Unlocking The Future of HR

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38 trends to unleash the power of HR and help leaders

embrace the future. HR is finally being handed the

torch and thereby given a golden opportunity to take
charge of transforming our organisations and work
models. To boldly create a ‘driving and motivating
vision’ for the future of People & Organisation.

Our robot co-worker
Lexica is an Artificial Intelligence and it has illustrated every image in this report.
Each trend image was made by us typing in the headline. The images are not censored.

A stellar moment in history
Megatrend brief
How to use HR trends
Trend map
Five different clusters of HR trends
Timeline of trends: Now, Near, Future.
Trends: Leadership & organisation
Trends: Life & career
Trends: People & talent
Trends: Work & technology
Trends: Culture & workspace
Reach out

38 HR trends are developed by Thomas Geuken, Kristian Mehlsen and through interview
with CEO’s and HR departments in international companies (kept anonymous).

Art Direction Sara Frostig. Images by Lexica.

The whitepaper is published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS).
Please note that the HR trends do not necessarily reflect any official viewpoints by CIFS.

If you have any questions or comments, you are welcome to reach out to Futurist, Author, state certified psychologist
and Associated Director, Thomas Geuken, tg@cifs.dk.

© Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, 2023.

C O P E N H A G E N I N S T I T U T E F O R F U T U R E S S T U D I E S (Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning)

is an independent, non-profit futures think tank. The Institute was founded in 1969 on initiative of former OECD
Secretary-General, Professor Thorkil Kristensen, and exists to actively contribute to the betterment of our
society by leveraging our multidisciplinary capabilities to equip and inspire individuals and organisations
to act on the future, today. The aspiration of the Institute is to become a versatile global centre for futures
thinking – by the many, for the many. Read more about the Institute and reach us at W W W . C I F S . D K



We live in pivotal times of change. Back in 2016, the Copenhagen Institute for
Futures Studies conducted an international research project focusing on the future
of work, workforce, and workplace. Its aim was to guide strategic decision-making
within a 10-year horizon.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world back in 2019, our previous trends
for the ‘future of work’ accelerated at an unprecedented rate. By 2022, the notions
of remote and hybrid work were no longer the ‘future’ anymore, but a reality for the
many. This was particularly true for knowledge workers, who disproportionately
accommodated these new ways of working.

The pandemic gave leaders, HR departments, and employees a dress rehearsal of

what awaits the future of people and organisations. It was as if all of us were parti-
cipating in a global work experiment. It changed our worldviews and renewed
employee expectations as to how, where, and why we work – a transformative

Now in the pandemic’s aftermath, leaders within the field of Human Resources
(HR) are faced with the responsibility to assist, mentor, and guide their companies
into an unknown, post-pandemic future.

HR is finally being handed the torch and given a golden opportunity to step up and
take charge of transforming and futureproofing organisations, work-practices,
leadership- and workplace models, and our resulting company culture. To boldly
create a ‘visionary winning strategy’ to drive and motivate profound organisa-
tional change.

The biggest question is how HR departments set future directions for organisations
and companies to adapt, align, and embrace all the changes happening in the
world both inside and outside the company. Organisations need to repurpose the
role of HR by breaking the instrumental mold.

This is not merely a technical or structural exercise but one with great strategic
responsibility, not only to the people in organisations, but also for the future of
their business proposition.


If we for a moment look back in time to the beginning of industrial revolution,
mankind within a few years invented industrial organisation as a strategic response
for them to engage in a future of mass production. Right now, and within the
next couple of years, HR will be handed the same opportunity. Or, as historian Ste-
fan Zweig put it - a stellar moments for humankind (‘Sternstunden der Menschheit’).


Business executives all over the world are granting HR departments access to the
historical steering-wheel of business, capitalism, organisational change, asking
them to turn it in the right direction so that organisations can accommodate the
needs and demands of the future. Industrial organisations have outlived their
relevance and are profoundly in need of inspiration of how to move on. HR needs
to get it right. Set a new organisational bearing.

This new report from Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies tries to accom-
modate this transformative journey and guide executive decisionmakers in finding
their own voice, unique organisational makeup, and to ‘surf’ the global tides of
historical change. The world has already been set in motion and organisations
need HR to navigate and rebalance two profound paradigms: 1) The future need
of organisations to accommodate the fast-pacing changes in the business environ-
ment, and 2) Shifting employee work expectations as too where, how, and why
they work for you?

The relationship between people and organisations is in the mist of being refor-
matted and reinterpreted – HR needs to assist tailoring a new systemic equilibrium
of rebalancing these two paradigms in a relevant, value creating, and lifeful manner.

Megatrends are reshaping the landscape of HR to such an extent that it will barely
be recognisable in the future. CIFS has conducted a research initiative to identify
and qualify strategic choices about the future of work and explore related challenges
ahead. Our research identified 38 future trends of significant strategic importance
for organisations to be aware of.

These key trends can be used to develop actionable insights that will assist your
company in adapting to important megatrends and embracing the future of people
who live in organisations towards 2030+.

Megatrends provide plural points of reference in an uncertain and complex world.
We do know, for example, that we will become more globalised, population
growth will continue, and that we need to address a lot of environmental issues
in more sustainable ways. We are also entering an increasingly ageing society.
Our cities will transform themselves into megacities fuelled by the sprawl of
urbanisation, and more people will focus on ‘liveability’ – that is, access to life
services – as a key component to a good life. In general, people will seek greater
individuality and personal empowerment, focusing on their own health and well-
being. From a technological and scientific standpoint, many engineering advances
are already on the horizon, with artificial intelligence and automation impacting
our lives to become more seamless and convenient. Big tech is promising techno-
logies of multi-layered reality, such as VR, AR, and the metaverse – many of
which will likely enter both our social and work spheres. They offer us greater
interconnectedness. All this happens pointing to a more advanced and complex
service and network-based economy where costumers and work expectations are
accelerating. Wealth will grow but be even more concentrated. All this while the
biotech revolution is hastened with the potential to change our fundamental
DNA as a species. Welcome to the impact of megatrends!


