Diabetes y Embarazo ADA 2023
Diabetes y Embarazo ADA 2023
Diabetes y Embarazo ADA 2023
The prevalence of diabetes in pregnancy has been increasing in the U.S. in parallel
with the worldwide epidemic of obesity. Not only is the prevalence of type 1 diabe-
tes and type 2 diabetes increasing in individuals of reproductive age, but there is
also a dramatic increase in the reported rates of gestational diabetes mellitus
(GDM). Diabetes confers significantly greater maternal and fetal risk largely related
to the degree of hyperglycemia but also related to chronic complications and co-
morbidities of diabetes. In general, specific risks of diabetes in pregnancy include
spontaneous abortion, fetal anomalies, preeclampsia, fetal demise, macrosomia,
neonatal hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and neonatal respiratory distress syn-
drome, among others. In addition, diabetes in pregnancy may increase the risk of
obesity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes in offspring later in life (1,2).
Preconception Counseling
15.1 Starting at puberty and continuing in all people with diabetes and re- Disclosure information for each author is
available at https://doi.org/10.2337/dc23-SDIS.
productive potential, preconception counseling should be incorporated
into routine diabetes care. A Suggested citation: ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda
VR, et al., American Diabetes Association. 15.
15.2 Family planning should be discussed, and effective contraception (with Management of diabetes in pregnancy: Standards
consideration of long-acting, reversible contraception) should be pre- of Care in Diabetes—2023. Diabetes Care 2023;
scribed and used until an individual’s treatment plan and A1C are opti- 46(Suppl. 1):S254–S266
mized for pregnancy. A © 2022 by the American Diabetes Association.
15.3 Preconception counseling should address the importance of achieving Readers may use this article as long as the
glucose levels as close to normal as is safely possible, ideally A1C work is properly cited, the use is educational
<6.5% (48 mmol/mol), to reduce the risk of congenital anomalies, pre- and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
eclampsia, macrosomia, preterm birth, and other complications. A More information is available at https://www.
diabetesjournals.org/care Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy S255
All individuals with diabetes and repro- to make well-informed decisions (8). Pre- point is the need to incorporate a ques-
ductive potential should be informed conception counseling resources tailored tion about plans for pregnancy into the
about the importance of achieving and for adolescents are available at no cost routine primary and gynecologic care of
maintaining as near euglycemia as safely through the American Diabetes Associa- people with diabetes. Preconception
possible prior to conception and through- tion (ADA) (15). care for people with diabetes should in-
out pregnancy. Observational studies show clude the standard screenings and care
an increased risk of diabetic embryopathy, Preconception Care recommended for any person planning
especially anencephaly, microcephaly, con- pregnancy (16). Prescription of prenatal
genital heart disease, renal anomalies, vitamins with at least 400 mg of folic
15.4 Individuals with preexisting
and caudal regression, directly propor- acid and 150 mg of potassium iodide
diabetes who are planning a
tional to elevations in A1C during the (18) is recommended prior to concep-
pregnancy should ideally begin
first 10 weeks of pregnancy (3). Although tion. Review and counseling on the use
receiving care in preconception
Table 15.1—Checklist for preconception care for people with diabetes (16,19)
Preconception education should include:
w Comprehensive nutrition assessment and recommendations for:
Overweight/obesity or underweight
15.7 Fasting and postprandial blood Meal planning
glucose monitoring are recom- Correction of dietary nutritional deficiencies
mended in both gestational Caffeine intake
diabetes mellitus and pre- Safe food preparation technique
w Lifestyle recommendations for:
existing diabetes in pregnancy
Regular moderate exercise
to achieve optimal glucose lev- Avoidance of hyperthermia (hot tubs)
els. Glucose targets are fasting Adequate sleep
plasma glucose <95 mg/dL w Comprehensive diabetes self-management education
w Counseling on diabetes in pregnancy per current standards, including natural history of
(5.3 mmol/L) and either 1-h post-
the A1C target in diabetes and w Genetic carrier status (based on history):
and glucose management indi- w Management plan for general health, gynecologic concerns, comorbid conditions, or
cator calculations should not complications, if present, including hypertension, nephropathy, retinopathy; Rh
be used in pregnancy as es- incompatibility; and thyroid dysfunction
timates of A1C. C DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; DVT/PE, deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism; ECG, elec-
15.13 Nutrition counseling should en- trocardiogram; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome;
dorse a balance of macronutrients TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
diabetesjournals.org/care Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy S257
including nutrient-dense fruits, Processed foods, fatty red meat, and Lower limits are based on the mean
vegetables, legumes, whole sweetened foods and beverages should of normal blood glucose in pregnancy
grains, and healthy fats with be limited (26). (33). Lower limits do not apply to individ-
n-3 fatty acids that include uals with type 2 diabetes treated with
nuts and seeds and fish in the Insulin Physiology nutrition alone. Hypoglycemia in preg-
eating pattern. E Given that early pregnancy is a time of nancy is as defined and treated in Rec-
enhanced insulin sensitivity and lower ommendations 6.10–6.15 (Section 6,
glucose levels, many people with type 1 “Glycemic Targets”). These values repre-
Pregnancy in people with normal glu- diabetes will have lower insulin require- sent optimal control if they can be
cose metabolism is characterized by ments and an increased risk for hypo- achieved safely. In practice, it may be
