Accounting:: Recording, Analysing and Summarising
Accounting:: Recording, Analysing and Summarising
Accounting:: Recording, Analysing and Summarising
1. Accounting:
- A way of recording, analysing and summarising the transaction of an entity
2. Business entity:
- Capital:
Sole trader: Closing cap = Open + Addition + net profit - drawing
Partnership: Closing cap = Close capital account + close current account
- Equity: Limited Liability Company = Share cap + Share pre + RE + Other reserves
- Tax expense:
Sole trader/ Partnership: not appear in SOFP (account as income tax)
Company: appear in SOFP
- Loan (By law):
Sole trader/Partnership: unlimited liability (owner)
Company: limited liability (owner) but if company unlimited liability
- Loan (By accounting): separate when record
Capital expenditure Rev expenditure
- Upgrade - Maitain
- Repair
Transactions => collect documents (source documents) (Chapter 3) => recording (Chapter 4)
journal entry < T account => (Chapter 5) Trial balance => Adjustment => Financial position
Credit transaction
Credit sale
Credit purchase
Cash transaction (Bank)
Petty cash transaction
1. Credit transactions:
- Quy trình
Seller Buyer
2. Receiver order 1. Place an order
3. Deliver goods (issue delivery note) 4. Receive goods + Delivery note
=> Issue Goods received note
5. Issue invoice 6. Reveice invoice
If invoice overcharge/ goods returned
=> issue debit note (inform the seller +
7. Credit note (negative invoice) – sửa invoice require credit note)
Example: Total < Imprest => voucher missing or an extra cash taken from petty cash box
* Source document: petty cash book
4. Pay roll transactions:
- The payroll (bảng lương):
Net pay Deduction
Employee Employee PAYE Employer Employer pension
NI pension NI
Gross pay Additional cost for employers
Total payroll cost
* Soure documents: payroll
1. Tools: ledger simply means “book” T-account. (record and analyse the transaction
2. Methods: double entry bookeeping (chỉ use nominal ledgers)
LEDGERS: simply means “book” T-account.
Main ledgers used in accounting system:
Nominal ledger: financial Receivable ledger – recorded Payable ledger –
transactions are recorded – recorded in detail recorded in detail
in total
Total trade payables (…)
Total trade receivables
(record the total, có nhiều
personal accounts)
Assets, liabilities, capital,
income and expenditure
Personal ledger – là detail của total TP, TR
=> memorandum only (bản ghi nhớ)
Receivable ledger
Sales Cash received
Dishnounored cheques Discount allowed
Refunds of credit balance Irr debt expense
Interest charged on late account Contras against payables
Return inward
Payables ledger
Cash paid Purchase
Contra with TR Interest on overdue account
Discount received
Return outward
* Note 1: Double entry bookeeping: each transaction has an equal but opposite effect (debit +
credit – dual effect). Every accounting event must be entered in ledger both as a debit and credit.
Every transaction is recorded twice in the ledger accounts. (T account) (Nguyên tắc ghi sổ kép)
* Note 2: Journal entries: a way of presenting the required double entry (debit, credit) for a
Used to record unusual or one-off transaction (correction of an error)
Narrative explanation accompany journal entry => audit can check (stamps, travel)
3. Apply => Recording 4 types of basic transactions
3.1 Credit transactions:
a) Credit sales:
Cr rev
b) Credit purchase:
Dr purchase (không ghi là inventory vì inventory ghi vào cuối kì, purchase là mua về để bán)
* Notes:
Trade discount = buck discount (giảm giá vì mua số lượng lớn): percentage discount
deducted from list price of goods owing to the nature of transaction => net-off at the
point of selling
Early settlement discount = early payment
Expect customer to take the discount: Not expect customer to take the discount:
At the point of selling: At the point of selling:
Dr Tr 495 Dr Tr 500
Cr rev 495 Cr rev 500
Expect to take the discount: Not expect to take the discount
At the point of buying At the point of buying