To quote the author of “Megatrends: Ten New directions for our lives” John

"Trends, like horses, are easier

to ride in the direction they
are going"

On behalf of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies we herby share our 38
future trends of HR, hoping that they’ll guide and assist you to boldly go where
you have not gone before. To set new directions or perhaps tweak your HR initia-
tives for people to live better lives and thrive in our future organisations and
work culture. Simply put - it is good business to be in ‘good company’ – literally

Thomas Geuken


Future Trends for
People &


Through qualitative research (CEOs and HR executives) the Copenhagen Institute
for Futures Studies has identified over 80+ different challenges within HR pre-
dominately within the field of knowledge workers and in an organisational con-
text – but they certainly apply to other occupations as well.

By triangulating the identified challenges with our global megatrends, we hereby

have the pleasure of introducing 38 strategic HR trends moving your organisation
forward towards 2030.

This report is meant to inspire HR executives and decision-makers to get their

organisation better aligned – to strategize and innovate their HR services for the
betterment of the company and society as a whole.

There are three use-cases for the HR trend catalogue: 1)To futureproof your
existing HR strategies and initiatives; 2) To innovate new HR strategies and ini-
tiatives, and 3) To create your own internal HR thought-leader program that
drives the overarching business transformation within your organisation and

The trend catalogue consists of five different clusters of trends, or domains of

HR, in need of setting a new strategic direction.

Leadership & Organization
Life & Career
People & Talent
Work & Technology
Culture & Workspace
For better strategic application of trends, we have divided all 38 trends into three

Vision now
4-6 years

Plan now
2-4 years

Act now
1-2 years


As futurists, we do have the privilege and pleasure of working with different
companies and industries on a weekly basis. Moving away from one industry to
another is much like traveling backwards and forwards in time. Hence, each
industry has its own evolution, pace, and tempo of change. Some industries are
pioneering the future of work, like within IT, while others are slow and more
conservative by virtue of their industry.

Due to this circumstance, our recommendation is for you to examine our 38 HR

trends carefully. Depending on your own position withing your industry, identify
and rearrange key trends into your own categories – align them to better fit your
organisation and business environment’s needs.

We truly believe that the field of Human Resources is increasingly becoming

more important. Across industries, departments such as facility and supply-chain
management and performance algorithms are stepping into the field because of
a HR vacuum within their organisations. This leads one to the worrying thought
that “If HR doesn’t start thinking about the future – then they might not have one”.


Setting future directions and
how human resources
will get us there... F UT


• Competitive creativity
• Play is the way
• Wellbeing in the workplace

• Corporate intervention • Behavioural norms and taboo

• Metaverse • Cultural alignment
• Dynamic spaces
• End of input/output’s
• Me, myself & my workspace

Culture & workspace

• Mobile in the moment

• A uniform hybrid work-model

• Micro-behavioural change
• Smart tech & analytics

• Digital dexterity
• Soft skills required
• The quantified employee
• Your robot colleague

• Are smart drugs the new coffee?

• Post-corporate ethics
• Ghost workers
Work & technology


A N D O U R C U R R E N T S I T U AT I O N H I G H L I G H T 3 8 T R E N D S

Leadership & organisation

• Network leadership
• Rapid project deployment
• Wirearchy & open organisations

• Holacracy

Life & career

• Asynchronous work
• Generational career-shifting
• Identity & career-crafting
• Life-long learning
• Professionalisation of life

• Create your own adventure

• Intellectual mercenaries
• Tang ping – quiet quitting

• Better world and vision sharing

• Inclusion and gender erosion
• Liquid expectations
• Multigenerational staff
• Female empowerment

People & talent


“With greater democratisation comes more
decentralised decision-making.”
Rapid project
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Network Economy

“Work campaigns” or project-oriented work are increasingly becoming the

norm, with workers operating as “free agents”, assembled on a project-by-project
basis. Work campaigns will be much better suited for talented people, who do not
wish to be trapped in a “Sisyphus-like” work situation. Flexible work arrange-
ments are increasingly adopted as the accelerating pace of change is pushing
many companies to move from fixed to variable costs, including employees.
High-level professionals are also choosing to work on a project basis for a variety
of different companies in order to enhance their employability.

An aging population will also contribute to the shift towards project-oriented

work, as more then three-quarters of adults approaching retirement say they
plan to continue working in some capacity. The advent of ad-hoc companies is
also expected to grow in popularity. That is, companies that are created to complete
a task or solve a problem, only to be dissolved shortly thereafter. This is especially
true as we enter an era of “post-corporate ethics”.

14 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Lead ers hi p & o rga ni s a t i o n
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Network Economy |
Individualisation & Empowerment

In the future, the new landscape of networked leadership will move away from
the notion of integrated factories or conventional companies and towards more
highly coordinated networks and ecosystems with a multitude of approaches to
mobilising, orchestrating, and engaging talent, skills, leaders, and ideas. The nature
of HR challenges facing managers are constantly changing and evolving.

Networked leadership is shifting the focus from developing skills and competen-
cies to development stages, where the responsibility for employee growth and
development will be transferred from HR, managers and trainers towards indivi-
duals and guided through stages of progression. Leadership will spread through
networks, rather than reside in a person or role, raising a question: what condi-
tions do we need for leadership to flourish in the network?

