MOT 4799 Draft EV Charging Strategy - P2 - V3

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Charging Our Future:

a draft long-term electric

vehicle charging strategy
for Aotearoa New Zealand
The Government’s long-term strategic
vision for Aotearoa’s national electric
vehicle charging infrastructure system.

January 2023 Draft Strategy

This draft Strategy is intended to

be read in conjunction with the
associated Charging Our Future:
discussion document.
Charging Our Future:
a draft long-term electric
vehicle charging strategy
for Aotearoa New Zealand
The Government’s long-term strategic
vision for Aotearoa’s national electric
vehicle charging infrastructure system.

January 2023 Draft Strategy

This draft Strategy is intended to

be read in conjunction with the
associated Charging Our Future:
discussion document.
Ko te pae tawhiti whaia kia
tata. Ko te pae tata, whakamaua
kia tina The potential for
tomorrow is determined by
what we do today
Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 1

Our vision for Aotearoa New Zealand’s

EV charging infrastructure

Our vision: Aotearoa’s EV charging infrastructure supports the

transition to and use of low-emissions transport by being accessible,
affordable, convenient, secure and reliable.

This system-wide vision guides Five long-term outcomes • Outcome 4: Aotearoa’s EV

the Government’s long-term support the vision charging market functions
strategy for our national effectively, can adapt and
The vision for Aotearoa
electric vehicle (EV) charging evolve over time, and is
New Zealand’s EV charging
infrastructure system for its attractive to users, operators
infrastructure is supported
expansion out to 2035. and investors.
by five proposed long-term
• Outcome 5: Our national
The vision ensures the outcomes. These outcomes
EV charging system supports
government’s long-term reflect the urgent need to
the transition to, and use
strategic direction: decarbonise Aotearoa’s
of, low-emissions transport
• considers both public transport system, while
modes across the wider
and private charging acknowledging the need for
transport system.
infrastructure and charging an equitable transition which
behaviour, such as residential benefits all New Zealanders. Each long-term outcome is
off-street, residential supported by key focus areas
• Outcome 1: Aotearoa’s
on-street, journey and
EV charging system is Each of these five long-term
destination charging
underpinned by affordable, outcomes is supported by
• includes an initial focus
reliable, secure and key focus areas, which will
on charging for light EVs,
safe power supply and help to group areas of work
while accommodating for
infrastructure. underway and set out the
and recognising areas where
• Outcome 2: All EV users further actions needed to
other vehicle modes and
can safely access and use achieve these outcomes.
zero-emission energy sources
EV charging when and The relationship between the
may fall within scope, such
where needed. vision, long-term outcomes and
as commercial heavy vehicles
• Outcome 3: Aotearoa’s key focus areas is summarised
and green hydrogen
EV charging system is by the figure on page 2.
• includes a commitment to
underpinned by integrated
all New Zealanders (including
and streamlined cross-
current and future EV users
sectoral planning and
from a range of backgrounds)
to support an equitable
2 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Vision, scope, outcomes

and focus areas

Our Vision
Aotearoa's EV charging infrastructure supports the transition to and use of low-emissions
transport by being accessible, affordable, convenient, secure and reliable

• Both public and private • An initial focus on • A commitment to all
charging infrastructure charging for light EVs, New Zealanders (existing
and charging behaviour, while accommodating and future EV users
such as residential off- for and recognising across demographic
street, residential on-street, areas where other vehicle and geographic groups)
journey and destination modes and zero-emission to support an equitable
charging energy sources may fall transition.
within scope, such as
commercial heavy trucks
and green hydrogen

Long-Term Outcomes
1. Aotearoa’s EV 2. All EV users can 3. Aotearoa’s EV 4. Aotearoa’s 5. Our national
charging system safely access and charging system EV charging EV charging
is underpinned use EV charging is underpinned market functions system supports
by affordable, when and where by integrated and effectively, can the transition
reliable, secure needed. streamlined cross- adapt and evolve to, and use of,
and safe power sectoral planning over time, and is low-emissions
supply and and standards. attractive to users, transport modes
infrastructure. operators and across the wider
investors. transport system.

