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Data Sheet

Why Partner With Darktrace as an MSSP

Darktrace’s world-class Self-Learning AI enables you to uplift and extend your security teams by providing autonomous detection, investigation, and response
across your customers’ environments – allowing your team to focus on higher-level tasks that grow your business.

Retrospective, Static, and Siloed:

Key Benefits
Why Current Defenses Are Not Enough
✔ Detect Threats Others Miss As the cyber-threat landscape has grown in complexity Furthermore, cyber security has evolved in silos, with
Self-Learning AI that spots and scale, many organizations have turned to MSSPs isolated point solutions lacking the visibility and context
unknown attacks to simplify the task of protecting their users, data, and needed to see how actions in one environment point to
infrastructure – relying on their partners to leverage the malicious activity in another. While many MSSPs deploy
✔ Autonomously Stop Attacks
latest, cutting-edge technology to successfully combat multiple solutions to traverse the full digital ecosystem,
Fight in-progress attacks 24/7,
novel and sophisticated threats. accidental gaps are inevitable – leading to unprotected
without the need for human input
users and data.
But in practice, even ‘next-gen’ security tools are
✔ Augment Human Teams
underpinned by the same old traditional approach to To compensate for this lack of contextual awareness,
Save up to 92% of analysts’ time
defense, relying on retrospective data sets and pre- security teams are forced to take increasingly aggressive
✔ Extend Existing Investments conceived ideas of ‘bad’ to spot attacks. The difference actions to contain the threat. In practice, this interrupts
Seamless integration across between these solution and earlier defensive tools lies in customer business operations when a proportionate and
the entire security stack for AI tacked-on AI or machine learning at the end of product surgical response is needed.
insights development – meaning they are able to spot known
threats at greater speed and scale but are blind in the face
✔ Streamline SOC Workflow
of unpredictable attacks.
100% visibility across the entirety
of customer environments
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How Darktrace Complements

Existing Defenses
Learns on the Job
While traditional security tools are able to stop the
majority of known threats, their reliance on historical
attack data renders them unable to stop novel attacks
that slip through the net.

Self-Learning AI builds an evolving understanding of

its surroundings, spotting and stopping the full range
of cyber-threats, regardless of whether the threat has
been seen before. This includes advanced external
attacks like ransomware, zero-days, spear-phishing,
and supply chain risks, as well as compromised,
careless, or malicious insiders with privileged access.

The technology learns ‘on the job’, developing an

understanding of ‘normal’ for your customers’ digital
ecosystems based on real-time data. It constantly
evolves this understanding and protects users and
sensitive data wherever it lives – across email, cloud
infrastructure and applications, remote endpoints,
industrial systems, and the corporate network.
Figure 1: A non-exhaustive representation of Darktrace’s integrations
Complements Existing Solutions
Darktrace harnesses an open architecture to seamlessly
plug into diverse ecosystems as they evolve. With one-
click integrations and custom

templates, Darktrace can ingest new forms of telemetry,

share bespoke insights across established workflows,
and interoperate with a wide range of technologies.
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Empowering Your Customers

Detects Novel Threats That Other Tools Miss Self-Learning AI thrives on complexity, with more users, devices, and environments
adding extra insights and depth to its capabilities. Unlike traditional tools, Self-
SIEM and EDR solutions are good for static use cases and malware-centric
Learning AI correlates data points across the enterprise, continuously evolving
attacks. But in today’s new era of threat, organizations are facing much more
and refining this understanding to provide contextual and dynamic defense that
complex attacks: targeted ransomware strains, zero-day exploits, supply chain
helps build cyber resilience over time.
compromises, spear-phishing, and insider threats, to name a few.

While Darktrace does detect known attacks, many customers love it for the ease
with which it detects and stops never-seen-before and targeted threats. Real-world
threat examples of this include autonomously stopping WastedLocker ransomware
without signatures and identifying an APT41 intrusion 2 weeks before attribution.

