Flynn's Guide To Magic in Traveller
Flynn's Guide To Magic in Traveller
Flynn's Guide To Magic in Traveller
By Jason “Flynn” Kemp
Copyright © 2009 Samardan Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book, aside from designated Open Game
Content, may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.
“Traveller” and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used according
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Samardan Press
Credits ........................................................................... 3 Illusion Enhancements........................................ 23
Contents ........................................................................ 3 Move ........................................................................ 23
Introduction ..................................................................6 Move Enhancements........................................... 23
General Assumptions ...............................................6 Other Movement Types ......................................24
Spellcasting in Traveller................................................ 7 Summon ................................................................. 26
New Skills.................................................................. 7 Summon Enhancements.................................... 26
Spellcasting ............................................................... 7 Suppress ................................................................. 26
Casting Ritual Spells ............................................. 7 Suppress Enhancements.................................... 26
Casting Spontaneous Spells ................................. 8 Transform ................................................................27
Dispelling Magic ....................................................... 8 Transform Enhancements...................................27
High Fantasy and Low Fantasy.................................9 Advanced Spellcasting ............................................28
Low Fantasy...........................................................9 Combined Spells .................................................28
High Fantasy .........................................................9 Effects That Aren’t Listed Here ...........................28
General Spellcasting ............................................... 10 Restricted or Improved Spells.............................28
Expanded Spellcasting Options.............................. 10 Create or Transform? ......................................... 29
Magic Skills ................................................................. 12 Magic Items.................................................................30
Creating Spells .................................................... 12 Cost and Creation................................................30
General Enhancements....................................... 12 Single-Use Activated Items .................................30
Attack........................................................................13 Other Activated Items .........................................30
Attack Enhancements ..........................................13 Continuous Items................................................ 31
Affliction Enhancements..................................... 14 Permanent Spells ................................................ 31
Charm...................................................................... 14 Curses .................................................................. 31
Charm Enhancements ........................................ 14 Mana Batteries .................................................... 32
Create ...................................................................... 17 Alternative Costs ................................................. 32
Creation Limitations and Options...................... 17 Ritual Spells ......................................................... 32
Create Enhancement........................................... 17 Common Spells........................................................... 33
Cure ......................................................................... 18 Animal Friendship ............................................... 33
Cure Enhancements............................................ 18 Antimagic Attack ................................................. 33
Miraculous Healing............................................. 18 Antimagic Zone ................................................... 33
Miraculous Healing Enhancements ................... 18 Arcane Summoning I .......................................... 33
Raising the Dead, Healing the Sick .................... 19 Arcane Summoning II ......................................... 33
Defend ..................................................................... 19 Arcane Summoning III ........................................ 33
Defend Enhancements........................................ 19 Anger.................................................................... 33
Divine ......................................................................20 Animate Dead...................................................... 33
Divine Enhancements .........................................20 Bless.....................................................................34
Optional Rule • Cinematic Clairvoyance............. 22 Blindsight.............................................................34
Illusion..................................................................... 22 Blur.......................................................................34
Senses and Complexity of Illusions.................... 22 Boost Dexterity ....................................................34
General Assumptions
This supplement makes a number of basic assumptions.
Silver Standard: This supplement assumes that the campaign setting’s economy is based in silver. Instead
of calling for a specific coinage, the text simply refers to silver as its monetary unit. For settings that use a gold
standard, simply change silver to gold. For settings that use the standard Credit, simply change silver to Credits.
Limited By Skill, Not Power: This supplement assumes that magic is limited only by skill, and not by power.
There are no “spell slots” or “power points” to track. Spellcasting is limited simply by how good the caster is,
and by the fact that characters can only take so many actions each round. If a Referee desires a system that
implements a power pool of some sort, the author suggests he consider an approach similar to Psionic Strength
points, where each spell level costs one Psionic Strength point to cast. Instead of using Intelligence as the
general ability score for modifying magic skill checks, perhaps a Magic ability score similar to Psi Rating could
work. That approach isn’t used in this book, but is presented here as an idea for Referees that desire such.
Miraculous Healing
The following Cure enhancements require Power
Components to cast. These are acts of miraculous
healing far beyond what most creatures can heal
naturally. If the spell fails, (for example, if you attempt
an overpowered spell or ritual spell and fail), the
Power Components are not wasted. Willing creatures
can donate action points to fill your Experience Point
If you attempt to revive a dead character and do
not have enough Power Components, the creature will
Cure briefly return to life; if it has enough action points to
donate to pay for the cost of its resurrection, the
The Cure magical skill specialization can cure
creature remains alive. Otherwise it suffers a brief,
afflictions, heal wounds, and even bring back the
painful moment of near-life, perhaps just long enough
dead. Healing magic deals damage equal to how
to pass on a final message, before dying again.
much it would heal to creatures of negative energy,
like undead. Unwilling creatures are allowed an
Intelligence check (Routine task (DM +2), with a Miraculous Healing Enhancements
penalty equal to the spell’s level) to negate. • Cure Blindness/Deafness (+3). The spell cures
You may add the Effect of your spellcasting check subject’s blindness or deafness. This enhancement
to the amount of damage healed through Cure spells. costs 600 silver in Power Components.
