Microsoft Word - Class 7 - Summer Holiday HW PDF

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To develop reading habits, vocabulary and language proficiency during summer

vacation read chapter 10-14 of the Supplementary Reader ‘The World’s Funniest
Folktales’and prepare a mind map for any two chapters and present them in a
creatively prepared book jacket or a scroll.

Read the poem ‘In the Bazars of Hyderabad’ from your course book ‘The English
Connection and based on the poem make any craft article (Subject Enrichment
Activity) out of waste material lying at your home.


Prepare your own Water Book using white A4 size sheets and paste dark and
light blue glace paper at the bottom of each sheet to give wave effect. Design an
attractive cover page for your water book. Your Water Book is now ready for
writing articles.

· Compose a poem in English on water. (4-5 stanzas)

· Draw any shape associated with water and use all the words related to water

and sanitation to design a calligram.

· Find out information and write two ways by which water can be your friend and
a foe.

· Prepare an advertisement in the form of a Jingle in English. Highlight the

importance of “Conserving Water”. You may make it appealing by cartoons,
colourful pictorial illustrations etc. (Use A3 size paper for the advertisement)

· Imagine that you are a magical river and have lots of beautiful and colourful
fish and a variety of flowering plants living in your water. Your banks are a
beautiful sight to the eyes with green grass and trees along with a variety of
following plants. Name yourself and prepare a colourful story scroll. Write about
your emotions on being a river and about the beauty of your surroundings as well
as about the exotic fish and plants living in your water. Mention your plight on
being polluted. Paste or Draw colourful pictures related to your description.

· Prepare an advertisement in the form of a Jingle in English. Highlight the

importance of “Conserving Water”. You may make it appealing by cartoons,
colourful pictorial illustrations etc. (Use A3 size paper for the advertisement)

You must submit the Craft item made out of waste on 5th July, ‘My Water Book’
should be submitted on 6th July and ‘Magical Odyssey’ should be submitted on
7th July, 22.


सतत िवकास ल (SDG) - 6 (CLEAN WATER & SANITATION) जल और ता

ग तिव ध (1) ोगन सिहत पो र का िनम ण अथवा ावली िनम ण (अनु म क 1 से 18 हे तु )

‘ जल और ता’ िवषय पर आधा रत ोगन सिहत पो र का िनम ण ‘ए’ 3 साइज शीट पर



'भू जल के र म आ रही लगातार िगरावट के कारण वतमान समय म जल स

ं कट िनरंतर बढ़ता

जा रहा है, जल के पयोग को रोकने के लए सरकार लगातार यास कर रही है । जल बचाव के

लए िनयम भी बनाए गए ह जससे जल के पयोग को रोका जा सके ।’

इस िवषय को आधार बनाते ए अपने िकसी प र चत से जल स
ं कट और उसके मानव जीवन पर

होने वाले भाव क चच क जए जसके लए 8 से 10 क एक ावली (Questionnaire)

तैयार क जए तथा ि िवशे ष ारा िदए गए उ र व उनके को ‘ए’ 4 साइज शीट पर

लखकर ी ावकाश गृहकाय के प म ु त कर।

ग तिव ध (2) र चत किवता अथवा स

ं वाद ले खन। (अनु म क 19 से 38 हे तु)

‘ जल और ता’ िवषय पर आधा रत र चत किवता का ले खन ‘ए’ 4 साइज शीट पर कर।


'िव ा थय , जै सा िक आप सब जानते ह िक ताजे , जल को अब एक सीिमत स

ं साधन माना

जाता है, इस लए जल स
ं र ण मह पूण और अिनवाय हो गया है।सीधे श म कह तो जल स
ं र ण

पानी का कुशलतापूवक उपयोग करने और इसके अप य या अनाव यक उपयोग को कम करने क

था है।’

इस िवषय को आधार बनाते ए अपने िकसी प र चत से ई बातचीत को स

ं वाद के प म ‘ए’ 4

साइज शीट पर ल खए ।

(3) पूरक पु क ‘महाभारत’ के स

ं ग 1 से 6 तक का पठन कर तथा सभी स
ं ग पर आधा रत

लगभग 10 से 12 -उ र क ावली का िनम ण ‘ए’ 4 साइज शीट पर कर।

(सभी िव ा थय हे तु)

िव ा थय के लए िनदश :

● ी अवकाश गृहकाय काय क ु त रचना क ढंग से कर।

● ले खन म वतनी स
ं बंधी अशु धय का ान रखा जाए।

● िवषय व ु का ले खन व सु
ं दर ले ख म िकया जाए।

● मु पृ पर अपना नाम ,अनु म क व वग अव य लख ।

h. Do you have a compost pit/bin?

1. Yes
2. No

i. How do you dispose of your electronic wastes like cells, batteries, cd’s,
electric appliances etc.?

