Modeling of Electrodynamic Bearings: Nicola Amati Xavier de Lépine Andrea Tonoli
Modeling of Electrodynamic Bearings: Nicola Amati Xavier de Lépine Andrea Tonoli
Modeling of Electrodynamic Bearings: Nicola Amati Xavier de Lépine Andrea Tonoli
Nicola Amati
e-mail: Bearings
Xavier De Lépine A new model of electrodynamic bearings is presented in this paper. The model takes into
account the R-L dynamics of the eddy currents on which this type of bearing is based,
making it valid for both quasistatic and dynamic analyses. In the quasistatic case, the
Andrea Tonoli model is used to obtain the force generated by an off-centered shaft rotating at a fixed
speed in a constant magnetic field. The model is then used to analyze the dynamic
stability of a Jeffcott rotor supported by electrodynamic bearings. The essential role
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2008 by ASME DECEMBER 2008, Vol. 130 / 061007-1
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Fig. 1 Short-circuited rigid coil in motion into a constant magnetic field B.
The resistive and inductive parameters of the moving conductor, R and L,
respectively, are due to the conductor itself „subscript c… and an additional
part „subscript add…. If a force F is applied on the coil, its resulting velocity
ẋ induces eddy currents that create a force opposed and equal in magnitude
to F. The dynamics of the system is equivalent to a spring-damper in series,
whose parameters are referred to as k and c.
of the electromechanical damper, it must be considered when ing Kirchoff’s voltage law to the electric circuit including the
modeling the device. In the present study, this model is transposed resistance R, the self-inductance L, and the back electromotive
to the case of a rotating conductor in order to describe its behavior force. The output equation recalls the second row of Eq. 共1兲 to
in both quasistatic and dynamic conditions. This model is first obtain the force F as a function of the state i as follows:
used to study the characteristics of the bearing at fixed eccentric-
ity. Then, it is adopted to analyze the stability of a rotor supported di Km
by electrodynamic bearings. The case of a Jeffcott rotor is chosen = − RLi + ẋ
to this end essentially for its simplicity. It is shown that an elec- dt L
trodynamic bearing is unconditionally unstable if used alone. 共3兲
Therefore, in the last part of the paper, the model is used to com- F = K mi
pute the amount of nonrotating damping that is necessary to bring RL 共rad/s兲 is the electrical pole of the system 共RL = R / L兲.
the bearing to stability. The model is finally validated by compar- The input velocity to output force transfer function can be ob-
ing its results to those available in literature. tained from Eq. 共3兲 as
2 Modeling of Electrodynamic Bearings and Quasi- Km2
static Characterization F= ẋ 共4兲
1 + s/RL
The aim of the present section is to describe the proposed
model of an electrodynamic bearing. To introduce the basic foun- It is the same as for a purely mechanical system made of a linear
dations of the model, Sec. 2.1 recalls the model of a one degree of spring and a viscous damper in series. The stiffness and damping
freedom eddy current damper of motional type. This model is then coefficients k and c of this mechanical analogue are valued as
extended to the case of a conductor rotating in a stationary mag- follows 关20兴:
netic field 共Sec. 2.2兲. The model is then used to characterize the
electrodynamic bearing in quasistatic conditions 共Sec. 2.3兲. 2
k = Km /L
2.1 Equivalent Mechanical Model of a Conductor Trans- 共5兲
lating in a Magnetic Field. In its simplest form, a motional eddy
c = Km /R
current damper is constituted by a linear voice coil whose electric As a matter of fact, equilibrium and consistency considerations
terminals are shunted by a resistive and inductive load. The be- on a linear spring and a viscous damper in series lead to state and
havior of this system is found starting from the velocity 共m / s兲 to output equations that are formally the same as Eq. 共3兲,
back electromotive force bemf 共V兲, and current i 共A兲 to force F
共N兲 characteristics 关23,24兴 of the voice coil as q̇ = − RLq + ẋ
bemf = Kmẋ 共6兲
共1兲 F = kq
F = K mi
where q 共m兲 is the spring elongation. The pole RL of the equiva-
where ẋ is the relative velocity between the actuator’s coil and the lent mechanical system is the ratio between its 共equivalent兲 stiff-
constant magnetic field. In the case of Fig. 1 layout in which a ness and damping 共RL = k / c兲.
