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The document provides information about the structure and contents of a book on listening and notetaking skills.

The book covers topics related to anthropology, sociology and the changing nature of work.

Details are given about the authors Patricia A. Dunkel and Frank Pialorsi, as well as other contributors to the book.

Patricia A.

Dunkel and Frank Pialorsi

With Audioscripts
4th Edition

With Audioscripts

Patricia A. Dunkel & Frank Pialorsi

Lynn Bonesteel
Miriam Espeseth
Daphne Mackey
Catherine Mazur-Jefferies

I ,.. H EIN LE
lEARNING ,-. CE NGAGE Learning'

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Advanced listening Comprehension,
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Fourth Edition
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Scope and Sequence iv
Unit Walkthrough vi

UNIT; 1 Anthropology: The Study of Humans and Their Creations

Chapter 1 Anthropologists: Working in a Diverse Profession 2

Chapter 2 The Concept of Culture: Understanding One Another 11
Video The Gift of Traveling 20

UNI112 History: The Passing of Time and Civilizations 23

Chapter 3 The Egyptian Pyramids: Houses of Eternity 24
Chapter 4 The First Emperor of China: Building an Empire and a 33
House of Eternity

Video Palenque 42

: UNIT 3 Sociology: The Changing World of Work 45

Chapter 5 The Distributed Workforce: Where and When People Work 46
Chapter 6 Age and Work: The Graying of the Workforce 55
Video An Actor and a Travel Writer 64

I UNI114 Communication: The Influence of Language, Culture, and Gender 67

Chapter 7 Classroom Communication: Language and Culture in 68
the Classroom
Chapter 8 Gender and Communication: Male-Female Conversation as 77
Cross-cultural Communication

Video Digital Nomad 86

I UNIT 5 Biology: From Genetics to Genetic Engineering 89

Chapter 9 The Origins of Genetics: Mendel and the Garden Pea Experiment 90
Chapter 10 Genetic Engineering: Playing Roulette with Mother 99
Nature's Designs?

Video The Human Journey 108

Appendix A Audioscripts 111

Appendix B Videoscripts 143
Credits 147
Unit Chapter

1 Anthropologists
Working in a Diverse Profession

2 The Concept of Culture

Understanding One Another

3 The Egyptian Pyramids

Houses of Eternity

4 The First Emperor of China

Building an Empire and a House
of Eternity

5 The Distributed Workforce

Where and When People Work

6 Age and Work

The Graying of the Workforce

7 Classroom Communication
Language and Culture in the Classroom

8 Gender and Communication

Male-Female Conversation as Cross-
cultural Communication

9 The Origins of Genetics

Mendel and the Garden Pea Experiment

10 Genetic Engineering
Playing Roulette with Mother Nature's

iv Scope and Sequence

Notetaking Preparation Expansion Unit Video

• Recording Important Information Reading: Vikings Filed Their Teeth, Skeleton

Study Shows

• Recording Information as a List Reading: Last of the Cave People

• Recording Numbers and Dates Reading: Ramses the Great

in Notes

• Using Indentation and Spacing Reading: Terra-Cotta Army Protects First

Effectively in Notes Emperor's Tomb

• Using Intonation to Identify New

Main Points
Reading: "Second Life;' Other Virtual Worlds
Reshaping Human Interaction

• Showing Cause and Effect Reading: Why Are Young, Educated

Americans Going Back to the Farm?

• Recording Rhetorical Questions Reading: Love that Lingua Franca

• Contrast Cues and Charts Reading: Smarter Teams Are More Sensitive,
Have More Women?

• Anticipating and Recording Reading: Genes and Population Genetics


• Vocabulary: Recovering Meaning Reading: Food: How Altered?

as You Listen

Scope and Sequence V

UNIT WALKTHROUGH New to This Edition
~ • -'" I -

• Authentic National Geographic videos

provide a meaningful context for discussion
and application of essential listening,
notetaking, and vocabulary skills.

• New and updated academic lectures offer

compelling, cross-curricular content that
simulate authentic scenarios for maximum
academic readiness.

• Every unit introduces a focused aspect of

notetaking and provides varied opportunities
for practice and application of the skill.

The Unit Theme focuses on an academic

content area relevant to students' lives such as
Communication, Biology, and Anthropology.

Before Listening activities prepare students for

success by activating background knowledge
and providing the language and skills
necessary for comprehension.


Answer the following questions with it o Read through the sentences below. which are missing vocabulary from the
partner or your classmates. lecture. listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. Look al the til Ie of this unit. Anthropos is the 1. As Paul Bohannan. anthropologist, pointed OUIa number of
Greek word for "man." What is anthropology? years ago, ~Each science that deals with people has its own definitions of human."
2. Look al the title of this chapter. What 2. Anthropology attempts to be -the study 01 human behavior in
different types 01 anthropologists do you all places and throughout time.
think there are?
Anthropologists 3. Do you think anthropology can tell us
3. Mostly the work of anthropologists is not aoo involves
repetitive and activities.
more about the pasl, the present, or the
Working in a future? Explain. 4. In the modern day, anthropology is a social science ••••.
ith two
Diverse Profession broad fields and several or subfields.

5. is the study of dilferent cultures

through material rather than
direct interviews or observations of the group
understudy .
•. , as you probably know, is the
sfudy of language as communication among humans
7, Culture is learned and primarily
through language.
8. isthe _
description of human societies, mOSlly based on
firsthand fieldwork.
9. II is important to nOle that there are several
_____ common among all societies.

10. So, you might ask, what are the practical

_____ Ior such a broad field?

e Cneck the spelling of the vocabulary words with

your teacner. Discuss the meanings of tnese words
and any other unfamiliar words In the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview
on page 2 and the sentences you heard in the
Vocabulary Preview, Write three questions that you
think will be answered in the lecture, Share your
questions with your classmates.

Chaptt><I • AnthropologIsts 3

vi Unit Walkthrough
The Notetaking Preparation section presents
a variety of effective notetaking techniques. NOTETAKING PREPARATION

Using content from the unit, students Recording Important Information

practice these techniques in authentic Efficient notetakers

taking nOtes'
do not write down every word of a lecture. Here are some tiPS for

academic situations. • listen for and note the lT1CIin Ideas of the lecture .
• Write only the key words, not complete sentences .
• Use abbreviations for common words or fOf a specifIC word that you hear
many times in the lecture. There are many ways to abbreviate. Fl9ure out what
abbreviations make sense to you. Here are some examples:
shorten long words to onE' or two syllables
problem"" Feb anthropology::: "rrl"h"o
leave Out the vowels
problem = rrl>
or ~IM
use a Single letter for a high-freQuency word
Egypt := ~ price = r
• When you miss something in the lecture. leave some space .

Notetaking Skills • After a lecture, go back and write out any words you abbreviated and might not
remember later. Check with the le<turer or another student to fiU in Information
you missed
Throughout the Listening & Notetaking
Skills series, learners develop a wide
variety of notetaking strategies necessary o look at the abbreviations. Match the abbreviations to words from the lecture.

1. dev"t cultural 6. a~fhra evolution

for academic success. Learners are taught 2.c..o,.",p _anatomy 7.1"1 _analysis

the essential principles of notetaking and 3.aolat _ development 8. As _physical

4.t..«!+ _subjects 9. eval _ anthropologists
encouraged to personalize the strategies S. <;w~ _comparative 10. <lollf _anthropology

for maximum results. o listen to sentences from the lecturE'. Take notE'S. Use abbrE'viations whE'rE'

2. _

4 Un,! 1 • Anthropology

Listening sections introduce the academic

lecture. Learners listen to the lecture three
times, focusing on a different listening and
notetaking skill with each repetition.


Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next In the
ordE'r they would be shown during thE' lecture. Write the number of the slide on How many .universals"
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide. among all cultures does
the lecturer mention?

Universals among
What is an example of a
pluralist society?
The role
of the

Cultural Anthropology
What is the definition of
Why study cultural anthropOlogy? cultural anthropology?

• Fascinating story of cultural growth

• learn and use a foreign language
• Intercultural understanding
What are some concrete
Ihingsthal tell us about a

How many categories did
Murdock list?


14 UM 1 • Anthropology
Chdpter2.TheConceptofCulture 1S

Unit Walkthrough vii

After Listening sections provide learners with
opportunities to discuss the lecture through
pair and group activities. (j)\.TlI1l

You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer ea<h question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. Mead 5. a. a remOle tribe

b. Tylor b. a pluralistic society
c. Murdock c. people in a large city
2. a. savagery 6. a. civilization
b. language b. savagery
c. barbarism Co multiculturalism

3. a. 1962 7. a. political
b. 1989 b. military
c. 1993 c. informal
4. a. communication 8. a. Seelye
The Oral Summary asks learners to b. social variables
Co empathy and curiosity
b. Sapir
Co Benedict

use their notes to reconstruct the

content of the lecture.
Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. Alter listening to the lecture, do you lind culture difficult or easy to define? What
is your definition? In what ways is it the same or different from definitions in
the lecture?

Through guided prompts, 2. List four or five cultural "generalizations"

your country.
that foreigners may have about

An Expansion section in each Discussion activities 3. "If a group or society is small, isolated, and stable, it mig!:.t also share a single
culture: Do you know of any such "single" cultures in the world? What would you
chapter includes high-interest provide opportunities look for to decide if a group of people share a "single" cultUre?

National Geographic articles for learners to hone

that present information communicative and critical
related to the unit theme. thinking skills.

tofCulture 17


PRE-READING completely gone, and their

culture and language would
The following Reading is about the experiences of an anthropological research \'anish. When I get back to Port
team in the mountains of Papua New Guinea, Before you read, answer the Moresby, I'm going to walk
following questions, Share your answers with a classmate, straight into the prime minls-
1, Look at the title 01 the article and the photograph on the next page. Write two things ter's office and do somemlng."
that you expect to learn about the "Cave People" from the article. I nod and pass along John's
message: "We, me Meakambut
2. In the lecture, the speaker discussed reasons to study cultural anthropology. Why people, will give up hunting
would a team of researchers want to visit these people in Papua New Guinea?
and always moving and living
in the mountain caves if the
government will give us a
READING to me village of Awim and learn mat Lidia and the health clinic and a ioehool, and two shovels and two
Now read the article, others are here. Lidia Is alive. Simple antibiotics have axes, so we can build home$."
saved her. y
At breakfast, I find Sebastian Haraha. "Proteeting Th£ Meakambur cominue to live wirhour QCW-5S10
me caves? What does it matter If there are no government services. But they have partly settled in
Meakambut leit?" asks Sebastian. "The Me3kambut homes on the ridgetop romp o/Tembokapo. Despite
Last of the Cave People are on the edge of eninction. They are dying from the threat o/encroachment by miners. theycontinue to
brMJ~Je(lk,ns easily treatable illnesses. In ten years mey could be hunt and gather on their traditiOJll2/ /o.nd.

The vast geographic variation of Papua New of me Meakambut. While •••• 'aiting mere for me rest of
Guinea created tremendous biological diversity, the EmbarakallO arrive, lohn explains cave UfelOme.
tllch in rom was accompanied by enormous cultural He says they like meir hunter.gatherer life and have
dlversll)'. 11is only in me most deeply inaccessible nolnterestlnchangingit. DISCUSSION
regions lhat enclaves of traditionally nomadic peo- Before long. me rest of me Meakambut arrive. Discuss these questions with a classmate.
ple, like the Meakambu" still exisi. The Meakambut This Is ••••.
hen we first encounter UdJa, cutled up by
wete unknown to the outside wotId until the 1960s. the fire, coughing horribly. A member of Out team, 1. What surprised or interested you most about the culture described in the
in 1991 anthropologislBorut Telban spent a week in an emergency medicalteronician, examines Lidia. passage? Why?
thl' awaand found only 11 Meakambut. 'When Telban He determines that she likely has a life-threatening 2. What was the role of the anthropOlogists in this story? How was it similar to
relUl'ned In 2001, he couldn't locate them again. case of pneumonia and gives her double doses of or different from what you learned about anthropologists and ethnologists in
In hopes of meeting up wim these last seml- antibiotics and Tylenol. We suggesl mat first thing in the lecture?
nom3dic holdouts, ao anthropological researcher me morning she be carried out of me mountains, to a
clinic in the village of Amboin. T••••.
oother Meakambut 3. What information from the lecture was exemplified in the article?
named Nancy Sulllvan sent OUi a team 10 find the
Meakambul and Inventory their caves. Sullivan's are also seriously ill.
team discovered 52 surviving Meakambm and 105 One man from our team, Sebastian Haraha, is an
caves wilh names. ethnographer who has come to pinpoint me locations RESEARCH PROJECT
Our team flies into theSepik Riverba~in. We skim of the ~1eakambut's caves. He hopes to register mem Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
up smaller and smaller tributaries in a motOi dugout. so me homeland of the Meakambut will be protected. paper on the topic. or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
Finally we strike out on foot Into me mountains. We Now, he volunteers to escan the sick. about the topic.
try reaching the Meakambul by jungle telephone: nvo nighls laler, John begins to let down his
Three men pound me D1.Ulkof a lO••••. ering tree with guard. He admits mat his group hasn't eaten meat 1. Isolated cultures: Where do they still exist, and what challenges do they face?
woodm bats. When this doesn't wort" we SCI out on a or killed a pig for over three months. He is deeply 2. Research in cultural anthropology: What similarities and differences exist bet •••••
two-day trek to the group's last known whereabouts. warned for his people. When the campfire dies out, your culture and another?
At noon the ne:t1 day, two Meakambut men John whispers something he wanlS me to pass on to
3. Intercultural understanding: Does studying or living in another culture change an
come sttiding lolO Out camp. They recognize Joshua me government of Papua NewGuinea.
individual's valUes? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
Meraveka, a membet of Sullivan's team. He intra. The next momingouI team leayes the mountains.
duces them as John and Mark Aiyo. John is a leader We reach Out motor dugout and travel downstream 4. Another related topic that interests you or your group.

18 unit 1 • Anthropology Chap:er2. Thl!Concl!ptof Culture 19

Additional expansion activities centered

on the unit theme include online research,
short essays,and classroom presentations
~or academic pr~para.tion.

viii Unit Walkthrough

Unit Video
Each unit ends with an authentic National
Geographic video that is related to the
unit theme. Most of the videos are in a
lecture format, giving students a further
opportunity to practice notetaking skills.

() Work with a partner and write in the blank the word from the box that
completes the sentence.

communities culture kids photographers

spend stories travelers unusual

1. Annie's children Iravel with her to foreign countries and _~ a lot of

time hanging out with .__ from other cultures

2. When making friends in new , people don', always have the

same language In common

3. flexibility is an important quality lor professional 00 assignment

because they might have to set up camp in some places

4 Experienced know thaI it is importanllo abide by the customs

o/the culture you are visiting.

5. You can immerlie yourself in another ,_. , even if you c.)/1"tspeak

the language.
TOPIC PREVIEW 6, When pholographs are compelling and InsplraUonal. it makes people want to
What do you think it would be like to be a professional photographer who read the that accompany them
travels around the world? Write some pros and cons of the job. Discuss your
answers with a partner.

Pros Cons
Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner, Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.


Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.
1. Our kids have traveled to every continent except __ .__ ' More
Read the definitions of these key words and phrases that you will hear during imponantly, when WI;' trawl they have lived in communities. We never stayed in
the video.

hanging out with spending leisure time with

2. Hulthat if you go into each cuhure open, and look people in the _
nexlbllUy the ability 10 easily adjust to r.ew situations
and observe and listen, you're going to make conm'ctior.s that are well beyond what
had language In common shared the same lan~ua~w
most____ _ get to see.
set up camp find a 11l'W place to slar! a h:Jme and live
on assignment carrying OUI a job you a~e hired to do as a journalist or photographer 3. And so the real chalhmge for a photographer is to bring her or his own unique
compelling so interesting that you want to pay close attention to it _____ totha! subject _
Immerse yourself become completely involvl:'d in something 4. ThE' camera has always given me an .._ ..._ .._ to walk up 10 people and
abide by follow a particular law, custom, rule, ('te, spend lime with them and even go ~__ , with them
Insplrallonal makill!o( you red excited and haw neative ideas

20 Unitl-Antllropology
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. Look at the title of this unit. Anthropos is the

Greek word for "man." What is anthropology?

2. Look at the title of this chapter. What

different types of anthropologists do you
think there are?
Anthropologists 3. Do you think anthropology can tell us
more about the past, the present, or the
Working in a future? Explain.
Diverse Profession
CD 1, TR 1
o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.
from the

1. As Paul Bohannan, anthropologist, pointed out a number of

years ago, "Each science that deals with people has its own definitions of human."
2. Anthropology attempts to be -the study of human behavior in
all places and throughout time.

3. Mostly the work of anthropologists is not - and involves

repetitive and activities.

4. In the modern day, anthropology is a social science with two

broad fields and several or subfields.

5. is the study of different cultures

through material rather than
direct interviews or observations of the group
under study.

6. , as you probably know, is the

study of language as communication among humans.
7. Culture is learned and primarily
through language.
8. _______ is the _
description of human societies, mostly based on
firsthand fieldwork.

9. It is important to note that there are several

________ common among all societies,
10. So, you might ask, what are the practical
_______ for such a broad field?

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with

your teacher. Discuss the meanings of these words
and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview
on page 2 and the sentences you heard in the
Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you
think will be answered in the lecture. Share your
questions with your classmates.

Chapter 1 • Anthropologists 3

Recording Important Information

Efficient notetakers do not write down every word of a lecture. Here are some tips for
taking notes:
• Listen for and note the main ideas of the lecture .
• Write only the key words, not complete sentences.
Use abbreviations for common words or for a specific word that you hear
many times in the lecture. There are many ways to abbreviate. Figure out what
abbreviations make sense to you. Here are some examples:
shorten long words to one or two syllables
problem = PVOD anthropology = anthvo
leave out the vowels
problem = PVD or pvblrYl
use a single letter for a high-frequency word
Egypt = ~ price = p
• When you miss something in the lecture, leave some space.
• After a lecture, go back and write out any words you abbreviated and might not
remember later. Check with the lecturer or another student to fill in information
you missed.

o Look at the abbreviations. Match the abbreviations to words from the lecture.

1. devt cultural 6. anthvo evolution

2. c..orYlP __ anatomy 7. ph~<; __ analysis

3. anat __ development 8. N, __ physical

4. e.-ult __ subjects 9. evo/ __ anthropologists

5. <;IA~ __ comparative 1 o. anl~<; __ anthropology

'0 4) Listen to sentences from the lecture. Take notes. Use abbreviations where


4. _


4 Unit 1 • Anthropology

Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
Subfields of Cultural
What is ethnography?



Psychological anthropology

Slide# __
Universals in All Societies
Are anthropologists only
Anthropology today interested in the past?

• Applied anthropology

Chapter 1 • Anthropologists 5
Slide# __
Physical Anthropology What is physical


Ways to study
evolution of

Slide# __
What Is Anthropology? What is the lecture going
to explain?
Literal definition


My definition

Development of anthropology

Slide# __
Cultural What is cultural
Anthropology anthropology?


Study of specific
locations or groups
• Margaret
• Clyde

6 Unit 1 • Anthropology
CD 1, TR 4

Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper.


CD 1, TR 5

You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.f) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1, a, b.
G--lAltanthvo "" Ivnd ~ehav' in hUM C;oe- G--lAltuvalanthvopolo3~ "" c;tudj leavned
~ehav'iov hUMan C;oC--letieC;

2. a. b. c.
3eo3 aveaC; 3eo3 aveaC; 3eo3 aveaC;
• Mead"" SaMoa • Mead "" SaMoa • Mead "" SaMoa
• SW US • (Cludd1o ??) ""SW • Kludd10hn "" SW US

3. a. b. c.
G--lAltanthvo - avc..h - lin.3 G--lAltanthvo & c;c..ic;tudj G--lAltanthvo C;u~fieldc;:
- ethno hUM G--lAltdic;e- in next • avc..h, lin.3/ ethno

4. a. b. c.
avc..h "" diff G--lAlt- not in-G avc..h "" c;tudj of diff' ent avc..haeol'Jj ic; the c;tud of
o~ G--lAItc;
thvu Mat C;vveC; diff G--lAltC; thvouqh Mate-vial
ex - Nn.3 Tut 1922 =F int'v'~ -r o~'nC; C;ouvveC; vathev than div
• ex: Tut'c; tOM~ 1922 inteVv'ie~ ov o~ of the
3VP undev c;tudj

1 ex - faMouc; avc..h c;ite

dic;e- pac;t vent waC; K Tut'c;
tOM~ neav (??) 6jjpt in

Chapter 1 • Anthropologists 7
You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. man 5. a. Mirror for Man

b. the study of man b. study of Navajo Indians
c. a choice-making animal c. research in Samoa and New Guinea
2. a. history 6. a. sociology
b. describing societies b. ethnology
c. the ideal society c. archaeology
3. a. the Navajo 7. a. a universal
b. the Americas b. skills and attitudes
c. Samoa and New Guinea c. practical applications of anthropology
4. a. cultural anthropology 8. a. teaching
b. physical anthropology b. urban planning
c. psychological anthropology c. museum administration

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. Anthropology is a very broad field. Where does anthropology end and other fields
begin? In other words, what is the difference between anthropology and fields such
as history or religion?
2. What was the principal role of the anthropologist in the past and how is that
role changing?
3. Can you think of ways that applied anthropology is useful in your community?

8 Unit 1 • Anthropology

The following Reading is about an anthropologist's findings. Before you read,
answer the following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the title and headings in the Reading article. Write the name of a subfield of
anthropology you expect to learn more about in the article.

2. Using information you learned in the lecture, what are two things you expect to
learn about the Vikings from an anthropological study?

Now read the article.

Vikings Filed Their Teeth, Skeleton Study Shows

Contrary to popular belief, the Vikings took great met on their voyages:' Arcini said. "The only place I
pride in their looks. One beautification technique know of [where people 1 have similar horizontal filing
of the ancient Norsemen was to file their teeth. A marks on their teeth ... is the area of the Great Lakes
Swedish anthropologist analyzed 557 Viking skel- in North America and the present states of Illinois,
etons dating from AD 800 to 1050 and discovered Arizona, and Georgia:'
that 24 of them bore deep, horizontal grooves across
their upper front teeth. It's the first time that dental Social Identification
modification-a practice found in cultures around People in many cultures have been modifying
the world-has been seen in human skeletons their teeth for several thousand years. Some of the
from Europe. oldest cases of tooth modification come from Mexico,
"These unique finds of deliberate dental modifi- dating as far back as 1400 BCE. But the Viking dis-
cation ... reveal what we did not know before, that covery is the first historical example of ceremonial
this custom is practiced around the world and also dental modification among Europeans.
in Europe:' said Caroline Arcini, an anthropologist at The skeletons Arcini analyzed were discovered
the National Heritage Board in Lund, Sweden. at several Viking-era burial sites in Sweden and

Acquisitive Habits
Researchers say the Vikings may have
learned the practice of filing their teeth
from a foreign culture. "Vikings are well
known for their acquisitive habits, but until
now we've thought of this in terms of gold,
silver, and booty, not facial decoration,"
said William Fitzhugh, a Viking expert
at the Smithsonian National Museum of
Natural History in Washington, D.C.
"Maybe they adopted the idea of
mutilating their teeth from people they
Denmark. The 24 skeletons she found with filed teeth Vikings' filed furrows should be seen as a social iden-
all belonged to men. The marks were cut deep into tification/" Arcini, the Swedish anthropologist, said.
the enamel and occurred often in pairs or triplets. "I "Maybe they were brave warriors who got a furrow
can conclude that the filed furrows in the front teeth each time they won a battle, or tradesmen who trav-
of 24 Viking men are deliberately made and not the eled together:'
result of using the teeth as a tool;' Arcini said. She Fitzhugh, of the Smithsonian, says the reasons
also noted that the marks are so well made that a may have been partly aesthetic. "We do know that
person of great skill most likely filed them. the Vikings took pride in their appearance, combed
Why the Viking men had their teeth modified their hair, and ironed their clothes with hot rocks;'
remains a mystery, but it's likely that the marks Fitzhugh said. "They now seem to have taken pain to
represented some kind of achievement. "I think the decorate their teeth:'

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. What surprised or interested you most about the findings described in the
passage? Why?
2. How was the information in the reading similar to or different from the information
in the lecture?
3. Summarize what you have learned about anthropology and what it can tell us about
a people.

Individually or with a partner, find a current article on a discovery that changes
how anthropologists think about a people or place. Write up the details for a
short presentation to the class.

Be sure to include the following:

• What is the source of your information?
• Under which branch of anthropology does the discovery fall?
• Who sponsored the research or expedition resulting in the finding?
• What are the significant details (who? what? where?) of the finding?

10 Unit 1 • Anthropology
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. Look at the title of this chapter. What do

we mean by a "concept of culture"? Do
you think people have different concepts,
or ideas, about what "culture" is?

2. Look at the photograph on this

The Concept page. What elements of culture does
of Culture it illustrate?

3. How curious are you about other

Understanding cultures? Do you know students from
other cultures? In what ways, if any, do
One Another you seem different?

o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.
from the

1. Culture is that whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,

law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits by
man as a member of society.
2. Another definition of culture that many find useful is "the totality of learned,
socially behavior."
3. Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book Teaching Culture, lists six skills to _
and support communication.
4. curiosity about another culture and _ _
toward its members.
5. Recognize that different roles and other social such as age,
sex, social class, religion, , and place of residence affect the
way people speak and behave.
6. Realize that effective communication requires discovering the culturally
_______ images of people when they think, act, and react to the world
around them.
7. Recognize that variables and shape
people's behavior in important ways.
8. Understand that people generally act the way they do because they are
_______ the options their society allows for basic
physical and psychological needs.
9. Culture and society must
10. In the long history of human life, is a fairly recent

4) Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 11 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

12 Unit 1 • Anthropology

Recording Information as a List

Listen for cues that show a lecturer is going to list information. Use a heading and
numbers, letters, or bullets to show the information clearly. Here are some examples.

Cues to listen for Notes

The report gave two reasons for the failure Whj fail-
First, . 1.
Then, . 2.

Let me give you some examples of this type of problem 6;X of pvob
One is .
Another .
The last .
Finally, .

«) Look at the notes below and answer the questions.

1. Who do you think Benedict, Tylor, and Morgan are?

2. What do you think the following abbreviations stand for?

a. hum'ty b. stgs c. civiliz d. for. lang
3. How many answers are given to the question at the beginning of the notes?

Whj C;+dj ChlI+anthvo( 5enedie.-+ c;a~c;c;tvj hUM'+j faC;e.-(Tjlov & Mov3an - ChlI+
dev't = 3 C;+3C;- C;av3'vjt bav-b'iC;M,CAviliz.) 1m & uC;e fov: laYlj

CD 1, TR 8
o Listen to part of the lecture for the notes in A above. Then rewrite the notes in
the space below to show the information in lists.

Chapter 2 • The Concept of Culture 13

- -


CD 1, TR 9
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
What is an example of a
pluralist society?


or pluralist


Slide# __
A Particu lar Cu Itu re
What are some concrete
things that tell us about a
A shared way of life
particular culture?
• Ways of thinking, acting, feeling
• Concrete things

14 Unit 1 • Anthropology
- ~--- - --~ -- -~ -

Slide# __
Similarities Across Cultures
How many "universals"
Importance of among all cultures does
discovering the lecturer mention?

Universals among

The role
of the

..~ - - - --
Slide# __
Cultural Anthropology
What is the definition of
Why study cultural anthropology? cultural anthropology?

• Fascinating story of cultural growth

• Learn and use a foreign language
• Intercultural understanding

Slide #

How many categories did

Murdock / Murdock list?
Tylor /


Chapter 2 • The Concept of Culture 15

CD 1, TR 10
Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper.


CD 1, TR 11
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (~) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b.
Cul+ anthv-o "" <;tudj of Uil-t Iiv' & dead. In Cul+ anthv-o "" <;t of Uil+ (IIv' & dead)
+o+al IncAlAde<; (I~, av-u" ethnol03j • II~ "" <;tudj <;pu, fV-M<;
• av-u, "" " dead Uil+
• ethno ",," Iiv' Uil+ ( De ok)

2. a. b. c.
Teau"YIj Cultuv-e - 0 Seal ov-
<;f;J 11<; in+c..-; 1. Uiv-io<;+j & eMp
1. Uil+ Uiv-io<;+j 1. Uiv-io<;+j & eMp 2-. v-ec..-v-ole<; aff <;pk- & Deh
2-. v-ec..-v-ole<; aff <;pk- & Deh 2-. v-ec..-v-ole<; aff <;pk- & Deh 3. v-liz.e eff c...oMM v-e~ di<;c..-
3. v-liz.e eff c...oMM v-e~ di<;c..- 3. v-liz.e eff c...oMM v-e~ di<;c..- Uil+-c...ond'd iM3<;
Uil+-c...ond'd iM3<; Uil+-c...ond'd 'M3<; 4. v-ec..-<;i+'/ v'av- <;hap Deh
4. v-ec..-<;i+'1 v'av- <;hap Deh 4. v-ec..-<;it'l v'av- <;hap Deh 5. lAnd. ppl ac..-+ Dec..-ex op+'n<;
5. lAnd. ppl ac..-+ Dec..-ex opt'n<; 5. lAnd ppl ac..-+ Dec..-ex opt'n<; +0 <;a+ phj<; & P<;ju, nd<;
+0 <;a+ phj<; & P<;ju, nd<; +0 <;a+ phj<; & P<;ju, nd<; 0. dev' aDI+j +0 ev'al
to. dev' aDI+j +0 ev'al to. dev' aDI+j +0 ev'al 3en'z.+ion & 10c..-/ov-3 info
3en'z.+ion & 10c..-/ov-3 info 3en'z.+ion & 10c..-/ov-3 info

3. a. b. c.
Univ'ev-<;al<; Univ'ev-<;al<; of Uiltuv-e - Univ'<;'/<;
1. v-ewav-d<; & plAni<;hMen+ v-ewd<; & plAn<;hM+ - • lA<;ev-wd<; & pni<;h'+ +0
wthhld info - Inc..-I falAlt<; in enc..-c...ov-v- Deh.
2-. withhld info fv- jOIA~
Idv-<;- +aDoo<; - edlAc..-jOIA~
3. c...onrr Uil+ edlAc..-j~ • wih/d info (e3 Idv-<;,taDOO<;)
fov- dOM p0<;
• c..-rrl'3 Uil+ edlAc..-j~ +0
<;~thn dOM p0<;

16 Unit 1 • Anthropology
CD 1,TR 12

You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. Mead 5. a. a remote tribe

b. Tylor b. a pluralistic society
c. Murdock c. people in a large city
2. a. savagery 6. a. civilization
b. language b. savagery
c. barbarism c. multiculturalism
3. a. 1962 7. a. political
b. 1989 b. military
c. 1993 c. informal
4. a. communication 8. a. Seelye
b. social variables b. Sapir
c. empathy and curiosity c. Benedict

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. After listening to the lecture, do you find culture difficult or easy to define? What
is your definition? In what ways is it the same or different from definitions in
the lecture?

2. List four or five cultural "generalizations" that foreigners may have about
your country.

3. "If a group or society is small, isolated, and stable, it might also share a single
culture." Do you know of any such "single" cultures in the world? What would you
look for to decide if a group of people share a "single" culture?

Chapter 2 • The Concept of Culture 17


The following Reading is about the experiences of an anthropological research
team in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Before you read, answer the
following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the title of the article and the photograph on the next page. Write two things
that you expect to learn about the "Cave People" from the article.
2. In the lecture, the speaker discussed reasons to study cultural anthropology. Why
would a team of researchers want to visit these people in Papua New Guinea?

Now read the article.