Dr purchase 495 Dr purchase 500
Cr TP 495 Cr TP 500
Pay within discount: Pay within the discount:
Dr Tp 495 Dr tp 500
Cr cash 495 Cr cash 495
Pay after discount Cr purchase 5
Dr TP 495 Pay after discount:
Dr Purchases 5 Dr Tp 500
Cr Cash 500 Cr cash 500
VAT: (8.3)
Đánh trên giá trị gia tăng của sản phẩm
Người chịu là người tiêu dùng cuối cùng
Exempt (bank): miễn thuế
Reduced rate (5%)
Zero rate (0%)
Non deductable (no VAT input) (phải cộng VAT)
Cars for using
Business entertaining
* Car thì auto cộng VAT còn truck, … thì ko. (plus là chưa cộng còn including là cộng rồi)
500 A (ur company - 600
VAT 100 => VAT register) VAT 120 => VAT
input output
- The seller: goods return from customers:
Selling: Dr cash/ TR
Cr sales
Return inward: Dr sales
Cr cash
- The buyer: return goods to supplier:
Buying: Dr purchase
Cr cash/TP
Return outward: Dr cash/TP
Cr purchase
* Ko đc ghi inventory (cuối kì), chỉ đảo lại phép toán
3.2 Cash transaction:
Cash sale
Cash purchase
Payment of credit transactions (kì trước)
a) Cash sale
Dr cash
Cr sales
b) Cash purchase
Dr purchse
Cr cash
c) Payment of credit transactions:
Sale: Dr cash
Cr Tr
Purchsae: Dr tp
Cr cash
*Note: Trade discount, VAT, Returns
3.3 Petty cash transaction:
Dr expense
Cr petty cash
=> Top up: Dr petty cash
Cr cash
1. Trial balance: list of nominal ledger account balances shown in debit and credit columns
at a point of time
Transposition errors (lỗi lộn số Ex: 34 =>43): 2 digits are recorded wrong way
Omission errors (lỗi bỏ quên): a transaction is omitted
Commission errors: a debit or credit posted to the RIGHT side of Nominal ledger but
WRONG account (2 tk cùng loại expense, asset...)
Ex: telephone expense added to the electricity expense account
Compensating errors (lỗi bù trừ): 1 error is cancelled by another error (2 sai thành 1
Errors of principle (lỗi sai nguyên tắc kế toán):
Ex: repairs expenditure added to the cost of non-current assets accoun
Adjustment: on adjustment journals
Transactions happen after trial balance extracted
Special items (các khoản mục đặc biệt) – điều chỉnh vào cuối kì
Inventory, COGS (Chapter 7)
Allowance (Chapter 8)
Accrual & Prepayments (Chapter 9)
Depreciation (Chapter 10)
=> Adjusted trial balance:
=> Balancing off
=> FS:
P&L account (Nominal ledger)
Extended TB
Permanent account: tk mà luôn luôn có số dư
Ex: Assets, Liabilities, Owner’s capital
Temporary accounts: đến cuối kì thì số dư phải bằng 0 (trial balance: ko phải cuối cùng)
Ex: Rev, Expenses, Withdrawal, P&L account
Close Rev accounts to P&L account
Close Ex accounts to P&L account
Close P&L account to Owner’s Capital
Close Withdrawals to Owner’s Capital
Chapter 6:
Errors => Corrections
2 tools:
Bank reconcilization (giảm lỗi sai ở cash transaction)
External statement reconcilization: check business’s TR and customer’s TP, check
business’s TP and supplier’s TR (giảm lỗi sai ở credit transaction)
Bank statement
Dec Inc
- NRV (giá trị thuần có thể thực hiện được) = Expected selling price – cost to sell (chi phí sửa
chữa lại sau khi nó bị damaged. Ex: modify (= change to adapt), rectification, remedial work: sửa
chữa + delivery outward)
Inventory cost = Invoice cost (+import duties) – Discount and allowances + Freight storage
6. Methods to value closing inventory
7. Relationship of inventory valuation & profit:
- Different valuation methods
=> Different closing inventory
=> Different profit
CATERIA FIFO AVCO: cumulative weighted
average pricing
Profit (rising price) More Less
- Errors in valuing inventory => affect profit (gross, net), asset
Historical cost >< NRV => Closing inventory = X (Chú ý include or exclude)
Method FIFO, AVCO => Closing inventory (Chú ý hỏi cost of inventory – closing
inventory hay hỏi cost of sale)
Change method => affect
Valuation => profit, asset, capital (current year/ next year)
+ - Purchase price
- Delivery cost
- Stamp duty = import duties
- Cost of installation & assembly
- Professional fee = legal & architect fee: phí
hợp đồng
- Cost of testing