rigid rectangular coil moves along the x direction in a constant The analogy between the electromechanical system and the
magnetic field 共normal to the plane of motion兲, the electrome- spring and damper in series is considered in the following as a sort
chanical constant Km 共N/A兲 can be approximated as of visual aid to represent in a shorthand notation the electrome-
chanical interaction occurring in one direction of motion. This aid
Km = NBl 共2兲
is exploited in the following section to obtain a model of the
B 共T兲 is the constant magnetic field going out of the page, while N electrodynamic bearing. The choice to make reference to the me-
and l 共m兲 are the number of windings and the active length of the chanical analog instead of the electromechanical state equations
rigid coil, respectively. has been adopted because the reference frame issue can be estab-
As the coil is short-circuited, the state equation that gives the lished on a more intuitive basis, which is a key point when dealing
current as a function of the input velocity ẋ is obtained by apply- with rotating machines.
冉 冊 冉 冊
ductor at a constant eccentricity, and imposing a constant rotation Fz = 2 z0 −j 2 z0 = F储 + jF⬜ 共19兲
speed relative to the magnetic field. The amplitude and the orien- RL ⍀
1+ 1+
tation in space of the force generated by the bearing are then used ⍀ RL
to estimate the supporting capabilities of the bearing. This method where F储 and F⬜ are the components of the force parallel and
has the advantage to remain consistent for any type of inductive perpendicular to the eccentricity z0, respectively. Through Eq.
bearing. Up to now, this analysis has been mainly performed nu- 共19兲, the stiffness and damping contributions of the bearing be-
merically through finite element analyses. come clearer. For rotation speeds much lower than the electric
A constant eccentricity of the conductor means that xc and y c pole of the conductor, F⬜ is larger than F储. In other words, the
remain unchanged 共zc = z0 = const兲. Using Eq. 共14兲, the displace- damping effect overwhelms the stiffening effect; thus, the force is
ment and velocity of point C in the rotating frame are proportional to the relative velocity and perpendicular to the ec-
c = z0e−j⍀t centricity 共 ⬇ − / 2兲 as
共15兲 ⍀ Ⰶ RL
˙ c = − j⍀z0e−j⍀t 共20兲
Equation 共15兲 shows that point C describes a circle in the rotating Fz ⬇ − jc⍀z0 = − c⍀z0e j共/2兲
frame, with an angle equal to −⍀t and a constant radius equal to Instead, for rotation speeds much higher than the electric pole of
兩z0兩. The second row of Eq. 共15兲 emphasizes that the velocity goes the conductor, F⬜ becomes negligible compared to F储, and the
along a direction perpendicular to the eccentricity z0 共through the bearing tends to generate a force proportional to the eccentricity,
complex parameter j兲 at a value of ⍀兩z0兩. Similarly to Eq. 共15兲, the just like a linear spring 共 ⬇ 0兲,
spring elongation q can be computed as
⍀ Ⰷ RL
q = qz0e−j⍀t 共21兲
共16兲 Fz ⬇ kz0
q̇ = − j⍀qz0e−j⍀t A plot of both forces is presented in Fig. 5, and can be used as
If Eq. 共10兲 is used, the external force needed to balance the elec- follows: 共1兲 Identify the electric pole of the bearing as the rotation
tromagnetic force in the rotating frame is finally obtained as speed for which 兩F⬜兩 is maximum. 共2兲 Identify the value of the
damping parameter of the bearing. In fact, F⬜ reaches a maximum
k⍀共⍀ − jRL兲
F = z0e−j⍀t 共17兲 F⬜max for ⍀ = RL as
+ ⍀2
⍀兩F⬜兩max = RL
Using Eq. 共13兲, the force is expressed in the inertial frame as
k⍀共⍀ − jRL兲 cRL
Fz = Fe j⍀t = z0 共18兲 兩F⬜兩max = 兩z0兩
+ ⍀2 2
Equation 共18兲 shows that the electromagnetic force acting on C is Similarly, the magnitude of the ratio 兩Fz / z0兩 can also be used to
a function of the rotation speed ⍀, as presented in Fig. 4. It can be identify the bearing parameters. In that case, the slope at low
seen that 兩Fz兩 goes from zero 共for ⍀ = 0兲 to a limit value for high rotation frequencies equals c, while the ratio tends to k at high
s2,3共⍀ = 0兲 = −
⫿j 冑 冉 冊
20 −
共30兲 contribution, which is consistent with the quasistatic analysis pre-
sented earlier 共Fig. 5兲. Nevertheless, the fact that R共s1兲 is always
The most important feature of the computation of the root loci lies positive drives to the conclusion that the rotor is unconditionally
on the evolution of the right-hand root s1. Although s1 is located at unstable in that configuration.