Lea d ers hi p & o rga ni s a t i o n T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 15

Wirearchy & open
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Network Economy |

In an accelerating and increasingly complex business reality, hierarchical organisa-

tions tend to be too slow with fixed internal resources and roles; often relying on
individual endeavour to put out fires and show adaption readiness. As a result, this
has prompted a shift in organisational structure from hierarchies to wirearchies
– dynamic flows of power and authority, based on information, trust, credibility,
and a focus on results, enabled by interconnected technology and people. Like
the company Wolt, who provide on-demand jobs globally for hundreds of
thousands of “self employed couriers”, companies will also need to challenge the
whole notion of the modern organisation. Open organisations are children of the
digital age and the advent of social media.

Open and innovative organisational models, utilising peer-to-peer networks and

open source information based on transparency and participation are emerging
– building communities, harnessing resources and talent, and breaking silos both
inside and outside the organisation.

The next generation of companies will find inspiration in DOA’s Decentralised

Autonomous Organisations. DAO’s are member-owned organisations without
any centralized leadership. Instead they use software algorithms, rules and mani-
festo’s to clue relationships together, offer hyper agile work-models and prove a
sense of direction and purpose.

16 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Lead ers hi p & o rga ni s a t i o n
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Network Economy |
Greater Interconnectedness

With greater democratisation comes more decentralised decision-making. Here,

“holacracy” and self-management is receiving increased attention. It is less about
training employees but developing leaders. Individuals will be required to take
far greater responsibility for their personal work, but also contribute to collective
collaborative efforts. This departs from the conventional approach emphasising
a vertical influence-related process (top-down) in which subordinates are con-
trolled, influenced and managed by a single individual leader. For decades, this
was the prevalent paradigm in the leadership field, yet, an emergent approach
suggests that leadership is an activity that can be shared or distributed among
members of a group or organisation among collogues.

This opens up new lines of thinking about informal leadership in organisations

where people are empowered to make decisions concerning their own tasks at work
and implement them. This necessitates a change in leadership thinking but also
influences how work processes are designed order distribute the leadership role.

Lea d ers hi p & o rga ni s a t i o n T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 17

“In an accelerating and complex environ-
ment we will be required to be more fluid
and flexible.”
Megatrends driving HR trend
Network Society |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

Moving from the rigid 9-to-5 work schedule towards a 24/7 work culture seems
to be the trend for both individuals as well as businesses. In a more global and
complex business environment, the demand for more flexibility grows. There is
also widespread recognition that an employee’s productivity is largely dependent
on the individual. Variability in lifestyles will contribute to this, as will a greater
scientific understanding of chronotypes, the behavioural manifestation of under-
lying circadian rhythms (sleep-awake cycles).

Millennials especially, will continue breaking down the industrial, linear approach
towards work and career, cycling between focused periods where individuals
work hard, followed by extended “breaks” for leisure, learning, or other pursuits
– they will introduce an alternative “work beat” to today’s organisations.

Given the stress and pressure associated with a 24/7 culture there will need to be
greater focus on attention-management, not time-management and provide hyper
individualised work-setups by scaffolding organisation around the employee for
optimal work deliveries and quality of life.


Megatrends driving HR trend
Population Growth |
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |
An Aging World

Millennials and Generation Z tend to reject the prospect of a career within one
single field and are a lot more prone to frequent career-shifts within their working
lives. What is today a growing trend will in the future become a dominant reality:
a majority of employees will not expect to stay at an organisation for the long-
term, unless truly convinced otherwise. This coincides with the normalisation of
the gig economy, where multiple, temporary jobs, for some, are preferred to one
steady career.

The rise of career-shifting is partly because millennials and Generation Z tend to

have identities that are more ‘liquid’: they are not defined by their nationality, class,
or interests or such, and are instead far more temporary and context dependent.
Although this may cause problems for maintaining retention rates, it also means
that younger generations are more malleable. Thus, not only is a quick onboarding
process necessary, but instilling a holistic company vision is as well. The younger
generation will be craving to fast track the internal career-ladder. Instant career
development will become a big retainment mechanism in the near future.

Li fe & ca reer T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 21

Identity &
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

Work in the future, especially for people in developed economies, will be a defining
aspect of life and thus, their identity. As boundaries blur between private life and
professional life, more and more individuals are craving a meaningful association
between the representation that defines them, their competencies, and their inte-
rests and values; something that goes beyond their occupational responsibilities.

Organisations need to be prepared to accommodate this. More people will be

joining companies and finding work that is a manifestation of their personal
value sets, rather than for money or satisfaction. Professional titles and defined
areas of expertise will grow in importance because professional recognition is
more enduring, especially in an era characterised by a fluctuating job market.
Hyper-specialisation will also enable individuals to transition from job-security to
career-security, allowing them to sustain their identity through several occupations
in an increasingly transient labour market – a practice of “career crafting”.


of life
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

The boundaries between professional life and private life will increasingly blur
to such an extent that they are virtually indistinguishable. Both professional and
private interests are more aligned than ever. In the West, there is less and less of
a distinction between the tools we use, our language and behaviours, and the
clothing we wear, for example.

We complete personal tasks at work and work tasks at home. Even after office
hours, people tend to think about work or talk about it with their friends and
family in their so-called private life. After Covid-19 many office workers have
working stations at home, and have workspaces that reflect their interests and
their home environments..

As our work and professions become an integral part of our identity it is increa-
singly difficult to separate between different areas of life. In an accelerating and
complex environment we will be required to be more agile and flexible and often
find ourselves fulfilling professional responsibilities and functions through ac-
tivities that simultaneously coincide with our personal interests.

Li fe & ca reer T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 23

Life-long learning
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
An Ageing World

Today, competencies quickly become obsolete – new competencies must be learned

in order to stay ahead. It is important for employees to keep learning all their lives,
either at work or by taking time off work to improve their skills. Increasingly,
learning is changing from just-in-case learning, where you learn all sorts of
knowledge that you might need sometime in the future to just-in-time learning,
where you learn tools that you will need for an upcoming task. Knowledge will
be increasingly unimportant, since search engines and intelligent expert systems
can provide the information you need. Instead, learning tools will be increasingly
important: methodology, analysis, design, criticism, programming, the scientific
method, etc. This also includes learning in non-conventional ways.

