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According to the American Marketing Association, Green Marketing is the marketing of

products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a
broad range of activities, including
Product modification, Changes to the production process, Packaging changes, as well as
Modifying advertising.
Green Marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their
environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in it or
produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
Mr. J. Polonsky, Green Marketing can be defined as, "All activities designed to generate and
facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs or wants such that satisfying of these
needs and wants occur with minimal detrimental input on the national environment."
Green Marketing involves developing and promoting products and services that satisfy
customer's want and need for Quality, Performance, Affordable Pricing and Convenience
without having a detrimental input on the environment.
Goals of Green Marketing:
Eliminate the concept of waste Reinvent the concept of product Make prices reflect actual and
environmental costs Make environmentalism profitable Bringing out product modifications
Changing in production processes Packaging changes Modifying advertising.


Green marketing, also known as environmental marketing or sustainability marketing, involves

promoting environmentally friendly products or services to consumers. The focus is on
developing and promoting products or services that have minimal impact on the environment, are
energy-efficient or renewable, and promote sustainability. The impact of green marketing has
been studied by scholars and researchers around the world. Here is a review of some of the
literature on the subject:

1. Consumer Attitudes Towards Green Marketing: A Review: This study examines consumer
attitudes towards green marketing and how marketers can create effective strategies to promote
environmentally friendly products or services. The authors found that consumers have positive
attitudes towards green products, but they are also skeptical about green claims and want proof
of environmental benefits.

2. The Effectiveness of Green Marketing: An Analysis of Recent Developments: This article

reviews recent research on the effectiveness of green marketing in different countries, including
the US, UK, China, and India. The authors found that green marketing can positively affect
brand image, brand reputation, and customer loyalty.

3. A Review of Green Marketing and its Impact on Consumer Behavior: This study examines the
impact of green marketing on consumer behavior. The authors found that consumers are more
likely to purchase green products when they perceive a personal benefit, such as saving money or
improving health.

4. Green Product Development and Eco-Labeling: A Literature Review: This paper reviews the
literature on green product development and eco-labeling. The authors found that eco-labels can
increase consumer trust and willingness to pay for green products.

5. The Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development: A Review: This study examines
the role of green marketing in sustainable development. The authors found that green marketing
can play an important role in promoting sustainable development by encouraging companies to
adopt environmentally friendly practices.

Overall, the literature suggests that green marketing can have a positive impact on consumer
behavior, brand image, and sustainable development. However, it is essential to ensure that green
claims are credible and based on actual environmental benefits to avoid skepticism and potential
negative effects on brand image.
Yet defining green marketing is not a simple task where several meanings intersect and
contradict each other; an example of this will be the existence of varying social, environmental
and retail definitions attached to this term. Other similar terms used are Environmental
Marketing and Ecological Marketing. The legal implications of marketing claims call for
caution. Misleading or overstated claims can lead to regulatory or civil challenges. In the USA,
the Federal Trade Commission provides some guidance on environmental marketing claims. So,
in simple terms Green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based
on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in
itself or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
The obvious assumption of green marketing is that potential consumers will view a product or
service's "greenness" as a benefit and base their buying decision accordingly. Green marketers
though argue that it is a way to use the environmental benefits of a product or service to promote
sales. Many consumers will choose products that do not damage the environment over less
environmentally friendly products, even if they cost more. With green marketing, advertisers
focus on environmental benefits to sell products such as biodegradable diapers, energy-efficient
light bulbs, and environmentally safe detergents. People buy billions of dollars worth of goods
and services every year—many which harm the environment in how they are harvested, made, or
used. Environmentalists support green marketing to encourage people to use environmentally
preferable alternatives, and to offer incentives to manufacturers that develop more
environmentally beneficial products.


Green Marketing

The process of searching and finding out, forecasting and satisfying the preferences and wants
of people in an economically sound way at the same time eco-friendly (Peattie, 1995) is green
marketing. Due to the rising concerns for the environmental issues, these days, the concept of
green marketing is gaining much thrust (Chan, 2012). Following are the green marketing
initiatives in India:

Eco labelling:A product or a service adopting a completely eco-friendly product life cycle is
recognized as a product or service with eco-label . Ecolabeling thus ensures the standard of
quality and eco-friendly perspective to the consumers demarcating it from the other ordinary

Green Branding:Green positioning is one among the paramount constituents of green branding .
The rise in the number of purchases with regard to ecologically-safe commodities is reflected
from the positive responses on the brand attitude with regard to green positioning.

Green advertising: The revolts by consumer activists, environmentalists and the public against
those concerns indulged in practices which are harmful to the natural environment sparked off
the budding of green advertising initiatives by the late 20th century The term green advertising
encapsulates presentation of environment ads, environment friendly contents, ads focusing on the
wants of nature-hugging consumers and various other interested parties.

Simple Rules of Green Marketing:

There are five simple rules of green marketing

 Know your customer
 Be transparent
 Empower consumers
 Reassure the buyers
 Consider the pricing

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