ECON208 Main 20-21
ECON208 Main 20-21
ECON208 Main 20-21
Candidates should answer TWO questions from Section A and TWO
questions from Section B. All questions carry equal marks. Please answer
each section on a different booklet. Use of non-programmable calculators is
1. Explain the features of the Solow Model focusing on the meaning of the steady
state, the importance of the population growth and technological progress and the
idea of the catching up effect.
C = 300 + 0.75(Y − T )
I = 500 − 40r
G = 200
T = 0.25Y
L(r, Y ) = Y − 100r
= 500
where C,Y ,I,G,T ,r,L and MP
, denote consumption, output, investment, government
spending, taxes, the interest rate, liquidity preferences and the real money supply,
(a) Derive expressions for the IS and the LM and plot the two curves and find the
equilibrium interest rate and the equilibrium level of income.
(b) The Government decide to double the public spending. Calculate the new
equilibrium and explain the transmission mechanism behind the result.
(c) Compute the crowding-out effect and calculate the amount of money supply
needed to eliminate it.
3. Consider the AD-AS model and assume a starting equilibrium where output coin-
cides with its natural level.
(a) Describe and explain the short and medium run effects of a monetary policy
(b) Describe and explain the short and medium run effects of a technology shock
able to lower the price markup.
4. Starting from a general expression of aggregate supply, derive the Phillips Curve
and discuss the role of rational expectations.
(a) Determine the capital stock per capita in open economy, k ? , by using the
equality between the return on capital defined above and r? . Next derive y ? .
(b) Plot the capital demand (KD henceforth) and capital supply curves (KS
henceforth) in the (k, r)-space where r is the interest rate (or the return on
capital). Show graphically the effects of a rise in τ and explain its impact on
GDP per capita. The net capital flows in percentage of GDP, d, are d = s−δ ky?
where s is the saving rate s. Determine the analytical expression of d by using
your answer to a) and indicate the effect of a rise in τ on d.
(a) Domestic and foreign prices are fixed and normalized to unity, i.e., P = P ? = 1.
We denote export volume by EX and import volume by IM ? . Net exports in
the U.K. are described by N X = EX − e .IM ? . We denote the export price
elasticity by γ and the import price elasticity by β. Give the condition under
which a 1% increase in e increases net exports.
(b) We denote the anticipated value for the future exchange rate by ea . We assume
that ee = 1 + x. Write the uncovered interest parity condition.
Y = C1 + B1 , C2 = (1 + r? ) (1 + θ) B1 + Y (1 + g) , (3)
where r? is the (exogenous) world interest rate and θ > 0 is a risk premium as
foreign investors anticipate that the country might default on its debt.
(a) Derive the intertemporal budget constraint and next the optimal trade-off
between C1 and C2 . Determine the value of the rate of time preference, ρ.
(b) Derive optimal NIIP in period 1, B1? , which must be expressed in terms of Y ,
r? , g, θ, and β.
(c) Assume that β = 1+r?
. Derive the condition under which the country is a net