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Illustrated by Naresh Kumar

Sitting around the Campfire, telling the story, were:


Published by Kalyani Navyug Media Pvt. Ltd.

101 C, Shiv House, Hari Nagar Ashram, New Delhi 110014, India
ISBN: 978-81-907515-5-1
Copyright © 2011 Kalyani Navyug Media Pvt. Ltd.
All rights reserved. Published by Campf ire, an imprint of Kalyani Navyug Media Pvt. Ltd.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.
Printed in India at Galaxy Offset
Dan Johnson was born in Greensboro, NC, in the United States in 1970.
Johnson began contributing articles and news stories to local publications
while attending Greensboro College. His first nationally published work came
less than a year after he graduated, when he began contributing articles to
Scary Monsters Magazine.
Since 1992, he has had articles published in Alter Ego, Comic Book Market
place, Con-Tour, Filmfax, Hogan’s Alley, Monster Memories, and Monster News.
His work has also appeared in such online publications as Monster Kid and
Monster News Online.
Johnson’s f irst graphic novel, Herc and Thor, was published by Antarctic
Press in 2006. In early 2007, Johnson joined the Campfire writing staff and
has written several adaptations of classic novels for the company, including
Robinson Crusoe, Oliver Twist, and The Jungle Book. Sinbad is his f irst original
graphic novel for Campf ire.
Besides writing for Campf ire, Dan is also a regular contributor to the Dennis
the Menace comic strip and Back Issue, a magazine devoted to the comics
industry of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

A resident of New Delhi, India, Naresh brings an experienced hand to the

drawing board. He describes himself as a seeker who is continuously trying
to learn as much as he can, and his art is an expression of his curiosity
about the world. His work features in a number of titles from Campf ire,
including Robinson Crusoe, A Christmas Carol, The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn, Frankenstein, Perseus, and Kidnapped.
My name is Sinbad, from the city of
Basrah. During the 8th century of
the Abbasid Caliphate*, I traveled the
seven seas in search of adventure.

In my journeys, I encountered different

cultures and civilizations. I prided myself
on being a trusted friend to good and
decent people from many lands.

I believed in justice and fought to

defend the weak and the oppressed.
I was ever ready to fight evil, no
matter what form it took.

*Second Muslim dynasty, established

by Caliph Abu al-Abbas, spanning the a
period between 750 C.E. and 1258 C.E.
My exploits were legendary,
and stories about me were told
throughout the civilized world.

People spoke of how I helped the villagers

of Apposa against the man-eating apes
that had driven them from their land, and
put a stop to their reign of terror.

They talked of how I fought and
blinded the giant on the island of
Goul, thus saving my crew from
becoming the monster’s feast.

And they reveled in the tale of how I
discovered the city of the Halkians—
demon-possessed people who
transformed into murderous birdmen—
and put an end to their horrors.
I was always ready to help
those who needed me. So,
when I received a plea for
assistance from King Haakim of
Hasis, my crew and I set sail for
his country immediately.

Ahoy, all
hands! Land

the lookout
has spotted

That’s excellent
news, Litho. With the
wind at our backs, and
you as my first mate, we
certainly arrived here
in good time.

And how
are you today,


I wonder what Whatever it is,

King Haakim needs? I know it is important.
It must be important if I have known him for many
he dispatched ships years. Haakim’s a proud man
just to find you. and not one to ask favors
from even his closest
When my ship docked at the port
of Hasis, I saw ten of the king’s
royal guards standing watch.

I learned later that they had

been ordered to await my arrival
ever since King Haakim had
dispatched his ships to find me.

In the name
Hail Sinbad! of my king, I salute Hail Sinbad!
you, Sinbad of

By the
fates! Cillon!

It is good
to see you again, Tell me, Cillon,
my old friend! what is it that troubles
my old friend? For Haakim
to send the captain of his
royal guard to escort me,
the situation must
be grave.

It is not my
place to say, Sinbad,
but it is a blessing that
you have arrived at last.
Come now, allow us to
escort you to the

Haakim, your
Welcome, city is marvelous. I dare
Haakim, my
dear friend! say Hasis is the jewel of the
friend, it’s a pleasure
Darcoth region. Looking out
to see you after so
on it, I can’t imagine its For a generation
many years!
king would have any now, no citizen of Hasis
concerns. has known hunger or war.
We are indeed blessed
with wealth and

It is because my
kingdom is so prosperous
that I am concerned. All the
needs of Hasis have been
met, except one. The
reason I called you,
Sinbad, is-- Father! I
need to speak with
you! NOW!

We will eat soon

Sinbad, I enough, Habib! But first,
would like you meet Sinbad. He is one of
to meet my son, my oldest friends. I have
Prince Habib. ordered tonight’s feast
in his honor.

Habib, it is
a pleasure to
meet you.
The cook said
that he can only serve
food when you command it!
I am starving and demand
that we eat right

Hmph! But let us

Very well! eat soon! I am
starving and don’t
wish to wait much

The lavish feast prepared
for me could have satisfied a
dozen men’s appetites. But the
meal was made tense by Habib
who took every opportunity to
belittle his father and me.

Hmph! I found
both the meal and
the company lacking. I just
I have had can’t decide which has
enough of your rude left a fouler taste in
comments this evening, my mouth.
Habib. They are uncalled
for, and you will show
Sinbad the respect
he deserves!
I think not,
Father! You may wish
to have this sea rat
here, but I don’t! As far
Still, for the sake of my as I am concerned,
old friend, I tried to make he can go--
the best of the evening.

The meal was

excellent, Haakim. It
was almost as pleasant
as the company.


This is why I
have asked you to
come, Sinbad! As a king, I
have much to be proud of!
But as a father, I have
much to regret.
Habib, I love you.
But I have come to realize
that you are not fit to be king!
You’re selfish, arrogant and could
destroy all I have worked so
hard to build!

I have goods
to ship to the Arabian
Sea. The merchants there
will pay well for what Hasis
has to offer. Can I depend
on you and your ship,

My ship,
like my sword,
is yours, my

No, Habib! While

you are on this business
for our kingdom, you will be
under Sinbad’s command! It
is you who will follow
his orders!

Habib, you will

oversee the selling of our
goods. The Arabian merchants
are proud and will not tolerate
any disrespect! To strike a
What a simple task! bargain, you will have to
I will return with a fortune, humble yourself!
in spite of contending with this
sea rat! For his sake though, What!? No! I
Sinbad better follow all If you refuse refuse to submit to
my orders! to do as I say, I will any man, especially
strip you of your title and someone as lowly
your birthright! You will leave as him!
my home and this kingdom
this very night and never

Wh-- what?!

Go with Sinbad,
do as he says, and you
will have a chance to prove
yourself to me. Do you
I understand
perfectly, Father!
Now, if I may, I’d like
to be excused!

For too long

have I let my child
run wild. He needs a
strong hand to rein
him in.
As you know, Habib’s
mother died when he was
young. I pampered the boy to
compensate for her absence. I
did not see what my indulgence
was doing until it was
too late.