the origin of the complex plane for ⍀ = 0, it enters the right part of Some additive remarks might be necessary to understand the
the complex plane as soon as the rotor starts its rotation 共i.e., ⍀ main guidelines that have been followed in literature to stabilize
⬎ 0兲. Besides, for higher rotation speeds, although s1 converges systems supported by electrodynamic bearings. Basically, rotating
toward the imaginary axis 共⍀ → ⬁兲, it still remains on the right damping leads to instability mostly because it converts energy
part of the complex plane. This unstable state is due to the rotating from rotational dynamics into lateral dynamics, introducing en-
damping contribution of the bearing 关25兴. ergy into the system rather than dissipating it. Therefore, it is
Furthermore, it can be noticed that I共s3兲 steadily increases natural to think about a system that dissipates energy by nonrotat-
along with the rotation speed, while R共s3兲 tends to −RL. The ing means. In other words, the dissipated energy must flow
system poles for infinite rotation speeds become through the stator, instead of the rotor. By doing so, the destabi-
lizing influence of the rotating damping introduced by the bearing
s1共⬁兲 = + j0 would be reduced, until its stiffness contribution would ensure the
suspension of the rotating conductor and stabilize the system. This
s2共⬁兲 = − j0 共31兲 stabilization would take place above a threshold rotation speed,
which would correspond to the balance of every effects 共rotating
s3共⬁兲 = − RL + j⍀ damping, nonrotating damping, and stiffness effects兲. In order to
The imaginary part of s3共⬁兲 is due to the rotation of the conductor. meet this specification, it is rather direct to think about a contact-
In fact, the pole of the spring-damper contribution is computed in less device that would take advantage of the same principle of the
the inertial frame through Eq. 共29兲, while it actually rotates. If the electrodynamic bearing itself, i.e., to use eddy current effects to
computation of the poles were performed from Eq. 共23兲, but this generate a force that would provide nonrotating damping. For that
time expressed in the rotating frame, the following poles would be reason, in most investigations on electrodynamic bearings, eddy
obtained: current dampers have been added 关9,11,14兴, as shown in Fig. 7.
The basic configuration is to mount a permanent magnet on the
s1共⬁兲 = + j0 − j⍀ rotor and a nonmagnetic conductor on the stator in which the eddy
currents take place. Therefore, the damping effect is no longer
s2共⬁兲 = − j0 − j⍀ 共32兲 rotating along with the conductor, but is fixed to the stator frame
s3共⬁兲 = − RL Consequently, this additional damper has its own electrome-
where s1, s2, and s3 are the root loci of the system in the rotat- chanical dynamics of R-L type, whose behavior must be taken
ing frame. In that case, the electric pole s3 at infinite rotation into account in the model to accurately estimate the stability prop-
speed would be constant at −RL, which is consistent to the state erties of the bearing. Similarly to previous developments, this
equation of the spring-damper expressed in the rotating frame in could be done with an additional set of nonrotating spring-damper
Eq. 共10兲. Further, s1 and s2 are the poles of a mass spring system in series connecting the rotor to the ground. For simplicity, only
linked to the inertial frame, but whose poles are computed in the nonrotating viscous damping is introduced in the next section. We
rotating frame. believe that this choice should facilitate through the comprehen-
For stability concerns, the analysis of the poles drives to the sion of the phenomena that bring stability to the rotor on electro-
same conclusions whatever the frame 共rotating or inertial兲 in dynamic bearings.
