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Ched Memorandum Order No.13 Series of 2017 PDF

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13  HEIs can use the CHED Implementation

SERIES OF 2017 Handbook for Outcomes-Based Education
(OBE) and Institutional Sustainability
SUBJECT Assessment (ISA) as a guide.
 Policies, standards and guidelines (PSG) for the  PSG is based on the K-12 basic education
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ system and on the new GE program.
Medical Laboratory Science (BSMT/BSMLS)
 It was adopted and promulgated by the SECTION 5. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION
Commission on Higher Education in
accordance with R.A 7722 otherwise known as 5.1. DEGREE NAME
“Higher Education Act of 1994” in pursuance  The degree program described shall called
to the outcomes-based quality assurance “Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/
system. Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory
SECTION 1 . RATIONALE  The BSMT/BSMLS is a four-year program
 Implementation of the “shift to learning consisting of general education and
competency-based standards/outcomes- professional courses.
based education”.  4th year level is the internship program of one
 Specifies the core competencies expected of (1) year in a CHED-accredited training
BSMT/BSMLS graduates. laboratory.
 In recognition of the spirit of OBE, the PSG
allow the HEI to initiate curricular innovations RATIONAL SECTIONS FOR THE
in line with the assessment of how best to INTERNSHIP PROGRAM:
achieve learning outcomes in their particular 1. Clinical chemistry
contexts and their respective missions. 2. Hematology
3. Microbiology
ARTICLE II : AUTHORITY TO OPERATE 4. Immunohematology (Blood Banking)
SECTION 2. GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION 5. Immunology and Serology
 Private higher education institutions (PHEIs), 6. Urinalysis and Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy)
state universities and colleges (SUCs) and 7. Parasitology
local universities and colleges (LUCs): 8. Histopathologic/Cytologic Techniques and
 Must secure proper authority from the other emergent technologies
Commission in accordance with the rules and
regulations; policies and standards. 5.3. PROGRAM GOALS:
program are required to shift to an outcomes-
based approach based on PSG. 1. Develop the knowledge, skills, professional
attitude and values in the performance of clinical
ARTICLE III: GENERAL PROVISION laboratory procedures needed to help the
SECTION 3 physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment,
 Follow minimum standards and other prognosis and prevention of diseases.
requirements and prescriptions for BSMT/ 2. Acquire critical thinking skills in medical
BSMLS. technology/medical laboratory science.
SECTION 4 3. Engage in research and community-related
 HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to activities.
their own contexts mission provided that they 4. Participate in activities related to promoting the
can demonstrate that the same leads to the profession and actively engage in life-long learning
attainment of the required minimum set of undertakings
outcomes. 5. Develop collaborative and leadership qualities.
5.3. SPECIFIC PROFESSIONS/ e. Apply research skills in relevant areas of
CAREERS/OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATES Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory
1. Licensed Medical Technologists/ Medical Science Practice;
Laboratory Scientists. f. Participate in community-oriented activities.
2. Diagnostic Molecular Scientists g. Engage in life-long learning activities ; and
3. Research Scientists h. Demonstrate effective teaching and
4. Educators communication skills.
5. Diagnostic Product Specialists
6. Public Health Practitioners SECTION 7. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
7. Healthcare Leaders 1. Demonstrate technical competence in the
performance of clinical laboratory tests in the aid
5.3 ALLIED MEDICAL FIELDS: of diagnosis, treatment, and management of
A MT/MLS graduate may practice in the disease biosafety and waste management.
following fields: 2. Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking
1. Public Health/ Epidemiology skills in the workplace.
2. Veterinary Laboratory Science 3. Engage in the collection, analysis and projection
3. Molecular Biology/ Biology of health information for improving the health care
4. Nuclear Science management system.
5. Forensic Science 4. Demonstrate inter-personal skills, leadership
6. Health Administration/Management qualities, and ethical practice of the profession.
7. Food and Industrial Microbiology 5. Apply research skills in relevant areas of
Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science
1. Common to all programs in all type of schools. 6. Participate in community-oriented activities.
2. Common to Health Sciences 7. Engage in life-long learning activities.
3. Specific to BSMT/BSMLS 8. Demonstrate effective teaching and
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in communication skills.
CMO no. 46 s. 2012
(Policy-Standard to Enhance Quality Assurance (QA) A. Demonstrate technical competence in the
in Philippine Higher Education through an performance of clinical laboratory tests in aid of
Outcomes-Based and Typology-Based QA). diagnosis ,treatments, and management of
diseases vis-a-vis biosafety and waste management.
The graduates shall be able to:
THE GRADUATES HAVE THE ABILITY TO:  Collect ,handle , and process biological
a. Demonstrate technical competence in the specimens properly and safely ;
performance of clinical laboratory tests in aid  Perform laboratory testing accurately through
of diagnosis,treatment, and management of the use of appropriate techniques,skills, and
diseases vis-a-vis biosafety and waste technology;
management;  Analyze and interpret laboratory test data;
b. Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking  Monitor testing procedures,equipment and
skills in the workplace; professional/technical competency using
c. Engage in the collection ,analysis,and quality assurance methodologies;
projection of health information for improving  Operate instruments properly and perform
the health care management system. appropriate preventive and corrective
d. Demonstrate interpersonal skills ,leadership maintenance;
qualities , and ethical practice of the  Adhere to all laboratory safety rules and
profession; regulations;
 Use computers and laboratory software
 Discuss appropriate and novel technology for  Exhibit ethical behavior.
Medical technology / Medical Laboratory
Science application; E. Apply research skills in relevant areas of Medical
 Carry out the evaluation of new procedures technology/ medical laboratory science practice:
and instruments; and
 Apply principles of educational methodology PERFORMANCE INDICATORS:
and laboratory management.
The graduates shall be able to :
B. Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills  Identify research topic relevant to Medical
in the workplace. technology / medical laboratory science;
 Use appropriate research methods;
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS:  Perform the research according to plan;
 Analyze and interpret research data ; and
The graduates shall be able to :  Disseminate research results.
 Demonstrate skills in quality assurance and
continuous quality improvement. F. Participate in community - oriented activities.
 Evaluate the validity of the generated data and
assure its reliability before reporting; PERFORMANCE INDICATORS:
 Recognize errors /problems root cause analysis
to establish a course of action ; and The graduates shall be able to:
 Apply the principles of educational  Engage in community-oriented activities ;
methodology and resource management.  Plan and organize medical technology-related
activities in the community ;
C. Engage in the collection ,analysis and projection  Apply the principles of good practice in
of health information for improving the health care community service and social responsibility ;
management system and
 Implement ,monitor and evaluate activities in