Last of the Cave People

The vast geographic variation of Papua New of the Meakambut. While waiting there for the rest of
Guinea created tremendous biological diversity, the Embarakal to arrive, John explains cave life to me.
which in turn was accompanied by enormous cultural He says they like their hunter-gatherer life and have
diversity. It is only in the most deeply inaccessible no interest in changing it.
regions that enclaves of traditionally nomadic peo- Before long, the rest of the Meakambut arrive.
ple, like the Meakambut, still exist. The Meakambut This is when we first encounter Lidia, curled up by
were unknown to the outside world until the 1960s. the fire, coughing horribly. A member of our team,
In 1991 anthropologist Borut Telban spent a week in an emergency medical technician, examines Lidia.
the area and found only 11 Meakambut. When Telban He determines that she likely has a life-threatening
returned in 200 I, he couldn't locate them again. case of pneumonia and gives her double doses of
In hopes of meeting up with these last semi- antibiotics and Tylenol. We suggest that first thing in
nomadic holdouts, an anthropological researcher the morning she be carried out of the mountains, to a
named Nancy Sullivan sent out a team to find the clinic in the village of Amboin. Two other Meakambut
Meakambut and inventory their caves. Sullivan's are also seriously ill.
team discovered 52 surviving Meakambut and 105 One man from our team, Sebastian Haraha, is an
caves with names. ethnographer who has come to pinpoint the locations
Our team flies into the Sepik River basin. We skim of the Meakambut's caves. He hopes to register them
up smaller and smaller tributaries in a motor dugout. so the homeland of the Meakambut will be protected.
Finally we strike out on foot into the mountains. We Now, he volunteers to escort the sick.
try reaching the Meakambut by jungle telephone: Two nights later, John begins to let down his
Three men pound the trunk of a towering tree with guard. He admits that his group hasn't eaten meat
wooden bats. When this doesn't work, we set out on a or killed a pig for over three months. He is deeply
two-day trek to the group's last known whereabouts. worried for his people. When the campfire dies out,
At noon the next day, two Meakambut men John whispers something he wants me to pass on to
come striding into our camp. They recognize Joshua the government of Papua New Guinea.
Meraveka, a member of Sullivan's team. He intro- The next morning our team leaves the mountains.
duces them as John and Mark Aiyo. John is a leader We reach our motor dugout and travel downstream

18 Unit 1 • Anthropology
completely gone, and their
culture and language would
vanish. When I get back to Port
Moresby, I'm going to walk
straight into the prime minis-
ter's office and do something:'
I nod and pass along John's
message: "We, the Meakambut
people, will give up hunting
and always moving and living
in the mountain caves if the
government will give us a
to the village of Awim and learn that Lidia and the health clinic and a school, and two shovels and two
others are here. Lidia is alive. Simple antibiotics have axes, so we can build homes:'
saved her. ~-
At breakfast, I find Sebastian Haraha. "Protecting The Meakambut continue to live without access to
the caves? What does it matter if there are no government services. But they have partly settled in
Meakambut left?" asks Sebastian. "The Meakambut homes on the ridgetop camp of Tembakapa. Despite
are on the edge of extinction. They are dying from the threat of encroachment by miners, they continue to
easily treatable illnesses. In ten years they could be hunt and gather on their traditional land.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.
1. What surprised or interested you most about the culture described in the

2. What was the role of the anthropologists in this story? How was it similar to
or different from what you learned about anthropologists and ethnologists in
the lecture?

3. What information from the lecture was exemplified in the article?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic, or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.
1. Isolated cultures: Where do they still exist, and what challenges do they face?
2. Research in cultural anthropology: What similarities and differences exist between
your culture and another?

3. Intercultural understanding: Does studying or living in another culture change an

individual's values? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
4. Another related topic that interests you or your group.

Chapter 2 • The Concept of Culture 19

What do you think it would be like to be a professional photographer who
travels around the world? Write some pros and cons of the job. Discuss your
answers with a partner.


o Read the definitions of these key words and phrases that you will hear during
the video.

hanging out with spending leisure time with

flexibility the ability to easily adjust to new situations
had language in common shared the same language
set up camp find a new place to start a home and live
on assignment carrying out a job you are hired to do as a journalist or photographer
compelling so interesting that you want to pay close attention to it
immerse yourself become completely involved in something
abide by follow a particular law, custom, rule, etc.
inspirational making you feel excited and have creative ideas
o Work with a partner and write in the blank the word from the box that best
completes the sentence.

communities culture kids photographers

spend stories travelers unusual

1. Annie's children travel with her to foreign countries and a lot of

time hanging out with from other cultures.

2. When making friends in new , people don't always have the

same language in common.

3. Flexibility is an important quality for professional on assignment

because they might have to set up camp in some places.
4. Experienced know that it is important to abide by the customs
of the culture you are visiting.

5. You can immerse yourself in another , even if you can't speak

the language.

6. When photographs are compelling and inspirational, it makes people want to

read the that accompany them.

Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner. Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.

Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.
1. Our kids have traveled to every continent except . More
importantly, when we travel they have lived in communities. We never stayed in

2. If you go into each culture open, and look people in the and
observe and listen, you're going to make connections that are well beyond what most
________ get to see.

3. And so the real challenge for a photographer is to bring her or his own unique
________ to that subject _

4. The camera has always given me an to walk up to people and

spend time with them and even go with them.

Unit 1 • Video Lesson 21

Complete these notes as you watch the video. Write only important words, not
full sentences, and abbreviate common words.

1. OUV /:::ide;
• tvav eV c...ont - _

• not alwaje; lan.9 in c...orYlrYl

but alwaje; fun
• c...onfident
• dau3ht 1B, no pvoDc;tvav
• undeKtand all ppl _
• v flexible _

2.. of phot03

• bv,n.9 a un;~ue _
• tell a _
• c...orYlpeippl to _
3. L-ee;e;one;leavned in tvav
• allow e;elf to IrYlrYleK-7 _

-----------3d lan.9 e;/:::ille;

• be a 3uee;+; ;.e., follow _

- . _.

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the video with your partner. As you work
together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. Think about what you learned in this unit. In what ways is a photographer a type
of anthropologist?
2. What is Annie Griffiths' advice for communicating with people from different
cultures? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
3. Why does Annie Griffiths say regular travel is spoiled for her?
4. After listening to Annie Griffiths, would you like to be a travel photographer? Why or
why not?
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. What do you know about the pyramids of

Egypt? Who built them? When?
2. Look at the title of this chapter. Why is a
pyramid called a house of eternity?

The Egyptian 3. Grave robbers are people who steal things

from burial places. Why were grave robbers
Pyramids very interested in the pyramids?

Houses of
o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary from the
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. To many people throughout the world, some of the most remarkable and puzzling
_______ of ancient times are the pyramids of ancient Egypt.
2. Even though many of the pyramids are in , they still give us
some idea of the magnificence of ancient Egypt's _

3. Remember, when we're talking about ancient Egypt, we're talking about at least 30
_______ dynasties.

4. So when a person died, and especially when a died, in order

to ensure his eternal life, he had his body embalmed or _

5. In other words, he had his dried out and wrapped in linen to

_______ it from decay.

6. You see, the ancient Egyptians really believed that if one's mummy was destroyed,
then his or her would be destroyed.

7. For another thing, the ancient Egyptians believed that the dead person could take
his or her earthly along to the next world.

8. Anyway, the dead person was provided with food, clothing, furniture,
________ , and even servants.

9. It seems that local builders and conquerors found it convenient to

________ off the limestone from the pyramids and use it to build with.
10. And yet, what is so is that even these did
not escape the attacks of the grave robbers.

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 24 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

Lectures often include numbers and dates. There are many different ways that
numbers are stated. Here are some examples:
2010 twenty ten or two thousand and ten (listen for the reduced n instead
of and)
2,500,000 two and a half billion or 2.5 billion ("2 point 5 billion")

When taking notes about numbers, the following are useful abbreviations:
2-000-7 since 2000 K thousand ht height
f:-2-000 until 2000 M million wt weight
950-2-000 from 950 to 2000 5 billion foot, feet
C20 20th century m meter(s) inch, inches
DU, before the common era k.M kilometer(s) about, approximately
-t lower, decrease, less 3 gram(s) "" is, are, have, equals
l' higher, increase, more 9 kilogram(s) b. at least

o Look at the notes. What do they mean?

1. 2011-2502 DU,

2. ~2.3 M

3. ~15K 9
4. ht""117m
5. 3 m -t
6. 2500 9
CD 1.1R 14
o Listen to sentences from the lecture. Take notes. Use symbols and abbreviations
where possible.

1. _

2. _
3. _
4. _
5. _
6. _

26 Unit 2 • History

Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
What is the area called
Pyramids where these tombs
were found?
Later Dynasties
1786 BCE

Slide# __
Evolution of Pyramids
What is the name of this
type of pyramid?
Third Dynasty
2664-2615 BCE

Chapter 3 • The Egyptian Pyramids 27

Slide# __
Great Pyramids Where are these pyramids?
Fourth Dynasty
2614-2502 BCE

Slide# __
Structure of Pyramids
What is the name of the
type of tomb the pharaohs
First and Second Dynasties
first built?
3100-2665 BCE

Slide# __
The Pyramids of Egypt
Why were the
pyramids built?
What do the ruins of the pyramids show us
about ancient Egyptian civilization?
• Belief in the afterlife
• Grave robbers common

28 Unit 2 • History

Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper.


CD 1, TR 17
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.I) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.
1. a. ~jpt b. ~. c. 6-. d. ~j
2. a. the pjvamld<; b. pjd<; c. P\ d. Pjv\
3. a. 3pOO jV<;. b. 300 jeav<; c. 3K jV<; d. thvee thou<;and jeav<;
4. a. ~n. "'" <;evie<; b. ~n.: Romanov<;,
<; & Q\ in.J' AI-Saud
5. a. Dene.-h b. <;hoeDox c. lo~ flat d. Y"ec..-t

6. a. b. c.
(t~pic.-aP\ Pjv Next <;tjle - tjplc.-al B. the (t~pic.-aP\ pjvamid
• 3vd Pjn - 2-004-2-014- • 3vd djn wa<; DUllt In Thivd
• Kin.J S& .Lo<;ev • .Lo<;e~ Imhotep Pjna<;tj (2-004-2-015

• ave.-h. "'" Imhotep
1. Built fov K1n.J
• (<;tep)\ pjV"'" pile
WSe:.R. D~ ave.-hitec..-t
7' [1M It J???
piIe of ma<;taDa<; 2-. piIe of ma<;taDa<;

Chapter 3 • The Egyptian Pyramids 29



You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. 20 5. a. near Cairo
b.30 b. in Alexandria
c. 40 c. Luxor
2. a. to remember the pharaohs 6. a. Khufu
b. to send the pharoahs into the afterlife b. Cheops
c. to show people the wealth of the pharaohs c. King
3. a. servants 7. a. 2.3 million
b. clothing b. 2,500
c. a pyramid c. 15,000
4. a. underground 8. a. It was a step pyramid.
b. mastaba b. It was underground.
c. step c. It was in Giza.

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner had included but
which you had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. The construction of pyramids was an example of the search for everlasting life. In
what other ways have people searched for immortality?
2. Why did King Thutmose I decide not to be buried in a pyramid? In what other
ways do you think the Egyptian pharaohs could have solved the problems they
encountered with their system of burial?
3. What do you think is the most interesting structure in the world? The Eiffel Tower?
The Great Wall of China? A structure in your country? List three reasons why you
find this structure interesting and share these reasons with a partner.

30 Unit 2 • History
The following Reading is about the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. Before you read,
answer the following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Using the information about pharaohs from the lecture, write three statements you
expect to be true about Ramses II.

2. In the lecture, the speaker mentioned that the pharaohs were mummified. What do
you remember about this technique for preserving bodies? If you could learn three
more things about mummification, what would you want to find out?

Now read the article.

Ramses the Great

On my last day in Egypt I finally receive permis-

sion from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization to
see Ramses' mummy. My colleague, Lou Mazzatenta,
is also permitted to photograph the pharaoh. At the
Egyptian Museum in Cairo, conservation director
Nasry Iskander lifts the dark velvet off the mummy
case. I behold the face. Browned and chisel sharp.
Arms crossed regally across the chest. A long neck,
a proud aquiline nose, and wisps of reddish hair,
probably colored by his embalmers.
Ramses' mummification and burial rites likely
took the traditional 70 days. Embalmers removed
internal organs, placing the liver, lungs, stomach,
and intestines in sacred jars. His heart was sealed in
his body. Egyptians believed that it was the source of
intellect as well as feeling and would be required for
the final judgment. Only if a heart was as light as the
feather of truth would the god Osiris receive its owner
into the afterlife.
Egyptians did not appreciate the brain. The
embalmers drew it out through the nose and threw
it away.
After they dried the corpse with natron salt, the
embalmers washed the body and coated it with pre- Within 150 years of Ramses' burial, his tomb
serving resins. Finally they wrapped it in hundreds of was robbed by thieves and his mummy desecrated.
yards of linen. Twice reburied by priests, the body retained some of

Chapter 3 • The Egyptian Pyramids 31

its secrets. X-ray examination of the body indicated
that Ramses suffered badly from arthritis in the hip,
which would have forced him to stoop. His teeth
were severely worn, and he had dental abscesses and
gum disease.
The photography finished, the velvet is replaced
over Ramses' mummy-but the face stays with me.
Not the face of Shelley's Ozymandias, not that of a
god, but the face of a man. Was Ramses bombastic,
cruel, ego driven? Byour standards, certainly. He left
no evidence of the human complexity or the bitterly
learned insights that redeem such proudful mythic
kings as Oedipus, or Shakespeare's King Lear, but
he did love deeply and lose. And all those children
who died before him-Ramses knew human suf-
fering. Did he really believe he was a god? Who can
say? But clearly, he strove to be the king his country
expected-providing wealth and security-and
succeeded. More than most, this man got what
he wanted.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. What surprised or interested you most about the mummification process described
in the passage? Why?
2. How was the information in the reading similar to or different from the information
in the lecture?
3. Summarize what you have learned about beliefs of ancient Egyptians from both the
lecture and the article.

Individually or in a group, research orie of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

1. The discovery of the tomb of the boy pharaoh, King Tutankhamen

2. The pyramid of Cheops
3. The pyramids of Mayan and Aztec culture in South America
4. The life of Ramses II or another ancient Egyptian king or queen
5. Another question that interests you or your group

32 Unit 2 • History
Answer the following questions with a
partner or" your classmates.

1. Look at the title of this chapter. The first

emperor of China was named Qin Shi
Huang. How does a leader of a country
build an empire?
2. Look at the photo. Why do you think
The First the emperor had statues of soldiers in
Emperor of China his tomb?
3. What are some differences you can see
Building an between this "House of Eternity" and
the Pyramids?
Empire and a
House of Eternity


co 2, TR 1
o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.
from the

1. find out about these ancient times by studying the ruins of

cities, monuments, or tombs, or any written records that remain.
2. The history part of my talk will be about Qin Shi Huang, who was the
_______ of the first unified empire in China.

3. Today, I'm also going to be talking about what has been found, to _
in the area of Qin Shi Huang's tomb.
4. Before Qin Shi Huang unified the empire in 221 BCE, China had been torn apart by
wars between seven regional _
5. When Qin Shi Huang became Emperor, he decreed that a _
system of Chinese was to be used throughout the empire.
6. In the second year after unification, of three major
________ highways was begun.
7. At this point, I'm going to from talking about the
_ _ of Qin Shi Huang to the archaeology part of my lecture.
8. It seems that as soon as the Emperor gained power, he became _
with death, and with constructing a magnificent House of Eternity for his afterlife.
9. The entire area of the tomb covers 56.25 square kilometers.
10. It is even believed that was pumped through the tomb to
create the image of flowing rivers in the tomb area.
11. Without a doubt, the most striking of the Emperor Qin's House
of Eternity are the warriors and horses found in the tomb area.
12. Chinese officials say that the tomb mound of the first Chinese emperor will not be
_______ until preservation techniques have advanced significantly.

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 33 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

34 Unit 2 • History

Using Indentation and Spacing Effectively in Notes

When you take notes, your use of space on the page can help you review your notes.
Here are some tips:
• Align information that has the same level of importance. For example, begin main
ideas on the left margin of your paper. Indent supporting information.
• Leave extra space on one side to add more information or notes later.
• Skip one line between ideas. Skip several lines to show a new topic.
• Don't worry about trying to make a formal outline of a lecture. Very few lecturers
follow an outline.

o Look at the notes below and answer the questions.

1. Identify the main idea.

2. Identify two specific points.

3. Why is there space in the middle of the last line and question marks at the end?
Where do you think the notetaker can find out the missing information?

os, IAl1if.emp. ZZ 1 DU, - def. 6 K'dome;

1. el1d pwv 6 K'dome;
Z. U,11+v. imp. e;je;t, --7 > [ ] jV<; ???

CD 2. TR 2
() Listen to the part of the lecture for the notes in A above. Fill in the missing
information. Then rewrite the notes below in the space provided so the notes
show main ideas and specific facts more effectively.

os IAl1if.& pvot emp. 1e;1; e;tal1d'iz.e

e;je;t e-hav: Zl1d 1 e;je;t wtc;. & meae;., 1 e;je;t UiVV.

Chapter 4 • The First Emperor of China 35




co 2, TR 3
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __

What was the first

thing that Qin Shi
Standardization of
Huang standardized?
systems in the empire

Protection of
the empire
• Ordered building
of Great Wall

-- --

Slide# __
Construction of Tomb
What was used to resemble
a flowing river?
Replica of Qin capital

Terra-cotta warriors and horses

36 Unit 2 • History
Slide# __

When was Qin Shi Huang's

tomb discovered?

History ~ Archaeology

Qin Shi Huang ~ Tomb

- ~.- - - ~ --
.. ~- - .... - ~- --
Slide# __
Excavation of Tomb
Have archaeologists
Museum (1975) covers 3 pits of finished excavating the
excavation site entire tomb?

""" .,' ." - - ~ -

Slide# __
Historical: Context
How many kingdoms did
China- divided into regional kingdoms Ying Zheng defeat?
• Y~ngZheng - King of Qin

Qin unified China

• Centralized imperial system begins
• Lasts 2,000 years

Chapter 4. The First Emperor of China 37

,---- -

CD 2, TR 4
Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper .


CD 2,TR 5
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen.
A notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer below which is
closest to the notes you took, and put a check (.I) next to the notes that the
mentor wrote.

1. a. b.
to pvotec,.t empive - 0veat Wall of China to pvotec-t ~ -
alvead~ 3 wall<; -joined 15DD mile<; 0Wall
• 3 <;m. wall<; bef.
al<;o3 h'3hwaj<; - h,BDD /c1Yl(4).25
• 15DD mi.
3 hw~<;
• hBDD /c1Yl

2. a. b.

3 m~. hw~<; 3 hw~<;

• hBDD /c1Yl • hBDD /c1YlI 42.25 mi
> ~ vd<; 15D C-.~ ~ vd<;
• 5,9B4 /c1Yl/371B mi

3. a. b. c.
> ~. vd<; > ~. vd<; > ~ vd<;
-r e-on<;tv. pv~. = tomb tombl malo/<;. tomb
bio. -1 avc.h pveoc..-.wi death
Pavt 2. - (avc.h.) 0'3'<;

38 Unit 2 • History
CD 2, TR 6

You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1 . a. 210 BCE 5. a. 6,800

b. 215 BCE b. 68,000
c. 259 BCE c. 700,000
2. a. 215 BCE 6. a. 11 years
b. 259 BCE b. 17 years
c. 221 BCE c. 70 years
3. a. to standardize things 7. a. 56.25 square kilometers
b. to unify the empire b. 12,000 square meters
c. to protect his empire c. 16,300 square meters
4. a. 500 miles 8. a. dead soldiers
b. 1,500 miles b. ancient rivers
c. 5,000 miles c. mercury

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner had included but
which you had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. Provide examples of the changes Qin Shi Huang made when he became emperor.
Why were these changes necessary and important?

2. The lecturer says it is necessary to set the historical context for understanding
the archaeological find of Qin Shi Huang's terra-cotta army. Why is knowing the
historical context important for modern-day archaeologists and tourists to the site?
3. Explain what is holding up full excavation of the Emperor's tomb. When do
archaeologists suspect the tomb may be fully excavated? In the near or distant
future? Why?

4. Discuss the ways in which the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the emperors of
ancient China were similar and different in terms of their views of life and death and
their preparation for the afterlife.

Chapter 4 • The First Emperor of China 39


The following Reading is about the discovery and excavation of the tomb of Qin
Shi Huang. Before you read, answer the following questions. Share your answers
with a classmate.

,. Look at the title and headings in the article. Write two ways in which this article will
be similar to the lecture and two ways in which it may be different.
2. In the lecture, the speaker only gave the dates when the tomb was discovered. If you
could learn two more things about this, what would you want to find out?

Now read the article.

Terra-Cotta Army Protects First Emperor's Tomb

Workers digging a well outside the city of Xi'an, and is credited for building the first version of the
China, in 1974 struck upon one of the greatest Great Wall.
archaeological discoveries in the world: a life-size According to writings of court historian Siam
clay soldier poised for battle. The diggers notified Qian during the following Han dynasty, Qin ordered
Chinese authorities, who dispatched government the mausoleum's construction shortly after taking the
archaeologists to the site. They found not one, but throne. More than 700,000 laborers worked on the
thousands of clay soldiers, each with unique facial project, which was halted in 209 BC amid uprisings a
expressions and positioned according to rank. And year after Qin's death.
though largely gray today, patches of paint hint at To date, four pits have been partially excavated.
once brightly colored clothes. Further excavations Three are filled with the terra-cotta soldiers,
have revealed swords, arrow tips, and other weapons, horse-drawn chariots, and weapons. The fourth
many in pristine condition. pit is empty, a testament to the original unfinished
The soldiers are in trenchlike, underground construction. Archaeologists estimate the pits may
corridors. In some of the corridors, clay horses are contain as many as 8,000 figures, but the total may
aligned four abreast; behind them are wooden char- never be known.
iots. The terra-cotta army, as it is known, is part of
an elaborate mausoleum created to accompany the Unexcavated Tomb
first emperor of China into the afterlife, according Qin's tomb itself remains unexcavated, though
to archaeologists. Siam Qian's writings suggest even greater treasures.
"The tomb was filled with models of palaces, pavil-
Young Emperor ions and offices as well as fine vessels, precious
Ying Zheng took the throne in 246 BC at the stones and rarities:' reads a translation of the text.
age of 13. By 221 BC he had unified a collection of The account indicates the tomb contains replicas
warring kingdoms and taken the name of Qin Shi of the area's rivers and streams made with mercury
Huang Di-the First Emperor of Qin. During his flowing to the sea through hills and mountains of
rule, Qin standardized coins, weights, and mea- bronze. Precious stones such as pearls are said to
sures; interlinked the states with canals and roads; represent the sun, moon, and other stars.

40 Unit 2 • History
Modern tests on the tomb
mound have revealed unusually
high concentrations of mercury,
lending credence to at least
some of the historical account.
Chinese archaeologists are also
using remote-sensing technology
to probe the tomb mound. The
technique recently revealed an
underground chamber with four
stairlike walls. An archaeologist
working on the site told the
Chinese press that the chamber
may have been built for the soul
of the emperor.
Experimental pits dug around
the tomb have revealed dancers,
musicians, and acrobats full of life and caught in now. "It is best to keep the ancient tomb untouched,
mid-performance, a sharp contrast to the military because of the complex conditions inside," Duan
poses of the famous terra-cotta soldiers. But further Qinbao, a researcher with the Shaanxi Provincial
excavations of the tomb itself are on hold, at least for Archaeology Institute, told the China Daily in 2006.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.
1. What surprised or interested you most about the discovery and excavation work
described in the passage?Why?

2. How was the information in the article similar to or different from the information in
the lecture?

3. Summarize what you have learned about the first emperor of China and his House of
Eternity from both the lecture and the article.

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.
1. Future excavation of the Emperor's tomb. What is holding it up? Will it ever be
fully excavated?
2. The archaeological process of unearthing the tombs and artifacts
3. Another great archaeological discovery
4. Another related topic that interests you or your group

Chapter 4. The First Emperor of China 41

Name an ancient site that you have visited or that you know about. Write three
facts about this site. Then share your information with a partner.

Site: _

e Read the definitions of these key words that you will hear during the video.

inscriptions writing carved into metal or stone

mason a skilled person who makes or builds things with stone or bricks
slab a thick, flat piece of something such as a large, smooth area of stone
altar a table or other raised, flat surface, used for religious ceremonies
hollow having empty space on the inside; not solid
jacks tools for lifting heavy items such as cars
reconstructed put something together again that was broken apart
aura a feeling that comes from a person, place, or thing
o Work with a partner and write vocabulary from A in the blanks in the sentences.

1. We know from the that Pakal, one the greatest of all Maya kings,
was born in the year 603 AD.

2. A stone structure with a flat top looked like an , but the

archaeologists weren't sure what it was.

3. The head suggested drilling a hole in the side of the stone

structure to see if it was _

4. The archaeologists used 15automobile to lift up the heavy stone

5. The ancient palace has an incredible about it; everyone who

visits is amazed.


Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner. Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.


Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.

1. As you can see from this wonderful photograph, the site itself-Palenque-sits on a
kind of a _

2. The floor of the temple was made out of big, stone slabs with in
them. So Alberto had the workers pull up the

3. We went into town and got 15automobile jacks and

pulled the thing up, and there was a
________ inside.

4. His full name was K'inich Janaab' Pakal, and he was

the king of Palenque, one of the
greatest of all Maya kings.

5. He was covered in jade, as a good Maya king would

be. A jade collar, jade bracelets, and an
-------- mask as well.
6. Years and years after he's dead, Pakal is still at the
_______ of everything.
Complete the time lines as you watch the video. Write your notes next to the dates.


191B - <Javted

1952. - June

003 AP

015 AP


Use your notes to create an oral summary of the video with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. What do you know about other ancient burial practices? In what ways was the burial
of the Mayan King Pakal similar or different?
2. Who was Juan Chable? Why was he important to this project?

3. Why does David Stuart say that Palenque is "Pakal City"?

.-!_'Ir ..
4. After listening to this lecture, do you think you would like to be an archaeologist?
Why or why not?

,.; \
....,........ ',)n-R: '9 '.' ~ltr;"""'i
IW •...•••. .l~.J)~) ;

- - ----- _. __ ._._----------- ,
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

,. In what ways do you think the world of work

is changing?
2. If you could choose to work either at an
office or at home, which would you pick?
Why? What are some of the advantages and
The Distributed disadvantages of working from home rather
Workforce than at an office?
3. Look at the title of this chapter. What does
Where and When distributed mean? What is a workforce? What
do you think "the distributed workforce" is?
People Work
o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary from the
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. Employees may be based in a traditional office; or they might work from home-
so-called ; or they could be employees,
such as salespeople.

2. Employees working outside of the office

need access from remote locations to
company and to stay
connected with the use of
_______ technology.

3. Full-time employees often expect

_______ such as health
insurance, and they might be difficult to

4. It is not yet understood what impact a distributed workforce is having on the

_______ yet vital development of a business culture.

5. How can group be developed and maintained when face-to-

face meetings are rare or 7

6. How dependent are qualities such as loyalty and behavior on

personal relationships that are established through face-to-face contact?

7. Can personal relationships truly evolve across a distributed workforce, where much
of the work is conducted in a rather than
physical environment?

8. When workers are available 24-7, it can lead to a of the line

between work and personal life.

9. In a world, there is no _

10. Since the Industrial , the workplace has been where a large
proportion of the adult population spends much of its time.

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 46 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

Chapter 5 • The Distributed Workforce 47


Using Intonation to Identify New Main Points

A lecturer who has completed a main point and is ready to move on to a new point
will often use very marked falling intonation, followed by a long pause.

The technology is here and it's here to st~. [long pause]

Signal words and phrases such as next, another, and on the other hand also indicate

that the lecturer is moving from one main point to another. Often these signal words
have strong rising intonation.

... and it's here to stay. [long pause] On the other hand ...
The combination of marked falling intonation, a long pause, and a rising signal word
should alert you to the fact that a new main point is about to be introduced.

o Listen to the intonation in these sentences from the lecture. Has the lecturer
finished talking about one main point and is now about to introduce a new one?
Circle a or b.
The lecturer will
1. a. introduce a new point b. continue with same point
2. a. introduce a new point b. continue with same point
3. a. introduce a new point b. continue with same point

4~ Q Listen to the sentences. This time you will hear how the lecturer continues and
co 2. R9
if a new main point is introduced. As you listen, check and see if you chose the
correct answers in A above.

48 Unit 3 • Sociology
CD 2, TR 10
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
The Distributed Workforce
What is a distributed

Working arrangements


Slide# __
A distributed workforce has
what obvious advantage to
a global business?
• Local workforce
• Flexibility

• Location
• Schedule

Chapter 5 • The Distributed Workforce 49

Slide# __
Impact on Society
What do some distance
workers feel about
Humans as
the loss of informal
social beings
social networks?

Work/Private life

Slide# __
What problem can the
blurring of the line
between work and
• Impact on personal life lead to?
business culture

• 24-7 availability
• Lack of job

Slide# __
Importance of Technology
How important is
technology to a
Remote access
business with a
Communications distributed workforce?

50 Unit 3 • Sociology
CD 2, TR 11
Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper .

CD 2, TR 12
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.I) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.
1. a. b.
WVk_0V~ -r-r Benefiit; to wvke-~
1. teu, --7 WVK. fv anjwheve 1. Teu, make- po~~ WVK. to wvke-V; not
2. inelep e-ontve...t- -r e-ontvl WVK. liv'e~ wvke-v to job
2. ~taj c...Io~eto fam & fvienel~
3. inelep e-ontvae... - -r e-ontvl WVK. liv'e~

2. a. b. c.
Pi~tane...e-wvk.K Offie...e-wvke-~ Infvml ~IAPp0vt NW~

3. a. b. c.
Pi~tane...e-wvk.K Pi~tane...e-wvk.K Pi~tane...e-wvk.K
1. no offe...e- --7 lo~~ of ~oe... 1. no offe...e- --7 lo~~ of ~oe... 1. no offe...e- --7 I~~ of ~oe...
~ ~
2. i~olation & ~ ~IAPp0vt
i~oIation & ~ ~IAPp0vt i~olation& ~ ~IAPp0vt
3. -r fveeelm
2. -r fveeelm BUT bllAv 2. bllAv bet pVv't(WOVK.
pVv't(WOVK. 1. xtva h~ ev'e & wke-nel~
3. wa h~. ev'e & wke-nel~

4. a. b.
flex Co~t - Pi~aelv' Pi~aelv'- Wvk.K
1. job ~ee...(temp wvk.K( e-on~lAt)- no ben 1. -job ~ee...(temp wvk.K( e-on~lAt)
(~X health in~) 2. no ben (~X health in~)
2. Te-Iee-omm l' WOVK., ~ paj than offe... 3. Telee-omm l' WOVK., ~ paj than offe...
wvk.K wvk.K

Chapter 5. The Distributed Workforce 51



CD 2, TR 13
You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. a business person 5. a. flexibility

b. a globally connected worker b. better pay
c. an office worker c. not having to relocate
2. a. a 24-7, globally connected world 6. a. less job security
b. technological change and globalization b. being able to terminate workers
c. a trend in the evolution of work c. the impact on group cohesion
3. a. Most workers are telecommuters. 7. a. lack of flexibility
b. Most employees don't have offices. b. fewer jobs being available
c. Working arrangements vary. c. work-related stress
4. a. workers' knowledge of local culture 8. a. better working conditions
b. decreased cost of employing workers b. social isolation of workers
c. lower travel costs c. decreased worker productivity

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. What are some potential advantages or disadvantages of a distributed workforce that

were not mentioned in the lecture?
2. Do you think that the growth of a distributed workforce is likely to be better for
employers or for employees? Why?
3. The lecturer raises a question about how group cohesion can be developed and
maintained when many workers never meet face-to-face. What do you think? How
can this be done?
4. Of the various employment arrangements discussed in the lecture-consulting,
mobile work, telecommuting, temporary work, traditional office-based work-which
do you prefer? Why?

S2 Unit 3 • Sociology
, ,

The following Reading is about the impact that virtual reality games are having
on the business world. Before you read, answer the following questions. Share
your answers with a classmate.

1. What are virtual reality games? Do you play any virtual reality games such as
Second Life?

2. How do you think businesses can use virtual reality games to develop and promote
real-world products and services?

Now read the article.

