1 s2.0 S0920410521005842 Main
1 s2.0 S0920410521005842 Main
1 s2.0 S0920410521005842 Main
Keywords: Transient two-phase flow in pipes and wellbores appears in several processes in petroleum industry. Predicting
Two-phase transient flow pressure, temperature and composition behavior during offshore well tests can support investment decisions in
Two-fluid model exploration. The governing system of equations that model production (or injection) and build-up (or fall off) is
Two-phase segregation
composed by the mass conservation of each component, the transport equation for each phase and one overall
Fully implicit solution
Compositional flow
system energy equation. In this paper we develop a fully implicit equation of state based thermal compositional
simulator able to model two-phase multicomponent flow in wellbores and pipes. This simulator is fully
compositional and includes thermal effects. The thermodynamics calculations are based on the Peng-Robinson
equation of state, and the momentum equations are based on the Single-Pressure Two-Fluid model. The finite
volume method is used to discretize the non-linear system of equations, and time is discretized using Euler’s
implicit technique. The obtained numerical solutions for both co-current as well as countercurrent flow showed
excellent agreement when compared to benchmark solutions published in the literature. A well kick-off followed
by constant flow rate production and posterior shut-in was also simulated and the numerical results were dis
cussed. It also models surge pressure and gravitational segregation effects in the wellbore. The presented
simulator may be applied in numerical pressure transient analysis and pressure behavior in flowlines connecting
wellheads and production platforms.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: jcsnascimento@ufba.br (J.C.S. Nascimento), adriano@eq.ufrn.br (A. Santos), capico@lenep.uenf.br (C.E. Pico Ortiz), puime@lenep.uenf.br,
adolfo.puime@gmail.com (A.P. Pires).
Received 22 November 2020; Received in revised form 4 May 2021; Accepted 5 May 2021
Available online 15 May 2021
0920-4105/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
There are two main approaches for the TFM formulation: the Two- state (Peng and Robinson, 1976). Then, transport equations for pressure,
Pressure Model (TPM) and the Single Pressure Model (SPM). If the temperature, velocities and volume fractions are solved. Flash calcula
pressure of both phases is the same (SPM model), the problem becomes a tions are performed to determine the mole fractions in the oil and gas
mixed elliptic-hyperbolic type, due to the existence of regions where the phases from a given constant overall composition. Nevertheless, when
eigenvalues are complex. In this case, the problem is ill-posed, and small dealing with complex hydrocarbon mixtures in miscible floodings, or in
oscillations during the numerical iterations may generate instabilities the presence of high concentration contaminants (carbon dioxide,
and divergence issues (Ransom and Hicks, 1984; Dinh et al., 2003; hydrogen sulfide, etc.), the change in fluid composition must be taken
Prosperetti and Tryggvason, 2007). A Seven Equation Model was pro into account. Thus, it is necessary to solve a fully compositional equation
posed to avoid the aforementioned numerical instabilities and improve of state based system of equations, in which both the transport and
accuracy (Chao et al., 2018). It is based on the Two Pressure Two Fluid equilibrium equations must be satisfied simultaneously. In spite of the
Model and compares several reference cases published in the literature higher computational efforts necessary to solve the compositional
with good results. A similar approach using Godunov’s technique has formulation coupled with an equation of state, the results will be much
also been published (Ambroso et al., 2012). The main focus of these more reliable (Pourafshary et al., 2009; Forouzanfar et al., 2015).
works is the evaluation of the numerical aspects of the Seven Equation The flow pattern transitions during two phase flow may create dis
Model for simple cases and do not present applications of the method to continuities in the momentum equations. To overcome convergence and
industrial problems. Due to the lack of realistic constitutive relations for stability issues due to these discontinuities, drift-flux model together
the interface momentum transfer, the SPM has been widely adopted for with the Shi et al. (2005) correlations have been used for the develop
engineering applications (Städtke, 2006). Virtual mass and interface ment of fully implicit compositional wellbore simulators (Pourafshary
pressure regularization terms have been developed to eliminate the et al., 2009; Livescu et al., 2009; Forouzanfar et al., 2015; Xiong et al.,
elliptic regions that may appear in this model (Drew and Lahey, 1979; 2015; Shahamiri et al., 2015; Putcha and Ertekin, 2017). These models
Städtke, 2006; Bestion, 1990). have been applied successfully to solve co-current multi-phase flow
The two-fluid model has been analyzed from different aspects, both problems, but focused on the simulation of steady state and slow tran
from the theoretical (Ishii, 1975; Delhaye and Achard, 1976; Drew and sients of gas-oil production.
