RTU32 Installation Manual

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Utility Outstation and Controller

Installation and wiring manual

Doc No 40215 Version 3.00

Regulations for the installation and opera- DIN VDE 0113

tion of electrical systems Electrical equipment of machines part 1:
General requirements
The RTU32 devices are produced under the
attention of the relevant regulations and ap- DIN VDE 0160
pointments, especially to IEC 1010-1. Electronic equipment for use in electrical
power installations and their assembly into
The RTU32 is classified according to DIN VDE electrical power installations.
(IEC664-1) 0110: Insulation coordination for
equipment within low-voltage systems IEC 1131
Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests. Programmable controllers
Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests.
• Pollution degree 2.
Only non-conductive pollution occurs except If the pollution degree 2 (VDE 0110) can not be
that occasionally a temporary conductivity guaranteed or an ongoing protection against
caused by condensation is to be expected. direct contact is required the devices should
be mounted into appropriate cubicles.
• Over voltage category II
Is in accordance with the appointment in If RTU32 module devices are coupled with or
IEC 1010-1, table J1. fed by power-frequency voltage networks of
overvoltage category III qualified protective
The user has to ensure that the devices provisions have to be taken to guarantee ov-
and the components belonging to them are ervoltage category II according to VDE 0110
mounted under the attention of such safety at the terminal connectors (e.g. surge voltage
regulations and standards as may from time protectors).
to time be in force.
Touching parts which are alive can force heavy
DIN VDE 0100 injuries of health.
Erection of power installations with rated
voltages below 1000V. Installation, commissioning and maintenance
of such systems is therefore only allowed by
DIN VDE0 106 technical instructed personnel. It should have
Protections against electrical shock part relevant knowledge:
100: Actuating members positioned close • in dealing with dangerous voltages.
to parts liable to shock. • in the use of specifications and stand-
Installation and application hints In particular VDE- and accident preventation
Documentation regulations.
This documentation includes hints for the
installation and wiring of the RTU32 module. Use according to the rules
Additional information have to be taken from The RTU32 module was developed, manufac-
the data sheet and RTU32 operators guide. tured, tested and documented while observing
the relevant standards. When observing the
Qualified personnel valid regulations for installation, commission-
The RTU32 modules conduct partly dangerous ing and maintenance, the product poses no
contact voltages at their connectors. danger to health and objects in normal case.
Use according to the rules means that the

40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

RTU32 module is operating and maintained • Do not obstruct the ventilation for
exclusively in the form as described in the cooling
functional- and module description documents. Do not cover the ventilation slots by
Especially the technical data for the process- cables or wires.
circuits and the supply should be regarded.

Any liability for the consequences of incorrect

use or after unauthorized repairs is rejected. • Lead signal - and power- lines
Capacitive and inductive interferences
WARNING CAUTIONS of the power lines to signal lines
should be prevented by appropriate
! Earth the devices cable laying (distance, crossing).
Before connecting any power to the
device, make sure that the earth term-
nal is wired to protective earth. The Technical data/user guide and data sheet
earthing may be removed only if it is are available for download on the Brodersen
certain that no more power is being homepage
supplied to the device.
Regard the earthing principles for the www.brodersen.com
serial peripheral bus (direct or capaci-
tive earthing) or by contacting your local distributor.

! Connecting of the supply voltage

A terminal block feeding dangerous
contact voltages (supply, input/output
channels should only be plugged or
withdrawn in off load state.

• RTU32 shall ALWAYS be mounted in

horisontal position! Any other mount-
ing positions will reduce the natural
heat dispassion process and will
heavily reduce the overall lifetime of
the product.

• Protect the device from dampness,

dirt and damage during transport,
storage and operation.

• Do not operate device outside of

the specified technical data.

• Operate device according to the

protection degree IP20 (DIN 40050)
Mount into a closed cubicle or rack if
the environmental conditions that

40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

Layout and dimension drawings (for standard versions)

Type indication

On the back of the device

you will find the type label

• Unique type no.

• S/N
• Initial SW/HW versions.
• EAN code/bar code.

Normal sized RTU870

40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

Standard = 93,8
(Special versions
up to 112mm)


Mounting instruction
The RTU is mounted on a 35mm DIN-rail (EN50022). For mounting and de-mounting
- see the drawings below.



40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

Wiring Diagram - general Wire size

Terminal blocks for I/O and power supply are Earth and power supply: max. 2,5mm2 (earth
plug-in connectors with screw terminals. It is wiring must be 2,5mm2 and kept as short as
recommended to use ferrules on wires. possible)
LAN and localbus are RJ45 - Note: Be carefull Other connectors: Max. 1,5mm 2 with fer-
to connect correctly. rules.
VGA is standard 15 pole sub-D VGA con-
nector. COMs are 9 pole sub-D male. PS/2
interface is for included twin interface cable for
connection of keyboard and mouse.

Wiring diagram

DIL switches
(works as DI in
PLC program)

40215 13.07
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40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

Power Supply Supply Output

Version 10 Version 30. Version 10 and 30.

Mains supply VDC supply Supply for I/O etc.
12V max. 200mA
Earthing: Connect to PE conductor - wire as
short as possible.
Analogue Output
Version 10: 2 sourced analogue channels.
L: 115-230V AC/DC Mains supply Output ranges: 0-10V, 0-5V, -5 - +5V,
N: 0V Mains supply (neutral). -10 - +10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA.
(Range selected on web configuration
Version 30: page).
+: +24-48V DC positive The shield must be connected to the common
-: 0V negative terminal (C).