His actions make

me lose my temper, and
later, I get angry with myself.
You will be able to understand
him though. He walks the same
path you did in your

Alright, Haakim.
I’ll return to my ship, and
we’ll start loading your goods
early in the morning tomorrow.
You can help him, But first, let me go and
because you know what he speak to Habib.
is going through now. Please,
Sinbad, I need you to save
my son from himself!

After all, the journey to the
Arabian Sea would be a long one. Your father said
It was best we made it as friends. you might be here. I can
see why. When I visited
years ago, this was my
favorite place

You won’t
have me under
your thumb until
we set sail.

Until then, I
would prefer to be
alone and as far away
from you and Father
as possible.

Habib, don’t be
angry with your father.
He wants you to become
the man he knows you are
capable of being. He feels
that our journey will offer
you a chance to grow
and learn.

‘I soon met a kind old sea captain named

When I was just Skirro who, despite my arrogant manner,
a little older than you, took a liking to me. He and his first
I went to sea for the first mate, Jera, agreed to give me a chance.’
time. The experience
changed my life
My father had been
a wealthy man, but after
he died, I squandered the
fortune he left me. I was a
pauper and desperate
within a year.
‘I should have been happy I had
a place to go, but I was young ‘And there were many in Skirro’s
and brash and thought I was crew who were more than eager
better than them. I needed to do just that. But there was one
someone to put me in my place.’ in particular, a brute named Thrud!’

Watch where
you are going,
little boy!!

Maybe you
should watch where
you are going!

get out of
my way!

For one so You should get

small, you have out of my way before
a big mouth, little I step on you! Better
boy! still, go home! The sea
is for men, not


You dirty--

You make
me laugh now. But
keep this up, and
you’ll begin to
annoy me!


We aren’t
done with this
fight yet!

I swear
by the goddess
Badruda, I’ll kill

You bark loud,

Thrud! Just like a
jackal! But do you
have a jackal’s

Stop this
right now! No
fighting on my

He started
this, Captain!
This boy is to

We don’t
care who started
this! All of you,
get to work!

As for you,
Sinbad, this is a long
voyage! You would do
well to try and get ‘That was easier said than done
along with your though. But Skirro was right. That was
crewmates! indeed a very long voyage for me.’

What I’m
trying to say,
Habib, is that you
and I are a lot
have nothing in
common, sea

Habib, hear
me out.

I am the
prince of Hasis and
of royal blood! You, Sinbad
of Basrah, are nothing
compared to me!

I will go on this
voyage with you, Sinbad,
but only because my father
wishes it. I will also obey
your orders for the
same reason.

But you had

better get the notion
that you are my equal out
of your mind right now!

My crew had begun loading the

Hasisian goods at daybreak. The hull
was full and secured within six hours.

The only thing preventing

them from leaving was
the arrival of Prince Habib.

Sinbad, would
that be your Prince You, fat one!
Habib now? My servants will
need help bringing my
possessions onboard!
Go and help them,

Sea rat! I
am here!

And if you
value your hide, Habib, this is
get rid of that foul little Litho. He is my first
beast on your shoulder! mate, not your servant.
It is disgusting, and I On this voyage, you will
won’t tolerate having show him the same respect
it around! that you will show
toward me.

cheet chit!
As for Miko, he
is Litho’s pet and
the ship’s mascot!
The monkey

With your people’s

cargo onboard, our hull is
already at breaking point, and
we are short of space. Your
servants and belongings
will have to stay

dare you

And you’ll need

to get into some suitable
clothing. An hour of work
in these, and your fine
garments will be little
more than rags!

Are you
implying I am to
work on your

Every man
who sails with I will leave
me must pull his own you in Dango’s hands!
weight. You’re no He is the overseer of
exception. my crew, and my most
trusted man next
to Litho!

I am carrying
your father’s cargo
as a favor to him. You,
though, must earn
your passage.

Dango! Take
our young friend When you’re Ha! The boy looks
here and find him some done, put him to work like a peacock! Come,
clothes he won’t mind on the ship’s rigging. He Your Highness! Time to
getting dirty. is young and strong and change your plumage
will do well handling to something less
the ropes. grand!

A short time later, my crew and I were

ready to get underway. To the surprise
of none, our newest crewman had some
difficulties with the task assigned to him.

No, no, peacock!

That’s all wrong! Don’t
be afraid to put your
back into it!

This is work
for the commoners,
not a prince! That sea
rat, Sinbad, will pay for
this humiliation!

You watch your

tongue, peacock!
You’ll not find a finer
man between here
and the Jaion

What audacity!
I will teach him a
lesson he won’t
If that is the forget!
case, then it does
not say much for the
men between here
and the Jaion
Straits! No Yeman,
don’t. You know
Sinbad won’t
like it.
You are
right Gogan,

Your Sinbad is
a leader of dirt-eaters.
And a leader of dirt-eaters
is still just a dirt-eater
...enough is

The whole lot

of you are little
more than--


Steady You had best
there, peacock! watch what you say
Steady! on this ship, boy! After
all, peacocks aren’t known
for being good

You! Little
prince! We need
help securing for
the night! Come
with us!

In the days that followed, Prince

Habib’s standing with the crew did not
improve. If anything, it grew worse.

I have done
more than enough
work today. I wish to
be left alone.

I don’t like
your tone! You
need to show more
respect, boy!

Respect!? To
ignorant and filthy
beasts such as
you!? NEVER!

I think that is
quite enough, little
prince! I hear you are
the son of a great
For that reason, friend of Sinbad!
we have all ignored your
insolence so far. But now,
you have gone too far! No one
insults Yeman, especially
an arrogant youth!

Yeman! You
know how I feel
about fighting on this
ship! Let the boy go!
Habib! Come, join me
up here!

This is not
over yet, little prince!
Sinbad can’t be around
to watch your back

Your crew is
I’ve been watching made up of the trash
you closely since we left of the world! None of the
Hasis, Habib. You haven’t men are fit enough for me
exactly been winning to wipe my feet on, much
my crew over! less work and live

Such rudeness!
Such downright arrogance! And that
I’ve only known of one other person, Habib, was
person who was capable of me! Remember
such a shocking display the story I was
of bad manners! telling you...

Land ahead!
‘...of how I first went to sea when I All hands, we’ve
was your age? I was also part of a spotted land dead
crew I managed to alienate. It got so ahead!
bad that they were about to throw
me off the ship. But then one day...’

Captain Skirro,
do you recognize
this island?

I do not, Jera.
I’ve sailed this route
for twenty years, and this is
the first time I’ve encountered
an island here! This is
most perplexing! I would say it
calls for investigation,
but I hesitate to send a
man over there, or even
venture there

Why not send

our young Sinbad over
to investigate the island?
He claims to fear no thing
and no one! Let him show
us how brave he
truly is!

With your
permission, Captain
Skirro, I’ll be delighted
to go and inspect
this mysterious

‘And with that one defiant

comment, I took my first, but
not my last, leap into the fire.’

‘I was lowered into
the water, and... I hope this
is the last we
see of him.

