Kacher K2.420 Manual
Kacher K2.420 Manual
Kacher K2.420 Manual
English 3
Español 13
中文 24
Indonesia 32
59659850 08/13
14 11
Contents Environmental protection
General information . . . . . . . . . EN 3 The packaging material can be
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN 4 recycled. Please do not place the
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN 7 packaging into the ordinary refuse for
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN 10 disposal, but arrange for the proper re-
Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN 11 cycling.
Maintenance and care . . . . . . . EN 11 Old appliances contain valuable
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . EN 11 materials that can be recycled.
Technical specifications . . . . . . EN 12 Please arrange for the proper re-
cycling of old appliances. Please dis-
pose your old appliances using appro-
General information priate collection systems.
Dear Customer, Work with detergents must only
Please read and comply with be performed on liquid-tight work
these original instructions surfaces with connections to the
prior to the initial operation of your ap- wastewater runoff. Do not let re-
pliance and store them for later use or lease detergent into waters or
subsequent owners. earth.
Cleaning operations which pro-
Scope of delivery duce oily waste water, e.g. engine
The scope of delivery of your appliance washes, underbody washes, may
is illustrated on the packaging. Check only be carried out using washing
the contents of the appliance for com- stations equipped with an oil sep-
pleteness when unpacking. arator.
In the event of missing accessories or Notes about the ingredients
any transport damage, please contact (REACH)
your dealer. You will find current information about
the ingredients at:
Proper use www.kaercher.com/REACH
This high pressure cleaner is designed Warranty
for domestic use only.
– for cleaning the external units of air The warranty terms published by the
conditioning systems. relevant sales company are applicable
– for cleaning machines, vehicles, in each country. We will repair potential
buildings, tools, facades, terraces, failures of your appliance within the
gardening tools, etc. by means of a warranty period free of charge, provid-
high-pressure water jet (if neces- ed that such failure is caused by faulty
sary, with additional cleaning
material or defects in manufacturing. In
– with accessories, replacement
the event of a warranty claim please
parts and cleaning agents ap- contact your dealer or the nearest au-
proved by KÄRCHER. Please ob- thorized Customer Service centre.
serve the information accompany- Please submit the proof of purchase.
ing the cleaning agents. (See address on the reverse)
– for cleaning non-live components.
EN – 3 3
Safety The appliance may be used
by individuals with limited
Meaning of the notes physical, sensory or cognitive
abilities or lack of experience
Danger and knowledge if they are un-
Immediate danger that can der supervision or were in-
cause severe injury or even structed regarding the safe
death. use of the appliance and un-
몇 Warning derstand the resulting risks.
Possible hazardous situation Children must not play with
that could lead to severe injury this appliance.
or even death. Supervise children to prevent
몇 Caution them from playing with the
Possible hazardous situation appliance.
that could lead to mild injury to The user must use the appli-
persons or damage to property. ance as intended. The person
Caution must consider the local condi-
Pointer to a possibly dangerous tions and must pay attention
situation, which can lead to to other persons in the vicinity
property damage. when working with the appli-
Symbols on the machine ance.
High-pressure hoses, fixtures
The high pressure jet and couplings are important
may not be directed at for the safety of the appli-
persons, animals, live ance. Only use high-pressure
electrical equipment or at the hoses, fixtures and couplings
appliance itself. Protect the ap- recommended by the manu-
pliance against frost. facturer.
Do not use the appliance
Personal protective
equipment when there are other persons
around unless they are also
Wear protective clothing and wearing protective clothing.
safety goggles to protect against 몇 Caution
splash back containing water or In case of extended breaks,
dirt. switch the appliance off at the
Safe handling main switch / appliance
switch or pull the mains plug.
몇 Warning Reduce the pressure at the
The appliance must not be nozzle or keep a distance of
operated by children or per- at least 30 cm to sensitive
sons who have not been in- surfaces and areas such as
structed accordingly.
4 EN – 4
bearings, sealings or electri- This appliance was designed
cal components. to be used with detergents
Never leave the appliance which are supplied or recom-
unattended as long as it is in mended by the manufacturer.
operation. The use of other detergents
Do not operate the appliance or chemicals may compro-
at temperatures below 0 °C. mise the safety of the appli-
Electric components ance.
