The Alpha Male Millionaire Reportv2
The Alpha Male Millionaire Reportv2
The Alpha Male Millionaire Reportv2
Alpha Male
22 Laws Of Badassery For Men Who Want
to Earn Big, Live an Awesome Life and
Dominate in Business, Health and Mindset!
22 Laws Of Badassery For Men Who Want to Earn Big, Live an
Awesome Life and Dominate in Business, Health and Mindset!
Most men live a life of quiet desperation. They battle the inner chaos
on a daily basis.
They suffer in silence, have lost their fire, have become passive ag-
gressive and while they once felt unstoppable… they’ve now lost all
sense of drive and purpose.
I know this all too well. I was once one of those men.
What matters is who I am today, how I was once like you and how I
can help you today.
I’m the author of the Wall St. Journal Best Selling book, Man Up. I’m
also the founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, a global fitness fran-
chise and one of the fastest growing brands in the world.
I also coach and mentor many of the top business leaders, New Your
Times best selling authors, pro athletes and thought leaders. I’m the
guy they turn to when they want to grow, expand, scale and dominate
in business.
Just a decade ago I found myself stressed out, burned out, over-
whelmed, married with kids, a business that was failing and in debt
and no end in sight for the silent suffering I was enduring.
That lead to heavy depression. And that lead to using large amounts
of Vicodin, Zanex, and Nyquil to numb myself… to quiet my mind just
so I could sleep at night.
In a little bit I’ll share with you how I turned it all around…
But first, I want to give you what you asked for; the 22 Laws of Badas-
sery that every man needs in order to become a Modern Day Knight
and live a life of purpose, happiness, success and legacy.
1) Always date your wife.
Here’s the facts: Every Modern Day Knight needs a lady to battle for
and to come home to.
Look dude, we’re wired that way. That’s why you chased her down,
stayed out late, lost sleep and went broke just to get her attention.
Then you married her, fell into a routine, gained a few pounds and so
did she, then you lost your manners and started taking her for granted
and now you’re just two ships passing in the night.
Be a man and make your woman your priority. Set a weekly date night
– same day of the week and same time each and every week. Open
her door, compliment her, treat her like a lady and be a gentleman…
not some of the time, ALL OF THE TIME! And when you do this, she’ll
once again become the lady that you fell in love with.
Taking your daughter on a date sets the example of what a date looks
like. How she is treated as a lady, how wait staff at the restaurant
are shown respect, and what a modern day knight looks, sounds, and
feels like.
A date is your opportunity to connect with your daughter and tell her
the things you are proud of her for, that she’s worthy of all the amazing
things in life, and that she’s freaking awesome. Not only will you im-
print in her mind what a date should look and feel like, but you create
memories that she will cherish forever.
You know what this world doesn’t need more of, whiney ass beta male
Men are the protectors of their family. It’s in our DNA to fuck up any-
one or anything that poses a risk to the people we love. It’s also in a
man’s DNA to dominate the world of reproduction. Our instincts and
internal drive is to beat into submission the competition and take the
grand prize back to our cave. It’s a powerful instinct and one that fucks
up a lot of relationships and families if left unchecked. Teach your son
about sex and relationship.
As the father to your son, it’s up to you to educate him on how to prop-
erly treat a lady. Opening doors for females and letting them pass you,
is a subtle way of telling them that you put them before yourself in
overseeing their wellbeing and safety.
On the note of safety, for the love of God, teach your son how to pro-
tect himself and others. Schools today have no touch policies and
debate whether to say the pledge of allegiance. Your son isn’t learning
emotional resilience at school. He isn’t allowed to stand up for himself
or another person without risking suspension. No longer are boys al-
lowed to play rough, where parents and teachers chalk it up to “boys
just being boys”. Instead, virtually everything instinctual to a young
man, is against the rules at school.
