Income and Asset Statement (Financial Planner) - G324503937
Income and Asset Statement (Financial Planner) - G324503937
Income and Asset Statement (Financial Planner) - G324503937
Mr Adam J Booker
U 2 35 Linville Rd
20 February 2023
This Income Statement shows information we hold about you on your Centrelink record. If you
decide to show this information to anyone else for any reason, you can choose to show all the
information or to block some information out.
Income Statement
If you have any questions about this letter please ring: Your local Centrelink Office:
21 Markwell Street
132 850 OR Kingaroy QLD 4610
13 1202 for Multilingual Services
Monday — Friday 8.00 am — 5.00 pm Office Hours:
(Please quote reference number 420 542 800T ) Monday to Friday 8:30am — 4.30pm
Continued from previous page
Deduction Details
If any of the above details are incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible.