March 2022 Nine Month Orion Pharma
March 2022 Nine Month Orion Pharma
March 2022 Nine Month Orion Pharma
Amount In BDT
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
Non-Current Assets 29,005,140,453 26,110,018,103
Property, Plant and Equipment 6 14,021,194,389 14,219,821,108
Right of use Assets 7 47,164,251 50,811,429
Construction Work in Progress 8 8,596,113,968 5,584,939,176
Investment in Associates 10 382,309,000 303,455,000
Other Investments 11 5,958,358,845 5,950,991,390
Condensed Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited)
As at 31 March 2022
Amount In BDT
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
Non-Current Assets 19,778,415,905 16,851,710,644
Property, Plant and Equipment 6a 7,578,969,841 7,746,013,649
Right of use Assets 7 47,164,251 50,811,429
Construction Work in Progress 8 8,596,113,968 5,584,939,176
Investment in Subsidiaries 9 1,017,000,000 1,017,000,000
Investment in Associate 10 382,309,000 303,455,000
Other Investments 11a 2,156,858,845 2,149,491,390
Current Assets 10,176,868,088 9,810,320,511
Inventories 12a 567,717,928 344,345,275
Trade and Other Receivables 13a 7,563,030,983 7,563,464,801
Advances, Deposits & Prepayments 14a 1,910,765,771 1,678,287,378
Fixed Deposit with Banks 15 31,360,925 23,616,354
Cash and Cash Equivalents 16a 103,992,482 200,606,704
Total Assets 29,955,283,992 26,662,031,155
Net Asset Value (NAV) Including Revaluation Surplus 32a 54.64 53.04
Less: Non Controlling Interest (share of operating profit) (38,905,618) (74,204,897) (22,893,694) (26,043,942)
Net Profit after Tax before Other Comprehensive Income 718,050,413 696,296,098 245,450,787 222,303,355
Other Comprehensive Income 79,865,144 (8,983,136) 486,265 (29,905,101)
Fair Value Gain of Marketable Securities 7,067,602 (8,631,077) 4,756,263 (12,963,463)
Fair Value Gain on Investment in Associate 72,296,450 (891,337) (4,696,822) (17,414,284)
Share of Other Comprehensive Income 222,650 359,737 45,322 4,384
Deferrred tax Income (Expenses) on Revaluation Surplus of PPE &
278,443 179,541 381,503 468,262
Fair Value Changes of Mkt. securities
Condensed Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income ( Unaudited)
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022
Amount In BDT
Particulars July 2021 to July 2020 to January to January to
March 2022 March 2021 March 2022 March 2021
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022
Amount in BDT
Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022
Amount in BDT
Particulars Ordinary Share Capital Share Premium Reserves Retained Earnings Total
Particulars Ordinary Share Capital Share Premium Reserves Retained Earnings Total
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ( Unaudited)
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022
Amount In BDT
Particulars July 2021 to March July 2020 to March
2022 2021
Condensed Statement of Cash Flows ( Unaudited)
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022
Amount In BDT
Particulars July 2021 to July 2020 to
March 2022 March 2021
Net Increase /(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) (96,614,222) (437,811,475)
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the period 200,606,704 630,358,211
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the end of the period 103,992,482 192,546,736
Selected Explanatory Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
For Nine Month Period Ended 31 March 2022 (Third Quarter)
1 Reporting Entity
1.1 Background of the Entity
Orion Pharma Limited, earlier called Orion Laboratories Limited was incorporated in 1965 as a private limited
company. The Company was converted into a public limited company on 24 July 2010. The registered office of
the company is at 153-154, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
The Company is listed both with Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
(CSE) on 20 March 2013.
1.2 Nature of Business
Orion Pharma Limited is engaged in the creation and discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of
pharmaceutical products including vaccines and health- related consumer products.