Teach your son to be a man. Show by example what it means to treat
a lady, to protect those that cannot protect themselves, to be a provid-
er, to be a Modern Day Knight. Your son wants to be just like you. Be
the example.
With that said, you should be guarded as to who you let into your cir-
cle and who’s allowed to be part of your environmental exposure. The
people who you allow to influence your thoughts, decisions and ac-
tions should be hand selected and deliberately put into place.
But make no mistake about it, mentors and the people in your circle
are not there to validate you. The moment you start seeking the ap-
proval and validation from another person, is the moment you effec-
tively hand over all power and control to someone else to dictate your
There are few things more pathetic than a man walking around unable
to make a decision because he needs the approval from another per-
son. Who gives a shit if the decision you make isn’t the popular one?
So what if others wouldn’t do it the same way you did?
Alpha males refuse to let anyone else get into the drivers seat of their
life. They lean on their trusted advisors and mentors for sage advice,
but make their own damn decision and stick by it. Following the deci-
sion, the alpha male looks to no one else but himself for responsibility
of the outcomes.
5) Say what you mean and mean what you say. Passive aggres-
sive is a bad look on anyone.
One of the things that irritates the fuck out of me, are men who have
no backbone. I can’t stand having a conversation with someone and
they won’t just come out and say what’s on their mind. Instead of just
calling shit out and being direct, some people rather beat around the
bush, talking around the issue. All the while its clear the root issue isn’t
being called out.
Weak beta males do this a lot. The #1 reason this is as an issue is be-
cause they are afraid of confronting the issue. They are people pleas-
ers and they fight to find the words that won’t upset the person they
are talking to, while at the same time trying to communicate that they
have something on their mind.
Even worse than men who beat around the bush and won’t get to the
point, are men who choose to avoid the conversation all together and
take the route of being passive aggressive. If that describes you, it’s
pathetic. Fuck that shit. Man up and call it out!
The quickest way to lose credibility with yourself and others, is to make
a promise you don’t keep. Regardless of whether the promise is big or
small, to yourself or to someone else, if you make it, keep it.
But who are you when no one is looking? Is the person in private the
same person in the pictures on social media? Do you help others and
donate your time and money when there’s no camera around? Is the
person preaching at church about infidelity, the same when you’re on
your computer alone?
Listen, nobody is perfect and no one has a closet that’s empty of skel-
etons they would prefer no one else ever knew about. But being a
person of integrity is massively important. Living a life that lacks au-
thenticity, is no way to live. It is incredibly freeing to live in a way that
no matter where you are or who you’re with, you’re the same person.
You must have a crystal clear vision of what you want out of life. What
do you want to achieve? What kind of impact do you want to have in
the world? What the fuck do you stand for?
Alpha men and Modern Day Knights aren’t living mediocre lives. They
get target locked on their life’s mission. They have high standards of
expectations and values that guide them in setting goals, then exceed
If you’re reading this and lack extreme clarity on your vision, mission
and values, you’re under achieving. You’re not creating a legacy. You’re
not providing for your family like you should be. Fix that.
9) No one owes you anything. Pay your dues and earn it.
This one gets me fired the fuck up. I cannot stand men who think the
world, or anyone in it, owes them a fucking thing. I don’t give a shit
what color your skin is, what your job title is, what the “Jones next
door” have, or what government assistance programs are out there.
No one owes you a fucking thing.
If you want that promotion at work, prove you’re the right man for
the job. Show up early, leave late, complete projects before deadlines,
come in under budget, generate your company more money. Out
work, sweat, bleed and produce more than the other people who want
the same promotion as you. Leave no question in your bosses mind
that you’re the right person for the position and selecting anyone else
would cost the company success and money.
You want more sex and closer bond with your wife? Ask yourself when
the last time was that you put in the kind of effort that showed her you
really cared. How often do you put in the work and energy to make
your wife feel loved and special? It’s not rocket science, your wife has
needs. Do you know what they are and are you meeting them?