Focus Area 1a Focus Area 2a Focus Area 3a Focus Area 4a Focus Area 5a
Minimising stress Improving the Improving Accelerating Progressing work
on the electricity equity of, and standardisation commercial on heavy vehicle
network access to, safe and interoperability investment charging (buses
residential/home and trucks)
charging Focus Area 3b Focus Area 4b
Optimising data Enabling Focus Area 5b
Focus Area 2b capture and use innovation in new Decarbonising
Accommodating technology and other modes
for geographic Focus Area 3c business models across the
variation in Consideration system and
charging needs of housing ensuring a
and energy and urban coordinated
supply development investment
planning, where approach
4 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Outcome 1: Our national EV charging

system is underpinned by affordable,
reliable, secure and safe power supply
and infrastructure

Focus area 1a. Minimising stress

Further actions which could help meet
on the electricity network: Focus area 1a. Minimising stress on the
relevant considerations electricity network
• Use vehicle and electricity supply data to
• EV uptake increases pressure on electricity identify and plan for electricity network
infrastructure but also provides an opportunity requirements (i.e. avoid inefficient network
to better manage demand through smart upgrades).
charging. • Publish detailed electricity network
• The Energy Efficiency and Conservation capacity data so public and private
Authority has recently published a discussion infrastructure planners can see where
document to consider options to improve the constraints are to encourage efficient
energy performance of private EV chargers. investment.
Options being explored include the current • Investigate emerging technologies that
use of voluntary guidelines, financial incentives can prevent the need for additional power
to install ‘smart’ chargers and regulation generation, with the aim of encouraging
using EECA’s Minimum Energy Performance innovative technologies that will make a
Standards regime. positive difference.
• In early-2023, Cabinet will clarify whether EECA • Promote the benefits and support the
can set requirements for technology capable of uptake of smart chargers for EVs.
responding to electricity demand (sometimes • Work with lines companies to identify
known as ‘smartness’) as part of its energy opportunities, mitigate risks, and clarify
performance standards and labelling functions. responsibilities in developing EV charging
If adopted, this would enable EECA to regulate infrastructure.
EV chargers for demand response capability.
• The Electricity Authority oversees regulatory
settings for distribution networks, including
exploring settings necessary to facilitate
distributed energy resources, including smart
EV chargers. The Authority also promoted the
idea to offer a separate load control tariff for EV
chargers, to help encourage consumers away
from charging during peak demand.
• The Commerce Commission is currently
reviewing the rules and processes that underpin
key aspects of information disclosure and price-
quality regulation, including matters related to
this outcome.
Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 5

Outcome 2: All EV users can

safely access and use EV charging
when and where needed

Focus area 2a. Improving the

Further actions which could help
equity of, and access to, safe meet Focus area 2a. Improving the
residential/home charging: equity of, and access to, safe residential/
home charging
relevant considerations
• Improve our understanding of the issues
• As New Zealanders’ living arrangements for access to chargers at home, using data
diversify, we need to consider access to and evidence. Specifically looking at:
home charging. • rental accommodation
• locations with challenging topography
• living in multi-unit dwelling
• social housing without access to off-
street parking.
• Explore solutions to increase the provision
of public charging infrastructure (i.e. slow
AC charging) in locations with limited
access to off-street parking.
• Partner with iwi and hapū to identify
needs and possible solutions for EV
charging on marae.
• Review current regulations relating to
residential EV charging to ensure they
remain fit for purpose.
• Ensure policies and interventions target
an equitable transition to meet the
specific needs of different communities.
This may mean targeted government
investment or intervention where gaps are
identified in market provision.
• Investigate the case for a ‘right to charge’
policy for renters.
6 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Focus area 2b. Accommodating

Further actions which could help meet
for geographic variation in Focus area 2b. Accommodating for
charging needs and energy geographic variation in charging needs
supply: relevant considerations and energy supply
• Monitor the expansion of the public EV
• EECA’s Roadmap and support through the Low charging network in line with EV uptake
Emission Transport Fund is helping to identify forecast levels across regions to inform
and address critical regional public charging investment.
coverage gaps, but further Government • Implement a consistent, practical planning
intervention may be needed to improve and approval process for new EV chargers
charging provision and service quality at the across councils.
local level in rural areas. • Introduce high-level targets for new EV
• EV charging needs vary heavily with local factors, chargers that correspond to EV uptake
including population density, renting patterns, projections and regional factors based on
public transport access and supply, and parking research and data.
patterns. • Provide additional government support
(financial or otherwise) to assist the
planning and installation of public
Targets charging infrastructure that specifically
• We propose a target of having a journey meets the needs of rural communities.
charging hub every 150 – 200 kms on main • Explore the role of existing vehicle service
highways by 2028. Hubs will charge many suppliers in improving regional/rural EV
more vehicles and at faster speeds than the charging provision.
current national network of EV chargers that • Support vehicle-to-load technologies
are currently spaced every 75km along our that increase resilience to fluctuations in
highways. supply from the national grid.
• In urban areas with limited off-street parking • Investigate the role of stationary battery
(generally in central Auckland and central storage and other charging innovations
Wellington) we could aim to have one public for rural locations. These measures can
charger for every 20 – 40 EVs. help to address seasonal EV charging
• We propose a target that all settlements with demand peaks in more remote tourist
a population of 2000 or more should have areas and/or provide a lower-cost
public charging at municipal or community option for those areas facing costly
facilities by 2025. electricity network upgrades due to
• We propose to do further research on regional energy supply barriers. The
regional requirements, including consultation Low Emission Transport Fund is already
with groups and individuals in regional New actively encouraging applications of this
Zealand, to inform targets and approaches to technology.
deployment across the country.
Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 7