Lahey Jr, 1979; Ishii and Mishima, 1984; Städtke, 2006), as well as from Although the drift-flux model allows slippage between phases, it
the numerical point of view (Suarel and Abgrall, 1999; Evje and Flåtten, leads to incorrect interphase momentum transfer in separated (stratified
2003; Garcia-Cascales and Paillère, 2006; Munkejord et al., 2009; and annular), fast transient and counter-current flows, in which the
Shekari and Hajidavalloo, 2013; Nascimento et al., 2018). This model phases are weakly coupled (Ishii and Hibiki, 2006). According to Ishii
has been extensively used in the development of different applications in and Hibiki (2006) the two-fluid model is more suitable than the
nuclear (Ransom, 1982; Micaelli, 1987; Borkowski and Wade, 1992) and drift-flux for the above-mentioned applications. Recently, Raimondi
petroleum enginering (Almehaideb et al., 1989; Stone et al., 1989; (2017) developed a semi-implicit compositional two-phase flow using
Bendiksen et al., 1991; Bonizzi and Issa, 2003; Issa and Kempf, 2003; the two-fluid model (SPM), which is able to simulate fast transients
Shirdel and Sepehrnoori, 2012, 2017, 2017; Krasnopolsky and Lukya flows. However, this model was only applied to analyze oil and gas
nov, 2018; Sondermann et al., 2019). depressurization in pipelines.
Several wellbore models using the two-fluid (SPM) approach coupled In this paper we present a fully implicit one-dimensional thermal
with a reservoir simulator have been developed. These simulators solve compositional two-phase flow simulator accounting for counter-current
the transport equations in the reservoir and wellbore, simultaneously, flow and gravitational segregation in wellbores using the single pressure
fully-implicitly (Stone et al., 1989; Almehaideb et al., 1989) or two-fluid model (SPM). The non-linear system of equations is discretized
semi-implicitly (Shirdel and Sepehrnoori, 2012, 2017). Stone et al. through the finite volume method, considering staggered grids and the
(1989) developed a three-phase (oil, water and gas) flow model in order first order upwind scheme. Time is discretized using Euler’s implicit
to simulate steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) recovery process. In technique. The thermodynamic equilibrium is solved simultaneously
their wellbore model, five conservation equations (mass and momentum with the transport equations through the Newton-Raphson iterative
for liquid and gas, and energy for mixture) were considered. Further method.
more, the liquid phase consists of a mixture of oil and water with no In order to avoid discontinuity issues in the momentum equations, a
slippage. Almehaideb et al. (1989) proposed an isothermal three phase simplified flow pattern map is applied (RELAP5). Robust constitutive
flow model to investigate the effect of phase segregation on pressure relations are adopted, such as the used by RELAP5 - Reactor Excursion
responses during a build-up test. Assuming simplified constitutive and Leak Analysis Program (RELAP5) and TRACE - TRAC/RELAP
equations for the wall shear stress and interfacial friction, the afore Advanced Computational Engine (US-NRC, 2007), to calculate the wall
mentioned authors showed that if phase segregation occurs, pressure shear stress and interfacial friction, respectively. The obtained numeri
increases quickly due to the increase of the hydrostatic column and gas cal solutions were compared to reference solutions for benchmark phase
compression at the bottom and at the top of the wellbore, respectively. segregation problems. Finally, a well kick-off followed by constant flow
Shirdel and Sepehrnoori (2012, 2017) improved the previous models by rate production and posterior shut-in was simulated. It is important to
introducing more comprehensive constitutive equations for interfacial highlight that to the best of our knowledge, the proposed fully-implicit
momentum transfer and phase-behavior calculation. Moreover, a slip solution and the obtained results for phase segregation considering the
page between oil and water modeled through a drift-flux approach was variation of temperature and fluid composition along the wellbore are
suggested (Shirdel and Sepehrnoori, 2017). not available in the literature.