Output A  V



Output B  V



Note: Only one output type per channel

(voltage or current can be sourced by each
40215 13.07
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Digital Input /S0 Counter wiring Analogue Input (voltage or current)

To activate the inputs an external voltage is 4 analogue inputs. Are configured on web
required, use e.g. the 12V supply from the configuration pages or in STRATON.
RTU/PLC. Ranges: 0-10V, +/- 10V, 0-5V, +/- 5V, 0-20mA,
Inputs can additional be used for S0 counter The shield must be connected to the common
inputs. Must be connected via potential free terminal (C).
contacts. (only on 26IO)

Wiring: Current Input


Relay Output Wiring Wiring: Voltage Input

4 potential free normally open (NO) relay
Max. load: 250V AC 5A (resisstive)
Min. load: 0,1mA 100mV DC


Output Voltage for Sensors

12VDC output for loop powered transmittery/

sensors max. 100 mA

40215 13.07
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COM1: Serial Interface COM2: Serial RS485 wiring

RS232 wiring RS485 (9 pole sub-D)
RS232 meter port connector (9 pole sub-D
Pin no Signal Description/Remarks
Pin no Signal Description/Remarks
1 Data- Data-
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect (in) 2 NC Not used
2 RX Receive data (in) 3 Data+ Data+
3 TX Transmit data (out) 4 SG Signal Ground
4 DTR Data terminal ready(out) 5 NC
5 SG Signal ground 6 NC
6 DSR Data Send Ready (in) 7 NC Not used
7 RTS Request to send (out) 8 NC
8 CTS Clear to send (in) 9 NC
9 RI Ring Indicator (in)
Note: The RS485 is not biased. Make sure
Hardware handshake signal use is setup via that your connected devises are supporting
software configuration. biased.

COM2: Serial RS232 wiring COM2: Serial RS422 wiring (optional con-
RS232 meter port connector (9 pole sub-D) figuration)
RS422 (9 pole sub-D)

Pin no Signal Description/Remarks

Pin no Signal Description/Remarks
1 DCD Data carrier detect (in)
2 RX Receive data (in) 1 TX- Transmit data -
3 TX Transmit data (out) 2 RX+ Receive data+
4 DTR Data terminal ready (out) 3 TX+ Transmit data+
5 SG Signal ground 4 RX- Receive data-
6 DSR Data set ready (in) 5 SG Signal ground
7 RTS Request to send (out) 6 NC
8 CTS Clear to send (in) 7 NC
9 RI Ringing indicator (in) Not used
8 NC
9 NC
Hardware handshake signal use is setup via
software configuration.

40215 13.07
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Ethernet How to Remove the Flash Disc

Ethernet: RJ45 10/100BASE-T. It is recom- When you need to remove or replace the flash
mended to use shielded patch cables. disc, you must be very careful.
While you drag in the flash disc tag, push on
PS/2 Interface the eject pin with your fingertip or e.g. a pen.
PS/2 interface for keyboard and mouse. Use
enclosed dual cable for controlling the RTU32
with a standard mouse and keyboard.

VGA Connector Pull

VGA connector 15 pin sub-D standard for con-
necting VGA compatible monitor.

Dual USB Eject pin

Dual USB interface type 2.0

Localbus RJ45
Localbus RJ45 connector for Brodersen I/O
expansion modules. The localbus connec-
tion support also power supply to expansion
mo-dules. NOTE that there is load limitations
depending of the RTU32 type. Consult data
sheet for details.

DIL Switch
The DIL switch settings are read as digital
inputs by the PLC software and can be used
for application specific settings.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NOTE: Standard commercial compact Flash

discs will not work in the RTU32. Order new
industrial flash discs at your local distributor.

40215 13.07
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IO Expansion Modules and wiring

IO expansion modules is mounted next to the
RTU and connected via a Local bus cable
(cable UCC-505).
Connection to IO on the expansion module
according to the module data sheet.

Local bus connection

Additional expansi

Wiring for Additional Power Supply

When the power consumption for I/O expan-
sion modules exceed the output limit of the
RTU32 PLC, additional power supplyes must
be used..





40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

Configuration of the RTU

The RTU is configured in 2 steps:
1. Basic settings is configured with your
browser. Use LAN1 and IP address according
to User Manual. Please read the user guide
before starting configuration.

2. Application programming and control of

IO’s is done with a PC running the Straton
Workbench. Connect a PC via network cable
directly or via your normal network.


40215 13.07
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ACCESSORIES Other RTUs in the Brodersen A/S RTU

Contact your local distributor for list af avail-
able accessories like Compact Flash discs, The range of RTU32 Series products covers a
cable, software tools etc. wide range of products. The family includ the
below listed subfamily products:

Compact RTU supporting same functions and
software as the RTU32 - but with downgraded

19” Mountable RTU with same facilities and
software compatibility with the RTU32.

Low enclosure profile RTU32 Series products
- also compatible ith main RTU32 products.

For more info please use our document down-

load facilities on our homepage


or contact your local distributor.

40215 13.07
Brodersen A/S | Islevdalvej 187 | DK-2610 Roedovre | support@brodersen.com | (+45) 45 35 26 27

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