Flynn's Guide To Magic in Traveller

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Flynn’s Guide To

By Jason “Flynn” Kemp

Requires the use of the Traveller™ Main Rulebook, available from

Mongoose Publishing.

Copyright © 2009 Samardan Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book, aside from designated Open Game
Content, may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

“Traveller” and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used according
to the terms of the Traveller Logo Licence version 1.0b. A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose
Publishing. The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
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Samardan Press

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 1 A Samardan Press Publication

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Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 2 A Samardan Press Publication

Copyright © 2009 Samardan Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

Written By: Jason “Flynn” Kemp

Layout Design: Jason “Flynn” Kemp
Cover Art: Photo courtesy of, who released it to the public domain
Other artwork used in this book derived from the Public Domain.

Special Thanks To:

• Ryan Nock, who wrote EN Publishing’s Elements of Magic – Mythic Earth, upon which this system is based;
• Nicholas Kemp, who puts up with his Daddy working on these projects in the evening and on weekends; and
• Faith Kemp, my beloved wife, who puts up with me, period, and that’s no small feat on her part.

Credits ........................................................................... 3 Illusion Enhancements........................................ 23
Contents ........................................................................ 3 Move ........................................................................ 23
Introduction ..................................................................6 Move Enhancements........................................... 23
General Assumptions ...............................................6 Other Movement Types ......................................24
Spellcasting in Traveller................................................ 7 Summon ................................................................. 26
New Skills.................................................................. 7 Summon Enhancements.................................... 26
Spellcasting ............................................................... 7 Suppress ................................................................. 26
Casting Ritual Spells ............................................. 7 Suppress Enhancements.................................... 26
Casting Spontaneous Spells ................................. 8 Transform ................................................................27
Dispelling Magic ....................................................... 8 Transform Enhancements...................................27
High Fantasy and Low Fantasy.................................9 Advanced Spellcasting ............................................28
Low Fantasy...........................................................9 Combined Spells .................................................28
High Fantasy .........................................................9 Effects That Aren’t Listed Here ...........................28
General Spellcasting ............................................... 10 Restricted or Improved Spells.............................28
Expanded Spellcasting Options.............................. 10 Create or Transform? ......................................... 29
Magic Skills ................................................................. 12 Magic Items.................................................................30
Creating Spells .................................................... 12 Cost and Creation................................................30
General Enhancements....................................... 12 Single-Use Activated Items .................................30
Attack........................................................................13 Other Activated Items .........................................30
Attack Enhancements ..........................................13 Continuous Items................................................ 31
Affliction Enhancements..................................... 14 Permanent Spells ................................................ 31
Charm...................................................................... 14 Curses .................................................................. 31
Charm Enhancements ........................................ 14 Mana Batteries .................................................... 32
Create ...................................................................... 17 Alternative Costs ................................................. 32
Creation Limitations and Options...................... 17 Ritual Spells ......................................................... 32
Create Enhancement........................................... 17 Common Spells........................................................... 33
Cure ......................................................................... 18 Animal Friendship ............................................... 33
Cure Enhancements............................................ 18 Antimagic Attack ................................................. 33
Miraculous Healing............................................. 18 Antimagic Zone ................................................... 33
Miraculous Healing Enhancements ................... 18 Arcane Summoning I .......................................... 33
Raising the Dead, Healing the Sick .................... 19 Arcane Summoning II ......................................... 33
Defend ..................................................................... 19 Arcane Summoning III ........................................ 33
Defend Enhancements........................................ 19 Anger.................................................................... 33
Divine ......................................................................20 Animate Dead...................................................... 33
Divine Enhancements .........................................20 Bless.....................................................................34
Optional Rule • Cinematic Clairvoyance............. 22 Blindsight.............................................................34
Illusion..................................................................... 22 Blur.......................................................................34
Senses and Complexity of Illusions.................... 22 Boost Dexterity ....................................................34

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Boost Endurance................................................. 34 Energy Resistance............................................... 40
Boost Strength .................................................... 34 Energy Touch...................................................... 40
Bravery................................................................. 34 Entangle.............................................................. 40
Burning Hands.................................................... 34 Expeditious Movement ...................................... 40
Call Lightning ...................................................... 34 Explosive Runes.................................................. 40
Calm Emotions.................................................... 34 Feeblemind ......................................................... 40
Calm Major Emotions......................................... 34 Fertile Earth ......................................................... 41
Calm Minor Emotions ........................................ 34 Fireball ................................................................. 41
Cause Blindness/Deafness..................................35 Flame Strike......................................................... 41
Cause Disease ......................................................35 Flesh to Stone...................................................... 41
Cause Fatigue.......................................................35 Fly......................................................................... 41
Cause Fear............................................................35 Fog Cloud ............................................................ 41
Cause Fear, Greater .............................................35 Forgetful Distraction ........................................... 41
Cause Fear, Lesser ...............................................35 Freedom of Movement ....................................... 41
Cause Paralysis.....................................................35 Frenzy ..................................................................42
Change Self...........................................................35 Fumble.................................................................42
Charm Creature....................................................35 Ghost Form .........................................................42
Charm Creature, Greater......................................35 Gust of Wind .......................................................42
Circle of Binding.................................................. 36 Haste ...................................................................42
Command............................................................ 36 HealingTouch ......................................................42
Confusion ............................................................ 36 Heroic Surge........................................................42
Courage ............................................................... 36 Heroism...............................................................42
Create Weather.................................................... 36 Hopelessness ......................................................43
Creation, Major ................................................... 36 Ice Storm .............................................................43
Creation, Minor ................................................... 36 Illusion, Major .....................................................43
Cure Blindness/Deafness ................................... 36 Illusion, Minor .....................................................43
Cure Disease ....................................................... 37 Inaudibility ...........................................................43
Cure Fatigue ........................................................ 37 Inhibited Movement............................................43
Cure Nausea........................................................ 37 Invisibility.............................................................43
Cure Paralysis...................................................... 37 Knock ...................................................................43
Cure Stun............................................................. 37 Light .................................................................... 44
Cure Wounds....................................................... 37 Lightning Bolt ..................................................... 44
Cure Wounds, Greater ........................................ 37 Locate Object...................................................... 44
Cure Wounds, Lesser .......................................... 37 Love..................................................................... 44
Darkness.............................................................. 37 Low Light Vision ................................................. 44
Darkness, Greater ............................................... 37 Mage Armor........................................................ 44
Darkvision ........................................................... 37 Magic Missile ..................................................... 44
Daylight ............................................................... 37 Neutralize Poison............................................... 44
Daze..................................................................... 37 Phantasm, Major................................................ 44
Detect Invisibility................................................. 38 Phantasm, Minor................................................ 44
Detect Magic ....................................................... 38 Plane Shift............................................................45
Detect Magic, Greater......................................... 38 Precognition ........................................................45
Detect Magic, Improved ..................................... 38 Precognition, Greater ..........................................45
Detect Otherworldly Beings................................ 38 Precognition, Lesser............................................45
Detect Otherworldly Beings, Greater.................. 38 Preserve ...............................................................45
Detect Otherworldly Beings, Improved.............. 38 Protection from Otherworldly Beings .................45
Detect Thoughts.................................................. 39 Rage .....................................................................45
Displacement ...................................................... 39 Raise the Dead.....................................................45
Drain Dexterity .................................................... 39 Raise the Dead, Greater ..................................... 46
Drain Endurance ................................................. 39 Raise the Dead, Lesser ....................................... 46
Drain Strength..................................................... 39 Regenerate.......................................................... 46
Elemental Weapon .............................................. 39 Regenerate, Greater............................................ 46
Enchanted Weapon ............................................. 39 Regenerate, Lesser ............................................. 46
Enchanted Weapon, Greater...............................40 Remote Viewing, Major...................................... 46
Enchanted Weapon, Lesser ................................40 Remote Viewing, Minor...................................... 46
Energy Buffer .......................................................40 Sanctuary ............................................................ 46

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Slow .....................................................................46 Transmogrification ............................................. 49
Spell Resistance ..................................................46 Uncontrollable Laughter .................................... 49
Spider Climb........................................................ 47 Vibration Sense .................................................. 49
Stun ..................................................................... 47 Water Breathing.................................................. 49
Suppress Armor .................................................. 47 Water Walk ......................................................... 49
Suppress Dexterity .............................................. 47 Weaken Attack .................................................... 49
Suppress Education ............................................ 47 Weaken Damage ................................................ 49
Suppress Endurance ........................................... 47 Career Path: The Mage................................................50
Suppress Intelligence.......................................... 47 Career Progress ...................................................50
Suppress Spell Resistance .................................. 47 Mustering Out Benefits.......................................50
Suppress Strength............................................... 47 Skill and Training.................................................50
Swim....................................................................48 Ranks and Skills...................................................50
Telekinesis, Major ...............................................48 Mishaps ............................................................... 51
Telekinesis...........................................................48 Events .................................................................. 51
Telekinesis, Minor...............................................48 Special Events...................................................... 52
Teleport, Major....................................................48 Legal Text..................................................................... 53
Teleport ...............................................................48 Declaration of Open Game Content....................... 53
Teleport, Minor ...................................................48 Declaration of Product Identity............................... 53
Tongues, Lesser ..................................................49 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a...................... 53

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 5 A Samardan Press Publication

Welcome to Flynn’s Guide To Magic In Traveller. Inside this supplement, you will find the all the secrets to
eldritch power that you’ve been waiting for, at least within the confines of your 2d6-based Open Gaming
campaigns. This Flynn’s Guide contains a complete spellcasting system that will allow you to introduce both
ritual and spontaneous spellcasting to your campaigns. In addition to detailing this skill-based magic system,
this guide contains over 150 different sample spells created from the system’s guidelines. You’ll also find
information on creating magic items, delivering magical curses, and exploring magical locations that empower
your sorcerous might. Finally, this product also contains a complete Mage career path, to allow you to create
spellcasting characters that you can immediately use in your campaigns.

General Assumptions
This supplement makes a number of basic assumptions.
Silver Standard: This supplement assumes that the campaign setting’s economy is based in silver. Instead
of calling for a specific coinage, the text simply refers to silver as its monetary unit. For settings that use a gold
standard, simply change silver to gold. For settings that use the standard Credit, simply change silver to Credits.
Limited By Skill, Not Power: This supplement assumes that magic is limited only by skill, and not by power.
There are no “spell slots” or “power points” to track. Spellcasting is limited simply by how good the caster is,
and by the fact that characters can only take so many actions each round. If a Referee desires a system that
implements a power pool of some sort, the author suggests he consider an approach similar to Psionic Strength
points, where each spell level costs one Psionic Strength point to cast. Instead of using Intelligence as the
general ability score for modifying magic skill checks, perhaps a Magic ability score similar to Psi Rating could
work. That approach isn’t used in this book, but is presented here as an idea for Referees that desire such.

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The core of the spellcasting system for Flynn’s Guide
to Magic in Traveller is simple. There in one magic
To cast a spell, you must either have a ritual text, or
skill, Magic, with eleven specializations - Attack,
must have the ability to cast spells spontaneously
Charm, Create, Cure, Defend, Divine, Illusion, Move,
(which requires you to have levels in the Magic skill).
Summon, Suppress and Transform. Spell power is
The two methods use different mechanics to cast
measured in levels, typically from 1 to 10. More
spells, but both use the same mechanics for creating
advanced magic is possible, but seldom comes into
spells and determining their power level.
the hands of player characters. Casting spells requires
The term “spellcasting check” is used for both
a Magic skill check, and the task difficulty increases
ritual and spontaneous spells. For ritual spells, a
when casting more powerful spells.
spellcasting check is a Philosophy (Arcana) check
Humans in general have no innate or natural
used to cast the spell. For a spontaneous spell, a
magical ability. Human characters can cast ritual
spellcasting check is a Magic skill check of the
spells from texts, and even create their own rituals
appropriate specialization to determine whether
with enough study, but they have no innate magical
casting the spell taxes you, and if so, how much.
power, and must use the Philosophy (Arcana) skill to
perform magical rituals.
To cast a spontaneous spell - a spell that does not Casting Ritual Spells
require a ritual - a character must have levels in the To cast a ritual spell, make a Philosophy (Arcana)
Magic skill. This magic system does not consider the check (Average task (DM +0), with a DM penalty
source of a mage’s power. Some mages might use equal to the spell’s level). Casting a ritual spell
powers of the fey, others might have magic granted to requires ten successful skill checks, one per round. If
them by the ghost of an ancestor, and others might you fail a check, that round does not count toward the
possess divine powers. This magic system focuses on ten necessary successes. If you fail 2 times in a row,
the effects of casting spells, leaving the rest up to the the spell fails entirely and causes a mishap.
Referee to determine for their own campaign milieu. Assisted Rituals: Other characters can attempt to
Ritual spells are difficult to cast, but can be very assist you with a ritual spell, using the “Aiding
powerful if the caster is willing to take the risk. Another Character” rules. Assisting characters each
Spontaneous spells are weaker, but have almost no make a Philosophy (Arcana) check (Easy task (DM
risk. +4)). You can only be assisted by a number of
characters equal to your levels in the Philosophy
(Arcana) skill. If additional characters try to aid you,
New Skills they are wasting their time - their attempt has no
The crux of this magic system relies on three new effect on the ritual.
skills and their specializations. Rituals that are 3rd level or higher always require
Magic: This is the true workhorse of the some action in addition to simple spellcasting. What
spellcasting system. Spontaneous spellcasting relies this action is depends on the spellcaster’s tradition, as
on the extensive knowledge and arcane mastery determined by the Referee for the campaign setting,
represented by levels in the Magic skill. Its use is so but typically are not difficult to do. These required
extensive that Magic has its own chapter, which actions simply take up time if you do not have
encompasses what can be accomplished under its assistance.
perview. Ritual spells are written texts, so characters must
Philosophy (Arcana): Although artistically named be able to read and speak the language to participate
to fit within the context of a fantasy setting, in a ritual. The section on Magic Items contains rules
Philosophy (Arcana) is essentially a Science skill on creating and purchasing rituals.
dedicated to magic and magical practices. It is very Failed Rituals: If you fail two consecutive
useful for the casting of ritual spells and for generic spellcasting checks for a ritual, the spell fails, you
dispelling efforts. suffer a -1 penalty to all spellcasting checks for the rest
Trade (Artificer): Creating permanent magic items of the day, and the spell mishaps. See Mishaps, below,
requires the use of this Trade skill. Without it, mages for more information.
are only able to craft Single-Use magic items. Its usage If, while casting a ritual, you end the ritual
is described in greater detail under Magic Items. voluntarily instead of failing two spellcasting checks,
no mishap occurs, but you still suffer a -1 penalty to all
spellcasting checks for the rest of the day.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 7 A Samardan Press Publication

Casting Spontaneous Spells burn damage equal to the number of skill levels in the
To cast a spontaneous spell, you must have skill levels appropriate magic skill used to cast the spell. The
in the appropriate magical skill specialization. You can remainder is applied against your ability scores as
cast any spell if its level is less than or equal to the normal.
number of skill levels you have in that magical skill. Spell burn is like standard damage, except that it
Casting a spontaneous spell takes two significant cannot be healed by magic. A Medic check (Average
actions typically performed in two consecutive rounds, task (DM +0)) can recover 1 additional point of spell
except that signature spells (see below) can be cast as burn, but a character can only benefit from this once
a significant action. per day.
At the end of the second round of casting a Overpowered Spells: Normally, when you cast a
spontaneous spell, make a spellcasting check with the spontaneous spell, you cannot cast a spell that is
appropriate magical skill (Routine task (DM +2), with higher level than the number of skill levels you have in
a DM penalty equal to the spell’s level). If you the appropriate magical skill. You can choose to cast
succeed, the spell functions normally. If you fail, the an overpowered spell, allowing you to cast a spell up
spell may still function, but you suffer drawbacks. to 2 levels higher than your number of skill levels.
If you fail with a Marginal Failure (missed by 1), Casting an overpowered spell deals an additional 1d6
the spell functions normally. However, you incur a -1 points of spell burn to you for every spell level you
penalty to all spellcasting checks for the rest of the went above your limit.
If you fail with an Average Failure (missed by 2 to Dispelling Magic
5), the spell fails and you incur a -1 penalty to all Any mage can attempt to dispel magic, ending
spellcasting checks for the rest of the day. magical effects by application of his own magic. There
If you fail with an Exceptional Failure (missed by 6 are two ways to dispel magic. The first uses a magical
or more), the spell fails; you incur a -1 penalty to all skill to counter applications of the same magical skill.
spellcasting checks for the rest of the day, and the The second uses Philosophy (Arcana) to counter the
spell mishaps. See Mishaps below for more effects of any magical skill. For either method, you
information. must purchase general enhancements for range if the
Signature Spells: Normally, spontaneous spells targeted spell is not close enough to touch, but
take two significant actions, typically performed over duration and area of effect are not necessary. Once a
two consecutive rounds, to cast. From a flavor spell is dispelled, it ends as if its duration had run out.
standpoint, this represents the time needed to Typically dispelling is only attempted if you have
compose a spell on the fly. From a game standpoint, identified what type of magic a spell is by making a
this discourages players from slowing down combat Philosophy (Arcana) check (Routine task (DM +2),
by trying to create the perfect spell. Instead, characters with a negative DM equal to half the spell’s level, while
will typically rely on their signature spells, those spells the spell is being cast, or Average task (DM +0), with
the character is most familiar with, which he is able to a negative DM equal to half the spell’s level, if the
perform without thinking. Signature spells are just as spell is already in effect, but you can always guess and
difficult to cast as normal spells (i.e., their spellcasting hope that your dispel attempt is appropriate.
difficulty is the same), but they take only a significant Dispelling is a significant action. You can also
action to cast. delay and use a significant action to dispel a spell as it
A signature spell is a specific, premade spell of a is being cast. This is called counterspelling. If you
specific magical tradition or practice: for example, a counter a spell, the spell never takes effect in the first
specific Illusion 5/Gen 1 spell to make a target place.
creature look and sound like a different person for ten Magic Skill Dispelling: You can use a magic skill
minutes. The specific appearance of the illusion can to negate magic of the same type. However, you can
be different, but the enhancements chosen are pre- always try to blindly dispel, and if you guess wrong the
determined. type or power of spell, your dispel does nothing.
You can know a number of signature spells equal You must cast a spell that has the same number
to your Intelligence ability score. Creating or changing of levels of the appropriate magical skill(s) as the
the signature spells you know takes 8 hours of study targeted spell, not counting general enhancements (so
and practice. You can choose any spell as a signature to counter a Summon 3/Gen 1 spell, you must cast a
spell, even an overpowered spell (see below). Summon 3 spell, and the only general enhancement
However, ritual spells can never be signature spells. you need is sufficient range). Because you aren’t
Spell Burn: Casting a spell deals 1d6 points of creating an entire spell, the dispel attempt takes only a
damage to you for every 2 spell levels (round up) of significant action, not two significant actions. If your
the spell. You may ignore a number of points of spell spell functions, you dispel the targeted spell.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 8 A Samardan Press Publication