A related aspect is that of general self-fulfillment and self-development that can

be either related or unrelated to professional endeavours. The complexity of 21st
century life is driving a quest for a deeper sense of personal meaning in all aspects
of peoples’ lives, including those of work and consumption. Our future life will
not be divided into four sharp defined life-phases childhood (play), young
(education), parents (work), elderly (pension). We must see employees will be be
cycling through “work, upskilling and rest/play” many times through out their
career and lifespan.


Create your
own adventure
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Economic Growth |
Growing Population

Using the logic imbued by the workforce of one requires organisations to rethink
compensation and employee benefits in the future. We are likely to see much
more salary differentiation and organisations that focus on developing a benefits
packages most suited to specific employee needs: “choose your own adventure”
in terms of compensation. This includes taking into account particular lifestyle
attributes, location, local context, gender, creative stimuli, roles and responsibilities,
and merit. It is detrimental to consider all employees as one, rather than a diverse
group of individuals with different needs and interests.

Benefits and compensation should reflect this diversity and be a much more dyna-
mic and complex mix of access to opportunities, money, insurance, or other perks.
Additionally, as project-based work and shared labour pools become more popular,
there will be more task-oriented and performance-based compensation.

Li fe & ca reer T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 25

Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Greater Interconnectedness |
Network Economy

The open talent economy describes a phenomenon in which the dominant

employment model constitutes a collaborative, transparent, technology-enabled,
rapid-cycle way of doing business through networks and ecosystems of “intellectual
mercenaries”. Business in the future will be a battleground amid increasing accele-
ration and growing complexity, and “intellectual mercenaries” will be fundamental
in the war for talent.

Today’s evolving workforce is a diverse group of full-time employees, contract

and freelance talent, with several having no connection to the brand. People move
from role to role and across organisational boundaries more freely than ever. Global
markets and products are driven by accelerating innovation and they demand
talent pools and systems that can be rapidly assembled and reconfigured. Busi-
ness leaders and customers alike expect agility, scale, and the necessary skills on

The currency to attract highly specialised talents are employability. They engage
in company projects in order to stay relevant or become even more valuable for
future potential hiring. Remote work give companies a unique chance to harvest
talent from everywhere.


Tang ping –
quiet quitting
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

Going above and beyond simply meeting the bare minimum requirements of a
job has long been the working norm. This supercharged work ethic has been a
way workers have made themselves stand out to their employers, and over time
has become standard. However, the counter-trend tang ping (“lying flat” or “quiet
quitting”) is a rejection of societal pressure to overwork and a rat race with a
perception of diminishing returns.

Somewhat related is the “the great resignation” wave, which empowered employees
to demand more from their work experiences and work-like balance. But it’s
also likely a byproduct of the psychological fallout from living through the coro-
navirus pandemic, and the subsequent burnout that affected millions.

For talent identification it is a challenge to not always consider “motivated”, “dri-

ven”, “energetic” etc. as core trait of potential candidates. However, the ability to
get the job done – and be recognized for it might allow for more inclusive and
sustainable workspaces and work praxis.

Li fe & ca reer T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 27

“Due to greater individual empowerment
throughout society, including the workforce,
individuals are increasingly awarded greater
responsibility, self-direction, and self-leader-
ship for their own work pursuits.”
Digital dexterity
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
AI & Automation |
Economic Growth |
Engineering Advances

According to a study by Gartner in 2018, up to 83% of organisation leaders re-

ported struggling to make “meaningful progress on digital transformation”. In a
future where digital transformation will not be an opt-in, nor solely used by
‘progressive’ companies, corporate leaders will have to not only take on the re-
sponsibility of changing IT systems, but the deeply held, subconscious beliefs
that employees may hold regarding technology.

For digital/technological transformations to be effective, ensuring that employees

have ‘digital dexterity’ – that they can navigate the incoming technology – ought
to precede any actual implementation. The same study showed that employees
who are literate in new technologies implemented are 3.3 times more likely to
launch and complete digital initiatives quickly and, hence, deliver greater value.

Although Generation Z – and Alpha, soon – are so-called ‘digital natives’, there
is no ‘statistically significant correlation’ between younger generations and digital
dexterity at the workplace. This should be viewed positively by organisations,
given that employees will not have to be grouped along age-based lines for training.
However, across all ages, Gartner reported that less than 1 in 10 had digital

30 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Peo pl e & ta l ent

Soft skills required
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Network Economy |
Greater Interconnectedness

Due to greater individual empowerment throughout society, including the work-

force, individuals are increasingly awarded greater responsibility, self-direction,
and self-leadership for their own work pursuits. As such, they will be required
to rely on their own skills for most aspects of their work. This not only includes
technical skills, but a greater emphasis on soft skills, such as work ethic, attitude,
communication skills, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and several
other personal attributes. Soft skills are the new hard skills and will become a
cornerstone of the future workforce.

The importance of these soft skills is often undervalued, and there is far less
training provided for them. There tends to be an assumption that everyone
knows and understands the importance of these less-tangible skills. Developing
personal accountability, interpersonal negotiation skills, adaptability and flexibility,
creative thinking, and inclusion can all increase performance.

Peo p l e & ta l ent T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 31

Liquid expectations
Megatrends driving HR trend
Population Growth |
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

In a world of ‘liquid expectations’ each new great experience will be held as a

new standard for all other similar (and adjacent) experiences to come. Thus,
expectations from other fields will eventually impact HR: Candidates and Business
Unites expect seamlessness and frictionless service experiences – “why should it
be more complicated to be onboarded and get my contract than setting up a Net-
flix-account?”. Services that both makes life easier, more convenient and makes
the stakeholders better at what they do (a better me) will be the expectation.