Fluids properties also play an important role in the calculation of
pressure, temperature, saturation and concentration profiles during 2. Governing equations
transient two-phase flow in pipes. Many of the developed transient
wellbore models (TFM and DFM) are based on the black-oil model In this section, the governing equations for two-phase (liquid (l) and
(Stone et al., 1989; Almehaideb et al., 1989; Livescu et al., 2010; Pan vapour (g)) flow of a mixture consisting of Nc components are discussed.
and Oldenburg, 2014) or the pseudo-compositional model (Shirdel and The thermal compositional 2-phase flow model in pipes is composed by
Sepehrnoori, 2012, 2017). Both approaches are similar, but differences the mass conservation equation of each component, the momentum
appear in the phase behavior calculation. In the pseudo-compositional conservation equation of each phase, and the overall energy equation for
approach (Shirdel and Sepehrnoori, 2012, 2017) thermodynamic the 2-phase system. Assuming instantaneous equilibrium between pha
properties (e.g., density, enthalpy, viscosity, gas solubility and forma ses, the mass balance equation for component c is expressed as:
tion volume factor) are calculated using the Peng-Robinson equation of
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
( Np
) ( Np
∂ ∑ ∂ ∑
(1) ∑
αp xc,p ξp + αp xc,p ξp vp = qnc,p ,
∂t p=1
∂z p=1
xc,p = 1, p = l and g (8)
In addition, the heat transfer between the wellbore and the sur
where Ci and vr are the interfacial drag coefficient and relative velocity,
rounding formations (Qw ) is expressed in terms of the overall heat
respectively. For liquid phase MDl = − MDg .
transfer coefficient Ut as follows:
( ) For dispersed flows, Ci and vr are computed by using the drift-flux
Qw = 2πrto ΔzUt Tf − Te . (6) approach (RELAP5), as follows:
( )
The overall heat transfer coefficient depends on the wellbore features αg α3l g ρl − ρg
(casing and tubing thermal conductivities), formation (thermal con Ci = , (12)
ductivity) and flowing fluids properties (convection coefficients). In
( )
addition, Tf is the flowing fluid temperature, Te is the surrounding for 1 − C0 αg
vr = vg − C0 vl , (13)
mation temperature, rto and Δz are the external tubing radius and cell 1 − αg
length, respectively. Furthermore, we assume that Ut is a given constant
or determined by using Hasan and Kabir’s model (Hasan and Kabir, where vD and C0 are the drift-velocity and distribution parameters,
1994). which are calculated by using Kataoka and Ishii’s correlations (Kataoka
Additional closure equations include phase equilibrium conditions, and Ishii, 1987).
given by: For mist flow, Ci is given by
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
3.6αf wall for the bubbly, slug, transition slug/annular and annular flows (i.e,
Ai = , (15)
dd the gas shear stress is set to zero). Finally, for the slug/annular transition
regime, the shear stress is calculated by linear interpolation, as sug
where dd is the diameter of dispersed phase. In addition, the following gested by TRACE (US-NRC, 2007).