Example One: During a battle in a haunted High Fantasy and Low
cemetery, a vile witch doctor places a curse on our
hero Loboki, causing him to be paralyzed with Fantasy
wracking pains (Charm 3/Gen 1). Loboki falls to the These spellcasting rules assume a general level of
ground amid the mage’s bodyguards, so Loboki’s ally magic common to a majority of the fantasy settings
Hechaba attempts to dispel the curse. She fails to many gamers have enjoyed for decades. This level of
identify the spell the witch doctor cast, but she has 4 magic within a campaign is characterized by the
skill levels in Charm, so she takes a guess and tries to assumption that magic is uncommon but not rare,
dispel it. She cannot reach Hechaba, so she casts that spells are difficult to cast but not deadly (for the
Charm 4/Gen 1 as a dispel attempt. Since she has at most part), and spellcasters are common enemies
least as many levels of Charm as the targeted spell, as most frequently encountered as powerful bosses or at
long as she succeeds her spellcasting check, Loboki least elite minions.
will be freed. This system can easily be modified to represent
Philosophy (Arcana) Dispelling: You can use the both Low Fantasy and High Fantasy campaign styles
Philosophy (Arcana) skill to negate any sort of magic, with some simple modifications. Referees should feel
though you have a lower chance of success. You can free to modify the changes given below to better fit the
only attempt to dispel with the Philosophy (Arcana) flavor of their campaign setting.
skill if you have successfully identified the spell you are
trying to dispel. Though normally Philosophy (Arcana) Low Fantasy
is not a magical skill, when used to dispel you make a This level of magic assumes that magic is very rare,
spellcasting check like any other magical skill. that spellcasting is dangerous, and spellcasters are
You make a magical Philosophy (Arcana) check rarely encountered. Even when magic makes an
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty of the targeted appearance in the game, the sword is still more
spell’s level, not counting general enhancements). reliable and better equipped to address matters in a
Penalize the DM by -1 if the target is within Short direct confrontation. This can be accomplished using
range, -2 if it is Medium range, and -3 if it is in Long the following changes to the system:
range. You cannot dispel targets beyond Long range. If • Spellcasting checks and item creation checks are
you succeed, the spell is dispelled. one level more difficult.
Regardless of whether your dispel attempt • All spellcasting times are doubled. All item
succeeds, the attempt is innately anti-magical, so you creation times are ten times longer.
take a –1 penalty to spellcasting attempts for the rest • Spontaneous spellcasting may not be practiced by
of the day. anyone with less than 3 levels in the Magic skill.
Example Two: An allied warrior has been mentally
• All spells require Power Components equal in
dominated by a enemy magus, and is trying to hit
value to 100 silver per spell level, in addition to
Loboki with a crossbow bolt. Loboki doesn’t want to
any Power Components that may already be
kill the warrior, but he does not know Charm.
However, he succeeds his Philosophy (Arcana) check
to identify the spell that is controlling the agent
(Charm 2/Gen 1). He decides to try to dispel the High Fantasy
domination, which requires a Philosophy (Arcana) This level of magic assumes that magic is very
check (with a total DM -1). The warrior is six meters common, that spellcasting is easy, most people have
from Loboki, so the range increases the DM penalty to some spellcasting ability, and magic items are
-2. He has 3 skill levels in Philosophy (Arcana), so he common enough to be sold in magic shops. Even
rolls 2d6+1, looking for a total of 8 or higher to diehard warriors in a High Fantasy setting can have
determine success. some magical knack or ability to modify their martial
Dispelling Magic Items: If you successfully dispel talents. This can be accomplished using the following
a magic item, permanent spell, or curse, its effects are changes to the system:
suppressed for one minute. When attempting to • Spellcasting checks and item creation checks are
dispel a permanent effect, you can choose to accept a one level less difficult.
DM -1 to increase the suppression duration to 10 • All characters in the setting start off with basic
minutes, DM -2 to increase the duration of the magical training: Magic 0 and Philosophy
suppression to one hour, or increase the DM -4 to (Arcana) 0.
increase the duration of the suppression to one day. • All cost of Power Components for any spells that
require them is halved.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 9 A Samardan Press Publication

spellcasting check. If you lose your magical focus, the
precast spell is lost.
You can only have one precast spell at a time.
Resisting Magic: Whenever a character attempts
to resist your magic, the spell’s level serves as a
penalty on their relevant check used to resist the
magical effects.
Spellcasting Penalties: If you fail to cast a ritual
spell, or if you fail the spellcasting check for a
spontaneous spell, you suffer a -1 penalty to
spellcasting checks for the rest of the day, generally
until you get a good night’s rest. Regardless of how
many times you sleep, you can only negate these
penalties once in a given day. If you do not rest at
least 4 hours, the penalties remain, even beyond one
Armored Spellcasting Failure: In most settings,
mages wearing armor have difficulty casting spells
with somatic components, increasing the difficulty of
spellcasting checks used to cast their spells. The mage
suffers a penalty equal to half the armor’s value,
rounded down.
Mishaps – Spellcasting Fumbles: When
spellcasting goes awry, the result is called a mishap.
General Spellcasting The default mishap is that the caster and any other
The following rules apply to ritual and spontaneous characters involved in casting the spell take damage
spells. equal to the spell’s level, but the Referee is
Verbal, Somatic, and Material Components: As a encouraged to use their imagination when
default, all spells in Flynn’s Guide to Magic in determining the effects of a mishap.
Traveller require verbal and somatic components.
Spells do not normally require material components;
however, at the discretion of the Referee, the use of Expanded Spellcasting
material components may provide additional DMs to Options
the spellcasting check (usually no more than +1 or +2). The following are expanded options of the Spellcasting
Focus: As a significant action, you may make an system.
Endurance check (Average task (DM +0)) to gain Long Spells: Normally a spontaneous spell
magical focus. When you are magically focused, you requires a significant action, and each spellcasting
may expend your focus to cast a spontaneous spell check for a ritual spell requires a full round. If you
without verbal or somatic components. Once you are spend ten minutes instead of the normal significant
magically focused, you remain focused until you action or full round, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus
expend your focus, become unconscious, or go to to your spellcasting check. This would cause a
sleep. spontaneous spell to take ten minutes, and a ritual to
Precasting: Normally, when you want to cast a take at least an hour and forty minutes.
powerful spell, you run a great risk of not just injuring Swift Rituals: You can attempt to cast a ritual spell
yourself, but also wasting your time in combat or more quickly, though this is difficult. To cast a ritual
other tense situations. It is possible, however, to cast spell swiftly you need only succeed on two spellcasting
a spell in advance and hold the completed spell for checks, but you suffer a DM -4 penalty to your
later release. Doing this lets you face the risk of having spellcasting check, and if you fail a single spellcasting
a spell go awry in controlled circumstances. check, the spell fails.
To precast a spell, you must be magically focused. Communal Spells: When a mage is assisted by a
You then choose a spell to cast and make the large number of people, the combined will of the
appropriate magical skill check. If you fail you suffer group can enhance the spell’s scope, if not its power.
the normal effects. If you succeed, the spell does not If you have a large group working with you as you cast
take immediate effect. Instead you gain the ability to a spell - either ritual or spontaneous - their presence
expend your magical focus to cast the spell as a can grant the spell additional levels which can be used
significant action, without having to make a for general enhancements.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 10 A Samardan Press Publication

A group of ten people grants you +4 levels. A provide power for a limited set of spells. Generally this
hundred grants +6 levels. A thousand grants +8 levels. limits the font to certain magical skill types, but some
Ten thousand grants +10 levels, one hundred fonts might be restricted to only certain effects in a
thousand grants +12 levels, one million grants +14 given skill. You can determine the level limit, energy,
levels, and so on. and other aspects of a font with a 1st-level Divine
All participants do not need to be within line of spell, though some loci are cloaked with Illusion.
sight as the spell is cast, but they must be aware the Fonts have two main measures - level limit and
spell is being performed, and must actively and energy. The level limit is the highest spell level that
willingly concentrate on the spell for at least ten can be powered by the font. The energy is how many
minutes, some portion of which must include the times the font can be used in a single day. Regardless
actual casting of the spell. The mage can maintain of how high a font’s level limit is, even a 1st-level spell
concentration, waiting for the necessary ten minutes, will drain one of the font’s uses for the day.
but if he ends before ten minutes, he gains no benefit. Mana batteries are designed to be tapped, and so
Likewise, if his concentration is disrupted, the spell any mage can use them. Loci, however, are harder to
fails. access. All loci are a little different, so to figure out
These additional levels can only be used to how to draw power from a given locus you must make
purchase general enhancements, and they do not a Philosophy (Arcana) check as a significant action
increase the spellcasting difficulty. (Average task (DM +0)).
Magical Fonts: Some magic items simply store To draw power from a locus, you must be within
magical energy. These items, called mana batteries, its area; to draw power from a mana battery, you must
can be tapped by mages to power their spells. be holding or wearing it. When you use a font to cast a
Likewise, locations possessing great magical power, spell, if the spell you cast is not higher than the font’s
called loci, can also be tapped. Batteries and loci are level limit, you do not have to make a spellcasting
mechanically identical, and collectively they are known check: you automatically succeed in casting the spell.
as fonts. Loci are usually natural occurrences, are You still suffer any effects for casting an overpowered
immobile, and possess much more power than a mere spell if the spell’s level is higher than the number of
battery. skill levels you have in the required skill(s), and as
Most mana batteries can be used to power any usual you can only cast spells up to 2 levels higher
sort of spell, though some batteries and most loci only than your skill levels.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 11 A Samardan Press Publication

The core Magic skill defines a mage’s ability to cast level spell. He could also choose to give the spell a 6-
spells. There are eleven specializations of the Magic meter radius, increasing the spell’s level by +2,
skill: Attack, Charm, Create, Cure, Defend, Divine, creating a highly visible explosion or a very subtle
Illusion, Move, Transform, Suppress and Summon. draining of life energy at long range. This would be an
Also, Philosophy (Arcana), in addition to its mundane 8th-level spell.
uses to identify spells, can be used as a magical skill When describing spells, list their type and the
to dispel or counter spells. All of these skills are number of levels of enhancements from that type,
available through the Magus career path. followed by a listing of how many levels of general
enhancements the spell has.
Creating Spells The 6-meter radius version of the example spell
As a baseline, all spells have the following above would be listed as Attack 3/Gen 5.
characteristics: Enhancements are listed in the following format:
Casting Time: Significant action.
Duration: Up to one minute (D). You can hold a Name of Enhancement (+x level increase for
charged spell after casting it, waiting to release its spell). The effect of the enhancement.
effect, but the duration is still tracked from the
moment it is done being cast. General Enhancements
Range: Personal. The following are general (Gen) enhancements,
Target: A creature, object, or point in space. available to any spell.
Area of Effect: Up to one 1.5-meter square. • Range (Varies). The spell has a range greater
Affecting Targets: When you cast your spell, than Personal. The actual level increase is given in the
choose a creature, object, or point-in-space within following table.
range. This is the center of the area of effect. If you
choose a creature or object, the spell is anchored to it, Table: Range Modifiers
and the area of effect moves wherever it moves. If you Range Level Increase
choose a point in space, the area of effect is static and Personal -
unmoving. Close +0
Also, instead of a 1.5-meter area, you may choose Short +1
for the spell to simply affect one creature or object. Medium +2
Thus, if your friend and an enemy are grappling and in Long +3
the same square, you could target a Charm spell to Very Long +4
affect only the enemy, instead of a 1.5-meter area. Distant +5
Special Targeting: You can choose to charge the
spell into an object that is within range, and the first • Area (Varies). The spell affects an area greater
creature or object it touches becomes the anchor of than one 1.5-meter square. The actual spell level
the spell. If you charge an object this way, you can increase is given in the following table.
then cast more spells without causing the charged
spell to end. Remember, though, that the duration is Table: Area Modifiers
running as soon as you cast the spell, so if no one Area Level Increase
touches the charged object, the spell is wasted. One 3-meter radius +1
example of this is charging arrows with Attack spells 6-meter radius +2
so they explode when they hit. 12-meter radius +3
Enhancements: Magical skills have effects 25-meter radius +4
depending on the spell’s level, and when creating a 50-meter radius +5
spell, a character basically chooses enhancements that 100-meter radius +6
increase the spell’s level. Each magical skill has its
own list of enhancements. Additionally, any spell can
• Contingency (Varies). When you cast the spell,
use general enhancements to improve the spell’s
you choose all the spell’s effects, but the spell’s
duration, range, or area of effect. For example, with an
duration doesn’t begin until a certain trigger you set
Attack spell, 1d6 points of damage is a 1st-level effect,
occurs. The trigger must be clear, and must be
while 3d6 is a 3rd-level effect. A character could also
something a typical human could notice. Note that the
choose the Long Range enhancement, which increases
trigger condition must be something that takes place
the spell’s level by +3, allowing him to deal 3d6 points
within 9 meters of the spell’s area, and the Referee
of damage to a creature within Long Range as a 6th-
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 12 A Samardan Press Publication
may disallow inappropriate triggers. A Create spell
that sounds an alarm if anyone enters the area of
The Attack magical skill specialization is used to harm
effect is fair, but an Attack spell that fires at the third
foes, either with damage, or with physical ailments.
creature without ice resistance to talk in the area of
Attack spells can deal different types of damage:
effect is too complicated. You can only have one
physical (impacts, weapons, and pure force) or energy
triggered spell waiting at any given time; if you cast
(acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, and sonic).
another triggered spell before the first triggers, the
If you make an Exceptional Success (succeeded by
earlier one has no effect.
6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast an
o Contingency, Hour (+1). If the trigger doesn’t
Attack spell, affected creatures suffer a DM -2 penalty
occur for one hour, the spell dissipates.
to any checks made to resist.
o Contingency, Day (+2). As above, except the
You may choose one type of Attack damage for
spell can lie in wait for up to one day.
each level of Magic (Attack) skill you possess.
o Contingency, Month (+4). As above, except
However, you cannot cast Attack spells that deal death
thirty days.
damage unless the Referee indicates that is available
o Contingency, Week (+3). As above, except
to your magical tradition or practice.
seven days.
Physical damage, such as by striking with objects
o Contingency, Year (+6). As above, except one
or intangible force, is affected by armor, but spells
bypass armor as if they were magic weapons.
• Discerning (+1). With this enhancement, the
Energy damage comes in seven types — acid,
spell only affects creatures or objects of your choice in
cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, and sonic. It is up
the area of effect. You can choose a maximum number
to the Referee to determine when one type of energy
of targets equal to the spell’s total level. For example,
might be more or less effective, but use the following
a Witch of Rokim casts Cure 3/Gen 3 to affect a 6-
as guidelines.
meter radius circle that contains both allies and
• Acid lingers after striking, dealing an extra 1
enemies, with the Discerning enhancement. She can
point of damage for 1d6 rounds unless washed off.
choose up to six allies in the area of effect so that they
• Cold damage is especially harmful to fiery
will be affected, but no enemies would be.
creatures, such as dragons, dealing half again as
Alternately, you can choose up to one 1.5-meter
much damage.
square per spell level to be unaffected by the spell.
• Death damage grants access to the Affliction
Also, you can choose to have the spell anchor
enhancements below. Attack spells that deal death
individually to each creature in the area of effect. This
damage are typically resisted by Endurance rather than
way, creatures in the area of effect when the spell is
cast are affected, and remain affected even if they
• Electricity damage can short out electronics, at
leave the area of effect. However, if creatures enter the
the Referee’s discretion, if such exists in the
area of effect after the spell is cast, they are not
affected. Thus, the area of effect only really matters
• Fire damage sets things on fire and deals half
when the spell is first cast. Most Charm spells use this
again as much damage to icy creatures.
enhancement so that the mage doesn’t have to always
• Mental damage is nonlethal, and it cannot be
stay within range of those he charms.
used with the Enhanced Attack enhancement. Attack
• Duration (Varies). The spell’s duration is
spells that deal mental damage are typically resisted
something other than one minute.
by Intelligence rather than Dexterity.
o Duration, Concentration (+0). The spell’s
• Sonic damage shatters glass easily. A creature
duration is only as long as you maintain
that takes more than its damage threshold in sonic
damage must make an Endurance check (Routine task
o Duration, Short (+1). The duration is 10
(DM +2)) or be deafened for one minute.
o Duration, Medium (+2). The duration is one
hour. Attack Enhancements
o Duration, Long (+3). The duration is one day. • Enhanced Damage (+1). Place this spell on a
o Duration, Permanent (+12). The spell lasts creature or item (or one set of ammunition, such as
until you will it to end, or until it is dispelled. up to 20 shuriken, a single clip of bullets, or up to 20
arrows). Unarmed and natural attacks made by that
creature or weapon attacks made with that item deal
+1d6 points of damage with a successful hit. You may
choose this enhancement once for any given damage

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 13 A Samardan Press Publication

• Enhanced Attack (+1). Place this spell on a • Emotion (Varies). The following enhancements
creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made alter the emotional state of affected creatures,
by that creature or weapon attacks made with that replacing their current emotional state if it is
item have a DM +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. contradictory. Creatures affected by emotion-changing
You may choose this enhancement up to 3 times. magic do not realize their emotional state is unusual
• Direct Damage (+1). The spell deals 1d6 points during the spell’s duration.
of damage to affected creatures. Those creatures are If a creature successfully resists a Strong emotion
allowed a Dexterity check (Routine task (DM +2), with effect, he instead suffers the effect of the related
a penalty equal to the spell’s level) for half damage. Moderate emotion. If he successfully resists a
Even though spells normally have a duration of one Moderate emotion, he suffers a Weak emotion. And if
minute, the damage is dealt immediately, as soon as he resists a Weak emotion, he suffers no effect. If the
the spell takes effect. You may choose this creature successfully resists with an Exceptional
enhancement any number of times. Success (succeeds by 6 or more), it suffers no
emotion effect at all, regardless of the original power
Affliction Enhancements level of the spell.
You can only choose Affliction enhancements for an
Attack spell if your magical tradition lets you deal Table: Emotion Levels
death damage. Choose one of the following afflictions; Emotion Weak Moderate Strong
your Attack spell afflicts creatures with the chosen Anger Anger Rage Frenzy
condition. A successful Endurance check (Routine task Calm Calm Calmer Calmest
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) Confusion Confusion n/a n/a
against your spell halves any damage and negates Courage Bravery Courageous Heroic
other afflictions. Daze Dazed Stunned Helpless
• Targeted Ability Damage (+2). Affected creatures Fear Shaken Frightened Panicked
take 1d6 points of damage to the ability score of your Happiness Happiness Laughing Love
choice. The damage heals at the normal rate. You may
choose this enhancement multiple times to increase • Emotion, Weak (+1). Affected creatures are
the damage. affected by one of the following emotions.
• Blindness/Deafness (+2). You blind or deafen o Anger: Affected creatures have their attitude
affected creatures for the spell’s duration. toward shifted two degrees more hostile.
• Disease (+3). You infect affected creatures with a Attitudes range from helpful to friendly to
disease of your choice. indifferent to unfriendly to hostile. The
• Fatigue (+2). You fatigue affected creatures. change in attitude is only with regard to the
• Paralysis (+3). You paralyze affected creatures target of your choice.
for the spell’s duration. o Bravery: Brave creatures gain a DM +1 bonus
to attack rolls. The spell also acts as a Calm
Charm spell against fear effects only.
o Calm: Affected creatures ignore magical weak
The Charm magical skill specialization is used to
emotion effects for the spell’s duration.
influence emotions, control a creature’s actions, and
Moderate emotion effects are reduced to
affect creatures’ minds. All Charm spells allow an
weak, and strong emotion effects are reduced
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
to moderate. Consult the Emotion Levels
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the effect.
table to see which emotions are related.
Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence check,
o Confusion: A confused creature takes random
each round thereafter it is allowed a new check to
actions. Roll 1d6 each round: 1: flee at top
break free and end the spell’s effect.
speed to seek safety, 2–3: do nothing for one
If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded
round except perhaps drool or babble, 4-5:
by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast a
attack the nearest creature for 1 round, 6: act
Charm spell, affected creatures suffer a –2 penalty to
normally for 1 round. Any confused creature
their Intelligence checks to resist. Charm spells that
that is attacked automatically attacks its
do not grant resistance checks are unaffected.
attacker on its next action.
o Dazed : Dazed creatures take no actions, but
Charm Enhancements defend themselves normally.
• Charisma (+1). Affected creatures gain a +1 o Happiness: Affected creatures have their
enhancement bonus to checks modified by Social attitude toward shifted two degrees more
Standing for the duration of the spell. You may choose friendly. Attitudes range from helpful to
this enhancement up to three times.
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 14 A Samardan Press Publication
friendly to indifferent to unfriendly to hostile. checks and skill checks. The spell also acts as
The change in attitude is only with regard to a strong Calm against fear effects only.
the creature of your choice (this creature need o Love: Affected creatures fall aggressively in
not be within range of the spell). Multiple love with another creature of your choice,
applications do not stack. wanting nothing more than to be with that
o Shaken: A shaken creature suffers a DM –1 creature and act in whatever way they believe
penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, best displays their love.
and checks made to resist magical effects. o Panicked: A panicked creature suffers a DM –
• Emotion, Moderate (+2). Affected creatures are 1 penalty to resist magical effects and must
affected by one of the following emotions. flee. A panicked creature has a 50% of
o Calmer: Affected creatures ignore magical dropping what it’s holding, chooses its path
weak and moderate emotion effects for the randomly (as long as it’s getting away from
spell’s duration. Strong emotion effects are immediate danger), and flees other dangers
reduced to weak. that confront it. If cornered, a panicked
o Courageous: Courageous creatures gain a creature cowers.
DM +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls,
and checks to resist Charm effects. The spell
also acts as a Calmer spell against fear effects
o Frightened: A frightened creature flees as well
as it can from even the slightest danger. If
unable to flee, the creature may fight. It
suffers a DM –1 penalty on attack rolls,
weapon damage rolls, and checks to resist
magical effects.
o Laughing: The creature is filled with great
humor, and cannot take any aggressive
action. Alternately, you can shift a creature’s
attitude four steps more friendly.
o Rage: The creature acts as if in a berserker
rage, gaining a +1 bonus to Strength and
Endurance, and opponents gain a DM +1 on
melee attacks made against the creature. The
creature is not fatigued at the end of the rage.
o Stunned: Stunned creatures drop whatever
they are holding, can’t act, and opponents
gain a DM +1 on melee attacks made against
the creature.
• Emotion, Strong (+3). Affected creatures are
affected by one of the following emotions.
o Calmest: Affected creatures ignore magical
emotion effects for the spell’s duration. • Commands — Language and Telepathic
o Frenzy: Greater than a rage, the creature (Varies). The following enhancements force creatures
gains a +2 bonus to Strength and Endurance, to obey your commands. Language commands allow
and opponents gain a DM +2 on melee creatures to distort your intent, since they are only
attacks made against the creature. During the required to obey the letter of your command, not its
frenzy, the character can take no rational spirit. Telepathic commands impress your will directly
actions, and simply attacks directly against upon a creature, so it must obey the spirit of your
the nearest enemy. If there are no enemies to command, even if the creature does not understand
fight, the frenzied creature starts attacking your language. The nature of the magic does not allow
friends. you to simply command a creature, “Obey me.” You
o Helpless: Helpless characters are aware of must give the creature specific commands, though the
their surroundings, but can take no actions. more powerful the spell the more complex they can
They are helpless. be. If you wish to control all of the creature’s actions,
o Heroic: Heroic creatures gain a DM +1 bonus you must use the Telepathic Domination
to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability enhancement. However, the command, “Never resist