‘...strangely enough, none of the

crew would ever see me again.’

‘I had reached the shore of the

island and had only walked a
few steps when it happened.’

‘The island began to shake and

tremble. I realized too late why
this island had just mysteriously
appeared out of nowhere.’

‘It wasn’t an island at all!’

It had much
the same effect as
well. Thank you so
much for boring me
to sleep!

That was
almost as entertaining
as the stories my nanny
used to tell me at

Not so fast,
Habib! You’ve
got watch duty
tonight! What!?

Each member of
the crew is required to
take a turn standing watch
during the night. Tonight
it is your turn to stay with
Kundre and Lan until But I worked
daybreak. all day. I need
some rest.

Don’t worry, your

duties will be very easy.
Do as they
Kundre is an accomplished
say, and you’ll be
pilot, and Lan is a very
fine. Good night,

I’ve seen how

lazy you are, boy. Do
your job, and let us do
ours! It will be cold soon,
and I don’t want you
making it any harder If it is the
for us! cold that you’re
worried about, I
have the perfect

Is… is that
what I think
it is?

This is fig wine,

the finest drink that
my homeland has to offer.
I will be happy to share
it with you.

Heh! And
I for one will
be happy to A small taste
sample it! can’t hurt! And it
will keep us

For the next hour, Habib and his new

friends partook of the wine. The
wine, however, was far more potent
than either Kundre or Lan suspected.

I regret to say that my men soon

forgot their duties and were blissfully
unaware of what was ahead.

I awoke with a start to the
sound of thunder. On the deck Chee! Chee!
below, another creature sensed CHEEEE!
the danger that lay ahead.

Wh… what…
Miko! What do you
want, you little,

Sinbad! What
happened!? How
did we end up in
a storm!?
I’m going to
What the… !? A find that out
storm! By the fates, right now!
a storm! Stay here
where it is safe,

Sinbad! By
the fates! What
happened here? Are
they dead?

No! They’re drunk!

The fools emptied an
entire canteen of fig wine
and let us sail into
this storm!

Hurry, Litho!
Rouse the men
before we lose
the ship!

For the next few hours, I piloted the ship
through enormous waves that threatened
to sink the ship at any moment.

The wind is
very strong. It must
be moving at a speed
of almost sixty miles
an hour!

Finally, as day broke...

The storm
has lost some of
its intensity.

Thank the
lord for it. We had
lost all hope.
It is a
struggle to
keep the sails

Litho, is
every hand
on the ship

Aye, Sinbad!
It’s a miracle that
we came through
the night safely. Still, we had sustained
damage during the storm.

I am

So am I.

And I.
But we
cannot afford to
rest. We need to
start making repairs

Litho and I had the
miserable task of surveying
the damage below deck. How bad is
it, Litho?

It is far worse
than we could have
ever imagined.

While the crew

kept the ship on the
water, they were unable
to keep the Hasisian goods
from being washed
out to sea.

Almost everything
is gone! And what is left
might as well be tossed into
the sea! This is going to
devastate Haakim and
his people!

I sympathize with
your friend, Sinbad, but
we have far more pressing
concerns! I’ve surveyed the
ship’s supplies, and the
situation is bad!

Our food supply

was damaged in the
storm as well! We lost
all of it! Still, that is a We also lost
lesser worry! most of our water
too. Right now, if we
ration it, we have
enough for two days
at the most!

The storm
threw us miles off
course, and I have no
idea where we are! If we
set sail now, I wouldn’t Sinbad,
know which direction there is something
to go! else you need to

The crew is
angry, and they are They’ll just have to
blaming Habib for our face it, Litho. We are all
predicament. When they in this together. Turning
find out about the food on one another won’t bring
and water-- us more water or tell us
where we are!

around here in the
hold and lamenting about
our problems won’t get us
out of this predicament

Habib! Come
along! We’re going up to
the deck! I need to address
the crew, and you need
to hear it too!

Men! Your attention,
please! We came through a
terrible storm last night, but it
threw us off course and we
have no idea about our
We are going to
stay anchored here till
tonight. Once the stars are
out, we can use them to
determine our location
and find the nearest

However, our
supplies have been We know that
damaged in the storm, and this is the boy’s fault,
we have no food and only Sinbad! He should be
enough water to last punished for dooming
a few days. us all!

Yes! The
boy is to blame
for this!
Habib did bring
the wine onboard my
Bovis, ship! But I expected my
Fiden, be pilot and navigator to have
silent! more self-control than
they did!

Indeed, they Aye, Bovis, I

are just as much to do! They should
blame, don’t you be punished too,
agree, Fiden? Sinbad!

Until that time,

All three will be
they are to be given
punished severely. We
none at all! The day promises
will have to ration what
to be long and hot, and their
little water we have
thirst will help them reflect
until we can find
on what they did

With no water, and the heat Finally, night fell and the stars
growing more intense as the came out. My men and I
day wore on, my crew prayed retired to my quarters and set
to be delivered from their crisis. about finding where we were.

You’re sure
about this, Lan? Is
this is our current

Yes, Sinbad.
The storm threw
us off course at least
thirty miles to
the south.
Minas and
Icress are within
seven miles of each
other and we could
reach them in a
few hours.

Good thinking,
Litho. Between the
two islands, we should be
able to find the supplies
we need to return
to Hasis.
Then our situation
isn’t as dire as I first
thought. There are several
islands nearby where we can
re-stock our supplies before
we run out of drinking
Litho, see to
it that the men get
more water. Dango, you’ll
get them ready to set sail
immediately. Lan, get Kundre
and take your places
at the wheel.

Make haste,
men! I want to be
within range of Icress
and Minas before

Habib! I have
been looking for you
all over the ship! Why
are you down here
alone? I grew tired of
the hateful looks and
the threats from your crew.
Down here, I figured there
is less chance of getting
thrown overboard.

Besides, I…
I just felt like
being alone!

Well, I think
my news will make
you feel better. First,
have some water. I
officially rescind your

Habib! Easy! Drink it Yes! You must
slowly, or you’ll make get me back to Father
yourself sick! as fast as you can so
that he can disown

We know where
we are now, and are
headed for two islands
for supplies. We’ll reach
them within the

We’ll be able Habib, history

to find enough food is made by young men
and water to return to who make mistakes. History
Hasis. I promise I’ll is also made by young men
get you home who learn from their
safely. mistakes.

Remember the
story I was telling
you before, about the
mysterious island I
ventured to

‘As I said, the island was really a
giant sea monster that had risen ‘When I walked on its back, I
to the surface to sun itself.’ disturbed it and caused it to rear
up and throw me into the ocean.’

‘I thought it would attack me

while I was helpless in the water.
I was certain I was done for.’

‘Instead, the monster dove

under the water and ferociously
attacked Skirros’s ship.’

‘I alone survived while

the rest of the crew was
drowned by that beast.’

‘I still hear their screams for
mercy from the gods, and pray
that they have forgiven me for
surviving while they perished.’


‘After demolishing Skirros’s
ship, the monster swam
away. It dived and was gone.’

‘I started swimming
toward the debris.’