drag coefficient (CD ) and diameter of dispersed phase (dd ) are consid
ered: CD = 0.44 and dd = 1.0 mm. 2.4. Two-phase flow map
For slug flow the interfacial drag coefficient Ci is obtained by the
contribution of the drag force in two regions: liquid slug region and As shown above, the constitutive equations for interfacial mo
Taylor bubble region. The complete description of the calculation of Ci mentum transfer and wall shear stress depend on the definition of the
for the slug flow can be found in RELAP5. flow pattern, which indicates how the fluid distribution affect the
In annular flow the gas phase flows at the center of the pipe (gas coupling between phases. Usually, flow patterns are identified from a
core), which may contain liquid droplets, while the liquid is pushed to flow pattern map obtained from experimental observations or theoret
the pipe wall and flows as a thin film (Shoham, 2006). The interfacial ical models. For example, the maps described in Shoham (2006) are
friction term, MDg , includes the shear stresses between the liquid film and based on the physical modeling of the specific (assumed) underlying
the gas and the drag force between trapped liquid droplets and the gas transition mechanisms. Despite the extensive experimental verification
core. and agreement with different mechanistic approaches and empirical
Neglecting liquid droplets dispersed in the gas phase, MDg can be correlations, those types of flow pattern maps are too complex to be
written as included in a fully implicit numerical solution method. From the point of
view of a numerical simulator for the two fluid model, it is more
MgD = − τi Ai , (16) convenient and consistent to use transition criteria based on a geometric
parameter than those based on volumetric fluxes (Ishii and Mishima,
where τi is the interfacial shear stress, defined as 1984). The chosen formulation has three major transitions: bubbles to
1 ( )⃒( )⃒ churn/slug (BS), churn/slug to annular/mist (SA) and annular/mist to
τi = fi ρg vg − vl ⃒ vg − vl ⃒. (17) mist (AM). These transitions were determined using the volumetric
fraction as a criterion and an adaptation of the models presented in
and fi is the interfacial friction factor obtained from Wallis (1969) RELAP5 (RELAP5). This map can be applied to any pipe inclination
model, given by angle between 60 and 90◦ upward, downward and for counter-current
[ ( )] flows.
fi = 0.005 1 + 75 1 − αg . (18)
In addition, if the volume fraction of the liquid droplets in the gas 3. Numerical method
core is much smaller than gas volume fraction (αl,d ≪αg ), the interfacial
area Ai for annular flow can be written as: The system of governing equations (Eqs. (1)–(9)) is discretized using
√̅̅̅̅̅ the Finite Volume Method (Patankar, 1980; Versteeg and Malalasekera,
Ai = 4 . (19) 2007), as shown in Fig. 1. The pipe length is divided into N computa
tional cells of uniform size Δzk ≡ zk− 12 − zk+12 , where z is the spatial co
Finally, the interfacial friction, MDg , for the slug/annular transition ordinate, subscript k denotes cell index, and Ak and θk are the cross
flow pattern is obtained by linear interpolation, as follows: sectional area and pipe inclination with horizontal direction, respec
( ) ( ) tively. In order to avoid the commonly observed oscillations on pressure
αg,A − αg αg − αg,SA
Mg,SA = D
Mg,S + D
Mg,SA , (20) when co-located grids are used (Prosperetti and Tryggvason, 2007;
αg,A − αg,SA αg,A − αg,SA
Versteeg and Malalasekera, 2007), a forward staggered-grid scheme is
where the subscripts S, SA and A represent slug, transition slug/annular adopted. In this grid, the scalar variables such as pressure, temperature
and annular flow regimes, respectively. and volume fractions are stored and solved at cells centers zk , while
velocities are stored and computed at grid cells faces zk+12 . The mass and
The liquid interfacial momentum transfer is computed as MDl = −
MDg . energy equations are spatially integrated across the main grid volumes,
while the momentum equations are integrated across volumes of the
staggered grid (see Fig. 1).
2.3. Wall shear stress To prevent stability problems due to the strong nonlinearity of the
system (1)–(9), time integration was performed using a fully implicit
Due to its simplicity, to the weak dependence on the flow regime and first-order backward Euler scheme (Chen, 2007). Consequently, the
to the similarity with the single-phase expression, an empirical model of proposed numerical solution is unconditionally stable allowing large
the wall friction force, in the form of a two-phase multiplier, was chosen time-steps (i.e., the time-step is not restricted by CFL condition in the
to compute the wall friction pressure gradient. So, the wall shear stress is form of Δx Δt
max(λp ) ≤ 1, where λp are the eigenvalues associated with
modeled according to the TRACE (US-NRC, 2007) approach: wave speeds) (LeVeque, 2004; Prosperetti and Tryggvason, 2007).