"Second Life/' Other Virtual Worlds Reshaping

Human Interaction

Every day millions of personal computer (PC) Second Life, created by San Francisco, California-
garners plug into online worlds. In the game Second based Linden Lab, uses the same concept as
Life, online entrepreneurs can buy and sell digital MMORPGs. It offers a virtual environment where
real estate, create their own lines of clothing and people-as avatars-can interact in real time. But
clothing accessories, and hold virtual concerts, unlike Warcraft, which focuses mostly on fighting
lectures, and sporting events. Now, as the game has monsters and completing quests, Second Life is built
grown in popularity, many corporations are eager to and owned entirely by its nearly 900,000 residents.
follow the lead of independent retailers in becoming According to Castronova, the real impact of virtual
part of the phenomenon. worlds is the daily creation and trade of electronic
Observers say that someday virtual worlds such as assets. For instance, a Second Life user can build a
Second Life could reshape global commerce and per- functional piano out of virtual building blocks with
haps even the way people interact over the Internet. various physical and behavioral properties. Some
"Imagine a future where virtual reality and the real members have created their own designer flying
world blend together;' said Edward Castronova, asso- vehicles, while others have opened up skydiving
ciate professor of telecommunications at Indiana operations or built entire airports.
University in Bloomington. "It is a real possi-
bility, and it just takes an ordinary PC'
The popularity of MMORPGs (massively
multiplayer online role-playing games),
which mix real and unreal worlds, is one of
the main factors shaping this digital revolu-
tion. One of the most popular games, World
of Warcraft, "is played by about 7 million
members worldwide, and on any given
day there are at least a few million players
online;' Castronova said.
Second Life assigns intellectual property rights for The company also facilitates trade through a Web
all objects to their creators, meaning that the virtual site called SLBoutique, an market-
objects can be sold or traded within the environment. place for user-created content in Second Life. A few
Avatars earn an in-game currency called Linden products and services have already established brand
Dollars-money that has an exchange rate and can be recognition in the game, and it is entirely possible for
traded for hard cash in the real world. According to one such virtual brands to someday actually be sold in
estimate, players spend an average of$350,OOO(U.S.) a real-world operations, Paffendorf says. "Firms could
day, or $130 million a year, according to Reuters. prototype and test products inside a virtual environ-
Jerry Paffendorf is a futurist for the virtually based ment;' he explained.
firm, Electric Sheep Company. Paffendorf and 25 It's an intriguing thought that virtual products
others in the company all earn their living off virtual that have been conceived, patented, tested, bought,
worlds, mostly Second Life. "It's a full-time job;' he and sold in an online game environment might one
said. "We're the largest such team in Second Life:' day become real products sold in the real world.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. The article talks about how virtual worlds are "reshaping human interaction." What
are some of the ways that human interaction is being reshaped in the workplace as
discussed in the article and the lecture?
2. Given what you learned in the lecture, what are some potential advantages to
employers of using virtual environments such as Second Life for business purposes?
The disadvantages?
3. What are some of the potential advantages to employees of using a virtual
environment for business purposes? The disadvantages?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

1. Workforce trends in your country or another country in which you are interested
2. Companies that are using Second Life for business purposes
3. Innovative workplace designs, for example, open-plan office space and the use of
the "third space," such as coffee shops and airport terminals, as work spaces
4. The ways some workers are trying to reduce their environmental impact through
their job choices

54 Unit 3 • Sociology
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. Look at the title of this chapter and the

photograph. What trend do you think
"the graying of the workforce" refers to?
2. At what age do people typically

Age and Work retire in your culture? Is it common

for people who are older than 65 to
continue working? Is there a mandatory
The Graying of retirement age?

the Workforce 3. Who is the oldest person you know who

is still working?


o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary from the
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. The human is also increasing: the National Institute on Aging

reports that most countries show a steady increase in _
2. A falling in countries with advanced economies has
contributed to a rapid increase in the age of the world's population.
3. The reasons for the birthrate require a bit of explanation.
4. The need for cheap labor to work the land, coupled with high infant
_______ , made large families advantageous.
5. During industrialization, there was a population from rural to
urban areas.
6. Advances in technology allowed couples to take a more active
role in planning their families.
7. In many developed nations, the birthrate has now fallen to below
_______ levels.
8. The rate in many European countries is now less than 1.5
children per woman.
9. The elderly support is calculated by dividing the number of
working-age people by the number of people 65 or older.
10. A second impact is caused by just the opposite .,the large
number of baby boomers who are and will be retiring at the same time, taking with
them knowledge and that will be difficult to replace over the
short term.
11. can occur when workers with such widely different life
experiences and attitudes toward work interact.
12. Some companies have had to back expansion due to a lack
of workers.

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 55 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

56 Unit 3. Sociology

Showing Cause and Effect

Listen for cues that show a lecturer is expressing a cause/effect relationship

between ideas. Make sure your notes reflect this relationship clearly by using the
symbols below.

Cues to listen for HC] = cause; [E) = effect) Notes (:. = therefore)
[C] brings about / contributes to / results in / leads to [E] [C] -7 [E]
[C] affects / means (that) / makes / allows [E] pop ..J.. -7 oldv wvkY<.; l'
[C] so [E] Due to [C1 [E]
[C] :. [E]
[C] therefore [E] Because of [C1 [E]
As a result of [C1 [E] pop ..J.. :. oldv wvkY<.; l'

[E] because [C] [E] o(e-- [C]

The reason for [E] is [C] oldv wvkY<.; l' o(e-- pop ..J..
[E] is the result of [C]
[E] ~ [C]
[E] is brought about by / is caused by [C]
oldv wvkY<.; l' ~ pop ..J..

o Look at the notes below. Match the note with the sentence. Circle a or b.
1. WVK c.hYlj<:; o(e-- pop c.hYlj<:; of wf
a. Today, we are going to talk about a change in the world of work that has been
brought about by changes in the makeup of the population of the workforce.
b. Today, we are going to talk about a change in the world of work that has
contributed to changes in the makeup of the population of the workforce.
2. rti<:;t fae-- -7 a3'YIj of pop
a. I will explain historical factors that are the result of the aging of the population.
b. I will explain historical factors that have contributed to the aging of
the population.

3. ..J.. o'vate adv evon & -r lYled e--ave -7 l' life<:;pan :. oldev wf
a. Two basic trends-a falling birthrate in countries with advanced economies,
and improvements in medical care-have contributed to an increased lifespan,
leading to an older workforce.
b. Two basic trends-a falling birthrate in countries with advanced economies, and
improvements in medical care-are the result of an increased lifespan and an
older workforce.

CD 3, TR 2
o Listen to sentences from the lecture and take notes. Use the symbols in the box
to express the relationship between cause and effect.
1. _

2. _

Chapter 6 • Age and Work 57




CD 3, TR 3
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

~ - - - .
Slide# __
Elderly Support Ratio
What is the worldwide
elderly support ratio
I. Definition
predicted to be by 20507
II. Decline: Some statistics

III. Impact of decline

Slide# __
Population Changes ~
By how much has the
Graying of the Workforce number of people aged
60 and over increased
I. Population facts since 19807
B. National Institute
on Aging

58 Unit 3 • Sociology
Slide# __

Did the birthrate increase

or decrease during the
Industrial Revolution?
I. Medical improvements

II. Changes in birthrate

A. Industrial Revolution
B. Start of WWII
C. Post WWII baby boom
D. Mid-1960s
E. Today

~-~ ~-- - ~- .. - ._- ~- -, --

Slide# __
Future? -
What is likely to happen in
I. Longer working life the future if the population
growth rate in advanced
II. Workplace changes economies remains low?

Slide# __

What does the baby

I. Continued boomers staying in their
employment jobs mean for young people
entering the workforce?
II. Retirement

Chapter 6 • Age and Work 59

Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper .


CD 3, TR 5
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.f) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b. c.
5ef IR. - 13 fam aclv' (r) Lj fam aclv' (-r) ~ 5ef IR. IR. :. 13 fam aclv' (-r) bl c.-
blc.- 1. neecl fov e-heap labov (<;m 1. neecl fov e-heap labov (<;m
1. neecl e-heap labov (<;m favm) favm)
favm) 2. l' infant movt 2. l' infan+ movt
2. l' infant movt

2. a. b.
Incll.f<;-7 Pop <;hift -7 neecl 13 fam -t Incll.f<;-7 Pop <;hift fv Vl.fV +0 l.fro -7 neecl 13
Repvocl +ee-h aclv' ~ c.-tvl fam <;iz.e :.3vacl fam -t
-t in b'va+e Repvocl +ee-h aclv' -7 c.-tvl fam <;iz.e

3. a. b.
Am wv/cY mecl a3e l' fv 35 (19BO) +0 42 55 wvk. pa<;+ve+ive a3e *' -7 jYIJ wv/cY<;
(2010) -7 cliff fr ncliYIJjob<;
jYIJ wv/cY<; cliff fincliYIJ job<;
*'S+a+: Am wv/cY mecl a3e l' fv 35
(19BO) +0 12 (2010)

60 Unit 3 • Sociology
You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.
1. a. by 2015 5. a. China
b. by 2050 b. Japan
c. in 20 to 50 years c. South Korea
2. a. Large families were common. 6. a. Germany
b. Having children cost a lot. b. Italy
c. Most people lived in cities. c. Japan
3. a. high infant mortality 7. a. 14 percent
b. larger families b. 22 percent
c. medical advances c. 40 percent
4. a. before World War II 8. a. a shortage of workers
b. from 1946 to 1964 b. high youth unemployment
c. in the mid 1960s c. retirement of baby boomers

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. The lecturer says that we live in a youth-oriented culture. Do you agree? Is it true of
your culture? If so, how might this change in the future?

2. In what ways are workplaces not suited very well to aging workers? How could
workplaces be designed to accommodate the aging workforce?

3. Which would you prefer: working with people of several different generations or
working with people your own age? What are the advantages and disadvantages
of each?

Chapter 6. Age and Work 61


The following Reading is about a workforce trend involving young Americans.
Before you read, answer the following questions. Share your answers with
a classmate.

1. Look at the title. What is the workforce trend that is discussed in the article?
2. Considering what you learned in the lecture about the employment situation facing
young people today, why do you think some of them would be interested in farming
as a career?

Now read the article.

Why Are Young, Educated Americans Going Back to the Farm?

I am a 25-year-old college graduate with a degree John English, Web site manager for the National
from a respected university, and I spend my days Agriculture Information Service farm internship
on my knees, hands in the dirt, pulling weeds for a bulletin board, said that postings there have jumped
living. I am a farm intern, and I am not alone. Across by around 500 per year for the last five years, as more
the country, college students and graduates like small farms are established and need the cheap labor
myself, many with little or no farming background, that interns provide.
are working for almost nothing in exchange for a little Farming is difficult: There are endless chores and
instruction in running a farm. backbreaking physical labor. For much of the twenti-
eth century, most Americans tried
to escape such a life by moving to
the city. Why would we want to go
back to the farm?
The reasons are varied. Some
see farming as a way to avoid par-
ticipating in a capitalist economy.
They share a concern for social
justice and the environment,
coupled with a lack of faith that
existing political structures can
or will deal with those issues.
Other farm interns are drawn to
farming by a much simpler need:
paying the rent. Because of the
sudden popularity of farmer's
markets-that is, small markets
that sell locally grown fruits, veg-
etables, meat, and cheese, rather
than food grown thousands of miles away-a farm low-paying fields, like journalism, are facing: Those
can look like a strong business opportunity to with bills to payor families to support, who cannot
many young people. This is particularly true for afford to accept farm wages, may be squeezed out,
the unemployed and those working at unfulfilling leaving the best farm jobs to those whose financial
post-college jobs. safety net (parents, trust fund, etc.) allows them to
Interns interested in someday entering these work for nothing.
growing markets must understand that when starting In fact, it's likely that many of today's interns
out they will probably earn very little. Kirk Wilson, will decide to leave farming, going back to school or
27, an intern at the Living Farm, earns $80 per week taking city jobs. After all, there are many obstacles
for his work, plus free housing and meals. Even this to becoming a successful farmeri making a living
is more than many farms can offer. But he said he on a small farm is as hard today as it has ever been.
likes working outdoors and seeing things grow, and Government data suggests that the number of hobby
is learning the skills to run a small farm of his own farms-those earning less than $10,000 per year-
someday. Having spent endless hours job hunting, increased slightly in 2010. At the same time, the
Wilson also knows what he's not missing. number of midsized farms-those that earn between
"I mean, am I gonna make $10 an hour for the rest $10,000 and $100,OOO-decreased. And yet, the
of my life?/I he asked. "If that's the case, then coming formation of groups like the National Young Farmers
here and having no rent, room and board, and mak- Coalition suggests that many small farms plan to
ing $16 a day ... I'm completely fine with that:' keep going. Their goal seems less about getting rich
Increased competition for such low pay raises than simply surviving, and perhaps changing a small
a potential problem, one that other attractive but part of the world in the process.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. What surprised or interested you most about the trend described in the article? Why?
2. What information from the lecture was exemplified in the article?

3. Thinking back to what you learned from the lecture, do you agree with the author
that young Americans will continue to turn to farming in the future, or is this just a
temporary trend?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

1. A comparison of salaries by age in your country or another country in which you

are interested

2. Professions that are currently facing worker shortages

3. Age discrimination

4. The growth of hobby farms in the United States

Chapter 6 • Age and Work 63

Andrew McCarthy is both an actor and a travel writer. What are some ways that
people sometimes get started in each of these careers? Compare your answers
with a partner.

Started in acting Started in travel writing

o Read the definitions of these key words and phrases that you will hear during the video.

cut from the team removed as a player from a sports team because of less skill
reticent not willing to talk very much
kicked out of college forced to leave school, usually because of bad grades or
bad behavior
role a character an actor plays in a play or a movie
supported me provided me with enough money to live on
genre a particular type of writing, music, movie, etc.
encounters meetings with people that you didn't plan
scene a short event in a play or movie
my life is transitioning what I do in life is changing to something new
o Work with a partner and discuss answers to the following questions.

1. Have you ever been on a sports team? Have ever been cut from the team?
2. How would you or your family feel if you were kicked out of college?

3. Are you a reticent person? What is a topic that you are reticent to talk about?

4. If you had a role in a movie, what genre would you like the movie to be? What type
of scenes would you like to be in?

5. Have you ever had an encounter with someone that has helped you to transition
to a new phase of your life?

6. Who supports you at the moment?

Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner. Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.

Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.

1. And so I did, and that experience, I have to say, changed my _

2. And then suddenly, I got jobs very quickly,
and I was suddenly a 22-year-old

3. So I started reading a lot of travel

________ , and I thought it was a
very interesting genre, you know.
4. I wasn't keeping a in any
way, but I would write little scenes of
encounters I had with people.
5. I'll always be the who
was in Pretty in Pink, you know?
6. So it's given me and
opened for me and, you
know, so it's just part of my story.
Take notes below to answer the interview questions as you watch the video.
Listen for cause-and-effect cues and use indentation.

How did acting enter your life? How did you become an actor? How did you get started?

So how did travel writing enter this equation?

When you look at your life do you feel like you're more an actor or a travel writer?


Use your notes to create an oral summary of the video with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. In what ways do you think Andrew McCarthy's career as a movie star is not typical?

2. Andrew says, "At a certain point in my life, when I was about 30, I looked up and
said, 'Huh?''' What do you think he means?
3. In what ways do you think your working life is or will be different from Andrew
McCarthy's? In what ways do you think it might be similar?
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. What kind of communication takes place

in classrooms in your culture? For example,
do students talk much with each other
during class time? How and when do they
communicate with their teacher?
Classroom 2. How do students in your culture show
respect for their teachers?
3. Do you think classroom communication
Language and is the same everywhere, or is it specific
to a culture? Give examples to support
Culture in the your answer.

o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.
from the

1. Communication can take the form of talk, or it can take the form of
________ , or nonverbal signals of one kind or another.

2. Many study the topic of communication in general, and speech

communication specifically, in order to learn how individuals send and
________ messages.

3. One area of research in communication is the study of the

influence of the , or environment, on the success or failure
of communication.

4. When you are asked to picture a classroom in your eye, what

do you see?

5. The "classroom" as we know it, by the way, is a relatively recent _

6. In particular, culture influences the that take place

in the classroom setting, and the ways that students participate in the

7. Rituals are procedures used to perform a certain

act or to communicate a certain message.

8. In some graduate-level seminars in American universities, students do

not make any physical signs when they want to speak; they state their
ideas whenever they feel the _

9. North American students from families of European _

are usually more talkative in class and more willing to state their
opinions than are students of American Indian or
from Asian backgrounds.

10. The in which teachers are held also varies from

culture to culture.

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss
the meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in
the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 68 and the
sentences you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions
that you think will be answered in the lecture. Share your questions
with your classmates.

Chapter 7 • Classroom Communication 69


Recording Rhetorical Questions

In a lecture, the main points are often introduced as rhetorical questions. A rhetorical
question is a question that the speaker does not expect the listener to answer.
The question is a way to call attention to a main point that the lecturer will go on
to develop.
Here are some examples of cues frequently used for rhetorical questions and
their answers.
When ... what do you ... ? Just what (exactly) is/are ... ?
You probably. . . The definition of ...
But what do we mean by ... ? And what about ... ?
Basically,. . . Well, ...
When you hear a rhetorical question in a lecture, be sure to record it. Use a simple
abbreviation to label the question and answer.
Q = rhetorical question A = answer
Put the question above the answer and use indentation to show the details, support,
or explanation-in other words, the answer to the question. For example:
Lecture Notes
But what do we mean by culture? Basically,culture Q: Wht i<;e.-ult
provides us with a system of knowledge that allows A: <;j<;t lo1owl fOY
us to communicate with others and teaches us how • ~MM H otheK
to interpret their verbal and nonverbal behavior. • intevp vb & nonvb behv

o Rewrite the notes using the abbreviations Q and A and indentation.

But wh ex i<; a e.-I<;<;YM?An<; influ bj e.-ult & ine.-lteae.-h(<;tud yel, how info t3ht
and IYnd, how teae.-h(<;tud ~MM

CD 3,TR 8
o Listen to a part of the lecture and complete the notes. A heading has been
provided. Remember to use Q and A and indentation.

70 Unit 4 • Communication
CD 3, TR 9
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
How do Jamaican students
Definition signal that they want to
answer a question?

Slide# __
What Is a Classroom?
What influences the
How information is taught and learned image that people have of
a classroom?
Teacher/student communication

Teacher/student relationship

Chapter 7 • Classroom Communication 71

Slide# __
Language, Culture, and How do people
Communication communicate their
thoughts, feelings, and
Definition of communication intentions to others?
Verbal and nonverbal

Intercultural communication
• Setting

Slide# __
Treatment of Teachers In which country or region
do students sometimes
criticize their teachers
Germany in class?


Slide# __
Classroom Participation Which North American
students are the more
talkative in class?



72 Unit 4. Communication
Now that you have listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper.



You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.1) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b. c.
Q: Wht i<;;vult? Q: Wht i<;;vult? Q: What do we Mean Dj
It: Sj<;; of 1010w that ... A: TeV-M u<;;d in diff waj<;; vultuv-e?
• alloW<;; C-OMM wi • <;;~<;;of 1010w that It: 13a<;;iG.-- vult pv-ovide
othe~ aTlow<;; C-OMM wi <;;.~<;;tof
1010w that
• teac..he<;; how to othe~ aTloW<;;u<;;to C-OMM wi
intvpvt ppl'<;;v and nv • teac..he<;; how to othe~ and teac..he<;; u<;;
Deh inrrpvt ppl\ v and nv how to intev-pv-et theiv-
Deh VeV-D and nonVeV-D Dehav
• influ how ppl intev-aG.-t
- influenc...e<;; how ppl
• influ how ppl intev-aG.-t

2. a. b. c.
Q: Wht v- v-itual<;;? PiG.-f,onav-j def of v-itual<;;~ Q: Wht v- v-itual<;;?
It: Sj<;; pv-oG.- <;;j<;;t pv-OG.-to pV-fV-M aG.-t ov- It: Sj<;;t pv-oc...ed to pV-fV-M
~~ C-OMM M<;;3' Man~ v-ite.; in aG.-t ov- C-OMM M<;;3 Manj
pV-fV-M aG.-t C-OMM M<;;3 ed. T ente~ d<;;<;;V-M,<;;t in eduG.-
<;;tand up
ex: T ente~ G.-/<;;<;;V-M,
<;;tand up

3. a. b.
Q: rtow MUc..h v- T<;; v-e<;;pG.-td? Q: rtow v- T<;; rreated? rtow MUc..h v- thej
A: Vav-ie<;; fv- vult to vult v-e<;;pG.-td?
• Pr<;;n<;;- T<;; <;;jM of leav-n & vult T<;; v-e<;;pG.-td- <;;jMDOIof
It: Vav-ie<;; - Pr<;;n<;;-
• bev- - value T\ opin <;;0don't di<;;a3v- leav-n & vult bev- - don't di<;;a3v- in G.-I<;;<;;
wlT/n G.-I<;;<;; v-aeI - c...anG.-v-/f,G.-T

• I<;;v-ael- c...anG.-v-/f,G.-T

Chapter 7 • Classroom Communication 73



You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. system of knowledge 5. a. The teacher is a symbol of learning.

b. expected communication b. Teachers give their opinions.
procedures c. Teachers are criticized.
c. a form of human behavior 6. a. Criticizing a teacher is acceptable.
2. a. a classroom ritual b. Contradicting a teacher is
b. cross-cultural communication considered rude.
c. speech communication c. It is acceptable to correct a teacher.
3. a. being talkative in class 7. a. Asians and American Indians
b. correcting a teacher b. European Americans and Germans
c. finger snapping c. Americans and Israelis
4. a. exchange ideas with classmates 8. a. student-teacher classroom interaction
b. explore issues for themselves b. relationships outside of class
c. speak only if the teacher speaks c. nonverbal communication
to them

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. The lecturer says that teachers in some cultures are honored members of society.
Is this true in your culture? If so, how is this esteem demonstrated? If not, how are
teachers seen in your culture?
2. What are some classroom rituals in your culture that were not mentioned in the
lecture? Are they similar to those in other cultures with which you are familiar?
3. The classroom rituals discussed in the lecture were mostly nonverbal. Can you think
of any verbal classroom rituals?

74 Unit 4. Communication
'r 1
" , t

The following Reading is about communicating in a third language. Before you
read, answer the following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the title of the article. What is a lingua franca? Based on the title and the
photograph, what do you think the article will be about?

2. Do you think that your personality changes when you speak English? Discuss any
changes you have noticed and talk about what the reasons might be.

Now read the article.

Love that Lingua Franca

Michiko, the young Japanese woman I'm sharing Pointing to the brochure, I turn to Michiko and
a seat with on a bus near Tokyo, speaks a shy, hesitant say: IiChiba means one thousand leaves:'
English. I resign myself to a couple of hours filled with IiYes!" she responds, then adds in a French accent
awkward, polite English. But then something unex- that is much better than mine, IiMilles feuilles-A
pected happens. Grasping for a subject to talk about thousand leaves:' IiMais aiors-So;' I say, Iivous pariez
with her, I spot the headline on the cover of a local fram;ais-you speak French:' IiNo;' she answers, and,
tourism brochure, written in Japanese and English. once again in a perfect accent, says IiHabio espaflOi- I
Japanese has Chinese characters in its writing system speak Spanish:' Fantastic! liyo tambh~n-me, too," I
and I can read Chinese, so I immediately notice that tell her. We've found common ground, and race into
the characters for the Japanese word IiChiba" mean an extended conversation.
IiOne Thousand Leaves:' As shy as Michiko is in English, she's confident
and funny when she speaks in Spanish. It
has been observed that we often change
personalities when we switch languages. I
don't speak any Japanese, so I don't know
what Michiko is like in her mother tongue.
In the third tongue of Spanish, however,
we blast past not just linguistic but cultural
differences to have a real conversation.
This isn't the first time I've experienced
the thrill of connecting with someone in
a third-party tongue, which is what I call
a common language that's nonnative to
both speakers. Since I believe every trav-
eler should speak other languages, I have
spent years learning two myself, Spanish
and Cantonese. When I'm in Madrid or
Guangzhou, I do my best to keep up with

Chapter 7 • Classroom Communication 75

the rapid, slangy conversation of native speakers. I
lean forward into the conversations and listen with
all my concentration and heart, but after a while of
struggling I become exhausted and frustrated, and
soon give up.
The not-native-to-either-party language is like a
neutral territory, a halfway point where the joys and
difficulties of communication are shared equally.
I speak more slowly, knowing that my listeners
may not "hear" me like a native; they do the same.
As a traveler, I want my words to bring me closer to
people, so I grab every chance I get to use that most
democratic and liberating language of all, the third
tongue. Sometimes just finding a third tongue can
be an adventure. One day in India's northern state of
Rajasthan, I suddenly heard a very familiar rhythm Back in the bus with Michiko, we finally arrive at
of sounds. I turned and found four European women our destination. We fallout of Spanish and back into
discussing the architectural details of a temple in our mother languages and our roles: the local person
Spanish. I greeted them with an I/jHolaf" and we and the foreign tourist. Now, though, we know the
ended up having lunch together. third tongue will be there when we need it.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. In what ways does the information in the article provide support for the ideas
introduced in the lecture regarding cross-cultural communication?
2. Does anything in the article refute the ideas introduced in the lecture? If so, what?
Be specific.
3. The article addresses the advantages of communicating in a third tongue. Using
what you have learned from the lecture, discuss the possible disadvantages.

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic, or plan and present a presentation to inform the class about
the topic.

1. Classroom communication patterns in your culture or in another culture in which

you have an interest
2. Nonverbal communication in your culture as compared to another culture in which
you have an interest
3. A comparison of business communication patterns in two cultures
4. Another related topic that interests you or your group

76 Unit 4. Communication
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. In your culture, what kinds of games do

little girls play? Do little boys play the
same kinds of games? If not, how are the
games of boys and girls different?

Gender and 2. Look at the title of the chapter. Is male-

female communication a type of cross-
Communication cultural communication? Explain.
3. In your culture, is there a difference
Male-Female in the way that men and women
communicate in different situations, for
Conversation as example, in a business meeting, at a
Cross-cu Itu ra I party, in a class seminar or small class,
at a family dinner? Explain your answers.

o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary from the
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. Boys learn to be and girls learn to be as

they grow to be men and women.
2. Children learn how to talk to other children or adults, and how to have
conversations, not only from their parents, but also from their _
3. Deborah Tannen and other researchers on this topic have found that young boys
tend to play outside the home rather than in, and they play in large groups that are
_______ structured.
4. It is by giving orders and making the other boys play by the rules that boys achieve
higher and more status in the play group.
5. Boys also achieve by taking center
6. The boys were making slingshots; the girls were making _
7. The girls making the rings were more
8. As a result of our cultural , we learn norms of behavior and
patterns of communication that are often gender based, and sometimes gender

9. Well, perhaps it is our social concept of what is feminine and what is masculine
that reinforces the that women talk more than men, and even
causes these different patterns of communication.
10. This means that a Zulu wife must and find other ways to say
these things.

() Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 77 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

78 Unit 4. Communication

Contrast Cues and Charts

Listen for cues that show a lecturer is expressing a contrast, or difference, between
two things. Make sure your notes reflect this relationship clearly by using the
symbols below.

Cues to listen for Notes

different/ differently / difference F PI-r-r
less/fewer (than)/not as ... as t... -t
-er / more (than) > -r l'
on the other hand/however -t 5UT
the (exact) opposite F
A chart with side-by-side lists helps make contrasts clear. You can organize your notes
in a chart after the lecture. Use symbols for contrasts and indents for main ideas and
supporting details.

501~: IJI"39r-P~ 01Ate;ide, l' hier-ar-u,-teader--or-dK F Griy-(<;:~m 3r-P~ or- 2.~,

-t 'hier-ar-ih. fx: hOP~0 jlAmp r-p, take- f1Ar-n-~1A33~not or-dr-
Grir-I~ 50~~
• ~m 3.r-p~ or- 2.~ • 1r-33.r-p~
• -t l1ier-ar-u, =" take- f1Ar-n,~1AJ3~ • 1" l1ier-ar-u, =" leade,,", or-dK
fx: hOP~0 jlAmp r-p
• -r olAte;ide
Use the same order in each column. If something is mentioned for only one of the
things being compared, put that point at the end.

o On a separate piece of paper, reorganize the notes in the chart below to show
comparisons in the same order, side-by-side.

50~<; Grir-I~
• -rtalle. joke-, ~tor-j Grame~ - no win!lo~eK
• -r or-dK
• dom e-.onv-intew Comm Stjl~
Grame~ • -t dir- or-dK
• win!lo<;er-~ . l' ~1A33~
• -r Jl"lAle~

0 Listen to a part of the lecture for the notes below. Rewrite the notes as a chart.

R.~r-u,: Mit Groodwin-e-.omp DOj~!3ir-l~ta~le.. 50j~="make- ~1~hot!Grir-I~-=jewlr-1

50j~-hier-ar-u,!lder- tid what & how F Griy-(~-e3al-ev ~1AJ3~;Ii~t & ae-upt ~1A33

Chapter 8. Gender and Communication 79



CD 3, TR 15
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
Social Concepts Reinforce
What are women taught
about how to be feminine?

Feminine/Masculine behavior

Example from Zulu culture

_ _s __

Slide# __
Learning to Communicate
How do boys achieve
Through Play
status when playing?

Boys' play
• large groups
• hierarchy

Girls' play
• small groups
• take turns

80 Unit 4 • Communication
--- _.~~-~" ~- - --- -- - -
Slide #
Are the stereotypes
Talk time about how much women
talk accurate?

Slide# __

How are communication

Differences in patterns learned?

How communication
patterns are learned

Slide# __

What was the main finding

of the Eakins' study?

Eakins' study


Chapter 8. Gender and Communication 81

CD 3, TR 16
Now that you've listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper .


CD 3, TR 17
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (v') next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b. c.
who tlk.-e:;& ivdryt move;? The e:;teveotjpe ,e:;woman Men Women
e:;teveotjpe ='" women > men take u,ntev e:;ta3e Dj talk- & intvpt talk- & intvpt
talleil1j & intel'YlApt Dut '- women '- men
vee:;eavd1 e:;how oppoe:;ite
vealitj ='" men > women (e:;teveo) (me)

2. a.
Male pvoK r'male pvoK;:#=-1 (6uleine:;) 7 univ' fac- mt3e:;;:#=-1
• talkd 10.MJ-17.o7 e:;ec- • talkd 3-10 e:;ec-;:#=-2 (Simeone) univ' dept mt3e:;;:#=-2
• 1&1. e:;aidthej talkd • 151. e:;aidthej talked

b.; :#=-1;:#=-2

6u1ei ne:; Simeone
7 univ' fac- mt3e:;; timed who talked univ' dept mt3e:; - who e:;aidthej talkd?
male pvof: 10.&&-17.07 e:;ec- male pvof: 1&1.
f'male " : 3-10 e:;ec- f'male " : 151.

3. a. b.
Men Women Cult ~pec-
t/UIt e:;aje:;tl lei I1jI t/UIt e:;aje:;tl lei I1jI Mae:;t/Uline vole "Feminine vole
inrrpt ok- intvpt NOT ok- expec-ted ='" l' talk- expec-ted ='" --.J.,talk-
not c-vitic- fov c-vit,c- fov & inrrpt & Inrrpt
tl lei I1j/i nrrpt tlleil1j/inrrpf; ev'en SO SO
if jue:;t a liHle --.J.,t/Viti0 ev'en if l' c-viti0 ev'en if
thej do it l' thej do it--.J.,

82 Unit 4 • Communication
CD 3, TR 18

You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. from conversations 5. a. to make others laugh

b. from brothers and sisters b. to make friends
c. from parents and other children c. to achieve status

2. a. They play together a lot. 6. a. a little girl playing hopscotch

b. They prefer same-sex groups. b. a little boy making a slingshot
c. They rarely play together. c. a little boy or girl playing house

3. a. Girls are less hierarchical. 7. a. Women are encouraged to talk.

b. Girls don't care who wins. b. Men talk and interrupt more.
c. Girls enjoy team sports more. c. Women talk and interrupt more.

4. a. Girls suggest, but boys order. 8. a. family relationships

b. Girls talk more. b. gender in communication
c. Boys argue more. c. an unequal society

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. What stereotypes do you have in your culture about how women communicate?
About men? Do you think these stereotypes are an accurate description of male and
female communication patterns? Why or why not?

2. What are some of the differences in the ways that women and men communicate in
your culture?

3. Based on what was said in the lecture, do you think that Deborah Tannen would
support single-sex education-that is, having all-boy and all-girl schools? Why or
why not?