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 15 A Samardan Press Publication

my spells,” is a valid way to get a creature to follow as long as the creature is within the spell’s
repeated commands. range.
Creatures affected by commands realize they are • Mind Reading (Varies). The following
not acting of their own free will. If a command would enhancements — Forget, Mind Read, and Mind Scan
force a creature to actively harm a close ally or — let you read and alter the thoughts and memories
physically endanger itself, the creature is allowed a of affected creatures.
new Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a • Forget (Varies). Affected creatures forget recent
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to break free, though events. You can have the creatures forget some events
if you simply command a creature to protect you and but not others; they do not realize that they’re missing
it chooses to be aggressive against its allies, it does memories until something prompts them to try to
not receive a new check to resist the effects of the remember, though if you include a standard or
spell. If a command would force a creature to almost complex command enhancement you can tell them to
certainly kill itself, the creature breaks free of the remember something else instead. When the spell
command. ends, they regain their memories.
o Language Command, Simple (+1). The target o Forget, Standard (+1). You can affect up to
must be able to hear and understand you. one minute worth of memory.
You give the target a one- or two-word o Forget, Short (+2). As Forget, except you can
command, which it obeys. Once it completes affect up to 10 minutes worth of memory.
the commanded task, the spell ends for it. o Forget, Medium (+3). As Forget, except you
o Language Command, Standard (+2). As can affect up to an hour worth of memory.
above, except that the command can be one o Forget, Long (+4). As Forget, except you can
or two sentences long, detailing a single affect up to a day worth of memory.
slightly complex task. Once you finish casting o Forget, Complete (+5). As Forget, except you
the spell, you must still give the target the can affect up to all of the creatures’
command, so you might need to rush if the memories.
target is threatening you. • Mind Read (+2). By concentrating, you can
o Language Command, Complex (+3). As deeply read the mind of the creature. Each round, you
above, except that the command can be as can either search for specific information (e.g., the
long or complex as you want. The more name of a spy, the location of hidden treasure, the
complex the command, often the more easily gate password) or simply browse for interesting
the target can distort its intention, but the information. Browsing for general information
main limiting factor is how much time you normally garners nothing very urgent or secretive
can spend giving the command. unless the creature was recently thinking about it, but
o Telepathic Command, Simple (+2). You gives you a broader sense of the creature’s mind.
impress your will upon the target, giving Reading a mind lets you make knowledge-based
them the equivalent of a one- or two-word checks against the skills the creature possesses, but
command, which it obeys to the fullness of its you generally need to look for the right information to
abilities, obeying the intent of your command. find it. You can only browse one creature at a time, but
o Telepathic Command, Standard (+3). As if there are multiple creatures in the area, you can look
above, except that the command can be the for specific information in all of them at once.
equivalent of one or two sentences long, • Mind Scan (+1). By concentrating, you can
detailing a single slightly complex task. You “overhear” the thoughts of the target creature. If there
impart this command as you cast the spell; are multiple creatures in the area, you can focus on
unlike a verbal command above, you do not one at a time, or try to decipher out their thoughts all
have to spend time actually giving the at once, like hearing one person in a crowded room.
command. This does not give you the ability to understand the
o Telepathic Command, Complex (+4). As creature’s language, but you can comprehend
above, except that the command can be as emotions and simple desires like fear or hunger
long or complex as you want. regardless of language.
o Telepathic Domination (+5). For the spell’s • Subtle Charm (+1). The creature does not
duration, you may command the creature receive a new save each round to reduce the effects of
whenever you want, with any level of the Charm. Creatures affected by commands are not
complexity. The spell does not end once the aware that their actions are not their own. However, a
creature fulfills the command. You can give character can still at any time spend an action point to
the creature a new command of any level of temporarily break free from the spell, allowing him to
complexity once per round as a minor action, ignore the Charm for 1 round.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 16 A Samardan Press Publication

Create Table: Cost Conversion
Cost (silver) Level Increase
The Create magical skill specialization creates objects.
Objects can never be created in such a way as to be 10 or less +1
immediately dangerous — you cannot create a steel 11 - 100 +2
plate over a creature to crush it, though you could 101 - 1000 +3
create propped up on the ground, then try to tip it 1001 - 10,000 +4
over. You cannot create objects on unwilling creatures. 10,001 - 100,000 +5
If you attempt to trap a creature inside a large created 100,001 - 1,000,000 +6
object like a cage, it receives a Dexterity check 1,000,001 - 10,000,000 +7
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the 10,000,001 or more +8
spell’s level) to avoid being trapped. If the object is
huge, like a cage the size of a house, the creature is • Create Air (varies). When you create air, you can
not allowed a Dexterity check unless it is near the edge choose its temperature, between extremes of –40 and
of the area. 65 degrees Celsius. Severe heat and cold cannot be
If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded used offensively unless you have a way to keep
by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast a someone from moving out of the area of effect, since
Create spell, affected creatures suffer a –2 penalty to it takes at least a few minutes to die of exposure.
their ability checks to resist. Create spells that do not o Fresh Air (+2). You create enough fresh air for
allow checks to resist are unaffected. each creature in the area of effect to breathe
for the spell’s duration. If the spell is cast
Creation Limitations and Options outdoors, the air will disperse naturally.
Alternately, if you target creatures directly (or
You can create substances and energy instead of solid
if you target an object that needs air, like a
objects. You can create objects that cannot normally
fire), the spell will provide fresh air for them.
exist without magic, as long as a roughly equivalent
o Moderate Wind (+1). You create wind of up to
object could be created. Thus a wall of fire would be as
30 kph. You can direct the wind in whatever
easy to create as a complex array of flame-throwers
direction you desire, with updrafts,
aimed to create a barrier. This spell does not allow the
downdrafts, whirlwinds, or simply in a
creation of magic items at all (you cannot use Create
straight line.
to bypass the need for other spells).
o Fog Cloud (+1). Mist obscures vision beyond
Created items vanish when the spell’s duration
1.5 meters. A creature within 1.5 meters has
ends. If created food was consumed, creatures
concealment. Fog and mist can be dispersed
suddenly become hungry, and if created nails were
by a moderate wind (15+ kph) in 4 rounds, or
used to hold together a structure, the structure will
by a strong wind (30+ kph) in 1 round.
likely fall apart. Objects created permanently can be
o Strong Wind (+2). Winds of up to 50 kph.
used as food, integrated into other objects, etc., just
o Severe Wind (+3). Winds of up to 75 kph.
as if they were normal objects.
o Windstorm (+4). Winds of up to 100 kph.
o Hurricane (+5). Winds of up to 250 kph.
Create Enhancement o Tornado (+6). Winds of up to 500 kph.
• Create Object (+1 or more). You can create one • Create Light (varies). Creates light in an area.
or more objects or effects that could be created by Light effects cancel shadow effects of equal level, and
objects. Created objects are obviously magical; for vice versa.
example, they may tingle to the touch or glow slightly. o Illumination (+1). The created object sheds
They can be no more directly damaging than natural bright light in a 6-meter radius (and dim light
fire (you can’t create an explosion, but you can create for another 6 meters).
alchemical fire), and must have at least some physical o Daylight (+2). The created object sheds bright
aspect (you can create water, a sword, dim light, fire, light in a 12-meter radius (and dim light for
or the smell of lilacs, but not ‘goodness’). Use the another 12 meters).
Cost Conversion table to determine the Level Increase o Luminesence (+2). The entire area of effect is
for the spell based on how expensive of an item you filled completely with light, so that no
seek to create. To create multiple items with the same shadows are cast.
spell, add their costs together before consulting the • Create Shadow (varies). Creates an object which
table. casts shadows and darkness in an area. Shadow
effects cancel light effects of equal level, or vice versa.
o Gloom (+1). The created object radiates
shadows in a 6-meter radius. Creatures with

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 17 A Samardan Press Publication

darkvision can see through this area Cure Enhancements
normally, and the darkness is the equivalent • Cure Affliction (Varies). The following conditions
to a moonless night. can be cured.
o Darkness (+2). The created object radiates o Ability Penalty (+2). If there are any magical
shadows in a 6-meter radius. This magical effects reducing one of the subject’s ability
darkness obstructs the vision of even scores, the effect is dispelled.
creatures with darkvision. o Fatigue (+2). The spell eliminates fatigue.
o Pure Darkness (+3). The created object o Nausea (+1). The spell eliminates nausea.
radiates pure darkness in a 24-meter radius, o Poison, Negate (+4). The spell neutralizes
so dark that nothing can see through it. poison in the area. Any poison that enters the
• Create Weather (+2). You can create a type of area during the spell’s duration is neutralized.
weather normal to the local terrain and season. The Creatures with natural poison abilities that
weather takes about ten minutes to develop, and once succeed in an Intelligence check (Routine task
the spell ends, the weather fades normally. If the spell (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s
lasts less than ten minutes, the effects will not be full, level) to resist the spell can keep their poison
and the new weather will fade quickly. For every stores and use their poison to harm creatures
additional +1 enhancement, you can alter the severity outside the area of effect.
of the weather from normal. o Poison, Slow (+2). For the spell’s duration,
For example, if it starts as a nice spring day, you poison in the area of effect has no effect.
could cause it to rain for 2 spell levels, as rain is Once the spell elapses, poison takes its usual
certainly normal to the terrain and season. However, if course.
you desire it to snow, first it would be colder, and then o Stun (+1). The spell removes the stunned
turn to snow, a total of 4 spell levels (two shifts from a condition from a character.
nice spring day). • Enhance Heal (+1). Affected creatures gain a DM
• Giant Area (+2). You can only pick this +1 bonus to Medic checks. You can choose this
enhancement if you are only creating winds or enhancement up to three times.
weather. The spell covers an area of effect with a one- • Enhance Endurance (Varies). Affected creatures
kilometer radius. For every additional 1 spell level, gain a bonus to Endurance for the duration. The Level
increase the radius by an additional kilometer. Increase for this spell is equal to the bonus to
• Heal (+2). Affected creatures heal 1d6 points of
damage. For each additional level increase, creatures
heal an additional 1d6 points of damage.

Miraculous Healing
The following Cure enhancements require Power
Components to cast. These are acts of miraculous
healing far beyond what most creatures can heal
naturally. If the spell fails, (for example, if you attempt
an overpowered spell or ritual spell and fail), the
Power Components are not wasted. Willing creatures
can donate action points to fill your Experience Point
If you attempt to revive a dead character and do
not have enough Power Components, the creature will
Cure briefly return to life; if it has enough action points to
donate to pay for the cost of its resurrection, the
The Cure magical skill specialization can cure
creature remains alive. Otherwise it suffers a brief,
afflictions, heal wounds, and even bring back the
painful moment of near-life, perhaps just long enough
dead. Healing magic deals damage equal to how
to pass on a final message, before dying again.
much it would heal to creatures of negative energy,
like undead. Unwilling creatures are allowed an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Miraculous Healing Enhancements
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate. • Cure Blindness/Deafness (+3). The spell cures
You may add the Effect of your spellcasting check subject’s blindness or deafness. This enhancement
to the amount of damage healed through Cure spells. costs 600 silver in Power Components.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 18 A Samardan Press Publication

• Cure Disease (+3). The spell cures all diseases Raising the Dead, Healing the Sick
afflicting the subject. This enhancement costs 600 Disease, injury, and death are very touchy subjects.
silver in Power Components. Some Referees may be uncomfortable allowing such
• Cure Paralysis (+4). The spell cures any physical magic to be in the hands of player characters, or they
paralysis afflicting the subject. If the creature’s may wonder why, if such magic is possible, there
Strength or Dexterity had been drained, they are would not be stories of miracle healers. The Referee is
restored to at least 1. This enhancement costs 800 of course free to say that such magic is unavailable, or
silver in Power Components. that it has a special cost to make returning someone
• Regenerate (Varies). The spell regrows lost body to life perhaps more frightening than leaving them
parts. dead.
o Regenerate, Greater (+7). The spell However, the magic of Flynn’s Guide To Magic In
regenerates lost body parts as large as a Traveller has been designed with the assumption that
missing limb. This enhancement costs 1400 few characters in Traveller games have more the four
silver in Power Components. or five skill levels in any one magic skill specialization,
o Regenerate, Lesser (+5). The spell regenerates and so while frighteningly powerful magic is available,
lost body parts no larger than a finger or eye. it is rare and difficult to master. True, a character
This enhancement costs 1000 silver in Power specializing in healing could potentially bring
Components. someone back from the dead, but only if death was
o Regenerate, Moderate (+6). The spell quite recent. This ability is not far beyond the
regenerates lost body parts no larger than a capabilities of an emergency defibrillator used
hand or foot. This is proportional to the correctly in the right circumstances.
creature being healed, and can heal a Large Curing diseases and restoring lost limbs will
create as easily as a Small creature. This always be difficult, and though such healing is within
enhancement costs 1200 silver in Power the power of a skilled mage, each mage will need to
Components. decide for himself whether he feels a duty to heal, or if
• Revive (Varies). The remains of the creature to the attention it would inevitably bring would be too
be revived must be within range. Incomplete bodies great a risk.
must be repaired first, or else the creature will return
to life missing potentially key body parts. Creatures
that died of old age cannot be restored by this spell, Defend
and any diseases or poisons the creature had may still The Defend magical skill specialization provides
be active and need to be cured separately once the protections. Unwilling creatures can resist with an
creature has been revived. Creatures return to life with Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
one point each in Strength, Dexterity and Endurance. penalty equal to the spell’s level), but there are no
If the soul is unwilling to return, the creature stays detrimental effects from most Defend spells.
o Revive, Epic (+18). The spell restores to life a Defend Enhancements
creature that has died, regardless of how long • Antimagic (+2). The area becomes suffused with
it has been dead, as long as it did not die of antimagic, making it harder to cast spells. Mages
old age. This enhancement costs 3600 silver attempting to cast spells within this area suffer a DM -
in Power Components. 2 penalty to their spellcasting checks. Each additional
o Revive, Greater (+12). The spell restores to level added to the spell provides a cumulative DM -1
life a creature that has died in the past year. penalty to spellcasting checks.
This enhancement costs 2400 silver in Power • Antimagic, Targeted (+1). Choose one type of
Components. magical skill specialization. The area of effect becomes
o Revive, Lesser (+6). The spell restores to life a suffused with antimagic targeted against that type of
creature that has died in the past ten spell. Mages attempting to cast spells using the
minutes. This enhancement costs 1200 silver chosen magical skill specialization within this area
in Power Components. suffer a DM -2 penalty to their spellcasting checks.
o Revive, Moderate (+9). The spell restores to Each additional level added to the spell provides a
life a creature that has died in the past day. cumulative DM -1 penalty to spellcasting checks.
This enhancement costs 1800 silver in Power • Armor (+1). Affected creatures gain a +1 bonus
Components. to their armor rating. This enhancement can be
improved by 1 for each extra spell level, to a maximum
of +5.
• Deflection (+2). When foes attack creatures
affected by this spell, they suffer a DM -1 penalty on
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 19 A Samardan Press Publication
their attack rolls. This enhancement may be chosen up Divine Enhancements
to 5 times, and its effects are cumulative. • Dowse (+1). Choose some type of object or
• Energy Buffer (+1). Choose an energy type — substance, such as water, gold, magic, or evil, or a
acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, or sonic. broad group of creatures, like humans or cats. For the
Prevent the first 5 points of damage of that energy type spell’s duration you can concentrate for one round to
dealt to each affected creature. This absorption is determine the direction to the nearest significant
considered ablative; the damage absorbed reduces the quantity of that substance (what counts as
total that can be absorbed by future attacks. This “significant” depends on the substance), regardless of
overlaps (does not stack with) energy resistance. This range. If there are several different things of the
enhancement can be chosen any number of times, chosen type within Short range, you are aware of
applying to the same or different energy types. roughly how many there are, and can concentrate on
• Energy Resistance (+2). Affected creatures gain each one by one to determine its location. Once you
energy resistance 5 against a chosen energy type — are aware of specific items that are close, you can
acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, or sonic — choose to ignore them and sense only further away
preventing the first 5 points of damage of that energy items.
type each round. This enhancement can be chosen up • Dowse, Improved (+2). Choose a specific object
to four times for each energy type. or creature, instead of a general type.
• Protection (+2). Creatures must make an • Enhance Ability Score (Varies). Choose
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Intelligence or Education. Affected creatures gain a
penalty equal to the spell’s level), to enter the area of bonus to that ability score. Each level adjustment
effect or use Charm spells on creatures within the grants a +1 bonus to the ability score for the duration
area. Every minute it can make one attempt at breach of the spell. This enhancement can be taken multiple
the area of effect; if the creature fails, it is stuck times, and its effects are cumulative. Unwilling
outside for at least the next minute. The protection creatures receive an Intelligence check (Routine task
effect prevents the creature from making melee (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
attacks into the area, but it can still use ranged attacks negate.
and non-Charm spells. For an additional 1 level, the • Intuition (+1). Choose an Intelligence-based
protection effect prevents all attacks, spells, or abilities skill. Affected creatures gain a DM +1 bonus to checks
of an affected creature from entering the area of effect. with that skill. You may choose this enhancement
This enhancement can be limited to a specific class of multiple times.
creature for a reduction of one level (–1 to the • Knowledge (+1). Choose an Education-based
enhancement cost). skill. Affected creatures gain a DM +1 bonus to checks
• Spell Resistance (+2). Affected creatures gain with that skill. You may choose this enhancement
DM +1 bonus on all ability checks to resist the effects multiple times. This bonus does not apply to
of magic. This enhancement can be chosen any spellcasting checks using Philosophy (Arcana).
number of times. • Precognition (+2). You get a flash of insight into
• Spell Resistance, Targeted (+1). Choose one type the future of a creature or object within range, seeing
of magical skill specialization. Affected creatures gain vaguely anything important that will happen in the
DM +1 bonus on ability checks to resist the effects of next hour. If you ask a specific question of whether a
magic based on the chosen magical skill specific event will occur, you learn about how likely
specialization. This enhancement can be chosen any that event was to happen. Of course, the very fact that
number of times. you got the information may change whether the event
Divine • Precognition, Improved (+4). Your precognition
The Divine magical skill specialization gives you extends up to a day in the future. The further away the
knowledge, of the present, past, and possible future. event is, however, the vaguer the insight gained.
Divine spells normally grant knowledge to you, but • Precognition, Greater (+6). Your precognition
you could choose to have the knowledge be given to extends a month into the future.
anyone within range. • Reading (+1). You learn the general nature of a
If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded creature or object within range, slowly getting more
by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check, the information the longer you concentrate. The target is
information you receive is more clear and precise, allowed an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
though this is still subject to the Referee’s discretion. with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist. You
can concentrate on another target at any time, but
must start over from the first round of reading.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 20 A Samardan Press Publication

