This document announces the results of a public selection process for artists to perform during the Festivities of São João in Jequié, Brazil. It lists the names and hometowns of the trios forró (a type of Brazilian music) selected to perform. The selection process was carried out according to the rules established in the notice of the public call published on April 9, 2018. A specially designated commission without remuneration evaluated the proposals received from April 9 to May 24, 2018 according to the criteria in the notice.
This document announces the results of a public selection process for artists to perform during the Festivities of São João in Jequié, Brazil. It lists the names and hometowns of the trios forró (a type of Brazilian music) selected to perform. The selection process was carried out according to the rules established in the notice of the public call published on April 9, 2018. A specially designated commission without remuneration evaluated the proposals received from April 9 to May 24, 2018 according to the criteria in the notice.
This document announces the results of a public selection process for artists to perform during the Festivities of São João in Jequié, Brazil. It lists the names and hometowns of the trios forró (a type of Brazilian music) selected to perform. The selection process was carried out according to the rules established in the notice of the public call published on April 9, 2018. A specially designated commission without remuneration evaluated the proposals received from April 9 to May 24, 2018 according to the criteria in the notice.
This document announces the results of a public selection process for artists to perform during the Festivities of São João in Jequié, Brazil. It lists the names and hometowns of the trios forró (a type of Brazilian music) selected to perform. The selection process was carried out according to the rules established in the notice of the public call published on April 9, 2018. A specially designated commission without remuneration evaluated the proposals received from April 9 to May 24, 2018 according to the criteria in the notice. Este documento foi assinado digitalmente por SERASA Experian 82946A76E859E9FC2B20FCD918C747FD terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018 | Ano IV - Edição nº 00554 | Caderno 1 Diário Oficial do Município 017 Este documento foi assinado digitalmente por SERASA Experian 82946A76E859E9FC2B20FCD918C747FD terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018 | Ano IV - Edição nº 00554 | Caderno 1 Diário Oficial do Município 018