Basic Training: Unlike other careers, the Mage gains level 0 skills from the appropriate Specialist table instead of
the Service Skills table in basic training.
d66 Events
11 Disaster! Roll on the mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 You become involved in a region torn by war. Gain one of Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, Persuade 1 or Recon 1.
13 You stand out from your peers, and are groomed for advancement by a superior. Either gain Leadership, or take a
+4 DM to your next Advancement roll (in any Mage career).
14 You spend some time on the kingdom's border, living on the frontier wilderness. Gain one of Philosophy (Nature)
1, Animals (riding or training) 1, Recon 1 or Survival 1.
14 You are given a special assignment or duty by your superiors. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll.
15 You are thrown into a brutal war. Throw Endurance 8+ to avoid injury; if you succeed, you gain one level in Ranged
(any) or Leadership.
16 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education 8+ to increase any one skill you already have
by one level.
21 You may report a fellow magus for behavior inappropriate for someone of his station. If you do report him, you
gain a +2 DM to your next advancement roll and a Rival. If you fail to do so, the magus is thankful and becomes
an Ally.
22 You are assigned to a peacekeeping or diplomatic role. Gain one of Admin 1, Investigate 1, Deception 1 or Recon 1.
23 You become involved with gambling for a time. Gain Gambler 1 or Deception 1. If you wish, throw Gambler 8+. If
you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll from this career; if you fail, you lose one Benefit roll from this career.
24 You are chosen for cross training in a different service. Roll for a skill in a Specialist assignment other than your
25 You have a chance to save a fellow magus. If you wish to make the attempt, roll Endurance 8+. If you fail, you are
injured. If you succeed, gain a Contact.
26 You are named by a traitor before the King, alleging affiliations with the dark arts. You gain 1d3 Enemies despite
your proclamations of innocence (whether they are true or not).
31-36 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table.
41-46 Special Event. Roll on the Special Events table.
51 You are recognized for your dedicated service. You are automatically advanced to the next rank.
52 You are attacked by a hostile creature during a quest. Roll Animal (training) 8+. If you succeed, you befriend the
animal and can keep it as a pet. If you fail roll on the Injury table.
53 You are given additional combat training. Gain one of Melee (any) 1, Ranged (any) 1, Recon 1, Survival 1 or Tactics
(military) 1.
53 You are assigned to a teaching position at a mage's academy. Throw Instruction 8+. Success increases your
Instruction skill by one level.
Special Events
2d6 Event
2 Just a Flesh Wound: You are grazed by a bolt or quarrel. Roll two dice on the Injury table, choosing the higher result.
3 Special Mission: The character is assigned a secret mission by the King. The mission goes off without a hitch, but
something from the mission may show up during the campaign. Discuss the exact nature of the mission with your
4 New Rival: Someone in your guild or tradition, or encountered during your service, takes a strong dislike to you, and
becomes a Rival.
5 Random Encounter: During a period of rest between adventures, you have a curious and memorable encounter with a
civilian. Roll 1d6: 1–2: Romantic, 3: Unusual Race, 4: Criminal, 5: Conspiracy, 6: New Contact.
6 New Contact: You pick up a new contact. Roll 1d6: 1–3: Magical, 4–5: Military, 6: Unusual.
7 Cross Training: You receive training in a different branch of service. Roll on any Service Skill table besides your own.
You can join this branch if you meet its requirements next term with a +4 DM to enlistment.
8 Extra Training: You are given extra training. Roll Education 8+ to gain any one skill.
9 Lifesaver: You save the life of a fellow magus who becomes a lifelong friend. Gain a new Ally.
10 Defending The Kingdom: You are part of a military action that holds off a vastly superior hostile force for a prolonged
period of time before relief arrives. This action results in all the participants being considered heroes both by the
nobility and amongst the wider population. Increase Social Standing by one or gain a +1 DM to your next Benefits roll.
11 Medal: Roll over (10 – the number of terms since you last won a medal) to win a medal. If you roll the indicated
number or higher, you are awarded a citation for Meritorious Performance of Duties. If you roll three or more higher
than the indicated number, you are awarded the equivalent of a Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry.
12 Unusual Event: Something odd has occurred. Roll 1d6:
1: One of your crewmates is a secret cabalist, who offers to train you in the dark arts. If you accept, you gain Magic
(attack) 1, and may choose death magic as one of your attack types. If you decline, you can turn him in to gain a +2
DM on your next advancement for turning him in, but you gain him as an Enemy as well.
2: You are framed for a crime, and imprisoned for the remainder of this term. You are then ejected from this career.
3: A powerful magical mishap teleports you hundreds of miles away, and you have to make a long voyage home.
Increase your age by 1d6 years and gain half as many skills, rounding up.
4: You uncover evidence of a conspiracy against the Crown. Either join them, or reveal their existence and gain 1d3
5: You are captured and interrogated by agents of a foreign power. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let
you go…?).
6: Your experimentation creates a magical accident, possibly related to other dimensions.
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without written permission, with three exceptions. “EN Publishing”, “Mythic Earth” and “Elements of Magic” is
designated as Product Identity by EN Publishing and are used herein with permission.