ISTS Waiver-1

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Government of India
Ministry of Power
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg,
New Delhi, 5thAugust, 2020


Subject: Waiver of inter-state transmission charges and losses on transmission of

the electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy under Para
6.4 (6) of the revised Tariff Policy, 2016.

1.0 Para 6.4 (2) of the revised Tariff Policy provides that -
"In order to further encourage renewable sources of energy, no inter-State
transmission charges and losses may be levied till such period as may be
notified by the Central Government on transmission of the electricity generated
from solar and wind sources of energy through the inter-state transmission
system for sa/e."
2.0 Ministry of Power vide reference number 23/12/2016-R&R dated 13th February,
2018 had issued an Order for Waiver of inter-state transmission charges and losses
on transmission of the electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy.
This Order had superseded the earlier Orders dated so" September, 2016 and
14thJune, 2017.Further, Ministry of Power vide Order No. 23/12/2016-R&R dated
6th November, 2019 had extended the waiver date from date 31st March, 2022 to
31st December, 2022.
3.0 In supersession of Ministry of Power's earlier order No 23/12/2016-R&R dated
13.2.2018 and Order No. 23/12/2016-R&R dated 6th November, 2019 it has been
decided that no inter-state transmission charges and losses will be levied on
transmission of the electricity generated from following power plants for a period of
25 years from the date of commissioning of the power plants which meet the
following criteria:
a) Power plants using solar and wind sources of energy, including solar-wind hybrid
power plants with or without storage commissioned till 30th June, 2023 for sale to
entities having a Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), irrespective of whether
this power is within RPO or not, provided that in case of distribution licensees,
the power has been procured competitively under the guidelines issued by the
Central Government.
b) Solar PV power plants commissioned under "MNRE's Central Public Sector
Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme Phase-II (Government Producer Scheme) dated
c) Solar PV power plants commissioned under SECI Tender for manufacturing
linked capacity scheme (RFS No SECI/C&P/RfS/2GW Manufacturing/P-
3/R1/062019 dated 25.06.2019) for sale to entities having RPO, irrespective of
whether this power is within RPO or not.

4.0 This Order shall be applied prospectively i.e. from the date of issue of Order.

5.0 This issues with the approval of Minister of State (I/C) for Power and NRE.

(Ghanshyam Prasad)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 23730389

1. Principal Secretary/Secretary (Power/Energy), State Governments/UTs.
2. Secretary, State Electricity Regulatory Commissions/Joint Electricity Regulatory

Copy to
1. Secretary, MNRE, New Delhi.
2. Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi.
3. Secretary, CERC/FOR, New Delhi.

Copy for information to:

1. All Joint Secretaries/Economic Adviser, Ministry of Power.
2. PS to MoS(I/C) for Power and NRE.
3. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Power), Sr. PPS to AS(R&R), Sr. PPS to AS (SKGR), Sr.
PPS to JS (R&R)

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