Boxer Armoured Recovery Module

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Armoured Recovery Module ARM



The Armoured Recovery Module (ARM) from ty to charge its own battery suite for operation,
FFG is turning the BOXER chassis into a BOXER which supplies the recovery module with power
ARV (Armoured Recovery Vehicle), representing and drives the hydraulic system.
the world’s latest in armoured support vehicle Due to this semi-autonomous electro-hydrau-
design. Through its innovative design and with lic design the recovery module can operate,
its outstanding performance data, this FFG- de- including heavy recovery tasks, even when the
sign is representing the first truly capable and chassis’ main engine is switched off during silent
multifunctional recovery module for this class of watch operations. It even can temporarily run
medium weight 8x8 platforms. completely independent from the chassis.

Making its first public debut at the London/UK To ensure safe recovery and lifting operations
DSEi Defence Exposition in 2019, the Recovery the ARM deploys its own stabilising support legs
Module for the BOXER was independently de- and a rear anchor during operations. The hy-
veloped by FFG as a private venture to close a draulically extendible stabilisers secure the ARM
capability gap in the Boxer fleet while meeting during crane and winch operations and relieve
the high and rapidly changing demands of mobi- the Boxer chassis of the associated stress at the
le forces in the modern battlespace. same time. Furthermore the ARM is able to load
or unload itself onto or off the chassis autono-
The design of the ARM is following the general mously.
design principles for the BOXER mission modu-
les, where configurations share a high level of Control and monitoring of all systems is conduc-
commonality and a standard interface. General ted centrally via touchscreen displays and pro-
on-board equipment such as the protection prietary FFG software. In emergency mode the
system against CBRN (Chemical, Biological, hydraulics can be operated via manual control.
Radiological and Nuclear) threats, HVAC etc.
are, wherever possible, integrated with com-
mon BOXER components to ensure maximum
logistic commonality with existing mission mo-
dules, reducing the number of specific spares
as well as training requirements for personnel

The recovery module is made from armoured

steel and weighs approx. 13 tons. It provides
space for two crew members, commander and
gunner, while the driver’s seat remains in the BO-
XER’s driving module, with direct access to the
recovery module.
The recovery module is connected to the driving
module through standard BOXER mechanical
interfaces and only requires on-board electrici-
When configured as an ARV, the BOXER’s role is to and recovery tasks such as the changing of power
provide field support and recover distressed equip- packs, mission modules, and weapon turrets or, for
ment of the same weight class from the battlefield example, the lifting of vehicles for wheel changes
and tow it into a rear echelon field workshop for under field conditions.
repair. To accomplish these tasks, the recovery mo-
dule is equipped with a pivoting boom crane and a Winch
powerful recovery winch as the primary tools. A modern capstan winch with a pulling force of 200
kN for recovery and self-recovery operations by
Crane means of a 60-meter high-tech synthetic fiber rope
The ARM features a pivoting crane boom which is with very low weight completes the main recovery
5.3 m long and can lift loads up to 20 tons. It is po- tools.
sitioned at the top rear of the recovery module and
is operated by the module commander. Accessories
With this powerful crane the ARM is able to lift mis- The recovery module features comprehensive ad-
sion modules from the BOXER chassis, enabling re- ditional capabilities, including cutting and welding
configuration of vehicles in theatre without the need equipment, external power supply for the use of
for heavy tracked support, truck mounted cranes power tools, and more.
or specialized civilian support. The recovery mo-
dule can further perform all common maintenance

« Adaptable protection / self-defence

The ARM offers crew protection against mines For self-defence and battlefield surveillan-
and ballistic threats, where the protection level ce task support the recovery module can be
of the basic module can be augmented through equipped with different types of Remote Con-
the use of add-on armour panels. trolled Weapon Station (RCWS) combined with
The comprehensive protection suite for the mo- different calibre Multi Barrel Grenade Dischar-
dule’s crew include an NBC protection system, gers (MBGDs) for defensive IR / smokescreen
air conditioning, automatic fire suppression sys- according to customer requirements, comple-
tems as well as a day and night sensor suite. menting the module’s protection concept.

Artec’s BOXER is a multirole armoured vehic- ted by several international customers as their
le, originally designed by an international con- premier wheeled armoured platform in various
sortium to accomplish a variety of operational configurations, the BOXER is well on its way to
tasks through the use of installable mission establish itself as the NATO standard vehicle
modules. in its class.

The key feature of BOXER is its modular de- Whereas various mission modules already exist
sign, consisting of two elements: the chassis to configure BOXER as ambulance, battle da-
and the removable mission module. The per- mage repair, cargo, command post, engineer
manent all-wheel drive 8x8 platform has the group, infantry fighting or troop carrier vehicle,
driver located front right with the power pack a potent recovery module was missing. FFG’s
to the left. Onto this chassis an interchange- Armoured Recovery Module is now filling this
able mission module can be mounted at the gap and is decisively expanding the possibili-
vehicle rear. This allows BOXER to be rapidly ties of using the BOXER by adding many new
configured to meet different operational requi- capabilities.
rements within approximately one hour, even
under field conditions.
With close to 1.000 vehicles already contrac-

Growth potential

With FFG’s recovery module, user nations

can now effectively close a major capabi-
lity gap within their BOXER fleets, since it
enables BOXER itself to carry out all tho-
se maintenance and recovery tasks that to
date require heavy tracked recovery vehic-
les or specialist civilian vehicles.

FFG’s Recovery Module therefore truly sup-

ports the core idea of the BOXER concept –
modularity, which enables BOXER to select
Attributes «
and manage its mission modules autono-
mously and quickly, exactly as the mission • Outstanding performance data
demands. With its high tech computerized • Maximum logistic commonality
control system and latest technology in
• Space for two crew members
electrical power supply, as well as the flexi-
bility of the module layout, FFG’s ARM offers • Running independent from chassis
sufficient growth potential for adaptation to • Touchscreen control
customer requirements well into the future. • Silent Recovery Mode

« Dimensions Support Anchor
Length: 7100 mm Height: 400 mm
Width: 3000 mm Width: 2950 mm
Height: 2450 mm (without weapon station) hydraulically operated
Weight: 13000 kg (approx.)

« Power Supply
Additional Equipment (Option Examples) «
Lifting accessories
24V Electro-hydraulic drive powered by Cutting and welding station
Lithium-Ion battery pack (special protected) Hydraulic power tools
Pneumatic power tools
« Driver assistance with integrated camera
External Power Output solution

6,5 kVA (400V) / 3,5 kVA (230V)

« Protection «
Crane Spall liner
Add-on Armour (AoA) plates
Type: Pivoting, fixed boom Mine protection seats
Lifting capacity: 200 kN (20 t) Boxer CBRN system
Boom length: 5300 mm Remote Controlled Weapon Station
Max reach: ~4000 mm (RCWS; optional)
Max elevation: 60 °
Max lifting height: ~6200 mm

« Module-to-Chassis Interfaces «
Recovery Winch Standard mechanical Boxer module inter-
Type: Capstan Electrical connection to vehicle generator
Traction power: 0 - 200 kN (20 t)
Cable length: 60 (70) m
Cable diameter: 22 mm

Contact us to discuss how we can help you. FFG FLENSBURGER FAHRZEUGBAU GESELLSCHFT MBH

Werftstr. 24 Phone: +49 461 48 12-0

Scan this QR code D-24939 Flensburg Fax.: +49 461 48 12-100
to get the flyer. Germany
PO Box 15 64
D-24905 Flensburg

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