Lesson 2 - Compound Object Design PDF
Lesson 2 - Compound Object Design PDF
Lesson 2 - Compound Object Design PDF
Through the construction of a 1pt and 2pt grid, any number of perspective illusions may
be achieved (tile floors, checkerboards, sidewalks, etc.). The nature of 1pt and 2pt
objects is such that perfect squares of both may be development by aligning the centers
and corners of each with the other. Not only does this allow for the creation of perfect
squares (and cubes as a result) but also opens up the possibility of creating any variety
of rectangular shape by doubling, halving, etc. the created square. Ill.1 shows a step-by-
step process of creating first a 1pt square, and from that a grid of 1pt and 2pt squares.
The alignment of 1pt and 2pt squares in this grid has a number of useful applications
which can be extended to non-square rectilinear objects. The connection of the
diagonals of the squares in Ill.1 identify the center of each square.
By flipping the grid from Ill.1 on its side (thereby using the Station Points in the same way
the 2pt vps were used to establish the horizontal grid squares), we can see the
recessional division on a verticle plane. in Ill.2. This makes it possible to establish
squares, along both hoirzontal and verticle planes, and as a result cubes in both 1pt and
2pt perspective.
Ill.2: Station points now act in the same way as 2pt vps to establish the equal recession of squares along a verticle plane.
The shape need not be a perfect square. Once the centre of the object in Ill.3 has been
identified, a line can be drawn from this central position to its respective vanishing point,
and then by drawing a diagonal line through the midpoint of its back edge from wither
the top or bottom of the front edge, until it intersects with the recessional lines of either
the bottom or top edge, the position of the next block of space is identified.
Ill.3: Another method of establishing consistent recession. The shapes may not be squares, but they are equal.
By locating the center of the object it can the be further subdivided into quarters, etc. ;
or expanded to create larger shapes with equal scale proportions. This process may be
applied to objects of any dimension rectilinearly to achieve consistent perspective
recession. The rectangles in Ill.4 in the topmost image are not only equally sized, but the
verticle lines that control their size are also equally spaced. This creates a believable
sense of consistent recession, that can be used in many instances, such as the recession
of fenceposts in the bottommost image of Ill.4.
Ill.4: By equally dividing the front edge of this object into 5 sections, connecting those points to the central vp, and then drawing
a diagonal through those receding lines the intersecting point identify where equally sized rectangular units will be.
Ill.6: Consistent perspective recession and simple geometric shapes provide the foundation for a convincingly realistic space.
Ellipses in Perspective
Ill.7:A perfect circle ts perfectly into a perfect square. Both the square and the circle
change perspective shape when they are moved above and below the hl, or to the left or
right of the cov.
Ill.9: The visual axis of an ellipse is a line running parallel to the diameter at approximately the half way point between the front
and back edges of its associated square
Another critical point to remember when drawing cylinders and cones, is to firmly
establish your verticle and horizontal axis. Unless the object is tilted, these will
perpendicular and parallel to the horizon line respectively. As Ill.11 shows, there is no
such thing as a 2pt ellipse. Circles do not have edges, so even though the square that is
associated with a circle changes its visible appearance when rotated 45 degrees, a circle
does not.
Ill.11: The verticle and horizontal axis of a cylinder (or cone) must be perpendicular and parallel to the hl respectively, unless
the object is tilted .
Reduce the object to a single mass shape to define the basic space the object occupies.
Rotating a square or a cube that encompasses the entire kettle in Ill.12 to reveal
alternatuve angles of description is a much simpler undertaking than rotating the entire
kettle and all of its individual parts. The kettle is reduced to its simplest form to handle
the shifting perspective more effectively. Each individual element of the kettle is handled
in the same way, so that they may be understood separately and then reassembled to
construct the final form of the object.
Ill.12: The verticle and horizontal axis of a cylinder (or cone) must be perpendicular and parallel to the hl respectively, unless
the object is tilted .
Ill.13: Multiple viewpoints of a single object are more easily achieved when the underlying geometric shapes of that object are
clearly understood and assembled properly.
Label your drawing: Name and Class (bottom right corner of image)
Name: Class:
Presentation: /10
Objective: /30
Total: /100