Energy Storage Beginners Guide
Energy Storage Beginners Guide
Energy Storage Beginners Guide
Energy Storage
April 4, 2018
Webinar Instructions
March 8, 2017
Young Professionals in Energy
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Energy Storage 101
Applications, Markets, Technology and Policy
Speaker Profile
Caleb Waugh
Head of Analytics – Energy Storage, Lockheed Martin Energy
• While most fuel-based energy commodities, such as oil or natural gas, are
easy to store and used only when needed, given the lack to date of cost-
effective and scalable storage solutions, almost all electricity on the grid is
produced and consumed in real-time.
• Electricity markets are the only market in the world where the supply and
demand of a good must be met instantaneously and at all times.
• Today, energy storage constitutes only 3% of the world’s electricity capacity
and the lack of cost-effective, reliable and scalable storage options has
resulted in today’s electricity grids and power lines being sized to meet peak
instead of average demand.
History of Grid-connected Storage (1/2)
• While limited, energy storage on the grid is not new. Most existing capacity
is pumped-hydro that was built out largely to pair with nuclear generation
• The U.S. has over 20 GW or 2% of total grid capacity as pumped hydro.
95% of installed storage capacity in the world is pumped hydro
Ludington – 1.872 GW
History of Grid-connected Storage (2/2)
• Current developments in grid-connected storage are more focused on electrochemical battery
storage leveraging advancements and battery technologies for electric vehicles
• The U.S. recently surpassed 1 GWh of installed battery storage capacity
• Energy storage can be used for applications across the electricity value chain from generation,
transmission, distribution and all the way to the end user.
• Application requirements vary by power (kW) and energy capacity (kWh)
Electricity Supply End User/ Customer
Electric Energy Price Arbitrage Demand Charge Management
Electric Supply Capacity Transmission Charge
Ancillary Services Capacity Charge Management
Frequency Regulation (ICAP)
Load Following Energy Charge Management
Reserve Capacity – Demand Response
Spinning/Primary Electric Service Reliability
Voltage/VAR Support Electric Service Power Quality
Grid Systems
Smaller/Short-duration Renewables
T&D Upgrade Deferral
Solar Energy Time-shifting
T&D Congestion Relief
Wind Energy Time-shifting
Substation On-site Power
Solar Smoothing/Firming
Microgrids Wind Smoothing/Firming
Islanded Microgrids
• Markets and market applications are commonly differentiated as being either: 1) in-front of the
meter (FTM) or behind-the-meter (BTM)
• Front of the meter: energy storage interconnected on distribution or transmission networks
or in connection with a generation asset. Applications are largely driven by ISO/RTO market
products (e.g. electricity, ancillary services) or network load relief
• Behind the meter: energy storage interconnected behind a commercial, industrial or
residential customers utility meter primarily providing bill savings (e.g. demand charge
• As grids become increasingly distributed the line between FTM and BTM becomes blurred
where storage is seen as providing value across the meter.
• Energy storage project value is highly market dependent. Biggest markets currently in the
U.S. are California and the PJM ISO. Massachusetts and New York are starting to open in a
big way as well. Other markets will continue to open up as participation rules evolve and
energy storage costs continue to come down.
Energy Storage Technologies
• Wide variety: electrochemical (e.g. li-ion, redox flow, etc. ), mechanical (e.g. pumped hydro,
compressed air, flywheels, etc.), thermal (e.g. ice batteries, water heaters, etc.)…
• Historically dominated by pumped hydro and most new capacity in the U.S. is lithium ion
• Technology Considerations
• Project Lifetime – Lifetime of the project compared to usable lifetime of battery technology
• Duty Cycles – The number of annual full charges/discharges. Can impact degradation.
• Depth of Discharge – Depth the battery is discharged. Affects usable capacity and degradation
• Average Rest State of Charge – Average charge of the system while not in use. Affects
availability and degradation
• Safety – Fire, toxicity, environmental or other risk factors
• Technology Maturity – Lots of innovation into new batteries. Is the technology mature enough
for deployment at scale?
• Hard to compare between technologies due to variation across all considerations. Benchmarking
is best done using Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comparisons
Software, Aggregation and “Value Stacking”
• Where the sun is what rises and gives value to PV solar, software
is the “sun” that rises and sets on energy storage
• Major software components include:
• Systems Integration: low-level software that integrates all
components around the battery (e.g. power conversion, thermal
management, etc.)