1st round. You get a sense of any types of auras • Special Senses (varies). Most of the following
the target may have — magical, allegiance-based, powers have options to increase the range of various
intense emotions, or recent trauma. senses. If you combine multiple types of vision, such
2nd round. You sense the strength of those auras as darkvision with omnivision, you need only increase
— dim, faint, moderate, strong, or overwhelming. the range once for both types, but use the highest
3rd round. You sense the specific nature of those level change.
auras, learning what type of magic, what specific o Blindsight (+3). Affected creatures gain the
allegiances, and what sort of emotions created the ability to use a nonvisual sense (or a
aura. combination of such senses) to operate
Characters with Magic skill levels have magical effectively without vision. Such senses may
auras. A spell’s level determines the power of its aura, include sensitivity to vibrations, acute scent,
and the highest skill levels that a character has in a keen hearing, or echolocation. This ability
Magic skill specialization determines the strength of makes concealment irrelevant to the creature.
the character’s aura. This ability typically operates out to nine
This spell only reveals magical, emotional, and meters. Blindsight never allows a creature to
spiritual auras, not physical traits. You cannot use it to distinguish color or visual contrast. A
determine if a gun is loaded, or a door is trapped, for creature cannot read with blindsight. Blinding
instance. attacks do not penalize creatures using
If you read an overwhelming aura of any sort, you blindsight. However, deafening attacks thwart
must make an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM blindsight if it relies on hearing. Blindsight
+2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) or be works underwater but not in a vacuum.
stunned for 1 round. o Darkvision (+2). Affected creatures gain the
• Reading, Improved (+2). You get a fuller sense ability to see in the dark up to 9 meters (6
of a creature or object within range. The target is squares). Darkvision is black and white only,
allowed an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), but it is otherwise like normal sight, and
with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist. If it characters with darkvision can function with
fails, you get all the information from three rounds of no light at all.
the reading enhancement above, plus you receive o Low Light Vision (+1). Affected creatures can
impressions of events in the object’s past, starting see twice as far as a human in starlight,
with the most prominent event in the first round, then moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions
an additional event in each round you concentrate. of poor illumination. They retain the ability to
The impressions you receive are indistinct, like distinguish color and detail under these
watching a movie trailer in fast forward. conditions.
You can see one year into the past. For an o Vibration Sense (+3). Affected creatures
additional +1 level you can see a decade in the past; automatically sense the location of anything
for +2 levels you can see a century in the past. Each that is in contact with the ground and within
additional level increases the time span by a factor of range. Aquatic characters with vibration sense
ten. can also sense the location of characters
• Remote Viewing (varies). You concentrate on a moving through water. If no straight path
creature or location, and can see and hear what is exists through the ground from the character
going on there. You see an approximately 6-meter to those that it’s sensing, then the range
radius around the target. Creatures in this area who defines the maximum distance of the shortest
can see the target can make an Intelligence check indirect path. It must itself be in contact with
(Average task (DM +0)) to notice they are being scried the ground, and the sensed creatures must be
upon, though those unfamiliar with clairvoyance will moving. As long as the other creatures are
most likely only have a sense they are being watched. taking physical actions, they’re considered
Those familiar with divination will recognize the moving; they don’t have to move from place
sensation. to place for a character with vibration sense
The level of this enhancement depends on how far to detect them.
away the target is and how familiar you are with it (see • Translate (+2). Choose one language you know.
the Remote Viewing table). Affected creatures gain the ability to speak, read, and
If you have a specially prepared object to focus write that language. For an additional spell level,
your remote viewing, you can have the remote viewing affected creatures gain the ability to speak, read, and
be projected through that object, allowing others to write all languages you know. This can also be used in
see and hear what you do. reverse, to grain you the ability to speak, read and
write a language or languages that the target knows.

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Table: Aura Strength
Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others.
Spell Level Skill Ranks Aura Strength
Illusions have no real effect, but they can mislead
1 1-2 Dim creatures and cause them to take dangerous courses
2-3 3 Faint of action.
4-5 4-6 Moderate If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded
6-8 7-10 Strong by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast an
9+ 11+ Overwhelming Illusion spell, affected creatures suffer a –2 penalty to
their Intelligence checks to resist. Illusion spells that
Table: Remote Viewing, Familiarity do not grant Intelligence checks to resist are
Category Level unaffected.
Within sight +1 Senses and Complexity of Illusions
Firsthand +2 Simple illusions are straightforward and easy to see
Secondhand +3 through if anyone checks. Standard illusions are more
None +4 detailed, enough to fool a casual observer. Complex
illusions are as good as real, though they still only
Table: Remote Viewing, Distance follow directions you set in advance, being
Distance Level unintelligent themselves. A reactive illusion is a
Very Long Range +0 complex illusion that will react as if you were
Same World +1 constantly directing it, obeying your directions and
Different World +2 responding believably to any situation.
Visual. A simple visual illusion can make a fairly
Optional Rule • Cinematic drab set of clothes, a wall with a repeating pattern of
Clairvoyance tiles, or a very rough approximation of a living
At the Referee’s option, a successful remote viewing is creature. Simple visual illusions can move only
not limited to a 6-meter radius around the target, but slightly, and then in a very obvious pattern. A simple
instead it gives you a full line of sight view of illusion can conceal an object with a bland image, so
something significant going on around the target. So you could hide a scar, or make a elaborate rug turn a
if the target is marching toward ancient ruins in the single color.
desert, you might see across the target’s shoulder to A standard visual illusion can create a bookshelf
spot the ruins in the distance. Also, you might not get with a lot of books that look generally the same, make
a vision of what is currently going on, but rather a ghostly glowing sword appear in the air, create a
something in the near past or future that is significant convincing orc warrior (though if you made several orc
to the adventure’s plot. warriors, they’d all look alike), or make you look like
another humanoid creature. If you use a standard
illusion to conceal something, you can at best make it
blend and blur, granting a 20% miss chance from
A complex visual illusion can be anything you
want, though any actions the illusion takes must
follow a pattern or program set when you cast the
spell. If used to conceal something, you can make an
object invisible. A creature that is struck by an invisible
creature’s attack is immediately allowed an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to disbelieve, with a
DM +4. If the invisibility spell also has the Intensify
enhancement, however, the invisibility cannot be seen
Auditory. Simple auditory illusions consist of a
single repetitive sound no louder than a heated
conversation of four people. A standard auditory
illusion can be as loud as a lion’s roar or a yelling
crowd, and can be slightly articulate — a simple song,
a conversation with two speakers, or the sounds of a
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 22 A Samardan Press Publication
swordfight, including footfalls, cries of pain, and the • Phantasm (Varies). Phantasms are like
occasional yell. A complex auditory illusion can be glamours, except that they are only perceived by those
anything you want, as loud as a dragon’s roar or a you target with the spell. A character is allowed an
volcanic eruption. Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
Tactile and Olfactory. These will seldom come up penalty equal to the spell’s level) to disbelieve when he
on their own, but subtle use of these illusions can is first affected by a phantasm spell, and can take a
easily confuse and mislead people. A simple tactile significant action to try to disbelieve again.
illusion could make clothes itch, while a standard A phantasm is just as complex as a glamour of
tactile illusion could make blood trickling from a the same level, but phantasms are not limited by the
wound feel like worms crawling out of your flesh. A area of effect of the spell. A glamour with a 6-meter
simple olfactory illusion might be strong, but it could radius could be of a huge creature which everyone
not hide scents from creatures with the Scent feat. could see. A phantasm with a 6-meter radius would
Standard illusions of this sort grant a DM –4 affect everyone in the area, and could make them see
penalty to checks of creatures searching for secret anything, even a giant monster devouring the moon.
doors (tactile) or tracking or locating creatures with However, no one outside the area of effect would
Scent (olfactory). Complex illusions grant aDM –8 experience the phantasm.
penalty. • Intensify (+2). If a creature succeeds in
Magical Aura. You can create or conceal any disbelieving the illusion, it recognizes it as an illusion,
number of magical auras, increasing or decreasing by but still perceives the illusion. Thus, invisible creatures
one level with a simple illusion, two levels with a that attack remain invisible, and a phantasm of a
standard, or five levels with a complex illusion. The building burning around a creature will remain to
levels are none, dim, faint, moderate, strong, and confuse the character, forcing him to rely on his
overwhelming. You can affect auras for the purposes memory to navigate the area.
of divination spells that detect alignment, magic, and
similar auras invisible to human eyes. You can even Table: Glamour Levels
make your illusion detect as non-magical. Sense Simple Standard Complex Reactive
Illusion Enhancements Magical +1 +2 +3 +4
• Glamours and Figments (Varies). Glamours and auras
figments are sensations that anyone can see, hear, One +1 +2 +3 +4
taste or touch. An illusion that creates something senses
where nothing was before is a figment. An illusion that Two +2 +3 +4 +5
conceals one thing with something else, or that subtly senses
alters an object or creature, is a glamour. All senses +2 +3 +4 +6
Characters are allowed an Intelligence check All senses +3 +4 +5 +7
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the and auras
spell’s level) to disbelieve a figment the first time they
physically interact with it, and can also spend a
significant action to attempt to disbelieve. When a
character encounters a creature or object affected by a Move spells allow you to move creatures and objects
glamour, he does not receive an Intelligence check from a distance, as if with telekinesis, or can enhance
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the your movement abilities.
spell’s level) unless he actively disbelieves it (the If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded
exception is invisibility glamours, which allow an by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast a
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Move spell, affected creatures suffer a DM –2 penalty
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to disbelieve with a to their checks to resist. Move spells that do not grant
DM +4 whenever a creature is struck). checks to resist are unaffected.
A glamour or figment can be no larger than the
area of effect of the spell, and all glamours must be Move Enhancements
anchored to objects or creatures, so if you want to • Enhance Ability Score (Varies). Choose Strength
affect multiple creatures with a glamour, you need the or Dexterity. Affected creatures gain a bonus to that
discerning enhancement. The power of glamours and ability score. Each level adjustment grants a +1 bonus
figments is measured by sense (how many senses are to the ability score for the duration of the spell. This
affected) and complexity (how detailed the glamour enhancement can be taken multiple times, and its
is). See the Glamour Levels table for more specific effects are cumulative. Unwilling creatures receive an

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Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Table: Telekinetic Movement
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate. Level Lifting Capacity Damage
• Mobility (+1). Choose a Strength- or Dexterity- +1 10 kg 1d6
based skill. Affected creatures gain a +1 bonus to +2 50 kg 2d6
checks with that skill. You may choose this +3 100 kg 2d6
enhancement multiple times. Unwilling creatures +4 500 kg 3d6
receive an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), +5 1000 kg 3d6
with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate. +6 5000 kg 4d6
• Telekinetic Movement (varies). For the duration +7 10,000 kg 4d6
of the spell you can concentrate as a significant action +8 50,000 kg 5d6
to direct a telekinetic force. This force can lift, move,
and manipulate objects, as well as perform various Other Movement Types
combat tricks such as trips, disarms, bull rushes, and Some move spells allow creatures to turn ethereal, fly,
grapples. It can even attack with objects it carries, travel at great speeds, and even teleport or travel
though it cannot attack on its own. You cannot move between planes or alternate dimensions. You may
objects or use objects to perform combat tricks or choose one of the following movement types for every
attack beyond the range of the spell. level of the Magic (Move) skill: flight, haste,
When a Move spell is used to manipulate objects incorporeality, or teleportation. Unwilling creatures
and perform physically-based skill checks at a receive an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
distance, the level of the spell determines its lifting with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist these
capacity, and it manipulates objects with your skill spells. Affected creatures, however, are under control
levels, though you take a DM –1 to such skill checks of their own movement, so a creature that does not
for every range increment between you and the object want to fly does not have to.
beyond Close range. • Flight (+4). Affected creatures can fly at their
When used to attack or to perform combat tricks, base speed. If the creature does not already have the
the spell has a Strength and Dexterity modifier of +0, Athletics (flying) skill, it gains the skill at level 0 for the
and its Melee skill level is equal to the number of duration of the spell, which can be used to resolve
Move levels the spell has. difficult maneuvers.
Move spells can wield larger weapons. For • Freedom of Movement (+3). Freedom of
disarms it counts as a two-handed weapon. When movement allows creatures to move and attack
attacking with a held object, most objects count as normally, even under the effect of magical and
improvised weapons, dealing damage based on their mundane factors that usually impede movement. This
size, and incurring a DM –2 penalty on the attack roll. includes paralysis poison, paralytic Charm effects, and
To direct the spell you must concentrate as a even Move slow spells. The subject automatically
significant action. You can move the spell and any succeeds on any check made to resist a grapple
objects it carries up to 9 meters per round while attempt, as well as on checks made to escape a
concentrating. If you cease concentration the spell will grapple or a pin. The spell also allows the subject to
continue to hold its current burden, and will either move and attack normally underwater, but not to
stay still, or maintain the same position relative to breathe water.
you, moving as fast as 9 meters per round to keep up. • Haste, Speed (+1). Affected creatures gain a +3
You can concentrate on multiple items at once, meters bonus to the movement mode of your choice
though generally you must move them as a group. — land, climb, burrow, swim, or fly. You cannot
A creature targeted by this effect must make a enhance a movement mode the creature does not
Melee (unarmed) check against the magus’s have a speed rating for. You may choose this
spellcasting check to avoid being moved by the spell. enhancement multiple times.
The Telekinetic Movement Table defines the • Haste, Actions (+3). Each round, affected
effective lifting capacity and damage for a Telekinetic creatures can take an extra significant action without
Movement spell, based on the enhancement’s level suffering a multiple action penalty.
adjustment. • Haste, Movement (+2). Each round, affected
Example 1: Loboki casts Move 2/Gen 2 to get a creatures can take an extra minor action.
Medium range spell capable of lifting 50 kilograms. If • Haste, Dodge Bullets (+4). Each round, affected
he wanted, he could concentrate and have it wield as a creatures can move 1.5 meters as an immediate
makeshift weapon, attacking with an effective +2 action, effectively a free action that can be taken even
Melee skill, dealing 2d6 points of damage. when it is not the creature’s turn. This does not count
toward their movement for the turn, but it is enough
to move them out of the way of a single attack.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 24 A Samardan Press Publication

• Incorporeality (+4). Any number of times during • Water Walk (+2). Waterwalk allows an affected
the spell’s duration, affected creatures are able to turn creature to stride over water, moving as freely across
incorporeal or corporeal as a significant action. the surface as it could on normal, solid ground.
• Plane Shift (+4). Affected creatures can shift to
another plane of existence, once during the spell’s Table: Location Familiarity
duration as a minor action. The level cost might be Familiarity Difficulty
higher depending on how accessible the destination Very Familiar or Simple task (DM +6)
plane is. You do not need to make an Intelligence Studied Carefully
check to reach your destination. Seen Casually Easy task (DM +4)
• Slow, Action (+3). Each round, affected creatures Description Only Routine task (DM +2)
can only take one minor or significant action. False Destination or Average task (DM +0)
• Slow, Speed (+1). Affected creatures suffer a –3 Out of Range
meter penalty to the movement mode of your choice.
You cannot penalize a movement mode the creature Table: Teleportation Distance
does not have a speed rating for. You may choose this Distance Level
enhancement multiple times. Short +1
• Spider Climb (+2). Spider climb allows an Medium +2
affected creature to cling to solid surfaces with hands Long +3
and feet, gaining a climb speed equal to her base Very Long +4
speed. Furthermore, she need not make Athletics Distant +5
(climb) checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal Regional +6
surface (even upside down). Opponents get no special Planetary +7
bonus to their attacks against the target while Precise +1
climbing. She cannot, however, run while climbing.
• Swim (+1). The Swim effect gives the creature
the ability to swim at a speed equal to its base speed;
it gains a +4 bonus to Athletics (swim) checks. For an
additional spell level, the affected creature gains the
ability to breathe, speak, and otherwise respirate
normally in any sort of non-toxic liquid.
• Teleport (Varies). Once during the spell as a
minor action, affected creatures can teleport (travel
instantaneously) to another place. Alternately, you can
simply teleport willing creatures with you, so that
everyone ends up in the same place. The distance you
can travel is determined by the spell’s level.
If you teleport to somewhere out of your line of
sight, you must make an Intelligence check. If you fail,
you end up off course by 1d6 x 1d6% of the distance
traveled. If you fail with an Average Failure (missed by
2 to 5), you end up in an area that is visually or
thematically similar to where you intended to go. If
you fail with an Exceptional Failure (missed by 6 or
more), the spell gets “scrambled,” and you take 1d6
points of damage. Make another check to try to
redirect yourself, and if you keep on failing with an
Exceptional Failure, you keep on taking damage.
Likewise, if you knowingly teleport into a solid
object, keep making Average task (DM +0)
Intelligence checks until you fail one with a Marginal
Failure (missed by 1) or better. If you choose the
Precise enhancement, you never have to make this
check; if the location does not exist, you instead
simply end up someplace else within range, usually
somewhere thematically similar.

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Summon Suppress
Summon spells bring creatures to assist you. The The Suppress magical skill specialization temporarily
creatures might be created by magic or ectoplasm, weakens defenses (although the appropriate general
summoned from another dimension, or called from enhancement can make a particular spell permanent).
the local wildlife. The strength of the creature you Unwilling creatures can resist with an Intelligence
summon depends on the spell level. Summoned check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to
creatures arrive indifferent if non-intelligent, or the spell’s level).
unfriendly if intelligent. You may attempt to negotiate If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded
with summoned creatures, or you can choose the by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast a
Obedient enhancement. Suppress spell, affected creatures suffer a DM –2
The creature arrives immediately when you penalty to their checks to resist. Suppress spells that
complete the spell, but the creature is dazed for one do not grant checks to resist are unaffected.
round. Thereafter it acts on the initiative count at
which it was summoned. However, if you achieve an Suppress Enhancements
Exceptional Success (succeeded by 6 or more) on your • Binding (+2). Creatures must succeed at an
spellcasting check to cast a Summon spell, the Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
summoned creature can act immediately; it doesn’t penalty equal to the spell’s level) to leave the area of
arrive dazed. effect, either physically or by traveling dimensionally.
Each minute it may make one attempt at each, and if
Summon Enhancements the creature fails, it is stuck inside for at least another
• Summon Creature (Varies). The cost in spell minute. (On an Exceptional Failure, the creature can
levels to summon a creature is based on the sum of no longer attempt to leave the area of effect for the
its physical characteristics, as shown in the duration of the spell.)The binding effect prevents the
Summoning Table below. creature from making melee attacks out of the area,
• Obedient Summon (Varies). Summoned but it can still use ranged attacks and spells. A bound
creatures are completely loyal, though they may resent creature cannot use any Charm effects on creatures
being summoned. If you can communicate with them, outside the area of effect. If the creature is not entirely
they will obey your orders. Otherwise, they will simply inside the area of effect when the spell takes effect, it
act to defend you and attack those who endanger you. is not bound. If a creature attacks or otherwise deals
This enhancement doubles the normal cost in levels of damage to the bound creature, it is free to retaliate,
summoning a creature. but is still bound spatially. If you attack the bound
creature, it is freed entirely from the binding. For an
Table: Summoning Creatures additional spell level, none of the bound creature’s
Total Physical Characteristics Level attacks, spells, or abilities can cross the area of effect.
20 or less +1 • Suppress Ability Score (Varies). Choose
21-26 +2 Intelligence or Education. Affected creatures gain a
27-33 +3 bonus to that ability score. Each level adjustment
34-39 +4 imposes a –1 penalty to the ability score for the
40-45 +5 duration of the spell. This enhancement can be taken
46-51 +6 multiple times, and its effects are cumulative.
52-57 +7 Unwilling creatures receive an Intelligence check
58-63 +8 (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
Every increase of 6 Additional +1 spell’s level) to negate.
• Suppress Armor (+1). Affected creatures suffer a
–1 penalty to their armor rating. This penalty can be
improved by –1 for each extra spell level, to a
maximum of –5.
• Suppress Energy Buffer (+1). Choose an energy
type — acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, or
sonic. This spell reduces the level of protection
provided by an energy buffer by 5 points of damage of
that energy type dealt to each affected creature. This
does not affect energy resistance. This enhancement
can be chosen any number of times, applying to the
same or different energy types.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 26 A Samardan Press Publication