Hello! Anybody

‘I was alone on the ocean and

the nearest land was almost
a hundred miles away.’

‘The lifeless bodies of the

crew were all around me. I
had brought on this calamity.’

‘Had I not been so proud,

perhaps sixty-three men
would still have been alive.’

‘I promised I would be a better

person if the fates would
provide me a quick rescue.’

‘And if all that awaited me was

death, I vowed to die a most
humble man if my end was quick.’

I resigned
myself though to a
slow and agonizing death.
For what I had done, I felt
I deserved no less.
But then--


The lookout
has spotted the
islands, Sinbad! We’re
saved, my friend!
We’re saved!

We have two
possible destinations.
Any suggestions which
island we should
explore first?

If I may suggest,
Sinbad, we should go
to Minas and avoid


I have heard
stories of ships going
to Icress and never being
seen again. Some believe it is
a cursed place and no good
can come of setting
foot there.

Words to live
I never claimed by, my friend! Let us
to be a wise man, Sinbad. prepare a small landing
But I pride myself on being party and head for
a cautious one. Why Minas then!
tempt fate?

A short time later, we reached

the island and set about
Sounds like a lot gathering food and water.
of superstitious nonsense
to me. I thought you were
smarter than to believe We’ll cover more
that sort of thing, ground if we split up
Dango. into teams of two. Boris and
Breti, check the shoreline for
fresh clams, and perhaps
a turtle or two!
Aye, Sinbad!

Jankis, Risick,
check the jungle for
fruit and see if there is
any game there as well!
The rest of you spread
out and look for
fresh water!

We shall
not fail you,

Sordes and
Fiden, collect as Aye,
much food as you Captain!
can! If it is edible,
grab it!

we need to feed
ourselves and
seventy others!

Sordes! Do
you see what
I see?

I do! I do!

It is such a
beautiful, big egg.
I’ll wager it tastes
wonderful. This itself
will feed the entire
crew for a week,
Fiden! I wonder if
there are more
Sinbad! nearby?
Come look

I certainly
hope not!

Yeman and
We now know Gogan! Stay and guard
there is something on this the boat. I’ll leave it to you
island, and it’s big! Whether it to co-ordinate getting supplies
is dangerous or not is unknown. back to the ship. At the
Stay close together and be first sign of danger,
on guard at all times. yell!

Aye, Sinbad!

Habib, you
come along with

I have a feeling
that we’ll find water
somewhere on that

Ah, leave the boy

Heh! The little alone, Yeman! All is well
prince nearly gets that ends well. And besides,
us all killed, and he’s still going without any water
Sinbad’s pet! We should have yesterday was a harsh
thrown him in the ocean punishment, especially
when we had the from Sinbad!

I didn’t hear so
much as a whimper
from the boy! That shows
he’s tougher than you think!
He didn’t whine like you did
when Sinbad punished
you for--

Do you hear

Have your
sword ready! It may
be hungry-- What in
the world!?

Just look at
that! Can you believe
we were afraid of
something this

I know. He’s
big alright, but I’ll
wager he’s as tame as
a regular-sized chick! WAAAAAAAA!
This will be easy! WAAAAAAAA!

What are you

going to do with that
sword!? You’re not
thinking of--

Oh, yes!

I’m thinking
how delicious our
friend here will taste
once we roast
him up!

You go gather I have to

some firewood, Gogan! admit, I am very
I’ll do what needs to hungry! And a good
be done to get our meal will do us all
friend ready. good!

There it is again,
In the meantime, Habib and I had Sinbad! That same
made it halfway up the mountain eerie noise! What do
when we began to hear signs of life. you think it is?

It’s an alarm to
find water and leave
this place as quickly as
possible, my young friend!
And thank the fates our
search is over!

I have never
tasted water this good
in my life. Indeed, it is better
than the finest wine in my
Father’s cellars!
Drink your fill,
Habib. And do try to
take as much of it as
you can for the rest
of the crew.

The stream runs

down the side of the Once we locate
mountain. It is more than the lagoon, we’ll get
likely that it empties into the barrels from the ship
a lagoon at the base. and begin filling them
for the voyage

So, tell me,

Habib! Have you ever
seen a more breathtaking
sight than this in
your life?

Oh, no.
Never in my
entire life.

I’m going to
check the incline
and see if it is safe
to climb down.

here until I get

Stay here!
Of course, Sinbad!
It will be my

By the fates
that spared

Never in my
life have I seen such
riches! There is a fortune
here to rival my father’s
a thousand times

I’ll take a few for

now! When I return
home, I’ll buy a fleet of
ships to return here and
gather the rest!




Thank the fates
I returned when I did
and came looking for you.
It’s all right, Habib.
You’re safe now!

No... Sinbad…
behind… behind

This is This is
not good, not good at
Habib. all.

The snakes seemed to dither,

moving forward and back, as
if playing some game.

They’re toying
with us! They want
us to suffer before they
strike! They want us
to be afraid! No! I think it
is the snakes that
are afraid! Up in the
sky! Look!

So we will either be
swallowed whole by the
snakes or that giant bird will
swoop down and carry us off
for supper. Oh! The fates
should be so cruel
to me!

No, Habib! The Habib! I can’t

fates are most kind! do this alone! I
Here! Use the knife and need your help,
help me cut the snake in boy!
two! It is too big.

But… but…
Too big? For the snakes…
what? Why are we
cutting up the

Ignore the
snakes! They won’t risk
exposing themselves
so long as that giant
predator is in But that bird
the air! will eventually move
on. If we haven’t finished
our work by then, we
will be dead!

You... you Same plan I

have a plan to always have, boy! Do
get us out of whatever it takes
here? to survive!

Raise it
Habib and I worked as quickly above your head,
as we could, and finally, we had Habib and keep up
cut the great snake in half. with me!

Finally! It is
done! What do
we do now?

And then!?

Come and
help me lift this
monster up and I
will show you!

And then hang

on tightly! This is where
it will start to get

What do you--
It is just as I had
hoped for. The bird
is taking us to
its nest.

It wants us
to be its unhatched
fledgling’s first

We can climb
down the other side
of the mountain and make
our way back to the beach. I
doubt the bird will return
for a while.

And we had best

hurry! This egg looks
just like the one on the
beach. I have a bad feeling
about this, Habib. Come
on, let’s go!

Habib, hurry! I need a moment,

We have no time Sinbad! Please! I... I
Habib, for dawdling! thought we were going
jump. to die in that

That was nothing!
I’ve been in far worse
predicaments, Habib!
Far, far worse!

‘Though I will confess, by

the second day, I was ready
for death to claim me.’

me telling you about
being stranded on the
ocean? I didn’t
die then!

‘My throat was raw from thirst. My muscles ‘After I was brought on board, I learned that
ached, and my fingers were in agony. I was my savior was a king. He was returning home
ready to give up and release my grip on the after having won a war that had raged for five
barrel when I spotted salvation.’ generations with his neighbors, the Laikens, who
were a savage and treacherous enemy nation.’

What is
help... Help me...
your name

Si... Sinbad,
Your Highness!