(Costs of initial adaptation of the building,
Cost of air conditioning unit necessary for
premises to be used)
- - Administration cost
- Training cost for staff
- Fuel in vehicle on delivery
- License fees for operating assets
- warranty covering breakdown
* Subsequent expenditure:
- Cost of Repairs => maintain existing performance => Expense => P&L
- Cost of major improvement/overhaul => enhancing benefit of PPE => Capitalised => Cost of
1.2 Depreciation:
- Definition: systematic allocation of cost of PPE less its residual value over its useful life #
physical life
Residual value (giá trị thanh lý ước tính): the estimate amount that the entity would
obtain from disposing of the asset at the end of its useful life, after deducting estimate
disposal costs
Useful life
- Method:
Straight line:
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡−𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒)
Annual depreciation = 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
= (Cost – residual value) x %rate of depreciation
Reducing balance method:
Deprecition (n+1) = carrying amount x %rate
= (Cost – Acc depreciation) x %rate
* Note 1: Apply consistenly
* Note 2: Capital expenditure => New PPE => should depreciated seperatedly from initaial
* Note 3: Review => changing dep method (khi thay đổi mục đích sử dụng)
1.3 Carrying amount = Cost of PPE – Acc Dep (tổng dep):
- Review of carrying amount (end of period) => fall in value => impairment loss
- Indication of impairment: (TEXT BOOK)
* Measurement of impairment loss => expense => P&L => written down current CA to new CA
Impairment loss (suy giảm giá trị) = Current CA – New CA/Recoverable amount
Compare its fair value less cost of disposal/sell and value in use (Choose higher) => recoverable
Dr VAT input (if any)
Cr cash/TP
1.4.2: Using PPE:
End of period:
Depreciation: calculating dep charge = x
Dr dep charge/expense X
Cr Acc dep X
Impairment => calculating impairment loss = y
Dr impairment loss Y
Cr PPE/carrying amount Y
1.4.3: Disposal of PPE:
Sell old PPE, receive cash
Sell old PPE, receive new PPE, pay difference => Part exchange
a) Sell old PPE, receive cash:
- Remove old PPE:
Dr Acc dep => remove 400
Dr disposal account (Giống P&L, but only use for NA) = carrying amount 100
Cr PPE: cost of PPE => remove 500
- Receive cash:
Dr cash = selling price
Cr disposal account
=> proceed of disposal = selling price
* Gain or loss on disposal = Selling price – CA
Gain => Other income (P&L)
Loss => Expense (Ex: vehicle for delivery => Distribution cost)
b) Part exchange:
- Remove old PPE:
Dr Acc dep 400
Dr disposal account = CA 100
Cr old PPE 500
- Receive new PPE, selling price for old 150
Dr new PPE: cost of PPE 800
Cr cash 650 => difference
Cr disposal account 150 = selling price/part exchange value
* Gain/loss on disposal: Selling price – CA
Cost of PPE
Bd Disposal - cost of old PPE
Purchase Impairment loss
Acc Dep
Disposal - Acc dep old PPE Bd
Dep charge
Bd CA of old PPE
Purchase Impairment loss
Bd Dep charge
2. Intangible NCA
(goodwill, development cost, licence, patent)
- Goodwill: lợi thế thương mại
From reputation, staff
Internal goodwill
=> Change day-to-day
=> Not show in FP
Arising on acquisition of business
=> Goodwill = Purchase consideration – value of net asset
Review for impairment loss
- Development cost: (R&D)
Research => Always expense => P&L
Expense =>P&L
Meet requirement => Must capitalised => Intangible asset
Still amortization (2 method)
- Licence: (giấy phép)
- Patent: (bằng phát mình, sáng chế)
Impairment loss
Dạng 1: Calculate:
Cost of PPE: include (VAT, discount, ...), exclude
Depreciation charge: method, time
Carrying amount
Dạng 2: Calculate after review => Changing:
Useful life (5=>7 years)
Residual value
Dep methods
CA => impairment loss
Dạng 3: Disposal => Gain or loss = Selling price – CA
Dạng 4: Bookeeping/Errors:
Dr Cash
Cr suspense
=> Correct: Dr suspense + Remove old PPE
Cr disposal
Share premium
Bonus issue Issue new share