• Suppress Energy Resistance (+2). Affected
creatures have their energy resistance of a chosen
Transform spells turn creatures into other creatures,
energy type — acid, cold, death, electricity, fire,
or creatures into objects. You can also transform gear
mental, or sonic — reduced by 5 points of damage for
on creatures into thematically similar items (men’s
that energy type each round. This enhancement can be
clothing into women’s if you’re changing sex, or
chosen up to four times for each energy type.
providing a saddle if you’re turning into a mount), but
• Suppress Skill (+1). Choose a single specific
if the main purpose of the spell is to transform one
skill. Affected creatures gain a –1 penalty to checks
object into another, Create is a more appropriate spell.
with that skill. You may choose this enhancement
If you want to turn an object into a creature, use
multiple times.
• Suppress Spell Resistance (+2). Affected
Transform spells can only affect willing creatures
creatures suffer a DM –1 penalty on all ability checks
unless you choose the Force Change enhancement.
to resist the effects of magic. This enhancement can
If you achieve an Exceptional Success (succeeded
be chosen any number of times.
by 6 or more) on your spellcasting check to cast a
• Weaken Attack (+1). Place this spell on a
Transform spell, affected creatures suffer a DM –2
creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made
penalty to their checks to resist. Transform spells that
by that creature or weapon attacks made with that
do not grant checks to resist are unaffected.
item have a –1 penalty to attack rolls. You may choose
this enhancement up to 3 times.
• Weaken Damage (+1). Place this spell on a Transform Enhancements
creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made • Cosmetic Changes (+1 or more). If you choose
by that creature or weapon attacks made with that this enhancement, you can change the shape and
item have a –1 penalty to damage rolls. You may appearance of a creature. Changing mild features like
choose this enhancement up to 3 times. ethnicity or hair color costs +1 level. Changing build or
sex costs +2 levels. Any greater changes cost +3 levels,
though it can only change one size category smaller or
larger. Also, regardless of its new shape, the creature
does not gain any new abilities. The creature’s speed
might decrease by assuming a less mobile form, but it
cannot gain new movement abilities. Wings don’t let it
fly, gills don’t let it breathe water, and extra limbs
don’t grant it extra attacks. If you want to grant the
creature any special abilities, use the Creature Form
• Creature Form (Varies). If you turn something
into a creature and have it actually possess the
abilities of that creature, you must choose this
enhancement. To determine the level cost of this
enhancement, consult the Creature Form Table. The
creature retains its mind, but gains the physical
abilities scores, natural armor, attack forms, and
extraordinary abilities of the new form. Spell-like and
supernatural abilities cannot be granted this way. The
target keeps its own skill levels, so a human warrior
transformed into a troll will use his own Melee skill
levels, modified by a troll’s Dexterity. He does not gain
the troll’s Melee skill levels, but he does get to use the
troll’s Strength.
• Grow Plant (+1). Non-monstrous plants in the
area of effect age one day. You may spend one spell
level to increase the aging effect by one week, two
spell levels to increase it by one month, or three spell
levels to increase it by one year. This effect is natural
growth, and is not undone when the spell’s duration
ends. Indeed, the spell’s duration doesn’t matter for
this effect.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 27 A Samardan Press Publication

• Inanimate Form (+3). Use this enhancement to
turn a creature into an inanimate object, such as a
Advanced Spellcasting
These rules allow advanced techniques, if the Referee
tree, part of a rock wall, wind, or even a corpse. You
is willing to allow a little more complexity into his
can choose whether the creature retains its
consciousness in this form. If so, it can vaguely sense
its immediate surroundings, is aware if it is being
damaged, and can take purely mental actions, but has Combined Spells
no ability to move itself. Otherwise, the creature can It is possible to combine two types of magic into one
take no actions, and when the spell ends the creature spell. For example, you might cast a spell that creates
has no recollection of the time it was inanimate. plate armor on an ally (Create 4) and bestows DM -1
The new form cannot be more than one size penalty on the attack rolls of those that target the ally
category larger or smaller than the original. If the (Defend 2), lasting for ten minutes (Gen 1). The spell
inanimate form is damaged, such as by hacking at a would be listed as Create 4/Defend 2/Gen 1, and
tree, appropriate damage is dealt to the creature when would be a 7th level spell.
the spell ends. When casting ritual combined spells, there are no
However, if the inanimate form disperses special rules. When casting a spontaneous combined
naturally, such as if you turn a creature to dust, when spell, you are still limited to having no more levels in a
the spell ends the creature reforms, whole, at the single spell than how many skill levels you have in the
greatest concentration of the dispersed substance. appropriate skill, and the spell’s total level cannot be
• Force Change (+1 or more). If you do not choose higher than your skill levels in whichever magical skill
this enhancement, the transformation can only affect specialization you have the most skill levels in that the
unattended objects or willing creatures. If you do spell uses. You use whichever skill is lowest on your
choose this enhancement, the creature receives an skill check, modified by the spell’s total level.
Endurance check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Continuing the above example, you could cast the
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist the effect. spell as long as you had at least 4 skill levels in Magic
The minimum cost of this enhancement is 1 level, but (Create) and 2 skill levels in Magic (Defend), and at
if the spell level is less than 4, this enhancement least 7 skill levels in one of those two skills. If you had
increases the spell level to 4. 7 skill levels in Magic (Create) and 2 skill levels in
• Preserve (+1). The spell prevents 25 kilograms of Magic (Defend), you would roll 2d6, +2 for the lowest
food, body organs, plants and similar objects from skill level you posses, minus 7 for the spell’s level,
decaying or rotting for 24 hours. For +2 levels, the modified by your Intelligence, against a target of 8. If
duration extends to one week. For an additional +2 you had 4 skill levels in Create and 2 skill levels in
levels, the duration increases to one month. Each Defend, you could still cast the spell, but you’d take
additional +1 level quadruples the mass preserved. Spell Burn as normal.

Table: Creature Form Effects That Aren’t Listed Here

Total Physical Characteristics Level If you want to create an effect that isn’t clearly
20 or less +2 explained in these rules, it is up to you and the Referee
21-26 +4 to determine what magical skill specialization is
27-33 +6 appropriate, and what level the magic should be. For
34-39 +8 example, if you want to send a telepathic message to
40-45 +10 an ally half-way around the world, the Referee might
Every increase of 6 Additional +2 decide that would be a combination Divine (to find
your friend) and Charm (for the telepathy).

Restricted or Improved Spells

One spell might grant damage reduction, but only
against ranged attacks. Another might turn you
invisible to fey creatures, but leave you visible to
normal humans. Alternately, a spell might create a
burst of flame, but not harm inanimate plants, while
another might heal a wound but cause the wound to
reopen if the healed creature attacks you.
Restrictions and improvements such as these
have so many possibilities that this book cannot
include them all, so it is up to the Referee to increase

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 28 A Samardan Press Publication

or decrease the spell’s level by an appropriate amount. Create or Transform?
The base guideline is to increase or decrease by 1 The Create magical skill specialization is used to make
level, but significant effects can alter a spell’s level by objects and sometimes energy. The Transform
2. This cost change should most often be used with magical skill specialization is used to alter the forms
ritual spells, which are written down and have odd of creatures. Even if you want to transform one object
quirks to them. Characters can cast spontaneous into another, this is a Create spell, not a Transform
spells with special alterations every once in a while, spell. In order to turn an object into a creature, you
but the Referee should encourage players to come up would usually need to cast a Summon spell.
with one or two special tricks and stick with them.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 29 A Samardan Press Publication

Any spellcaster can create magic items, though the attempts to the point where he is incapable of casting
Trade (Artificer) skill is required to create any magic the spell due to spellcasting penalties, it is possible
item that can be used more than once - without that that he won’t be able to get the spell to work at all, and
skill, a mage can only create single-use activated the power components spent for that day is wasted.
magic items. An item’s power determines its creation A single item can only have one activated and one
cost if you want to acquire the item, which in turn can continuous effect, so an enchanted map could be able
be used to determine the market value if you want to to cast an Illusion spell (activated) and grant a bonus
create the item. to Knowledge (geography) checks (continuous), but
Through questing or purchase, mages can acquire then it could have no other enchantments.
Power Components, substances with magical Some magic items are spell-trigger items. To
properties that make them ideal for item creation. activate these items at all, a character must have at
Some spells require Power Components to cast, as least 1 skill level in the appropriate magical skill
noted in their description. specializations, and must make a spellcasting check
Resisting the Effects of Magic Items: Ability (Simple task (DM +6), with a penalty equal to the
checks made to resist the effects of a magic item are spell’s level). Thus, characters with skill levels equal to
modified by the spell level used to create the magical or greater than the spell level will never fail. Characters
effect. without the necessary skill levels can either make a
Twelve-Item Limit: A character can carry and use spellcasting check unskilled, suffering the usual DM –
any number of single-use items. However, no more 3 penalty for lacking skills. A failed spellcasting check
than twelve permanent spells, reusable charged items, wastes one of the item’s daily uses. A check failed by 2
or continuous items can function on the same or more causes a mishap.
creature at once, including weapons and armor. If an
item is added to put a creature above this limit, items Single-Use Activated Items
above the limit become inert: items that operate Any mage can create single-use activated items. These
continuously have no effect, and activated items items can be used as a significant action to create a
cannot be activated. Even those items not currently spell effect; after one use, the item has no power.
being used count against this limit. Items with Spell-trigger items cost less, as they are more
multiple enchantments count as multiple items. restrictive in use.
Curses (see below) do not count against this limit.
In essence, having too much magic concentrated Table: Creation Costs for Single-Use Activated Items
on the same creature causes magical items to disrupt Spell Level Single-Use Single-Use, Spell-Trigger
each other’s power. Creatures come by spells more 1 250 125
readily than objects, so they can use their own abilities 2 1000 500
regardless of how many magic items they wear. 3 4000 2000
4 8000 6000
Cost and Creation 5 12,000 10,000
There are two types of magic items: activated and 6 16,000 14,000
continuous. The physical form a magic item takes 7 20,000 18,000
doesn’t matter, just its powers; there are no “body slot 8 24,000 22,000
affinities” to worry about as might appear in other 9 28,000 26,000
spellcasting systems. 10 32,000 30,000
The creation cost of a magic item is determined
by its function and the spell level of the power or effect Other Activated Items
that the magic item produces. Other activated items can be used as a significant
Creating a magic item takes at least one 8-hour action, and usually have a limited number of uses per
day of work for every 100 silver of the item’s creation day. As above, spell-trigger items cost less than non-
cost, though the creator is free to work on the item for restricted items.
as long as he wants: for each day spent working on the As these items are permanent, they require levels
item, the creator donates up to 100 silver worth of in the Trade (Artificer) skill, representing the
power components, then casts the spells involved. If knowledge that the mage has established in creating
he fails to cast the spell the first time, he suffers the permanent magic items. The mage must have a Trade
appropriate mishap and can attempt to cast the spell (Artificer) skill at least equal to the highest Magic
again, so he should be able to get the spell off at least specialization skill level required for a given item.
once. However, if he repeatedly fails spellcasting
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 30 A Samardan Press Publication
Table: Creation Costs for Other Activated Items Permanent Spells
Spell 1 2-3 4-5 Unlimited Instead of magic items, you can create permanent
Level use/day uses/day uses/day uses spells. These function identically to magic items,
1 500 1000 2000 10,000 except that they are attached to a creature or location,
2 2000 4000 6000 14,000 rather than to an object. The most common use for
3 6000 8000 10,000 18,000 this is to enhance yourself or an ally without needing
4 10,000 12,000 14,000 22,000 to carry items (but see Curses, below). Permanent
5 14,000 16,000 18,000 26,000 spells require the same creation costs and time to
6 18,000 20,000 22,000 30,000 create as a magic item.
7 22,000 24,000 26,000 34,000
8 26,000 28,000 30,000 38,000 Curses
9 30,000 32,000 34,000 42,000 Curses are a special variety of permanent spell that
10 34,000 36,000 38,000 46,000 require additional Referee adjudication. Curses are
intended to create enduring, baleful effects upon an
Table: Creation Costs for Other Activated, Spell- enemy, and while they use most of the same rules as
Trigger Items normal permanent spells, they can be cast much more
Spell 1 2-3 4-5 Unlimited quickly (since, after all, seldom will your enemy choose
Level use/day uses/day uses/day uses to stick around for a few days while you prepare a
1 250 500 1000 8000 curse).
2 1000 2000 4000 12,000 A curse requires Power Components as if it were a
3 4000 6000 8000 16,000 permanent spell. As soon as you successfully cast a
4 8000 10,000 12,000 20,000 curse, you expend the appropriate amount of Power
5 12,000 14,000 16,000 24,000 Components, and the curse becomes permanent right
6 16,000 18,000 20,000 28,000 away: invoking a curse does not require you to spend
7 20,000 22,000 24,000 32,000 time based on the curse’s cost.
8 24,000 26,000 28,000 36,000 The Referee must be careful to limit curses, and
9 28,000 30,000 32,000 40,000 he should tell a player beforehand if the player’s
10 32,000 34,000 36,000 44,000 intended curse does not count as a curse. As basic
guidelines, a curse must always be intended to be
Continuous Items detrimental, and must be against an unwilling subject.
Continuous items always grant an effect to their You cannot grant an ally a bonus to Dexterity and call
bearer, and so can only use spells that have that a curse, though you could create a curse to turn
continuous effects. Continuous Cure items are an enemy into a physically powerful, but hideous,
normally impossible, for instance, because Cure monster, if you intend the spell to be generally
effects occur just once during the duration. detrimental.
Continuous items, because they work continuously Additionally, when creating a curse you may state
and therefore do not need to activated, cannot be a condition upon which the curse will be broken. At
made as spell-trigger items. the Referee’s discretion, this may reduce the Power
As these items are permanent, they also require Component cost of the curse, depending on how easy
levels in the Trade (Artificer) skill, under the same the condition is to fulfill, and what your intent is. A
restrictions as listed under Other Activated items. curse that you want to let someone break (for
example, if the hideous beast of a prince can learn
Table: Creation Costs for Continuous Items gentleness and make someone fall in love with him,
he’ll be turned back to normal) might be reduced in
Spell Level Creation Cost
cost by 50%. If you simply want to reduce your spell’s
1 2000
power so you can save on Power Components (for
2 6000
example, the toad prince will turn back to normal if a
3 10,000
princess ever kisses him, but he’s a toad! Who would
4 14,000
ever kiss him?), that might reduce the cost by just
5 18,000
6 22,000
A Divine spell that is of equal or higher level than
7 26,000
the curse can determine the means to break the curse.
8 30,000
9 34,000
10 38,000

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 31 A Samardan Press Publication

Mana Batteries encouraged to work with their Referee on other
Mana batteries, often called just “batteries,” are creative methods.
magical items that are charged with magical energy, Monetary Offering. A character can offer an item
which any mage can tap to power his spells. Batteries with a market value of 4000 silver or higher to reduce
have two main traits - level limit, and energy. The level the Power Component cost of an item or spell by 10%.
limit is the highest spell level that can be cast with the An item given in offering is rendered worthless. The
battery. The energy is how many times the battery can item must be thematically appropriate, and must be
be used in a single day. specifically acquired for the purpose of offering it. A
Some batteries can only be used to power a few character can make multiple offerings this way, with
magical skill specializations, though as a default most each item offered reducing the Power Component cost
batteries can be used with any magical skill by another 10%. Typically, however, it is cheaper to
specialization. Even if you do not possess skill levels simply buy an item than to make ten offerings and
in every magical skill specialization, batteries you negate the XP cost.
create can be used to power any type of spell, unless Soul Sacrifice. If a character performs a ten-
you consciously choose otherwise. minute ritual to sacrifice a sentient creature and offer
When creating a battery, the level limit and energy its soul as a tribute, he can gain Power Components in
can be as high as you want. Each day you work on a some form or another equal to 5 silver per physical
battery, you must make a spellcasting check (Easy task attribute point of the creature sacrificed. The sacrificed
(DM +4) + the battery’s level limit) using any magical creature cannot be brought back from the dead until
skill specialization you want, so creating a battery with the character who performed the sacrifice is slain, or
a level limit higher than your skill levels is dangerous. the item he created with those Power Components is
All batteries need at least 1 energy. destroyed.
To determine the cost of the item, square the level
limit, then multiply by the energy. The Power Ritual Spells
Component cost for a battery that can power only one A character can locate a ritual spell with a Investigate
type of spell is the same as can be found in the One skill check (Routine task (DM +2), with a DM penalty
User Per Day column of the Other Activated Item table equal to the spell’s level), and he must then purchase
for a spell level equal to the sum of the level limit and it at a cost equal to a Single-Use Spell-Trigger item of
energy. Use the 2-3 Uses/Day column if the item can the same spell level. If the character succeeds his
power two or three spell types, and the 4-5 Uses/Day Investigate skill check with an Exceptional Success, he
column if it can power four to eleven different spell can find a free or stolen copy of the ritual, and so does
types. not need to purchase it.
See above for rules on using mana batteries. A character can create a ritual spell by spending a
day and making a Philosophy (Arcana) check (Difficult
Alternative Costs task (DM -2), with a DM penalty equal to the spell’s
Spellcasters can always propose alternate costs for level). The character should possess the required
paying for magic item creation, when Power levels in the Magic skill specializations necessary to
Components are not available or are limited. A few actually cast the spell.
approaches are described below, but characters are

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 32 A Samardan Press Publication

This section provides some sample spells for use in a fantasy-based Traveller campaign.

Animal Friendship Arcane Summoning II

Level: 7 (Charm 4/Gen 3) Level: 4 (Summon 4)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One day (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Personal; Tgt: One creature. Personal; Tgt: One creature.
The creature targeted by this spell must make an The magus summons a creature whose physical ability
Intelligence check (modified by the same penalty as scores add up to 26 or less, and gains total obedience
the spellcasting check) or fall aggressively in love with over them for the duration of the spell. (Summon –
another creature of the magus’s choice for the Obedient Summon.)
duration of this spell, wanting nothing more than to
be with that creature and act in whatever way they Arcane Summoning III
believe best displays their love. Due to its subtle Level: 6 (Summon 6)
charm, the creature does not get an Intelligence check CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
every round to resist the effects. (Charm –Emotion, Personal; Tgt: One creature.
strong (love), Subtle charm; General –Duration, The magus summons a creature whose physical ability
permanent.) scores add up to 32 or less, and gains total obedience
over them for the duration of the spell. (Summon –
Antimagic Attack Obedient summon.)
Level: 1 (Defend 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Anger
Close; Tgt: One creature. Level: 1 (Charm 1)
For the duration of this spell, all attempts that the CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
target makes to cast spells suffer a DM -2 penalty. Personal; Tgt: One creature.
Unwilling creatures can attempt to resist this spell’s By the power of this spell, the target creature's attitude
effect with an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM toward another creature of the mage's choice shifted
+2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Defend two degrees more hostile. Attitudes range from helpful
– Antimagic, targeted.) to friendly to indifferent to unfriendly to hostile. The
change in attitude is only with regard to the chosen
Antimagic Zone creature of the mage's choice. The target of this spell
Level: 2 (Defend 2) may attempt an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate
Close; AoE: One 1.5-meter square. the spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its initial
For the duration of this spell, all attempts to cast Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is allowed
spells within the area of effect suffer a DM -2 penalty. a new check to break free and end the spell’s effect.
Unwilling creatures can attempt to resist this spell’s (Charm - Emotion, Weak (anger).)
effect with an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM
+2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Defend Animate Dead
– Antimagic.) Level: 7 (Summon 4/Gen 3)
CT: Significant action; Dur: Permanent (D); Rng:
Arcane Summoning I Personal; Tgt: One corpse.
Level: 2 (Summon 2) The magus transforms a corpse into a lesser undead
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: such as a skeleton or zombie (so long as the
Personal; Tgt: One creature. creature’s physical ability scores add up to 20 or less),
The magus summons a creature whose physical ability and gains total obedience over the undead
scores add up to 20 or less, and gains total obedience permanently, unless you choose to end the spell or it
over them for the duration of the spell. (Summon – is dispelled.. (Summon – Obedient summon; General
Obedient Summon.) –Duration, permanent.)