In this context, HR should provide a frictionless stream of organisational oppor-

tunities for betterments and self-improvement, as well as making it even easier
to contribute and support the overarching corporate vision – preferably in line
with supporting better world initiatives. In essence, HR services need to be de-
signed around values of flexibility, adaptability, lightness, detachment, and speed
which will increase user and stakeholder appreciation, and ultimately competitive

32 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Peo pl e & ta l ent

Better world and
vision sharing
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Network Economy |
Greater Interconnectedness

There is a growing movement towards concept selling, where you are no longer
selling a product or service, but rather, selling a vision or fulfilling a purpose.
Businesses are increasingly becoming ideologically-driven and no longer primarily
focused on intellectual property and competitive advantage. As such, visions and
ideology plays an important role in shaping the direction of an organisation,
where customers buy into the product, technology, company, or services because
of what it stands for – people are joining a shared vision and a business-journey
for the betterment of the planet and people. Profit from purpose.

This is equally important for work culture, as well as current and potential emplo-
yees, in that they align with the organisation’s direction ideologically. Similarly, the
workplace should embody such ideological underpinnings and may come to dictate
workplace location. At the same time, however, there is a challenge in avoiding
ideological bias and maintaining operational efficiency.

Peo p l e & ta l ent T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 33

Megatrends driving HR trend
Population Growth |
An Aging World

Organisations in the future will be challenged in effectively managing, engaging,

and motivating a multigenerational workforce – Generation X, Y, and Z. More
workers will also work past the age 65 and is something to be considered. Different
generations bring different values, degrees of familiarity with technology, and
expectations to the workplace. As a result, organisations will be forced to find a
way to create organisational co-existence and balance between the needs of more
diverse and individual-oriented workforces and the inherited industrial logic
that demands standardised solutions to reduce costs. The challenge resides in faci-
litating a synergy between several generations with different interests, motivations,
and values.

This requires shaping work and designing work processes according to the tenden-
cies and predisposition of different generations, all while keeping within the
strategic mission and vision of the organisation in question.

34 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Peo pl e & ta l ent

Inclusion and
gender erosion
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individulisation & Empowerment

We live in world with competing value-systems across generations and the political
spectrum. The value pendulum of the public discourse has moved from listening
to logic, facts and science towards emotions, sensations and populism. Trust in the
institutions of society are eroding and it is a struggle to find a common ground in
a complex and accelerating world.

A key dimension is identity politics. Here a new ecology of mind and a new voice
of the next generation is on the rise. A new ecology where generalizations and
objectifications of gender, race, sexuality and ethnicity is not accepted. This is an
emerging language to better understand our place in history and undo the
wrongs in the past – exemplified by cancel culture. Universities are implementing
‘safe-zones’ – zones where students are ‘safe’ from old predisposition and judg-
mental stereotypes and preconceptions of what is sexuality, biological gender,
cultural ethnicity nor neurologic conformity. Will safe-zones become expected
in our workspaces too?

LBGT+ communities are calling out to corporations to extent their pride-sym-

pathy to actually become an inclusive workplace. The ‘diversity and inclusion’
agenda are beginning to include neuro-diversity and find new ways of articulating
mental disorders within an appreciative framework such as ‘bright not broken’
movement – by hiring people with ‘Asperger syndrome’ for their special skills
and exceptional abilities to find errors hidden in coding.

Peo p l e & ta l ent T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 35

Megatrends driving HR trend
Environmental Challenge & Sustainability |
Economic Growth

Increasingly social innovation and related concepts are becoming a business impe-
rative, in which success is being judged on the contributions made to improving
socio-environmental conditions globally. This includes social investment, social
innovation, and a general set of core business ethics and operational values. It
calls into question the fundamental role of organisations. To what extent will pri-
vate entities be required to support social well-being by providing or facilitating
public services or engaging in activism?

Organisations will be required to find the appropriate balance between being

profit-oriented and society-driven. As a result, organisations will need to position
themselves accordingly with several implications related to the future of work,
such as workplace location, supply chain management, talent attraction and re-
tention, investment areas, and overall business proposition. In this age of infor-
mation and amid unrelenting demands for transparency, organisations need to
prepare for a potential shitstorm.

36 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Peo pl e & ta l ent

Megatrends driving HR trend
Economy Growth |
Individulisation & Empowerment

Going forward organisations will have to become more “gender-bilingual” to

attract women and their skills. Although women already constitute the majority
of the workforce in Europe and North America, they remain an underutilised
talent pool globally.

Over the next decade, demographers expect that up to one billion women will
enter the global workforce. In many OECD countries, more women than men earn
university degrees. Around the world, women’s purchasing power is increasing
at a faster rate than men’s.

This increase is due to women’s higher educational attainment and not due to
closing the wage gap between equally qualified men and women.

Women appear in studies to be better prepared for the skill-sets required at the
future workplace. Research shows that women typically outperform men in soft-
skills such as team-building, displaying emotional intelligence, setting clear expec-
tations, and exhibiting other traits often associated with effective knowledge work.

Peo p l e & ta l ent T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 37

Are smart drugs the
new coffee?
Megatrends driving HR trend
Focus On Health |
Individualisation & Empowerment

Increasingly, smart drugs are being used in workplaces and schools to enhance
an individuals’ ability to perform – called nootropics. Some drugs, like Modafinil,
reduce the need for sleep and the effects of sleep deprivation, while others, like
Ritalin, increase learning and concentration. Still, others enhance mathematic
abilities or reduce nervousness. Electronic stimulation of the brain may also be
used to enhance language and mathematical ability, attention span, problem
solving, memory, and coordination.