1.3 Subsidiary Companies
Orion Power Meghnaghat Ltd. was incorporated on 30 June 2010 as a public limited company under the
Companies Act, 1994 with authorized share capital of Tk. 4,000,000,000 divided into 400,000,000 Ordinary shares
of Tk. 10 each. The company implemented a 100 MW HFO Power based Plant on quick rental basis in
Meghnaghat, Dhaka with machineries and equipment supplied by Wartsila OY, Finland. The generated output of
105 MW electricity is being regularly supplied to national grid. Orion Pharma Ltd. holds 95% of equity share of
this company directly.
2 Basis of Preparation
These Condensed Interim Financial Statements of the company comprised the company’s and its subsidiaries
(together referred to as the 'Group' and individually as 'Group entities') and the Group’s interest in associates
have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) adopted by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), in particular International Accounting Standard (IAS)
34: Interim Financial Reporting , the Companies Act 1994, Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and other
applicable laws and regulations.
2.2 Components of the Condensed Financial Statements
According to IAS-34 'Interim Financial Reporting,', these interim financial statements include the following
i. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
ii. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
iii. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
iv. Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
v. Selected Explanatory Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
These Condensed Interim Financial Statements of the company cover period from 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022.
Orion Power Meghnaghat Limited and Dutch Bangla Power & Associates Limited are the subsidiary Companies
of Orion Pharma Limited. The contract between Bangladesh Power Development Board and Orion Power
Meghnaghat Limited for supplying electricity to the national grid has expired in May 2021 and Dutch Bangla
Power & Associates Limited was expired in July 2021.
The companies applied to the Government of Bangladesh to extend the contract period for supplying electricity
and both companies recently got permission to generate electricity for further two years.
The accounting policies and methods of computations followed in preparing these financial statements are same
as those used in the annual financial statements prepared and published for the year ended 30 June 2021.
4 Subsequent Events
No material events occurred after the reporting date, non-disclosure of which could affect the ability of the users
of the financial statements to make proper evaluation and decision.
5 Acquisition of Property, Plant & Equipments of Orion Pharma Ltd. and its subsidiaries during the Period.
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
i Land & Land Development 18,936,000 230,046,930
ii Factory & Office Building - 5,218,137
iii Furniture & Fixtures 10,266,055 14,292,384
iv Office Equipment 18,476,804 27,174,024
v Vehicles - 2,350,000
Total 47,678,859 279,081,475
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
6. Property, plant and equipment
Opening balance 14,219,821,108 14,930,942,237
Add: Addition during the period 47,678,859 279,081,475
14,267,499,967 15,210,023,712
Less: Depreciation charged during the period (246,305,578) (990,202,605)
Written down value 14,021,194,389 14,219,821,108
9. Investment in subsidiaries
Share holding Amount in Taka
Number of
Name of the subsidiary company (%)
shares 31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
Orion Power Meghnaghat Ltd. 95,000,000 95.00 950,000,000 950,000,000
Dutch Bangla Power & Associates Ltd. 6,700,000 67.00 67,000,000 67,000,000
Total 1,017,000,000 1,017,000,000
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
11. Other investment
Investment in marketable securities (Note 11.1) 36,618,169 29,250,714
Investment in non-Quoted Shares (Note 11.2) 5,921,740,676 5,921,740,676
5,958,358,845 5,950,991,390
11.1 Investment in marketable securities
AB Investment Limited. 19,848,464 16,564,154
