr (%) 22.31 25.64 14.93% 23.34 21.50 -7.88% 36.38 40.47 11.24%
Fig 6. Altitude changes on different routes. (a)urban route. (b)suburban route. (c)highway route.
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
3.3. Driving cycles based on 2D Markov chain method without road slope
where I is the number of the states; pij is obtained from the collected
The driving conditions (speed and acceleration) can be considered as
a stochastic process [36]. The speed and acceleration for next moment
are solely dependent on the speed and acceleration for current moment,
and conditionally independent on all other moments. Based on this, the
driving cycles with vehicle speed can be developed using the Markov
Chain method. The modeling method is performed in three steps:
Step1: Constructing the Markov state. In the 2D Markov Chain
method, the vehicle velocity and acceleration are regarded as two in
dependent state variables. The vehicle speed range is discretized into
several speed segments vi with an interval of 1km/h. The acceleration
range is also discretized into several segments aj with an interval of
0.1m/s2 .
Step2: Calculating the state transition probability matrix. With the
real on-road data, the state transition matrix is constructed based on the
transition probabilities in Eq. (3). According to this equation, when the
current speed belongs to the segment vi and the current acceleration
belongs to the segment aj , the probability of the next speed belongs to
the segment vk can be calculated as follows.
( ) N(i, j, k)
Pijk = P vt+1 ϵvk vt ϵvi , at ϵaj = (3)
N(i, j)
N(i, j, k) is the frequency when the current speed belongs to vi , the
current acceleration belongs to aj , and the next speed belongs to vk .
N(i, j) is the total frequency of occurrences when the current speed be
longs to vi and the current acceleration belongs to aj . In this way, by
counting all the possible situations, a complete state transition matrix is
Fig 8. Observed road slope of three real driving routes. (a)urban route. (b) established as in Fig. 3.
suburban route. (c)highway route. Step3: Constructing driving cycles. With the initial value of speed
and acceleration v0 = 0, a0 = 0, the next time step of speed v1 is
average deceleration. The time ratio parameters mainly reflect the randomly generated according to the distribution of state transition
proportion of different driving modes, including idle ratio, acceleration matrix. The corresponding acceleration a1 is calculated by v0 and v1 .
ratio, deceleration ratio and cruise ratio. Definition of each character The next step of speed v2 and acceleration a2 are calculated in the same
istic parameter refer to the national standard is listed in Table 1[33]. way. The above steps are repeated continuously for the whole time
The characteristic parameters of three routes are extracted from real range, and the representative driving cycle with vehicle velocity infor
data and the results are shown in Table 2. The characteristic parameters mation is constructed. The time range of the driving cycle is set to be
have significant distinctions among three road conditions in terms of 1400s for the urban route, 1800s for the suburban and highway routes
speed, acceleration and time ratio. The driving condition of urban route according to the national standard. The generated representative driving
shows low speed, high acceleration/deceleration and high time ratio of cycles of urban route, suburban route and highway route are shown as
acceleration/deceleration. The highway route is characterized by high Fig. 4 (a) (b) (c), representatively.
speed, low acceleration/deceleration and high proportion of cruise
driving mode. The parameter values of suburban route are moderate.
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
3.4. Relative errors of characteristic parameters function of the Butterworth filter is stated in Eq. (6).
Characteristic parameters are the criteria for judging whether a |H(jω)|2 = ( )2n (6)
driving cycle can represent the actual driving situation in terms of 1+ ω
vehicle velocity. The characteristic parameters extracted from the actual
driving data are shown in Table 2, and the comparison with those of The key parameters are cut-off frequency ωc and order n. The pass
representative driving cycles are listed in Table 3. Relative errors of key band and stop band cut-off frequency is designed referring to the power
parameters are shown in Fig. 5. spectral density. The filter parameters are optimized using real data.