몇 Risk of damage caused by
Risk of electric shock electricity
Never touch the mains plug Unsuitable electrical exten-
and the socket with wet sion cables can be hazard-
hands. ous. Only use electrical ex-
Check the power cord with tension cables outdoors
mains plug for damage prior which have been approved
to every use. Immediately and labelled for this purpose
have damaged power cord and have an adequate cable
replaced by an authorised cross-section: 1 -10 m: 1.5
customer service / electrician. mm2; 10 - 30 m: 2.5 mm2:
Do not operate an appliance if Always fully unreel the exten-
the power cord is damaged. sion cable from the cable
All current-conducting parts drum.
in the working area must be The appliance may only be
protected against jet water. connected to an electric sup-
Make sure that the power ply that has been installed by
cord or extension cable is not an electrician in accordance
damaged by running over, with IEC 60364.
pinching, dragging or the like. The appliance may only be
Protect the power cords from connected to alternating cur-
heat, oil, and sharp edges. rent. The voltage must corre-
The mains plug and the cou- spond with the type plate of
pling of an extension cable the appliance.
must be watertight and must For safety reasons, we rec-
never lie in water. Moreover, ommend that you operate the
the coupling may never lie on appliance only via a residual
the ground. The use of cable current device (max. 30 mA).
reels that ensure that the
sockets are at least 60 mm
above the ground is recom-
EN – 5 5
Other risks sons or the user him-/herself
to clean clothing or footwear.
Risk of explosion Never use the appliance to
Do not spray flammable liq- clean objects containing haz-
uids. ardous substances (e.g. as-
Never draw in fluids contain- bestos).
ing solvents or undiluted ac- Vehicle tyres/tyre valves are
ids and solvents! This in- susceptible to damage from
cludes petrol, paint thinner the high-pressure jet and may
and heating oil. The spray burst. The first indication for
mist is highly inflammable, this is a discolouration of the
explosive and poisonous. Do tyre. Damaged vehicle tyres/
not use acetone, undiluted tyre valves are perilous. Keep
acids and solvents, as they a minimum jet distance of 30
corrode the materials used on cm during cleaning!
the appliance. Safety installations
The appliance may not be op-
erated in explosive atmos- 몇 Caution
pheres. Safety installations serve the
If the appliance is used in protection of the user and may
hazardous areas (e.g. filling not be modified or bypassed.
stations) the corresponding Appliance switch
safety regulations must be The appliance switch prevents unin-
observed. tentional operation of the appliance.
Risk of suffocation Lock trigger gun
Keep packaging films away This lock locks the lever of the trigger
from children, there is a risk of gun and prevents the inadvertent start
suffocation! of the appliance.
Risk of injury Overflow valve with pressure
Check important compo- switch
nents, such as high-pressure The overflow valve prevents the per-
hose, hand spray gun and missible working pressure from being
safety installations, for dam- exceeded.
age prior to every operation. If the lever on the trigger gun is re-
leased the pressure switch turns off the
Immediately replace dam-
pump, the high pressure jet is stopped.
aged components. Do not op- If the lever is pulled the pump is turned
erate appliance with dam- on again.
aged components.
The high-pressure jet must
not be directed at other per-
6 EN – 6
– Pipe cleaning kit
Stability – Foam nozzle with detergent con-
몇 Caution tainer
Create stability for the appliance Note: Special accessories can only be
attached to the spray lance extension.
prior to any work on or with the
appliance to prevent accidents Before Startup
or damage.
The stability of the appliance is war- Mount loose parts delivered with appli-
ranted when it is placed onto an even ance prior to start-up.
surface. Illustrations on Page 2
Choose a safe place to stand, assume Illustration
Pull out the clamp for the high-pres-
a secure body stance to avoid being
sure hose from the trigger gun (e.g.
thrown off-balance by the recoil pres-
with a small screwdriver).
sure of the jet pistol.
Operation Connect high pressure hose to trig-
ger gun.
Description of the Appliance Push the clamp in until it locks.
Check the secure connection by
Illustrations on Page 2 pulling on the high-pressure hose.
1 Coupling element for water connec-
tion Water supply
2 Connection for water supply with fil-
Note: According to applicable
regulations, the appliance
3 High pressure connection
must never be used on the
4 Detergent suction hose (with sieve)
drinking water net without a system
5 Carrying handle
separator. A suitable system separator
6 VELCRO® fastener
by KÄRCHER or alternatively a system
7 Mains cable with mains plug
separator according to EN 12729 type
8 Appliance switch "0/OFF“/ „I/ON“
BA must be used. Water that was flow-
9 Trigger gun
ing through a system separator is con-
10 Lock trigger gun
sidered non-drinkable.
11 Clamp for high pressure hose
12 High pressure hose Caution
13 Spray lance extension Always connect the system sep-
14 Angle-adjustable spray lance with arator to the water supply, never
pressure control (Vario Power) directly to the appliance!