The graduates shall be able to: G. Engage in life-long learning activities

 Collect health information for health care
 Analyze health information data;
 Interpret health information data; and The graduates shall be able to :
 Contribute in designing and planning a course  Discuss trends/developments in Medical
of action to address health concerns and issues. technology/medical laboratory science
D. Demonstrate interpersonal skills, leadership  Participate in professional organizations; and
qualities , and ethical practice of the profession.  Engage in continuing professional
development activities.
H. Demonstrate effective teaching and
The graduates shall be able to : communication skills
 Work effectively with peers,with
multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS:
 Demonstrate good interpersonal skills with
patients and coworkers. The graduates shall be able to:
 Plan and organize activities;  Provide proper information and instruction to
 Practice professionalism patients ;
 Practice the principles of data security and  Implement proper classroom management
patient’s confidentiality ; and and instruction;
 Follow oral and written instructions;
 Prepare correct communication materials; and
 Communicate effectively across multiple

 HEIs offering Medical Technology/ Medical
Laboratory Science education may exercise
flexibility in their curricula offering.
 Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory SUMMARY OF UNITS
Science courses as prescribed in the sample
program of the study shall be implemented.  General Education Core Courses -24 units
 General Education Elective Courses- 9 units
 General Education Mandated Courses -3 units
 Physical Education Course- 8 units
 NSTP Course - 6 units
 Core Course-25 units
 Professional Courses -65 units
 Research Courses -5 units
 Clinical Internship Courses -28 units



 I – Introduction: basic concepts are merely

 P – Practice: the concepts and principles are
presented with applications.
 P – Practice: the concepts and principles are
presented with applications.
 Has an appropriate Masteral/Doctoral degree
in related fields