1. throw along with the regular waste

2. throw it separately
3. dump at an isolated place
4. give it to e-waste recycling company for proper disposal

j. Do you or any of your family members participate in any community clean-

up activities or other voluntary cleanups?
1. always
2. occasionally
3. never

k. While travelling do you ever throw wrappers of chips, chocolates, fruit

peels outside from the windows of your car?
1. Yes
2. No

l. In a public place have you ever stopped any person from littering?

1. Yes
2. No

m. When is World Environment Day celebrated each year?

1. 7th June
2. 17th June
3. 20th June
4. 5th June

n. Do you support the schemes launched by the government towards a greener

and cleaner India?

1. Yes 2. No
Submit your HHW by July 8, 2022
Social Studies



Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Activity- Telangana with reference to the chapter

Rulers and Buildings

Activity: Scrap Book making on the paired state Telangana

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

● Understand a sense of the range of materials, skills, and styles used to build
waterworks, places of worship, palaces and havelis, forts, gardens that incorporate
the principles of sustainability
● Explore the engineering and construction skills, artisanal organisation, and
resources required for construction works
● Illustrate how contemporary documents, inscriptions, and actual buildings can be
used to reconstruct history

Details of Project:

Traditional architecture has evolved over generations in response to the local climate,
topography, culture and context. It employs locally available natural materials and
indigenous construction techniques. Hence, it is sustainable, cost-effective and has a
strong aesthetic character. Since time immemorial, homes, monuments have used stone
for building walls, roofs and floors. Stone is strong and durable, in addition to being
available in a wide range of appealing colours, grains and textures.
Between the eighth and the eighteenth centuries kings and their officers built two kinds
of structures—the first were forts, palaces, garden residences and tombs and the second
was structures meant for public activity including temples, mosques, tanks, bazaars, etc.

Acknowledging that many of India's historic sites can teach us important lessons about
sustainability and building construction, students will collect the information of state
(HARYANA/TELANGANA) and make a SCRAPBOOK including the statistical data of
the state. Students can draw/paste the picture of the topic and please note the following
points to make you research looks more interesting:

● Basic knowledge
● Self-introduction
● Historical place
● Techniques used by the builders that incorporate the principles of
● Interesting information (steps taken by Telangana/Haryana
Government for sustainable development)
● Steps taken by the government to preserve Heritage site

Important points to be taken care of while making Scrapbook

❖ Cover page of the scrapbook should be decorated as per the Topic.

❖ First page to be left blank.
❖ Index should be maintained on the second page with the following headings:

S.No. Title Page No. Teacher’s Sign.

❖ Pictures to be pasted on left side and written work to be done on right side of each
❖ Topic should be covered on minimum 5 pages
❖ Topic worked on should be concluded nicely


ROLL NO: 21 onwards (HARYANA)

Some links for references:



Rubrics are following:

Research: 3
Content: 3
Creativity: 2
Presentation: 2
Total 10 marks


Roll no 1-15 Prepare 3D mask based on any

French Festival.
Roll no 16 -25 Prepare a project or model on
Cheese and wines
Roll no 26 onwards Prepare 3D model on
French chocolates and Breads.


ग त व ध1
अपने घर अथवा आस -पास व ृ ारोपण करते हुए च खींच। उस च
को A 4 शीट पर चपकाएं और पयावरण संर ण पर पांच वा य
सं कृत भाषा म लख।

कोई पाँच लोक कंठ थ कर ।
ऊपर दए गए you tube link म गाए गए सं कृत गीत को यानपूवक
सुन और उसे कंठ थ कर।


Do you know that German Federation for the

Environment and Nature Conservation is an
independent, federal NGO that has been
dedicated to protecting nature and the
environment since the mid-1970s. This
summer research on the ways that Germany
is adopting to conserve water and depict
your research on an A 3 size sheet in the
form of a poster

know that Germany

Computer Science

Sustainable Development Goal 9 is about "industry, innovation and

infrastructure" and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. SDG 9 aims to
build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster

Keeping the above view in our mind, let's do our bit to achieve this goal.

Activity: Design a poster on A3 size sheet on the topic -Role of technology

in Industrialisation in below mentioned areas as per your roll number.You
can highlight latest developments in the above fields and significant results
leading to growth. You can also talk about how we can sustain them for
future generations.

Design a poster on A3 size sheet on the topic given below as per your
roll numbers:

Roll No 1-15 : Growth in Agriculture due to industrialisation

Roll No 16-30 : Role of Transport in urbanisation

Roll No 31 onwards : Advantages of Energy Conservation in the process of
● Read books, do internet surfing or read articles from newspapers and
information about the research topics.
● You can take printouts of the required pictures and place them neatly
on A3 size
● Assemble the information under a suitable heading.
● Decorate the collage using colourful boundaries, decorative material,
colours etc.
● Bring your work to school duly labelled in your name and class.

Material Required: A4 size coloured or white pastel sheet, Decoration material,

Sketch Pens, Borders

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