4. In your culture, are single-sex schools common? Would you prefer your children to
be educated in a single-sex school, or a mixed-sex one? Why?

Chapter 8 • Gender and Communication 83



The following Reading is about a study on group intelligence. Before you read,
answer the following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the title of the article. Write two things that you expect to learn from
the article.
2. Based on what you learned in the lecture, do you think groups with more female
than male members would be better at thought-based tasks such as visual puzzles?

Now read the article.

Smarter Teams Are More Sensitive, Have More Women?

Being smart doesn't matter much if you're work- Anita Williams Woolley, an expert in collective intel-
ing in a group, according to the first study to calculate ligence at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
collective intelligence-a group's ability to succeed at Particularly intelligent groups also had more people
a variety of tasks. who took turns speaking, according to the study, pub-
Surprisingly, in a team an individual's intelligence lished in the journal Science. "There's such a focus on
has little to do with success in thought-based tasks individual intelligence and individual accomplish-
such as visual puzzles and negotiating over limited ment, especially in western culture:' she said. "Asour
resources, a set of recent experiments found. Instead, world becomes flatter and more interconnected, it's
a group is more successful if it contains people not as important to consider what an individual can
who are more "socially sensitive" -in this case do by themselves but what they can do collectively:'
meaning they're better able to read emotions from
people's faces. Calculating Collective Intelligence
That also explains why groups with more Individual intelligence is measured by the ability
women-who score higher on tests of social sensi- of a person to do multiple tasks well, Woolley said. To
tivity-were more likely to excel, said study leader see if the same would be true of groups, Woolley and
colleagues recruited 699 volunteers and first mea- decisions in fields such as business and the military
sured each person's intelligence and social sensitivity are made in consensus-based settings, she said. For
using standard psychological tests. instance, knowing a group's collective intelligence
The volunteers were then split into groups of could be vital in a high-risk situation where poor
two to five and asked to do some simple tasks, such performance could mean failure, such as starting a
as solving a visual puzzle. The results revealed that new business.
certain groups were better at all types of tasks, which
is the "primary evidence for the notion of collective Group Smarts Rooted in Animal Kingdom
intelligence:' Woolley said. Next, the groups were Group intelligence may also be rooted in the past.
each asked to perform more complex tasks, which For instance, "You can't be really good at hunting
included playing a video game against an imaginary but not good at gathering:' Woolley said. "Figuring
opponent and solving a research-and-develop- out how to more flexibly deploy the skills available
ment problem. As suspected, the groups' collective through members of groups would be associated
intelligence scores from the first round of tests pre- with survival:'
dicted how they'd do on the complex experiments, Likewise, Woolley said, the study is evidence that
Woolley said. human societies may function better in groups. "It's
no mistake that some of the earlier work on collective
Findings May Benefit Real-World Groups intelligence does borrow from the animal kingdom:'
This ability to predict group success may offer For instance, "ants are simple creatures but collec-
guidance in real-life situations-especially as more tively can accomplish things that are amazing:'

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. How does the information in the article provide support for the ideas introduced in
the lecture regarding male-female patterns of communication?

2. Did anything in the article surprise you because it seemed different from what you
heard in the lecture? If so, what? Be specific.

3. The study's findings seem to suggest that strong communication skills, both verbal
and nonverbal, are related to intelligence. Based on what you have learned from the
lecture, why do you think that might be true?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic, or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

1. The role of communication in collective intelligence (also known as

swarm intelligence)

2. Male and female communication patterns in Zulu culture

3. Classroom communication in your culture or in another culture in which you have

an interest

4. Another related topic that interests you or your group

Chapter 8 • Gender and Communication 85


Twitter is a form of communication in which people write short messages, called
Tweets. Answer these questions about Tweets with a partner.
1. What do you know about Tweets, and how to write them?
2. Do you have a Twitter account? If so, what do you Tweet about?
3. Can you name any famous people who Tweet? What sorts of things do they
Tweet about?
4. Do you think Tweeting is easy, fun, or silly? Why or why not?

o Read the definitions of these vocabulary words and phrases that you will hear
during the video.

a real-time narrative a story told at the same time that an event is happening
memoir a written story of the events in someone's life
a pro a person with professional skill at doing something
tips pieces of useful advice
eclipse cover or block something that is more important
a wildebeest carcass the dead body of a large African animal with curving horns,
also called a gnu
there was no reception cell phones couldn't operate because there was no signal
obsessed thinking about only one particular thing and not anything else
unplug periodically to take a break from using electronic devices sometimes

. ,. -, -'-"'~r-'-~'-'~ ~".~!)',?'- ,.. -, .-"~ "- -

Z:1:;;. ,~.lr1l1:~.c~~ '" 1
., "..-: ", , ~
'J w

, .,
. ~ - $
Q Work with a partner and write in the blank the word from the box that best
completes the sentence.

event record river Tweets

explorers remember technology video

1. The early wrote memoirs, but modern writers like to write

real-time narratives.
2. It is difficult to be a pro at writing _

3. There was no reception anywhere, except for one place, which was down by the
________ , next to a wildebeest carcass.

4. It's possible to use modern too much. Let me give you an

important tip: to unplug periodically.

5. Don't become so obsessed with trying to an experience by

writing or shooting that you allow your obsession to eclipse
your ability to experience the _

Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner. Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.

Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.
1. Now this follows an ancient form of poetry. But it's very short
and it has all the great ingredients of a Tweet, of _

2. And I've Tweeted-not underwater, that doesn't work yet, but almost. I Tweeted in
________ time while flying a plane, in French.

3. And they always wanted to drive by the carcass, because the carcass for whatever
________ had coverage. So
they could always _
their e-mail and their Tweets
whenever we got by the carcass.
4. We take much better pictures than
_______ do. We feel a
place. We have these
Complete these notes as you watch the video. Use abbreviations and symbols as necessary.

VC;e- Twi-fte-v-
• ov-i3 N0 e-XpIOV-e-K - /ce.e.p jt.f n1 I, wvt ble-Iate-v- "" rYle-rYl
• A. 6-. - v-e-al tirYle- rYle-rYl, _
t...-v-nin;J to Twe-e-t (c;e-nt 5000 fv- pc... to Antav-e..-tiC-t1)
• Twi-fte-v- "" c;hovt "" 110 _
• ln1d fv- , e-3 rtai/:::1f (Jap) iC; _
• C;e-t C;ta3e-

• plae..-e-

• wav-ae..-te-v-

1. be- me-v-e-
2. c;hav-'3 rYllAc;tnot _
- 6-X jOlAynalic;tc; w
• rYllC;C;be-alAtj & _
• no phone- v-e-e..-p- 1 c;pot; obc;e-c;c;e-d & _
3. if obc;e-c;c;e-d w jOIA _
1. IAnp11A3'be-C-t1IAc;e- _


Use your notes to create an oral summary of the video with your partner. As you work
together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. How is Andrew Evans similar to the first National Geographic explorers? How is
he different?
2. Write a Tweet. Use Andrew's tips for writing a good Tweet. Remember, you can only
use 140 characters or less.
3. What are Andrew Evans' tips for being a good digital nomad? Do you agree that
people need to "unplug"? Why or why not?
4. Andrew says, "Never let sharing the experience eclipse having the experience." What
does he mean? Do you think this is a problem? Give examples.
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. Why do people look the way they do? Why

do you look similar to, but different from,
your parents, brothers, and sisters?
2. Look at the title of this chapter. Can you
guess who Mendel was and how his study
The Origins of of pea plants furthered our understanding of
heredity and genetics?
3. How can an understanding of genetics
Mendel and help agriculture?

the Garden Pea


90 Unit 5 • Biology
o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary from the
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.

1. determine how every living creature on earth appears, how it

functions, how it , and generally, how it behaves.

2. Inherited , or characteristics, are determined by

________ of genes that are different for every human being.

3. The scientists who study how genes are and passed from one
generation to the next are called _

4. I want to and briefly examine the work of a

________ in biology, Gregor Mendel.

5. Mendel studied science at the University of Vienna, and there he learned how to
use mathematics to try to explain natural _

6. When a variety of garden pea that had violet flowers was with
a variety that had white flowers, all the surprisingly had only
violet flowers.

7. Mendel applied his knowledge of mathematics and statistics to help him

________ the results of the of the white-flowering
and violet-flowering plants.

8. The pea plants could be quickly, and with little effort.

9. We now know that genes are tiny structures inside each cell
that determine eye color, blood type, height, and so on.

10. A person may have a genetic toward being overweight, but the
person's actual weight will depend on a number of environmental

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 90 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

Chapter 9 • The Origins of Genetics 91


In the course of a lecture, you will almost always hear examples that explain or
reinforce an important point. Here is some language a lecturer might use to introduce
an example:
For example, . . . . .. like ... Let me give you an example ....
. . . including. . . . .. such as ...
When you hear a lecturer use any of these phrases, use one of the following
abbreviations in your notes to show you are recording an example:
e:-X - rov ex - eJ -
Remember that examples support a main point.
• List them under the related main point in your notes.
• Indent them to show that they are less important than the main point.
• Leave extra room so that you can later add examples or details you may
have missed.

o Look at the lecture notes below. With a partner, read the notes out loud as
sentences. Think of some possible examples the lecturer might give. Write them
on a separate paper.

1. berw:;-pa~~ed dn - 3enev -7 3enev - eJ . . .

3. We Dveed anlYll~to De De1tev-rov ex vau,hov~e: > . . .

4. bavden pea: lYIanj tvait~ wi 2. diff fovlYl~- eJ . . .

5. Pev~ c..-nhv 3enet tend to OVV~ BUT al~o dep on envivon: e:-X ...

4) Listen to the sentences from the lecture for the notes in A above. Write the
examples that you hear in the space under the notes. Remember to indent.
Compare the examples you heard with those you wrote on a separate paper.
Were some of your predictions in A correct?

92 Unit 5 • Biology
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
The Garden Pea
What is one reason why
Experiments Mendel used pea plants in
his experiments?
Thomas Knight
• Unexplained results

Gregor Mendel
• Repeated Knight
• Applied statistical

Advantages of pea plant

Slide# __
What Are Genes?
What do genes determine?
What genes do


Genes are

Field of

Chapter 9 • The Origins of Genetics 93

Slide# __
Genetics Today
Do we understand
genetics and heredity
What we learned from Mendel
completely today?
Genes and heredity

Nongenetic factors that influence who we are

Slide# __
Gregor Mendel
How are Mendel's
(1822-1884) principles referred
to today?
Early experiments
with pea plants

• Teacher
• Study at University
of Vienna

Slide# __
Interest in How Heredity What example does the
Works lecturer use to illustrate
how heredity works in
Examples an animal?
• Crops
• Animals

94 Unit 5 • Biology
•• w
CD4, TR4
Now that you have listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper .

•• w
CD 4, TR 5
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.I) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b.
0<; 0<; fnd in u,1I<; of Dod
• In Dd u,1I<; Md of deok.<;~_ ?
• Md of DNA- (=in<;tve; fov 0<;) In<;tve;eae-h u,1I <;upp0<;d...?
• Inhev'd 0<; pa<;<;ddn
6-X - halv CA)I
Inhev int tv+<; fVM 3vMothifath

2. a. b. c.
Mendel -Intv - <;ee vi Man Mendel Mendel
1613 Dec.-aMeMonk. 1612 Monk. - teae-h
1651 - Un/v' Vien 1651 Un/v' V/en - Math &
Math & expev Diol Diol
2 ~v<;- left un.
• nVv'<;tak. exaM
• DC--M faMou<; <;c..i

3. a. b.
TM Kn'3ht - pea flwv exp: TM Kn'3ht exp w(v'/ol & wh pea flwv<;
v'iol fl X who fl = all v' off<;pv (0
5UT v' X v' off<;pv = v' & w (0
- w veapp - K e--dnt expl 1. all G (0
5UT 1. ~ X c(j]
2. Doth [f? & ~ (!?- K)

Chapter 9 • The Origins of Genetics 95

- --



CD 4, TR 6
You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. our DNA 5. a. mathematics

b. how living creatures function b. biology
c. everything about us c. both a and b
2. a. They are identical. 6. a. Their inherited traits are predictable.
b. They are unique to each person. b. They are always either violet or white.
c. Most are the same in all people. c. They reproduce very quickly.
3. a. They are completely different. 7. a. to breed stronger animals
b. Many are the same. b. to win races
c. They are 97 percent the same. c. to grow wheat instead of corn
4. a. more than 200 years old 8. a. body weight
b. less than 40 years old b. eye color
c. less than 200 years old c. height

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with a partner. As you
work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. What evidence do you see for heredity in your family? Discuss physical and
behavioral or intellectual traits.
2. The lecturer described Thomas Knight's experiments crossing plants with violet and
white flowers, and pointed out his confusion when the white flowers reappeared
in the second generation. Can you or any of your classmates explain why this
happened? Review the experiment and discuss.
3. The lecturer states that most of what we know today about genetics has been
learned in the past few decades. Why do you think this is true?

96 Unit 5 • Biology
, -


The following Reading is about how genetic patterns can be traced through
human history. Before you read, answer the following questions. Share your
answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the picture of a cell below. Can you identify the different parts of the cell?
Where are the genes?

2. Scan the article and locate the two subtitles. For each subtitle, write a question that
you would like to have answered.

Now read the article.

Genes and Population Genetics

The human body is made of some 50 to 100 genome sets the human body apart from those of
trillion cells, which form the basic units of life and other animals.
combine to form more complex tissues and organs. Most cells have similar basic structure. An outer
Inside each cell, genes comprise a "blueprint" for layer, called the cell membrane, contains fluid called
protein production that determines how the cell cytoplasm. Within the cytoplasm are many different
will function. Genes also determine physical traits. specialized "little organs;' called organelles. The most
The complete set of some 20,000 to 25,000 genes is important of these is the nucleus, which controls the
called the genome. Only a tiny fraction of the total cell and houses the genetic material in structures
called chromosomes. Another type of
Cut-away view organelle is the mitochondria. These "cel-
of a human cell lular power plants" have their own genome,
and do not recombine during reproduction.
• During reproduction, each cell's DNA,
which is in the form of a double helix,
separates into two unique strands. The
individual strands duplicate themselves for
the next generation, but the process is not
always perfect. Random "copying errors;'
or mutations, can and do occur along
the genome's long spelling sequence of
base pairs.
When mutations are passed down
through the generations they become
genetic markers of descent, forming a
complex story that can be traced backward
in time. The exact shape of this tree is also
affected by natural selection and migration.

Chapter 9 • The Origins of Genetics 97

Natural selection
Natural selection is a process that favors ben-
eficial genetic mutations and limits harmful ones.
Organisms that possess an advantageous trait
either attract mates more easily or survive in greater
numbers. Such traits are passed on to increasingly
larger numbers of individuals with each successive
generation. The cumulative effect of natural selection
produces populations that have evolved to succeed in
their unique environments. This effect is readily seen signposts for tracing human evolution. By following a
in the physical diversity of plants, animal species, and marker back though time to its origin, geneticists can
human populations worldwide. identify the most recent common ancestor of every-
one alive who carries a given marker. The divergent
Migration branches of the human family tree, represented by
V-chromosome DNA, passed from father to son, groups carrying a particular genetic marker, can be
and mitochondrial DNA, passed from a mother to all followed back to "nodes" on the tree where a muta-
her children, are varied through the generations only tion split a branch into two directions. Eventually,
by occasional natural mutations, or genetic markers. these branches can be followed backward all the
These mutations, occurring in an otherwise contin- way to a common African root-a common ancestor
uous string of genetic replication, serve as genetic of us all.

Discuss these questions with a classmate.

,. How much of the article was a review of what you heard in the lecture?
2. What information in the reading surprised you?
3. Compare the concepts of natural selection, discussed in the reading, with selective
breeding, discussed in the lecture. How are they similar and how do they differ? Do
humans always make good choices when they breed animals and plants?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic, or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

,. Research the mechanism of recessive inheritance and try to find examples of

recessive traits that you share with your grandparents and not your parents.
2. Choose an area of the world that has a distinctive physical environment and
research its plant and animal species. Analyze how the species have adapted to
their environment.
3. Choose another related topic that interests you or your group.

98 Unit 5 • Biology
Answer the following questions with a
partner or your classmates.

1. Look at the title of this chapter. How do

you think the term playing roulette relates
to genetic engineering?

2. Discuss what you see in the photograph

tc;enetic on this page. Why do you think this fish
was developed?
IEngineering 3. What advantages and disadvantages
does genetically engineered food
Playing Roulette present, in your opinion?

'Nith Mother
l\Jature's Designs?

o Read through the sentences below, which are missing vocabulary
lecture. Listen to the sentences and write the missing words in the blanks.
from the

1. I'll be touching on some of the important advances that have been made in recent
years using genetic engineering, and also some of the that
have arisen.
2. The new DNA causes the to function in a different way, and
this function or trait can then be inherited by generations.
3. One way to increase is to make plants to
disease so that more of the crop survives and is harvested.
4. Transgenic Bt crops produce enough to actually kill the
harmful insect, so farmers don't need to spray their crops with _
5. If it is approved by the FDA-that's the U.S. government agency that
________ food-the genetically modified salmon would be the first
genetically altered animal to be approved for human in the
United States.
6. The genetically altered fish has never been eaten before, and it could cause
dangerous , especially because seafood tends to be quite

7. are concerned that the fish will escape and breed with the
wild salmon population, which is already _
8. The FDA granted marketing approval for goat antithrombin, the
first drug to be produced in genetically modified _
9. have questions about gene therapy.
10. How long will it be before we're -and maybe selecting-
human for characteristics such as physical strength?

o Check the spelling of the vocabulary words with your teacher. Discuss the
meanings of these words and any other unfamiliar words in the sentences.

Think about the questions in the Topic Preview on page 99 and the sentences
you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will
be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.

100 Unit 5 • Biology


Vocabulary: Recovering Meaning as You Listen

When an unfamiliar word or expression is used in a lecture, the lecturer will often
follow it with a synonym or a definition, using a signal word or phrase. For example:
... , or ...
. . . , that is, ...
. . . ; in other words ...

The synonym or definition will usually follow a pause and echo the stress and
intonation of the word being defined. The lecturer is "replaying" the information by
substituting the definition in place of the unfamiliar word or expression. Sometimes
a lecturer will pause before a synonym or a definition, but not use a signal word.
For example:
." "'" ." "'"
... the production of pharmaceuticals [pause] drugs [pause] by genetic engineering ...
Be sure to pay attention to how an unfamiliar word is used in a sentence. You can
usually learn enough of the meaning this way to follow the lecture.

Try not to spend time writing an unfamiliar word or expression. Just write the first
letters and leave space with a question mark. Listen for a definition to put in the
space. If you don't hear one, you can ask a classmate or the lecturer later.

o Read the phrases on the left, which contain words that may be unfamiliar.
Draw a line to match each phrase on the left with a phrase on the right that
explains it.

some controversies that have arisen, uh, where the effect is on the body of only a
particular individual
it develops a resistance to the toxin-
in other words specific concerns that some people have

This can be done in somatic cells, that is, it takes more to kill it

I.)~ o Listen to the sentences from the lecture, which contain explanations of the
CD 4, TR8
words and expressions below. Take brief notes showing the meaning of
each word.

1. transgenic: _

2. drought: _

3. germ line cells: _

4. cloning: _

5. antithrombin: _

Chapter 10. Genetic Engineering 101




CD 4, TR 9
Listen to the lecture and number the slides on this page and the next in the
order they would be shown during the lecture. Write the number of the slide on
the line provided and answer the question to the right of the slide.

Slide# __
Genetically Mod ified
What percent of the cotton
grown in the United States
is genetically modified?
Uses of genetic modification

In agriculture - CMOs
• examples
• main goal of CM

Slide# __
Genetic Eng i neeri ng
Name one of the fields in
which genetic engineering
has made great advances,
• advances
• concerns

102 Unit 5 • Biology

Slide# __

What is the fastest growing

area of agriculture today?
Main goal

Specific modifications
• examples

Concerns about GM

Slide #

How successful are the

technology and use of
Gene therapy gene therapy today?

• in somatic cells
or reproductive
• current uses

Ethical concerns:
playing roulette
with nature?

~ - ~~~~ - ~ ~._-- -- - - -~7 ------ r ~

Slide# __
Genetic Engineering in
Medicine , Name two human diseases
-' ~" ~.,. for which mouse models
Pharmaceuticals have been developed.

• "pharming" defined
• examples
Animal models
• "knockout mouse"
• research on
human diseases

Chapter 10. Genetic Engineering 103

CD 4, TR 10
Now that you have listened to the lecture once, listen to it again and take notes.
Write on a separate piece of paper.

CD 4, TR 11
You will hear parts of the lecture again. Look through your notes as you listen. A
notetaking mentor will discuss the notes. Circle the answer that is closest to the
notes you took, and put a check (.I) next to the notes that the mentor wrote.

1. a. b.
/..-e,c.- t rye V1A : 0enet en.9.
• what i<;(
0enet en.9in)~
• defn
• impor-. adv'anc..-(r-Ult)
• impvt VUlt adv'~ (ClJV & med) • c..onUl<;
• -6(}- ppl<;' c..onc..-'n<;
pr-ac..-t& ethic..-I
pvac..-t & ethic..-' I Pr-~c..-t<;:ClJr-& medUl

2. a. b.
Wh~ 0MO<;( 71 fd pvod - wvld pop 71, ClJv C-on<;idr- wh~ modf fd<; & how
land ';,} 30al<; of 06- in a3y.
• <;pe..-fc..-
rtow 71 pvod( • how 0MO<; achv' 30al<; or- rr~
• c..onc..-evn<;
0M --7 dz/in<;c..-t ve<;i<;t
ex, Bt c..ovn, potaf; etc..-. Bt k.ill<; in<;c..-f;dnt Pr-im 30al: l' fd pr-od (avea a3 --1, wvld pop 1')
need <;pva~. BlAt PRBl-M: Bt-ve<;i<;t - ex rtoW( m/c. pint<; di<; & in<; r-e<;i<;t - ~
c..otn India 131 - toxin k.ill<; bad in<;c..-t<;BLJI or-3 -r
toxin ='" r-e<;i<;t to tox

3. a. b.
favma<;1A..( phavmin.9 - 3enet en.9 06- dYlA3<;C(phar-min.9)')
='" a3r-ic..-pr-od of phan¥l...? dYlA3<; 1. lA<;fl dYlA3-Pr-od 3n
3n m/c.<;dYlA3 - dr-3 in ho<;t pint I anim - 2. PlAt " in anm1/plnt
pint I anml m/c.<;dr-3
3. " pr-od<;dYlA3
';,}$$ thn in lab
If nd mv dr-3' c..-Ione tech to r-epr-od
nd 71 dV3( G-Ione plnt/anml
6-X -<;afflower- - m/c.<;in<;
• rran<;3en 30at ( annthr-o - pr-ot - 6-X: -<;affl (oil) --7 in<;lAlin
pr-ev'ent bid c..-It<; -X3en 30at --7 antithr-om_C?) - in ml/c.

104 Unit 5 • Biology

You will hear questions about the lecture. Answer each question by referring to
the notes that you took while listening to the lecture.

1. a. protein from another plant or animal 5. a. They kill harmful insects.

b. DNA from another plant or animal b. They tend to be less healthy.
c. toxins from another plant or animal c. Insects develop resistance to them.
2. a. engineering 6. a. It may cause allergies.
b. medicine b. It may be toxic.
c. agriculture c. Both a. and b.
3. a. to produce more food 7. a. tendency to be overweight
b. to produce healthier livestock b. immune deficiency
c. to produce improved crops c. mental depression
4. a. goats 8. a. screening embryos
b. soybeans b. treating disease
c. sheep c. determining eye or hair color

Use your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. Do you know whether genetically modified foods are sold in your country? How do
you feel about eating GM food products?

2. The lecturer mentions that critics of transgenic salmon refer to it as "Frankenfish."

Discuss what this reference means. Do you agree with the critics? Why or why not?
3. The lecturer asks, "Are we playing roulette with Mother Nature?" Discuss what this
means and give your opinion.

Chapter 10. Genetic Engineering 105


The following Reading is about transgenic crops and animals. Before you read,
answer the following questions. Share your answers with a classmate.

1. Look at the title of the article and the photograph on the next page. Write two things
that you expect to learn about transgenic crops from the article.
2. In the lecture, the speaker presented some advantages and disadvantages associated
with genetically modified organisms. Which are you interested in learning about
more: advantages or disadvantages? Explain.

Now read the article.

Food: How Altered?

In the brave new world of genetic engineering, Most people in the United States don't realize
Dean DellaPenna envisions this cornucopia: toma- that they've been eating genetically engineered
toes and broccoli bursting with cancer-fighting foods since the mid-1990s. And in fact, genetic mod-
chemicals and vitamin-enhanced crops of rice, ification is much older than that. Humans have been
sweet potatoes, and cassava to help nourish the poor. altering the genetic makeup of plants for millennia,
He sees wheat, soy, and peanuts free of allergens; keeping seeds from the best crops and planting
bananas that deliver vaccines; and vegetable oils them in following years, breeding and crossbreeding
so loaded with therapeutic ingredients that doctors varieties to make them taste sweeter, grow bigger, last
"prescribe" them for patients at risk for cancer and longer. But the technique of genetic engineering is
heart disease. A plant biochemist at Michigan State new and quite different from conventional breeding.
University, DellaPenna believes that genetically engi- Traditional breeders cross-related organisms whose
neered foods are the key to the next wave of advances genetic makeups are similar. In so doing, they trans-
in agriculture and health. fer tens of thousands of genes. By contrast, today's
While DellaPenna and many others see great genetic engineers can transfer just a few genes at a
potential in the products of this new biotechnology, time between species that are distantly related or not
some see uncertainty, even danger. In North America related at all.
and Europe, the value and impact of genetically The engineered organisms produced by trans-
engineered food crops have become subjects of ferring genes between species are referred to as
intense debate, provoking reactions from unbridled "transgenic:' Several dozen transgenic food crops
optimism to fervent political opposition. are currently on the market, among them varieties
Just what are genetically engineered foods, of corn, squash, canola, soybeans, and cotton, from
and who is eating them? What do we know about which cottonseed oil is produced. Most of these crops
their benefits-and their risks? What effect might are engineered to help farmers deal with age-old
engineered plants have on the environment and on agriculture problems: weeds, insects, and disease.
agricultural practices around the world? Can they With the new tools of genetic engineering, scien-
help solve the problem of feeding and preserving the tists have also created transgenic animals. Atlantic
health of the Earth's burgeoning population? salmon grow more slowly during the winter, but

106 Unit 5 • Biology

Whether biotech foods will
deliver on their promise of
eliminating world hunger and
bettering the lives of all remains
to be seen. Their potential is
enormous, yet they carry risks-
and we may pay for accidents
or errors in judgment in ways
we cannot yet imagine. But the
biggest mistake of all would be
to blindly reject or endorse this
engineered salmon, "improved" by the insertion of new technology. If we analyze carefully how, where,
modified growth-hormone genes from other fish, and why we introduce genetically altered products,
reach market size in about half the normal time [see and if we test them thoroughly and judge them
the photo on page 99]. These transgenic salmon have wisely, we can weigh their risks against their benefits
not yet entered the market. to those who need them most.

Discussthese questions with a classmate.

1. What is Dean DellaPenna's attitude about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

How does his attitude compare with that of the lecturer?

2. How would you compare the attitudes of the author and the lecturer toward GMOs?
Support your opinion.

3. What did you learn from the article that you didn't hear in the lecture?

Individually or in a group, research one of the following topics. Write a short
paper on the topic, or plan and present a group presentation to inform the class
about the topic.

1. Labeling of GM food products: What laws exist in the United States?In

other countries?

2. Animal models of human diseases: What diseases are being researched today? Is
progress being made?

3. Genetically modified salmon: At the time this lecture was given, the U.S. FDA
had not yet approved the sale of GM salmon. Has that changed? Is GM salmon
still controversial?

4. Gene therapy: What recent advances (if any) have been made? What risks are
currently associated with gene therapy?

5. Choose another related topic that interests you or your group.

Chapter 10. Genetic Engineering 107


Fill in your family tree below. Then talk with a partner about what physical
traits, such as eye color or height, and personality traits, such as shyness or
friendliness, you have inherited from different members of your family.

o Read the definitions of these key words and phrases that you will hear during the video.

spring from come from

paleoanthropology the study of ancient humans, primarily through fossils
direct lines of descent series of people born in a family going back through time
from parent to child
ancestry relationships to people going back many generations into the past
genealogy the study of family history and relationships back through many generations
trace back follow back in time or place
pass it on to their children give their children the same DNA or genes as they have
lineages members of one's family going back through history from parent to child
maternal relating to a mother
paternal relating to a father
o Work with a partner and discuss answers to the following questions.

1. Are you interested in genealogy? How far can you trace back your family?
2. What is something that you would like to pass on to your children?

3. What sorts of things do you think a paleo anthropologist can discover?

4. Who in your culture comes from a famous lineage, in other words, they can trace
their line of descent back to someone famous?
5. Do you have any famous ancestry?

6. Have you ever heard the idea that humans spring from aliens who visited this
planet millions of years ago? What do you think of this idea?

7. What do you know about your paternal and maternal grandparents?

Watch the video, and then compare your first impressions with a partner. Talk
about what you remember, what surprised you, and what interested you.

Watch the video again. Listen for the missing words and write them in the blanks.

1. Well, historically, these questions have been approached through the study of stones
and --------

2. In our DNA, inside of nearly every cell in our body, DNA that we've
from those parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on, and this traces an
unbroken line of descent going back in _
3. So if you have mitochondrial DNA,
which everyone in the room does, you
got it from your _
and she got it from her

4. By looking at the pattern of these

genetic variants, these random
________ that have
occurred over time, on both of these
lineages, we can construct family
________ for everybody Map tracing prehistoric
alive today. migrations out of Africa
Complete these notes as you watch the video. Use abbreviations and symbols.

RQ<; ==' ttowexpl pafteVYI<;of '1

==' Ave we all ---------------------- '1
==' Whj ou- all '1

1) Po<;<;an<;w
a) <;-hdj of _
- Dut onlj lead<; to po<;<;F pvoD<;.
D) 3eneflu; -7 _

2.) beneflU; v<;3eneolo3j

a) 3en'/o3j -7 Dvid::. wall
D) DNA £:-an rrau, _
3) We £:-an <;tudj
a) mitou,ondvial DNA _
D) y-u,vomo<;ome fvom _
c..-)3eneflc..- vaviant<;

-7 _


Use your notes to create an oral summary of the video with your partner. As
you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you
had missed.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.

1. How does studying history through paleoanthropology and archaeology differ from
Spencer Wells' approach as a geneticist?
2. Spencer Wells says "it turns out there is a written document in effect, that we're all
carrying around inside of ourselves." What does he mean by this?
3. What do you know about how scientists' understanding of DNA has influenced the
fields of agriculture, medicine, and crime fighting?
, J,. ~,

, " :1 ,. ~
'\ j' t' ',: ~ , ,Co'


ImIiD 3. Related subjects are anatomy, biology, and

Anthropology: The Study of 4. Physical anthropologists study the evolution of the

human species.
Humans and Their Creations
5. One way they do this is by the comparative analysis
of fossils.

