2023 01 27 122045 - otpMergedForm
2023 01 27 122045 - otpMergedForm
2023 01 27 122045 - otpMergedForm
4) Page 1
Section A - General Information*(Mandatory for all sector Subscribers. Please tick the respective block which is applicable.)
a) Sector: * Central Government State Government All Citizens of India (UOS) Corporate Sector √
b) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Reg. No: * 6544871 DDO / CBO / POP-SP Name: * Accenture Solutions Private Limited
a) Sector: * Central Government State Government All Citizens of India (UOS) √ Corporate Sector
b) DDO / CBO / POP-SP Reg. No: * 6276896 DDO / CBO / POP-SP Name: * ICICI BANK LTD Adalat Road Aurangabad
VI) Nomination Details*(Mandatory - You can nominate up to a maximum of 3 nominees and if you desire so please fill Additional
Nomination Form provided on Page 5&6. Please refer to Instruction No. VI.)
Nominee's Name: :
[Subscriber's Employment Details to be filled and attested by DDO. Please refer to Instruction No. VII, VIII & IX]
d) Office:
e) Department:
f) Ministry:
Form submitted using OTP Authentication (through Email
g) Basic Salary: and Mobile)
Certified that the above declaration has been signed / thumb impressed before me by
_______________ after he / she has read the entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her. Also certified that the
employment details are as per employee records available with the Department
Section C - Additional information for Subscribers shifting to All Citizens of India (UOS) & Corporate Sector
Do you wish to continue with the existing Pension Fund and Investment Option: Yes No (If ‘No, please submit details on Page
• If Subscriber is shifting to Corporate sector, applicable only if the target Corporate has given the option of selecting scheme
II. KYC details* (Applicable only if Subscriber is shifting from Government Sector. Refer Instruction No. X)
d) Existing Customer:
III. Employment Details*(Applicable if Subscriber is shifting to Corporate Sector. To be verified by the Corporate Office of the Subscriber.)
Certified that the above declaration has been signed / thumb impressed before me by
_______________ after he / she has read the entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her.Also certified that the
employment details are as per employee records available with the Corporate.
I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions for the target sector (in which my PRAN will belong after processing of this Intersector Shifting request) and
understand that CRA may, as approved by PFRDA, amend any of the services completely or partially without any new Declaration / Undertaking being signed.
Further, I agree to pay all the necessary charges, as applicable, of the target sector.
For Office use only (To be filled up by the officer accepting the form)
S.No Proof of Identity (Copy of any one) S.No Proof of Address (Copy of any one)
1 Passport issued by Government of India. 1 Passport issued by Government of India.
2 Ration card with photograph. 2 Ration card with photograph and residential address
3 Bank Pass book or certificate with Photograph. 3 Bank Pass book or certificate with photograph and residential
4 Certificate of the POP for an existing customer. 4 Certificate of the POP for an existing customer.
5 Voters Identity card with photograph and residential address. 5 Voters Identity card with photograph and residential address
6 Valid Driving license with photograph 6 Valid Driving license with photograph and residential address
Letter from any recognized public authority at the level of
Certificate of identity with photograph signed by a Member of
7 7 Gazetted officer like District Magistrate, Divisional commissioner,
Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly
BDO, Tehsildar, Mandal Revenue Officer, Judicial Magistrate etc.
Certificate of address with photograph signed by a Member of
8 PAN Card issued by Income tax department 8
Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly
Aadhar Card / letter issued by Unique Identification Aadhar Card / letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of
9 9
Authority of India India clearly showing the address
Job cards issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Job cards issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State
10 10
Government Government
The identity card/document with address or letter of allotment of
Identity card issued by Central/State government and its accommodation issued by any of the following: Central/State
Departments, Statutory/ Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector Government and its Departments, Statutory/Regulatory
11 Undertakings, Scheduled commercial Banks, Public Financial 11 Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial
Institutions, Colleges affiliated to universities and Professional Banks, Financial Institutions and listed companies for their
Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council etc. employees. Pension or Family Pension Payment Orders issued
by Govt. Departments or PSU containing address.