Special accessories Caution
Special accessories expand the possi- Impurities in the water can dam-
bilities of using your appliance. Please age the high-pressure pump and
contact your KÄRCHER dealer for fur- the accessories. For protection,
ther information. the use of the KÄRCHER water
Recommended optional accessories: filter (optional accessory, order
– Spray lance with high pressure noz- no. 4.730-059) is recommend-
zle ed.
EN – 7 7
Water supply from mains
Observe regulations of water supplier.
For connection values, see type plate/ Note: When cleaning air conditioning
technical data. units, observe the manufacturer's in-
Use a fibre-reinforced water hose formation.
(not included) with a standard cou- 몇 Danger
pling. (Minimum diameter 1/2 inch The water jet that is emitted from
(13 mm), minimum length 7.5 m). the high-pressure nozzle results
Screw the coupling element to the in a repulsion power acting on
water connection on the appliance. the hand spray gun. Make sure
Push the water supply hose onto
that you have a firm footing and
the coupling unit, then connect it to
the water supply.
are also holding the hand spray
gun and spray lance/ extension
Start up firmly.
High-pressure jets can be dan-
gerous if improperly used. The
Dry running of more than 2 min-
jet may not be directed at per-
utes leads to damage of the
sons, animals, live electrical
high-pressure pump. If the appli-
equipment or at the appliance it-
ance does not build up pressure
within 2 minutes, switch the ap- Unlock the lever on the trigger gun.
pliance off and proceed in ac- Pull on the lever of the trigger gun;
cordance with the instructions in the device will switch on.
Chapter "Troubleshooting". Note: Release the lever of the trigger
Screw the coupling element to the gun; the device will switch off again.
water connection on the appliance. High pressure remains in the system.
Push the water supply hose onto Angle-adjustable spray lance
the coupling unit, then connect it to with pressure control (Vario
the water supply. Power)
Connect the high pressure hose to
the high pressure connection of the
The working pressure is continuously
adjustable between "Min" and "Max".
Attach the spray lance/ extension to
The spray lance head can be swivelled
the hand spray gun and secure it by
up and down by 90° respectively and
a 90° rotation.
rotated by 360°.
Completely open the water tap.
Release the lever on the trigger
Insert the mains plug into the sock-
Turn the spray lance head in the re-
Turn on the appliance “I/ON”.
quired angular position.
8 EN – 8
– Maximum - high pressure (100 bar).
For surfaces with heavy soiling and
with robust fins.
Note: Cleaning direction of the high
pressure jet:
EN – 9 9
Danger been removed and rinse until water
The improper use of detergents runs clear.
can cause severe injuries or tox- Release the lever on the trigger
ication. gun.
Turn off the appliance "0/OFF".
When using detergents, the ma-
Turn off tap.
terial data safety sheet issued Press the lever on the trigger gun to
by the detergent manufacturer release any remaining pressure in
must be adhered to, especially the system.
the instructions regarding per- Detach the appliance from the wa-
sonal protective equipment. ter supply.
Illustration Lock the lever on the trigger gun.
Pull detergent suction hose as far Pull out the mains plug.
as is required out of the housing. Illustration
Suspend end of detergent suction Stow the power cord, high-pressure
hose in a container filled with deter- hose and accessories on the appli-
gent. ance by means of a VELCRO® fas-
Use spray lance with pressure reg- tener.
ulation (Vario Power). Note: Check the air conditioning unit
Illustration for damage prior to recommissioning.
Turn the spray lance to "Mix" posi-
tion. Transport
Note: This will mix the detergent with Caution
the water stream.
In order to prevent accidents or
Interrupting operation injuries, keep in mind the weight
of the appliance during transport
Release the lever on the trigger
(see Specifications).
Lock the lever on the trigger gun. When transporting by hand
During longer breaks (more than 5
minutes), also turn the appliance off Lift appliance by the carrying han-
using the "0/OFF" switch. dle and carry it.
10 EN – 10
Storage Maintenance and care
Caution Danger
In order to prevent accidents or Risk of electric shock. Turn off
injuries, mind the weight of the the appliance and remove the
appliance when choosing the mains plug prior to performing
storage location (see technical any care and maintenance work.
data). Care
Storing the Appliance Prior to longer periods of storage, e.g.
in the winter:
Prior to extended storage periods, as
Remove filter from suction hose for
during the winter, also observe the in-
detergent and clean under running
structions in the Care section. water.
Park the machine on an even sur- Pull out the sieve in the water con-
face. nection using flat-nose pliers and
Stow away the mains cable, the clean under running water.
high-pressure hose and accessory
on the appliance. Maintenance
Frost protection The appliance is maintenance free.
12 EN – 12