Anthropologists: Working in a FIRST LISTENING Page 5

Diverse Profession Lecturer: The Greek word for "man" is anthropos and the
word anthropology has been in the English language for
centuries. But just what does the word mean? Literally,

anthropology means "the study of man." However, as
British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead noted, "It
1. As Paul Bohannan, renowned anthropologist, pointed is a well-founded, historical generalization that the last
out a number of years ago, "Each science that deals thing to be discovered in any science is what the science
with people has its own definitions of human." is really about." And as Paul Bohannan, renowned
2. Anthropology attempts to be inclusive-the study of anthropologist, pointed out a number of years ago, "Each
human behavior in all places and throughout time. science that deals with people has its own definitions
of human. An economist," he explains, "defines a
3. Mostly the work of anthropologists is not glamorous
human as a choice-making animal. Philosophers
and involves repetitive and tedious activities.
define man as a rationalizing animal." Anthropology
4. In the modern day, anthropology is a recognized
attempts to be inclusive-the study of human behavior
social science with two broad fields and several
in all places and throughout time. It specializes in the
branches or subfields.
description of humanistic, scientific, biological, historical,
5. Archaeology is the study of different cultures through psychological, and social views of humans.
material sources rather than direct interviews or To paraphrase Barbara Miller's statement in her
observations of the group under study. textbook Cultural Anthropology, the popular impression of
6. Linguistics, as you probably know, is the study of anthropology is based mainly on movies and television
language as communication among humans. shows that depict anthropologists as adventurers and
7. Culture is learned and transmitted primarily heroes. Some do have adventures and discover treasures
through language. in Egyptian tombs and elsewhere, but mostly, their work
8. Ethnography is the systematic description of human is less glamorous and involves repetitive and tedious
societies, mostly based on firsthand fieldwork. activities. Until around the middle of the nineteenth
century, anthropology was a term used for all of the
9. It is important to note that there are several universals
humanities subjects. My lecture today explains the fields
common among all societies.
and branches of anthropology. We're going to begin by
10. So, you might ask, what are the practical applications
stating that anthropology is the study of human behavior
for such a broad field?
in all places and at all times.
Western civilization takes credit for the development
NOTETAKING PREPARATION Page 4 of anthropology, which, as a matter of fact, was a
4) relatively late science. Earlier Greek and Roman
philosophers were more interested in speculating about
1. The two broad fields are physical anthropology and
the ideal society rather than describing those known
cultural anthropology.
to them.
2. Physical anthropology is concerned with the
After the onset of the Age of Exploration, which
development of man as a mammal.
included the discovery of the Americas, as well as travel
to other distant places, the study of non-Western people

Audioscripts 111
began in earnest. In the modern day, anthropology is young with the skills and attitudes needed to carryon
a recognized social science with two broad fields and as adults.
several branches or subfields. So, you might ask, what are the practical applications
The two broad fields are physical anthropology and for such a broad field? The answer is that anthropology
cultural anthropology. Let me give you a brief description helps us plan the future and helps us contribute to
of each. Physical anthropology is concerned with the the solution of human problems. This newest area of
development of man as a mammal. Related subjects the study of man is applied anthropology. Formerly,
are anatomy, biology, and paleontology. Physical anthropology was limited to the academic field.
anthropologists study the evolution of the human species. Anthropologists were teachers or museum curators.
One way they do this is by the comparative analysis of But for the past several decades, large numbers of
fossils-preserved remnants of once-living creatures "anthro" graduates have been employed in fields such
and living primates, which include human beings or as urban planning and administration, health care,
Homo sapiens. Common fossils are shells, bones, and and international development. Most important is that
molds or imprints. These are found buried in the earth although anthropologists have taken up the task of
or permanently frozen in glaciers. Living primates are documenting the processes and changes of cultures past
analyzed in order to study the mechanics of evolution and present, they also provide the necessary insights into
and genetic differences among human populations. where the human species is heading.
Next let's talk about cultural anthropology. This field
is the study of learned behavior in human societies. SECOND LISTENING Page 7
Most cultural anthropologists limit themselves to a
See First Listening, above.
few geographic areas, for example, Margaret Mead in
Samoa and New Guinea, and Clyde Kluckhohn with the
Navajo Indians in the Southwestern United States.And, I THIRD LISTENING Page 7
should mention that Kluckhohn's work Mirror for Man is ImI
considered one of the best introductions to anthropology. Lecturer: Next let's talk about cultural anthropology.
Cultural anthropology and the scientific study of human This field is the study of learned behavior in human
culture will be discussed in more detail in our next societies. Most cultural anthropologists limit themselves
lecture. The subfields of cultural anthropology are to a few geographic areas, for example, Margaret Mead in
archaeology, linguistics, and ethnography. Samoa and New Guinea, and Clyde Kluckhohn with the
Now, archaeology is the study of different cultures Navajo Indians in the Southwestern United States.And, I
through material sources rather than direct interviews or should mention that Kluckhohn's work Mirror for Man is
observations of the group under study. One example of a considered one of the best introductions to anthropology.
famous archaeological site discovered in the last century
was King Tut's tomb near Luxor, Egypt, in 1922.
1. Look at number one. Which notes are similar to your
So, linguistics, as you probably know, is the study of
notes? Did you use abbreviations?
language as communication among humans. Culture is
Notes a are my notes. If you circled b, you are taking
learned and transmitted primarily through language.
too much time because you are writing complete words.
Ethnography is the systematic description of human
Use abbreviations.
societies, mostly based on firsthand fieldwork. Based on
2. Now look at number two. Which notes are similar to
ethnographies, anthropologists provide ethnologies or
your notes? Did you hear the second name? Kluckhohn?
explanations of the behavior of different peoples. Another
Did you know how to spell it?
subfield of ethnography is social anthropology. Social
The notes in a are not good because it looks
anthropology is concerned with people as social beings.
like Margaret Mead worked in the Southwestern
A related subject is, of course, sociology.
Let me also mention briefly psychological United States.
The notes in band c are good. / wrote the notes in
anthropology, which deals with human personality and
feelings. These are greatly influenced by an individual's b. / didn't know the spelling of Kluckhohn, but / could
later ask a classmate or the professor for the spelling.
biological and mental characteristics, as well as physical
surroundings and personal experiences. Related subjects
are psychology and psychiatry.
Lecturer: Cultural anthropology and the scientific study
It is important to note that there are several universals
of human culture will be discussed in more detail in our
common among all societies; for example, the basic
next lecture. The subfields of cultural anthropology are
similarities in human biology and the existence of two
archaeology, linguistics, and ethnography.
sexes. Another of these is education-either formal or
informal, or both. Education is necessary to provide the

112 Appendix A
3. Look at number three. Which notes are similar to
your notes?
The Concept of Culture: Understanding
Notes b contain information that is not important.
Notes a do not show that the last three items,
One Another
archaeology, linguistics, and ethnography, are subfields
of cultural anthropology. These notes do not show the VOCABULARY PREVIEW
Page 12
relationship of the ideas.
The notes in c are mine.
1. Culture is that complex whole which includes
m:m knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any
other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a
Lecturer: Archaeology is the study of different cultures
member of society.
through material sources rather than direct interviews or
observations of the group under study. One example of a 2. Another definition of culture that many find useful is,
famous archaeological site discovered in the last century "the totality of learned, socially transmitted behavior."
was King Tut's tomb near Luxor, Egypt, in 1922. 3. Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book Teaching
Mentor Culture, lists six skills to nurture and support
4. Look at number four. Which notes are similar to intercultural communication.
your notes? 4. Cultivate curiosity about another culture and empathy
Notes a are difficult to read. Does d-i-f-f mean toward its members.
difficult or different? Does i-not mean intense, interest, 5. Recognize that different roles and other social
or something else? The abbreviations are too short. variables such as age, sex, social class, religion,
Notes b are mine. f used abbreviations that were ethnicity, and place of residence affect the way
a bit longer than the notes in a. f will be able to people speak and behave.
read these notes later and understand them. f also 6. Realize that effective communication requires
underlined the important words material sources. discovering the culturally conditioned images of
Notes c are easy to read, but they are too long. Do people when they think, act, and react to the world
not write every verb, article, and preposition. Abbreviate around them.
as much as possible and only write important words in
7. Recognize that situational variables and conventions
your notes, not complete sentences.
shape people's behavior in important ways.
8. Understand that people generally act the way they
ACCURACY CHECK Page 8 do because they are exercising the options their
1. What is the literal definition of anthropology? society allows for satisfying basic physical and
2. What were early Greeks and Romans interested in? psychological needs.
3. Which discovery took place in the Age of Exploration? 9. Culture and society must coexist.
4. Which area of study listed is not a major area of study 10. In the long history of human life, multiculturalism is a
in anthropology? fairly recent phenomenon.
5. What is anthropologist Margaret Mead well-known for?
6. What is the word for an explanation of the behavior of Page 13
different peoples?
7. The lecturer mentioned education. What is education Lecturer: Why study cultural anthropology? One
an example of? reason noted by Ruth Benedict, another well-known
8. What is an example of an area of work for someone anthropologist, is that the story of humanity from the
interested in applied anthropology? Stone Age to the present is such a fascinating one of
cultural growth. Interestingly, according to Tylor's and
Morgan's cultural development theories, every society has
gone through three stages or steps. These are savagery,
barbarism, and finally, civilization. The last is, of course,
to varying degrees.
We are often reminded of another compelling reason
to learn about different cultures-to learn and use a
foreign language effectively. Most of us realize that just
knowing the language of another culture is not enough

Audioscripts 113
for meaningful communication. You can ask anyone religion, ethnicity, and place of residence affect the
who has tried to use their high school Spanish inside a way people speak and behave.
Spanish-speaking country. Number 3: Realize that effective communication
requires discovering the culturally conditioned
images of people when they think, act, and react to
the world around them.
Lecturer: Let me begin the lecture today by asking, Number 4: Recognize that situational variables
"What exactly is culture?" This question has been and conventions shape people's behavior in
approached by anthropologists in many different ways. important ways.
Murdock, for example, in Outline of World Cultures, Number 5: Understand that people generally
produced what many have called the ultimate laundry act the way they do because they are exercising
list of things cultural by naming 900-odd categories of the options their society allows for satisfying basic
human behavior. I won't attempt to go into these at this physical and psychological needs.
time. Another less lengthy list is the famous "grocery list" And, finally, number 6: Develop the ability
of Edward B. Tylor. He wrote, "Culture is that complex to evaluate the truth of a generalization about
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, the target culture and to locate and organize
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired information about the target culture from books,
by man as a member of society." But another definition mass media, people, and personal observations.
of culture that many find useful is Kessing's, "the totality
of learned, socially transmitted behavior." Obviously this Culture and society must coexist. Without living
definition leaves out much if we feel obligated to include together, people cannot create a culture or a way of life.
all the ways of life that have been evolved by people in If a group or society is small, isolated, and stable, it might
also share a single culture. In fact, there are still what
every society.
A particular culture, then, would mean the total are called "uncontacted peoples," groups of people who
shared way of life of a given group. This would include live in very remote areas of the rain forest in Peru and
their ways of thinking, acting, and feeling as reflected in Brazil who probably share a single culture. And now,
their religion, law, language, art, and customs, as well as instead of making contact in order to study them, cultural
concrete things such as houses, clothing, and tools. anthropologists and governments of these countries are
Cultural anthropology is the study of cultures-living making efforts to protect their regions from intrusions.
and dead. In its totality, it includes linguistics, the study It is important to remember, however, that large
of speech forms; archaeology, the study of dead cultures; societies, such as those in Canada, the United States,
and ethnology, which is the study of living cultures or India, or Egypt, are multicultural or "pluralist" societies.
They also tend to have many subcultures. In the long
those that can be observed directly.
So, why study cultural anthropology? One reason history of human life, multiculturalism is a fairly recent
noted by Ruth Benedict, another well-known phenomenon. Those of us in multicultural environments
anthropologist, is that the story of humanity from the must remember that discovering similarities among
Stone Age to the present is such a fascinating one of people from different cultures is as important as
cultural growth. Interestingly, according to Tylor's and identifying differences. For example, in classrooms on
Morgan's cultural development theories, every society has just about every university campus in the world, we
gone through three stages or steps. These are savagery, find students from many different social and ethnic
barbarism, and finally, civilization. The last is, of course, backgrounds. What are some of the "universals" that you
and other international students have all experienced in
to varying degrees.
We are often reminded of another compelling reason your earlier educational life?
to learn about different cultures-to learn and use a One common universal is that all cultures use rewards
foreign language effectively. Most of us realize that just and punishments to encourage correct behavior. Another
knowing the language of another culture is not enough example is that societies withhold certain information
for meaningful communication. You can ask anyone from the young. This might include faults in our leaders
who has tried to use their high school Spanish inside a or sexual taboos. A third universal is the effort by the
Spanish-speaking country. controlling group in a culture to educate the young
Ned Seelye, in his 1993book Teaching Culture, lists six to strengthen and secure its dominant position. In the
skills to nurture and support intercultural communication: majority of contemporary societies this control is reached
through political means in contrast to the military actions
Number 1:Cultivate curiosity about another of earlier times, such as the Roman Conquests and the
culture and empathy toward its members. Moorish invasions.
Number 2: Recognize that different roles and In closing this lecture on societies and culture, let me
other social variables such as age, sex, social class, remind you not to forget the contributions of thoughts

114 Appendix A
and actions of the individual person in a group. Note Teaching Culture, lists six skills to nurture and support
the observation of Edward Sapir, another famous intercultural communication. "
anthropologist: "It is always the individual that really Was the beginning of your list similar to a, b, or c?
thinks and acts and dreams and revolts." Obviously the Both a and b have headings above the list. Headings
concept of culture will be argued by anthropologists for are very important. If your notes are like c, your notes
years to come. will not be very helpful because you won't know the
significance of the items in the list.
SECOND LISTENING Page 16 The heading in a is misleading. The skills are not
related to teaching culture. They are skills related to
See First Listening, above.
communicating with different cultures.
My notes are b. I didn't know how to spell Seelye
THIRD LISTENING Page 16 and will have to find out in the book or by asking
ImI the professor.
Lecturer: Cultural anthropology is the study of cultures-
living and dead. In its totality, it includes linguistics, the
lecturer: What are some of the "universals" that you and
study of speech forms; archaeology, the study of dead
cultures; and ethnology, which is the study of living other international students have all experienced in your
earlier educational life?
cultures or those that can be observed directly.
One common universal is that all cultures use rewards
and punishments to encourage correct behavior. Another
1. Look at number one. Which is similar to your notes-a
example is that societies withhold certain information
or b? Did you make a list?
from the young. This might include faults in our leaders
I wrote notes b. The list in b is much easier to read.
or sexual taboos. A third universal is the effort by the
The notes in b will be easier to use later to study from.
controlling group in a culture to educate the young
1m) to strengthen and secure its dominant position. In the
Lecturer: Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book Teaching majority of contemporary societies this control is reached
Culture, lists six skills to nurture and support through political means in contrast to the military actions
intercultural communication: of earlier times, such as the Roman conquests and the
Moorish invasions.
Number I: Cultivate curiosity about another
culture and empathy toward its members.
3. Look at number three. Which notes are most similar to
Number 2: Recognize that different roles and
your notes for this part of the lecture?
other social variables such as age, sex, social class,
The notes in a and c clearly show the list of
religion, ethnicity, and place of residence affect the
universals. These lists will be easy to read later. I made
way people speak and behave.
the notes in c. I included the reasons for the universals,
Number 3: Realize that effective communication
to encourage correct behavior, for example.
requires discovering the culturally conditioned
If your notes are similar to a, you might not have all
images of people when they think, act, and react to
the information you need for a test on this lecture.
the world around them.
If your notes are similar to b, perhaps you didn't
Number 4: Recognize that situational variables
hear the lecturer signal that a list was coming. The
and conventions shape people's behavior in
lecturer asked a question-"What are some of the
important ways.
universals?"-then answered the question with "one
Number 5: Understand that people generally
common universal is." The use of the word one
act the way they do because they are exercising
signaled that there would be more than one.
the options their society allows for satisfying basic
physical and psychological needs.
And, finally, number 6: Develop the ability ACCURACY CHECK Page 17
to evaluate the truth of a generalization about 1. Who wrote a book called Outline of World Cultures?
the target culture and to locate and organize 2. Which is not one of Tylor's and Morgan's three stages
information about the target culture from books, of cultural growth?
mass media, people, and personal observations.
3. When did Ned Seelye write his book Teaching Culture?
4. What is Seelye's first skill related to?
2. Look at number two. In this part, the lecturer clearly
5. What is an example of a group that might share a
introduced a list and said how many items would be
single culture?
in it. The lecturer said, "Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book

Audioscripts 115
6. What is a recent phenomenon in the long history of NOTETAKING PREPARATION Page 26
human life?
7. By what means do most dominant cultural groups stay
in control nowadays?
1. The Fourth Dynasty covered the period from 2614to
8. "It is always the individual that really thinks and acts 2502 BCE.
and dreams and revolts." Who made that observation?
2. It has been estimated that 2.3 million blocks of
limestone were used to build the Great Pyramid.
3. The blocks averaged 2,500 kilograms each.
4. The largest stone block weighs about 15,000kilos.
5. In terms of height, the pyramid was originally 147
History: The Passing of Time meters high, but today the top 10 meters are missing.
and Civilizations 6. Khafre's pyramid was originally 3 meters lower than
the Great Pyramid; however, today it is only 0.8
CHAPTER 3 meters lower.

The Egyptian Pyramids: Houses FIRST LISTENING Page 27

of Eternity Lecturer: To many people throughout the world, some
of the most remarkable and puzzling monuments of
VOCABULARY PREVIEW Page 25 ancient times are the pyramids of ancient Egypt. You
o1. To many people throughout the world, some of the
know, almost nothing at all remains of the great cities of
the rulers of Egypt, the pharaohs. Time and weather have
been really hard on ancient Egypt's cities and towns,
most remarkable and puzzling monuments of ancient
but several of the temples, statues, and, most important
times are the pyramids of ancient Egypt.
of all, the pyramids have survived. Even though many
2. Even though many of the pyramids are in ruins, they
of the pyramids are in ruins, they still give us some idea
still give us some idea of the magnificence of ancient
of the magnificence of ancient Egypt's civilization-a
Egypt's civilization.
civilization that, um, after all, lasted for more than 3,000
3. Remember, when we're talking about ancient Egypt, years. Remember, when we're talking about ancient
we're talking about at least 30 consecutive dynasties. Egypt, we're talking about at least 30 consecutive
4. So when a person died, and especially when a dynasties. A dynasty is a series of kings or queens of
pharaoh died, in order to ensure his eternal life, he the same royal family-something like the Romanovs
had his body embalmed or mummified. of Russia, the Ming dynasty of China, or the Al Saud of
5. In other words, he had his corpse dried out and Saudi Arabia.
wrapped in linen to preserve it from decay. As many of you probably already know, the pyramids
6. You see, the ancient Egyptians really believed that were constructed as tombs, or burial places, for the
if one's mummy was destroyed, then his or her soul Egyptian pharaohs and their family members. You see,
would be destroyed the ancient Egyptians passionately believed in life after
death. In fact, their entire culture revolved around that
7. For another thing, the ancient Egyptians believed
belief. The kings, queens, and state officials often spent
that the dead person could take his or her earthly
an entire lifetime preparing for their life after death. They
possessions along to the next world.
did this by collecting possessions, or "grave goods," by
8. Anyway, the dead person was provided with food,
building tombs, and so forth. The Egyptians believed that
clothing, furniture, weapons, and even servants.
they could be assured of an afterlife only if their bodies
9. It seems that local builders and conquerors found could be preserved from decay or destruction. So when
it convenient to strip off the limestone from the a person died, and especially when a pharaoh died,
pyramids and use it to build with. in order to ensure eternal life, the person's body was
10. And yet, what is so ironic is that even these tombs did embalmed, or mummified. In other words, the corpse
not escape the attacks of the grave robbers. was dried out and wrapped in linen to preserve it from
decay. Then this "mummy" was hidden. This whole idea
may seem quite strange today, but the ancient Egyptians
really believed that if one's mummy was destroyed, then
his or her soul would be destroyed, and if, on the other
hand, the mummy-the dead body-was preserved,

116 Appendix A
the soul would be immortal. Let me repeat that. If one's is! It was built for King Khufu-that's K-h-u-f-u. Khufu was
mummy was preserved, the soul would go on living. called Cheops-C-h-e-o-p-s-by the Greeks, and so the
For another thing, the ancient Egyptians believed that pyramid is sometimes called the Pyramid of Cheops.
the dead person could take his or her earthly possessions It has been estimated that 2.3 million blocks of
along to the next world-this is just the opposite of the limestone were used to build the Great Pyramid. The
Western idea that "you can't take it with you when you blocks averaged 2,500 kilograms each. The largest
go." Anyway, the dead person was provided with food, stone block weighs about 15,000 kilos. The base of the
clothing, furniture, weapons, and even servants. It was pyramid covers 5.3 hectares-an area large enough to
not at all unusual for the pharaoh's slaves to be put to hold 10 football fields. There's a story that the conqueror
death so that they could serve him in his afterlife. Napoleon once sat in the shadow of the Great Pyramid
So you can see why the pharaohs wanted to have their and calculated that the mass of stone in the pyramid
bodies and their possessions hidden to protect them could be used to build a wall 3 meters high by 0.3 meters
from grave robbers. Before they died, they had special thick around the entire country of France. In terms of
tombs built for this purpose-to hide their bodies and height, the pyramid was originally 147 meters high, but
their treasures. In the early years of ancient Egypt, these today the top 10 meters are missing, and the entire outer
tombs were the pyramids-vast burial chambers that limestone covering has been stripped away. It seems
were built to fool the grave robbers. Unfortunately, the that local builders and conquerors found it convenient
grave robbers almost always outsmarted even the most to strip off the limestone from the pyramids and use it to
powerful and the most careful of pharaohs. They broke build with.
into most of the pyramids, that is the tombs, and stole The Great Pyramid of Khufu is considered a wonder
the food and treasures they found. They even desecrated of ancient architecture. When you look at it, you
and destroyed the mummies of the dead. Needless to say, immediately wonder how on earth the ancient Egyptians
they would not bother a poor person's grave. These grave ever managed to build such a structure with no modern
robbers even banded together into organizations, or machinery such as cranes, bulldozers, and so forth, and
brotherhoods. Just imagine, a grave robbers' union! with no iron tools. They had to cut the big limestone
Now, as for the actual construction of the pyramids, blocks with tools made of copper, which is a rather soft
it was during the First and Second Dynasties that the metal. But they managed to do it. The ancient Greek
pharaohs and nobles of Egypt began to construct historian, Herodotus-that's H-e-r-o-d-o-t-u-s-Herodotus
the type of tomb called the "mastaba." The First and said that 400,000 men worked for 20 years to build the
Second Dynasties lasted from about 3100 until 2665 Great Pyramid.
BCE. Mastaba, by the way, comes from an Arabic word Archaeologists today doubt these figures, but,
meaning "bench" or "long seat." A mastaba looked of course, the true statistics cannot ever really be
like a low, flat-topped rectangle-something like a low determined. It is thought, though, that at least 100,000
bench or a shoebox. Essentially, the pointed pyramid people worked to build any single pyramid. Most of
was no more than an extension upward of the flat. these workers were slaves. They worked on the tombs
topped mastaba. during times when the Nile River overflowed its banks
The first "typical" pyramid-or at least what most and covered the fields. The Nile's flooding made farming
people generally think a pyramid looks like-was built impossible and made transportation of the stone to the
during the Third Dynasty, which lasted roughly from pyramid site easier.
about 2664 until 2615 BCE. This pyramid was built for The second and third pyramids at Giza were built by
King Zoser-that's spelled Z-o-s-e-r-in about 2650 BCE. Khufu's successors. The tomb of Khafre is the second
It was built by an architect named lmhotep-I-m-h-o-t-e-p. pyramid at Giza-Khafre is spelled K-h-a-f-r-e. Khafre's
This pyramid was constructed as a series of giant steps. pyramid was originally 3 meters lower than the Great
It, along with others of its type, is called a step pyramid. Pyramid; however, today it is only 0.8 meters lower. Its
It was really simply a pile of mastabas, each step smaller present height is 136.2 meters. The third pyramid, built
and higher than the one before. for Menkaure, covers only half the area occupied by the
Actually, it was not until the Fourth Dynasty that the Great Pyramid and is only 62.5 meters high. Menkaure is
most famous pyramids were built. The three pyramids of spelled M-e-n-k-a-u-r-e.
Giza belong to the Fourth Dynasty-the Fourth Dynasty None of the later pyramids that were built during
covered the period from 2614 to 2502 BCE. The three the next 13 or 14 centuries were nearly as large or as
pyramids are located near the town of Giza, on the west magnificent as the pyramids at Giza. And even though
bank of the Nile River, just outside the capital city of pyramid building continued right up into the Eleventh
Egypt-Cairo. These three pyramids are really the very and Twelfth Dynasties-that was up through about 1786
best preserved of all the Egyptian pyramids. The largest BCE-it was becoming increasingly clear to the pharaohs
of the three is known as the Great Pyramid. And great it and the nobles of Egypt that the pyramid method of

Audioscripts 117
burial provided very little or no protection at all for 2. Now look at number two. Did you use an abbreviation
their mummies and possessions. The pyramids were, of for the word pyramids? My abbreviation is b.
course, impressive and lasting monuments, but they were Both Egypt and pyramids are used very frequently in
all too visible. They invited grave robbers to try to break the lecture. If you circled a, for questions I and 2, you
into them. And so eventually, one of the pharaohs, King are writing too much.
Thutmose I, decided to sacrifice publicity for safety in the 3. Look at number three. Circle the note that looks most
construction of his House of Eternity. I don't need to spell like your notes. If you wrote d, you wrote too much.
Thutmose for you, do 17 My note is c. I used the abbreviation y-r-s for the word
Instead of ordering the construction of a pyramid, years and the number 3 and abbreviation K for three
Thutmose had his tomb dug out of the rock of a valley thousand. If you did you that, you are taking very
far from the Nile River and far from Cairo. The spot he accurate and efficient notes.
chose was some 11 kilometers from the river on its west 4. Now look at number four. Do your notes look more
bank. The area is now known as the Valley of the Kings. like a or b? I wrote a. It is a definition of dynasty. It's
Many pharaohs followed Thutmose's example. After him, a good idea to write a definition if you didn't already
most of the pharaohs abandoned aboveground pyramid know it or if the lecturer is defining something in a new
construction in favor of underground hiding places as way. Note b lists the other dynasties. If you listed those,
the burial places for their precious royal bones. And yet, you really shouldn't have. This example might help you
what is so ironic is that even these tombs did not escape to understand the definition, but it wasn't important
the grave robbers, persistent devils that they were! information about the topic of the lecture. Write the
I'll end this discussion by pointing out that, when the important information, not extraneous details.
ancient Greeks first saw the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the
pyramids were already 2,000 years old. The Greeks called 1m)
them one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Almost Lecturer: Now, as for the actual construction of the
nothing remains of the other six Wonders-the Hanging pyramids, it was during the First and Second Dynasties
Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Diana, and so on-but that the pharaohs and nobles of Egypt began to construct
the three mighty pyramids of Giza, as well as 32 other the type of tomb called the "mastaba." The First and
recognizable pyramids, still stand. These pyramids of Second Dynasties lasted from about 3100 until 2665
Egypt are monuments to a great and ancient civilization BCE. Mastaba, by the way, comes from an Arabic word
and to people's endless search for eternal recognition meaning "bench" or "long seat." A mastaba looked
and eternal life. like a low, flat-topped rectangle-something like a low
bench or a shoebox. Essentially, the pointed pyramid
SECOND LISTENING Page 29 was no more than an extension upward of the flat-
topped mastaba.
See First Listening, above.
5. Look at number five. Which word or words are in
THIRD LISTENING Page 29 your notes? They were all related to the definition
of mastaba, but a, bench, is the meaning of the
Lecturer: Time and weather have been really hard related word in Arabic. And b, shoebox, is something
on ancient Egypt's cities and towns, but several of the the lecturer compared a mastaba to, to give you
temples, statues, and, most important of all, the pyramids a better idea what it might look like. These words
have survived. Even though many of the pyramids are in are not as important as the words at c and d-f1at
ruins, they still give us some idea of the magnificence of and rectangle-that describe the special shape of
ancient Egypt's civilization-a civilization that, um, after a mastaba. If you wrote either "low and flat" or
all, lasted for more than 3,000 years. Remember, when "rectangle," that's fine. If you wrote both in your notes,
we're talking about ancient Egypt, we're talking about at that's excellent. My note is c.
least 30 consecutive dynasties. A dynasty is a series of
kings or queens of the same royal family-something like ImJ
the Romanovs of Russia, the Ming dynasty of China, or Lecturer: The first "typical" pyramid-or at least what
the Al Saud of Saudi Arabia. most people generally think a pyramid looks like-was
built during the Third Dynasty, which lasted roughly from
about 2664 until 2615 BCE. This pyramid was built for
1. Look at number one. What did you put in your notes
King Zoser-that's spelled Z-o-s-e-r-in about 2650 BCE.
for the word Egypt? Did you use an abbreviation? Use
It was built by an architect named Imhotep-I-m-h-o+e-p.
abbreviations that you will be able to figure out later
This pyramid was constructed as a series of giant steps.
when you look at your notes. My abbreviation is b.
It, along with others of its type, is called a step pyramid.

118 Appendix A
It was really simply a pile of mastabas, each step smaller 2. The history part of my talk will be about Qin Shi
and higher than the one before. Huang, who was the founder of the first unified
Mentor empire in China.
6. Look at number six. Which is similar to your notes: a, 3. Today, I'm also going to be talking about what
b, or c? has been found, to date, in the area of Qin Shi
Let's look at the notes in c first. The notetaker did Huang's tomb.
not use many abbreviations or symbols. This is not
4. Before Qin Shi Huang unified the empire in 221 BCE,
good because it takes too long to write out all the
China had been torn apart by wars between seven
words in a sentence. You might miss an important regional kingdoms.
point in the lecture. It's better to use symbols and
5. When Qin Shi Huang became Emperor, he decreed
abbreviations and write short notes, like those in a
that a standardized system of Chinese characters was
and b.
to be used throughout the empire.
Notes a, b, and c all record the names Zoser and
Imhotep. That's good! The lecturer spelled these 6. In the second year after unification, construction of
names, so you know they are important. Notetaker c three major imperial highways was begun.
didn't catch the full spelling of Imhotep but left space 7. At this point, I'm going to segue from talking about
for it. If this happens to you, you can leave a space the biography of Qin Shi Huang to the archaeology
and after class ask the professor or a classmate for the part of my lecture.
missing information. 8. It seems that as soon as the Emperor gained power,
My notes are b. Notice I put a little drawing in my he became preoccupied with death, and with
notes. Sometimes a drawing can help you more than constructing a magnificent House of Eternity for
just words when you review your notes later his afterlife.
Remember to leave space in your notes. After the 9. The entire area of the tomb covers approximately
lecture, you can go back and write in more detail. 56.25 square kilometers.
10. It is even believed that mercury was pumped through
ACCURACY CHECK Page 30 the tomb to create the image of flowing rivers in the
1. How many consecutive dynasties ruled ancient Egypt? tomb area.