It was a great
stroke of luck that
we came by you on
this vast sea.

‘For the first time in a century, his

people knew peace, which pleased
the king. Being in a generous mood,
he chose to show mercy on me.’

‘The king was with his young son, who

was also returning from the war. While
the king was kindly and trusting, his heir
suspected everyone and everything.’

I do not think
this is wise, Father!
What do we know
of this… this… I believe
the boy’s name
is Sinbad,

All I need to Forgive me,
know is that he Father. I meant no
would surely have disrespect to you or to
perished if I had not this boy. But how do we
brought him on know he isn’t in league
board. with the Laikens?

Yes, my son! The I, and my father, Let the rescue of

Laikens took great care and his father—we all led this boy symbolize a new
to put Sinbad in the middle our people against the Laiken beginning. No longer will we
of the ocean with the chance threat. At last, that threat is look toward killing and dying,
of us encountering him defeated. We are about to but rather toward living and
nearly non-existent! forge a new relationship caring, as we have stated in
with the Laikens. our peace treaty
with them.

They even went

to great pains to leave
him there for two days so
he would look the part of a
doomed soul in need
of rescuing!
Sinbad, you are
welcom in my kingdom
for as long as you wish to
stay! I order this in the belief
that finding you is a
good omen.

In time, I suspect
that my son will feel the
same and see the wisdom
in making you a friend
of our family!

And was the

old king right? Did
his son ever warm
up to having you as Why! It
a friend? In time! For,
smells wonderful!
you see, Habib,
the old king and
his son--

Oh, no.
sniff, sniff... By the fates,
do you smell no!

Careful, Gogan! Look! It’s Sinbad
Careful! You’re going and the little prince!
to burn it! Come on, you two!
Supper is ready!

What That is the

is that? parent of your supper
coming to find it. Forget
about your stomachs and
think of your lives!

to the boat

Put your backs

into rowing, all of you.
If we can make it to
the ship, we have
a chance.

By the fates!
Those monsters are
going to attack! Look
out, here they--

We can still
make it to the sh--


Dango, prepare
to get under way. We
have to get out of here
while we can still outrun
those monsters.

They’re easy prey

out there in the open.
You can’t just leave them.
What!? No! That’s not what Sinbad
We can’t do would do.

You’re wrong.
Sinbad would tell me
to think of the men on
the ship and not risk
their lives too.

Kundre! Set
course away from
these waters

Litho, don’t do
this! It’s inhuman!
It’s… it’s…
It’s the hardest
thing I have ever had
to do! Now prepare
to move out!

HEY! Don’t
leave us! Come
back! Save your
breath. Litho is
taking the ship out
of here, which is just
what he should

Look out!
Here they come


Make for
Icress before the
other monster
Where is I… I think
Habib? he went under,
over there, when
those monsters

All of you
go towards Icress.
I’ll catch up once I
find Habib.


Thank the
fates! Habib, are
you alright?

You fool!
Do you know
what you have
May the
fates condemn

What I did
was save your life!
You were confused
and thought you were
swimming to the

You dirt-eating
jackal! I was trying to
retrieve a fortune in gems
I had gathered from that
valley of the giant
I had them
in my tunic, but they Even if I could
fell out when I hit the not have reached them,
water! Those gems were I would have preferred
my only chance to redeem you let me drown than
myself in my father’s have to face what awaits
eyes! me when I return

I had hoped I was finally reaching

out to Habib, but his angry tantrum
proved me wrong. I was beginning
to wonder if I could ever win his
confidence and turn him around.

After a long and silent swim, we What do you

reached the shores of Icress. There we suggest we do
found the other survivors of our party. now, Sinbad?

Thanks to
that fat fool, Litho,
we are stuck on
this blasted

We still have the

same concerns as
before! We need food
and water! After we
see to those--

Quick! In the
brush! Something
is headed this

All of you!
Be ready for…


I am not so sure
we should trust her... but
there seems to be no other
way out of this jungle. I will
just have to be more

By the She wants

fates! We are us to follow
in paradise! her!

We should
then! It would
be rude not to
do so!

Sinbad, we
The young native girl led us should have come
to her village where everyone to Icress first! This
welcomed us with great interest. island is much nicer
than Minas!

The natives It’s called O handsome

are certainly more Nocturum. Its men, eat the
My, this
to my liking than those nectar is most Nocturum and be
fruit is good!
monsters on Minas, sweet and one with true
What is it called,
I will say that pleasing. pleasure!
my lovely girl?

sniff, sniff Habib,
wait! Don’t eat it
just yet! Something
about this isn’t

This is… hic...

Look at is the good life, aye…
the others! hic... aye, men!

This… this is
wonderful… hic...

Co… hic... come

on, you two! Eat up!
Eat up, I say! Y… hic... you
want these kind people
to think we… we’re

madness is

By the
fates! They’re

Quick, Habib!
Into the jungle!
It’s our only



Stay quiet,
stranger! Struggle
and they will find
all of us!

Get up, We are safe

Son. now! The Loldi,
those cannibals,
have passed!

Thank you for

our lives. I am Sinbad,
and my young friend here
is Habib. Who are you, and
how did you know we
were here?

I’m Jodell,
the general of We are grateful
My liege, King for your assistance
the armies of Andos, dispatched us
Kandopolis! and honored by your
to find you and to bring king’s invitation. Please,
you to the royal palace by all means, lead
Our lookout saw as his guests. the way.
your ship and reported
your encounter with the
rocs. I am sorry we didn’t
find you before the
Loldi did.
Do you know
what happened to
my men?

Sinbad and Habib were led to

the palace of King Andos, on
the other side of the island,
and were given the most
luxurious suite in the palace.

I am sorry, Now this is

but we found no the way people of
trace of them. my stature are supposed
to be treated! These people
know how to look after
their guests!

Yes. The Kandopolians
seem friendly enough. But
there is something amiss
in this land.

Something is
hanging over their
heads. I feel it in
my stomach...

‘...much like I did after I had spent a few

days on the old king’s ship as a boy. I
wasn’t the only passenger on that vessel.’

‘The king was also bringing home a woman,

Catia, believed to be the most beautiful
female from his enemy’s conquered land.’

‘This woman was a gift from his foes—a prize

offered to him as the leader of the winning
side. She was to be the old king’s new bride.’

Is she not
the most enchanting
creature you have
ever beheld?

She is lovely to
look at, yes. But then,
so are many vipers, Father!
And, I wouldn’t be so quick
to take one of those into
my home either!

My dear, please!
She is to be my bride
and your new mother!
At least try to get to
know her!

And what
are you handsome
men conspiring

We were merely
We both want
discussing the grand
you to feel welcome
reception we will have
in your new home,
in your honor!
my love!

I’m sure there

is much the young
prince could do to
make me feel

I do look
forward to getting
to know him better
in the coming

‘Things are not always as they seem.