Minimizes Cyber Disruption

Cyber-attacks are outpacing human security teams – with threats fully progressing
in seconds, not minutes. As such, human response time is too long when dealing
with ransomware encryption, rapid lateral movement, and data exfiltration.

While pre-programmed response solutions such as SOARs and EDRs attempt

generally rely on hard-coded ‘if / then’ statements, Darktrace Antigena uses its
inherent understanding of ‘self’ to action a targeted response to contain threats
without interrupting normal business operations.

Single Platform to Monitor Hard-to-Cover Environments Figure 2: Darktrace Antigena takes surgical and proportionate action to stop
threats while maintaining normal business operations
With Darktrace’s Threat Visualizer, MSSPs gain total visibility of behavior
across every customer environment in real time – across hybrid, multi-cloud
environments, email systems, industrial environments, endpoint devices, and
many more.
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Coverage of Unknown Devices

SIEM and EDR solutions both excel at in-depth
analysis of managed devices, but many threats come
from parts of the digital business that neither SIEM nor
EDR can cover: shadow IT, third-party devices, supply
chain vendors, IoT and operational technology, BYOD,
legacy devices, and devices which don’t support
agents or loggers.

A fundamentally self-learning technology, Darktrace

ingests all communication between assets within
a given cyber ecosystem – meaning that devices,
users, and data that security teams are unaware of
will be protected as Darktrace learns ‘on the job’ from
the data available in real time. Gaining coverage and
visibility into these areas fills an important blind spot –
leaving cyber-attackers nowhere to hide.

Customizable Defense Tailored

to Your Customers
Some of your customers might prefer to dip in and out
of the security solutions you operate. With Darktrace,
they can easily do this – the user interface is designed
to be light-touch and easy to understand. Even if a
non-security person only has 10 minutes a day, they Figure 3: Darktrace protects every area of the digital ecosystem
can gain a holistic understanding of their environment
thanks to Darktrace.
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Growing Your Business at Speed and Scale

Increased ROI, Cost Savings, and Efficiency Gains Create Easy, Impactful Services
Darktrace is highly efficient at detecting, investigating, and responding to cyber- It is easy to provide a 24/7 based monitoring service for your customers using
attacks – no matter where or when they emerge. By using Self-Learning AI, you will Darktrace, with minimal analyst effort on your end. The technology uses machine
achieve a much higher return on investment on your analysts. learning to do the heavy lifting. This enables you to provide greater customization,
be that dedicated, high-touch, premium threat hunting or bespoke threat use cases.
Cyber AI Analyst, Darktrace’s AI investigation technology, automatically triages,
interprets, and reports on the full range of security incidents, mimicking analyst
No Tuning, More Value, Faster Results
intuition at AI speed and scale. It prioritizes the most relevant incidents and
produces natural language threat summaries – putting your team in a position to Darktrace is self-learning. This means it continuously revises its understanding
take action. of ‘normal’ in real time in order to grow alongside your customers’ businesses.
While you can manually tune Darktrace, in most cases there is no need to. This
Darktrace is designed to be easy to use, even for non-security specialists. This
enables analysts to spend time on what actually adds value.
means junior analysts can quickly become highly-efficient threat hunters using
Darktrace – they do not need a detailed understanding of the technology in the Deploying Darktrace is extremely hands-off. It does not require upfront costs
way SIEM and EDRs require to detect and escalate sophisticated attacks. or resource investment in terms of configuration or tuning requirements. This
means you can start showing value – real attacks, real threats, real security
issues – to customers within 5-10 days after deployment.

World-Leading Support
Darktrace is committed to ensuring you have the support you need to succeed
from day one, with dedicated account and alliance teams on hand. The Darktrace
Global Partner Program empowers partners and their customers to keep pace
with the evolving threat landscape.

Darktrace views our MSSP partners as part of a trusted community and an

extension of our business. As such, you will have access to everything you
need to thrive – from training programmes, to videos and documents on how to
investigate incidents, to dedicated classes.
Figure 4: Cyber AI Analyst auto-generates Incident Reports that put teams in a
position to take action

E: sales@darktrace.com twitter @darktrace www.darktrace.com

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