2. What was the main purpose of the pyramids? 11. Without a doubt, the most striking features of the
Emperor's House of Eternity are the terra-cotta
3. What is not an example of "grave goods" that the
warriors and horses found in the tomb area.
Egyptians provided for a dead person to take to the
next world? 12. Chinese officials say that the tomb mound of the
first Chinese emperor will not be excavated until
4. What was the first type of pyramid called?
preservation techniques have advanced significantly.
5. Where are the three Great Pyramids located?
6. What did the ancient Greeks call King Khufu?
Page 35
7. What was the approximate number of the limestone
blocks that were used to build Khufu's pyramid?
8. How was King Thutmose I's tomb different from the Lecturer: Qin Shi Huang did a number of things to unify
tombs of previous pharaohs? and protect his empire. First, he standardized the system
for writing Chinese characters. Prior to his unification
of the empire, the writing of Chinese characters varied
in the different kingdoms. Qin, however, decreed that
a standardized system of Chinese characters be used
The First Emperor of China: Building an throughout the empire. Next, he decreed that there would
be just one system of weights and measures and one
Empire and a House of Eternity
system of currency, rather than many different systems, as
had been the case before unification. To protect his new
VOCABULARY PREVIEW Page 34 empire from the barbarian tribes to the north, he ordered
o the construction of the Great Wall of China.
1. Archaeologists find out about these ancient times by
studying the ruins of cities, monuments, or tombs, or FIRST LISTENING Page 36
any written records that remain. Lecturer: The fields of history and archaeology go hand
in hand. Let me explain what I mean. History is often the
story of a particular person, a person like the Emperor

Audioscripts 119
Napoleon. Or, history is the story of a nation, such as the stretched approximately 6,800 kilometers, or 4,225 miles,
country of France. On the other hand, archaeology is the throughout the empire. Just in comparison, by the year
study of the people, the customs, and the life of ancient 150CE the Roman Empire's road system was about 5,984
times. Archaeologists find out about these ancient times kilometers, or 3,718miles. The Roman Empire's system
by studying the ruins of cities, monuments, or tombs, or stretched all the way from Scotland to Rome and then
any written records that remain. to Jerusalem.
In today's lecture I'm going to talk a little about a Qin Shi Huang also began another large construction
particular person in ancient Chinese history, and I'm also project-the building of his tomb, or mausoleum. It
going to talk about one of the greatest archaeological seems that as soon as the Emperor gained power, he
discoveries of the late twentieth century. The history became preoccupied with death and with constructing
part of my talk will be about Qin Shi Huang, who was a magnificent House of Eternity for his afterlife. At
the founder of the first unified empire in China. He this point, I'm going to segue from the biography of
lived between 259 BCE. and 210 BCE, and he is often Qin Shi Huang to the archaeology part of my lecture.
called the First Emperor of China. Just as the exploits Let's see. OK. As I mentioned, when Qin Shi Huang
of the Emperor Napoleon still fascinate many people became emperor, he immediately began construction
and scholars today, so does the story of Qin Shi Huang of his House of Eternity. And what an incredible House
and his house of eternity. Today, I'm also going to be of Eternity it was! Archaeologists believe that 700,000
talking about what has been found, to date, in the laborers were forced to work on the tomb for about 11
area of Qin Shi Huang's tomb. We don't know what years. The entire area of the tomb covers approximately
additional treasures of Chinese history and culture will 56.25 square kilometers. It is believed that the tomb was
be found in the tomb area in the future, but what has intended to be a microcosmic replica of the Qin capital
been discovered so far is an incredible find for Chinese around the years 221 to 210 BCE. Archaeologists also
archaeology and ancient history. believe that Qin Shi Huang's tomb contained imperial
To set the historical context for the excavation of palaces filled with rare gems and other treasures,
Qin Shi Huang's House of Eternity, I'd like to first talk and that it also contained gardens and temples. It is
a little bit about the man himself. His name was Ying even believed that mercury was pumped through the
Zheng and he was the king of Qin, one of seven regional tomb to create the image of flowing rivers in the tomb
kingdoms. He took the title Qin Si Huang Di when he area. Can you imagine rivers of mercury in a tomb? A
became Emperor. Before Qin Si Huang unified the empire 12,000-square-meterarea at the site of the tomb has a
in 221 BCE, China had been torn apart by wars between very high mercury content-in fact, 10times higher than
its seven regional kingdoms. Qin defeated the other that of the surrounding area, so archaeologists think that
six kingdoms. Qin's defeat of the other six kingdoms it is very likely that the mercury rivers did, indeed, flow
accomplished two things: First, it ended the power of through the tomb area.
these other six kingdoms. Second, the unification of the Without a doubt, the most striking features of the Qin's
seven kingdoms started a centralized imperial system that House of Eternity are the terra-cotta warriors and horses
lasted more than 2,000 years. found in the tomb area. In 1975,Chinese authorities
Qin Shi Huang did a number of things to unify and built a museum on the excavation site to preserve these
protect his empire. First, he standardized the system terra-cotta warriors and horses and the other incredible
for writing Chinese characters. Prior to his unification treasures that were being uncovered. Today, the museum
of the empire, the writing of Chinese characters varied covers an area of 16,300square meters. That means
in the different kingdoms. Qin, however, decreed that the area is more than two football fields long! The area
a standardized system of Chinese characters be used is divided into three sections, or what are called pits:
throughout the empire. Next, he decreed that there would Number 1 Pit, Number 2 Pit, and Number 3 Pit. Number
be just one system of weights and measures and one 1 Pit is the largest of the three pits; it's approximately
system of currency, rather than many different systems, as 960 square meters in size. It first opened to the public on
had been the case before unification. To protect his new China's National Day in 1979.In Number 1 Pit, there are
empire from the barbarian tribes to the north, he ordered columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots
the construction of the Great Wall of China. at the back. It is estimated that there are 3,210terra-cotta
Now, there already were small walls scattered across foot soldiers in this pit alone. In 1976,Number 2 Pit was
the northwest frontier of the empire, but Qin Shi Huang unearthed. It contained nearly a thousand warriors and
had these walls joined together to create 1,500miles of 90 wooden chariots. This pit was opened to the public
fortification and protection for his empire. Qin Shi Huang in 1994,and today visitors from all over the world go to
also began an enormous road-building project. In the see Qin Shi Huang's House of Eternity, and to see his
second year after unification, construction of three major terra-cotta army that was to protect his tomb. Altogether
imperial highways was begun. These highways eventually more than 7,000terra-cotta soldiers, horses, chariots, and

120 Appendix A
even weapons have been found in these three pits, and 1m)
more will likely be found in the future as archaeologists Lecturer: In the second year after unification,
continue to explore and excavate the tomb area. construction of three major imperial highways
I'd like to finish up my talk by referencing what Peter was begun. These highways eventually stretched
Hessler in National Geographic Magazine says about
approximately 6,800 kilometers, or 4,225 miles,
the ancient Chinese emperors' view of the afterlife. Mr.
throughout the empire. Just in comparison, by the year
Hessler says that the emperors of ancient China saw the
150 CE the Roman Empire's road system was about 5,984
afterlife as a continuation of life on earth, much as the
kilometers, or 3,718 miles. The Roman Empire's system
ancient Egyptians did. He also notes that archaeologists
stretched all the way from Scotland to Rome and then
working on the tomb of the First Emperor of China are to Jerusalem.
"dusting off a window to the past." They're dusting off
this window to give us a vision of what mattered to the
2. Now look at number two. Circle the one that looks like
ancient rulers and their cultures. We have much more
your notes.
to learn from the tomb of the First Emperor of China as
Notetaker b recorded both the kilometers and the
excavation of the tomb area continues. We don't know
miles for the highways. It isn't necessary to write
when the excavation will be complete. Chinese officials
both. My notes are a. I recorded the first number, the
say that the tomb mound of the first Chinese emperor
kilometers. I didn't write its equivalent in miles as well.
will not be excavated until preservation techniques have
Before the lecturer gave the information about the
advanced significantly.
Roman roads he said, ''just in comparison." This means
Well, that's about all I have to say for today. See you
it is for your information. The important point is that the
next time.
highways were more extensive than the Roman roads.
The exact difference is not important, so in a I did not
SECOND LISTENING Page 38 write down that information.
See First Listening, above.
Lecturer: Qin Shi Huang also began another large
construction project-the building of his tomb, or
1m! mausoleum. It seems that as soon as the Emperor
Lecturer: To protect his new empire from the barbarian gained power, he became preoccupied with death, and
tribes to the north, he ordered the construction of the with constructing a magnificent House of Eternity for
Great Wall of China. his afterlife. At this point, I'm going to segue from the
Now, there already were small walls scattered across biography of Qin Shi Huang to the archaeology part of
the northwest frontier of the empire, but Qin Shi Huang my lecture. Let's see. OK. As I mentioned, when Qin
had these walls joined together to create 1,500 miles of Shi Huang became emperor, he immediately began
fortification and protection for his empire. Qin Shi Huang construction of his House of Eternity. And what an
also began an enormous road-building project. incredible House of Eternity it was'
Mentor Mentor
1. Look at number one. Which is similar to your notes, a 3. Look at number three. Were your notes similar to a, b,
or b? or c?
The notes in a are long. There are no abbreviations; If your notes are like a, you noted the transition from
this is not good. It takes too long to write out all the the biography part of the lecture to the archaeology part
words in a sentence. It's better to write short notes, like with an arrow. This is OK, but it is clearer to show a
the ones in b. My notes are b. change in topic by leaving space between them.
Let's look at b. Space is used here to show the I wrote the notes in c. I left space to show that this
relationship between ideas. Both the Great Wall and was the second part of the lecture.
the roads were related to the idea of protecting the If your notes are /ike those in b, you may be
empire. The notes in a do not show that relationship. confused when you go back and look at your notes,
The notes in b show it clearly because those two points because they don't show the lecturer's shift in focus.
are indented.
Notetaker a recorded both the kilometers and the
miles for the highways. It isn't necessary to write both.
1. When was Qin Shi Huang born?
In b I wrote the first number, the kilometers. I didn't
write its equivalent in miles as well. 2. In what year did Qin Shi Huang unify the empire
in China?
3. Why did Qin Shi Huang build the Great Wall of China?

Audioscripts 121
4. How long is the Great Wall of China? NOTETAKING PREPARATION Page 48
5. How many kilometers of highway were built in Qin Shi
Huang's reign?
6. How long did construction of the emperor's tomb take? ,. But with temporary employees, businesses can easily
7. How large was the tomb? expand or contract their workforce in reaction to
8. What did archaeologists find traces of in the changing market demands. And what ...
excavation site? 2. They work for themselves, and so have more control
over their work schedules and the quality of their work
lives than more traditional employees.
Well, now ...
3. Technology that enables workers to perform their
Sociology: The Changing World duties from any location with an Internet connection
makes it possible for the work to come to the worker,
of Work rather than requiring the worker to go where the jobs
are. Being able ...

The Distributed Workforce: Where and
,. But with temporary employees, businesses can easily
When People Work expand or contract their workforce in reaction to
changing market demands. And what are the benefits
VOCABULARY PREVIEW Page 47 to workers?

e,. Employees may be based in a traditional office

2. They work for themselves, and so have more control
over their work schedules and the quality of their work
setting; or they might work from home-so-called lives than more traditional employees.
telecommuters; or they could be mobile employees, Well, now let's turn to the challenges and potential
such as salespeople. disadvantages-for both business and workers-of a
distributed workforce.
2. Employees working outside of the office need access
from remote locations to company servers and to stay 3. Technology that enables workers to perform their
connected with the use of cellular technology. duties from any location with an Internet connection
makes it possible for the work to come to the worker,
3. Full-time employees often expect benefits such
rather than requiring the worker to go where the jobs
as health insurance, and they might be difficult
are. Being able to get a job without relocating allows
to terminate.
a worker with the skills a business needs to stay close
4. It is not yet understood what impact a distributed to family and friends, even when the local economy
workforce is having on the intangible yet vital
is weak.
development of a business culture.
5. How can group cohesion be developed and
maintained when face-to-face meetings are rare FIRST LISTENING Page 49

or nonexistent? Lecturer: For many years, people working in offices-

6. How dependent are qualities such as loyalty and often referred to as "white-collar" workers-have gone
ethical behavior on personal relationships that are "to the office" to work. For them, going to work and
established through face-to-face contact? going to the office meant the same thing. You got up,
you left your home, and you went "to work." You went to
7. Can personal relationships truly evolve across
your employer's office. You did your job, and at the end
a distributed workforce, where much of the
of the workday, you left and perhaps didn't think about
work is conducted in a virtual rather than
work until the next working day. But nowadays, we live
physical environment?
in a 24-7, globally connected world. Business is always
8. When workers are available 24-7, it can lead to a underway, if not in your own time zone then in another
blurring of the line between work and personal life. one. Increasingly, there is no "end of the workday."
9. In a wired world, there is no downtime. So today we are going to be talking about an
, O. Since the Industrial Revolution, the workplace important trend in the evolution of work, a trend brought
has been where a large proportion of the adult about by rapid technological change and globalization:
population spends much of its time. the growth of the distributed workforce.

122 Appendix A
First of all, a definition: A distributed workforce is a can easily expand or contract their workforce in reaction
workforce that is not located in one geographic location. to changing market demands.
Rather, the workforce is distributed across sometimes And what are the benefits to workers? Technology
quite large geographic areas, and working arrangements that enables workers to perform their duties from any
and terms of employment are quite diverse. Businesses location with an Internet connection makes it possible
with a distributed workforce have employees working for the work to come to the worker, rather than requiring
in various locations-in different parts of a country, or the worker to go where the jobs are. Being able to get
increasingly, in different countries. Employees can be a job without relocating allows a worker with the skills
employed under a variety of working arrangements. a business needs to stay close to family and friends,
They may be based in a traditional office setting; they even when the local economy is weak. So workers
might work from home-so-called telecommuters who performing tasks that, thanks to technology, no longer
are rarely in the office; they could be mobile employees, require their physical presence at a particular location
such as salespeople, who report in from the field; or they can benefit from being members of a distributed
might be temporary or contract workers, hired only for workforce. In addition, there are those workers who are
a specific project. These are just a few possible working independent contractors or consultants. They work for
arrangements. OK. So, a distributed workforce is one that themselves, and so have more control over their work
is distributed geographically and works under a variety schedules and the quality of their work lives than more
of arrangements, some traditional, such as full-time traditional employees.
employees based at a company office, and others far less Well, now let's turn to the challenges and potential
traditional, such as employees who work from a distant disadvantages-for both business and workers-of
location without ever setting foot in an office. a distributed workforce. One of the major business
To the growing number of employers who use a challenges is not yet fully understood: the impact a
distributed workforce, and to the members of that distributed workforce is having on the intangible, yet vital
workforce, technology is absolutely essential. This is development and maintenance of a business culture.
because employees working outside of the office need For example, how can group cohesion be developed
access from remote locations to company servers and and maintained when face-to-face meetings are rare
also need to stay connected with the use of cellular or nonexistent? How is a corporate culture established
technology. In fact, it is clear that the ability of businesses and passed on when most communications take place
to employ a distributed workforce would not be possible online? What about qualities such as loyalty and ethical
without advanced technology-technology that allows behavior? How dependent are these qualities on personal
work to be conducted in a virtual space that is not bound relationships established through face-to-face contact?
by geography, set working times, or the need for physical, Can they truly evolve across a distributed workforce,
face-to-face communication. where much of the work is conducted in a virtual, rather
The ability to utilize a distributed workforce brings than physical environment? Such questions about the
many advantages to businesses and workers. But, establishment and maintenance of group cohesion,
there are also challenges. So let's look at some of the corporate culture, group loyalty, and ethical behavior are
advantages and disadvantages, and consider the impact critical; no one knows the answers, but one thing is clear:
on workers, employers, and the larger society. The technology that is driving this evolution in the nature
First, the advantages. The benefits of a distributed of work is already here, and it's here to stay.
workforce to a global business are pretty obvious: If the On the other hand, the disadvantages for the workers
business is global, having a workforce positioned in the are more tangible. For one, the technology allows,
countries where that business is conducted is an obvious encourages, and sometimes requires workers to be
advantage. A local workforce will understand the local available 24-7. This can lead to a blurring of the line
cultural and business norms. between work and personal life, which many studies
A second benefit is flexibility. Employment policies show leads to a great deal of stress. In a wired world,
and conditions can be determined by local standards there is no downtime. So, even though working in
and can vary from location to location. For example, your pajamas from home might sound like the height
an American-based business might employ software of freedom and relaxation, the reality can be quite
engineers in India at lower pay than engineers with different. Even if you are in your pajamas, being unable
similar qualifications in the United States would expect. to disconnect from work might begin to feel even more
Or, a company might hire temporary employees confining than reporting to the office wearing a suit and
and consultants rather than taking on new, full-time tie for a limited amount of time a week.
employees. Full-time employees often expect benefits Another disadvantage for Workers is that, although
and-depending on local labor laws-might be difficult some work arrangements can give welcome flexibility,
to terminate. But with temporary employees, businesses this flexibility comes at a cost-job security. Temporary

Audioscripts 123
employees and consultants have little or no job security; THIRD LISTENING Page 51
because they are self-employed, they are usually not
protected from sudden termination by local labor laws.
Lecturer: And what are the benefits to workers?
In addition, they rarely receive benefits such as health
Technology that enables workers to perform their duties
insurance and paid vacation. Finally, some early studies
from any location with an Internet connection makes it
on telecommuting revealed that telecommuters work
possible for the work to come to the worker, rather than
longer hours for less pay than office-based workers.
requiring the worker to go where the jobs are. Being
Preliminary studies show that many of the benefits
able to get a job without relocating allows a worker
associated with telecommuting-primarily of cost
with the skills a business needs to stay close to family
savings-benefit employers, rather than workers.
and friends, even when the local economy is weak. So
Now, what about the impact on the larger society?
workers performing tasks that, thanks to technology, no
People are social beings. And since the Industrial
longer require their physical presence at a particular
Revolution, the workplace has been where a large
location can benefit from being members of a distributed
proportion of the adult population spends much of its
workforce. In addition, there are those workers who are
time, interacting in a complex social environment. Work
independent contractors or consultants. They work for
is a highly organized social experience, with many daily
themselves, and so have more control over their work
opportunities for face-to-face communication. While it is
schedules and the quality of their work lives than more
still far too early to say what impact the disappearance of
traditional employees.
a physical workplace for a significant proportion of the
population might have on the larger society, there seems Mentor
little doubt that it will have an impact. 1. Look at number one. Which notes look most like yours?
Distance workers say they feel the loss of the informal In both a and b, the stressed word workers is
social networks that exist in an office setting; they clearly recorded.
report feelings of isolation and a lack of support. They The word benefits was not stressed, but is important
now have to establish and maintain informal support to your understanding of this part of the lecture. Both
networks. In an office, this happened during the course a and b recorded this, in their notes, but a used the
of the workday when getting a coffee with a co-worker or symbol "++" meaning good or positive things, and b
chatting by the copy machine. wrote out the word. It's more efficient to use symbols as
There is also concern about the extent to which in a, but the notes in b are also clear, which is the most
distance work-telecommuting-has allowed employers important thing.
to enter the employee's private, family life, and what Look at a again. There are two benefits listed. Now
impact this blurring of private life and work life might look at b. In b there are three. The first and second are
have. While telecommuting is often promoted as a way not separate advantages. The fact that workers can
for people to balance home and work more efficiently, stay close to family and friends is an example, not a
the reality is less clear. As I mentioned earlier, although separate main point. The lecturer did not use strong
many telecommuters have the advantage of being able downward intonation, a long pause, or a signal word
to set their own schedules, freeing up time during the at this point.
day to attend to family responsibilities, this flexibility My notes are in a.
often means putting in extra hours in the evening and on
weekends, time that used to be reserved for private life.
Lecturer: Distance workers say they feel the loss of the
So to recap, we have discussed one aspect of how
informal social networks that exist in an office setting;
the nature of work is evolving due to rapid technological
they report feelings of isolation and a lack of support.
change and globalization: the growth of a distributed
They now have to establish and maintain informal
workforce. You heard about some of the advantages and
support networks. In an office, this happened during the
disadvantages for both employers and workers, as well
course of the workday, when getting a coffee with a co-
as the potential impact on society. And in fact many
worker or chatting by the copy machine.
questions about the impact that these changes are having
There is also concern about the extent to which
on our society remain unanswered. But, I'm afraid that's
distance work-telecommuting-has allowed employers
all we have time for today.
to enter the employee's private, family life, and what
impact this blurring of private life and work life might
SECOND LISTENING Page 51 have. While telecommuting is often promoted as a way
See First Listening, above. for people to balance home and work more efficiently,
the reality is less clear. As I mentioned earlier, although
many telecommuters have the advantage of being able

124 Appendix A
to set their own schedules, freeing up time during the The notes in a show two main points; the notes in
day to attend to family responsibilities, this flexibility b show three. Three, as in b, is correct because the
often means putting in extra hours in the evening and on information about benefits is a new main point. In a,
weekends, time that used to be reserved for private life. the information about benefits is recorded as part of the
Mentor first main point. The notetaker for a did not notice the
2. Look at number two. Which heading most accurately intonation, pause, and signal word indicating a new
reflects the key point of this part of the lecture- main point.
"distance workers" as in a, or "office workers" as in b,
or "informal support networks" as in c?
The heading "distance workers" in a is best. The
1. How does the lecturer describe a white-collar worker?
speaker deals specifically with just one type of working
arrangement, that of the distance worker. 2. What has brought about the growth of the
My notes are a. distributed workforce?

3. Now look at number three. Which notes are most 3. What is true of a distributed workforce?
like yours? 4. What was not mentioned in the lecture as a benefit to
In a, two main points are recorded. This is correct. employers of a distributed workforce?
There was only one place where intonation, pause, and 5. What was not mentioned in the lecture as a benefit to
signal word indicated the speaker had concluded one employees of a distributed workforce?
main point and was moving on to another: the strong 6. For employers, what is a disadvantage of having a
rise and fall intonation on the words copy machine distributed workforce?
followed by a marked pause and the signal word also.
7. For employees, what is a disadvantage of being part of
Look at band c. In b there are four main points,
distributed workforce?
and in c there are three. In both, support for the main
8. What is one potential impact on society of the growth
points is confused with the points themselves.
of a distributed workforce?
In b, notes I and 2 could be combined, as in a.
Notes 3 and 4 could also be combined.
In c, note 3 is detailed information that supports
note 2, not a new main point.
My notes are a.
Age and Work: The Graying of
the Workforce
Lecturer: Another disadvantage for workers is that,
although some work arrangements can give welcome
Page 56
flexibility, this flexibility comes at a cost-job security.
Temporary employees and consultants have little or
no job security; because they are self-employed, they 1. The human lifespan is also increasing: the National
are usually not protected from sudden termination by Institute on Aging reports that most countries show a
local labor laws. In addition, they rarely receive benefits steady increase in longevity.
such as health insurance and paid vacation. Finally, 2. A falling birthrate in countries with advanced
some early studies on telecommuting revealed that economies has contributed to a rapid increase in the
telecommuters work longer hours for less pay than office- age of the world's population.
based workers. 3. The reasons for the declining birthrate require a bit
Mentor of explanation.
4. Now look at number four. Which notes are most like 4. The need for cheap labor to work the land,
yours? My notes are b. coupled with high infant mortality, made large
Both a and b use a heading, which is good. The families advantageous.
heading in b is clear and accurate. The heading in 5. During industrialization, there was a population shift
a is confusing. The focus in this part of the lecture is from rural to urban areas.
disadvantages for workers, not flexibility. Flexibility is
6. Advances in reproductive technology allowed
an advantage.
couples to take a more active role in planning
In both a and b the first note is "job security." In b,
their families.
the minus symbol makes it clear this is a lack of job
security-a disadvantage. In a, the first note could be 7. In many developed nations, the birthrate has now
interpreted as an advantage instead of a disadvantage fallen to below replacement levels.
when the notes are reviewed later

Audioscripts 125
8. The fertility rate in many European countries is now the world's population: a falling birthrate in countries
less than 1.5 children per woman. with advanced economies, and improvements in medical
9. The elderly support ratio is calculated by dividing care that have contributed to an increased lifespan.
the number of working-age people by the number of Medical advances are easy enough to understand, but
people 65 or older. the reasons for the declining birthrate require a bit
of explanation.
10. A second impact is caused by just the opposite
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, much of the
phenomenon, the large number of baby boomers
population grew their own food on small farms.
who are and will be retiring at the same time, taking
Therefore, large families were an advantage-the need
with them knowledge and expertise that will be
for cheap labor to work the land, coupled with high
difficult to replace over the short term.
infant mortality, made large families advantageous.
11. Clashes can occur when workers with such widely
During industrialization, there was a population shift
different life experiences and attitudes toward
from rural to urban areas, where factories were located.
work interact.
As a result of this shift, the need for large families began
12. Some companies have had to scale back expansion to decline. This, combined with advances in reproductive
due to a lack of workers. technology that allowed couples to take a more active
role in planning their families, led to a gradual decline
NOTETAKING PREPARATION Page 57 in the birthrate. By the start of World War II, in parts of

1. And despite its large population, China's fertility rate is
Europe and the United Statesthe birthrate had fallen
close to replacement levels-that is, the level at which
the number of babies being born is roughly equivalent to
just 1.5,a result of government policies to limit families
the number of people dying.
to just one child.
This trend, however, was interrupted by what has
2. In fact, some companies have had to scale back come to be known as the baby boom-the period of time
expansion due to a lack of the highly skilled workers following World War 11-1946 to 1964-when birthrates
such expansion depends on. increased sharply. This sudden and unexpected rise
in the birthrate was only temporary, however; by the
FIRST LISTENING Page 58 mid-1960s it had fallen to pre-World War II levels. And it
Lecturer: Last time, we discussed one of the ways that has continued to fall ever since. Globally, since the early
the world of work has been changing: the growth of the 1970sthe population growth rate has fallen by more than
distributed workforce. Today, we are going to talk about 40 percent. And in many developed nations, the birthrate
a change in the world of work that has been brought has now fallen to below replacement levels. The fertility
about by changes in the makeup of the population of the rate in many European countries is now less than 1.5
workforce. What I am talking about is the aging, or as children per woman, which is far below the replacement
some refer to it, the graying, of the workforce. rate of 2.1. In Japan the rate is just lA, and the lowest
First, some population statistics and predictions: fertility rate is South Korea's, at 1.2 children per woman.
According to the World Health Organization, the number And despite its large population, China's fertility rate is
of people today who are aged 60 and over has doubled just 1.5,a result of government policies to limit families to
since 1980.It is projected that within the next five years, just one child.
for the first time in history the number of adults aged 65 If this global trend toward fewer children continues,
and over will outnumber children under the age of 5. it will have an enormous impact on society's ability to
By 2050, these older adults will outnumber all children support its growing number of elderly citizens. And that
under the age of 14.And, the human lifespan is also brings us back to our topic today-the impact of an aging
increasing: the National Institute on Aging reports that population on the world of work.
most countries, including developing countries, show a To understand the profound impact of rising life
steady increase in longevity. expectancy and falling birthrate, you need to understand
So ... what does all of this have to do with work? The the elderly support ratio. The elderly support ratio
answer to that is the subject of today's lecture. First, I is calculated by dividing the number of working-age
will explain some historical factors that have contributed people-ages 15to 64-by the number of people 65
to the rapid aging of the human population. I will then or older. This ratio gives a rough idea of how many
move on to the main point of the lecture-that is, the support providers are available for each elderly person
impact that this aging population is having on the world who might be dependent on the work of others. To give
of work. you an indication of the enormous change that is taking
Now ... how did we get to be so old? Two basic place: According to the Population Research Bureau, in
trends have resulted in the rapid increase in the age of 1950there were 12working-age people for every elderly

126 Appendix A
person in the world; by 2010, this ratio had declined to expertise is not easily replaced in younger workers who
9. The ratio actually varies significantly from country to have little to no experience or change jobs frequently and
country, with the lowest ratios being in the advanced lack the institutional knowledge of the baby boomers.
economies of the developed world. To put this into The loss of highly skilled employees-those whose
perspective, in Europe today there are fewer than 5 jobs involve interaction between two people and which
working-age people to support each elderly person; in require problem-solving skills and experience, such as
Japan, Italy, and Germany, the ratio is even lower-only engineers, nurses, and lawyers-is in turn affecting the
3. By 2050, projections indicate that the ratio for the world productivity of many companies. In fact, some companies
will decline from 9 working adults per elderly person to 4, have had to scale back expansion due to a lack of the
with Japan having the lowest ratio of just 1 to 1. highly skilled workers such expansion depends on.
The potential impact on the world of work is profound. And, if population growth in advanced economies
One result is the number of older workers who are now such as Japan and much of Europe remains low, this
remaining in their jobs past retirement age. A second problem will persist far beyond the retirement of the
impact is caused by just the opposite phenomenon, the baby boomers-there will simply not be enough young
large number of baby boomers who are and will be workers to replace retirees. Although in the short term it
retiring at the same time, taking with them knowledge might seem that older workers are standing in the way of
and expertise that will be difficult to replace over the younger workers seeking employment, over the long term
short term. OK, let's address each of these in turn. the labor of older workers will be essential to economic
First of all, the fact that a large number of baby growth. In addition, as the human lifespan increases,
boomers at or nearing retirement age are remaining people will need to work longer to make enough money
in their jobs means that young workers entering the to support themselves in an old age that could last quite
workforce are finding it difficult to find work, particularly a bit longer than it did in previous generations. And, with
in desirable, white-collar, professional jobs. According to a longer working life and rapid changes brought about
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median age of the by technology, the idea of having just one career is likely
American worker has risen dramatically in recent years- to be a thing of the past. Instead, most people will be
from 35 in 1980 to 42 in 2010. And at the executive level, having second and even third careers-with their final
the median age is quite a bit higher, at about 52. career just getting started when they are in their 60s.
Globall:/, 14 percent of the workforce is now over the At this point, it is unclear how employers and workers
age of 55, but according to the McKinsey Global Institute, themselves will adapt to the need-and often desire-of
that figure will rise to 22 percent by 2030. In the past, older people to remain in the workforce. At the moment,
older workers retired (or died), so at anyone time there workplaces aren't designed to meet the needs of their
might have been two generations in the workforce at the aging workers very well. In fact, cases of age-related
same time. Now, the workplace has become increasingly discrimination in work are on the rise; companies often
multigenerational, with young, middle-aged, and layoff their older, more expensive employees first,
older workers. and in our youth-oriented culture, companies that are
When younger people do find work, they will often hiring often prefer younger candidates, even with far
encounter co-workers who are two to three generations less experience. Clearly, as the population continues
older than they are. This generation gap is made even to age and remain healthy for a longer period of time,
wider by the so-called digital divide, that is, the quite such a youth orientation in the workplace will need to
different levels of comfort with technology between be rethought.
"digital natives"-young people who have never known OK, so that's it for today. Don't forget that next week
anything but a wireless, connected world-and aging will be our review session for the final exam, so come
baby boomers who grew up without personal computers, prepared with your questions.
much less social networking. In today's working world,
management is increasingly having to deal with the
inevitable clashes that can occur when workers with such

widely dif"erent life experiences and attitudes toward See First Listening, above.
work interact.
Now, the other trend affecting the world of work is THIRD LISTENING Page 60
directly related to the fact that all these baby boomers
are nearing retirement age at the same time. While some
Lecturer: Prior to the Industrial Revolution, much of
are remaining on the job, as we have just discussed,
the population grew their own food on small farms.
many are leaving the workforce and retiring, taking with
Therefore, large families were an advantage-the need
them the experience and knowledge gained over long
for cheap labor to work the land, coupled with high
careers, often spent working for the same company. This
infant mortality, made large families advantageous.

Audioscripts 127
Mentor through advances in reproductive technology-but that
1. Look at number one. Which notes are similar to your was only one reason for the decline in the birthrate.
notes? Did you notice the cause and effect relationship The other reason was the decline in a need for large
in this part of the lecture? families. Look at how the spacing makes this much
All three sets of notes list the two reasons the lecturer clearer in b. My notes are b.
gave for why having a large family was an advantage
before the Industrial Revolution, but they do not all ImJ
accurately show the cause and effect relationship Lecturer: First of all, the fact that a large number of
between those reasons and large families. baby boomers at or nearing retirement age are remaining
The notes in a show the time period-before the in their jobs means that young workers entering the
Industrial Revolution-and the symbol for because- workforce are finding it difficult to find work, particularly
blc-is followed by the two reasons. My notes are a. in desirable, white-collar, professional jobs. According to
Now look at b. In the heading, the arrow pointing the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median age of the
left suggests that the time period before the Industrial American worker has risen dramatically in recent years-
Revolution was the cause and large families having from 35 in 1980 to 42 in 2010.
an advantage was the effect. Also, it is not clear how Mentor
points 1 and 2 are related to the heading. 3. Now look at number three. There is just one cause
Now look at c. In c, the Industrial Revolution appears and effect cue in this part of the lecture: the verb
to be the cause of large families, which is not accurate. means. Both notes a and b show just one cause and
In fact, big families stopped being an advantage during effect relationship.
the Industrial Revolution. The time period referred to in Let's look at a first. I'm going to "translate" a, and
this section was before the Industrial Revolution. you decide if it reflects what the lecturer said. "The
American worker's median age rose from 35 in 1980
to 42 in 2010. As a result, young workers are having
Lecturer: During industrialization, there was a difficulty finding jobs." Is that right? The lecturer said
population shift from rural to urban areas, where that baby boomers are working past retirement age-
factories were located. As a result of this shift, the need that is important information about cause, but it wasn't
for large families began to decline. This, combined included in a.
with advances in reproductive technology that allowed OK, now look at b. I'm going to "translate" again.
couples to take a more active role in planning their "Baby boomers work past retirement age. As a result,
families, led to a gradual decline in the birthrate. young workers have difficulty finding jobs." That makes
Mentor sense, doesn't it? OK, but there is also an asterisk next to
2. Now look at number two. There were several cues for "age" and a note at the bottom of b. The note contains
cause and effect in this part of the lecture: as a result, the information that the statistics back up the point
allowed, and led to. There was also an implied cause about retirement age; they show that the median age of
and effect-the idea that the population shift was American workers is going up. The notes in b are mine.
a result of industrialization. Which notes accurately
reflect the causes and effects introduced in this part of ACCURACY CHECK Page 61
the lecture?
1. According to the World Health Organization, when will
Both a and b show that industrialization led to a
the number of older adults worldwide be higher than
population shift and that the population shift led to a
the number of children aged 14 and younger?
decline in the need for large families. But look at a. Do
2. What was true about families before the
you see what is missing? The move from rural to urban
Industrial Revolution?
areas was important information that should have been
included-as it was in b. 3. What is one trend that has contributed to a rapid
In a, the next point is about reproductive technology. increase in the age of the world's population?
But the relationship of this point to the previous one 4. When was the baby boom?
is not clear. Now compare a and b. In b, the "and" 5. Which country has the lowest fertility rate today?
symbol makes it clear that this is an additional point. 6. Which country is projected to have the lowest elderly
The left-pointing arrow in a indicates that support ratio by 2050?
reproductive technology was the effect and controlling
7. What percentage of the global workforce is currently
family size was the cause. But the lecturer said just the
over the age of 55?
opposite. The arrow should point right, as in b.
8. If population growth remains low in advanced
One final point about a: it looks like the decline
economies, what problem could occur?
in the birthrate is a result of controlling family size

128 Appendix A
Communication: The Influence of
meet this need, we send verbal and nonverbal messages
to communicate with both friends and strangers.
Communication can take the form of talk, or it can
take the form of gestures, or nonverbal signals, of one
Language, Culture, and Gender kind or another. The talk or signals send messages that
communicate a person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions
to others.