Photo. Identity Card issued by Defence, Paramilitary and Police Latest Electricity/water/piped gas bill in the name of the
12 12
department's Subscriber / Claimant and showing the address (less than 2
Latest Telephone bill (landline & postpaid mobile) in the name
13 Ex-Service Man Card issued by Ministry of Defence to their 13 of the Subscriber / Claimant and showing the address (less
employees. than 2 months old)
14 Photo Credit card. 14 Latest Property/house Tax receipt (not more than one year old)
Existing valid registered lease agreement of the house on
stamp paper ( in case of rented/leased accommodation)
You are required to bring original documents & two self-attested photocopies for verification.
Form-ISS (Ver 1.4) Page 4
(i). PENSION FUND SELECTION – (TIER I): Please read below conditions before opting for the choice of Pension Funds:
1. Government Sector: The following Pension Funds (PFs) will act jointly as default PFs, if choice is not exercised by the government employee/subscriber (a) LIC
Pension Fund Limited (b) SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Limited (c) UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd. In case of Central Autonomous Bodies (CAB)/ State Government
(SG)/State Autonomous Bodies (SAB) employees, selection made under this section needs to be ignored, if choice to employees is not notified by the respective
State Govt/Ministry. 2. All Citizens of India Sector: Subscribers have the option to choose the available PFs as per their choice in the table below. 3. Corporate
Sector: Subscribers shall have the option to choose the available PFs as per the below table in consultation with their respective Employer.
Name of the Pension Fund (Please select only one) Please Tick () only one Default Choice of Pension Funds
(ii). INVESTMENT OPTION [Please Tick () in the box given below showing your investment option].
Please note:
1. In case you select Active Choice fill up section (iii) below and if you select Auto Choice fill up section (iv) below.
2. In case you do not indicate any investment option, your funds will be invested in Auto Choice (LC 50).
3. In case you have opted for Auto Choice and fill up section (iii) below relating to Asset Allocation, the Asset Allocation instructions will be ignored and
investment will be made as per Auto Choice (LC 50).
(iii) ACTIVE CHOICE-ASSET ALLOCATION (To be filled up only in case you have selected ‘Active Choice’ the investment option)
Asset Class E C G A Total Note:1. Asset class E-Equity and related instruments; Asset class C-
(Cannot (Max up to (Max up to (Cannot Corporate debt and related instruments; Asset class G-Government Bonds
exceed 75%) 100%) 100%) exceed 5%) and related instruments; Asset Class A-Alternative Investment Funds
Specify % 100 % including instruments like CMBS, MBS, REITS, AIFs, Invlts. Etc.
Choices in Not In case of Government employee/subscriber the Active choice of Asset Allocation is
Not available Available
Govt sector available restricted to Asset Class 'G' only
Please note:
1. The maximum permitted Equity Investment is 75% of the total asset allocation.
2. The total allocation across E, C, G and A asset classes must be equal to 100%. In case, the allocation is left blank and/or does not equal 100%, the
shall be rejected.
(iv) AUTO CHOICE OPTION (to be filled up only in case you have selected the ‘Auto Choice’ investment option. In case, you do not indicate a choice of LC, your
funds will be invested as per LC 50.)
Date: Place:
Name of Subscriber: POOJA KESHAV AHER Signature/Thumb Impression* of Subscriber in black ink (* LTI in
case of male and RTI in case of females)
Form-ISS (Ver 1.4) Page 5
The details of nominees to whom the outstanding pension wealth of the Subscriber is payable in case of the demise of the Subscriber before entire proceeds are
withdrawn is to be provided hereunder (Please refer instruction no: VI). Also, please note that in case of demise of the Subscriber after opting for deferred
withdrawal, all the outstanding pension wealth present in the NPS account of the Subscriber shall be withdrawn upon receiving the request and paid to the
nominees as mentioned in this form and the same would be treated as full and final discharge of the obligation.
I, POOJA KESHAV AHER hereby hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below who
is/are member(s)/ of my family to receive the amount in my PRAN account under National Pension System in the event of my death.
5. Percentage Share:
1st Nominee's Guardian Details 2nd Nominee's Guardian Details 3rd Nominee's Guardian Details
Certified that the above declaration and nomination details has been signed / thumb impressed before me by
Sh/Smt/Ms.___________________________________________________________________________after he / she has read the
entries / entries have been read over to him / her by me and got confirmed by him / her.