Commentary On The Holy Quran
Commentary On The Holy Quran
Commentary On The Holy Quran
Reprinting is free (public domain - CC0). The text is translated from
Turkish. The quoted passages of the Quran are from the English
translation by Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (Quran-e-
Karim, English translation,
Istanbul 2017/1438
saw the Truth of Allah. But I acted cowardly, I was
afraid of the dark enemies of Allah who pretend to be
believers and I did not convey to others what I needed
to convey. Today, just before the coming of my death,
I overcome my cowardice and capture on paper some
of this light. I am not writing my last name. Besides,
the name is something temporary that belongs to the
present world and has no place in the eternal light of
I am only writing comments about the first two
surahs of the Quran, because it is enough for the
believer to see a few rays of light. When he accepts
them inside him, then he himself becomes light and
there is no longer any dark place for him.
overcome this separation. This language is Arabic
because the Quran was spread throughout the world
by the Arabs. But it could, if it had prevailed, be any
other language, since in eternity the Arabic language,
like all the other languages of our temporary world,
will be abolished and we will communicate in an
unspeakable heavenly language.
The Quran begins not simply with the name of
Allah but with the name of the All-Merciful and
Most-Merciful Allah. Let us be aware of this; Allah is
not mentioned first and foremost as righteous but as
merciful. This is because Allah is not righteous with
the human meaning of the concept but with the divine
meaning of it (the human meaning of the concept of
"justice" is whoever does something evil to suffer the
corresponding evil while the divine meaning of the
concept is when someone does something evil to
forgive him and not to punish him). For this reason
Allah is first and foremost merciful. Consequently, we
the believers, in order to be united in the name of
Allah, it is not enough to have faith but above all we
must have kindness and mercy.
What worlds is it referring to?
We human beings are selfish and usually
underestimate animals, fish and plants. We think that
the center of the universe is the earth and man. But
Allah is Lord of not only us but of all the worlds. He
is the creator and ruler of the world of angels, the
world of animals, the world of the sea, the world of
plants and every world that He created out of love
near us or on the distant planets of His infinite creation.
illuminates the stars, while it will blind, as the sun
blinds those who are accustomed to the darkness,
those who do not want the light but desire the
darkness of injustice.
Let's pay attention to what is written. It writes: "We"
and not "I". That is, Allah does not speak alone but
with the righteous and says that with them He gives to
the believers every good. So, since Allah is with the
righteous, when we pray to Him we communicate
with them, and when we pray to them we
communicate with Allah.
It also tells us to offer to others what we have
(not what is left over) and there is no distinction
between believer and nonbeliever, or even pagan. We
must indiscriminately offer everyone not only the
surplus but also from the little we have.
and will continue to deny the light of Allah.
believers, say that they truly believe and that they
agree that they should do good, but when they are
with like-minded evil and wicked people, they do
wrong like them.
have prepared for themselves).
after it has been made binding, and cut off the
relations Allah has commanded to be joined, and
spread disorder on the earth -it is these who are
the losers.
All, true believers and nonbelievers, will stay
forever in the light of Allah. But those who have the
darkness rooted in them will suffer from this light,
which will burn them like the fire that cleanses the
gold but burns the thorns.
intercession be accepted on anyone's behalf, nor
shall ransom be taken from him, and neither shall
any be given support.
and the negative consequences that the commission of
evil brings upon the unjust person. These
consequences that injustice brings upon the unjust
person are a lesson for the believers who respect
But why does Allah liken the transgressors of
His Will to apes?
Because just as apes look like humans but are
not humans, so the unjust people look like the
believers but are not believers.
The Sabians were a Judeo-Christian people of Arabia.
To those who do evil and identify with darkness
(those are the true nonbelievers) the light of Allah will
be like a fire that, instead of illuminating them, will
burn them, along with the darkness of their souls. On
the contrary, those who do not just believe (whether
they are Muslims, Christians or Jews) but do good
deeds and identify with the light (those are the true
believers), the light of Allah will illuminate them and
they will be eternal in the happiness of Paradise.
our will and choices are not fixed because they are
influenced by our environment. But when we will be
in the light of Allah and our perishable surroundings
disappear and time –as we know it– changes, then our
True Will will be revealed, as will our choice to
identify with the darkness or with the light of Allah.
of Allah, that is, to be righteous and to do good to all
But why does it write about the followers of "the
Book" and not of "the Books", since the Old
Testament and the New Testament are not one but two
books? And again, why is the Quran called "the
Book" (like the other two together), as if there are not
three but only one Book?
This is because all three Holy Books write the
same Will of Allah. In reality, there are not three but
one triple Holy Book.
their part, even after the truth has become clear to
them. So, forgive and overlook till Allah brings out
His command. Certainly, Allah is powerful over
personality to Allah (that is, anyone who is
compassionate and just, like Allah) and does good,
whether he is a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim, will
enter Paradise.
in an inconceivable manner, as the flame gives birth
to another flame, Allah gives birth to His Son. And as
the earth pours out its lava, Allah pours out the Holy
Spirit. And as the sun is one, but also hot mass and
fire and light, so Allah and His Son and the Holy
Spirit –because of their absolute perfection and unity–
have the same will and do everything together, that is
to say, they are One.
Material metaphors are to us absolutely
necessary when we talk about Allah, because human
thought cannot otherwise give expressive shape to
something that goes beyond any human possibility of
expression. For the Holy Spirit, as well as for the Son
of Allah, Jesus, who was born supernaturally to Mary,
we have already read in the Quran (2:87).
in what has been revealed to us, and in what has
been revealed to Ibrahim, Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq
(Isaac), Yaqub and his children, and in what has
been given to Musa and Isa (Jesus) and what has
been given to the prophets from their Lord: We
make no difference between any of them, and to
Him we submit ourselves."
Jews, Christians and Muslims should not quarrel
over the religion of Allah because we have the same
Lord. Our actions are what makes us true believers.
The Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Ḥarām) is located in
So that we do not forget Allah and recall that we
should be united and do good.
your faces to the East and the West; but
righteousness is that one believes in Allah and the
Last Day and the angels and the Book and the
Prophets, and gives wealth, despite (his) love for it,
to relatives, and to orphans, the helpless, the
wayfarer, and to those who ask, and (spends) in
(freeing) slaves and observes the Salah (prayers)
and pays Zakah-and (the act of) those who fulfill
their covenant when they enter into a covenant,
and, of course, those who are patient in hardship
and suffering and when in battle! Those are the
ones who are truthful, and those are the God-
178. O you who believe, QiSaS has been prescribed
for you in the case of murdered people: The
freeman (will be killed) for the freeman, the slave
for the slave, and the female for the female.
However, if one is somewhat forgiven by his
brother, the recourse (of the latter) is to pursue the
former (for blood money) with fairness, and the
obligation (of the former) is to pay (it) to the latter
in a nice way…
179. There is life for you in QiSaS, O people of
wisdom, so that you may refrain (from killing).
of the cruelty of the people, so that those who were
wronged did not extend their revenge to all members
of the murderer's family, but their murderous instincts
were restrained. The law of retributive justice was
given by Allah in the Old Testament, when people
were even crueler and more savage.
As we see, as people progress, so is the Truth
revealed to them. Allah shows us the way: to become
merciful. By doing so, we get closer to Allah. And as
we get closer to Allah, we get closer to the Truth.
Allah says in the Holy Book that whoever
cannot fast on the appointed days, matters not if he
fasts the equivalent days later on. As well, whoever
can but does not want to fast, He says that this too
matters not; he can, instead of fasting, do charity.
So we see that, according to the revelation of
Allah, fasting is not like the human law, inviolable.
Fasting was given to us not because Allah is pleased
with our deprivation ("Allah intends ease for you and
does not intend hardship for you") but because it is
good for us ("However, that you fast is better for you,
if you only knew"). We do not fast for the sake of
Allah, but for ourselves, because it helps us get used
to controlling our instincts, so that we have them
subdued to reason and do not let them drag us
wherever they want.
But one will ask: "Allah certainly says in the
Quran that fasting is not obligatory, but later it was
established to be obligatory. Should the believer agree
with Allah, who does not consider fasting as law, or
see it humanly as an inviolable law?"
Anyone who understands what it means that
Allah is merciful and not a harsh judge, already
knows the answer to this question.
fight you, and do not transgress. Verily, Allah does
not like the transgressors.
191. Kill them wherever you find them, and drive
them out from where they drove you out, as Fitnah
(to create disorder) is more severe than killing.
However, do not fight them near Al-Masjid-ul-
Haram (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) unless
they fight you there. However, if they fight you
(there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of
the disbelievers.
192. But if they desist, then indeed, Allah is Most-
Forgiving, Very-Merciful.
193. Fight them until there is no Fitnah any more,
and obedience remains for Allah. But, if they
desist, then aggression is not allowed except
against the transgressors.
defending– is evil, but sometimes it is a necessary
evil. When we are attacked, we must kill to defend
our family and our compatriots. This act of ours is
bad, but if we do not defend them and let the enemies
kill or enslave them, then this act of ours will be
incomparably worse.
But why does He mention the attacks of the
nonbelievers while aggressive wars are also waged by
Because whoever wages an aggressive war is not
truly a believer, but in the eyes of Allah he is viewed
as a pagan.
evil, even if they falsely claim to be believers) even
accept that women are equal to them and that they
have rights. So here Allah is trying to make them at
least take care of their wives. It is as if He is saying to
them: "Since you are so cruel and narrow-minded that
you consider your wives to be your property, at least
do not neglect them. Treat them at least as your own
fields, which you attend and take care of with
diligence. And you women do not be selfish and cruel,
love your husbands and do not care only for
yourselves. And when there is love in the couple, they
do not upset each other and do not deny the other
285. The Messenger has believed in what has been
revealed to him from his Lord, and the believers as
well. All have believed in Allah and His angels and
His Books and His Messengers. "We make no
division [distinction] between any of His Messengers,"
the New Testament and it is confirmed in the Quran.