Bank Asia Securities Limited. 7,346,215 5,358,524
LankaBangla Securities Ltd. 9,423,490 7,328,036
36,618,169 29,250,714
11.2 Investment in non-quoted shares
Orion Power Khulna Limited. 500,000 500,000
Orion Power Dhaka Limited. 500,000 500,000
ICB Islami Bank Limited 246,000 246,000
Orion Infrastructure Limited. 2,117,209,676 2,117,209,676
Energon Renewable (BD) Ltd. 1,500,000 1,500,000
Orion Power Unit - 2 Dhaka Ltd. 3,801,785,000 3,801,785,000
5,921,740,676 5,921,740,676
11a Other investment
Investment in marketable securities (Note 11a.1) 36,618,169 29,250,714
Investment in non-Quoted Shares (Note 11a.2) 2,120,240,676 2,120,240,676
2,156,858,845 2,149,491,390
11a.1 Investment in marketable securities
AB Investment Limited. 19,848,464 16,564,154
Bank Asia Securities Limited. 7,346,215 5,358,524
LankaBangla Securities Ltd. 9,423,490 7,328,036
36,618,169 29,250,714
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
13. Trade & other receivables
Trade receivables 1,081,279,354 3,943,148,046
Other receivables (Note-13.1) 8,316,118,993 8,458,309,454
9,397,398,348 12,401,457,500
Trade receivables are unsecured, considered good and recoverable within one year. Classification schedules as
required by schedule XI of Companies Act 1994 are as follows:
Ageing of the above balance is as follows:
Below 180 days 1,081,279,354 3,943,148,046
Above 180 days - -
1,081,279,354 3,943,148,046
Amount in Taka
SL. No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
I Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company is 1,081,279,354 3,943,148,046
II fully
receivables considered good in respect of which the company holds
no security other than the debtor personal security - -
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
13.a Trade & other receivables
Trade receivables 186,579,265 161,026,784
Other receivables (Note - 13a.1) 7,376,451,718 7,402,438,017
7,563,030,983 7,563,464,801
Trade receivables are unsecured, considered good and recoverable within one year. Classification schedules as
required by schedule XI of Companies Act 1994 are as follows:
Amount in Taka
SL No Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
I Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company is 186,579,265 161,026,784
II fully secured
Trade receivables considered good in respect of which the company holds -
no security other than the debtor personal security
III Trade receivables considered doubtful or bad -
IV Trade receivables due by any director or other officer of the company -
V Trade receivables due by common management -
VI The maximum amount of receivable due by any director or other officer -
of the company Total 186,579,265 161,026,784
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
14. Advances, deposits and prepayments
Advance income tax (Note-14.1) 201,383,449 166,583,988
Advance imprest money 133,000 85,000
Advance motor cycle 9,363,355 13,884,063
Advance - car loan 1,388,599 2,230,896
Collection advance 484,728 4,188,731
Advance to C&F agents 8,346,889 3,864,512
Advance office rent 5,140,061 5,560,830
Advance against land purchase 107,260,635 34,814,360
Advance for Impoted machinery - 364,119,356
Advance to employee 114,067,476 89,589,470
Other advance 251,470,627 94,206
Advance against Cash Purchase - 2,289,827
Import related expenses 1,060,716,553 46,344,248
Advance to Supplier 149,304,578 105,694,390
1,909,059,950 839,343,877
Earnest money 9,781,938 9,740,000
Security deposit 46,070,285 54,833,244
Bank guarantee 112,770,676 117,809,191
L/C Margin & Balance 384,404,651 938,347,076
Lease deposit 2,530,527 14,694,360
555,558,077 1,135,423,871
Insurance premium 125,435 479,668
Bank guarantee,commission & charge 40,629,588 43,362,532
40,755,023 43,842,200
2,505,373,051 2,018,609,949
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
Earnest money 9,781,938 9,740,000
Security deposit 46,070,285 54,833,244
Lease deposit 2,293,027 14,236,960
L/C Margin & Balance 223,043,482 778,829,173
281,188,731 857,639,377
1,910,765,771 1,678,287,378
14a.1 Advance income tax
Opening balance 165,028,566 131,716,484
Addition during the period 34,715,817 33,312,082