which they are expressed. Hence, for simplicity, the stability
analysis is performed only in the inertial frame later on. Likewise,
as the electric pole s3 is always on the left-hand side of the com-
plex plane, it is no longer involved in the stability analysis. 4 Stability With Nonrotating Viscous Damping
The study of the roots s1 and s2 is useful to comprehend the The introduction of a nonrotating viscous damping force of
basic behavior of the bearing. For very high rotation speeds, the coefficient cn 共N s/m兲 in the Jeffcott rotor model modifies Eq. 共23兲
damping contribution of the bearing is overwhelmed by the spring as
冉 冊 冉 冊
The adimensional parameter ␣ is used to compare the nonrotating
cn cn and rotating damping parameters. ␦ scales the mass m of the rotor
s3 + + RL − j⍀ s2 + 共RL − j⍀兲 + 20 s − j⍀20 = 0
m m with respect to the bearing 共for the same bearing, the higher is ␦,
共34兲 the lower is the mass m of the rotor兲. The same method holds for
the stabilizing rotation speed ⍀s and the Laplace variable s. At
The analysis of the root loci is used to estimate the rotating speed last, Eq. 共34兲 is expressed in adimensional terms as
above which the system is stable. In fact, the computation of the
roots at low rotation speeds shows that R共s1兲 ⬎ 0, which expresses s*3 + 共␣␦2 + 1 − j兲s*2 + ␦2共␣共1 − j兲 + 1兲s* − j␦2 = 0
that the rotor is still unstable. This behavior is visible if the roots 共38兲
are plotted on the complex plane for increasing rotation speeds, as
displayed in Fig. 8. However, it is also visible that for a certain where  and s* are defined as
rotation speed, root s1 crosses the imaginary axis from the right  = ⍀s/RL
side to the left side of the complex plane. At this point, the rota- 共39兲
tion speed that brings stability to the rotating system can be iden- s* = s/RL
tified, and is referred as ⍀s, valid only for the initial nonrotating
damping cn that has been chosen. Equation 共38兲 has been used to obtain a family of plots based on
This reasoning is supported by the computation of the roots of the adimensional parameters newly defined and thus it no longer
Eq. 共34兲 at infinite rotation speeds, computed as follows: depends on one particular bearing. Those plots 共Fig. 9兲 can be
read differently according to the data available during the bearing
s1共⬁兲 = 0共− + j冑1 − 2兲 design. However, it is assumed that two parameters among k, c,
and RL are obtained from technical specifications. In that case,
s2共⬁兲 = 0共− − j冑1 − 2兲 共35兲 the study can be formulated as follows: For a given rotor mass m,
␦ is defined. Thus, for a rotating system stable at ⍀s = RL 共im-
posed兲, a nonrotating viscous damping of cn = ␣c is required. Sure
s3共⬁兲 = − RL + j⍀
enough, if the nonrotating damping cn is imposed, the rotation
where is the relative damping coefficient speed ⍀s that brings stability to the rotating system can be
cn The above considerations are based on a simplified model of
= 共36兲
2冑km the rotating system. It is clear that models that take into account
additive effects such as gyroscopy and shaft flexibility must be
Consequently, Eq. 共35兲 highlights that the rotating system be- developed 共if necessary兲 to study accurately the effective stability
comes stable for some value of the rotation speed. Henceforth, the of the system.
analysis consists in identifying stabilizing rotation speeds ⍀s for
various values of nonrotating viscous damper cn. 5 Validation of the Model
4.1 Adimensional Study. Equation 共34兲 gives the root loci of The data available in literature on electrodynamic bearings have
the system as a function of the rotation speed ⍀. It is clear that been collected to validate the model presented in this paper. In
they depend on the mechanical parameters of the rotating system Ref. 关6兴, Lembke characterized a homopolar bearing designed for
共m兲, the nonrotating system 共cn兲, and the electromagnetical char- turbomolecular pump applications. A finite element analysis has
acteristics of the bearing 共k, c, and RL兲. In order to generalize the been performed to compute the force generated by the bearing at
presented approach, an adimensional study has been performed a fixed eccentricity of 0.1 mm, along directions parallel and per-
such that the relevant parameters involved in the bearing stability pendicular to the eccentricity. This configuration corresponds to
can be singled out efficiently. Let introduce two new parameters ␣ the formulation given in Eq. 共19兲, making it suitable to validate
and ␦ as the presented model.