Outcome 3: Aotearoa’s EV
charging system is underpinned
by integrated planning and
standards across multiple sectors

Focus area 3a. Improving

Further actions which could help
standardisation and meet Focus area 3a. Improving
interoperability: relevant standardisation and interoperability
considerations • Promote national consistency and
reliability of service and a customer-
• As the EV charging market expands, centred approach to EV charging.
standardisation and interoperability can • Explore policy options to ensure chargers
improve participant experience. are efficient and safe.
• EECA is exploring options to improve the energy • Support and enable data sharing
efficiency, interoperability, and connectivity of where appropriate (e.g. EV charger
private EV chargers, including the current use and/or network providers) to support
of voluntary guidelines, financial incentives standardisation and interoperability.
to install ‘smart’ chargers and regulation • Support local authorities to implement the
using EECA’s Minimum Energy Performance required public charging infrastructure.
Standards regime. • Develop systems and support networks
• Standards New Zealand published voluntary to share best-practice between local
guidelines for residential and commercial authorities, industry and central
EV charging in 2021, known as PAS (Publicly government to ensure guidance
Available Specifications). The PAS will be and regulations are feasible and
updated in 2022/23 to reflect the latest proportionate.
technological developments and advice.
8 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Focus area 3b. Optimising

Further actions which could help meet
data capture and use: Focus area 3b. Optimising data capture
relevant considerations and use
• Explore the value of mandating real-time
• There are opportunities to use data capture and broadcasting of the location, type and
sharing to improve charging services. availability of public chargers (e.g. through
• Currently EVRoam (a live database of Aotearoa’s EVRoam).
EV charging infrastructure) collects real-time • Investigate other user information the
information from all safe and monitored public market would want EVRoam to capture,
chargepoints around New Zealand, and freely e.g. nearby services, price, etc.
distributes it through apps and websites to
inform EV drivers of charger location and
• EECA is working on ‘demand flexibility’ across
a number of initiatives, with EV chargers being
one component of a flexible demand system.
A functional system will require device
registration (to enable visibility and control
over the electricity network), data capture,
and robust cybersecurity.

Focus area 3c. Consideration of

Further actions which could help
housing and urban development meet Focus area 3c. Consideration
planning, where appropriate: of housing and urban development
relevant considerations planning, where appropriate
• Explore the costs and benefits of
• There may be an opportunity to explore introducing charging infrastructure
regulatory change in the housing and urban requirements for new developments
development sector to encourage charge-ready (residential, commercial, and industrial).
infrastructure or installed charge points in • Investigate potential changes to planning
new builds. strategies (for local and regional councils,
• Auckland Council is investigating mandating e.g. minimum numbers of EV parking bays
electricity connections to enable smart EV in certain locations).
chargers to be installed where developers • Provide guidance material for local
choose to provide on-site parking. councils, landowners and developers (e.g.
in regard to “licences to occupy” granted
to charging providers to place charging on
council land).
Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 9

Outcome 4: Aotearoa’s EV charging market

functions effectively, can adapt and evolve
over time, and is attractive to users,
operators and investors