Employees may choose to use cognitive enhancement to perform better overall

or to meet deadlines, with or without explicit approval. Cognitive enhancement
are in many cases not illegal and may provide a competitive edge, but managers
should look out for overuse, addiction, or psychological side effects. There is also
a risk of a work culture developing where it is expected of employees to use cog-
nitive enhancement. Companies will increasingly be expected to make policies
on nootropics, and may perhaps mandate and regulate them on a prescription
basis or otherwise.

38 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Peo pl e & ta l ent

Ghost workers
Megatrends driving HR trend
Technologic Development |
Focus on Health |
Environmental Challenge & Sustainability

In 2030, companies will need to understand the notion of ‘contract cheating’.

This is a phenomena from higher education where students employ other pro-
fessionals to do their university work for them. Contract cheating is happening
all over the world on all levels. This could plausibly increase in an age with a
remote and hyper-competitive workforce. Here you will recruit and hire a person
from to work remotely - perhaps in the metaverse with a digital twin or avatar.
Using an avatar, they will employ other invisible freelancers or ghost workers as
subcontractors to fulfill their contract obligations to the organisation.

Subcontractors that offer 100% plagiarism-free work will be required to level-up

the contractors’ professional reputation and to get promoted inside your organisa-
tion as fast as possible. Like in Role Playing Games; the aim of the game is to level
up their perceived skills and seniority and income AKA future employability.

In many industries today we have fully legitimate ghost workers: Ghost writers
for books, celebrities and musicians on social media – as well as for people in the
most powerful political offices. Ghost workers are here to stay.

Peo p l e & ta l ent T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 39

“We should expect competencies and tech-
capabilities necessary for success in the work-
place to change, towards strengthening col-
laborations between humans and robots.”
Mobile in the
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

In the way out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we now realize; there are few places
left where knowledge workers cannot perform their work, as the exponential
development of information and communication technologies (ICT) drives new
hybrid work practices, greater mobility and remote work. In the future, we will
be “mobile in the moment” – the office is where we put our connected device. As
a result, the number of digital nomads – individuals who leverage telecommuni-
cations technologies to perform their work duties, and more generally conduct
their lifestyle – is growing.

First, occupancy rates in office spaces is falling, posing a facility and investment
challenge. Second, there is a leadership challenge in building, managing, and
motivating efficient asynchronous teams remotely. As a result, the workplace is
no longer just a place to perform a work task, but rather, needs to be viewed as
a strategic asset that drives the core elements of the company’s brand, culture,
business strategy, and value proposition.

42 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Wo rk & techno l ogy

A uniform hybrid
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
AI & Automation |
Economic Growth

The post-pandemic era will be defined by the seamless integration of hybrid

work models into the core business practices of organisations. A significant majo-
rity of workers want to retain the hybrid – and even fully remote – working
practices experienced during the pandemic, rather than return to a business-
as-usual mentality. Whereas hybrid working practices within different organisa-
tions vary today, as the last stages of the pandemic properly begin to wane, indu-
stries will probably tend to homogenise towards a uniform hybrid working

The Global Future of Work Report from 2022 shows that 40% percent of the
workforce can be “productive anywhere”. This group had interesting commona-
lities: These workers had more autonomy, positive mental health, a desire to
participate in learning, advanced digital fluency that enabled them to evaluate
and adopt technology to get the job done, strong social bonds at work, and
work-life enhancement, which means that they felt their work added to their
ability to enjoy other areas of their lives.

Wo r k & techno l ogy T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 43

Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Focus On Health |
Environmental Challenge & Sustainability

A better understanding of human behavioural science will continue to inspire

employers to push people towards expected behaviours through nudging, digital
design, and gamification. This includes embedding gaming elements and meta-
phors into non-gaming situations in order to motivate individuals and incentivise
behaviours. Gamification is about harnessing the experiential power of games as
a tool that motivates employees to achieve their own goals while supporting an
organisation’s strategic objectives. As a result, work will likely be more engaging,
fun, rewarding and collaborative, with likely improvements to productivity.
“Micro-behavioural change” also includes designing agile workspaces that un-
consciously nudge employees in their decision-making.

These practices can be used to address areas such as employee health, engagement
and motivation, as well as lowering absentee rates and increasing productivity, or
driving sustainability at the workplace – all areas with a huge potential for cost

44 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Wo rk & techno l ogy

Smart tech &
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |
AI & Automation

More and more data are being gathered about people whenever they work, shop,
travel, or are on the internet. With perhaps hundreds of billions of sensor-equipped
devices being connected to the internet over the next 10 years, the amount of data
gathered will grow exponentially. No place will remain untouched, especially
work, the workforce, and the workplace. Automated analysis of this “big data”
can help companies know their customers better, predict market movements,
improve employee performance, and boost efficiency in work processes. An issue
is that when you look for patterns in very large and complex data sets, false patterns
may appear that have little or nothing to do with reality, including the identificati-
on of false positives. User-generated “dirty data” will also render inaccurate HR

This means that exhibiting care when trusting big data analyses and focusing on
true interpretation and smart execution, but the internet of everything and data-
driven work, embedded in a smart ecosystem is a likely future.

Wo r k & techno l ogy T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 45

The quantified
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment |
Technology Development

The “quantified employee” refers to a new age of monitoring in the workplace

– smart and data-driven human resource management used in order to identify
efficiencies and improve the security and design of work processes accordingly,
but also employee well-being. This includes the measuring and monitoring of
employees and their activities using sensors, tracking devices, and biometrics.

Further, researchers have identified a type of “biomarker for financial risk-at-

titude”. Some suggest the possibility of neuromanagement – brain scanning
being a part of the interview process, much like psychometric testing to assess an
individual’s creative potential, commitment and so on.