1.3 Retain earnings = Total net profit => Acc net profit
Dividens Bd
Transafer to other reserve Net profit
Closing RE = Opening RE + net profit – dividens – other reserve (if any)
1.4 Reserve:
2. Long-term liability:
+ Redeemable preference share
+ Debenture/debt securities
- 1/10/2022: Borrow 1 billion/5 years => Long-term liability
Equal instalments
First instalment: 1/10/2023
=> 31/12/2022 (end of period): 200,000 => current liability (9 months)
800,000 => non-current liability
- Pay interest => Finance cost
Pay in cash => Cash dec
Not pay yet => Accrual
=> End of period => Calculate interest
Paid: Dr FC
Cr cash
Unpaid: Dr FC
Cr accruals
- Extract trial balance => interest expense (FC): 1000
=> Total interest => Compare => Interest <= 1000: ko lam gi
Interest >1000: chưa trả hết, trả kì sau Dr FC
Cr accrual
3. Provision (dự phòng chi phí: expense inccurred => current liability) ><
Allowance (dự phòng khoản phải thu khó đòi)
- Current liability:
Warranty (bảo hành)
- Create provision (first time):
Dr expense => p&l (1000)
Cr provision => current liability => SOFP (1000) => estimate
- Expense incurred:
Actual expense (1200) > estimate
Dr expense 200
Dr provision 1000
Cr cash 1200
Actual expense (800) < estimate
Dr provision 1000
Cr expense 200
Cr cash 800
- End of year, review provision => Compare previous year
This year > previous year:
Dr expense
Cr provision (increasing amount)
This year < previous year:
Dr provision
Cr expense (decreasing amount)
4. Tax (on net profit): thuế thu nhập – only shown in company:
- End of year => calculate tax expense/charge = 1000 => estimate
2022: Dr tax expense => P&L
Cr tax payable => current liability => SOFP
2023, HMRC check:
HMRC agreed = estimated:
Dr tax payable
Cr cash
HMRC agreed (1200) > estimate => underprovision:
o Tax expense increase in 2023:
Dr tax expense 200
Cr tax payable 200
o Pay tax HMRC agreed:
Dr tax payable 1200
Cr cash 1200
HMTC agreed (700) < estimate => overprovision:
o Tax expense decrease in 2023
Dr tax payable 300
Cr tax enpense 300
o Pay tax HMRC agreed:
Dr tax payable 700
Cr cash 700
Chapter 12:
Statement of P&L
- Ending of period/Trial balance => Adjustment:
Transactions after TB extracted
Errors correction:
Dr = Cr
Dr # Cr => Suspense
Special items:
* Chapter 7: COS – inventory:
- Cho closing inventory => Right number => Calculate COS => P&L
Wrong number => Find right number
Compare historical cost >< NRV
- If trial balance has closing inventory =>SOFP
* Chapter 8: Allowance
- Written off bad debt: Dr irr debt expense => Administrative expense
- Recover bad debt: Dr cash
Cr irr debt expense
- Allowance:
Nếu TB chưa có allowance
=> Create allowance first time
Dr irr debt expense
Cr allowance
Nếu TB đã có allowance
=> Compare => Only bookeeping phần tăng, giảm
- Closing allowance: net off TR
* Chapter 9: Accrual/Prepayment
- Expenese:
Prepay: Dr prepayment
Cr expense
Accrual: Dr expense
Cr accrual
- Income:
Deffered: Dr income
Cr deffered
Accrued: Dr accrued
Cr income
- Adjustment từng loại => 1 bookeeping
- Adjustment combine:
Ex: Pay 80,000 by cash (trong kì) gas expense. End of period, pay in arrear = 2000, pay in
advance = 30,000
=> 2 bookeeping (ko book nhan tien)
* Chapter 10: PPE, intangible asset:
- Depreciation => Calculate dep charge:
Methods? (không có movement)
Movement => Purchase/Disposal => Depcharge (n) = Depcharge (n-1) + Dep charge incr
(n) – dep charge decr (n)
Dr dep charge
Cr acc deprecitation
Dep charge: allocate COS/ Ad ex/ Dis ex
- Impairment loss = Current CA – New CA (Recoverable amount)
Dr impairment loss
* Chapter 11:
- Provison: Dr expense
Cr provision
- Taxation:
Calculate tax expense: 100 (2022)
Dr tax expense
Cr tax payable
TB: tax payable (taxation, income tax)
Dr 10:
2021 estimate tax expense 70 < 80: 2022 HMRC check => under provision
Dr tax ex (70)
Cr tax pay (70) => Trong kì
Dr tax pay (80)
Cr cash (80) => Đã record
Dr tax ex (10)
Cr tax payable (10) => Book thêm
Cr 10
2021 estimate 70 > 60: HMRC check => over
Dr tax payable (10)
