Project Proposal Template Unit 8 Updated

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Project Proposal

Guidance and
Diploma in Creative
Media Production
and Technology
Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology

In producing the project proposal, and in Section 1 - Rationale

preparing for the project realisation, you (Approximately 100 words)
should familiarise yourself with Unit 8 of
the qualification. This section provides you with an opportunity
to reflect on, review and summarise your
In particular, you should understand the
progress and achievements through the first 7
assessment and grading criteria which will be
used to determine standards of achievement. units of the qualification, and the knowledge,
skills and understanding you have acquired:
Unit 8 requires you to produce a project What you know now, and what it means to
proposal of about 350 words, excluding the you, compared with what you knew and could
project action plan and bibliography. Project do before you started the course and how
proposals should not be so succinct that they this has influenced your choice of pathway
do not address the requirements listed and your project proposal.
below, nor should they be excessively long
and unfocused. Section 2 – Project concept
(Approximately 200 words)
Your project proposal should be sufficiently
challenging to ensure you have the
best possible chance of meeting the This section provides an opportunity for you
grading criteria. to clearly explain the concept and aims of
your project, the research and ideas that will
Your project proposal should include: support its development, what you anticipate
- Centre name and number producing, the levels and types of resources
- Candidate name and number that you will need and an indication of the
- Project proposal title and date form in which you will complete and
- Main area of activity / pathway, e.g. film, present your project realisation within
TV, games design etc.
the allocated timescale.
The project proposal must be word processed
and presented under the headings listed here: Section 3 - Evaluation
(Approximately 50 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you

to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate
your work, as both an ongoing activity and at
the conclusion of the project.

You should describe how you intend to

record your decision-making and how you
will document changes to your ideas as the
project progresses. The evaluation section
should reference your stated aims and
be reflective and analytical rather than a
description of actions completed.

When working in collaboration with others,

you should comment on how this may impact
either positively or adversely and outline the
steps you can take to minimise disruption to
your own progress.

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Project proposal template

Additional requirements, not included in the

350 word limit of the proposal:

Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity

to outline your planning and organisation
over a period of weeks and the activities you
will need to carry out in order to successfully
complete your project in the agreed time
frame. The more time and thought you give to
planning your project, the more successful it is
likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will

balance ambition, time and realism in the
realisation of the project. You should also
include what you are going to do, how you
will do it and by when. Remember to include:
time spent sourcing materials and other
resources to conduct research, feedback from
tutors and peers, and when you will carry out
independent study.

Bibliography (Harvard Format):

This section provides an opportunity to record

the initial research sources, both primary and
secondary, that you intend to use.

Your sources of research should be as wide

as possible and could include libraries,
galleries, books, magazines, films, computer
games, websites, blogs, social media, radio
programmes, archive material etc. Where
appropriate, you should use the Harvard
system of referencing. The bibliography should
be continuously updated as the
project progresses.

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Unit 8 Project Proposal
Candidate Name
Max Parker

Candidate Number

Graphic and Digital Design

Project Title
Personal Project/Album cover

Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 100 words)
The brief is asking me to create my own project completely chosen by my
own that I can work on with the use of text and image whether that being a
magazine or a movie poster with all the skills I have learnt. In this project I
feel fairly confidant in what I am going to complete for my final project as I
have had a head start and didn’t take me long with all the ideas spread from
classmates and the idea generation, I have done to find what I waned to do
which is an album cover. I am feeling not left behind or ahead I feel on track
for now for my thinking stages and have backed it up with research on album
covers and more research to come to get the right idea for what I need to do,
This will help me execute what I need to do to complete my project and the
ideas I have helped and have s pretty good plan on how it will all unravel.
This project will show my skills on adobe illustrator and how I have used my
skills in previous project will help produce what I’m aiming to produce. I will
need to call upon my album cover design skills with the pop art technique I
used to create a cartoon like look. This gives me new opportunities to explore
other design techniques to learn and achieve for my album cover design.
Section 2: Project
(approx. 200 words) My overall idea for this project I have is an album cover for on of my favorite
artists right now. I will be trying to design a cover for his unreleased music.
My target audience would be most ages mostly boundaries off at ages 12 and
then any age onwards as the cover will be designed to show peace and give
off a happy feel for the target audience to match the theme of his music. I
feel like most teenagers will be captured by my cover and will want to
purchase it as I will try and make it eye-catching in a subtle way. I will
continue to find examples of more positive and peaceful looking album
covers done in an abstract way as that’s the look I’m going for. In terms of
practical work, I think that I will try multiple processes like a physical copy of
a design idea using abstract materials like card and magazine pages. If I
choose to finalize my design digitally, I will use adobe fire works down on a
pc using a keyboard and mouse. But I will use practical methods like an
abstract art piece for processes.

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Unit 8 Project Proposal
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 50 words)
I will keep my Weebly page updated throughout my processes for each week
and will be completing at least one focus group within this process talking
about my ideas and progress. I will use my annotations as reflection points to
what have been my progress updates. I will use feedback from peers to help
this as well and will give an honest review of the things I like and don’t like of
my project in the process.

Proposed Research
Sources and Spotify (n.d.). Create your Canvas. [online] Spotify for Artists | Canvas. Available at:
(Harvard Format)

ccd, hfds (4AD). Peter Blake. [online] Well Hung. Available at:

Thompson, P. (2021). Playboi Carti: Whole Lotta Red. [online] Pitchfork. Available

Long Live Vinyl. (2017). The Top 10 Roger Dean Cover Art. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23
Mar. 2023]. (2014). Avertissement de redirection. [online] Available at:
AABAI [Accessed 23 Mar. 2023].

This research that is linked are a mix of additions I will be researching on my

design like I will try and include a Spotify canvas a s it gives the album an
animation this will create a unique ability to the album. I am also looking for
known designers past album cover artwork for inspiration like the famous
designer Peter Blake and artwork which I think will help with my idea

Page 4
Project Action Plan and Timetable
Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops


1 17/4/23 Research google


2 24/4/23 Feedback google

3 1/5/23 Start planning

4 8/5/23 Start physical process for practice

5 15/5/23 Start process

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6 22/5/23 Continue with process

May Half Term (1 week)


7 5/6/23 Finish process Google

8 12/6/23 Evaluation

Date Week Activity / What you are

Beginning intending to do - including
independent study

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