18bba63c U2 PDF
18bba63c U2 PDF
18bba63c U2 PDF
Media panning includes various decisions which are taken in delivering the
promotional message to the prospective customers. It helps the advertiser to in the best
way to deliver its message to its target audience. Following are the main considerations in
1) Nature of Product:
2) Nature of Customers:
An appropriate media plan must consider the type of consumers, for whom
advertising is to be done. Different consumers differ in their age-group, sex, income,
personality, educational level, attitude, etc. On the basis of consumer traits, consumer
groups can be men, women; children, young, old; professional, businessmen; high income
group, middle-income-group, low-income-group; literate, illiterate, etc. Some of the
consumer traits affecting media selection are:
i)Age: For advertising for kids-products, television is the best media for communicating
message. In T.V., ad can be given in cartoon related T.V.channels. if target audience is
young then television, magazines are suitable. If target audience consists of old-age-
group, then newspaper, television is a good choice
ii) Level of Education: If target-audience is highly educated, than advertisement should
be _given in magazines, national newspapers internet, television, etc. it target audience is
less educated, then lot newspaper printed in local languages, low-profile magazines, T.
etc., arc suitable. If audience is illiterate, then print-media is no suitable, Here broadcast
media is a good choice.
3) Distribution of Product:
4) Advertising Objectives:
The main objective of every advertising campaign is to get favorable response from
customer, but the specific objectives can be different. If the objective of advertising
campaign is to get immediate results, then fast media of communication like newspapers
will be considered. If the objective of advertising is to build corporate goodwill, then
brand-equity then magazines, television will be considered.
5 ) Nature of Message:
6) Size of Ad-Budget:
If amount of advertisement budget is more, then costly media like television, national
dailies, and popular magazines can be selected. If amount of ad-budget is less, then media
like posters, banners, cable-network, local newspapers, and pamphlets will be suitable.
While planning for media the advertiser must consider the media selected by
competitors and leaders of that industry. If advertiser does not consider competitors move
regarding media, then it is possible that advertiser's market share is taken by competitors.
8) Media Coverage:
Such media should be selected which has wide reach and can cover our target
customers. If the advertiser has two available media, involving same cost, then media
with more reach and coverage of our target audience will be selected. Media-coverage
means number of advertiser's target customers exposed to media in a specific time-period.
9) Media-Cost:
Advertiser should compare the cost of each media by considering the number of
audience covered by such media. It is possible that a media seems to be costly, but if it
can cover large number of audience, then cost per audience will be less. In case,
advertisement is to be given in newspapers, then cost of different newspaper is computed
on the basis of cost per one lac of its circulation.
10) Media-Frequency:
4) Selection of Optimum Media Mix:
Media planning helps to select media mix. Using different media combination
ensures wide and intensive coverage of target audience. It improves the chances of
achieving objectives.
5) Helps in Allocating Advertising-Budget :
Media planning helps to decide the amount to be spent on different media.
6) Ensures Appropriate Timing of Advertising:
Advertising can ensure best results only when ads are shown at the right time.
Media planning includes media scheduling, i.e.. it decides the time and space of
advertisement in media. It decides the month, day and time of advertisement.
7) Media Plan Helps in Control:
In media plan some standards of performance are fixed. These standards are with
regard to coverage target audience. Such standards help the management in
evaluating effectiveness of media, i.e., actual coverage is in accordance with
standards or not.
Definition Of Advertising Agencies:
According to George E. Belch “Advertising agency is a service organization
that specializes in planning and executing advertising programs for its clients”
1) Contacting Clients: Agencies first and foremost task is to contact and select
clients who are desirous of advertising their products or services.
After that the ad copy is prepared, it is shown to client for his approval. In
case any changes suggested by the client, it has to be incorporated to is
6) Media selection and media scheduling: Various factors like media cost, media
circulation, media coverage, nature of product , nature customers, ad-budget of
client, needs of clients, etc., are considered by ad agency for selecting media for
its clients.
7) Ad-agency helps its clients in selecting media, allocating the clients ad budget and in
planning media scheduling. In media scheduling date and time of issuing ad in the media
is decided.
8) Ad-Execution: After obtaining approval from client, the advertising copy is handed
over to media for its execution.
10) Marketing Function: The advertising agency also performs marketing functions
such as selecting target-customers designing product packages, developing channels of
distribution, determining prices: new product development, conducting marketing
research, sales promotion, publicity, improving public relations, etc.
11) Research Function: It includes continuous research regarding different media, their
circulation, media-cost, collecting information about rating of various TV programs,
serials so on.
Benefits of advertising agency to its clients Benefits of advertising agency to media owners
·Eliminates the need for advertising department ·Assures risk- free business
·Services of experts ·Takes away the sales job
·Reduction in media cost ·Undertakes the advertising scheduling
·Helps to solve advertising problems
·Non- advertising activities
·Effective advertising campaign
·Helps in allocating advertising budget more effectively
·Conducting market research
·Brings in economy and excellence
·Shares its rich experience
i. Location:
Local and nearby ad – agencies should be preferred.
ii. Size:
Both large size agencies and small size agencies have their own merits and
demerits. Both has to be considered.
iii. Agency working for competitors:
Advertiser should avoid giving his advertising work to an agency that handles
the advertising work of his competitor
iv. Image of agency:
Before selecting ad –agency advertiser should enquire about its image, integrity,
its ethical standards, and its relation with clients, etc…
v. Services offered by ad – agency:
The ad – agencies should see that the services offered by ad – agencies are
serving its needs or not.
vi. Creative skills and new ideas:
Creativity is the main element of advertising. If the agencies ads are unique,
creative and original, then such agency should be selected.
vii. Past record of agency:
Past record of ad – agency should be checked which selecting.
viii. Quality and caliber of staff:
Ad – agency has various specialists like copy – writers , market analysis , media
experts , art –directors , researchers , artists , models , etc ..That agency is more
suitable which has experienced, efficient team.
ix. Financially sound:
The ad – agencies which are financially sound – and have good turnover have
better contacts with media – owners.