Closing balance 199,744,383 165,028,566
125,934,890 414,994,148
103,992,482 200,606,704
16a.1 Cash in hand
Head office - central cash & main cash 6,049,711 4,205,961
Depot office - petty cash 6,727,983 6,822,361
12,777,694 11,028,322
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
16a.2 Cash at B/O account
Bank Asia Securities Limited 3,202 -
Jahan Securities Limited 1,974 2,424
LankaBangla Securities Ltd. 3,854 14,410
9,030 16,834
17. Share capital
Authorized capital
500,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each 5,000,000,000 5,000,000,000
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
18. Reserves
18.a Reserve
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
18a.2 Fair value gain/(loss) on marketable securities
Opening balance (12,027,112) (22,090,058)
Adjustment of sale of marketable securities (78,114) 5,925,574
Fair value gain/(loss) on marketable securities DP (Note - 18a.2.1) 7,067,602 5,255,477
Transferred to deferred tax assets/(liabilities) (698,949) (1,118,105)
(5,736,573) (12,027,112)
18a.2.1 Fair value gain/(loss) on marketable securities during the period
Unrealized gain/(loss) position (closing) (6,373,970) (13,363,458)
Unrealized gain/(loss) position (opening) (13,363,458) (24,544,509)
Fair value adjustment for sale of securities realized 78,114 (5,925,574)
Unrealized gain/(loss) during the period 7,067,602 5,255,477
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
21.1 Current portion of long term loan
22 Lease obligation
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
WDV as at 31.03.2022 Amount in Taka
Particular Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liability
Tax Base Accounting Base
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
Written down value of property, plant
2,918,289,997 3,362,327,765 (99,908,498) (88,925,125)
and equipment
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
25.a Trade and other payables
Goods suppliers & manufacturer 276,353,951 212,441,775
Other payables 71,451,961 89,518,706
347,805,913 301,960,481
26 Employee benefits
WPPF is charged @ 5% of net profit before tax as per labour law Act 2006 (Amended in 2018 ), whereas 80% is
allocated to "Workers profit participation fund", 10% to "Workers welfare fund" and 10% to "Bangladesh workers
welfare foundation''.
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
27. Accrued expenses
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
28.1 Revenue from power generation
Reference rental price 71,122,581 1,984,413,601
Reference energy price (variable - O&M) 116,996,218 152,172,503
HFO received from OOSL & BPDB 644,159,171 3,685,187,111
Foreign exchange gain /(loss) (5,883,668) (16,017,071)
826,394,302 5,805,756,143
28.a Revenue from net sales
29 Financial expenses
Agrani Bank Limited, Cash Credit ( Hypo.) 23,612,347 23,635,923
Agrani Bank Limited, LTR 9,570,094 10,101,738
Phoenix Finance & Investments Ltd. 15,056,000 27,806,441
Meridian Finance & Investment Ltd. 1,321,666 1,117,527
Finance cost on lease obligation (Office rent) 3,197,625 3,231,262
Interest on Long Term Borrowing 57,723,985 128,193,025
Bank Charge ,commission & Fees 11,295,138 60,809,956
121,776,855 254,895,872
Amount in Taka
SL No. Particulars
31-Mar-22 30-Jun-21
33. Clause No. 5 (2) (e) of Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/208/Admin/81, Dated: 20 June 2018:
Reconciliation of Net operating cash flow under Indirect Method:
Particulars 31-Mar-22 31-Dec-20
Net profit before tax 725,200,906 832,851,176
Workers profit participation fund 36,531,256 41,642,559
Interest & other income (428,769,223) (29,910,237)
Financial expenses 121,776,856 254,895,873
Depreciation 263,749,362 846,669,037
Increase/(Decrease) in inventory (211,003,757) (377,172,008)
Increase/(Decrease) in receivables 2,871,889,372 (449,800,350)
Increase/(Decrease) in advance deposit & prepayments (272,047,284) (424,578,399)
Increase/(Decrease) in payable (2,343,688,922) 1,083,224,174
Increase/(Decrease) in accrued expenses 75,492,928 28,711,314
Income taxes paid (34,715,817) (47,689,344)
Net cash flow from operating Activities 804,415,677 1,758,843,795