Results show that, the characteristic parameters of generated driving Finally, a 14th order Butterworth filter with normalized pass and stop
cycles are in good agreement with those of actual data. In particular, the band cut-off frequencies of 0.1 and 0.3 is utilized.
relative errors of the speed and acceleration characteristic parameters To validate the effectiveness of this method, the gyroscope RT3000,
are basically less than 7%. The errors of the time ratio parameters are as mentioned before, is utilized to measure the road slope in a specific
relatively large, but are still less than 15%. Since speed and acceleration route around Zhangjiakou city. The comparison of the calculated and
information are more important than time ratio parameters for the the measured road slope is shown in Fig. 7, indicating that the estimated
driving cycles, such relative errors are acceptable. These results indicate road slope can approximate the actual road slope.
that, the constructed driving cycles well reflect the real operating con The curves of road slope of the three real routes, i.e. urban, suburban
ditions in terms of vehicle velocity. and highway routes around Zhangjiakou city as in Fig. 6, are shown in
Fig. 8.
4. Constructing driving cycles with road slope
4.1. Road slope observation and validation 4.2. Segment matching algorithm for velocity and road slope segment
Road slope has a great influence on the power demand of HDVs. In For the three typical driving routes around Zhangjiakou city, i.e.
the demonstration area around Zhangjiakou, the altitude changes urban, suburban and highway routes as shown in Fig. 6, the represen
significantly, especially on intercity routes. The curves indicating alti tative driving cycles (Fig. 4) and observed road slope for real driving
tude changes on urban, suburban and highway routes are shown in conditions (Fig. 8) are obtained. The driving cycles with vehicle speed in
Fig. 6. Fig. 4 and road slope in Fig. 8 have different time bases, and cannot be
In order to obtain the information of road slope in the demonstration combined directly. Vehicle speed and road slope are coupled with each
area, a road slope observation based on GPS signals is designed. The other, i.e. road slope affects drivers’ behaviors and vehicle speed.
road slope is calculated as shown in Eqs. (4) and (5): integrating velocity Considering the coupling effect between vehicle velocity and road slope,
for the driving distance s(tm ) and getting the slope angle α from the a segment matching algorithm is proposed to construct a suitable road
change of altitude and driving distance. slope sequence corresponding to a representative driving cycle, without
increasing computation time.
s(tm ) = v(t)Δt (4) The detailed segment matching algorithm is shown in the Fig. 9. It is
observed that the road slope does not change much within 10 seconds.
1 Δh Therefore, both the representative driving cycles in Fig. 4 and road slope
α = sin− (5)
Δs sequences in Fig. 8 are divided into several segments with a time interval
Δt is the sample time period, v(t) is the sampled vehicle velocity, Δh of 10 seconds. Each speed segment is labeled by its average speed vv (i),
is the change of altitude during the sample time period, Δs is the change and each road slope segment S(i) is also labeled by the corresponding
of driving distance during sample time period. The original value of road actual average speed vs (i). For each driving cycle speed segment, a road
slope angle α contains lots of noises. In order to remove high-frequency slope segment which is labeled with a nearest average speed is selected.
noises, a Butterworth low-pass filter is utilized [37]. The transfer That is to say, assuming the driving cycle speed segment V(i) is labeled
with an average speed vv (i), the matching algorithm will search all the
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
Table 5
Power Demand Comparison between Driving Cycles and Actual Routes.
Urban Suburban Highway
Route Route Route
road slope segments and find the optimal one S(k) with a minimal
average speed error, i.e. min|vv (i) − vs (k)| (k∈{1,2,…, N}). Then, a new
driving cycle segment D(i), which is composed of a corresponding
driving cycle segment V(i) and slope segment S(k), is created. Traversing
i from 1 to the end, a driving cycle with road slope information can be
The three driving cycles with road slope are constructed using the
segment matching algorithm referred above, as shown in Fig. 10.
To verify the impacts of road slope on driving power and whether the
driving cycles with slope can accurately reflect the actual vehicle power
demand, the driving power of typical fuel cell buses are calculated. Basic
Eqs. for driving power are shown in Eqs. (7) and (8).
F = δma + CD Aρv2 + mgf cosα + mgsinα (7)
X. Jia et al. Energy and AI 6 (2021) 100115
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