And sometimes people turn a blind eye
to what is right in front of them. We
have to be ever cautious, my friend.’
Sinbad, my
liege has asked me
to come and escort you
and Habib to him. He
wishes to greet you

lead the way,

Habib and I were taken before
King Andos, the ruler of
Kandopolis, and his queen. Next I sense
to them sat their daughter. someone watching
us. Who can
it be?

Ah, there he
is, hidden behind
the tapestries.

The man was Liohida, King

Andos’s high priest. While I didn’t Sinbad of Basrah
sense his motives were sinister, and Habib of Hasis! I
I could tell they were secretive. welcome you to my home
and my nation! We are
honored to have you
as our guests.

If I am out
of line for asking,
This is my forgive me, King Andos,
wife, Queen Samora, but is your daughter
and our daughter, well?
Princess Anja.

Thank you,
Your Highness, for
extending your hospitality
and making us feel so
My daughter is
not well, Sinbad. Her soul is
in a state of limbo. What you
see of her now is merely a shadow
of the child who was. She does not
speak or smile or cry. She merely
exists. She has no will
of her own.

Anja will remain like

this until she is married.
Then and only then, can the
spell that holds her be
broken, and her soul set
free at last.
I would think
this a simple spell to break.
I hope I don’t sound too
forward, but Your Highness is
most lovely. Surely there must
be many men who would
marry you.

Every man in our

nation has offered to marry
Anja in the hope of breaking the
spell, but only a noble may take
the hand of a royal daughter
of Kandopolis.

Your Highness,
allow me the honor of
marrying your daughter! I
am the prince of Hasis! I
am of royal blood—a line
that goes back twenty

You… you are

a prince!? Indeed the
gods have been kind and
sent our daughter salvation!
Prince Habib, you are a
welcome blessing!

My child! My
most beautiful child,
at last your soul will be set
free! Prince Habib will
save you, Anja! Habib, do
you know what
you’re doing?

Of course! I
am forging an alliance
by marriage with these
people and taking a very
attractive girl as my

And Habib...
Let Father But you know
drive me from nothing of these people
home! I will have a or their customs! You could
new kingdom be making a terrible
here! mistake!

And you make

the mistake of not
remembering your place,
sea rat! Do not dare lecture,
or touch me ever

Now leave us!

My new family and I
have business to discuss
that is of no concern to a
commoner such as

I returned to the suite and

awaited Habib’s return. It was
my hope that I could talk some
sense into the boy. But alas!

Hail, Sinbad
of Basrah! The future
king of Kandopolis
greets you!

By the
fates! What
is that you’re

This is my
wedding suit! My
marriage to Princess
Anja is going to take
place within an

And, in spite of
your earlier impertinence,
I will allow you to come
back with me to

I thought about
staying here, but I now
think that I, together with
my new bride and a legion
of our finest soldiers,
should go to visit
my father!

No doubt my
new wealth will impress
him beyond measure! And
if my wealth doesn’t,
my armies will!
It will impress him
more if you become
the honorable man that
both he and I know
you are capable of

Wealth of
character, not riches,
is what matters to Haakim!
Being worthy of another’s
trust—that is what really
counts in this world.

That is a lesson
I learned in my time
with the old king A few days after
and his son! my rescue, the king’s ship
arrived home. One week later,
an armada of Laiken ships arrived,
carrying dignitaries who had come
to witness the wedding that was
‘Since members of the Laiken court, including the supposed to insure peace
queen, had come to attend the wedding, the king between the two
had guards posted everywhere. I had been asked to nations.
help guard the king’s flagship, and was glad to do so.’

‘The night before the wedding,

I couldn’t sleep and so I went
out onto the deck to watch
the night sky. Suddenly...’

Who is that
heading towards the
end of the dock where the
‘No loyal subject flagship of the Laikens
of the king will hold a is anchored.’
clandestine meeting with
the Laikens. I should

‘I made my way to the Laiken
flagship and saw this mysterious Is it some
figure sneaking onboard the vessel.’ overzealous subject
of the king? He may do
something rash and spoil this
peace treaty Is he out to harm
the Laiken queen? I had better
go and see what is

‘Where the mysterious man ‘The climb up the wet rope was
took the terrestrial route, I difficult, but well worth the effort for
chose to go under the water.’ what I learned when I reached the top.’

Those useless
fools! I’ll have every
one of their heads
on a pike for

Do not punish
your guards too severely,
my queen! For if they had
been successful in stopping
me, or even seeing me,
then I would be

If I had failed to
get onboard unnoticed,
I would be unworthy
to serve as your
chief assassin!

Hmph! What of
that old fool, Harkom?
Does he suspect
anything yet?

He is too
taken with my
charms to think of
anything but our wedding
night! Rest assured, he will
die once we are married,
just as you have

The only problem

is the prince. He watches
me like a hawk constantly
and refuses to believe
there is good in
me at all.

I am so looking
forward to slitting
his throat!

Be careful, Catia.
The last thing I need
is Harkom’s son trying
to get revenge
on me!

It’s best you

kill him first and
then the old

Hey! What
are you doing

Get him, you
fools! He mustn’t
be allowed to

‘I knew I had to warn the king

quickly! After all he had done for me,
I vowed that the evil woman would
not harm him or any of his subjects!’

What is all
the commotion
outside!? What is
going on!?

My… my queen…
we think one of King
Harkom’s spies had come
onboard! He was right
outside your

Get out! Get

out of here right now
and find that dog! Every
second he lives is a
threat to me!

‘The order was, however indirectly, addressed

to Catia, who was always willing to spill blood
for her queen. She took off without a moment’s
hesitation, to kill the king and the young prince.’

The race was
on to see which of
us would get to the king
and his son first!
As it was--
A thousand
pardons, Prince Habib!
But King Andos has asked
me to come and escort Your
Highness to our most
holy temple!
The time for
your marriage to
Princess Anja has

Lead the

I followed Habib as he was led to the Prince Habib! I

temple of the Kandopolians. It was a am Liohida, High Priest
magnificent place of worship, and I of the Kandopolians. I shall
could sense it was a most holy place. preside over your wedding
ceremony. Come and take your
place next to your intended
one, our cherished
Princess Anja!

Are you ready The marriage ceremony
to become one with was rather short, lasting
Princess Anja? To live with only a few minutes.
her in the light, to follow her
into the darkness, in a
bond that will last for

By the gods
of our forefathers, I
declare you united in
holy matrimony.

It will be an
honor to join with
the most beautiful
Princess Anja!

But as Habib and I discovered too

late, the length of the ceremony
was not what mattered to the
people of Kandopolis.

Prince Habib
and Princess Anja
are now and will be
forever of one spirit
and one heart!

The spell that ...and in death!

our beloved princess
was under is now

What mattered was that when At last, Anja’s soul

is free and she can By the
a royal couple were joined in fates, what
marriage, they were joined pass on to be with our
forefathers! is this!?!
forever. That meant in life...

May her
soul rest in

Unless a child, all

members of the royal
family must be married before
their soul is set free. It is to
show that they have made
an effort to keep our
The black fever line going!
claimed Anja a month after
she became old enough to
wed. We couldn’t allow her to
face the shame of meeting
our forefathers without
a husband!