Advertising budget is a financial document that shows the total amount to be spent on
advertising and lists the way this amount is to be allocated.
Objectives to be attained;
How much the company is going to spend is determined by the objectives to be attained.
1. Coverage expectations;
Advertising coverage implies the number of persons to be reached .
2. Stage in the product- life cycle:
Every product has its life – cycle consisting of four phases, namely, introduction,
growth, maturity and decline. The advertising budget is allotted based on the products life
cycle stages.
3. Size of the company :
It goes without saying that a bigger company with vast financial resources within its
easy reach will have definitely liberal advertising budget.
4. Funds available:
An absolute limit is put on the advertising budget by what a company can
afford irrespective of its age and size.
5. Competitive activities:
It is the ability to size up the competitor or competitors and their activities than the
ability to spend that pays rich dividends at times
Advertising appeal is a distinctive claim of advertising. Creating advertising
appeal for a good or service begins with identifying a reason for people to buy it.
advertising agencies then build advertising campaigns around this appeal .
1) Thematic: A good appeal has good theme behind. It should have something
worthwhile to say. Theme means the substance or the stuff of the advertisement.
2) Communicative: An appeal made by the advertiser is to be communicative. When it
succeeds in telling what it intends to convey, it is said to be communicative.
3) Interesting: An appeal should be capable of creating curiosity and interest and that
Interest to be sustained longer.
4) Believable: The theme should be credible. Fantastic and tall claims made would not
be accepted by the prospects.
5) Complete: In order to convey and convince, the advertiser is to present the product or
service idea in its entirety. That is, he is supposed to tell each and everything about
his product or the service.
Selection of advertising appeal is important in designing of ad-copy. All appeals do
not suit all products/all types of customers. Effective ad appeals are unique, catchy
and different. It should match with the target audience. Following points should be
kept in mind while selecting the ad appeal/ad theme:
1) Ad appeal should be believable, convincing interesting and attracting
2) It should be simple so that it can be understood even by an average target
3) It must match with the characteristics of target audience. For example the target
audience is middle income group, then rational app emphasizing on low price will
work. If target audience consist of appeal high income group then emotional appeal
with pride/prestige appeal w peal will be more effective.
4) Ad appeal must match with the product features. The main/unique product feature
should be highlighted in the appeal.
5) Ad theme must be original, unique, and not just copy of competitors.
6) Ad theme should be changed with change in market conditions. product
7) Ad theme should be strong enough to affect change in attitude and of target
Social effects of advertising:
2.Product improvement:
Advertising helps in improving product quality.
Advertising has facilitated increased production.
People have started to consumer more articles then before as a result of
5.Socio- economic welfare:
People of all countries have satisfied their socio – economic needs through
1.Deceptive advertising;
Advertising should win the confidence of consumer to perform its job
effectively. Fraudulent and misleading are considered as deception.
2.Harmful effects;
Advertisement has harmful effects on society. Certain advertisements creates
false impression in the minds of the consumers.
3.Confuses the people;
Advertising cerates confusion in the minds of the people.
4. Forceful selling;
Advertising leads to forceful selling by exploiting the sentiments and desires of
5.Message problems;
Advertising uses some messages which are irrelevant to the requirements of the
6.Moral influence;
Advertising message is, in many cases, unrealistic.
Ad- copy is the written or spoken message which the
advertiser wants to communicate to its target audience through any type of
advertisements. Advertising copy is the product of collective efforts of copywriters,
artists, layout designers, models, directors, market researchers, etc.,. The advertising copy
should be capable of turning potential and prospective buyers into actual buyers.
Objective of ad copy
1. Direct action objectives:
1. Scientific copy:
Scientific copy is of technical nature and provides detailed information about
and the producer.
2.Descriptive copy:
, This type of advertising is of non technical nature and is presented in a manner
which any layman can easily understand for example, “Lifebuoy for health, where is
lifebuoy there is health”
3.Narrative copy:
Under narrative copy, an appeal is made to prospects with the help of a function
story. the story is humorous and carries the message in an appealing manner which will
be remember easily by the public.
4.Institutional copy:
Institutional copy aims at selling the name of the advertiser or the firm which is
producing or selling the products. For example, an advertisement from ACC cement reads
as “it is good, if it is ACC”.
5.Personality copy:
The personality copy attempts to encase the opinion of an important personality
about the product. He may be an eminent political leader, expert cricket star or film star.
6.Questioning copy:
Questioning copy includes a series of questions expected to be answered by the
7.Educative copy:
Educative copy is designed to educate the general public about the qualities of a
particular product.
8.Humorous copy:
This type of advertising copy attracts the attention of its readers by its humorous appeal.
9.Prestige copy:
This type of advertising copy dose not advertise directly, but creates favorable
atmosphere about the product or the firm for its sale.
10.Suggesting copy:
A suggestive copy tries to suggest the readers directly or indirectly to pursue them
to purchase a particular product.
11.Reason- why copy:
This type of advertisement copy explains the readers as to why it is necessary to
purchase a particular product.
12.Announcement copy:
This type of advertisement copy is used to introduce a new product or the new uses
of the product.
14.Human interest copy:
Human interest copy appeals to the emotions and the senses of the readers.
15.Fear copy:
A fear copy appeals to the sense of fear and arouses deep interest in protecting
property, life and day – to –day needs.
The contents in this E- Material has been taken from the text and reference books as given in the syllabus