No matter what it is that you want in life, whether it’s more money,
more sex, more impact in world, or anything else, you have no one
else to look at besides yourself to make it happen. No one owes you
a fucking thing.
The highest achievers and people who get the most out of life are
those who become good at problem solving and thinking on their feet.
If you think about it, we make hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions
a day. But when were you ever taught how to make a decision?
The reality is, becoming good at problem solving, making [good] de-
cisions, and effective communication, are all learned traits. They are
skillsets we develop over time. The more they are practiced, the better
we get and doing them.
For those of us in business, we may not have the chaos of bullets fly-
ing and mortars exploding, but we all have chaos that requires imme-
diate response, or bad shit will happen.
The people in your circle and the people you select as mentors are
the ones that teach you how to make decisions. It’s your mentors and
trusted advisors that teach you how to remain calm in combat. As my
good friend and former Navy SEAL, Jason Redman puts it, to get off
of the X.
11) Come with the giving hand, with gratitude and with hu-
If there’s a couple of things there’s no shortage of in this world, its
ego and selfishness. People who are more concerned with wanting to
know “what’s in it for me”, then they are to ask “what can I do for you?”.
If you approach your relationships with a servant heart and true will-
ingness to help others, I can promise you, your generosity towards
others comes full circle.
12) Always have a plan to fuck a motherfucker up.
Perhaps no other person besides Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis (Ret.)
of the United States Marine Corps, has ever said it best. Among the
many famous quotes by Mattis, this one perhaps embodies the pro-
tective spirit of a Modern Day Knight the most, “I come in peace. I
didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If
you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all”.
Modern Day Knights are alpha males. We have a chip on our shoulder,
fire in our belly, and rage in our eyes. We respect our fellow man and
demand respect back.
Modern Day Knights are predators. But not in the sense of a wolf. We
don’t kill for fun or the thrill of it. But if we need to protect ourselves
and others, we will do so with devastating outcomes to our challenger.
We never enter into a situation planning to harm another person. We
never approach a relationship with an intent to do anything but leave
the other person better than we found them.
If you take the easy way and have low expectations set for yourself
and others, then when shit gets hard, you throw in the towel. You quit.
You tell yourself, “well, I tired. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be”.
No body of any significance, that’s achieved real success and had real
impact in the world, took the easy route. The simple truth is this, easy
equals weak. Plain and simple.
The point of making a shit ton of money is so that you have the finan-
cial freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it, where you
want, and with who you want to it with.
I was broke as fuck at one point. I was $600,000 in debt and dealing
with so much pressure and stress, I had a panic attack so severe, I
thought I was having a heart attack and dying. Do you know what I
did about it? I went back to work. If you’ve read my book, Man Up, you
know my story.
Here’s the bottom line, there is more fucking money out there than you
could possibly ever need. It’s just sitting there, waiting for you to get
off your ass and work for it. But make no mistake about it, the amount
of money you think you will need to be financially free, is much more
than you think.
The time is NOW to be getting off your ass and putting in the work.
Every day that goes by that you fail to make the right moves, strate-
gic decisions, and proper investments, is another day waisted. Those
days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Be-
fore you know it, your kids are grown and you should be enjoying re-
tirement. But you won’t be, because you realized too late in the game
how much money you actually needed to get out of debt and be finan-
cially free.
My point is this, take the number you think it will take to set yourself
and family financially free, and 5X it, minimum. Don’t let another day
slip by being fooled that you don’t need to be investing in yourself and
your future. Money does buy you happiness.
15) Don’t make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
I’ve seen so many people engage in self-destructive behavior that ul-
timately resulted in losing much more than they ever had to in a tem-
porary circumstance.
I’ve shared my story with the world in my book and from stage, to
thousands of people across the world. Prior to my success and build-
ing my empire, I had every reason to throw in the towel. The odds were
stacked against me and just about everyone paying attention in the
early days of Fit Body Boot Camp, would likely have bet against my
success. There were countless days where I could have easily made
permanent decisions, based on what I knew were temporary feelings
and circumstances. I just had to navigate myself through it.