Using the data presented in Ref. 关6兴, the parameters of the elec- ⬇ 0.15. To validate the model, we collected the values of nonro-
trodynamic bearing are identified as follows: RL corresponds to tating viscous damping used in Ref. 关11兴, and introduced them
the rotating speed ⍀ at which F⬜ reaches its maximum. Likewise, into Eq. 共38兲. The validation analysis was performed as follows:
the viscous damping is identified using the maximum value of F⬜ 共1兲 Set a value for the nonrotating viscous damping cn, i.e., define
on the vertical axis, as given in Eq. 共22兲. The equivalent stiffness ␣. 共2兲 Increase  until the bearing becomes stable, i.e., ⍀s is
k can then be computed as the product cRL. The numerical val- identified. 共3兲 Return to step 1 with another value of ␣. We could
ues that have been identified from Lembke’s data are RL = 4 then obtain the stabilizing rotation speeds ⍀s as a function of cn.
⫻ 103 rad/ s and c = 2.7 N s / m, which give a stiffness k = 10.8 The results of the comparison are presented in Fig. 12. Despite
⫻ 103 N / m. The comparison between the plots obtained from some dispersion, the general behavior is comparable. We believe
Lembke’s work and the model presented in Sec. 2.3 is presented that these differences are a consequence of the results obtained at
in Fig. 10. low rotation speeds in Fig. 11.
The correspondence between the plots is encouraging and vali-
dates the quasistatic study described earlier. It can be emphasized 6 Conclusions
that the analysis could have been carried out in a reduced speed A model of electrodynamic bearings is presented in this paper.
range 关0 − ⍀兩F⬜兩max兴, as the computation of 兩F⬜兩max suffices to ob- The model is based on the electromechanical state and output
tain the bearing characteristics 共c, RL, and k兲. This statement is equation of a motional eddy current damper and takes the R-L
particularly relevant for time-consuming analyses 共as 3D finite dynamics into account. The state equations of the eddy currents
element modeling兲. that develop in the conductor are written in a rotating coordinate
Unfortunately, to the authors’ knowledge, the data concerning frame resorting to complex notation. This choice, common to the
the stability of this bearing were not available, which did not field of rotordynamics, is demonstrated to be powerful as it allows
allow further comparison. For that reason, another comparison has one to take the vector nature of the eddy current forces into ac-
been performed using the data presented by Filatov in Ref. 关11兴. count.
The aim of Filatov’s study was also to design a flywheel rotor for The model can be used to study both the quasistatic and the
energy storage applications. In these investigations, he performed dynamic behavior of the bearing. In the quasistatic case, the con-
a quasistatic analysis through finite element modeling. However, ductor is spun at a fixed off-centered position relative to the mag-
the data reported in Ref. 关11兴 are presented as the magnitude and netic field, and the electromagnetic forces are measured as a func-
angle of ratio Fz / z0 according to the rotation speed. Therefore, Eq.
共18兲 is used for the validation of the model. Parameters c and k are
the initial slope and the limit value of 兩Fz / z0兩, respectively.
⬔共Fz / z0兲 is then used for comparison. This angle is referred to as
, defined consistently with Fig. 4. The comparison between the
curves obtained from Ref. 关11兴 and the model is presented in Fig.
11. The numerical values that have been identified are k = 5.45
⫻ 105 N / m and c = 900 N s / m, which give an electric pole of the
bearing RL = 605 rad/ s.
Also in this example, the result is encouraging. The main dif-
ference is found in the angle. This difference could be due to the
difficulty in computing the amplitude and the direction of the
force at low rotation speeds from a finite element analysis. The
angle data obtained from Ref. 关11兴 at low rotation speeds
strengthen this assumption, as they do not seem to tend toward
= 90 deg. In Ref. 关11兴, Filatov also reported a stability analysis.
The bearing identified in Fig. 11 is used to realize the suspension
of a m = 68 kg rotor. He computed the values of the nonrotating Fig. 12 Comparison between stabilizing rotation speeds ver-
viscous damping, such that the bearing is stable at predefined sus nonrotating viscous damping. „〫… corresponds to the data
rotation speeds. obtained from Fig. 15 in Ref. †11‡, while the solid line corre-
According to Eq. 共37兲, this configuration corresponds to ␦ sponds to the stabilizing rotation speed obtained from Eq. „38….