While the science is still largely immature, many hypotheses also posit that your
genes influence several personality traits, so there may be additional requirements
for genome sequencing. Enabled by new science and technology, organisations
will take a more introspective look at their resources, undoubtedly including
their employees. With millions of Apple watches and wristbands with sensors
sold globally, HR of the future will need to get access to private health data (small
data) in order for them to tailor-fit the optimal work conditions for every single

46 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Wo rk & techno l ogy

Your robot
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
AI & Automation | Globalisation

Lexica is our robot co-worker

and it has illustrated
every image in this report.

Robotics are omni-present. Artificial Intelligence is in our chatbot, they are making
music, telling stories, app’s translating what we say into different languages with
a click on our smartphone, in our TV’s, Apple watches, in our production lines
and doing science discoveries in our labs. They are everywhere.

Roughly 25% of current jobs – in production, services and knowledge work –

will be automated over the next 10 years.

We should expect competencies and tech-capabilities necessary for success in the

workplace to change, towards strengthening collaborations between humans
and robots. Existing side-by-side enhancing each-others work - it is the co-botic
revolution. Will AI tools such as ChatGPT be able to improve ‘knowledge work’
at the same ratio as our factories did back in the early 1900s?

By 2030, employers rely on algorithms to manage white-collar employees and

assess their effectiveness. Performance reviews are automatically generated by
algorithmic managers who evaluate employees across areas that were previously
difficult to quantity. Attitude and emotional profiles determine “fit” for a job and
pinpoint an employee’s development and promotion opportunities, both within
the organisations and with other companies that uses the same platform.

Wo r k & techno l ogy T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 47

“To address changing needs, the workplace
will be required to consist of dynamic spaces
that accommodate several work styles and
can meet the needs of several different assign-
ments, or projects.”
Behavioural norms
and taboo
Megatrends driving HR trend
Globalisation |
Economic Growth

We live in a multipolar world. The assumption that Western attitudes and be-
haviours will persist as the dominant workplace narrative is a damaging notion.
Organisations should be conscious of Eastern management practices, workplace
and workforce structures, and attitudes towards work. This will be especially im-
portant as non-Western companies get up to speed and garner greater influence in
the global marketplace.

In a knowledge-intensive society, organisations will need to be aligned with the

cultural tenets of growing, hyper-specialised talent pools coming from Asia and
elsewhere in order to capitalise on quality people resources. Such future changes
in behavioural norms will likely challenge and/or support several embedded
taboos related to work such as stress, depression, behavioural expectations of
employees, and the industrial-ownership mindset of shaping employee-employer

50 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce

Cultural alignment
Megatrends driving HR trend
Globalisation |
Network Economy

In the future, global literacies will be of crucial importance – a mutual under-

standing of nuance in order to act and work “civilised” across cultural borders.
In light of growing global reach and interconnectedness, organisations will be
required to enable operational variability across markets. This includes building
the capacity to address context-specific challenges with local innovation and local
leaders. As a result, global organisations need to rethink and differentiate in prices,
products, service models, as well as office design and location.

The key is to adapt global values to local culture in order to ensure operational
efficiency and productivity is optimised, and outcomes and opportunities are
fully realised. The challenge is in considering cultural nuance across different
markets while at the same time maintaining outward and inward brand consisten-
cy. Thus, large, growing companies will demand a particular formalisation in
their work. This will entail a degree of process standardisation, where tasks and
projects are structured and integrated in a seamless way.

Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 51

Dynamic spaces
Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |

As organisations and work are becoming more fluid and demand a higher degree
of agility, it is necessary for the physical workplace to be scalable and adaptable.
To address changing needs, the workplace will be required to consist of dynamic
spaces that accommodate several work styles (e.g., influenced by personality,
gender, generation, culture etc.) and can meet the needs of several different as-
signments, or projects. Dynamic and adaptive activity-based workplaces should
have the physical space available, integrated with tools and technology, and be
emotionally aligned to any number of objectives, whether it be learning, increasing
focus, enhancing collaboration, or facilitating social interaction.

In the near-term post-pandemic workspace organisations need to invest and prio-

ritise the areas for socialising and collaboration where multipurpose, multifunc-
tional furniture and other physical objects will allow for more dynamic works-
paces. The spectrum of dynamics starts with open office spaces with mobile
furniture and removable walls, to mobile architecture and fluid design.

52 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce

Me, myself & my
Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment

Workspaces are declining in size and increasingly becoming a part of open and
flexible office landscapes. Driven by the need to reduce costs and make the work-
place more flexible, standardised workspaces are becoming the norm. However,
corporations that allow groups of workers to shape their office environment
report greater productivity increases. The BYOD phenomenon already allows
users to use the input devices with which they are most comfortable, but “bring
your own workspace” (BYOW) would allow users to bring (or select) their own
desk, chairs, and other amenities. Further, virtual workspace personalisation via
IT platforms and devices, including employees’ self-procured technology could
be one way to create a sense of personal control over the workspace.

The devices being used will allow workers to develop local immersive work
experiences regardless of where they find themselves. With this, however, comes
new security challenges in access and how data is managed – cloud-based security
protocols will likely be the standard approach.

Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 53

End of input/output’s
Megatrends driving HR trend
Economic Growth |
Greater Interconnectedness

The focus of work in the future will gravitate towards outcomes, where success
is defined in terms of outcomes achieved and less in terms of input (hours) or out-
put (an amount produced or number of sales). Outcomes are defined as meaning-
ful changes, usually betterments, that are not always directly resulting from speci-
fic inputs or outputs but aligned with an overarching organisational vision.

Get the best out of people (talent), not the most out of resources (effectiveness).
For example, an outcome could be measurable, such as growing the business in a
region by ten percent, regardless of employees or hours it takes and number of
sales, or immeasurable, such as improving employee happiness.

The challenge is putting in place the appropriate mechanisms for performance

monitoring, needs assessment, and developing measurement systems to ensure
progress is being made. Organisations will be responsible for setting the direction
and allowing employees to pursue outcomes by any measure of inputs or outputs
they deem necessary. Work will no longer be about compliance.

