Power Theft Detection Using Arduino - Abstarct

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Power theft detection using Arduino




i) Power Supply.

ii) Current transformer

iii) Current sampling section

iv) Arduino UNO

v) Relay and its Driver.

vi) Buzzer Driver

vii) Bluetooth module



In the present scenario of technological revolution it has been observed that

every application products are impacted with multiple functions. The design is

also moving forward the miniature architecture; all this properties can be

achieved in a product by using programmable device the electrical engineering

and its applications are the oldest streams of engineering. In the present

scenario all the electrical protection systems are based on electro mechanical

devices. Though these systems are quit reliable and cheaper, it has certain

disadvantages. The electro mechanical protection relays are too bulky and

needs regular maintenance. The multi functionality is out of question. Recently,

the technical revolution made embedded technology cheaper, so that it can be

applied to all the fields.

The Differential relay is one of the relays, which basically designed to

protect the power distribution line against earth fault in a particular zone or for

the theft control. The differential relay protects the zone of the transmission

line. The specialty in this project is the design is made on Atmega328 micro

controller, which is faster and controls the relay. This protection is developed
on basic components. If the relay will be developed with same facility by

electro mechanical component, then the cost and size of the device will be too

high. The use of Microcontroller reduces extra hard wares such as timers and

connectors etc. The controller is embedded with all the components. The

controller is the heart of the device and there are other hardware used for

signal conditions and comparison. In this relay there are two current setting

and it can hand maximum up to 15A current.

Design principle:

This relay works on the principle of current sensing. There are two special type

of current sensors used to sample current. The output of both the current

transformer are compared and found if both the C.Ts are reading the same

current then the transmission line connected between the C.Ts is found to be

normal and there is no fault. Whenever there is a line to ground fault in the

protected zone, then the current bleed on the short-circuited path so the

reading of both the C.T. s differs that output is taken into the microcontroller.

And microcontroller actives the relay and buzzer with a sms alert with the help

of a HC-05 Bluetooth module.

– Devices are enabled by wireless communication.

– Coverage area is large compared to the existing system.

– Less number of components and manual observation. So, it is

economically reliable and low cost.


– Used in transmission line.

– Used in textile mills.

– Used in food industry.

Apparatus required

1. Atmega328p – 1

2. Current transformer – 2

3. Step-down transformer - 1

4. Micro switches -3

5. RYB cable – 1meter each

6. Bulb holders – 3

7. Led bulb – 3watt – 3

8. Buzzer – 1

9. 100 uf capacitor – 3
10. 10k resistor- 10

11. 10k preset – 3

12. Bc547 – 2

13. Relay 12v/7amp – 1

14. Diode in 4007 – 6

15. Bluetooth module – hc-05 – 1

16. LCD 16/2 – 1

17. Led – 2

18. 12v adaptor – 1

Block diagram

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