Cr tax expense (10) => Book thêm
Dr tax pay (60)
Cr cash (60) => Đã record
Dr tax expense (70)
Cr tax pay (70) => Trong kì
TB => liability => Total Interest
=> Interest/ interest payable/ interest ex => Interest charge => Đã paid
Compare interest paid >< Total interest:
Interest paid >= Total interest => No record
Interest paid < Total interest => Bank thêm unpaid
Cr Accrual
1. Irrecoverable debt expense => Ad expense
2. Alwayes focus on irr debt, allowance when account cost, TR
3. Return inward, outward => Purchase dec, inc => COS
4. Buy, purchase PPE => Dep account normally but CA on statement thi ke T acccount
5. Amortisation, impairment loss => Cost, PPE
6. P/L on disposal => dec Gross profit (nếu ko ghi rõ tính vào đâu)/ loss => COS inc
7. Rent is due quarterly in advance: trả trước hàng quý
2. Prepare:
2.1: Cash generated from operating activities:
- Direct method:
Cash payment for purchasing goods
Cash received from selling
Cash payment for, on behalf of employee
- Indirect method:
Net profit # Cash => Accrual concept: rev earned, expense incurred # Cash concept/cash basis
=> Chuyển từ Net profit sang cash
* 3 rules:
Remove expense/income not related to cash (P&L)
Remove expense/income not related to operating activities (P&L)
Movement of special items (SOFP)
Profit before tax (P&L)
Add back Deduct
Dep ex Gain on disposal (PPE, intangible) – investing
Amortization ex Investment income – investing (note/P&L)
Impairment loss Interest paid (FC) - financing
Loss on disposal – investing Tax paid
FC – financing phần lãi của khoản nợ (P&L)
Bd Cost of old asset disposal
Purchase Impairment loss
Interest payable
Interest paid Bd
Tax payable
Tax paid Bd
Tax expense
- Movement of inventories:
Inc => Cash dec
Dec => Cash inc
- Movement of TR:
Inc => Cash dec
Dec => Cash inc
- Movement of prepayment:
Inc => Cash dec
Dec => Cash inc
- Movement of TP:
Inc => Cash inc
Dec => Cash dec
- Movement of Accrual/Provision:
Inc => Cash inc
Dec => Cash dec0
2.2 Investing activities:
- Cash purchase (PPE, intangible NCA)
+ Proceed from disposal
+ Investment income received
Investment income receivable
Bd Investment income received
Investment income
Share premium
Bonus issue Bd
Cash raised
- Dividend paid:
Dividend paid Bd
Net profit
Movement borrowing:
Inc => Cash inc
Dec => Cash dec
* Note 1:
If current asset has short-term investment/gov bond: Trong note ghi high liquidity
=> + in cash & cash equivalent
* In SOFP, current liability has bank overdraft/overdraft:
=> - in cash & cash equivalent
Current asset
Creditors amounts falling due
within 1 year
Debenture loan
Bank overdraft and loans
Trade creditors
Net current asset (liabilities)
Total assets less current
Creditor amounts falling due
Dis cost
Ad expense
Other operating income
Other operating profit
Int payables and similar charges
Profit before tax
Profit after tax
2. Partnership:
- A business run by 2 or more pp together (unless it is a limited liability partnership (LLP)), it is
not separate legal entity
=> NO tax expense in P&L
- A general partnership is established formally with a written partnership agreement (or
Partnership act 1890):
Interest on capital:
Partner’s salaries:
Profit-sharing ratio:
Guaranteed minimum profit share: 1/1/1
* Note 2: 1 chủ sở hữu cho 1 chủ sở hữu khác vay, nếu đề bài ko nói gì thì lãi suất thường là 5%
=> trả cả gốc lẫn lãi
- Appropriating partnership profit:
The partnership net profit is calculated in the same way as sole traders, then prepare an
appropriation statement:
o Allocates interest on cap, salaries, interest on drawings
o Share out the residual P&L according to profit sharing ration.
Net profit (P&L) => + Interest on capital
+ Salaries
- Interest on loan
= residual profit =>
- Guaranteed minimum profit share: partner can agree that one or more partner will receive a
minimum appropriation of profit even if the business make a loss, or one partner is appropriated
a loss.
Current account
Drawing Bd A, B, C
interest on loan
interest on cap