Engineering Solutions To Environmental Problems

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Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science

Volume 79 Number 3-4 Article 12


Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems

Richard B. Miller
Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company

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Miller, Richard B. (1972) "Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems," Proceedings of the Iowa
Academy of Science, 79(3-4), 135-137.
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Miller: Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems


Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems


fucHARD B. MILLER. Engineering Solutions to Environmental Prob- we need lots of transportation: automobiles, airplanes, etc. Our
lems. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 79( 3-4): 135-137, 1972. income has gone up faster than our costs, and spendable income
SYNOPSIS: The environmental problems that we face today are has increased. All of this is based on technology. The engineer
largely associated with what we call the "good life." The "good helped create this situation which we have come to enjoy and he
life" consists of lots of leisure time, low cost of goods, lots of must now help the population to understand the situation that we
modem conveniences, etc. This means the convenience of pre- have and to seek out ways to resolve this matter in an enlightened
packaged foods, throw-away containers, and all kinds of dis- fashion, and help the population to understand it. Then we can all
posables. The free time gives us lots of time to travel, recreation, resolve the matter by setting priorities and weighing costs with
etc. We're able to afford it because we have mass production benefits.
made possible primarily by electrical energy. We like to travel so

There are no quick and easy solutions to the problems we First of all, what about the need for power and energy in
face in connection with our environment. Not only are the the United States. The December 1971 report of the Na-
solutions generally rather complex and expensive, but the tional Academy of Engineering through its Committee on
questions frequently are not well understood. It was recently Power Plant Siting, indicates that the total energy require-
stated that we are currently faced with a population which ments in the United States have doubled between 1950 and
is demanding immediate answers each of his own liking to 1970, and will more than double again by 1990. It further
problems which have been with us for many years and are reports the percent of this energy that will be used in the
only now becoming apparent. form of electricity is 25 percent in 1970, but will be 42
Within this framework and with our present judicial percent in 1990, rising to nearly 46 percent by the year 2000.
processes, misinformed and naive points of view may lead Usage of electricity is, therefore, predicted to double between
at best to expensive solutions to problems that may not be 1970 and 1980, as it has each ten years since 1950 and to
needed and may at worst actually aggravate an already diffi- reach six times the 1970 figure by the year 2000. They
cult situation. Consider our present confusion regarding hasty point out that energy is important in the production of the
conclusions on use of DDT, phosphates and leaded gasoline. Nation's goods and services. The report brings out that the
Most of our environmental problems relating to air and control of the economy is extremely difficult, and focusing
water, generally are related to the transformation of energy. that control on a single element is extremely complex. To
Water pollution related to land runoff is not as directly re- do so may lead to unintended consequences and may even
lated. It is, however, technically oriented. Our activities have its effects contrary to those intended.
involve us in the process of transformation of energy. Con- The first thing the engineering community needs to do is
sider the processes of cooking, heating, cooling, lighting, eat- to create a more general understanding of the interrelation
ing, transportation, all forms of mechanization and automa- of energy, particularly the electrical energy, and the operation
tion. All of these involve a process of taking energy in some of the economy. At the present time, there appears to be a
form and converting it to a more usable or more convenient conflict between the economic growth and environmental
form. All of them have less than 100 percent efficiency and, preservation. This conflict need not be a permanent con-
hence, there is waste to be removed. The high level of pros- dition. This is not to say that the need to improve the en-
perity, gross national product, and the so-called level of vironment is not a pressing one. The nature of the problem
progress that we enjoy in this country, are traceable entirely is not well understood and the solutions are likewise afflicted.
to the high transformation and utilization of energy. All this However, if we were to succumb to the temptation to im-
is the basis of several branches of engineering and has always provise only partially thought-through measures, these could
been recognized as basically a technically oriented matter. It have a detrimental impact not only on the environment, but
must be apparent, therefore, that the scientific community on our society as a whole. More sober research and under-
must have native responsibility, to be informed and to under- standing is needed to determine attainable environmental
stand the problems, to seek sound solutions and to inform and standards from the technical point of view, tempered by
communicate with the masses. Thus, everyone should have economic considerations with emphasis on benefit and related
a better understanding of the problems, of the nature of the cost.
solutions and the alternatives so that we may arrive at good The increased use of electricity will be, in part, brought
timely solutions and a good set of priorities. There must be an about because of the need to improve the environment. Con-
honest evaluation of the cost and benefits to the end that we sider the following:
can maintain our environment in a clean and healthful con-
dition without disregard for other problems, all within good A. Central Station energy conversion can be done at locations
economic sense. remote from population centers, where environmental
impact will be less.