fasting levels of blood glucose that are glycemia (27). Around 16 weeks, insulin challenging for a person with type 1 dia-
lower than in the nonpregnant state resistance begins to increase, and total betes to achieve these targets without
should be achieved without hypoglyce- alerts. A prospective, observational study GDM is characterized by an increased risk
mia, which, in addition to the usual ad- including 20 pregnant people with type 1 of large-for-gestational-age birth weight
verse sequelae, may increase the risk of diabetes simultaneously monitored with and neonatal and pregnancy complica-
low birth weight (43). Given the alter- intermittently scanning CGM (isCGM) and tions and an increased risk of long-term
ation in red blood cell kinetics during real-time CGM (rtCGM) for 7 days in maternal type 2 diabetes and abnormal
pregnancy and physiological changes in early pregnancy demonstrated a higher glucose metabolism of offspring in child-
glycemic parameters, A1C levels may percentage of time below range in the hood. These associations with maternal
need to be monitored more frequently isCGM group. Asymptomatic hypoglyce- oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) results
than usual (e.g., monthly). mia measured by isCGM should there- are continuous with no clear inflection
fore not necessarily lead to a reduction points (35,52). Offspring with exposure to
Continuous Glucose Monitoring in
of insulin dose and/or increased carbo- untreated GDM have reduced insulin sen-
hydrate intake at bedtime unless these
Pregnancy sitivity and b-cell compensation and are
• Two-hour postprandial glucose <120 testing may be useful to identify those Metformin
mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L) who are severely restricting carbohy- Metformin was associated with a lower
drates to control blood glucose. Sim- risk of neonatal hypoglycemia and less
The glycemic target lower limits de- ple carbohydrates will result in higher maternal weight gain than insulin in sys-
fined above for preexisting diabetes apply postmeal excursions. tematic reviews (74,77–79). However,
for GDM treated with insulin. Depending metformin readily crosses the placenta,
on the population, studies suggest that Physical Activity resulting in umbilical cord blood levels
70–85% of people diagnosed with GDM A systematic review demonstrated im- of metformin as high or higher than si-
under Carpenter-Coustan criteria can provements in glucose control and reduc- multaneous maternal levels (80,81). In
manage GDM with lifestyle modification tions in need to start insulin or insulin the Metformin in Gestational Diabetes:
alone; it is anticipated that this propor- dose requirements with an exercise inter- The Offspring Follow-Up (MiG TOFU)
tion will be even higher if the lower Inter- vention. There was heterogeneity in the study’s analyses of 7- to 9-year-old off-
Insulin It may be suited for pregnancy because the but can require much higher doses of in-
Insulin use should follow the guidelines predictive low-glucose threshold for sus- sulin, sometimes necessitating concen-
below. Both multiple daily insulin injec- pending insulin is in the range of premeal trated insulin formulations. Insulin is the
tions and continuous subcutaneous insulin and overnight glucose value targets in preferred treatment for type 2 diabetes
infusion are reasonable delivery strategies, pregnancy and may allow for more in pregnancy. An RCT of metformin
and neither has been shown to be supe- aggressive prandial dosing. See SENSOR- added to insulin for the treatment of
rior to the other during pregnancy (92). AUGMENTED PUMPS and AUTOMATED INSULIN DELIVERY type 2 diabetes found less maternal
SYSTEMS in Section 7, “Diabetes Technology,” weight gain and fewer cesarean births.
MANAGEMENT OF PREEXISTING for more information on these systems. There were fewer macrosomic neonates,
but there was a doubling of small-for-
DIABETES IN PREGNANCY Type 1 Diabetes gestational-age neonates (107). As in
Insulin Use Pregnant individuals with type 1 diabe- type 1 diabetes, insulin requirements
studies are needed to assess the long- had an even better composite outcome POSTPARTUM CARE
term effects of prenatal aspirin exposure score than those without diabetes (118).
on offspring (116). As a result of the CHAP study, ACOG
15.23 Insulin resistance decreases
issued a Practice Advisory recommend-
dramatically immediately post-
PREGNANCY AND DRUG ing a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg
as the threshold for initiation or titration partum, and insulin require-
of medical therapy for chronic hyperten- ments need to be evaluated
Recommendations sion in pregnancy (119) rather than their and adjusted as they are often
15.21 In pregnant individuals with previously recommended threshold of roughly half the prepregnancy
diabetes and chronic hyper- 160/110 mmHg (120). requirements for the initial
tension, a blood pressure The CHAP study provides additional few days postpartum. C
threshold of 140/90 mmHg for guidance for the management of hyper- 15.24 A contraceptive plan should be
discussed and implemented
tested for persistent diabetes or predia- 20% at 10 years, 30% at 20 years, 40% those with diabetes, should be supported
betes at 4–12 weeks postpartum with a at 30 years, 50% at 40 years, and 60% at in attempts to breastfeed. Breastfeeding
fasting 75-g OGTT using nonpregnancy cri- 50 years (129). In the prospective Nurses’ may also confer longer-term metabolic
teria as outlined in Section 2, “Classification Health Study II (NHS II), subsequent dia- benefits to both mother (139) and off-
and Diagnosis of Diabetes,” specifically betes risk after a history of GDM was sig- spring (140). Breastfeeding reduces the
Table 2.2. In the absence of unequivocal nificantly lower in those who followed risk of developing type 2 diabetes in
hyperglycemia, a positive screen for dia- healthy eating patterns (130). Adjusting mothers with previous GDM. It may
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both the fasting plasma glucose ($126 erately, but not completely. Interpreg- of offspring, but more studies are
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normal in a single screening test, then comes (131) and higher risk of GDM, glycemia, and insulin dosing may need
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