This document provides standards for ready mixed air drying red oxide and zinc chrome priming paint. It specifies requirements for various characteristics of the paint including compatibility with thinners, consistency, resistance to salt spray and natural/artificial sea water, drying time, finish, color, mass, scratch hardness, flexibility and more. The paint must meet specified test methods and requirements to be considered conforming to the standard.
This document provides standards for ready mixed air drying red oxide and zinc chrome priming paint. It specifies requirements for various characteristics of the paint including compatibility with thinners, consistency, resistance to salt spray and natural/artificial sea water, drying time, finish, color, mass, scratch hardness, flexibility and more. The paint must meet specified test methods and requirements to be considered conforming to the standard.
This document provides standards for ready mixed air drying red oxide and zinc chrome priming paint. It specifies requirements for various characteristics of the paint including compatibility with thinners, consistency, resistance to salt spray and natural/artificial sea water, drying time, finish, color, mass, scratch hardness, flexibility and more. The paint must meet specified test methods and requirements to be considered conforming to the standard.
This document provides standards for ready mixed air drying red oxide and zinc chrome priming paint. It specifies requirements for various characteristics of the paint including compatibility with thinners, consistency, resistance to salt spray and natural/artificial sea water, drying time, finish, color, mass, scratch hardness, flexibility and more. The paint must meet specified test methods and requirements to be considered conforming to the standard.
5.4Compatibility with Thinner according to the methods given in co1 4 of the
table. The material shall be suitable for thinning with thinners used for synthetic paints ( see IS 1872 : 1961 ). 5.9 Water Content
5.5 Relative Consistency If water is suspected to be present in the
material, it shall not exceed O-5 percent when The efflux time from a full No. 4 Ford Cup at tested as prescribed in IS 101 (Part 2iSec 1 ) : 27 2 2°C when determined as prescribed in 1988. 1s 101 ( Part 1,Sec 5 ) : 1989, shall be not less than 80 and not more than 120 seconds. 6 SAMPLING 5.6 Resistance to Salt Spray 6.1 Representative samples of the material shall When tested as prescribed in 4 of IS 101 (Part 61 be drawn as prescribed in IS 101 ( Part 1Bec 1): Set 1 ) : 1988 for a period of 96 hours continu- ously, the paint film shall show no signs of 1986. breakdown and the underlying metal shall be 6.2 Criteria for Conformity free from corrosion. 5.7 Resistance to Natural or Artificial Sea Water A lot shall be declared as conforming to the ( Applicable for Marine Paints Only ) requirements of this standard if the test results of composite sample satisfy the requirements When tested as prescribed in Annex C, the panel prescribed under 5. prepar-ed from the material shall show no dam- age, blistering or flaking of the paint film, or 7 TESTS underfilm corrosion. 7.1 Tests shall be conducted as per the method 5.8 The material shall also conform to the referred to in co1 4 and 5 of Table 1 and in 5.1 requirements given in Table 1 when tested to 5.9. Table 1 Requirements for Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide, Zinc Chrome, Priming ( CZause 5.8 )
SI Characteristic Requirements Method of Test, Ref to
No. ~----_----*--- -----_ IS 101 Annex (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) i) Drying time: a) Surface dry Not more than 1 2 hours 1 ( Part 3/See 1 ) : 1986 - b) Hard dry Not more than 12 hours i iii Consistency Smooth and uniform ( Part 1jSec 5 ) : 1989 - iii) a) Finish Smooth, matt to egg ( Part 3/Set 4 ) : 1987 - shell gloss b) Fineness of grind 50 (Part 3iSec 5 ) : 1987 - microns, Max c) Gloss values, specular ( Part 4/Set 4 1 : 1988 - 45O Not more than 30 units GO” Not more than 20 units iv) Colour That of red oxide ( Part 4/Set 2 ) : 1989 - v) Mass in kg/IO litres, Min 13’5 ( Part l/Set 7 ) : 1986 - vi) Scratch hardness after 48 No scratch as to show ( Part 5ISec 1 > : 1988 - hours air-drying the bare metal vii) Volume solids 45 f 5 - D viii) Flexibility and adhesion No damage, detachment ( Part 5,‘Sec 2 ) : 1988 -- after 48 hours air-drying or cracking of the film ix) Protection against corro- No signs of corl osion ( Part 6,‘Sec 1 ) : 1988 - sion under conditions of condensation Xl Flash point Not below 30°C ( Part l/Set 6 ) : 1987 xi) Accelerated storage To pass the test - E stability xii) Keeping properties Not less than 12 months ( Part 6/&c 2 ) : 1989