My point is this, if your physical health is all fucked up, so is your men-
tal health. And I’m not talking about mental health from the standpoint
of hearing voices or being confused about your identity. I’m talking
about your clarity of thought process, ability to focus, chronic fatigue,
and poor decision making.
You will never achieve physical health if all you’re willing to do is talk
skinny, but eat fat. You will never achieve a life of abundance and last-
ing success if you just kind of want it, rather than really want it.
The people who really want it, get shit done. They don’t make excuses.
They make a commitment, and they keep it. And for the days that they
just don’t feel like getting the work out in, they do it anyways,
If you’re reading this and know you’ve let your health become less of a
priority, and as a result have excess fat all over your body, you’re only
one decision away from fixing that.
One way to make yourself look like a little bitch, is to go around talking
shit about someone who’s made it big and accomplished more than
you have. While you’re gossiping on social media, successful people
are writing their sales copy that’s going to earn them another $30K
next week.
People with a scarcity mindset spread rumors, gossip, make excuses
for why they are broke as fuck and are jealous of other people’s suc-
People with an abundance mindset, get shit done, make strategic ac-
quisitions, execute on new ideas, watch the money roll in, and let their
success do all of the talking.
If there’s one thing that I have come to learn about humans, it’s that we
are capable of achieving far more than what we realize. The greatest
limiting factor in life is not the government, taxes, equal opportunity,
your boss, growing up poor, or any other fucking excuse. The greatest
limiting factor in your life, is YOU! You are the only one in your way. Get
the fuck out of your own way.
Sign yourself up for something that right now as you read this, you
don’t think you’re healthy enough, fit enough or strong enough for. Sign
yourself up for it and get to work training. Become healthier, stronger,
faster, better. Then go out and finish what you started.
Let me tell you something… that voice doesn’t have your best interests
in mind. That voice doesn’t give a fuck about your health, your suc-
cess, your relationship or your future. That voice isn’t concerned with
the big picture and reaching your goals.
The moment you start having an internal dialogue with that voice,
you’ve already began to lose to the bitch. Telling yourself, “I will only
hit the snooze button once” or “I know I said I was going to eat healthy,
but it’s just one….”, or any other number of excuses to do something
other than what you know is aligned with your goals, you’re letting the
bitch win.
NEVER negotiate with the bitch. The moment you begin to hear its
voice, shut it the fuck down. The beast doesn’t negotiate. It dominates.
Anytime you hear the voice, I want you to visualize the beast inside of
you, choking the fuck out of that little voice and smashing it out of ex-
When the moment of weakness passes, you will feel pride. That feel-
ing is contagious. The more you do it, the bigger the beast inside you
gets and the more reluctant the bitch will be to show it’s face.
Click This Link to Learn More About The Modern Day Knight Project
With that said, leadership is learned and it is earned. Never for a sec-
ond think that leadership is a title. It’s not a fucking title. You can have
whatever title you want and be a poor fucking leader. CEO’s get fired
all of the time by their board of directors when the CEO’s lack in lead-
ership skills proves to be a risk to the company.
Leaders with moral authority don’t lead with an ego. They take ex-
treme ownership for every circumstance in their life, knowing that it
gives them the power and control to change their circumstances.
It was simple. It wasn’t easy, but it was simple. I took the better part
of 5 years and beat myself down physically, mentally, emotionally
and rebuilt myself back up into the man that I wanted to be. I went to
16 months of therapy. I invested tens of thousands of dollars in my
self-development, personal growth, overcoming the childhood trau-
mas and becoming a better leader to my family and in my business.
You can experience your re-birth in just 75 hours – that’s why I created
the project. For men like you who want to level up in your 4 F-bombs.
Bedros Keuilian