54 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce

Well-being in the
Megatrends driving HR trend
Focus on Health |
Individualisation & Empowerment

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2019 mental
health problems now affect an estimated 700 million people. Psychological stress
is related to a feeling of lack of control in the face of uncertainty. Additionally, a
new WHO survey, shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted or halted
critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide while the demand
for mental health has been increasing. Mental health is a bomb under govern-
mental health system. Organisations will to a larger extent become tomorrow’s
health-care providers for employee’s and will be held responsible their well-being.
Well-being is going to be a top agenda for the future of HR.

One noteworthy ‘blind spot’ of the decline in ‘well-being’ for future-preparing

organisations is techno-stress: a phenomenon across generations describing the
inability to cope or have a positive relationship with modern technologies.

HR strategies need to get team leaders & managers engaged in creating a

high-performance mental health culture by articulating a ‘workplace well-being
strategy’ and build resilience to stress and uncertainty.

Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 55

Megatrends driving HR trend
Individualisation & Empowerment

With increased automation of routine work, a growing fraction of human jobs

will be creative in a broad sense: scientific endeavour, research, design, innovation,
storytelling, product development, etc. Individualisation and diversity in the
workforce is of benefit to creative work, as is the ability to work together across
disciplines and professional boundaries. Simultaneously, we are seeing the rise of
the creative consumer, for whom it is important to take part in designing, devel-
oping, or making the products, services or experiences they buy. Providing op-
portunities for this sort of co-creation is becoming increasingly important as a
competitive parameter. With creative work, the boundaries between work and
leisure are eroding.

The creative mind cannot be turned off and on like a factory engine, and people
in creative work can’t help thinking about their work when they have time off.
Conversely, it also benefits them to take “creative breaks” at work. Such creative
breaks can take the form of physical or mental games that take the mind off the
task at hand and returns with renewed energy. Science and scientific break-
throughs are indeed creative work and has many similarities to artistic work.

56 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce

Play is the way
Megatrends driving HR trend
Economic Growth |
Network Economy |
Individualisation & Empowerment

In a similar manner, play and games can also be central parts of innovation, and
it can often be difficult to distinguish innovation sessions from silly games. Breaks
from work that are used for other things than eating or smoking are in general
healthy for the mind and body – and the mind works best in a healthy body. In
the Industrial Age, such playfulness was suppressed; you had to be “grown up”
and “serious” to succeed. Only realism was socially and academically accepted in
literature and movies – anything else was seen as silly escapism.

Today, when more and more jobs in the production and service industries are
automated and the creative industries are growing, imagination and playfulness
in return become increasingly important parameters for success. HR around the
world is forced to create better engagement, stronger ties and to create a culture
there is fun and better fit for humans. As exemplified by Elon Musk: alike an
“overgrown teenager” he has started several projects involving space travel, electric
sports cars, super-fast trains, flamethrowers, and interfacing the brain with chips.

Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 57

Megatrends driving HR trend
Focus on Health |
AI & Automation

With private and professional lives becoming increasingly blurred, employer’s

will be expected to take greater responsibility for employee health and well-
being – a “corporate intervention”. This is not only as an attraction and retention
mechanism, but as a productivity and social investment. A healthy and happy
workforce is a productive workforce, and a healthy society is a climate primed
for business growth. Such interventions include things like helping employees
quit smoking, lose weight through activity and diet, or fertility.

For instance, the big five tech, exemplified by Apple and META, are balancing
reproductive reality and the demands of professional life by paying for their female
employees’ egg freezing and paid expenses for abortion procedures. The so-called
“perks arms race” might also include things like sponsoring genome sequencing,
which empower employees with information to make better decisions. Yet, the
challenge lies in finding the appropriate balance between supporting and caring
for employees and being perceived as invasive.

58 TH E FUTUR E OF PEOPLE & ORGANI SATI ONS Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce

Megatrends driving HR trend
Greater Interconnectedness |
Individualisation & Empowerment |
AI & Automation

Just recently CitiCorp opined that ”the metaverse economy could be worth $13
trillion by 2030”. This happened at the same time a plot of virtual real estate sold
for record USD 2.43 million in Decentralland – just a virtual piece of land in the

Facebook changed its name to META in 2021 to kick start the next social tech
wave. The metaverse is going to pioneer how and where we work together.
Their invitation is for people and organisations to live and work in and out of
virtual worlds. It is a new platform for organisation and workers around the
world to engage in a truly hybrid work model. Get the best from two worlds: Be
in the office only wearing slippers – at home.

Try to imaging your own work – now done without stationary computers. The
metaverse is going to be fully integrated into wearables and devices where our
personalised avatars will be our vehicles for work, play, and virtual experience.
What does it actually mean to deliver HR services in the metaverse?

Seen before as an unpractical gimmick and relic of media frenzy, virtual reality
headsets are being taken seriously by many organisations as exemplified by Accen-
ture purchasing over 60,000 VR-headsets for their own VR training program.
The company LARVOL and its staff of 150+ only meet in the metaverse.

Cul t ure & wo r ks pa ce T H E FU T U R E O F PEO PL E & O RGAN ISAT IO N S 59

In this whitepaper, we have provided a set
of qualified HR trends in the domain of
culture, workspace, leadership, organisation,
life, career, people, talents, technology and
work. But when it comes to shaping your
organisations future of HR, there is an ur-
gent need for a more extensive exploration.
Want to know more ?
We have helped and guided the biggest companies in the world towards better strategic futures.
We offer short presentations, scenario building, seminars, strategic workshops, and
visionary though-leader programs. But enough about us. We would love to hear from you.

Feel free to reach out

Contact Expert futurist, Critically acclaimed Author, Psychologist
and associated Director, Thomas Geuken, tg@cifs.dk

Read more about the future of the people




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