Liohida cast a
spell that kept Anja’s
body animated until We thank the
we could find her gods that you came along
a spouse! Prince Habib! Your sacrifice
will be remembered long
by our people!


And when a
Indeed! member of the royal
You married my family of Kandopolis dies,
daughter, so that their spouse is entombed
she might pass with them—for they are
on! one and cannot be

Sensing you were

a civilized man, I assumed
your culture held similar
beliefs! We who are born of
royal blood understand
these things, don’t
we, Prince?

This… this is
a mistake! You
can’t do this
to me!

The boy didn’t I’m sorry, Sinbad,
know your ways, but this is the only
King Andos! You can’t way I can save my
condemn him to child’s soul!
this fate!

This is one of
our strictest customs.
Jodell! How could I must do this; else I
you save Habib from can’t say I am loyal
those cannibals, just to to my king!
turn around and do
this to him!?

Jodell, wait! It is our custom

You place great faith in that when a master dies,
tradition! Let me honor his servants are buried with
one of my people’s most him! Allow me the privilege
sacred faith! of joining Habib...

what are
you-- Habib!
Trust me!
...as he faces
the great darkness
with his new

You are indeed

a good man, Sinbad of
Basrah! It is my honor to
allow this! Go and join your
master, and may you
both know eternal

Close the

You have a
plan to get out of
here, right? Please
tell me you have
a plan!

I could not
just allow them to
entomb you alive. We
will have to figure
a way out.

Look at
those bones, Habib!
They have been picked
clean. This isn’t just
natural decay.

devoured these

And if something This is

got in here to feed, that hopeless!
means there is a way out!
Come on! We’re going
to explore these

Have faith, Habib!

I remember the night
I raced to save my friend,
That, too, appeared the old king, and the
to be a hopeless situation, prince, from the
especially since I was forced assassin, Catia!
to escape the Laiken guards
who came after me, before
I could rescue them!

‘Meanwhile, Catia had taken to
the rooftops and was racing
toward the royal palace.’

‘She had a direct route

to her targets, and no
one to stand in her way!’

’And she knew just where Who is

to find her first target of there?
the night! The royal garden!’

It is only I,
Catia, my young

Begone, Catia! I
do not wish to waste
my time with the But I so very
likes of you! much want to spend
my time with you, my
young prince. After all, from
tomorrow, I will be your
father’s new wife!

We will be
family, my young
prince! And very What are
good friends. you getting at,

A family is based
on trust, my young prince!
I propose a new beginning
between us! Starting here
and now, we should
be friends!

You disgust me,

witch! Get out of my You are foolish
sight before I have you to turn your back
sent back to your on me, my young
queen’s ship! prince!



Oh no, you won’t,

assassin! You’ll not harm
the prince or his father,
so long as I draw

What is
going on?

This woman is
here to kill you and the
king! She is the Laiken
queen’s chief assassin,
Your Highness!

Laiken witch!
I knew there was
something foul
about you!

assassin! There
is nowhere to

I never give
up, you fools! Even
though it takes a
lifetime, my young

‘And before we knew it, the

--I vow that
Laiken witch was gone!’
you will still die by
my hand! I will kill
both you and the
‘The prince and I had a
lot of explaining to do
that night, but in relating
our tale to his father, we
found common ground at
last and became friends.’

friendship is as
strong today


Oh god!

Habib! Run
for your life,
boy! I’ll hold the
monster off!

Go on! Get Leave now!
out of here while
you can!

But Habib decided not to flee
for his life, much against his
primal instinct to escape.

No! I would
rather stay and
help a friend.

This was the first truly selfless act he

had ever performed in his life. The old
Habib, the boy who was arrogant and
self-centered, was gone for good.

In his place was the new Habib, a man

who thought only of his friends and
who would rather die than fail them!

You saved my
You have
I am forever saved me more
in your debt, my than once on this
young friend! voyage!

I thought it
was about time
I returned the

You owe me no By the fates!

gratitude, Sinbad! Surely there are
Your friendship is all not more monsters
I need and in these tunnels!

That’s no rat,
my friend! That is
the sound of our Come, Habib!
salvation! Come See your fierce
on! monster in all his

By the
fates! Miko!

Chit! Chit!

How did
that little monkey
get here!?

Miko! Go find
Litho! Hurry, my
little friend!

Miko hides when

he has fresh dates! He
is afraid someone will steal
them from him! If he
is here, then…

We followed Miko through the
tunnels for several minutes until
he led us to an exit. There we After rejoining my crew, and gathering the
beheld a miraculous sight—my much needed supplies to return to Hasis, I
ship anchored just off the coast! was overjoyed to give the order to set sail.
Is that It is a
really you? pleasure to find There
Sinbad! you alive, Sinbad. We were times when I
had given up hope of thought the same,
ever seeing you Litho.


they are!

The entire crew was delighted to have

their captain and friend back, but they
were equally pleased to see the change
in the young prince’s personality.

So, Habib! I see

you no longer think
of Miko as a filthy

Indeed not,
Litho! I owe this
little monkey
my life!

And when
we reach Hasis, I
will see to it that he
is given five times
his weight in

Once we are
My young friend, further out to sea,
I think you will find that I’ll take even greater
being kind and considerate pleasure in tossing the
to others will suit you! There last reminders of my
is much pleasure to be marriage away!
had in friends!

So I
am learning,

not throwing
everything over,
are you?

The gold belt

and rings will perhaps
compensate for some of
your people’s goods that
perished in the storm. Keep
them so you can repay
the merchants who
trusted you.

I never even
thought of that. I am
so ashamed, I was only
thinking about throwing these
into the sea so I would not
be reminded of my

No wonder
Father worries about
me succeeding him. He
is right—I will make a For certain, I
terrible leader. could never be as
good a man as that
king you spoke so
highly of, or his

Don’t be so
sure, Habib! I know you
have that potential in you, for
that king was none other than
your grandfather and his son,
my good friend, is your
father! The fruit doesn’t
fall far from the tree,
Habib! I have no doubt you
will be a kind and just leader
and make them both

Seven days after By the time we docked, King
setting sail from Icress, Haakim had arrived at the
we sighted Hasis again. harbor, eager to greet his son.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Habib

was gathering his strength
to go and face his father.

I know Father
will just hate me, even
after I show him the ornaments.
I’m afraid to see the look of
disappointment he is
sure to have.

Did you hear that,

Litho? The boy faces a
storm at sea, giant snakes,
rocs, a dead bride and
monster rats, and this is
what scares him!

But what if he
still banishes me? What
if I am ordered to leave
Hasis and told never
to return?

If that is the
I doubt living
case, then you’ll come
on this ship can compare
back to the ship, and we’ll
to life in the royal palace,
make ready to set sail for
but you’ll always have a
our next port of
place with us!

Yes, a place.
But not a destiny,

Once your father

sees you again, he’ll know
you’re ready for your destiny,
and together, you’ll forge
your rightful place in
this world.