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 33 A Samardan Press Publication

Bless Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
Level: 4 (Charm 1/Gen 3) penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: effect. Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence
Personal; AoE: 12-meter radius. check, each round thereafter it is allowed a new check
The magus grants all within 12 meters of his position a to break free and end the spell’s effect. (Charm -
DM +1 bonus to attack rolls. The spell also acts as a Emotion, Weak (bravery).)
Calm spell against fear effects only. (Charm –Emotion,
weak (bravery); General – 12-meter Radius Area.) Burning Hands
Level: 2 (Attack 1/Gen 1)
Blindsight CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close;
Level: 3 (Divine 3) AoE: 3-meter radius adjacent to caster.
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: The magus conjures a wave of fire that encompasses
Close; Tgt: One creature. all within a 3-meter radius adjacent to his position.
This spell grants the target the ability to his other Creatures targeted by this spell must make a Dexterity
senses to operate effectively without vision, as per the check (modified by the same penalty as the
blindsight alien trait. (Divine – Special Senses spellcasting check) to avoid suffering 1d6 of fire-based
(blindsight).) damage. (Attack – Direct damage; General – Area, 3-
meter radius.)
Level: 2 (Defend 2) Call Lightning
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Level: 4 (Attack 2/Gen 2)
Personal; Tgt: One creature. CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
When foes attack a creature affected by this spell, they Medium; Tgt: One creature.
suffer a DM -1 penalty on their attack rolls for the The magus conjures a bolt of lightning that strikes a
duration of this spell. (Defend – Deflection.) single target within Medium range. A creature targeted
by this spell must make a Dexterity check (modified by
Boost Dexterity the same penalty as the spellcasting check) to avoid
Level: 2 (Move 2) suffering 2d6 of electricity-based damage. (Attack –
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Direct Damage; General – Range, medium.)
Close; Tgt: One creature.
For the duration of the spell, the target’s Dexterity is Calm Emotions
increased by +2. (Move – Enhance ability score.) Level: 2 (Charm 2)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: One
Boost Endurance creature.
Level: 2 (Cure 2) With this spell, the magus allows the targeted creature
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: to ignore magical weak and moderate emotion effects
Close; Tgt: One creature. for the spell’s duration. Strong emotion effects are
For the duration of the spell, the target’s Endurance is reduced to weak effects. (Charm – Emotion, moderate
increased by +2. (Cure – Enhance endurance.) (calmer).)

Boost Strength Calm Major Emotions

Level: 2 (Move 2) Level: 3 (Charm 3)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: One
Close; Tgt: One creature. creature.
For the duration of the spell, the target’s Strength is With this spell, the magus allows the targeted creature
increased by +2. (Move – Enhance ability score.) to ignore magical emotion effects for the spell’s
duration. (Charm – Emotion, strong (calmest).)
Level: 1 (Charm 1) Calm Minor Emotions
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Level: 1 (Charm 1)
Personal; Tgt: A creature. CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: One
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes creature.
brave. Brave creatures gain a DM +1 bonus to attack With this spell, the magus allows the targeted creature
rolls. The spell also acts as a Calm spell against fear to ignore magical weak emotion effects for the spell’s
effects only. The target of this spell may attempt an duration. Moderate emotion effects are reduced to

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 34 A Samardan Press Publication

weak effects, and strong emotion effects are reduced Cause Fear, Lesser
to moderate effects. (Charm – Emotion, weak (calm).) Level: 1 (Charm 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Cause Blindness/Deafness Personal; Tgt: A creature.
Level: 2 (Attack (affliction) 2) By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: shaken. Shaken creatures suffers a DM –1 penalty on
Personal; Tgt: One creature. attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and checks made to
This spell afflicts the target with the magus’s choice of resist magical effects. The target of this spell may
blindness or deafness for the spell’s duration. (Attack attempt an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
(affliction) – Blindness/Deafness.) with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the
spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its initial
Cause Disease Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is allowed
Level: 3 (Attack (affliction) 3) a new check to break free and end the spell’s effect.
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: (Charm - Emotion, Weak (shaken).)
Personal; Tgt: One creature.
This spell afflicts the target with the magus’s choice of Cause Paralysis
diseases. (Attack (affliction) – Disease.) Level: 3 (Attack (affliction) 3)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Cause Fatigue Personal; Tgt: One creature.
Level: 2 (Attack (affliction) 2) This spell afflicts the target with paralysis for the
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: spell’s duration. (Attack (affliction) – Paralysis.)
Personal; Tgt: One creature.
This spell afflicts the target with fatigue. (Attack Change Self
(affliction) – Fatigue.) Level: 3 (Transform 1/General 2)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour; Rng: Personal;
Cause Fear Tgt: One creature.
Level: 2 (Charm 2) The magus can change mild features such as ethnicity
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: or hair color on the target creature. These changes
Personal; Tgt: A creature. remain for an hour before fading away. (Transform:
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes Cosmetic; General: Duration, Medium.)
frightened. A frightened creature flees as well as it can
from even the slightest danger. If unable to flee, the Charm Creature
creature may fight. It suffers a DM –1 penalty on attack Level: 3 (Charm 1/General 2)
rolls, weapon damage rolls, and checks to resist CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour; Rng: Close; Tgt:
magical effects. (Charm - Emotion, Moderate One creature.
(frightened).) The creature targeted by this spell must make an
Intelligence check (modified by the same penalty as
Cause Fear, Greater the spellcasting check) or their attitude towards the
Level: 3 (Charm 3) magus shifts two steps towards more friendly. When
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: the spell has ended, the target becomes aware that
Personal; Tgt: A creature. they have been charmed. (Charm – Emotion, Weak
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes (happiness); General – Duration, medium.)
panicked. A panicked creature suffers a DM –1 penalty
to resist magical effects and must flee. A panicked Charm Creature, Greater
creature has a 50% of dropping what it’s holding, Level: 5 (Charm 2/General 3)
chooses its path randomly (as long as it’s getting away CT: Significant action; Dur: One day; Rng: Close; Tgt:
from immediate danger), and flees other dangers that One creature.
confront it. If cornered, a panicked creature cowers. The creature targeted by this spell must make an
The target of this spell may attempt an Intelligence Intelligence check (modified by the same penalty as
check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spellcasting check) or their attitude towards the
the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s effect. Even if a magus shifts four steps towards more friendly. When
creature fails its initial Intelligence check, each round the spell has ended, the target becomes aware that
thereafter it is allowed a new check to break free and they have been charmed. (Charm – Emotion, Weak
end the spell’s effect. (Charm - Emotion, Strong (laughing); General – Duration, long.)

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Circle of Binding Courage
Level: 3 (Suppress 2/General 1) Level: 2 (Charm 2)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: Three meter radius. Personal; Tgt: A creature.
Creatures within the area of effect of this spell must By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
succeed at an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM courageous. Courageous creatures gain a DM +1
+2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to leave bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and checks to
the area, either physically or by traveling through other resist Charm effects. The spell also acts as a Calmer
means. Each minute it may make one attempt at each, spell against fear effects only. The target of this spell
and if the creature fails, it is stuck inside for at least may attempt an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM
another minute. (On an Exceptional Failure, the +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate
creature can no longer attempt to leave the area of the spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its initial
effect for the duration of the spell.)The binding effect Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is allowed
prevents the creature from making melee attacks out a new check to break free and end the spell’s effect.
of the area, but it can still use ranged attacks and (Charm - Emotion, Moderate (courageous).)
spells. A bound creature cannot use any Charm effects
on creatures outside the area of effect. If the creature Create Weather
is not entirely inside the area of effect when the spell Level: 7 (Create 4/General 3)
takes effect, it is not bound. If a creature attacks or CT: Significant action; Dur: One day (D); Rng:
otherwise deals damage to the bound creature, it is Personal; AoE: One kilometer radius.
free to retaliate, but is still bound spatially. If you Through the use of this spell, the magus can create a
attack the bound creature, it is freed entirely from the type of weather normal to the local terrain and season.
binding. (Suppress – Binding; General – Area (3-meter The weather takes about ten minutes to develop, and
radius).) once the spell ends, the weather fades normally.
(Create – Create Weather (normal for terrain and
Command season), Giant Area; General – Duration, Long.)
Level: 1 (Charm 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Creation, Major
Close; Tgt: One creature. Level: 6 (Create 3/General 3)
With this spell, the magus issues a single one- or two- CT: Significant action; Dur: One day (D); Rng:
word command, which the target creature must obey Personal; AoE: One 1.5-meter square.
unless it succeeds in an Intelligence check (modified Through the use of this spell, the magus can create a
by the same penalty as the spellcasting check). Once it simple non-magical item with a value of up to 1000
completes the commanded task or the spell reaches silver. At the end of the spell, the item vanishes.
the end of its duration, the spell ends. The target must (Create – Create Object; General – Duration, Long.)
be able to hear and understand you. (Charm –
Language command, simple.) Creation, Minor
Level: 1 (Create 1)
Confusion CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Level: 1 (Charm 1) Personal; AoE: One 1.5-meter square.
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Through the use of this spell, the magus can create a
Personal; Tgt: A creature. simple non-magical item with a value of less than 10
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes silver. At the end of the spell, the item vanishes.
confused. A confused creature takes random actions. (Create – Create Object.)
Roll 1d6 each round: 1: flee at top speed to seek safety,
2–3: do nothing for one round except perhaps drool or Cure Blindness/Deafness
babble, 4-5: attack the nearest creature for 1 round, 6: Level: 3 (Cure 3)
act normally for 1 round. Any confused creature that is CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
attacked automatically attacks its attacker on its next Personal; Tgt: One creature.
action. The target of this spell may attempt an The Magus must spend 600 silver in Power
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Components. If so, then this spell cures the target’s
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s blindness or deafness. (Cure – Cure
effect. Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence Blindness/Deafness.)
check, each round thereafter it is allowed a new check
to break free and end the spell’s effect. (Charm -
Emotion, Weak (confusion).)

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Cure Disease Cure Wounds, Lesser
Level: 3 (Cure 3) Level: 2 (Cure 2)
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
Personal; Tgt: One creature. Personal; Tgt: One creature.
The Magus must spend 600 silver in Power This spell heals the target of 1d6 points of damage.
Components. If so, then this spell cures all diseases (Cure – Heal.)
afflicting the target. (Cure – Cure Disease.)
Cure Fatigue Level: 1 (Create 1)
Level: 2 (Cure 2) CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
Personal; Tgt: One creature. (anchor) ; AoE: 6-meter radius.
This spell eliminates fatigue effects. (Cure – Cure The magus creates an area of shadows approximately
Fatigue.) 6 meters in radius for the duration of the spell. (Create
– Create Shadow (gloom).)
Cure Nausea
Level: 1 (Cure 1) Darkness, Greater
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Level: 2 (Create 2)
Personal; Tgt: One creature. CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
This spell eliminates nausea and similar minor Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
discomforts. (Cure – Cure Nausea.) (anchor) ; AoE: 6-meter radius.
The magus creates an area of shadows approximately
Cure Paralysis 6 meters in radius, which obstructs the perception of
Level: 4 (Cure 4) even those with darkvision, for the duration of the
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: spell. (Create – Create Shadow (darkness).)
Personal; Tgt: One creature.
The Magus must spend 800 silver in Power Darkvision
Components. If so, then this spell cures all physical Level: 2 (Divine 2)
paralysis afflicting the target. In addition, if the target’s CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Strength or Dexterity scores are zero, they are raised Close; Tgt: One creature.
to 1. (Cure – Cure Paralysis.) This spell grants the target the ability to see in the
dark for the duration of the spell. (Divine – Special
Cure Stun Senses (darkvision).)
Level: 1 (Cure 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Daylight
Personal; Tgt: One creature. Level: 2 (Create 2)
This spell cures any stun-related effects from the CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
target. (Cure – Cure Stun.) Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
(anchor) ; AoE: 6-meter radius.
Cure Wounds The magus creates an area of bright light covering an
Level: 3 (Cure 3) area of about 12 meters in radius for the duration of
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: the spell. (Create – Create Light (daylight).)
Personal; Tgt: One creature.
This spell heals the target of 2d6 points of damage. Daze
(Cure – Heal.) Level: 1 (Charm 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Cure Wounds, Greater Personal; Tgt: A creature.
Level: 4 (Cure 4) By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: dazed. Dazed creatures take no actions, but defend
Personal; Tgt: One creature. themselves normally. The target of this spell may
This spell heals the target of 3d6 points of damage. attempt an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
(Cure – Heal.) with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the
spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its initial
Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is allowed

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 37 A Samardan Press Publication

a new check to break free and end the spell’s effect. resist. The magus can concentrate on another target
(Charm - Emotion, Weak (anger).) at any time, but must start over from the first round of
Detect Invisibility 1st Round. The magus detects the presence of any
Level: 1 (Divine 1) magical auras that the target may have.
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: 2nd Round. The magus senses the strength of
Personal; AoE: Special. those auras — dim, faint, moderate, strong, or
Through the use of this spell, the mage can overwhelming.
concentrate for one round to determine the direction 3rd Round. The magus senses the specific nature
of the nearest invisible creature. If there are several of those auras, learning what type of magic created the
different invisible creatures within Short range, you are aura.
aware of roughly where those creatures are, and can Characters with Magic skill levels have magical
concentrate on each of them one by one to determine auras. A spell’s level determines the power of its aura,
their location. Once you are aware of specific invisible and the highest skill levels that a character has in a
creatures, you can choose to ignore them and sense Magic skill specialization determines the strength of
only further away creatures. (Divine – Dowse.) the character’s aura.
If the magus reads an overwhelming aura of any
Detect Magic sort, he must make an Intelligence check (Average
Level: 1 (Divine 1) task (DM +0)) or be stunned for 1 round. (Divine –
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Dowse, Reading.)
Personal; AoE: Special.
Through the use of this spell, the mage can Detect Otherworldly Beings
concentrate for one round to determine the direction Level: 1 (Divine 1)
of the nearest source of magical energies. If there are CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
several different magical sources within Short range, Personal; AoE: Special.
you are aware of roughly where those sources are, and Through the use of this spell, the magus can
can concentrate on each of them one by one to concentrate for one round to determine the direction
determine their location. Once you are aware of of the nearest otherworldly being. If there are several
specific magical sources, you can choose to ignore different otherworldly beings within Short range, you
them and sense only further away items. (Divine – are aware of roughly where those creatures are, and
Dowse.) can concentrate on each of them one by one to
determine their location. Once you are aware of
Detect Magic, Greater specific otherworldly beings, you can choose to ignore
Level: 3 (Divine 3) them and sense only further away creatures. (Divine –
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Dowse.)
Personal; AoE: Special.
This operates much like the Improved Detect Detect Otherworldly Beings, Greater
Magic spell, but the magus gains all of the Level: 3 (Divine 3)
information from three rounds of the Improved Detect CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Magic spell, plus impressions of events in the target’s Personal; AoE: Special.
past, starting with the most prominent event, all in the This operates much like the Improved Detect
first round of concentration. Each additional round of Otherworldly Beings spell, but the magus gains all of
concentration provides insight into an additional event the information from three rounds of the Improved
in the past. This spell only allows the magus to see up Detect Otherworldly Beings spell, plus impressions of
to one year in the past. (Divine – Dowse, Reading, events in the creature’s past, starting with the most
Improved.) prominent event, all in the first round of
concentration. Each additional round of concentration
Detect Magic, Improved provides insight into an additional event in the past.
Level: 2 (Divine 2) This spell only allows the magus to see up to one year
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: in the past. (Divine – Dowse, Reading, Improved.)
Personal; AoE: Special.
This operates much like the Detect Magic spell, Detect Otherworldly Beings,
but allows the magus to gain more information on a Improved
given source of magic the longer he concentrates. The Level: 2 (Divine 2)
target is allowed an Intelligence check (Routine task CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to Personal; AoE: Special.

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This operates much like the Detect Otherworldly CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close;
Beings spell, but allows the magus to gain more Tgt: One creature.
information on a given otherworldly creature the With this spell, the targeted creature takes 1d6 points
longer he concentrates. The target is allowed an of damage to their Dexterity score. The damage heals
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a at the normal rate. Targets may attempt an Endurance
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist. The magus check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to
can concentrate on another target at any time, but the spell’s level) to half the damage of this spell.
must start over from the first round of reading. (Attack (affliction) – Targeted Ability Damage.)
1st Round. The magus detects the presence of any
allegiance-based or planar-based auras the target may Drain Endurance
have. Level: 2 (Attack (affliction) 2)
2nd Round. The magus senses the strength of CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close;
those auras — dim, faint, moderate, strong, or Tgt: One creature.
overwhelming. With this spell, the targeted creature takes 1d6 points
3rd Round. The magus senses the specific nature of damage to their Endurance score. The damage
of those auras, learning specific allegiances and planar heals at the normal rate. Targets may attempt an
influences exist. Endurance check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
If the magus reads an overwhelming aura of any penalty equal to the spell’s level) to half the damage of
sort, he must make an Intelligence check (Average this spell. (Attack (affliction) – Targeted Ability
task (DM +0)) or be stunned for 1 round. (Divine – Damage.)
Dowse, Reading.)
Drain Strength
Detect Thoughts Level: 2 (Attack (affliction) 2)
Level: 1 (Charm 1) CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close;
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Tgt: One creature.
Close; Tgt: One creature. With this spell, the targeted creature takes 1d6 points
By concentrating, the recipient of this spell can of damage to their Strength score. The damage heals
overhear the thoughts of any creature within Close at the normal rate. Targets may attempt an Endurance
range. If there are multiple creatures in the area, the check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to
recipient can focus on one at a time, or try to decipher the spell’s level) to half the damage of this spell.
out their thoughts all at once, like hearing one person (Attack (affliction) – Targeted Ability Damage.)
in a crowded room. This does not give the recipient
the ability to understand the target creature’s Elemental Weapon
language, but they can comprehend emotions and Level: 1 (Attack 1)
simple desires like fear or hunger regardless of CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
language. (Charm: Mind Scan.) Personal; Tgt: One creature, weapon, or set of
Displacement With this spell, the magus creates an aura of
Level: 4 (Move 4) elemental energy to a target weapon that inflicts +1d6
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: points of damage of a specific damage type on a
Close; Tgt: One creature. successful hit. The actual damage type is selected by
With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature the magus at the time of casting the spell, and must
the ability to move 1.5 meters as an immediate action, be among those known to the magus. When used on a
effectively a free action that can be taken even when it creature, all unarmed and natural attacks made by that
is not the creature’s turn. This does not count toward creature gain the bonus damage. (Attack: Enhanced
their movement for the turn, but it is enough to move Damage.)
them out of the way of a single attack. Unwilling
targets receive an Intelligence check (Routine task Enchanted Weapon
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to Level: 2 (Attack 2)
resist this spell. Affected creatures, however, are under CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
control of their own actions, so a creature that does Personal; Tgt: One creature, weapon, or set of
not want to make such a movement does not have to. ammunition.
(Move – Haste, dodge bullets.) With this spell, the magus grants a DM +2 bonus to
both attack and damage rolls when using the target
Drain Dexterity weapon. When used on a creature, all unarmed and
Level: 2 (Attack (affliction) 2)

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 39 A Samardan Press Publication

natural attacks made by that creature gain the attack and must be among those known to the magus.
and damage bonus. (Attack: Enhanced Attack.) (Attack: Direct Damage.)