Focus area 4a. Accelerating

Further actions which could help
commercial investment”: meet Focus area 4a. Accelerating
relevant considerations commercial investment
• Work with investors, charge point network
• We seek to maximise the opportunity for a operators and providers, and other key
market-led rollout to support our vision for our parties to support investment in public
national charging network. chargepoints.
• EECA continues to co-invest in the public EV • Enable data access and sharing where
charging network to support commercial appropriate and needed to accelerate
partners, with a focus on high-speed journey commercial investment.
charging. • Ensure public funds are targeted at areas
• The Electricity Authority is assessing and where commercial investment is unable to
addressing any significant first mover fully deliver.
disadvantage issues facing customers • Ensure the network connection process
connecting to distribution networks. The and pricing for firms wishing to connect
Authority also recently issued guidance to public EV chargers to distribution
distributors on how to appropriately pass- networks is efficient and enabling.
through charges under the new transmission Investigate changes to the current
pricing methodology, including to new and system that could reduce ‘first mover
expanding connections. disadvantage’. This barrier is explored in
• The Commerce Commission can apply rules further detail under Outcome 5.
and processes for information disclosure and
price-quality regulation to electricity distribution
businesses (EDBs). The review of price-quality
regulation for EDBs will consider any barriers to
EDBs creating new connections in a timely and
cost-effective manner.
• The Publicly Available Specification, Electric
vehicle (EV) chargers for commercial applications
is designed to become a single touch point
document containing all relevant general EV
charging information to inform investors of
all requirements.
10 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Focus area 4b. Enabling

Further actions which could help meet
innovation in new technology Focus area 4b. Enabling innovation in
and business models: relevant new technology and business models
considerations • Continue to co-fund the demonstration
of innovative charging technologies and
• The government and the market should work with industry to address barriers to
enable innovative solutions to manage uptake where benefits exist.
potential impacts from an increase in demand
and permit new types of charging behaviour
and technology.
• EECA’s Low Emission Transport Fund
demonstrates innovative solutions to stimulate
wider replication of successful projects in the
transport sector.
Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 11

Outcome 5: Our national EV charging

system supports the transition to, and use
of, low-emissions transport modes across
the wider transport system

Focus area 5a. Progressing

Further actions which could help
work on heavy vehicle charging meet Focus area 5a. Progressing
(buses and trucks): relevant work on heavy vehicle charging
(buses and trucks)
• Where appropriate, provide for heavy
• Heavy EVs have specific charging needs vehicle charging in new light vehicle
that make it harder to provide charging charging developments.
infrastructure. • Research and engage with the sector
• At the 26th UN Climate Change Conference to understand how a public journey
(COP26) the Government signed a charging network for heavy vehicles
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) might look (based on critical freight
committing to increasing the sales of zero infrastructure networks).
emissions heavy vehicles to 30 percent by
2030, and 100 percent by 2040.
• Te Manatū Waka is developing New Zealand’s
first Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.
Part of the work from the Strategy includes
ptimizing the freight network to enable
freight to shift to lower emission transport
modes, and developing better data and
modelling approaches to support strategic
decision-making, including in low emissions
• The recent funding round to prototype public
EV charging hubs (administered by EECA’s
Low Emission Transport Fund) set minimum
specifications for these hubs, including that
potential projects would need to be able to
accommodate light trucks or light vehicles
with trailers.
12 Charging Our Future: a draft long-term electric vehicle charging strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand

Focus area 5b. Decarbonising

Further actions which could help meet
other modes across the system Focus area 5b. Decarbonising other
and ensuring a coordinated modes across the system and ensuring a
coordinated investment approach
investment approach: relevant
• Research the present and future system-
wide charging needs for heavy vehicles,
planes, trains, and ships, including
• This focus area looks at a range of vehicles that opportunities for co-location of journey
have particular charging needs, either because and destination charging.
of their size and electricity requirements • Reforms in electricity pricing consider the
(e.g. ships and planes), or because they have needs of EV charging.
specialist offroad uses and generally operate • Reform the approach for the cost-
away from charging infrastructure (e.g. tractors recovery of local network upgrades
and harvesters). triggered by investment in public and
• Wellington is home to East by West’s first fully private chargers.
electric ferry (Ika Rere), and another ordered
from the Wellington Electric Boat Building
Company. Auckland Transport have two hybrid
ferries on order and are expected to be the
biggest in the Southern Hemisphere. These
ferries require shoreside infrastructure to
recharge. The East by West electric ferry is
currently charged from a 300kW charger at its
overnight berth using the same specification as
the high-power EV chargers used by ChargeNet
in Taupō and the Bombay Hills.
• Sounds Air has ordered three 19-seater electric
planes for later this decade, and intend to
convert to a fully-electric fleet in future. Air New
Zealand also expect to make use of electric
aircraft on some shorter domestic routes by
2030. Two-seater electric planes have already
taken flight in Aotearoa, and are likely to play a
part in reducing emissions of pilot training.
Ngā Uara Te Manatū Waka
Te Manatū Waka Values





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