For those teaching courses included in the

licensure examination, the following qualifications
are required:
 Registered MT with current and valid PRC
SECTION 12: ADMINISTRATION  Holder of Master’s degree in MT, Public Health
HEI offering BSMT/BSMLS program shall be and other MT/MLS related fields
administered by a full-time dean/head with the  Must have at least one year ( 1) clinical
following qualifications: experience
 A full-time faculty member shall have a regular
 Filipino citizen teaching load regardless of lecture or
 Must be of good moral character laboratory classes with no more than three (3)
 Registered Medical Technologist in the preparations in any one semester
Philippines with updated PRC license  A faculty member shall have a full-time status
 with graduate degree in only one (1) HEI
 Master’s degree in Medical Technology  Must be an active member of good standing in
 Public Health the following:
 Education Administration  1. PRC-Accredited Professional Organizational
 MT/MLS related programs for Medical Technologist
 Doctor or Medicine with Masters in Medical  2. Association of Medical Technology
Technology, Public Health, Education  In case of vacancy, substitute or replacement
Administration (Educational Management, must be with similar or higher qualifications
Administration and Leadership) shall be employed.
 Other MT/MLS related programs  Employment shall be in accordance with the
 Has at least 5 years of very satisfactory institutional policy.
teaching experience (MT/MLS Professional  Probationary period according to Provision of
Courses) the Labor Law Code.
 Has at least 2 years managerial/supervisory  Every college/university shall have a Faculty
competence and technical expertise in school manual.
management  Pursue continuing professional development
 Must be an active member of good standing in  Involve in research activities
the following:  At least 60% of every college/university faculty
 A.PRC-Accredited Professional Organizational shall be in full-time status.
for Medical Technologist  The required number of faculty members in
 B. Association of Medical Technology teaching force should be at least 2 full-time
 Has no teaching assignment/administrative faculty for every 50 students.
function in other HEIs
 General functions and responsibilities of the SECTION 15: LIBRARY
Dean/ Head of Medical Technology:  Separate CHED Issuance
 A. Administers general policies of the  Adequate library recourses, sufficient quantity
college/university which shall serve the needs of the students.
 B. Exercises educational leadership among
faculty, as stated in Manual of Regulations for SECTION 16: LABORATORY AND
Private Schools 8th Edition 1992, Art. VIII, Sec.
41 on the Qualifications and Functions of the
1. There shall be a maximum of 1:40
faculty/Student Ratio
2. A classroom shall have an entrance and an exit
For those teaching non-licensure MT/MLS courses.
door (swing-out type)
LABORATORY ROOM REQUIREMENTS:  Simulated Clinical Laboratory is highly
 There shall be a maximum of 1:20 recommended
faculty/student ratio  Appropriate and safe waste disposal system
 Fully-equipped laboratory facilities for
adequate instruction. ARTICLE VII: COMPLIANCE OF HEIs
 Shall have entrance and exit door (swing -type)
and a minimum floor space of one square Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE
meter for every 1-2 students and a locker for and ISA, and HEI shall develop the following items
every 1-5 students. which will be submitted to CHED when they apply
 Rooms shall be well-lighted and well- for a permit for a new program:
ventilated.  SECTION 17: Complete Set of program
 Each laboratory room shall have: Outcomes
 1.Continuous and adequate supply of water,  SECTION 18: Proposed curriculum including
gas and electricity. curriculum map
 2. Readily accessible safety and first aid  SECTION 19: Proposed performance indicators
devices.  SECTION 20: Proposed outcomes-based
learning plan (syllabus) for each course
AID DEVICES assessment and evaluation
 Fire extinguishers  SECTION 22: Proposed system of program
 Emergency Shower Continuous Quality Improvement (QCI)
 First aid kit/cabinet
 Exhaust systems and/or fume hood AND EFFECTIVITY PROVISIONS
 Acid resistant laboratory tabletops
 Sand box  Private higher education institutions (PHEIs),
state universities and colleges (SUCs) and local
Institution shall provide the requirements for the universities and colleges (LUCs) with existing
following laboratories: authorization to operate are hereby given a
period of three (3) years from the effectivity
 Chemistry (Inorganic and Organic Chem., thereof to fully comply with all the
Analytical Chem. & Biochemistry) requirements in this CMO.
 Anatomy and Physiology  Prescribed minimum curricular requirements
 Clinical Chemistry in this CMO shall be implemented starting
 Immunology and Serology Academic Year 2018-2019.
 Blood banking
 Hematology SECTION 24. SANCTIONS
 Microbiology  Non-compliance with the provisions after due
 Clinical Microscopy process shall cause the Commission to impose
 Parasitology sanctions.
 Histopathology  Sanctions for MT/MLS schools shall be based
 Toxicology on the 3-year consolidated Medical technology
 Molecular Biology and Diagnostics Licensure examination institutional
performance and the outcome of the
Institution may combine the laboratories such as: monitoring visits.
 Professional Laboratories:  Performance of their graduates in the Medical
1.Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Blood Banking Technology Examination (MTLE)
and Immuno-Serology  The institutional passing average or
2.Microbiology, Parasitology, Clinical Microscopy performance of the graduates of MT/MLS
and Histopathology schools in the MTLE for the past three (3)
years shall be based on the data provided by
the Professional Regulatory Board of Medical SECTION 26. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE
Technology.  Shall take effect beginning of school year 2018-2019
 May 08, 2017 Quezon City, Philippines
 SIGNED BY: Patricia B. Licuanan, PhD (chairman)
Outcome/result of the Joint CHED-PRC monitoring
and evaluation activities of the following areas:

 Dean/Administration
 Faculty
 Curriculum and Instruction
 Students (Admission, Promotion, and
 Laboratory and Learning Facilities
 Research and Publications
 Clinical Internship Training Program


 Supersedes all previous issuance concerning

MT/MLS education which may be inconsistent
or contradictory with any of the provisions.

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