Do you think
Haakim will be
pleased with how
things turned


I know Haakim,
Litho. It was never
about Habib returning
with earthly riches, but
rather spiritual

Haakim is bound
to notice the change
in his son, and he will
I... I am extremely be happy for it.
sorry I let you down.
I will try and make up
for it somehow.

It is fine, Son.
What is more important
is that you have become The greatest
a young man I can be reward, the one that
proud of. will matter the most to my
old friend, is that the next
leader of Hasis is finally on
the right path.

I am going to
say goodbye to my
friends, Litho.

Did I
miss a good

We will be
ready to set sail
when you return,

Tell him, Habib!

Tell him what you
told me!

Father said that

he doesn’t care about
the gold I have brought home.
Since you have
He said he would compensate
been so good to me,
the merchants, and that this
I suggested giving it
is mine to do with as
to you, seeing that…
I please.

...you’re so Habib, my
poor, and could son, Sinbad has
use it more than no need of this
I could! treasure!

Would someone In his many

tell me what is so travels, he has
amusing!? amassed a fortune
that is twenty times
greater than

My good and
faithful friends, I must
All this time, you be off now! But keep a
have been traveling watch for me on the
with one of the wealthiest horizon! I promise, I will
men in the world, and you return soon!
didn’t even know it!
And when you
do come back, you
will be welcomed
warmly, Sinbad!

The city
of Hasis is always
open to you, old friend!
May the fates watch
over you in your
This is my final
lesson for you, Your
Highness. Never judge a
man too quickly by his outward
appearance. Looks are deceiving,
and you can’t always trust
first impressions!

Off in the distance, a new port

awaits, and a new adventure
beckons to me and my crew.

What lies ahead for me, only the fates

can tell for certain, but I travel onward,
secure in the knowledge that I have
good friends to return to one day.






Sinbad would be lost, quite literally, without his

sextant! Every ship needs a navigator, and with
this easy to make sextant, you will soon be able
to plot your position all across the ocean!

What is a sextant?
A sextant is a tool that navigators found invaluable in olden days. They used it to
measure the angles between the stars, and then find their point of latitude on the map.
That way, the sailors knew where they were even though all they could see around them
was the ocean!

w ill n ctor
You protr ard aw
o r
● A ardb ing st
● C drink r cl
ip ht
● A tring pape g wei
● S r g e h i n
la s
ll fi 1. Lay your protractor down on your sheet
● A sma er
● A r was tape of card and mark the points from 0º to 90º
o y
tic k on the card. Label the degrees in units of
● S aper
● P
10, and then add smaller marks between
each line to signify units of 5. Now punch
a hole through the place where the 0º and
90º lines meet.
2. Thread your string through the hole in your card. Tie one end of the string to your paper clip to stop
it slipping back out of the hole. Tie the other end to your small fishing weight or washer. Now tape your
drinking straw along the top of your sheet of card.

Top Navigator’s Tip!

If you poke a small square of paper through the end of your
straw, this will help to cut out any unwanted light while you
use your sextant!

What is Latitude?
All good maps have lines of latitude and longitude on them to help you find out exactly where a place
is. The lines of latitude run horizontally across the map, and each line of latitude has a number. Lines of
latitude begin at the equator which is numbered 0º. The numbers get higher the further you get from
the equator. The North Pole is 90º north, and the South Pole is 90º south.

Using My Sextant
If you live in a place that is north of the equator, then you are in the northern hemisphere, and to use
your sextant you will need to locate Polaris, the Northern Star, in the evening sky.

How to Find The Northern Star

Finding the Northern Star can be tricky at first, but
after some practice you’ll find it gets easier and
easier to find. First, you need to start somewhere
away from bright lights (bright lights make it harder
to spot the stars), with a clear view of the northern
horizon. Now you need to look for the Big Dipper
constellation of stars. The Big Dipper looks a little bit
like a frying pan with a handle seen from the side.
In front of the dipper you will see two bright stars.
These are the farthest away from the handle, and
are called the Pointer Stars. Now, guess the distance
between those two stars, count five of them up away
from the end of the Big Dipper, and you’ll find Polaris,
the Northern Star. The Northern Star is also the last
star in the handle of the Little Dipper!

Rotating Stars!
The position of the Big Dipper around the Northern Star
changes depending on the time of night, and of the year,
because the stars rotate in the sky. This chart shows you
the position of the Big Dipper in the early evening, at
different times of year.
Time To Use Your Sextant!
Now that you have spotted the Northern Star, find it through the straw on your sextant. The weighted
string will point down toward the degree of latitude, telling you your position on the map!

Did You Know?

The State of Alaska’s flag shows the eight stars of the
Big Dipper and Polaris!

Navigating in the South

If you live south of the equator, then you are in the southern hemisphere. You will need to use the
Southern Cross constellation to help you find due South. This is a small constellation of four bright stars,
in the shape of a cross, with two bright ‘pointer stars’ nearby, pointing toward them.

Finding The Southern Cross

On a clear evening, as soon as night falls, face south, and look up into the sky. You will see two very
bright stars, quite near the horizon, more or less on top of the other. These are the ‘pointer stars’.
Imagine a line going up, and you will soon come to the cross. When you have found the Southern
Cross, draw an imaginary line down from its brightest star for four and a half times the length of the
cross. Now drop a line straight down to the horizon, and you’ve found due south!

Remember: Finding either the Northern

Star or the Southern Cross isn’t as easy
as finding the moon. It will take patience
and practice, but after a short while,
you’ll find it gets easier and easier!

Happy navigating, Captain!

The adventure of a lifetime begins on the night a man-cub escapes certain
doom at the hands of the tiger Shere Khan. In defiance of the tiger, the boy,
Mowgli, is taken in by the Seeonee Wolf Pack and made a member.
Mowgli comes of age in the jungle and is taught how to survive by Bagheera,
the black panther; Baloo, the brown bear; and Kaa, the python.
Always lurking nearby, though, is Shere Khan, who is determined that Mowgli
will be his prey. But the hunter soon becomes the hunted when the boy and
the tiger square off in an epic struggle in which only one will survive.
But greater than his fight with Shere Khan is the conflict Mowgli faces as
he tries to find a place among wolves and humans—neither of whom truly
accept him as one of their own.

Written by Rudyard Kipling

Illustrated by Amit Tayal

Ancient Egypt. In the time of pyramids and pharaohs…

A beautiful young princess has arrived at the grand capital of Memphis—
home to the legendary pharaoh Rhampsinitus. She has journeyed from
the western lands, apparently in search of a husband. While meeting her
suitors, the princess becomes privy to a secret tale.
It is a story of desperation, thievery, and murder. But it is also a story
of family, sacrifice, and love. As this tale is laid bare before her, the
princess learns of three impossible feats of brotherhood, ingenuity, and
the boldness of a man who would thwart the will of a pharaoh.
Packed with action, intrigue, and romance, this is the story of one of the
greatest thieves of the ancient world—the ‘Treasure Thief’ who went on
to become the ‘Treasured Thief’!

Written by Ryan Foley

Illustrated by Sachin Nagar
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Sinbad, the legendary hero of the high seas, has faced many adventures
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