Classroclm Communication: Language FIRST LISTENING Page 71

and Culture in the Classroom Lecturer: Today's lecture deals with language, culture,
and communication in classrooms. First of all, what
VOCABULARY PREVIEW Page 69 exactly is communication? One definition is that

G communication is a form of human behavior that results

from a need to interact with other human beings. So, to
1. Communication can take the form of talk, or it can
meet this need, we send verbal and nonverbal messages
take the form of gestures, or nonverbal signals of one
to communicate with both friends and strangers.
kind or another.
Communication can take the form of talk, or it can
2. Many scholars study the topic of communication in
take the form of gestures, or nonverbal signals, of one
general, and speech communication specifically,
kind or another. The talk or signals send messages
in order to learn how individuals send and
that communicate a person's thoughts, feelings, and
interpret messages.
intentions to others. Many scholars study the topic of
3. One arE:a of research in intercultural communication communication, in general, and speech communication,
is the study of the influence of the setting, specifically, in order to learn how individuals send and
or environment, on the success or failure interpret messages. Some of these scholars conduct
of communication. research on the topic of intercultural communication.
4. When you are asked to picture a classroom in your That is, they study communication between people from
mind's eye, what do you see? different cultures. One area of research in intercultural
5. The "classroom" as we know it, by the way, is a communication is the study of the influence of the
relatively recent innovation. setting, or environment, on the success or failure of
6. In particular, culture influences the rituals that take communication. In this lecture, I'll be talking about
place in the classroom setting, and the ways that one specific aspect of intercultural communication;
student, participate in the classroom discourse. that is, intercultural communication that takes place in
the classroom.
7. Rituals are systematic procedures used to perform a
But what exactly is a classroom? When you are asked
certain act or to communicate a certain message.
to picture a classroom in your mind's eye, what do you
8. In some graduate-level seminars in American
see? You probably see a classroom that is familiar to you
universities, students do not make any physical
and that would be familiar to students from your culture.
signs when they want to speak; they state their ideas
Not everyone will see the same picture in their minds.
whenever they feel the urge.
Although many people have a similar mental image of a
9. North American students from families of European classroom, their culture greatly influences the way they
origin are usually more talkative in class and more view the teacher-student relationship. And culture also
willing to state their opinions than are students of influences how a person understands the ways in which
American Indian heritage or from Asian backgrounds. information is taught and learned in the classroom.
10. The esteem in which teachers are held also varies Culture also plays an important role in determining how
from culture to culture. teachers and students communicate in the classroom. In
this lecture, I'll give you a few examples of some of the
NOTETILKING PREPARATION ways that culture affects this communication.

Page 70
The "classroom" as we know it, by the way, is a
relatively recent innovation. Great teachers like Socrates,
Lecturer: Today's lecture deals with language, culture, Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius taught without the
and communication in classrooms. First of all, what benefit of a board, desks, and the standard comforts (or
exactly is communication? One definition is that discomforts) of a classroom building.
communication is a form of human behavior that results
from a need to interact with other human beings. So, to

Audioscripts 129
But let me return to the main topic of this lecture-the teacher. So, some cultures do not have a way for students
influence of culture on behavior and communication to signal a desire to talk to a teacher; in these cultures,
between teacher and students in the classroom. students speak out only after the teacher has spoken
If you have come from another culture to study in to them.
the United States, you may already have noticed that And what about how teachers are treated? How much
teachers and students in American schools interact and are they respected? The esteem in which teachers are
communicate in the classroom in ways that differ from held also varies from culture to culture. Many Asian
how teachers and students communicate in your home peoples see the teacher, the instructor, the professor as
culture. It's culture that influences and establishes these the very "symbol" of learning and culture. In Germany,
interactions and communication patterns. students value the personal opinions of their instructors
But what do we mean by culture? Of course, culture and it is not customary to disagree with or contradict
is a term that is used in many different ways. Basically, a teacher during class. Israeli students, on the other
culture provides us with a system of knowledge that hand, might criticize a teacher who they feel is wrong
allows us to communicate with others and teaches us about an issue or who they believe has provided
how to interpret their verbal and nonverbal behavior. incorrect information.
Culture influences and establishes how people interact There are many other ways that culture can affect
with one another-or do not interact with one another. interaction and communication between teachers and
In particular, culture influences the rituals that take place students in the classroom. I've discussed differences in
in the classroom setting, and it influences the ways that how students get the teacher's attention during class,
students participate in the classroom discourse. It also. and I've pointed out the differences in the ways students
influences the esteem in which teachers are held. from various cultures participate and communicate with
Just what exactly are "rituals"? I'll give you a the teacher during class. From this brief consideration
dictionary definition to begin with: Rituals are systematic of classroom communication, you should begin to see
procedures used to perform a certain act or to that learning a language involves more than studying
communicate a certain message. Well, there are many the vocabulary, idioms, and grammar of the language.
rituals associated with teaching and learning, and with If you are to succeed in communicating in a second-
education in general. In some countries, when a teacher language classroom, you need to learn not only
enters the classroom, the students ritually stand up. In the the language spoken in the classroom, but also the
United States, a classroom ritual occurs when students expected procedures of classroom participation and
raise their hands to signal to the teacher that they know communication-that is, the rituals of language, culture,
the answer to a question. This hand raising is not a and communication.
universal classroom ritual to signal intent to answer a
question, however. Jamaican students snap or flap their SECOND LISTENING Page 73
fingers to signal that they want to answer a question. In
See First Listening, above.
some college- and graduate-level seminars in American
universities, students do not make any physical signs
when they want to speak; they state their ideas whenever THIRD LISTENING Page 73
they feel the urge or when it is appropriate. This sort of 1m!
classroom behavior is especially confusing to students Lecturer: But what do we mean by culture? Of course,
from cultures in which there are no rituals for attracting culture is a term that is used in many different ways.
the teacher's attention because the student is not Basically, culture provides us with a system of knowledge
expected to participate in the class at all. that allows us to communicate with others and teaches
This brings us to the issue of classroom participation. us how to interpret their verbal and nonverbal behavior.
North American students from families of European Culture influences and establishes how people interact
origin are usually more talkative in class and more with one another-or do not interact with one another.
willing to state their opinions than are students of
American Indian heritage or from Asian backgrounds.
1. Look at number one. Which notes are similar to your
This difference is directly related to cultural values
notes? Did you notice the rhetorical question and use
about learning and education and classroom behavior.
the symbols Q and A?
European-American students' culture teaches them that
All three of the notes use Q and A, which is good.
learning is shaped and helped by their talk and active
However, in c the question is written out exactly as it
engagement in exploring or discussing issues. Some
was spoken. Try to reduce a rhetorical question to its
Asian-born and Asian-American students, however, are
basic meaning, as in a and b.
generally taught that they will learn best by listening to
and absorbing the knowledge being given to them by the

130 Appendix A
Although c accurately reflects the definition of culture Notes a and b contain similar information. But,
from the lecture, too much is written down-there is no which notes make the difference between the main
need to write down "basic" or "us." If your notes look points and the supporting details the most clear?
like c, you've got the idea, but you need to put only the The use of bullets and dashes in a make a clear
most important information in your notes. distinction between the main points and the examples.
Now let's look at a and b. Which one most clearly My notes are a.
shows Ihe definition of culture? In b it seems as if the
lecturer gave three different definitions of culture-this
is confusing. In facl, the lecturer gave just one definition

that contained three key points. 1. What does the lecturer say that culture is?
My notes are a. These notes clearly show one 2. What is raising one's hand to get the teacher's attention
definition of culture that has three parIs. an example of?
3. Which is a classroom ritual?
1mB 4. Students from Asian backgrounds often do what?
Lecturer: Just what exactly are "rituals?" I'll give
5. Which of the following is usually true in classrooms
you a dictionary definition to begin with: Rituals are
in Asia?
systematic procedures used to perform a certain act
or to communicate a certain message. Well, there are 6. Which of the following is true of German classrooms?
many rituals associated with teaching and learning, and 7. Which of the following groups would probably feel
education in general. In some countries, when a teacher the most comfortable disagreeing with a teacher
enters the classroom, the students ritually stand up. during class?
Mentor 8. Which of the following is not discussed in the lecture?
2. Look at number two. Which notes are similar to
your notes?
Did you notice the rhetorical question and use the Q
and A symbols, as in a and c? If so, good.
Although b includes all of the information, it is not Gender and Communication:
as clear as a or c. In b the fact that rituals are a main Male-Female Conversation as
point in the lecture gets lost. And in b it is not visually Cross-cultural Communication
clear that standing up when a teacher comes in the
room is an example of a ritual.
No example is given in a. Including the example, as Page 78
in c, makes the somewhat technical definition of rituals
easier 10 understand. The notes in c are mine. 1. Boys learn to be masculine and girls learn to be
feminine as they grow to be men and women.
2. Children learn how to talk to other children or adults,
Lecturer: And what about how teachers are treated?
and how to have conversations, not only from their
How much are they respected? The esteem in which
parents, but also from their peers.
teachers are held also varies from culture to culture.
Many Asian peoples see the teacher, the instructor, the 3. Deborah Tannen and other researchers on this topic
professor as the very "symbol" of learning and culture. have found that young boys tend to play outside the
In Germany, students value the personal opinions of home rather than in, and they play in large groups
their instructors and it is not customary to disagree with that are hierarchically structured.
or contradict a teacher during class. Israeli students, on 4. It is by giving orders and making the other boys
the other hand, might criticize a teacher who they feel is play by the rules that boys achieve higher and more
wrong about an issue or who they believe has provided dominant status in the play group.
incorrect information. 5. Boys also achieve status by taking center stage.
Mentor 6. The boys were making slingshots; the girls were
3. Look at number three. Which notes are most like your making jewelry.
notes? Let's look at the differences between a and b. 7. The girls making the rings were more egalitarian.
In b we see two questions. The lecturer did ask two
8. As a result of our cultural upbringing, we learn norms
questions, but was it necessary to write down both?
of behavior and patterns of communication that are
Probably not. The important thing to note was the point often gender based, and sometimes gender biased.
about respect. But it is OK to include both questions if
9. Well, perhaps it is our social concept of what is
you have time to record them.
feminine and what is masculine that reinforces the

Audioscripts 131
stereotype that women talk more than men, and even orders and making the other boys play by the rules that
causes these different patterns of communication. boys achieve higher and more dominant status in the
10. This means that a Zulu wife must paraphrase and play group. Boys also achieve status by taking "center
find other ways to say these things. stage." They take center stage by talking a lot; they give
orders and commands; they tell a lot of stories and jokes.
They command attention by dominating conversations

Lecturer: Another well-known researcher, Marjorie
and by interrupting other boys who are speaking. The
researchers also found that boys' games often have clear
winners and losers and complicated systems of rules.
Harness Goodwin, compared boys and girls engaged Researchers found that girls have their own kinds of
in two task-oriented activities. The boys were making games with their own rules. And they follow their own
slingshots. The girls were making jewelry; they were patterns and styles of communication when playing
making rings for their fingers. Goodwin noted that the together. Tannen and her colleagues have found that
boys' activity group was hierarchically arranged. The young girls often play in small groups or in pairs. There is
"leader" told the other boys what to do and how to do little hierarchical order to their group play. In their games,
it. The girls making the rings were more egalitarian. like hopscotch and jump rope, every girl gets a chance to
Everyone made suggestions about how to make the rings, play. Researchers have also found that girls usually don't
and the girls tended to listen and accept the suggestions give many direct orders or commands to their playmates;
of the other girls in the group. they express their preferences as suggestions, according
to Tannen. In many of their play activities there are no
"winners" or "losers."
Girls often say to their playmates, "Let's do" this or that.
Lecturer: In the last lecture, you heard about Boys, on the other hand, are more direct in ordering their
the relationship between culture and classroom playmates to do this or that. Tannen is quick to point out
communication. In this lecture, I'll talk about another that North American boys as well as girls want to get their
variable that affects human communication. That way and want other children to do what they want them
variable is gender. Gender is the social identity that to do; however, boys and girls try to get their playmates to
men and women learn as they grow up in a culture. For do what they want them to do in different ways.
example, boys learn to be "masculine" and girls learn Another well-known researcher, Marjorie Harness
to be "feminine" as they grow to be men and women. Goodwin, compared boys and girls engaged in two task-
Researchers have shown that men and women-and oriented activities. The boys were making slingshots. The
boys and girls, for that matter-communicate in quite girls were making jewelry; they were making rings for
different ways and in different amounts, depending their fingers. Goodwin noted that the boys' activity group
on the situation the speakers find themselves in, and was hierarchically arranged. The "leader" told the other
the reason or reasons they're communicating with boys what to do and how to do it. The girls making the
other people. rings were more egalitarian. Everyone made suggestions
Many cultures actually encourage men and women about how to make the rings, and the girls tended to
to talk differently and in different amounts, and these listen and accept the suggestions of the other girls in
patterns for communicating are learned when men and the group.
women are young boys and girls. Children learn how Goodwin is not suggesting that girls never engage in
to talk to other children or adults, and how to have some of the communication and management behaviors
conversations, not only from their parents, but also from boys engage in. In fact, in another study, she found that
their peers-other boys and girls their age. In her best- when girls "play house," the girl who plays the mother
selling book, You Just Don't Understand, Deborah Tannen gives orders to the girls who play the children. But girls
points out that although American boys and girls often seem to give orders to their peers less often than boys
play together, they spend most of their time playing in do when they play. In the game of playing house, the
same-sex groups. She also points out that boys and girls girls are practicing parent-child relationships. And, it's
do play some games together, but their favorite games are very likely that when little boys play their games, they
very often quite different. are practicing the masculine roles they're expected to
Tannen and other researchers on this topic have assume when they grow up.
found that young boys, say ages eight through twelve, So. As a result of our cultural upbringing, we learn
tend to play outside the home rather than in, and they norms of behavior and patterns of communication that
play in large groups that are hierarchically structured. are often gender based, and sometimes gender biased.
The group of boys generally has a leader who tells the We also develop stereotypes about how and how much
other boys what to do and how to do it. It is by giving males and females-that is, boys and girls or women

132 Appendix A
and men-.should and do communicate. However, conversation. Often, it's because their styles and patterns
researchers have shown that many of these stereotypes of conversation are so different. It's important that we
actually turn out to be quite wrong. learn to recognize these differences so that we can learn
Now, a common stereotype that many people hold is to communicate better with people of the other gender.
that women talk a lot, perhaps too much. And that they It's important to emphasize that these differences may
are always interrupting or trying to take "center stage" be specific to North American culture. Gender can affect
when someone else is talking. Actually, recent research communication in even more and stronger ways in some
on the influence of gender on communication has shown other cultures. In Zulu culture, for example, a wife is
the exact opposite is true in many instances! forbidden to say any words that sound like the names of
Researchers have found that men usually produce her father-in-law or brothers. This means that she must
more talk than women. And men are more likely to paraphrase and find other ways to say these things, and
interrupt another speaker than women are-particularly she is expected to do so.
in public settings, such as business meetings. So although So you see, cultural differences are not the only things
women are believed to talk more than men, study after that affect language and communication. Language is
study has shown that it is men who talk more at meetings, affected by gender as well. I'm sure you can think of
in mixed-group discussions, and in classrooms where many ways that gender affects communication between
girls or young women sit next to boys or young men. And men and women in your own culture.
this finding holds even for communicative interactions
between very educated and successful professional men
and women, such as professors, for example.

Deborah Tannen, in her book You Just Don't See First Listening, above.
Understand, cites a study conducted by Barbara and
Gene Eakins, who recorded and studied seven university THIRD LISTENING Page 82
faculty meetings. They found that, with one exception,
male professors spoke more often and, without exception,
Lecturer: Now, a common stereotype that many people
for a longer period of time than the female professors
hold is that women talk a lot, perhaps too much. And
did. The men took center stage and talked from 10.66
that they are always interrupting or trying to take "center
seconds to 17.07seconds, while the women talked from 3
stage" when someone else is talking. Actually, recent
to 10 seconds, on the average. Tannen points out that the
research on the influence of gender on communication
women's longest turns were still shorter than the men's
has shown the exact opposite is true in many instances!
shortest turns. Angela Simeone reported another example
of this phenomenon in her book, Academic Women.
She found that women professors talk at departmental 1. Look at number one. Do you see how the information
meetings less often than their male colleagues do. When in a is very clear because spacing and symbols are
asked how often they spoke at departmental meetings, used so effectively? When you look at a, the main idea
46 percent of the American men professors reported that jumps right out.
they spokE~often at these meetings, but only 15 percent of Now look at b. Do you see the problem? You should
the women professors reported that they spoke often at not try to write full sentences in your notes. If your notes
departmental meetings. look like b, you need to learn to use abbreviations and
Well, perhaps it's our social concept of what is symbols rather than full words and sentences.
feminine and what is masculine that reinforces the What about c? Although there is a contrast in this
stereotype that women talk more than men, and even part of the lecture, it is not a contrast between men
causes these different patterns of communication. and women; it is a contrast between a stereotype and
Maybe a woman is labeled talkative or is criticized for reality. That kind of gets lost in c. And there is only
interrupting, if she does these things at all, because our one contrast, so a chart isn't necessary. I used a in
culture-in fact, many cultures-teaches that women my notes.
should be quiet if they want to be "feminine." Perhaps
masculine culture encourages boys and men to dominate
Lecturer: Deborah Tannen, in her book You Just Don't
talk and to interrupt more often, and males who talk a lot
Understand, cites a study conducted by Barbara and
and interrupt often are not criticized for doing so.
Gene Eakins, who recorded and studied seven university
These differences in the patterns of communication
faculty meetings. They found that, with one exception,
and styles of communicating are studied by researchers
male professors spoke more often and, without exception,
who examine the effects of gender on communication.
for a longer period of time than the female professors
They stud:; these effects in order to understand why
did. The men took center stage and talked from 10.66
misunderstandings occur between men and women in
seconds to 17.07seconds, while the women talked from 3

Audioscripts 133
to 10 seconds, on the average. Tannen points out that the ACCURACY CHECK Page 83
women's longest turns were still shorter than the men's
1. How do children learn culturally appropriate patterns
shortest turns. Angela Simeone reported another example
of communication?
of this phenomenon in her book, Academic Women.
2. According to Deborah Tannen, which of the following
She found that women professors talk at departmental
statements is true about American girls and boys?
meetings less often than their male colleagues do. When
asked how often they spoke at departmental meetings, 3. What is one of the main differences between how boys
46 percent of the American men professors reported that and girls play?
they spoke often at these meetings, but only 15 percent of 4. What is one of the main differences between how boys
the women professors reported that they spoke often at and girls communicate?
departmental meetings. 5. Why do boys try to take center stage?
Mentor 6. Which of the following is an example of a child
2. Now look at the notes in number two. The information practicing a gender role?
in a and b is similar, and they both use a chart, which 7. Which of the statements is an inaccurate
was a good idea because this part of the lecture involved stereotype about the differences between male and
some contrasts; however, the charts are organized female communication?
differently. Which presents the information more clearly? 8. The lecturer mentions Zulu culture as an example
Well, b highlights the differences between the two
of what?
research studies quite clearly. However, it doesn't
highlight the differences between males and females as
well as a does. And because showing the differences
between male and female communication patterns was
the main point, with the research studies illustrating
that point, a works better than b. My notes are in a. Biology: From Genetics to
Genetic Engineering
Lecturer: Well, perhaps it is our social concept of what -

is feminine and what is masculine that reinforces the CHAPTER 9

stereotype that women talk more than men, and even
causes these different patterns of communication.
The Origins of Genetics: Mendel and the
Maybe a woman is labeled talkative or is criticized for Garden Pea Experiment
interrupting if she does these things at all, because our
culture-in fact, many cultures-teaches that women VOCABULARY PREVIEW Page 91
should be quiet if they want to be "feminine." Perhaps
masculine culture encourages boys and men to dominate
o 1. Genes determine how every living creature on earth
talk and to interrupt more often, and males who talk a lot
appears, how it functions, how it reproduces, and
and interrupt often are not criticized for doing so.
generally, how it behaves.
2. Inherited traits, or characteristics, are determined
3. Look at number three. The lecturer's main point here
by combinations of genes that are different for every
was to explain why people think that women talk more
human being.
than men, when in fact the opposite is true.
Both a and b contain the important information but 3. The scientists who study how genes are inherited
b is clearer. The point that people think women talk and passed from one generation to the next are
more than men, when in fact the opposite is true, is a called geneticists.
little complicated. More information, as in b, is needed. 4. I want to acknowledge and briefly examine the work
In b, a heading above the chart introduces the of a pioneer in biology, Gregor Mendel.
topic: cultural expectations. And the column headings 5. Mendel studied science at the University of Vienna,
specifically say these are roles that women and men and there he learned how to use mathematics to try
are expected to play. The headings in a don't make to explain natural phenomena.
that clear. 6. When a variety of garden pea that had violet flowers
The use of so in b makes the relationship between was crossed with a variety that had white flowers, all
the ideas clearer than they are in a. The notes in b the offspring surprisingly had only violet flowers.
are mine.
7. Mendel applied his knowledge of mathematics
and statistics to help him predict the results of the

134 Appendix A
crossbr<~eding of the white-flowering and violet- are passed down from one generation to the next, or
flowering plants. inherited. You may, for example, have inherited the color
8. The pea plants could be cultivated quickly, and with of your hair from your mother, or the ability to roll your
little effort. tongue from your father. Or maybe you inherited some
9, We now know that genes are tiny biochemical other interesting trait you mayor may not be grateful for
structures inside each cell that determine eye color, from your great, great, great grandfather or grandmother.
blood type, height, and so on. Who knows? Inherited traits, or characteristics, are
10. A person may have a genetic tendency toward being determined by combinations of genes that are different
overweight, but the person's actual weight will for every human being.
depend on a number of environmental factors. Now, although each individual is unique, it's
interesting to note that most genes are common to every
person on earth. In fact, humans share many of the same

genes with other kinds, or species, of animals, from the
simple, little fruit fly to our close cousins, the apes. In
1. These genes are passed down from one generation fact, and this might surprise you-humans and the small
to the ~ext, or inherited. You may, for example, have African ape called the bonobo, share about 97 percent of
inherited the color of your hair from your mother. the same genes. I don't know whether that's good news
2. Many of your individual traits resemble those of or not for us-or for the bonobos.
your parents-including the color and shape of your The study of genes is a branch of the field of biology
eyes, the texture of your hair, and even your height called genetics, and the scientists who study how genes
and weight. are inherited and passed from one generation to the next
are called geneticists. The field of genetics actually dates
3. Humans have always been interested in learning how
back to the mid-I800s, but most of what we know today
to improve the breeding of animals to make them
about genes-and also about genetic disorders-has
more valuable and useful. In the case of racehorses,
been learned in only the last few decades.
for example, owners want to breed strong, beautiful,
But I, I don't want to jump ahead to what's going
and fast horses that can run faster than their
on in modern genetics before we acknowledge, and
competitors' horses can run.
briefly examine, the work of a pioneer in biology, Gregor
4. The galden pea plant has many traits that have two
Mendel. Mendel lived from 1822 to 1884. He carried out
clearly different forms that are easy to tell apart, such
some of the earliest experiments in genetics by studying
as color-the color of a pea flower is either violet the simple pea plant.
or whitl~.
Now, between 1856 and 1863, Mendel grew more than
5. A persc,n may have a genetic tendency toward being 28,000 pea plants, and he kept very careful records on
overweight, but the person's actual weight will also these plants. From these records, he saw clearly that
be influenced by a number of environmental factors, there was a predictable pattern by which plant traits or
such as how much and what kinds of food the person characteristics were passed from one generation of pea
eats, and how much exercise the person gets. plant to the next-a pattern that had never been reported
before. Mendel explained the patterns in principles, or
FIRST LISTENING Page 93 laws. Today these principles are known as the Mendelian
Laws of Heredity.
Lecturer: ]'d like to begin today's lecture by asking a
Because we're talking about Gregor Mendel, let me
few simple questions. Why do people look different from
take a moment to tell you something interesting about
cats, from horses, and from birds? Why do people look
him that might help you see the real man. Now, in
different from each other? Why do you look different
1843, Mendel joined an order of monks that had strong
from your sister or brother? The answer to all these
interests in science and culture, and he became a
questions lies in the genes of people and animals.
teacher. In 1851,he was sent to the University of Vienna
Your genes provide biological instructions that control
to study mathematics and experimental biology-the two
how you look, how you function, and even, partly,
subjects that were to make him so famous throughout
how you behave. Genes determine how every living
the world. After two years of study he left the University
creature on earth appears, functions, reproduces, and
generally, behaves. of Vienna to return to the monastery and to teaching.
Mendel was extremely nervous and anxious about taking
Now, genes are found inside the cells of the body.
exams. It seems that this extreme nervousness about
They're made up of deoxyribonucleic acid, or as we
taking examinations kept him from taking the exam to be
always call it, DNA. DNA contains instructions for what
certified to continue teaching. Instead, when he returned
each of the genes is supposed to do. These genes

Audioscripts 135

to his monastery, Mendel began conducting his research plant. For one thing, this plant was readily available and
and become one of the most famous scientists of all time. plentiful where he lived in Austria. Second, the peas
All right, uh, let's see, where was I? Oh, yes. I was could be cultivated quickly, and with little effort. And
talking about genes and the passing of certain traits and most important-from a mathematician's perspective-
characteristics from one generation to another. Many of the garden pea plant produced a large number of baby
your individual traits resemble those of your parents- pea plants, or offspring.
including the color and shape of your eyes, the texture of Actually, it seems that the garden pea was a very good
your hair, and even your height and weight. Your parents subject for studying heredity for several other reasons as
have passed traits on to you, and this passing of traits well. The garden pea plant has many traits that have two
from parent to offspring, as we know, is called "heredity." clearly different forms that are easy to tell apart, such as
From the earliest times, people have been interested color-the color of a pea flower is either violet or white.
in studying and understanding how heredity works. There is no intermediate color. Next, the mating of the
People have wanted to learn how they could alter crop garden-pea flowers can be easily manipulated, so Mendel
plants, like corn, to give the corn traits that would make was able to control the mating of the plant easily and
the corn crop larger and better tasting. And today farmers then observe the offspring plants that resulted from the
can do that. Humans have also always been interested in mating. As I mentioned at the beginning of the lecture,
learning how to improve the breeding of animals to make Mendel grew more than 28,000 plants, and recorded
them more valuable and useful. Um, let's see. In the case the many offspring of these plants. And he did all this
of racehorses, for example, owners want to breed strong, counting and record keeping long before computers were
beautiful, and fast horses that can run faster than their available for record keeping and statistical analyses.
competitors' horses. A famous racehorse, Seabiscuit, Pretty impressive!
was the grandson of a champion racehorse named Man We're still benefiting today from the early research
of War. Undoubtedly, Man of War passed on traits of done by Gregor Mendel. As a result of his research, today
strength and speed that helped his grandson Seabiscuit we understand much more about genetics and heredity,
race faster than so many other horses, even though though there is still so much more to be learned.
Seabiscuit was a small horse, compared to the larger We now know that genes are tiny biochemical
horses he raced against. structures inside each cell. They determine particular
OK. Well, to continue. Before DNA was discovered- hereditary traits, such as eye color, blood type, height,
that is, when Gregor Mendel began his experiments- and so on. But we must remember that the gene gives
heredity was one of the greatest mysteries of science. only the potential for the development of a particular
Now, as I mentioned earlier, Mendel studied science at trait. How this potential is realized, or achieved, depends
the University of Vienna, and there he learned how to use partly on the interaction of the gene with other genes.
mathematics to try to explain natural phenomena. And it depends partly on the environment. For example,
While in Vienna, Mendel studied the work of Thomas a person may have a genetic tendency to be overweight,
Knight, another early pioneer in the study of heredity but the person's actual weight will also be influenced by
and genetics. Knight had crossed a variety of garden a number of environmental factors, such as how much
pea that had violet flowers with a variety that had white and what kinds of food the person eats, and how much
flowers. To his surprise, he found that all of the offspring exercise the person gets. Yes, we are what we eat, and
had only violet flowers. However, when two of the violet- thanks to the fact that our ancestors ate-we are! And on
flowered offspring were crossed, their offspring produced that note, my inherited hunger trait is telling me that it's
both violet and white flowers. The white-color trait had almost time for lunch, so we'll stop there.
reappeared in the second generation of the plant. Knight
was puzzled by this reappearance of the white flowers in SECOND LISTENING Page 95
the second generation, and he was unable to explain why
See First Listening, above.
this happened.
Mendel decided to repeat Knight's work on the garden
pea plant-which is called Pisum sativum in Latin. But THIRD LISTENING Page 95
Mendel decided to apply his knowledge of mathematics
and statistics to help him predict the results of the
Lecturer: Now, genes are found inside the cells of the
crossbreeding of the white-flowering and violet-flowering body. They're made up of deoxyribonucleic acid, or as
plants. OK. Now, you might ask why Mendel used a plant, we always call it, DNA. DNA contains instructions for
rather than an animal, to study the puzzle of heredity, what each of the genes is supposed to do. These genes
and why he used the simple garden pea, rather than a are passed down from one generation to the next, or
rose or some other flowering plant. Well, Mendel had a inherited. You may, for example, have inherited the color
number of good reasons for choosing to study the pea of your hair from your mother, or the ability to roll your

136 Appendix A
tongue from your father. Or maybe you inherited some a digression-information that is not important to the
other intere:;ting trait you mayor may not be grateful for topic, and therefore it probably isn't necessary to take
from your great, great, great grandfather or grandmother. notes. The lecturer also said, "that might help you see
Who knows') Inherited traits, or characteristics, are the real man," another clue that the information that
determined by combinations of genes that are different follows will not be related to genetics.
for every human being. The notes in b were mine. I began recording some
Although each individual is unique, it's interesting to biographical information about Mendel, just in case
note that most genes are common to every person on it might be helpful later on, but then I stopped and
earth. In fact, humans share many of the same genes with listened to the story. Notetaker a could have relaxed
other kinds, or species, of animals, from the simple, little and done the same thing.
fruit fly to our close cousins, the apes. In fact, and this
might surprise you-humans and the small African ape 1m)
called the bonobo, share about 97 percent of the same Lecturer: While in Vienna, Mendel studied the work
genes. I don't know whether that's good news or not for of Thomas Knight, another early pioneer in the study
us-or for the bonobos. of heredity and genetics. Knight had crossed a variety
Mentor of the garden pea that had violet flowers with a variety
1. Look at number one. Which notes are similar to your that had white flowers. To his surprise, he found that all
notes? You can probably guess that the notes in a are of the offspring had only violet flowers. However, when
better, but let's consider why. two of the violet-flowered offspring were crossed, their
First, a uses indentation to show how the offspring produced both violet and white flowers. The
information relates to genes. Notice that the word genes white-color trait had reappeared in the second generation
does not need to be written again, as it does in b. of the plant. Knight was puzzled by this reappearance of
Notetai?er a saves time by writing the common the white flowers in the second generation, and he was
abbreviation "DNA," but b tried to spell out the full unable to explain why this happened.
name, which wasn't necessary. Also, a recorded "body Mentor
cells," which means the same thing as "cells of our 3. Look at number three. These notes record Thomas
body" but takes less time to write. Knight's early experiments with pea plants. Which notes
Finally, b includes details that are not needed. If you are similar to yours?
know the meaning of "inherited traits," you do not need I took the notes in b. As you see, I decided to use
to include "from your grandmother or grandfather." pictures, arrows, and spatial relations to show what
The notes in a are mine. happened when Knight crossed plants with violet and
white flowers over three generations.
1mB Both a and b use an X to show crossing, or
Lecturer: Because we're talking about Gregor Mendel, breeding, and both use an exclamation point to show
let me take a moment to tell you something interesting an unexpected result. The notes in a are certainly fine,
about him that might help you see the real man. Now, and not everyone is comfortable drawing pictures as
in 1843, Mendel joined an order of monks that had in b.
strong interests in science and culture, and he became a The notes in b have some advantages. They clearly
teacher. In 1851,he was sent to the University of Vienna show the different generations. In a the term offspring
to study mathematics and experimental biology-the two is used for two different generations. That could be
subjects that were to make him so famous throughout confusing when the student reviews these notes later.
the world. After two years of study he left the University
of Vienna to return to the monastery and to teaching.
Mendel was extremely nervous and anxious about taking

exams. It seems that this extreme nervousness about 1. What do genes determine?
taking examinations kept him from taking the exam to be 2. How much difference is there in the genes of
certified to continue teaching. Instead, when he returned different people?
to his mona:,tery Mendel began conducting his research 3. How much do bonobo genes differ from human genes?
and become one of the most famous scientists of all time. 4. How old is the field of genetics?
5. What did Gregor Mendel study at the University
2. Look at number two. How do your notes compare with of Vienna?
the three sets of notes that you see?
6. What did Mendel learn about pea plants from
It might look like notetaker c fell asleep. But this
his research?
student decided not to take notes. The lecturer used the
phrase "let me take a moment." This usually signals

Audioscripts 137
7. What is one reason why nonscientists have long been 2. One way is to engineer them for drought resistance-
interested in understanding heredity? so that they can thrive in areas where there is
8. Name a human trait that is completely determined limited water.
by heredity. 3. Or it can be done in germ line cells, where the effect
can be passed down to that person's offspring.
4. To create more of the drug, you use cloning
CHAPTER 10 technology to reproduce the plant or animal.
5. It produces milk containing antithrombin, a protein
Genetic Engineering: Playing Roulette that is very important in preventing the formation of
with Mother Nature's Designs? blood clots.