Enchanted Weapon, Greater Entangle

Level: 3 (Attack 3) Level: 4 (Move 3/General 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Personal; Tgt: One creature, weapon, or set of Medium; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
ammunition. (anchor) ; AoE: Three-meter radius.
With this spell, the magus grants a DM +3 bonus to This spell creates a magical force that “grapples” all
both attack and damage rolls when using the target targets within the area of effect, attempting to hold
weapon. When used on a creature, all unarmed and them in place. This spell has a Strength and Dexterity
natural attacks made by that creature gain the attack modifier of +0, and its Melee skill level is equal to the
and damage bonus. (Attack: Enhanced Attack.) number of Move levels the spell has. Unlike other
Move spells, the Entangle cannot be moved once it
Enchanted Weapon, Lesser has been cast. (Move – Telekinetic Movement (100
Level: 1 (Attack 1) kg); General – Area (three-meter radius), Range
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: (medium); Limitation – can’t move once cast (-1).)
Personal; Tgt: One creature, weapon, or set of
ammunition. Expeditious Movement
With this spell, the magus grants a DM +1 bonus to Level: 1 (Move 1)
both attack and damage rolls when using the target CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
weapon. When used on a creature, all unarmed and Close; Tgt: One creature.
natural attacks made by that creature gain the attack With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
and damage bonus. (Attack: Enhanced Attack.) a +3 meters bonus to the movement mode of the
magus’s choice — land, climb, burrow, swim, or fly.
Energy Buffer He cannot enhance a movement mode the creature
Level: 3 (Defend 1/General 2) does not have a speed rating for. Unwilling targets
CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour (D); Rng: receive an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
Personal; Tgt: One creature. with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist this
For the duration of the spell, the spell’s target gains an spell. Affected creatures, however, are under control of
ablative form of magical armor that protects against their own movement, so a creature that does not want
the first five points of damage from an energy type to move does not have to. (Move – Haste, speed.)
chosen when the spell is cast. (Defend – Energy
buffer; General – Duration, medium.) Explosive Runes
Level: 3 (Attack 1/General 2)
Energy Resistance CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
Level: 4 (Defend 2/General 2) Personal; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour (D); Rng: (anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter square.
Personal; Tgt: One creature. This spell creates a set of magical sigils that bind fire
For the duration of the spell, the spell’s target gains a energies within them. If the sigils are viewed with
non-ablative form of magical armor that protects sufficient detail to be recognizable (which often
against the first five points of damage from an energy requires close inspection) within a day of casting, the
type chosen when the spell is cast. (Defend – Energy runes explode to inflict 1d6 points of fire damage to all
resistance; General – Duration, medium.) within the same 1.5-meter square as the runes
themselves. Unwilling targets receive a Dexterity check
Energy Touch (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
Level: 1 (Attack 1) spell’s level) to take half damage. (Attack – Direct
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Damage; General – Contingency, day.)
Personal; Tgt: One creature.
The magus creates an aura of elemental energy on Feeblemind
himself or another creature that will deal 1d6 points of Level: 4 (Attack 4)
damage to the next creature or item touched. This CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
spell is discharged once the bearer of the aura makes Personal; Tgt: One creature.
a successful melee attack or touches something with This spell befuddles its target, who suffers 2d6
the affected appendage. The actual damage type is damage to their Intelligence. Unwilling targets receive
selected by the magus at the time of casting the spell, an Endurance check (Routine task (DM +2), with a

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 40 A Samardan Press Publication

penalty equal to the spell’s level) to half the damage of does not already have the Athletics (flying) skill, it
this spell. (Attack (affliction) – Targeted Ability gains the skill at level 0 for the duration of the spell,
Damage.) which can be used to resolve difficult maneuvers.
Unwilling targets receive an Intelligence check
Fertile Earth (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
Level: 3 (Transform 3) spell’s level) to resist this spell. Affected creatures,
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close; however, are under control of their own movement, so
Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space (anchor) ; a creature that does not want to fly does not have to.
AoE: One 1.5-meter square. (Move – Flight.)
This spell causes all non-monstrous plants in the area
of effect to naturally age one month. (Transform – Fog Cloud
Grow Plant (one month).) Level: 2 (Create 1/General 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Fireball Close; Tgt: One creature, object or point in space
Level: 4 (Attack 2/General 2) (anchor) ; AoE: 3-meter radius.
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Through this spell, the magus creates a magical mist
Medium; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space that obscures vision beyond 1.5 meters for the
(anchor) ; AoE: Three-meter radius. duration of the spell. A creature within 1.5 meters has
This spell creates a sphere of fire that inflicts 2d6 concealment. Fog and mist can be dispersed by a
points of fire damage to all targets found in the area of moderate wind (15+ kph) in 4 rounds, or by a strong
effect. Targets receive a Dexterity check (Routine task wind (30+ kph) in 1 round. (Create – Create Air (fresh
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to air); General - Duration, Medium.)
half the damage of this spell. (Attack – Direct
Damage; General – Area (three-meter radius), Range Forgetful Distraction
(medium).) Level: 1 (Charm 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Flame Strike Close; Tgt: One creature.
Level: 3 (Attack 2/General 1) With this spell, the targeted creature must succeed in
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: an Intelligence check (modified by the same penalty as
Medium; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space the spellcasting check), or it will forget recent events
(anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter radius. within the last minute, at the discretion and direction
This spell creates a column of fire that inflicts 2d6 of the magus. When the spell ends, the memory
points of fire damage to all targets found in the area of returns. (Charm: Forget, Standard.)
effect. Targets receive a Dexterity check (Routine task
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to Freedom of Movement
half the damage of this spell. (Attack – Direct Level: 3 (Move 3)
Damage; General –Range (medium).) CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature.
Flesh to Stone With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
Level: 5 (Transform 4/General 1) the ability to move and attack normally, even under
CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour (D); Rng: Close; the effect of magical and mundane factors that usually
Tgt: One creature. impede movement. This includes paralysis poison,
The magus can transform their target into a stone paralytic Charm effects, and even Move slow spells.
statue for the duration of the spell. Unwilling creatures The subject automatically succeeds on any check
may be targeted, but are allowed to attempt an made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on checks
Endurance check (Routine task (DM +2), with a made to escape a grapple or a pin. The spell also
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist this spell’s allows the subject to move and attack normally
effect . (Transform – Creature Form, Force Change; underwater, but not to breathe water. Unwilling
General – Duration (hour).) targets receive an Intelligence check (Routine task
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
Fly resist this spell. Affected creatures, however, are under
Level: 4 (Move 4) control of their own movement, so a creature that
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: does not want to move does not have to. (Move –
Close; Tgt: One creature. Freedom of Movement.)
With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
the ability to fly at their base speed. If the creature
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 41 A Samardan Press Publication
Frenzy Haste
Level: 3 (Charm 3) Level: 3 (Move 3)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Personal; Tgt: A creature. Close; Tgt: One creature.
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
frenzied. Greater than a rage, the creature gains a +2 the ability to take an extra significant action each
bonus to Strength and Endurance, and opponents round without suffering a multiple action penalty.
gain a DM +2 on melee attacks made against the Unwilling targets receive an Intelligence check
creature. During the frenzy, the character can take no (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
rational actions, and simply attacks directly against the spell’s level) to resist this spell. Affected creatures,
nearest enemy. If there are no enemies to fight, the however, are under control of their own actions, so a
frenzied creature starts attacking friends. The target of creature that does not want to act multiple times does
this spell may attempt an Intelligence check (Routine not have to. (Move – Haste, actions.)
task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level)
to negate the spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its HealingTouch
initial Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is Level: 2 (Cure 1/Gen 1)
allowed a new check to break free and end the spell’s CT: Significant action; Dur: 10 Minutes; Rng: Personal;
effect. (Charm - Emotion, Strong (frenzy).) Tgt: One creature.
This spell grants the target a DM +1 bonus to Medic
Fumble checks. (Cure – Enhance Heal.)
Level: 4 (Attack 4)
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Heroic Surge
Personal; Tgt: One creature. Level: 2 (Move 2)
This spell renders the target into a clumsy fool, as they CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
suffer 2d6 damage to their Dexterity. Unwilling targets Close; Tgt: One creature.
receive an Endurance check (Routine task (DM +2), With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to half the the ability to take an extra minor action each round
damage of this spell. (Attack (affliction) – Targeted without suffering a multiple action penalty. Unwilling
Ability Damage.) targets receive an Intelligence check (Routine task
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
Ghost Form resist this spell. Affected creatures, however, are under
Level: 4 (Move 4) control of their own actions, so a creature that does
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: not want to act multiple times does not have to.
Close; Tgt: One creature. (Move – Haste, movement.)
With this spell, the magus grants the targeted creature
the ability turn corporeal or incorporeal as a significant Heroism
action. Unwilling targets receive an Intelligence check Level: 3 (Charm 3)
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
spell’s level) to resist this spell. Affected creatures, Personal; Tgt: A creature.
however, are under control of their own actions, so a By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
creature that does not want to change their corporeal heroic. Heroic creatures gain a DM +1 bonus to attack
state does not have to. (Move – Incorporeality.) rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability checks and skill
checks. The spell also acts as a strong Calm against
Gust of Wind fear effects only. The target of this spell may attempt
Level: 1 (Create 1) an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s
Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space effect. Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence
(anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter square. check, each round thereafter it is allowed a new check
With this spell, the magus creates a moderate wind of to break free and end the spell’s effect. (Charm -
up to 30 kph. You can direct the wind in whatever Emotion, Strong (heroic).)
direction you desire, with updrafts, downdrafts,
whirlwinds, or simply in a straight line. (Create –
Create Air (moderate wind).)

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 42 A Samardan Press Publication

Hopelessness cannot be larger than the area of effect. (Illusion –
Level: 3 (Charm 3) Glamour.)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Personal; Tgt: A creature. Inaudibility
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes Level: 3 (Illusion 3)
helpless as they are filled with a devastating sense of CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
hopelessness. Helpless characters are aware of their Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
surroundings, but can take no actions. They are (anchor).
helpless. The target of this spell may attempt an This spell renders its target completely silent for the
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a duration of the spell. A creature that interacts with an
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s inaudible character may make an Intelligence check
effect. Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
check, each round thereafter it is allowed a new check spell’s level) to disbelieve this spell, with a DM +4.
to break free and end the spell’s effect. (Charm - (Illusion – Glamour (complex auditory).)
Emotion, Strong (helpless).)
Inhibited Movement
Ice Storm Level: 1 (Move 1)
Level: 4 (Attack 2/General 2) CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Close; Tgt: One creature.
Medium; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space With this spell, the magus imposes a –3 meter penalty
(anchor) ; AoE: Three-meter radius. to the target’s movement mode of his choice for the
This spell creates a sphere of ice and snow that inflicts duration of the spell. The magus cannot penalize a
2d6 points of cold damage to all targets found in the movement mode the creature does not have a speed
area of effect. Targets receive a Dexterity check rating for. Unwilling targets receive an Intelligence
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to
spell’s level) to half the damage of this spell. (Attack – the spell’s level) to resist this spell. Affected creatures,
Direct Damage; General – Area (three-meter radius), however, are under control of their own movement, so
Range (medium).) a creature that does not want to move does not have
to. (Move – Slow, Speed.)
Illusion, Major
Level: 4 (Illusion 4) Invisibility
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Level: 3 (Illusion 3)
Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
(anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter square. Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space
This spell creates a complex glamour or figment that (anchor).
affects all senses. Characters are allowed an This spell renders its target invisible for the duration
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a of the spell. A creature that is struck by an invisible
penalty equal to this spell’s level) to disbelieve a creature’s attack is immediately allowed an
figment the first time they physically interact with it, Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
and can also spend a significant action to attempt to penalty equal to the spell’s level) to disbelieve this
disbelieve both figments and glamours. The illusion spell, with a DM +4. (Illusion – Glamour (complex
cannot be larger than the area of effect. (Illusion – visual).)
Illusion, Minor Level: 2 (Attack 2)
Level: 1 (Illusion 1) CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Close; Tgt: One creature.
Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space This spell grants the target a DM +4 on Mechanic skill
(anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter square. checks used to open locks. (Move – Mobility;
This spell creates a simple glamour or figment that Limitation – only to open locks (-2).)
affects only one sense. Characters are allowed an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
penalty equal to this spell’s level) to disbelieve a
figment the first time they physically interact with it,
and can also spend a significant action to attempt to
disbelieve both figments and glamours. The illusion

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 43 A Samardan Press Publication

Light distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Level: 1 (Create 1) (Divine – Special Senses (low light vision).)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space Mage Armor
(anchor) ; AoE: 6-meter radius. Level: 2 (Defend 1/Gen 1)
The magus creates an area of light roughly equal to CT: Significant action; Dur: Ten minutes (D); Rng:
that of a burning torch, covering an area of about 6 Personal; Tgt: One creature.
meters in radius for the duration of the spell. (Create – The target gains a +1 bonus to their armor rating for
Create Light (illumination).) the duration of this spell. (Defend – Armor; General –
Duration, Short.)
Lightning Bolt
Level: 3 (Attack 2/General 1) Magic Missile
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Level: 2 (Attack 1/General 1)
Medium; Tgt: A creature, object, or point in space CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
(anchor) ; AoE: One 1.5-meter radius. Medium; Tgt: One creature or object.
This spell creates a bolt of lightning that inflicts 2d6 This spell creates a missile of magical force that
points of electrical damage to all targets found in the inflicts 1d6 points of physical damage to a single
area of effect. Targets receive a Dexterity check target. Targets receive a Dexterity check (Routine task
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
spell’s level) to half the damage of this spell. (Attack – half the damage of this spell. (Attack – Direct
Direct Damage; General –Range (medium).) Damage; General –Range (medium).)

Locate Object Neutralize Poison

Level: 2 (Divine 2) Level: 4 (Cure 4)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Personal; AoE: Special. Close; AoE: One 1.5-meter square.
Through the use of this spell, the mage can This spell neutralizes poison in the area of effect. Any
concentrate for one round to determine the direction poison that enters the area during the spell’s duration
of a specific object. (Divine – Dowse, Improved.) is neutralized. Creatures with natural poison abilities
that succeed in an Intelligence check (Routine task
Love (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
Level: 3 (Charm 3) resist the spell can keep their poison stores and use
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: their poison to harm creatures outside the area of
Personal; Tgt: A creature. effect.
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
enraptured with a target of the mage's choice. Affected Phantasm, Major
creatures fall aggressively in love with the mage's Level: 4 (Illusion 4)
selected creature, wanting nothing more than to be CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
with that creature and act in whatever way they believe Close; Tgt: One creature.
best displays their love. The target of this spell may This spell creates a complex phantasm that affects all
attempt an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), of the senses of a specific target. Characters are
with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the allowed an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
spell’s effect. Even if a creature fails its initial with a penalty equal to this spell’s level) to disbelieve a
Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is allowed phantasm the first time they physically interact with it,
a new check to break free and end the spell’s effect. and can also spend a significant action to attempt to
(Charm - Emotion, Strong (love).) disbelieve phantasms. Phantasms are not limited in
size, but only affect the targeted creature. (Illusion –
Low Light Vision Phantasm.)
Level: 1 (Divine 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Phantasm, Minor
Close; Tgt: One creature. Level: 1 (Illusion 1)
This spell grants the target the ability to see twice as CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and Close; Tgt: One creature.
similar conditions of poor illumination for the This spell creates a simple phantasm that affects only
duration of the spell. They retain the ability to one of the senses of a specific target. Characters are
allowed an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 44 A Samardan Press Publication
with a penalty equal to this spell’s level) to disbelieve a Preserve
phantasm the first time they physically interact with it, Level: 4 (Transform 4)
and can also spend a significant action to attempt to CT: Significant action; Dur: One week (D); Rng: Close;
disbelieve phantasms. Phantasms are not limited in Tgt: One creature or object.
size, but only affect the targeted creature. (Illusion – This spell allows the magus to preserve 100 kilograms
Phantasm.) of food, bodies or similar organic objects from
decaying or rotting for one week. (Transform –
Plane Shift Preserve (100kg, one week).)
Level: 4 (Move 4)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Protection from Otherworldly Beings
Close; Tgt: One creature. Level: 1 (Defend 1)
With this spell, the magus can grant a target the ability CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
to shift to another plane of existence as a minor Close; Tgt: One creature.
action, once during the spell’s duration. In campaign When otherworldly beings attack the target of this
settings where some planes are more difficult to spell, they must make an Intelligence check (Routine
access than others, this allows access to those planes task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level),
of existence that are easiest to access. (Move – Plane to touch the target or use Charm spells on creatures
Shift.) within the area. Every minute it can make one attempt
at breach the area of effect; if the creature fails, it is
Precognition stuck outside for at least the next minute. This effect
Level: 4 (Divine 4) prevents an affected creature from making melee
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: attacks against the target, but it can still use ranged
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. attacks and non-Charm spells. (Defend – Protection
This spell allows the magus to look into the future of (limited to otherworldly beings).)
the target creature or object, gaining vague
impressions regarding important events that will Rage
happen in the next day. By asking a specific question Level: 2 (Charm 2)
of whether a specific event will occur, the magus CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
learns about how likely that event will come to pass. Personal; Tgt: A creature.
The future is not written, so the very fact that the By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes
magus knows about an event may alter the chances of enraged. The creature acts as if in a berserker rage,
its occurrence. (Divine – Precognition, Improved.) gaining a +1 bonus to Strength and Endurance, and
opponents gain a DM +1 on melee attacks made
Precognition, Greater against the creature. The creature is not fatigued at the
Level: 6 (Divine 6) end of the rage. The target of this spell may attempt
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s
This spell allows the magus to look into the future of effect. Even if a creature fails its initial Intelligence
the target creature or object, gaining vague check, each round thereafter it is allowed a new check
impressions regarding important events that will to break free and end the spell’s effect. (Charm -
happen in the next month. Otherwise, it operates like Emotion, Moderate (rage).)
the Precognition spell. (Divine – Precognition,
Greater.) Raise the Dead
Level: 9 (Cure 9)
Precognition, Lesser CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng:
Level: 2 (Divine 2) Personal; Tgt: One creature.
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: The Magus must spend 1800 silver in Power
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. Components. If so, then this spell restores to life a
This spell allows the magus to look into the future of creature that has died in the past day. (Cure – Revive,
the target creature or object, gaining vague Moderate.)
impressions regarding important events that will
happen in the next hour. Otherwise, it operates like
the Precognition spell. (Divine – Precognition.)

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 45 A Samardan Press Publication

Raise the Dead, Greater around the target. Creatures within the area of effect
Level: 12 (Cure 12) for this spell must make an Intelligence check
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: (modified by the same penalty as the spellcasting
Personal; Tgt: One creature. check) to notice that they are being viewed remotely,
The Magus must spend 2400 silver in Power although those unfamiliar with this effect will most
Components. If so, then this spell restores to life a likely only have a sense they are being watched.
creature that has died in the past year. (Cure – Revive, (Divine: Remote Viewing – Secondhand, Same World.)
Remote Viewing, Minor
Raise the Dead, Lesser Level: 1 (Divine 1)
Level: 6 (Cure 6) CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Very
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Long; Tgt: A creature or location within sight; AoE: 6-
Personal; Tgt: One creature. meter radius around target.
The Magus must spend 1200 silver in Power By concentrating on a creature or location within sight
Components. If so, then this spell restores to life a and within Very Long range, the magus can see and
creature that has died in the past ten minutes. (Cure – hear all that is taking place within a 6-meter radius
Revive, Lesser.) around the target. Creatures within the area of effect
for this spell must make an Intelligence check
Regenerate (modified by the same penalty as the spellcasting
Level: 6 (Cure 6) check) to notice that they are being viewed remotely,
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: although those unfamiliar with this effect will most
Personal; Tgt: One creature. likely only have a sense they are being watched.
The Magus must spend 1200 silver in Power (Divine: Remote Viewing – Within Sight, Very long
Components. If so, then this spell regenerates lost Range.)
body parts no larger than a hand or foot. (Cure –
Regenerate, Moderate.) Sanctuary
Level: 2 (Attack 2)
Regenerate, Greater CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Level: 7 (Cure 7) Close; Tgt: One creature.
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: For the duration of this spell, the target will not attack
Personal; Tgt: One creature. a single creature identified by the magus when the
The Magus must spend 1400 silver in Power spell is cast. The target is allowed an Intelligence
Components. If so, then this spell regenerates lost check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to
body parts as large as a missing limb. (Cure – the spell’s level) to ignore the telepathic command to
Regenerate, Greater.) not attack the designated creature. (Charm –
Telepathic Command, Simple.)
Regenerate, Lesser
Level: 5 (Cure 5) Slow
CT: Significant action; Dur: Instantaneous; Rng: Level: 3 (Move 3)
Personal; Tgt: One creature. CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
The Magus must spend 1000 silver in Power Close; Tgt: One creature.
Components. If so, then this spell regenerates lost With this spell, the magus restricts the target to only
body parts no larger than a finger or eye. (Cure – take one minor or significant action per round for the
Regenerate, Lesser.) duration of the spell. Unwilling targets receive an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist this spell.
Remote Viewing, Major
Affected creatures, however, are under control of their
Level: 4 (Divine 4)
own actions, so a creature that does not want to act
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
does not have to. (Move – Slow, Action.)
Same world or plane; Tgt: A creature or location within
same world or plane; AoE: 6-meter radius around
target. Spell Resistance
By concentrating on a creature or location within the Level: 4 (Defend 2/General 2)
same world or plane, and that is known to the magus CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour (D); Rng:
only by name and reputation, the magus can see and Personal; Tgt: One creature.
hear all that is taking place within a 6-meter radius For the duration of the spell, the spell’s target gains a
DM +1 bonus on all ability checks to resist the effects

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 46 A Samardan Press Publication

of magic. (Defend – Spell resistance; General – penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress –
Duration, medium.) Suppress Ability Score.)