B. Central Station energy conversion can control the emission

1 Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company, Davenport, Iowa of pollutants more effectively and efficiently than nu-

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Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 79 [1972], No. 3, Art. 12

136 PRoc. lowA AcAn. Sc1. 79 ( 1972-1973)

merous small furnaces to provide electricity where elec- their environmental effects. Many of these solutions do not
trical energy is the most advantageous form. Improve- correct anything, they only change the form of the problem
ments in technology further reduce the environmental and add to the cost.
impact of Central Station electrical generation. In particular, the fast breeder reactor was to have been
C. Electrical energy can best use non-combustion energy the ultimate source for future power generation. This type of
sources; such as nuclear fission, falling water, nuclear power plant creates a fuel as it operates, rather than con-
fusion, and other forms under consideration, because they sumes it, and operates at higher temperatures, which results
take advantage of the cost/benefits of large scale instal- in a higher thermal efficiency than the conventional nuclear
lations. plant. As early as 1944, Enrico Fermi recommended that the
D. Environmental needs will require large applications of fast breeder reactor should be an important national goal.
electricity; for example, in sewage treatment, dust col- Technology has been slow in developing this concept, how-
lection, more pollution-free manufacturing methods, re- ever, and there has been considerable resistance to further the
cycling of used materials, and so on. expansion of nuclear technology for the generation of elec-
E. Transportation presents at this time the chief air pollution tricity. At this time it will be at least 1985 before the fast
control problem, but nuclear energy is not available for breeder reactor, even with sufficient commitment of funds at
these energy requirements. Electricity then becomes one the earliest possible date, can have impact on the Nation's
possible means of overcoming this problem. power generation. Technical knowledge has not been able
To indicate the level of need for technical knowledge and to keep pace with the needs of technology.
understanding, to satisfy the demand for electricity, the elec- So, this leaves us with the sometimes surprising fact that
tric utility business will need to install in the next 15 years the majority of our electrical generation in the foreseeable
the equivalent of about 650 plants of all types, each 1000 future will be accomplished by essentially the present means.
megawatt size. By the end of the period a new 1000 mega- It is now estimated that by 1987 approximately one-third of
watt plant will need to be brought on line every week some- the total amount of electricity generated will be by nuclear
where in the country. plants, and by the year 2000, 50 percent. This means that
At one time it was thought that nuclear power was to be fossil fuel will increase by 2 1/2 to 3 times in the next 30
the answer to our future expansion of generating capacity years. We are, therefore, faced with problems of emission
requirements. This came from the recognition of the problem control for which the techniques available at the present time
of availability, mining and delivery of increasing quantities are relatively crude and expensive. This is not to say there
of fossil fuels. The nuclear plant has potential of essentially have been no technological advances made in this area. A
clearing up the problems of air pollution that have been great deal of attention has been given to it, but it takes from
associated with generating stations. However, it has made 3 to 10 years for a new development to become available,
the age-old problem of thermal pollution more acute at the ~ommercial and reliable.
moment. One reason for this is that it has made possible Moreover, there is little agreement on the harmful effects
larger single installations, thereby creating a larger heat dis- of the pollutants produced. A very great deal of knowledge,
sipation problem at a given location. The nuclear plant was not opinion, is required. Particulate matter from stationary
also supposed to have considerable economic advantage but sources is capable of complete collection by electrostatic pre-
the cost and productivity of skilled labor, quality control of cipitators, but the three principal gaseous pollutants-carbon
equipment and material, and very strict safety measures have dioxide, sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen-are not. A
raised the investments in some cases beyond acceptable limits. great deal of work still needs to be done to make commer-
Besides, there have been considerable delays in bringing cially reliable systems. Consider, for example, a 1000 mega-
units on line, adding further to the penalty associated with the watt electric plant burning 9,000 tons of coal per day. It
nuclear plant. The delays and safety measures are the result, will produce and discharge in the same period 30,000 tons
in part, of inadequate technical knowledge and understand- of carbon dioxide. This may be a significant pollutant, but
ing by many involved people. the effect of carbon dioxide on our environment is not known.
Thermal pollution created by nuclear plants is partly at- The same plant burning 3 1/3 percent sulphur coal generated
tributed to the low steam temperatures at which the light 600 tons of sulphur dioxide per day. This could have a
water reactors operate. The advanced reactors using high detrimental effect on human beings. We know very little
temperatures will result in higher steam cycle efficiencies, about sulphur dioxide's effect on humans. Much experimen-
thereby eliminating this comparative disadvantage. However, tation to assist us in recovering sulphur has been going on
the need to reject 60 percent of the heat generated by a fuel and there is a constantly growing market. To date we have
because of metallurgical limitations on the initial temperature been using the technique of diffusing the sulphur dioxide
involved in the Carnot cycle, will continue as a problem until concentrations to the air by the use of tall stacks. This is a
we get some new metals to permit economically feasible high- simple solution but is not a permanent solution. Many systems
er temperatures or until direct conversion cycles become for removal of sulphur dioxide from stack gases are being de-
feasible. veloped but the statements are repeatedly made by users that
Today we are faced with essentially arbitrary restrictions reliable commercial installations have not been developed.
prohibiting or severely limiting the discharge of heat into Nitrogen dioxide combines with water in the body to fo1m
natural water systems in spite of the lack of evidence that nitric acid. The same plant will discharge 80 tons of nitrogen
heated discharge actually constitutes a pollutant on the dioxide into the atmosphere each day. For the moment, the
aquatic ecosystem. Indeed, most investigations conducted to tall stack will diffuse it, but a great deal more research is
date show that this heat properly added and controlled has necessary to develop means of capturing and converting it
either no effect or has a beneficial effect on fish life. Current to a useful purpose or to dispose of it.
political motivations tend to force the indiscriminate use of A very large problem today is to find and to mine adequate
evaporative cooling towers or some equivalent regardless of quantities of low sulphur fossil fuel and to transport it to the 2
Miller: Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems


places of use. Low sulphur coal east of the Mississippi is In conclusion, let me quote from some recent articles that
practically non-existent. This coal is in the west, and trans- appeared in Engineering Education. They are as follows:
portation becomes a real problem and extremely costly. Coal "Engineering has arrived at last, we have been recognized not
conversion,. which is now receiving attention, may be an only by the people, the politicians and the news media, but
answer. also by those members of the university community who call
Natural gas produces about one-fifth of the electric energy themselves humanists. At last, the liberal arts student wants
produced at this time and is the cleanest form of conventional a course which will help him learn something about the man
power generation. The natural gas production is actually who has a prime influence in his existence, the engineer.
expected to decline in the long run because of the pricing This is an important opportunity because what these students
restrictions on the gas under government control; this has learn about engineering now will determine their attitude
toward the engineer's work in the years ahead."
~estroyed th~ incentive to locate new reserves. The liquifica-
"While for one thing this is an age in which society, in
tron of coal is expected to be more expensive. It is expected general, and engineers, in particular, can no longer afford to
this form of fuel will be restricted one day to non-power plant have the universities tum out swarms of liberal arts students
use. Availability of low sulphur oil is very low compared to ignorant of engineering and biased against it. Out they go
the need, and imports will constitute an increasingly larger into a world plagued by problems, solutions and issues, many
portion of the gas and oil being used in this country in the of which the technically illiterate are unprepared to cope with
future. or even to grasp. This is one reason why I say contemporary
In considering the total energy picture in this Nation and liberal education needs us!"
the world, there are two areas in which there is almost an "Another reason for the emphasis-our image has slipped badly
with the public and especially with the non-technical segments
immediate need for new technology if we are to fulfill our of campus communities. We had better do something!"
obligation of an abundant supply of energy. The first of these
is methodology of permitting the use of available coal of a And in this vein I would close, too. The technical fields
relatively high sulphur content within air quality standards. have slipped badly. We have been accused of creating a mon-
There must be long term arrangements for coal supply to meet ster, and I suggest to you that it is our responsibility as
forecast demands-supplies that will become useless if a prac- technical people, either in industry or in academic institutions,
tical and reliable method is not soon developed to handle the to set about immediately to correct this impression, and to
SO. problem. The other immediate need is in the nuclear assume our responsibility for providing the answers to en-
field. While our uranium situation appears less critical with vironmental problems which are, in fact, after all technical
respect to time than fossil fuel, the need for the development problems which engineers can and should solve.
of a fast breeder reactor is absolutely essential. Albert Einstein has said-"The concern for man and his
I hope it has become clear the solutions to those problems destiny must always be the chief interest of all technical
today that closely relate to our environmental quality are effort."
highly technical and cannot be solved by the simple solution
of stopping the things we are doing now. As it was pointed
out, also, in the report of the National Academy of Engineer- American Power Conference, 1970 and 1971.
ing, there are a great many matters which we will require for The New York Times, January 9, 1972.
research and study by technical people. The path of im- "The Great Environmental Debate and the Power Industry,"
proving existing technology and developing new but identi- IEEE, 1970.
"Engineering for Resolution of the Energy-Environment Dilemma:
fiable technology is a way to the future in the environmental A Summary." National Academy of Engineering, 1971.
fields. It will be the scientists and engineers that play the "Engineering Is Decision Making-Teach That!" Engineering Edu-
largest role in the solution of our problem. They will need to cation, December 1971.
be instrumental in studying, researching, developing, and White House Conference for Business in 1990, February 15-16,
communication. 1972.

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