( )2 ⃒ ⃒ It is important to highlight that transport of mass and energy (scalar
( )2 αp fp ρp vp ⃒vp ⃒
τwp = Φp , (21) properties) at the faces of the main control volume (zk±12 ), and mo
mentum at faces of the staggered grid (zk,k+1 ) need to be interpolated
where D is the hydraulic diameter and fp is the Darcy-Weisbach friction using their values at centers and edges of the main grid cell, respectively
factor computed using the correlation developed by Zigrang and Syl (see Fig. 1). In order to avoid oscillations and obtain smooth solutions
vester (1982). In Eq. (21), Φp is the two-phase multiplier (Lockhart and near discontinuities, a first-order upwind scheme was considered.
Martinelli, 1949), defined according to the flow pattern as: The nonlinear algebraic system resulting from the discretized equa
⎧ tions written in residual form (see Appendix A) for all grid cells is solved
⎨ α− 1.8 , if bubbly, churn or slug simultaneously by applying the Newton-Raphson method, as follows:
Φp =
⎩ α−p 2.0 , if annular or mist.
δX(ν+1) = − [J(Xv )]− 1 R(Xv ), X(ν+1) = X(ν) + δX(ν+1) , ν = 0, 1, …. (23)
It is considered that only the liquid phase is in contact with the pipe
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
⎧⎡ ⎤T
⎪ [ ]N [ ] [ ]Np.k
⎪⎢ c 1
αp ⎥
Nc h P p,k+ 2 fc fNc xc,p
⎪ ⎣Rk , ..., Rk , Rk , Rp,k , Rk , ..., Rk , Rp.k , Rk ⎦ , if two − phase
⎪ p=1 p=1
Rk = ⎡ ⎤T (27)
⎪ ⎢ c [ ]Np,k+ xc,p ⎥
⎪ 1/
⎪ ⎢R , ..., RNk c , Rh , RP p=1 , Rp.k
⎥ , if single − phase
⎪ ⎣ k k k ⎦
Fig. 4 compares the solution for the three cases using the proposed
where Np,k and Np,k+12 denote the number of phases at cells centers and solution and the steady-state solution of Pourafshary et al. (2009) and
edges, respectively. In order to reduce the computational cost of the Putcha and Ertekin (2017). The results shown in Fig. 4a, b and c were
stability/flash calculation at grid cell edges, Np,k+12 is obtained as follows determined using a grid containing 20, 40 and 100 cells, respectively;
⎧ the initial time step adopted for all cases was 2.5 s; the time step was
⎨ Np,k , if Np,k = 2 and Np,k+1 = 1 doubled at every iteration up to a maximum value of 50 s. Note that our
Np,k+12 = Np,k+1 , if Np,k = 1 and Np,k+1 = 2 , (28) transient results converge to the published steady-state solutions.
Np,k , otherwise
⎪ ⎥
⎣Pk , Tk , vp,k p=1 , xc,p k c=1,p=1 , αp k p=1 ⎦ , if two − phase Roughness (m) 1.82 × 10− 4
⎪ Heat conductivity (W/m.K) 60.55
→ Inner diameter (m) 0.08665
Xk = ⎡ ⎤T .
⎪ Outer diameter (m) 0.19226
⎪ Heat conductivity (W/m.K) 60.55
⎪ ⎢ [ ]Np,k+ [( ) ] Nc ⎥
⎪ Wellbore diameter (m) 0.17
⎪ ⎢Pk , Tk , vp,k p=1 , xc,p k
⎥ , if single − phase
⎪ ⎣ c=1 ⎦
⎩ Heat conductivity (W/m.K) 6.96
Heat conductivity (W/m.K) 2.42
(30) Heat diffusivity (m2/s) 1.3845 × 10− 6
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 4. Comparison between the transient pressure profiles and the steady state solutions proposed by Pourafshary et al. (2009) and Putcha and Ertekin (2017): (a)
Case 1A black-oil; (b) Case 1B volatile oil; (c) Case 1C retrograde gas.
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Table 3
Relative deviation (%) between proposed solution and literature data.
Case 1A Case 1B Case 1C
Depth Pourafshary et al. Putcha and Ertekin Depth Pourafshary et al. Putcha and Ertekin Depth Pourafshary et al. Putcha and Ertekin
(m) (2009) (2017) (m) (2009) (2017) (m) (2009) (2017)
where the superscript “0” indicates initial condition, Zg and Vg are the
gas compressibility factor and volume, respectively. Because ng and Vg
are constant for immiscible solutions, the gas region pressure is constant
and equal to the initial pressure (P(t) = P0 ). During miscible flow,
( )〈
ng (t) Vg0
because Z is constant and n0g Vg (t)
1, pressure decreases (Fig. 9).
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 6. Proposed (dashed lines with markers) and reference (continuous lines) solutions for: (a) liquid volume fraction; (b) superficial liquid velocity and (c) su
perficial gas velocity.
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
V0 n
Fig. 9. PP0 , ZZ0 , Vgg and n0g relations at the top (x = 0, t) of the pipe, where super
script denotes initial value.
Table 4
Wellbore configuration, discretization model and boundary conditions.
Wellbore configuration Value Numerical parameters
Inclination (◦ ) 90.0 Δt maximum (s) 10.0 Fig. 10. Pressure and liquid flow rate behavior at the beginning of produc
Geothermal gradient (K/m) 0.02 Max NR iteration 25 tion period.
Bottom-hole temperature 333.15 Δt multiplier 2.0
Overall heat transfer coeficient (Ut ) 20.0 Simulation time 1
(W/m2.K) (days)
Boundary conditions
Wellhead pressure (MPa) 5.0
Reservoir pressure (MPa) 17.0
Reservoir temperature 333.15
Well index W (m3) 9.868 ×
10− 14
Oil mobility λo (1/Pa.s) 20.268 ×
Gas mobility λg (1/Pa.s) 10.134 ×
Table 5
Fluid composition and component critical properties.
Components Initial wellbore fluid Produced fluid Critical pressure Critical temperature Molecular weight (g/ Critical volume (l/ Acentric
composition composition (atm) (K) mole) mole) factor
N2 1.67 × 10− 2
8.17 × 10− 2 33.500 126.200 28.013 0.090 0.040
C1 10.0 × 10− 2
32.5 × 10− 2 45.400 190.600 16.043 0.099 0.008
CO2 0.20 × 10− 2
0.20 × 10− 2 72.800 304.200 44.010 0.094 0.225
C2 7.53 × 10− 2
7.52 × 10− 2 48.200 305.400 30.070 0.148 0.098
C3 4.74 × 10− 2
4.74 × 10− 2 41.900 369.800 44.097 0.203 0.152
iC4 0.05 × 10− 4
0.05 × 10− 4 36.000 408.100 58.124 0.263 0.176
nC4 4.12 × 10− 2
4.12 × 10− 2 37.500 425.200 58.124 0.255 0.193
iC5 0.05 × 10− 4
0.05 × 10− 4 33.400 460.400 72.151 0.306 0.227
nC5 2.97 × 10− 2
2.97 × 10− 2 33.300 469.600 72.151 0.304 0.251
nC6 1.38 × 10− 2
1.38 × 10− 2 32.460 507.500 86.000 0.344 0.275
C7+ 67.3 × 10− 2
36.3 × 10− 2 27.563 583.849 115.685 0.328 0.450
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 12. Solution for the production period: (a) pressure; (b) liquid fraction; (c) liquid velocity; (d) gas velocity and (e) temperature.
bottomhole, see Eqs. (2) and (5)) even after the well is shut-in, until the afterflow period may last long. Otherwise, high liquid flow rates lead to
bottomhole pressure is equal to the original reservoir pressure. This short afterflow periods, but may generate pressure shocks (Han et al.,
phenomenon is known as “afterflow”, and is associated with wellbore 2013).
storage. If the fluids are compressible and the flow rate is small, the For a long shut-in period, gravitational segregation becomes very
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 13. Pressure and liquid flow rate versus time: (a) during startup process and (b) up to steady-state.
Fig. 15. Solution for the shut-in period: (a) liquid volume fraction and (b) pressure.
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 16. This work solution and reference solution (Fair, 1981) for BHP for shut-in period.
Fig. 17. Solution for the shut-in period: (a) liquid velocity and (b) gas velocity.
5. Conclusions
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Fig. 19. Overall composition (zc ) for the shut-in period: (a) shut-in time (t = 0.0 s) and (b) t = 52000 s after shut-in.
take into account the effect of composition and temperature on the Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,
pressure gradient. Those phenomena are directly involved in artificial Adriano dos Santos: Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation,
lift processes and well testing procedures in reservoirs of complex hy Writing – review & editing, Carlos Pico Ortiz: Methodology, Software,
drocarbon mixtures with contaminants. Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Adolfo Pires:
Frictionless low miscibility problem simulations showed excellent Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – review & editing
agreement with reference benchmark solutions. Nevertheless, the
miscible solution did not capture perfectly the pressure shock that ap
pears at the interface between the liquid single phase region and the Declaration of competing interest
two-phase region.
A test consisting of a well kick-off followed by production with The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
subsequent shut-in was proposed and the numerical results were dis interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
cussed. In summary, it was shown that the proposed numerical simulator the work reported in this paper.
is able to predict surge pressure effects, and co-current/countercurrent
flow at the beginning of the production and shut-in periods. Acknowledgments
To the best of our knowledge, a compositional fully-implicit solution
using the two-fluid model, has not been published for the cases pre The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by PET
sented here. ROBRAS (grant No. 2013/00029–9). J. C. Nascimento acknowledges the
PhD scholarship provided by CAPES/CNPq (grant no. 235263/2014–1).
Credit author statement We also thank Prof. Albert C. Reynolds (University of Tulsa) and Prof.
Santos Alberto E. Remigio (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia) for
Júlio Nascimento: Methodology, Software, Formal analysis, useful discussions and suggestions.
A cross sectional area [m2 ]
CD drag coefficient
Ci interfacial drag
D inner diameter [m]
dd diameter of dispersed phase [m]
g acceleration gravity [m/s2 ]
f fugacity [Pa] ; friction factor
h molar enthalpy [J/mol]
J Jacobian matrix
K vapor-liquid equilibrium ratio
MD drag force per volume [N/m3 ]
qn mass source term [mol/m3 .s]
n number of moles
Np number of phases
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
Nc number of components
P pressure [Pa]
R residual vector
Qh energy source term [J/m3 .s]
Qw radial heat transfer [J/m3 .s]
rto outer tubing radius [m]
Re Reynolds number
t time [s]
T temperature [K]
Ut overall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 .K]
v velocity [m/s]
V volume [m3 ]
x mole fraction
X unknown vector
W Well index [m3]
z spatial coordinate; global composition
Z compressibility factor
α volume fraction
ξ molar density [mol/m3 ]
ρ mass density [kg/m3 ]
θ pipe inclination
σ Bestion damping coeficient
λ phase monility [1/Pa.s]
τ shear stress [N/m3 ]
Φp friction two-phase multiplier
Δt time-step [s]
Δz gridblock length [m]
ΔPi pressure correction term [Pa]
δX increment of unknown vector
c, p component c in phase p
d dispersed phase
f continuous phase
i interfacial
g gas phase
k gridblock index
l liquid phase
p phase
w wall
A annular
S slug
s superficial
SA slug - annular transition
n+ 1 new time
n old time
ν iteration index
R reservoir
The residual equation corresponding to the mass balance equation for component c (given in Eq. (1)) is given by
⎡ ⎤ 1
Np,k+ n+1
(AΔz)k ⎣
∑ ( )n+1 Np,kn
∑ ( )n ∑2 ( )n+1
Rck = n+1
Np,k αp xc,p ξp k
− n
Np,k αp xc,p ξp k ⎦ + Ak+12 n+1
Np,k+ 1 αp xc,p ξp vp
Δt p p p
2 2
1 (A.1)
Np,k− n+1
∑2 ( )n+1 ( )n+1
− Ak− 1 Np,k− 1 αp xc,p ξp vp k− 1 − qnc,p ,
2 2 2 k
Similarly, the residual equation corresponding to the energy mixture equation is given by
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
⎛ ⎞
N n+1
(AΔz)k ⎜ n+1 ⎟ ∑
[ ]n+1
⎝Pk − Pnk ⎠ − (AΔz)k αp ρp vp k g sin (θ)n+1 n+1
k+12 − (Qw )k − (Qh )n+1
k .