"1. I'll be touching on some of the important advances

that have been made in recent years using genetic
engineering, and also some of the controversies that
Lecturer: All right, in our last session together I talked
about two major issues in biology. One of the major
issues I talked about was the importance of Mendel's
experiments on the garden pea plant, and his findings
have arisen. about how certain traits are passed from one generation
to the next. The other major issue I talked about was the
2. The new DNA causes the organism to function in a
role heredity and genetics play in who we are, what we
different way, and this function or trait can then be
look like, and to some extent, how we behave.
inherited by succeeding generations.
Today, I'll be talking about genetic engineering. I'll
3. One way to increase productivity is to make plants
go over what genetic engineering is, and then I'll be
resistant to disease so that more of the crop survives
touching on some of the important advances that have
and is harvested.
been made in recent years using genetic engineering.
4. Transgenic Bt crops produce enough toxin to actually And I'll also discuss some controversies that have
kill the harmful insect, so farmers don't need to spray arisen, uh, specific concerns that some people have
their crops with insecticides. about genetic engineering. Some of these concerns
5. If it is approved by the FDA-that's the U.S. are practical and others are ethical. I'll be giving some
government agency that regulates food-the examples of genetic engineering projects in the field of
genetically modified salmon would be the first agriculture, and also in the field of medicine.
genetically altered animal to be approved for human All right, what do we mean by "genetically modified"-
consumption in the United States. GM-or "genetically engineered"? A genetically
6. The genetically altered fish has never been engineered, or genetically modified organism-or a GMO,
eaten before, and it could cause dangerous as they are sometimes called-is an organism whose
allergies, especially because seafood tends to be genetic material has been altered by the introduction
quite allergenic. of DNA from a different source. This new DNA causes
7. Environmentalists are concerned that the fish will the organism to function in a different way, and this
escape and breed with the wild salmon population, function or trait can then be inherited by succeeding
which is already endangered. generations, whether it's a plant or an animal. The
new trait can then be passed on. We call the modified
8. The FDA granted marketing approval for transgenic
organism "transgenic" because it contains genes that
goat antithrombin, the first drug to be produced in
were transferred from a different organism.
genetically modified livestock.
Now, what kinds of desired modifications could we
9. Ethicists have questions about gene therapy.
be talking about here? Well, as I said earlier, one area
10. How long will it be before we're screening-and where this technology is very widely used is in the field
maybe selecting-human embryos for characteristics of agriculture, to improve either livestock or crops, such
such as physical strength? as corn and wheat.
So let's start off with the field of agriculture. We can
NOTETAKING PREPARATION Page 101 see the evidence of genetic engineering of crops sitting

1. We call the modified organism "transgenic" because
right on the supermarket shelves, probably in that box of
corn flakes you bought at the supermarket recently. I'm
going to give you some statistics that may surprise you:
it contains genes that were transferred from a An estimated 85 percent of the corn grown in the United
different organism.
States is genetically modified; 91 percent of soybeans are

138 Appendix A
genetically modified; 88 percent of cotton. And nearly 70 altered animal to be approved for human consumption in
percent of processed foods-that includes soft drinks, the United States. Now, as I have said, in the United States
soup, crackers-are genetically modified. Now, let me the public has become more or less accepting of GM
add that outside the United States those percentages are crops-corn, wheat, tomatoes, soybeans. But what about
lower and there has been greater resistance to GMOs. But animals? What about fish?
at least in [he United States, use of GMOs is widespread. The fact is that the GM salmon-and some people call
Is this something to be concerned about? it a "Franken fish," a reference to that famous story about
All right, let's consider why we would want to modify the monster-the fish has met with enormous resistance
foods, and in what way. We'll talk about the specific goals from the American public. Why? Critics have two main
of genetic engineering in agriculture, how the creation concerns. First, its safety for human consumption: The
of GMOs has achieved or is trying to achieve these goals, genetically altered fish has never been eaten before and
and what concerns have arisen as a result. it could cause dangerous allergies, especially because
The primary goal is to increase food production seafood tends to be quite allergenic. And second, the
worldwide. The area of our planet that is currently used potential environmental impact: Environmentalists are
for agricultural production is decreasing every year, concerned that the fish will escape and breed with the
and meanwhile the world population is increasing. wild salmon population, which is already endangered.
So, there is an ongoing need for greater productivity Or the genetically modified "super salmon" could simply
in agriculture, if we are going to feed the world, now wipe out the wild salmon's food supply.
and in the future. How, specifically, do you increase So, yes, GMOs have contributed to increases in
productivLy? Well, one way is to make plants disease and global food production; but controversies and practical
insect resistant, so that more of the crop survives and concerns remain.
is harvested. Corn, peanuts, and potatoes have all been OK. Now let's turn to genetic engineering in
transgenically modified to be resistant to harmful insects, medicine. The first area I'll mention is the production
by introduction of a gene that produces a toxin called of pharmaceuticals-drugs-by genetic engineering.
Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt. When an insect eats Bt corn This is sometimes referred to as "pharming" spelled
or Bt peanuts, the toxin kills the insect. Transgenic Bt with a P-H instead of an F As you can guess, it refers to
crops produce enough toxin to actually kill the harmful agricultural production, or farming, of pharmaceuticals,
insect, so farmers don't need to spray their crops with in which a gene that produces a useful drug is inserted
insecticides, which are bad because they also kill the into the cells of a host animal or plant. The host then
good insects. And the result is healthier and bigger crops. begins to produce the drug-for example, insulin.
So, is there a downside to Bt crops? Well, yes. The fact is This is more economical than having to produce it
that in nature, when an organism is exposed to a toxin, in a laboratory. And then to create more of the drug,
over time it develops a resistance to the toxin-in other you use cloning technology to reproduce the plant
words, it takes more toxin to kill it. And already we see or animal. Some examples are safflower, a plant that
that with Ht cotton crops in some parts of India, where produces an oil used in cooking. A GM version of
there is a worm that is now resistant to Bt. So that is a safflower that produces insulin has been developed.
challenge for genetic engineers. Another example is a transgenic goat that produces milk
OK, what are some other ways to modify crops to containing antithrombin, a protein that is very important
increase production? One is to engineer them for drought in preventing the formation of blood clots. In 2009 the
resistance so that they can thrive in areas where there FDA granted marketing approval for transgenic goat
is limited water. Also, crops have been genetically antithrombin, the first drug to be produced in genetically
engineered to ripen more slowly so that they can be modified livestock.
shipped great distances without spoiling. OK. Another area where genetic engineering is used
Another way to increase global food production is is in the creation of animal models of human diseases.
to engineer crops or animals to mature more quickly. Genetically modified mice are the most commonly
We see an example of this in aquaculture, which is the used. One common practice is to remove a gene from
most rapidly growing area of agriculture today. Salmon a mouse, creating what is called a "knockout mouse."
farming accounts for a large part of aquaculture. By 2007, Knocking out the activity of a gene provides information
nearly 70 percent of the world's salmon was raised on about what that gene normally does. lt turns out that
fish farms. Recently, a biotech company has created a humans and mice share many genes, so observing
transgenic: salmon by introducing a growth hormone the characteristics of knockout mice gives researchers
from a different kind of salmon, and the resulting fish information that can be used to better understand
reaches adult size twice as fast. If it is approved by the how a similar gene may cause or contribute to disease
FDA-that's the U.S. government agency that regulates in humans.
food-the GM salmon would be the first genetically

Audioscripts 139
Knockout mice have been used to research many THIRD LISTENING Page 104
diseases and conditions, including, cancers, uh, obesity,
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, anxiety, aging, and
Lecturer: Today, I'll be talking about genetic engineering.
Parkinson's disease.
I'll go over what genetic engineering is, and then I'll be
Finally, gene therapy, which is the genetic engineering
touching on some of the important advances that have
of humans by replacing defective human genes with
been made in recent years using genetic engineering.
functional copies. This can be done in somatic cells,
And I'll also discuss some controversies that have
that is, where the effect is on the body of only a
arisen, uh, specific concerns that some people have
particular individual, or in germ line cells, where the
about genetic engineering. Some of these concerns
effect can be passed down to that person's offspring.
are practical and others are ethical. I'll be giving some
Gene therapy has been used to treat patients suffering
examples of genetic engineering projects in the field of
from immune deficiencies and research on some other
agriculture, and also in the field of medicine.
genetic disorders is ongoing. However, success has been
limited and there have been a few deaths associated with Mentor

gene therapy. 1. Look at number one. Which notes are most similar to
Also, ethicists have questions about gene therapy. yours? Circle the letter.
Should this technology be used only for treatment of If your notes look like b, you did a great job of
disease? If a person wants to use it to improve their recording the preview of the lecture and using outline
physical appearance, or live longer, should they be form to show what it seems will be the structure and
able to? And to be honest, questions like this are overly order. However, in giving a preview, a lecturer does
simplistic because most human traits are caused by not always list everything in chronological order. The
multiple genes in complex combinations that we do not outline in b shows the examples of genetic engineering
yet understand. So we might say that gene therapy raises projects in agriculture and medicine as coming at the
practical as well as ethical concerns. end of the lecture. In fact, that was not the case, and it
However, we will probably have to face questions like may be confusing when the lecturer doesn't follow the
this in the future: Should we be able to change ourselves outline in b.
through genetic engineering? Another even more I took the notes in a. I noticed that the lecturer's
controversial question: Should a couple expecting a baby comment "I'll be giving examples of projects" was a
be able to make sure, through genetic screening, that simple statement, not introduced by "then" or "next,"
so I guessed that the examples from agriculture and
the child they're expecting will not be born with some
hereditary disorder, such as very poor eyesight, or mental medicine might not come at the end, though I wasn't
depression, or even a tendency to be overweight? With sure exactly where they would be. Notice where I put
the knowledge we have of human genetics, and with this information in my notes. Also, I didn't know the
the techniques we have for both newborn and prenatal word controversies, so I wrote the first letters with a
screening, how long will it be before we're screening- line and question mark. When the lecturer then gave an
and maybe selecting-human embryos for characteristics explanation, I wrote that on the line and crossed out
such as physical strength, or other qualities such as eye those first letters and question mark.
color, hair color ... you name it?
OK. So we've looked at how far we have come in
Lecturer: All right, let's consider why we would want
understanding and manipulating genetics. But there
to modify foods, and in what way. We'll talk about the
are still a great many unknowns concerning the
specific goals of genetic engineering in agriculture, how
environmental and human consequences of our actions.
the creation of GMOs has achieved or is trying to achieve
Do we really know what we're doing, or are we "playing
these goals, and what concerns have arisen as a result. .
roulette with Mother Nature?"
The primary goal is to increase food production
Whatever you may think about the ethics of the
worldwide. The area of our planet that is currently used
genetic engineering of humans or animals, today
for agricultural production is decreasing every year,
biologists are using genetic engineering for two main
and meanwhile the world population is increasing.
purposes: (1) in agriculture, to address the global need
So there is an ongoing need for greater productivity
for food; and (2) in medicine, to make newer and, they
in agriculture, if we are going to feed the world, now
hope, better drugs and to cure disease.
and in the future. How, specifically, do you increase
OK. Well, that is a lot to think about.
productivity? Well, one way is to make plants disease and
insect resistant, so that more of the crop survives and
SECOND LISTENING Page 104 is harvested. Corn, peanuts, and potatoes have all been
See First Listening, above. transgenically modified to be resistant to harmful insects,

140 Appendix A
by introduction of a gene that produces a toxin called Mentor
Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt. When an insect eats Bt corn 3. Look at number three. Which notes are most like yours?
or Bt peanuts, the toxin kills the insect. Transgenic Bt Compare how a and b record the process of creating
crops produce enough toxin to actually kill the harmful a transgenic plant or animal. Which do you think is
insect, so farmers don't need to spray their crops with clearer? 1 took the notes in b. 1 think the numbered
insecticides, which are bad because they also kill the steps are easier to follow than the notes in a.
good insects. And the result is healthier and bigger crops. In a the notetaker tried to spell pharmaceuticals.
So, is there a downside to Bt crops? Well, yes. The fact is You don't need to do this because the lecturer gives a
that in nature, when an organism is exposed to a toxin, familiar synonym: drugs. You can look up how to spell
over time it develops a resistance to the toxin-in other pharmaceutical later. The lecturer also explains the
words, it takes more toxin to kill it. And already we see word pharming-spelled with P-H. You don't need to
that with Bt cotton crops in some parts of India, where write a definition of pharming. The spelling will help
there is a worm that is now resistant to Bt. So that is a you remember that is a combination of farming and the
challenge for genetic engineers. p-h word that means "drugs."
Mentor Notice that a has a longer abbreviation than b for
2. Look at number two. Which notes are more similar "genetic engineering." I used the letters GE. At this point
to yours.~ in the lecture you do not need to write anything longer
Notice that in a Bacillus thuringiensis isn't spelled than GE for genetic engineering; you are not likely to
out; instead the abbreviation Bt is used. A uses symbols forget what it stands for.
more than b does. The notes in a include a definition of antithrombin.
Also, you probably noticed that this lecturer likes In b, 1 wrote as much of the word as I could and will
to preview what will be said. When this happens at look it up later to find out what it means.
the beginning, it is useful to note down the overall Finally, in this part of the lecture the verb produce
structure as it is previewed. But as the lecture goes into is used many times. Notice that a uses the synonym
more detail, it does not make sense to take notes. For make, which is short and easy to abbreviate. But other
example, when the lecturer says "we will talk about," abbreviations in a could be confusing later, such as
listen, and wait until the lecturer actually talks about it. m-r for more. if a always uses m-r for more, that is
Which notes show the writer just listened during this absolutely fine. The important thing to remember is to
minipreuiew and which show the writer took notes? use symbols and abbreviations in a consistent way.
[pause] Yes, a just listened. The notes in a are mine.


Lecturer: Now let's turn to genetic engineering in 1. What does a transgenic plant or animal have that
medicine. The first area ['II mention is the production makes it different?
of pharmaceuticals-drugs-by genetic engineering. 2. The lecture discusses advances in two fields. Which is
This is sometimes referred to as "pharming" spelled not included?
with a P-H instead of an F As you can guess, it refers to 3. What is the main goal of genetic engineering
agricultural production, or farming, of pharmaceuticals, in agriculture?
in which a gene that produces a useful drug is inserted 4. Give an example of genetically modified livestock
into the cells of a host animal or plant. The host then mentioned in the lecture.
begins to produce the drug-for example, insulin. This
5. What disadvantage of transgenic Bt crops is mentioned
is more economical than having to produce it in a
in the lecture?
laboratory. And then to create more of the drug, you use
cloning technology to reproduce the plant or animal. 6. Why is genetically modified salmon controversial?
Some examples are safflower, a plant that produces 7. What has gene therapy been used to treat?
an oil used in cooking. A GM version of safflower that 8. Which of the following uses of human genetic
produces insulin has been developed. Another example engineering is least controversial?
is a transgenic goat that produces milk containing
antithrombin, a protein that is very important in
preventing the formation of blood clots.

Audioscripts 141
4 ••

1!mII~ the camera has always given me an opportunity to walk
up to people and spend time with them and even go
home with them.
The Gift of Traveling
I think one of the most inspirational parts about
photography is that you're never done. You're always
Our kids have traveled to every continent except
growing, and when you travel you're always learning. So
Antarctica. More importantly, when we travel they have
to have a career where I get to be creative, I'm immersed
lived in c mmunities. We never stayed in hotels. And so
in really interesting situations, and I continue to grow
they were always in little communities where they were
artistically. What's better than that?
hanging out with kids. And sometimes they had language
in common, and many times they did not. And they've
learned how to have fun the way those kids had fun. , .-
And they're very confident travelers. Our daughter- UNIT 2 VIDEO
you know, she's 18 now and she has no problem
hopping on a plane and going overseas. And it is not a Palenque
stressful thing for her. She really is excited about it and
remembers all of our trips with, you know, enthusiasm George Stuart: Hello there. It's good to be back. As
and great memories. So, and I think they also-our you can see from this wonderful photograph, the site
kids-I think our kids also understand that people all itself-Palenque-sits on a kind of a shelf. The place
over the world are different, that you don't assume that sits in Chiapas, down here in the Maya area. And there's
they are going to be the same as we are. But that if you Palenque right there. Archaeology came to Palenque
go into each culture open and look people in the eye in 1934. When Mexico formed its National Institute
and observe and listen, you're going to make connections of Anthropology and History, they sent Miguel Angel
that are well beyond what most travelers get to see. And Fernandez there to start digging the palace.
I think what I've learned from my kids is how delightful When they finished the palace, they started looking
flexibility is and how naturally flexible most kids are, as over the temple and the inscriptions. This was how it
long as they've got the basics. You know, food and sleep was in 1942, and 1948, when Alberto Ruiz was hired
and a little something to keep them entertained. They to start. And he walked in the temple up there and he
pretty much can set up camp anywhere. noticed something. And that is, that the floor of the
Almost everything's been photographed. And so the temple was made out of big, stone slabs with holes in
real challenge for a photographer is to bring her or his them. So Alberto had the workers pull up the stone. And
own unique vision to that subject matter. And in the case underneath the stone there were two steps leading down.
of the work that I do on assignment, it's primarily telling He didn't know whether it went down four more feet and
a story that is compelling enough-where you know the stopped, or whether there were three steps. At the end of
photograph is compelling enough to get people interested the summer of '48, he'd gone down 23 steps.
in reading the captions or what's going on. And hopefully Finally, in June of 1952, he walked into this empty
that will lead them into a more in-depth written piece. room at the bottom, and there was nothing there. And
What traveling has taught me is that once, you know, Juan Chable, who was one of the masons, the head
step into another culture and you allow yourself to really mason, said, "Don Alberto, there's a funny-looking, little
immerse yourself in another culture and be available triangular stone over there against the wall, if we could
to them, communication happens very quickly. And it move that, I'll bet you there's something behind it." So
doesn't require perfect language skills. It doesn't require they moved the triangular stone aside, and there was a
introductions. It's really something that happens when room-a room with a stone in it. He thought it was an
you are your honest self, when you recognize that you altar, a table. He didn't know what it was; nobody had
are a guest in another culture and that you really need ever found anything like that. And then he came back
to listen to people on a different level and abide by their and Juan Chable, the mason, said, "Hey, Don Alberto,
way of doing things. That's the best part of travel for me. why don't you drill a hole in the side of this thing and
In fact, it's kind of spoiled regular travel for me because see if it's hollow?" He did, and it was. We went into town
and got 15 automobile jacks and pulled the thing up, and

Videoscripts 143
there was a body inside. And so what I'm going to do is then I got another job. And then suddenly I got jobs very
let David take the story here for a while and talk about quickly, and I was suddenly a 22-year-old star.
the man in the tomb. Interviewer: So how did travel writing enter
David Stuart: Okay, we're going to shift gears a little this equation?
bit and look at a lot of detail at what turned out to be, I McCarthy: It entered because at a certain point in my
guess, the American equivalent-if there is one-to King life, when I was about 30, I looked up and said, "Huh?"
Tut's tomb. His full name was K'inich Janaab' Pakal, and So I started reading a lot of travel literature, and I thought
he was the greatest king of Palenque, one of the greatest it was a very interesting genre, you know. So, I just started
of all Maya kings. Now, Pakal was born in the year 603 traveling. I just started buying tickets to places, you know
AD. We know from the inscriptions. He came to power in buy a ticket into Cape Town and out of Dar es Salaam
615.So he was 12years old when he became king. This two months later. And the rest I'd just fill in. Or I'd go
is an early photograph of Pakal himself, in his tomb, after to Southeast Asia and just go for a while. And so every
the inner slab was lifted. He was covered in jade, as a year I would, you know, take a couple months and do
good Maya king would be. A jade collar, jade bracelets, that. And I started just sort of writing little things. I wasn't
and an extraordinary mask as well. keeping a journal in any way, but I would write little
Here is Pakal. What you're seeing here, of course, is scenes of encounters I had with people. Just for myself,
some of the jade and the mask. Unbelievable. I'd write just sort of a scene ... because that's what I
Years and years after he's dead, Pakal is still at the knew how to do, was be in scenes. So I'd write the scene
center of everything. And this is why I think Palenque- between me and the kid who picked me up, you know,
what we, most of what we see of Palenque in that central on the moped in Hanoi and took me around for the day.
area-is Pakal City. It's just an incredible place to be, and And I would write that scene. I did nothing with them. I
it will always have that aura about it, I hope. sat them in a drawer.
Interviewer: When you look at your life do you feel like
you're more an actor, or a travel writer?
UNIT 3 VIDEO McCarthy: I'm just a guy, I don't know, I don't, I don't
think of it that way. My life's sort of transitioning, you
An Actor and a Travel Writer know. I'll always be the guy who was in Pretty in Pink,
you know? I mean so that's okay, you know. Hopefully
Interviewer:How did acting enter your life? How did you I'll be in some other things, too, you know, but that's
become an actor? How did you get started? certainly part of who I am. You know I wouldn't be here,
McCarthy: Good grief. I had just gotten cut from the sitting here, if I wasn't in those movies. You know what
high school basketball team and I was moping around I mean? I may be a travel writer ... you wouldn't be
the house, and my mother said, "Why don't you go try talking to just some travel writer. You know what I mean?
out for the play, dear?" I'm like, "I don't want to be in a So it's given me opportunities and opened doors for me
play." And so I did, and that experience, I have to say, and, you know, so it's just part of my story.
changed my life. My life suddenly made sense to me in Interviewer: Well, thank you, Andrew, for a really, really
a way it hadn't before. I felt like I belonged in a way I'd delightful evening. Thank you very much.
never experienced before. I felt powerful, seen, and I
wanted to be seen. Whereas opposed to before that I'd
been very reticent and shy. And I knew it was important
because I told no one. I told ... I didn't tell anyone how
important ... , "Yea, yea, it was good. I liked it, yea.
When's the next one?" And so then I went to college for
Digital Nomad
acting, and I took it more seriously, and it took me more
So, on New Year's Day, I head out from this very
seriously. And after two years of college, I was kicked out
building, National Geographic Headquarters. It was
of college and got a job as an actor. And then it sort of
symbolic. I wanted to show that I was just like these
happened very quickly for me. So that's how it began.
explorers who were sent out by the Geographic to go
Interviewer: And then one role led to another led explore the world. And I was going to start from this
to another? very point on earth, and I was going to go to the bottom
McCarthy: Well, then I didn't work for a year, and then I of the world. And I just got to the bus station on the
got a job as the Burger King boy in a commercial. No, I S2 bus, which runs just outside Sixteenth Street, and I
was the Pepsi boy in the Burger King commercial. And so paid my fare, which was $1.35,and I got on the bus and
that supported me for a few years, that commercial. And took off. And here I am sending my first Tweet, a real-
time narrative.

144 Appendix B I
Now, this was an experiment for me, because all of we were around. And if you're so obsessed with kind
the original explorers would go and they would keep a of sharing the experience, you miss the things that are
journal, and they would write about their trip, and then around you.
they would come home and actually write a book and There's one fourth tip that I have and I'll close with
publish. And this was a past tense kind of memoir about this. And that is, you have to unplug periodically. And if
their journey. Well, I wanted to do this same thing, but you don't, you just become crazed because the human
I wanted to do it in real time. I just wanted to write the mind works very different than our digital technology.
story as it was happening. Our minds are fascinating. We have subconsciouses that
And I learned something, because I sent over 5,000 are always working. We take much better pictures than
Tweets when I traveled from Washington, D.C., to cameras do. We feel a place. We have these emotions.
Antarctica. And I learned that there was a more effective But if we don't shut off, we're not able to process that and
way to write on Twitter and a less effective. And for those share it. So, I'll just leave with that. You should unplug.
who don't know Twitter, you know it's a way to share You will sleep much better if you do. And I want to thank
by text message. You're limited to 140 characters so you all of you for coming tonight and listening to my stories.
have to keep it really short. But you can say so much if Really grateful.
you do it right. Now, I didn't start out as a pro. I'm still not
a pro, but I'm learning, and I learned a lot from poets.
This is one of my favorite poems by Jack Kerouac. It's
from his American haiku, written in 1959: "Nightfall, boy
smashing dandelions with a stick." Now, this follows an
ancient Japanese form of poetry. But it's very short and
The Human Journey
it has alllhe great ingredients of a Tweet, of storytelling.
We have a huge amount of diversity as a species. We
He has set the stage. He's given you time. He's given you
travel the world, walk down the street in a major city like
place. He's given you color. He's given you a character.
Washington or New York, and we see people who seem
And he's given you action. And you need all of these
to be so different from each other and from ourselves.
things when you're writing Twitter.
We as population geneticists are trying to address the
I've Tweeted from hot-air balloons. I've Tweeted from
question of, well, you know, what is it that led to us being
birch bark canoes. I've Tweeted above Niagara Falls in
so successful and how do we explain these patterns of
a helicopter. I've Tweeted from camel backs. And I've
diversity that we see when we look around the world?
Tweeted--not underwater, that doesn't work yet, but
Are we in fact all related to each other, and if so, how
almost. I Tweeted in real time while flying a plane,
closely? And the other question is one of journey. If we
in French.
do spring from a common source, as a species, how do
Now I just want to leave with a couple of little tips
we come to occupy every corner of the globe, in the
for all of you digital nomads out there, things that I've
process, generating these patterns of diversity that we see
learned that have helped me. One, besides being there,
today in all seven billion of us and growing?
which is very important, always be there. Never let the
Well, historically, these questions have been
experience of, you know, never let sharing the experience
approached through the study of stones and bones,
eclipse having the experience. And that's very possible.
often the field of paleoanthropology, and of course
You can walk into any coffee shop here and you're going
archaeology, its sister science-going out and digging
to see a million people with their phones, looking down
things up out of the ground and guessing at how they
like this. And it's very hard to experience the world
may relate to individuals living in the present. The
around you when you're doing this.
problem is, I would like to suggest as a geneticist,
This i~,in Botswana, in the Okavango Delta,
while the field of paleoanthropology, and the field of
beautiful place surrounded by wildlife, and I was with
archaeology as well, give us certain insights into our past,
two journalists from New York. And we're out there,
possibilities about origins and journeys of the people
surrounded by lions, and all they cared about was
alive today, they don't give us the probabilities about
that then~ was no reception on their phone. And there
direct lines of descent that we really want ... possibilities
was one spot by the river near the Namibian border
about our ancestry but not the probabilities that we're
where there was a wildebeest carcass. And they always
looking for as scientists.
wanted to drive by the carcass, because the carcass, for
We as geneticists take a slightly different approach.
whatever reason, had coverage. So they could always
We start in the present and we work our back into the
download their e-mail and their Tweets whenever we
past. We take a genealogical approach. It's, in effect, like
got by the carcass. So they were always like, "Let's go to
building a family tree ... a family tree for everybody
the carcass, let's go to the carcass." And they were so
alive today. Now, genealogy is currently the second most
obsessed with that, they missed out everything else that
popular hobby in the United States, after gardening and

Videoscripts 145
I think it's poised to overtake gardening very soon. Now Women pass it on to their children, everybody has it but
the problem is, everybody who's ever tried to construct a only women pass it on. So if you have mitochondrial
family tree eventually hits what we call a brick wall in the DNA, which everyone in the room does, you got it from
genealogical community-a point beyond which there your mom and she got it from her mom, and she got it
is no written record. And beyond that poi~t we simply from her mom. So it tells you about mother's, mother's,
enter this dark and mysterious realm we call history and mother's, mother's mother, back to the very first mother.
ultimately, prehistory. But it turns out there is a written There is an equivalent piece of DNA on the male side,
document in effect, that we're all carrying around inside in fact the chunk of DNA, the little chromosome as we
of ourselves. In our DNA, inside of nearly every cell in call it, the V-chromosome that makes men, men. But
our body, DNA that we've inherited from those parents, basically it traces a purely paternal line of descent, an
grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on, and this unbroken line of descent going back in time. Sons inherit
traces an unbroken line of descent going back in time. it from their fathers; they got it from their fathers, and
This is what allows us to trace back to the very earliest so on-the V-chromosome. By looking at the pattern of
days of our species, allowing this global genealogical these genetic variants, these random changes that have
approach to the study of human history. occurred over time, on both of these lineages, we can
So by looking at people from all over the world, construct family trees for everybody alive today.
asking, in effect, a very open-ended scientific question: It's a fascinating way of approaching the study of
What is the pattern of human variation that we see today, human history, because we, as people who study
globally? Looking in particular at two pieces of DNA primarily modern human lineages, are getting only a
that are proven to be incredibly valuable in the study glimpse of the actual process that went on to create that.
of human origins and migrations. Mitochondrial DNA- So it's a huge addition to our understanding of the past.
mtDNA, which traces a purely maternal line of descent:

, 46 Appendix B
Acknowledg ments
62: Excerpt from "Why are Young, Educated Americans Going Back to the Farm" by Nelson Harvey, from
Turnstyle/Youth Radio, September 21, 2011. Copyright @ 2011 by Youth Radio. Reprinted by permission.
75: Excerpt from "Love that Lingua Franca" by Diasann McLane from National Geographic Traveler,
September, 2011. Reprinted by permission of the National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.

So rces
9: "Vikings Filed Their Teeth, Skeleton Study Shows," National Geographic News, February 3, 2006, 18: "Last
of the Cave People," National Geographic, February, 2012 31: "Ramses the Great," National Geographic, April,
1991. 40: "Terra-Cotta Army Protects First Emperor's Tomb,", 53: "'Second Life,' Other
Virt al Worlds Reshaping Human Interaction," National Geographic News, October 17, 2006, 84: "Smarter
Teams Are More Sensitive, Have More Women?" National Geographic News, September 30, 2010, 97: "The
Genographic Project,", 106: "Food: How Altered?" National Geographic, May, 2002.

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