Pie Study Sheet Key 2
Pie Study Sheet Key 2
Pie Study Sheet Key 2
1. Explain the differences between a single crusted pie, double crusted pie and
a pie shell.
Pie shell – baked separately, filled later, prick crust – lemon, cream
Single crust pie – bottom crust and filling baked together – pecan, pumpkin
Double crust pie – bottom crust, filling and top crust baked together – fruit
2. What are the four main ingredients in pastry, and their function?
Flour structure
Salt flavor
Fat tenderness
Liquid hold together, moisture
3. When cutting in shortening with flour and salt, why is it important to mix it
thoroughly together like coarse corn meal?
So it will be thoroughly mixed to make the crust tender and flaky
7. When rolling out the dough, what do you use to help prevent it from sticking to
the rolling pin and counter top?
Pastry cloth and stockinet
10. Poking holes in the dough with a fork or pricking it, will prevent the dough
from _____puffing______ during baking, but it is only done on a
_____pie shell____.
11. Strips of aluminum foil around the edge of a double crusted pie will prevent
_____excessive____ ____browning_____.
12. How do you seal the top and bottom crust together?
Rub water on the top of the bottom crust before adding top crust
19. What ingredients can be used to thicken up fruit for a double crusted pie?
Tapioca – starch extracted from the roots of the tropical cassara plant
20. What is the difference between using butter, margarine, shortening, oil, or
lard as the fat when preparing a pie crust?
Taste and flavor, Lard – more tender, Oil – harder to handle, crumbly
21. What is the difference between all-purpose flour and cake flour?
All-purpose – harder wheat, more gluten
Cake flour – softer wheat, less gluten