Δt p
Based on the staggered cell control volume (Fig. 1), the residual momentum equation for phase p momentum is written as
⎡ ⎤
(AΔz)k+1 ⎢( )n+1 ( )n ⎥ ( )n+1
Rp,k = 2
⎣ αp ρp vp k+1 − αp ρp vp k+1 ⎦ + Ak+1 αp ρp vp vp k+1
Δt 2 2
Finally, the equilibrium and constraints residuals equations are expressed as follows:
( )n+1 ( )n+1
Rfkc = fc,l k − fc,g k , (A.4)
( )n+1
Rp,k = xc,p k
− 1,
∑ ( )n+1
Rk p = αp k
− 1.
In this paper, the Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state (Peng and Robinson, 1976) was used to determine the properties of the hydrocarbon phases
and equilibrium calculation:
RT a(T)
P= − (B.1)
v − b v(v + b) + b(v − b)
b = 0.07780 , (B.3)
{ [ ( )12 ]}2
α(T) = 1 + m 1 − (B.4)
0.3764 + 1.54226ωc − 0.26992ω2c , se ωc ≤ 0.491
m= (B.5)
0.379642 + 1.48503ωc − 0.1644ω2c + 0.01667ω3c , se ωc > 0.491
where Pc and Tc are critical pressure and temperature, respectively, and ωc is the acentric factor.
For a multicomponent mixture a and b are obtained by van der Waals’s mixing rule as follows:
Nc ∑
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅( )
a= xi,p xj,p ai aj 1 − δij , p = l, g (B.6)
i=1 j=1
b= xi,p bi , p = l, g. (B.7)
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
ρp = , (B.8)
ξp = , (B.9)
where MWp is the molecular weight, R is the universal gas constant and Zp is the compressibility factor.
In addition, it follows from (B.1) and (B.8) that
( ) ( )
Z 3 + (B − 1)Z 2 + A − 3B2 − 2B Z + B2 + B3 − AB = 0 (B.10)
Eq. (B.10) has three roots. If only one root is real, this root defines the compressibility factor of the single phase. In the case where there are three
real positive roots, the largest and smallest define the compressibility factor of the vapor (gas) and liquid phases, respectively.
Fluid enthalpy in terms of PR EOS is given by:
hp = xc,p hc,p , (B.12)
[ ( √̅̅̅ ) ]
( ) T ∂∂Ta − a Zp + 1 + 2 B
hc,p = hIG
c,p + RT Zp − 1 + √ ̅̅
̅ ln ( √̅̅̅ ) , (B.13)
2 2b Zp + 1 − 2 B
hIG 2 3 4 5
c,p = a0 + a1 T + a2 T + a3 T + a4 T + a5 T . (B.14)
where hc,p is the enthalpy of a pure component and hIGc,p is the enthalpy at the ideal gas state. The values of a0 -a5 coefficients are obtained in Passut and
Danner (1972).
Furthermore, the Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC) (Lohrenz et al., 1964) correlation is used to determine the fluid viscosities.
Finally, the flowchart showing the two-phase flash calculation steps in the proposed simulator is shown in Fig. B.20. The procedure consists in
determining the phase compositions (xc,l and xc,l , c = 1, …, Nc ) and the number of mols of liquid (L) and gas (V). In this paper, the successive sub
stitution method is employed to solve the thermodynamic equilibrium relation Eq. (7).
J.C.S. Nascimento et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205 (2021) 108923
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