• Economic Dispatch: software that determines when to charge
and discharge the system to gain the maximum economic benefit
for the intended applications. Enables system to “value stack”
across multiple revenue/savings streams
• Fleet Aggregation: manages fleets of smaller distributed energy
storage systems and can deploy it as if a single larger system
• Business Application Analytics: techno-economic-financial
modeling tools to determine the value proposition and
performance of an energy storage project.
• Tax Incentives – Storage can qualify for the investment tax credit (ITC) and production
tax credit (PTC) when paired with solar or wind. Industry is advocating for a stand alone
storage ITC.
• Market Participation – On February 15th, 2018 the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) issued a landmark order (Order 841) mandating that Regional
Transmission Organizations (RTO’s) and Independent System Operators (ISO’s) adopt
new participation models for energy storage that require storage be able to participate in
all markets and services for which it is technically capable regardless of location
• Procurement Mandates: California AB-2514 (1.3 GW), Massachusetts (200 MWh), New
York (proposed 1.5 GW)
• Incentive Programs: California Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), Solar
Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART)
Recent Developments in
Energy Storage
Marissa Gillett
Vice President, External Relations
Energy Storage Association
April 4, 2018
About the Energy Storage Association
ESA’s mission is to accelerate the widespread use of competitive and
reliable energy storage systems in North America. To achieve this mission,
ESA educates stakeholders, advocates for public policies, accelerates
market growth, and delivers direct member value.
Manufacturers Integrators
Insurers System
Legal Entities
FERC Order 841
• RTOs/ISOs must file a tariff amendments that establish a
“participation model” for electric storage
• Will also include changes to business practice manuals and
• 5 sections of the Order
• Storage is eligible to provide all capacity, energy, and ancillary
services that the resource is technically capable of providing
• RTOs/ISOs account for the physical and operational
characteristics of electric storage resources through bidding
parameters or other means
• RTO/ISO minimum size requirements do not exceed 100 kW
• Storage can be dispatched and can set the wholesale market
clearing price as both a wholesale seller and wholesale buyer
• Storage will pay wholesale LMP for charging energy
The Good, the Bad, & the TBD
• The Good
• Establishes a participation model that recognizes the physical and operational
characteristics of storage resources
• Opens up all market products
• Provides clarity around market access – tariffs will be explicit
• Improves dispatch flexibility and price formation
• Improves market access for distributed resources
• Ensures charging energy will be priced appropriately
• The Bad
• Large amount of flexibility given to ISOs on many points, allows changes that do not help
• Does not modify performance requirements for Capacity
• Some market design elements remain stuck in traditional generator model
• Does not address some distributed storage resource issues
• Can increase cost of charging energy
• The TBD
• Participation model design
• Whether and how to use bid parameters to model operational characteristics
• Energy accounting and metering
Order 841 timeline & uncertainty
• RTO/ISO compliance filings due to FERC Dec 1, 2018
• RTO/ISO implementation deadline Dec 1, 2019
• Motions for rehearing may change this
• Numerous parties claim FERC preempts state authority over whether and how
distribution-connected resources may participate in wholesale markets
• Other parties request more time for implementation
• California parties seeking to avoid backwards movement (e.g., transmission
Removing barriers in wholesale markets
Modernize tariff, operating, and planning structures appropriately to
reflect the capabilities of advanced technologies batteries will
compete on its own merits
Removing barriers in state markets
Regulatory Action
Legislative Action
• March 2018
• IRS Private Letter Ruling on Residential Retrofit Storage+Solar
• ESA CEO Statement:
Other Recent Developments
• April 3, 2018 U.S. Section 301 Tariff Announcement
“The Energy Storage Association (ESA) anticipates that the inclusion of
Chinese battery components in the tariffs, as drafted, will likely represent a
negligible impact on the growth of the energy storage market. Nonetheless,
ESA is concerned by the battery tariffs announced yesterday because the
Administration is creating unnecessary uncertainty for the U.S. energy storage
market,” said Kelly Speakes-Backman, CEO of ESA. “If these tariffs are
adopted, the companies and people who plan, build, and service battery
storage facilities will be faced with risk that may inhibit storage deployment,
even as the U.S. looks to strengthen its energy infrastructure and enhance
Keynotes include NYPA CEO Gil Quiniones
MA Governor Charlie Baker Fluence CEO Stephen Coughlin
DOE Asst. Secretary Bruce Walker MA DOER Commissioner Judith
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