Spider Climb Suppress Education

Level: 2 (Move 2) Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature. Close; Tgt: One creature.
With this spell, the magus grants the target the ability With this spell, the targeted creature suffers a DM –1
to cling to solid surfaces with hands and feet, gaining penalty to their Education for the duration of the spell.
a climb speed equal to their base speed. Furthermore, The effects of multiple castings of this spell are
the target need not make Athletics (climb) checks to cumulative. Unwilling creatures can resist with an
traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
down). Opponents get no special bonus to their penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress –
attacks against the target while climbing. The target Suppress Ability Score.)
cannot, however, run while climbing. Unwilling targets
receive an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), Suppress Endurance
with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist this Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
spell. Affected creatures, however, are under control of CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
their own movement, so a creature that does not want Close; Tgt: One creature.
to move does not have to. (Move – Spider Climb.) With this spell, the targeted creature suffers a DM –1
penalty to their Endurance for the duration of the
Stun spell. The effects of multiple castings of this spell are
Level: 2 (Charm 2) cumulative. Unwilling creatures can resist with an
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
Personal; Tgt: A creature. penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress –
By the power of this spell, the target creature becomes Suppress Ability Score.)
stunned. Stunned creatures drop whatever they are
holding, can’t act, and opponents gain a DM +1 on Suppress Intelligence
melee attacks made against the creature. The target of Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
this spell may attempt an Intelligence check (Routine CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) Close; Tgt: One creature.
to negate the spell's effect. Even if a creature fails its With this spell, the targeted creature suffers a DM –1
initial Intelligence check, each round thereafter it is penalty to their Intelligence for the duration of the
allowed a new check to break free and end the spell’s spell. The effects of multiple castings of this spell are
effect. (Charm - Emotion, Moderate (stunned).) cumulative. Unwilling creatures can resist with an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
Suppress Armor penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress –
Level: 1 (Suppress 1) Suppress Ability Score.)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. Suppress Spell Resistance
With this spell, the targeted creature or object suffers Level: 2 (Suppress 2)
a –1 penalty to their armor rating for the duration of CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
the spell. Unwilling creatures can resist with an Close; Tgt: One creature or object.
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a With this spell, the targeted creature or object suffers
penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress – a DM –1 penalty on all ability checks to resist the
Suppress Armor.) effects of magic for the duration of the spell. Unwilling
creatures can resist with an Intelligence check
Suppress Dexterity (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the
Level: 1 (Suppress 1) spell’s level). (Suppress – Suppress Spell Resistance.)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature. Suppress Strength
With this spell, the targeted creature suffers a DM –1 Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
penalty to their Dexterity for the duration of the spell. CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
The effects of multiple castings of this spell are Close; Tgt: One creature.
cumulative. Unwilling creatures can resist with an With this spell, the targeted creature suffers a DM –1
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty to their Strength for the duration of the spell.
Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 47 A Samardan Press Publication
The effects of multiple castings of this spell are up. The magus can also concentrate on multiple items
cumulative. Unwilling creatures can resist with an at once, though generally he must move those objects
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a as a group. (Move – Telekinetic movement.)
penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress –
Suppress Ability Score.) Telekinesis, Minor
Level: 5 (Move 5)
Swim CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Level: 2 (Move 2) Close; Tgt: One creature or object.
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: For the duration of the spell the magus can
Close; Tgt: One creature. concentrate as a significant action to direct a
With this spell, the magus grants the target the ability telekinetic force. This force can lift, move, and
to swim at a speed equal to its base speed; it gains a manipulate objects weighing up to 10 kilograms.
+4 bonus to Athletics (swim) checks. In addition, the Otherwise, this spell functions like Telekinesis. (Move
target gains the ability to breathe, speak, and – Telekinetic movement.)
otherwise respirate normally in any sort of non-toxic
liquid. Unwilling targets receive an Intelligence check Teleport, Major
(Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the Level: 6 (Move 6)
spell’s level) to resist this spell. Affected creatures, CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
however, are under control of their own movement, so Close; Tgt: One creature.
a creature that does not want to move does not have Once during the spell, as a minor action, affected
to. (Move – Swim.) creatures can teleport (travel instantaneously) to
another place within Regional range. Otherwise, this
Telekinesis, Major spell functions like the Teleport spell. (Move –
Level: 1 (Move 1) Teleport.)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. Teleport
For the duration of the spell the magus can Level: 4 (Move 4)
concentrate as a significant action to direct a CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
telekinetic force. This force can lift, move, and Close; Tgt: One creature.
manipulate objects weighing up to 1000 kilograms. Once during the spell, as a minor action, affected
Otherwise, this spell functions like Telekinesis. (Move creatures can teleport (travel instantaneously) to
– Telekinetic movement.) another place within Very Long range. Unwilling
targets receive an Intelligence check (Routine task
Telekinesis (DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to
Level: 3 (Move 3) resist this spell. Affected creatures, however, are under
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: control of their own actions, so a creature that does
Close; Tgt: One creature or object. not want to teleport does not have to. If the creature
For the duration of the spell the magus can teleports to somewhere out of their line of sight, they
concentrate as a significant action to direct a must make an Intelligence check, with a difficulty
telekinetic force. This force can lift, move, and based on their familiarity with the destination. For
manipulate objects weighing up to 100 kilograms. It more details, see the Location Familiarity table under
can even attack with objects it carries, inflicting 1d6 the Move section under Spellcasting. (Move –
damage on a successful attack, although the force Teleport.)
cannot attack on its own. The magus cannot move
their targets or use targets to attack beyond the range Teleport, Minor
of the spell. A creature targeted by this effect must Level: 2 (Move 2)
make a Melee (unarmed) check in an opposed skill CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
check against the magus’s spellcasting check to avoid Close; Tgt: One creature.
being moved by the spell. Once during the spell, as a minor action, affected
To direct the spell the magus must concentrate as creatures can teleport (travel instantaneously) to
a significant action. He can move the spell and any another place within Medium range. Otherwise, this
objects it carries up to 9 meters per round while spell functions like the Teleport spell. (Move –
concentrating. If he ceases concentration the spell will Teleport.)
continue to hold its current burden, and will either
stay still, or maintain the same position relative to the
magus, moving as fast as 9 meters per round to keep

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 48 A Samardan Press Publication

Tongues, Lesser Water Breathing
Level: 2 (Divine 2) Level: 3 (Create 2/General 1)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: CT: Significant action; Dur: One hour (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature. Personal; Tgt: One creature.
This spell grants the target the ability to speak one Through this spell, the magus can provide a target
language known to another person whom he touches creature with fresh air for the duration of the spell.
over the duration of the spell. (Divine – Translate.) (Create – Create Air (fresh air); General - Duration,
Level: 3 (Divine 3) Water Walk
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: Level: 2 (Move 2)
Close; Tgt: One creature. CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
This spell grants the target the ability to speak all Close; Tgt: One creature.
languages known to another person whom he touches With this spell, the magus grants the target the ability
over the duration of the spell. (Divine – Translate.) stride over water, moving as freely across the surface
as it could on normal, solid ground. Unwilling targets
Transmogrification receive an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2),
Level: 5 (Transform 5) with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to resist this
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: spell. Affected creatures, however, are under control of
Close; Tgt: One creature. their own movement, so a creature that does not want
The magus can transform their target into any to move does not have to. (Move – Water Walk.)
creature with physical characteristics totaling 26 or
less. Unwilling creatures may be targeted, but are Weaken Attack
allowed to attempt an Endurance check (Routine task Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
(DM +2), with a penalty equal to the spell’s level) to CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
resist this spell’s effect . (Transform – Creature Form, Close; Tgt: One creature or object.
Force Change.) For the duration of this spell, attacks made by the
targeted creature or object suffer a DM –1 penalty to
Uncontrollable Laughter their attack rolls. Unwilling creatures can resist with an
Level: 2 (Charm 2) Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng: penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress – Weaken
Personal; Tgt: A creature. Attack.)
By the power of this spell, the target creature begins
laughing uncontrollably. The creature is filled with Weaken Damage
great humor, and cannot take any aggressive action. Level: 1 (Suppress 1)
The target of this spell may attempt an Intelligence CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
check (Routine task (DM +2), with a penalty equal to Close; Tgt: One creature or object.
the spell’s level) to negate the spell’s effect. Even if a For the duration of this spell, attacks made by the
creature fails its initial Intelligence check, each round targeted creature or object suffer a DM –1 penalty to
thereafter it is allowed a new check to break free and their damage rolls. Unwilling creatures can resist with
end the spell’s effect. (Charm - Emotion, Moderate an Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a
(laughing).) penalty equal to the spell’s level). (Suppress – Weaken
Vibration Sense
Level: 3 (Divine 3)
CT: Significant action; Dur: One minute (D); Rng:
Close; Tgt: One creature.
This spell grants the target the ability to sense the
location of anything in contact with the ground and
within range, as per the vibration sense alien trait.
(Divine – Special Senses (vibration sense).)

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 49 A Samardan Press Publication

Called wizards, sorcerers, shaman and priests, the Career Progress
mage’s ability to bend magic to his will gives him both Career Path Survival Advancement
purpose and power. Knight-Magus Int 7+ Soc 5+
Priest-Magus Int 6+ Soc 6+
Qualification: Edu 7+ Scholar-Magus Int 5+ Edu 7+
Every previous career: DM –1

Assignments: Choose one of the following:

Mustering Out Benefits
Roll Cash Other Benefits
• Knight-Magus: Eldritch warriors, the Knight-
Magus seek to perfect both their martial and 1 250 silver Contact
mystical prowess. 2 500 silver +1 Int
• Priest-Magus: Divine theurgists, the Priest-Magus 3 1000 silver +1 Edu
practice holy rituals and miraculous acts of faith. 4 2000 silver Weapon
5 2000 silver +1 Soc
• Scholar-Magus: Sagely wizards, the Scholar-
6 4000 silver Single-Use Item (Level 4 or less)
Magus seek exotic arcane lore through ancient
7 8000 silver Wizard’s Tower (Four floors)
texts and secret sorcerous studies.

Basic Training: Unlike other careers, the Mage gains level 0 skills from the appropriate Specialist table instead of
the Service Skills table in basic training.

Skill and Training

Roll Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (Minimum
Edu 8)
1 +1 Dex Magic (any) Medic
2 +1 End Philosophy (Arcana) Art (any)
3 +1 Int Language (any) Diplomat
4 +1 Edu Investigate Philosophy (any)
5 +1 Edu Ranged (any) Magic (any)
6 Melee (any) Trade (Artificer) Jack of all Trades

Roll Specialist: Knight-Magus Specialist: Priest-Magus Specialist: Scholar-Magus

1 Philosophy (Arcana) Philosophy (Arcana) Philosophy (Arcana)
2 Melee (any) Medic Investigate
3 Ranged (any) Melee (any) Language (any)
4 Leadership Persuade Philosophy (any)
5 Recon Magic (any) Magic (any)
6 Magic (any) Magic (any) Magic (any)

Ranks and Skills

Rank Title Skill or Benefit
0 Apprentice Philosophy (Arcana) 1
1 Journeyman
2 Magus Magic (any) 1
3 Master Magus
4 High Magus Magic (any) 1
5 Grand Magus
6 Archmagus Magic (any) 1

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 50 A Samardan Press Publication

2d6 Mishap
2 Psychologically damaged by dark magical arts that "mortals were not meant to know". Reduce your Intelligence or
Social Standing by 1.
3 You were implicated in a noble court scandal, and now have a bad reputation after a long and drawn out litigation
attempting to clear your name. Gain 1d6 Contacts and 1d3 Enemies.
4 You inadvertently cause a conflict between two different Mage Guilds, magical organizations or magical traditions.
Gain a Rival and Diplomat 1.
5 You have no idea what happened to you – they found your body unconscious in the wilderness, miles from your
6 Severely injured during a magic duel. (This is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury table.) Alternatively, roll twice on
the Injury table and take the lower result.
7 A fellow magus is slaughtered in a disastrous battle with a summoned creature, for which you blame the Mage
Guildmaster. Gain him as an Enemy as he has you removed from your current position.
8 Injured. Roll on the Injury table.
9 You are sent to a very unpleasant region (jungle, swamp, desert, icecap, urban) to recover long lost lore. You are
discharged because of stress, injury or because a superior magus wishes to bury the whole incident. Increase Recon or
Survival by one level but also gain the magus as an Enemy.
10 You discover that an influential noble is engaged in some illegal activity, such as artifact smuggling. You can join his
ring and gain him as an Ally before the inevitable investigation catches up with you, or you can co-operate with the
royal guard – the official whitewash gets you discharged anyway but you may keep your Benefit roll from this term of
11 You are tormented by, or quarrel with, another magus. Gain that magus as a Rival as he drives you out of the service.
12 You have a strong relationship with a member of the Rogue’s Guild which is deemed to be too close by your superiors
and you are ‘requested’ to resign. Gain the rogue as a Contact.

d66 Events
11 Disaster! Roll on the mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 You become involved in a region torn by war. Gain one of Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, Persuade 1 or Recon 1.
13 You stand out from your peers, and are groomed for advancement by a superior. Either gain Leadership, or take a
+4 DM to your next Advancement roll (in any Mage career).
14 You spend some time on the kingdom's border, living on the frontier wilderness. Gain one of Philosophy (Nature)
1, Animals (riding or training) 1, Recon 1 or Survival 1.
14 You are given a special assignment or duty by your superiors. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll.
15 You are thrown into a brutal war. Throw Endurance 8+ to avoid injury; if you succeed, you gain one level in Ranged
(any) or Leadership.
16 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education 8+ to increase any one skill you already have
by one level.
21 You may report a fellow magus for behavior inappropriate for someone of his station. If you do report him, you
gain a +2 DM to your next advancement roll and a Rival. If you fail to do so, the magus is thankful and becomes
an Ally.
22 You are assigned to a peacekeeping or diplomatic role. Gain one of Admin 1, Investigate 1, Deception 1 or Recon 1.
23 You become involved with gambling for a time. Gain Gambler 1 or Deception 1. If you wish, throw Gambler 8+. If
you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll from this career; if you fail, you lose one Benefit roll from this career.
24 You are chosen for cross training in a different service. Roll for a skill in a Specialist assignment other than your
25 You have a chance to save a fellow magus. If you wish to make the attempt, roll Endurance 8+. If you fail, you are
injured. If you succeed, gain a Contact.
26 You are named by a traitor before the King, alleging affiliations with the dark arts. You gain 1d3 Enemies despite
your proclamations of innocence (whether they are true or not).
31-36 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table.
41-46 Special Event. Roll on the Special Events table.
51 You are recognized for your dedicated service. You are automatically advanced to the next rank.
52 You are attacked by a hostile creature during a quest. Roll Animal (training) 8+. If you succeed, you befriend the
animal and can keep it as a pet. If you fail roll on the Injury table.
53 You are given additional combat training. Gain one of Melee (any) 1, Ranged (any) 1, Recon 1, Survival 1 or Tactics
(military) 1.
53 You are assigned to a teaching position at a mage's academy. Throw Instruction 8+. Success increases your
Instruction skill by one level.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 51 A Samardan Press Publication

54 Your work far from any conflict in an idyllic township leaves you with plenty of downtime. Gain one of Gambling 1,
Carouse 1 or Streetwise 1.
55 You are assigned to administrative tasks for the Mage's Guild, helping with legal paperwork. Gain one of Admin 1,
Advocate 1, Investigate 1 or Deception 1.
56 You are engaged in diplomatic contact with an uncivilized tribe of humanoids. Roll Diplomacy 8+; if you fail roll on
the Injury table. Succeed and you gain one of Diplomacy or Carouse.
61 You are attacked and overrun by humanoids during a quest. One of your party falls behind. You must make a
Athletics 8+ check to escape; if you stop to pick up the fallen party member, you have a –2 DM to your roll. If you
escape and rescue the crewman, gain an Ally. If you fail, roll twice on the Injury table and take the lowest result.
62 You participate in a magic duel. Throw Magic (defend) or Philosophy (arcana) 8+ to avoid injury; if you succeed,
you gain one level in Magic (any) or Philosophy (arcana).
63 Your ability at the card table makes you a legend amongst your peers, however not everyone is a good loser. Gain
one rank in either Gambling or Carouse, but gain 1d3 Enemies.
64 A revolution attempts to overthrow the local rulership of the region. You back the legitimate rulers as they attempt
to regain power, throw Tactics or Magic (any) to avoid injury. You gain both an Ally and an Enemy as a result of
the fighting.
65 Your immediate superior is a drunkard and incompetent. If you report him then you gain a +2 DM to your next
advancement roll. If you say nothing and protect him, gain him as an Ally.
66 You display heroism in battle. You may gain an advancement automatically.

Special Events
2d6 Event
2 Just a Flesh Wound: You are grazed by a bolt or quarrel. Roll two dice on the Injury table, choosing the higher result.
3 Special Mission: The character is assigned a secret mission by the King. The mission goes off without a hitch, but
something from the mission may show up during the campaign. Discuss the exact nature of the mission with your
4 New Rival: Someone in your guild or tradition, or encountered during your service, takes a strong dislike to you, and
becomes a Rival.
5 Random Encounter: During a period of rest between adventures, you have a curious and memorable encounter with a
civilian. Roll 1d6: 1–2: Romantic, 3: Unusual Race, 4: Criminal, 5: Conspiracy, 6: New Contact.
6 New Contact: You pick up a new contact. Roll 1d6: 1–3: Magical, 4–5: Military, 6: Unusual.
7 Cross Training: You receive training in a different branch of service. Roll on any Service Skill table besides your own.
You can join this branch if you meet its requirements next term with a +4 DM to enlistment.
8 Extra Training: You are given extra training. Roll Education 8+ to gain any one skill.
9 Lifesaver: You save the life of a fellow magus who becomes a lifelong friend. Gain a new Ally.
10 Defending The Kingdom: You are part of a military action that holds off a vastly superior hostile force for a prolonged
period of time before relief arrives. This action results in all the participants being considered heroes both by the
nobility and amongst the wider population. Increase Social Standing by one or gain a +1 DM to your next Benefits roll.
11 Medal: Roll over (10 – the number of terms since you last won a medal) to win a medal. If you roll the indicated
number or higher, you are awarded a citation for Meritorious Performance of Duties. If you roll three or more higher
than the indicated number, you are awarded the equivalent of a Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry.
12 Unusual Event: Something odd has occurred. Roll 1d6:
1: One of your crewmates is a secret cabalist, who offers to train you in the dark arts. If you accept, you gain Magic
(attack) 1, and may choose death magic as one of your attack types. If you decline, you can turn him in to gain a +2
DM on your next advancement for turning him in, but you gain him as an Enemy as well.
2: You are framed for a crime, and imprisoned for the remainder of this term. You are then ejected from this career.
3: A powerful magical mishap teleports you hundreds of miles away, and you have to make a long voyage home.
Increase your age by 1d6 years and gain half as many skills, rounding up.
4: You uncover evidence of a conspiracy against the Crown. Either join them, or reveal their existence and gain 1d3
5: You are captured and interrogated by agents of a foreign power. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let
you go…?).
6: Your experimentation creates a magical accident, possibly related to other dimensions.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 52 A Samardan Press Publication

Declaration of Open Game Content
The following material has been released as Open Game Content:
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Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 53 A Samardan Press Publication

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John
D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill
Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth, Copyright 2005, EN Publishing.
Elements of Magic: Lyceian Arcana, Copyright 2004, EN Publishing.
Elements of Magic, Revised Edition, Copyright 2004, EN Publishing.
The Elements of Magic, Copyright 2002, Natural 20 Press.
Flynn’s Guide To Magic In Traveller Copyright ©2009, Jason “Flynn” Kemp.
Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and distinctive
likenesses thereof are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.

Flynn’s Guide to Magic in Traveller Page 54 A Samardan Press Publication

Have you ever wanted to play in a Traveller campaign that blurs the line
between fantasy and science fiction? Have your characters discovered your
favorite fantasy campaign setting off the main trade routes? Are you inter-
ested in developing your own Fantasy version of our favorite 2d6-based
open gaming system? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions,
then Flynn's Guide to Magic in Traveller is for you!

Introduce unlimited eldritch power to your Traveller campaign setting with

Flynn's Guide to Magic in Traveller! Within this product, you'll find a
complete skill-based magic system, that can be used for either free-form
spellcasting or formulaic rituals, depending on the needs of your setting. In
addition, Flynn's Guide to Magic in Traveller also provides you with
rules for magic item creation, an extensive list of 150+ sample spells, new
skills and a complete Mage career path. You'll find everything you need to
add the power of magic to your Traveller campaign!

This product supplements the 2D6 open-gaming system presented in the

Traveller System Reference Document, and requires the use of the
Traveller main rules book, which is available from Mongoose Publishing.

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