Teaching English As An L2 in Preschool
Teaching English As An L2 in Preschool
Teaching English As An L2 in Preschool
Today you will propose different activities for developing the oral skills, following the
typologies and characteristics that we’ve seen in class.
Here you will find sample material of the textbook Daisy, Robin & Me, by Oxford University
Press, an EFL textbook for preschool. On the menu you will find demos of the videos in the
textbook (you’ll find one on each page, where it says A > MATERIALES DEL DOCENTE).
You also have them in Moodle. Please choose one video and do the following:
a) Outline three listening activities. Remember, just outline them! The activities do not have
to be about the whole video, you can choose a part of it.
- TPR: children will have to imitate the robots, while listening to what the leader says.
- Choral responses: repeating the song. “One, two, three: wave and clap and point at
me; four, five, six: sit down, stand up, dance like this!”
- Listening for specific information (putting the story in order) while asking how Daisy
b) Classify these activities according to the typology of listening activities that we’ve seen in
- Listen and do
- Listen and repeat
- Listening for specific information
c) Analyse your activities. What area of preschool education do they work on? Are they
stirring or relaxing? What listening subskill(s) do they practise?
● They don't need to understand the words in order to mimic the robots
● Un choral responses there is no individual attention
● It may be necessary to have a visual support to get the students to understand the
What next? Outline two follow up activities to work on oral interaction skills that you can do
after working on your video: one for more controlled practice and another one for freer