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Lab Rep 3

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Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Name: Reign Ceasa D. Rosada 2022-03885

Exercise #3


The root is usually an underground part of the plant. It is primarily responsible for the
fixation and absorption of water. The root with its branches is known as the root system. A root
system refers to the complex of roots that an individual plant has in the soil. The root system plays
a critical role in a plant's growth and development as it anchors the plant in the soil, absorbs water
and nutrients from the soil, and stores energy reserves for the plant. Many factors, including plant
species, soil conditions, and environmental factors, such as temperature and water availability,
influence the structure and function of the root system. Understanding a plant's root system is
important for agricultural practices, as it can inform decisions related to planting nutrition,
irrigation, and soil management.


The primary objective of this activity is to familiarize students with the various root/root
system types and root modification types, to identify and characterize the root's components, and
to distinguish between monocots and dicots in terms of the root structure.

Materials and method

1. Morphology of the Root
In this exercise the following materials were used: Root system of Zea mays (corn),
Raphanus sativus (radish), Pachyrhizus erosus (singkamas), Daucus carota (carrots), Eleusine
indica (goosegrass), Orchid plant, Paspalum conjugatum (carabao grass), Bryophyllum pinnata
(katakataka), Ipomoea batatas (kamote), Saccharrum officinale (sugarcane), Dioscorea alata
(ube), Opuntia sp. (prickly pear cactus), Antigonun leptopus (cadena de amor), Roots of
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Rhizophora sp. (mangrove), Euphorbia hirta (Tawa-tawa), and microscope. The root system
of all specimens was examined and classified according to their type and their modifications.
2. Anatomy of the Root
a) Herbaceous dicot
A prepared slide of the Ranunculus (buttercup) root in cross section was
observed under a microscope; the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, xylem, and
patches of phloem were identified. The observed specimen was drawn and identified.
b) Monocot
A prepared slide of Zea mays root in cross section was observed under a
microscope; the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, phloem, xylem, and pith
were identified. The observed specimen was drawn and identified.
c) The root tips
A prepared slide of a longitudinal section of the root tip of Allium cepa was
observed under a microscope; the apical meristem, protoderm, ground meristem,
procambium, and the root cap were identified. The observations were drawn and

Data and Results

Plant roots are the underground part of a plant that anchors it to the soil and absorbs water
and nutrients for the plant's growth and survival. Roots can vary in size, shape, and function
depending on the type of plant and its environment. There are three types of roots; fibrous, taproot
and adventitious.

Taproot is a type of root system that develops from the primary root of a plant. It is a main,
thick, and central root that grows deep into the soil and forms the base of the root system. From
the taproot, smaller lateral roots branch off and spread out horizontally to absorb water and
nutrients from the surrounding soil. Taproots can grow very deep, up to several meters in some
cases, which allows the plant to access water and nutrients that are deeper in the soil. This is
particularly important in environments with low soil fertility or limited water availability. Taproots
can also be modified in different ways to suit the needs of the plant. Some of the common
modifications in taproots include:
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• Fusiform roots: These roots are spindle-shaped, wider at the top and narrower at the
bottom. They are common in plants such as carrots and turnips, which use the modified
taproot for storage of nutrients.
• Napiform roots: These roots are spherical in shape and broader at the top than at the bottom.
They are also used for storage of nutrients and are commonly found in plants such as
radishes and rutabagas.
• Conical roots: These roots are cone-shaped and are commonly found in plants that grow in
arid environments. The shape helps to anchor the plant more effectively and to penetrate
the soil more easily.
• Tuberous roots: These roots are thick and fleshy but do not form a definite shape. They are
used for storage of nutrients and are commonly found in plants such as sweet potatoes and
These modifications in taproots allow plants to store nutrients in their roots, which can be used for
survival during periods of drought or other environmental stresses. The modifications also help
plants to anchor themselves in the soil and to penetrate deeper into the soil to access water and

Fibrous roots are a type of root system that consists of many small, fine roots that are of
about the same diameter and size. Fibrous roots typically grow horizontally and close to the soil
surface, rather than deep into the ground like taproots. They are commonly found in grasses and
other herbaceous plants, as well as some shrubs. Fibrous roots are important for the plant's ability
to absorb water and nutrients from a large area of soil. The fine, dense network of roots can cover
a greater soil volume and extract more water and nutrients, which is particularly important in
environments with low soil fertility or limited water availability. Fibrous roots can also undergo
modifications in certain plant species. One common modification in fibrous roots is the
development of pneumatophores or respiratory roots. Pneumatophores are conical spikes that grow
from the roots of plants that grow in marshy or swampy environments. They provide a mechanism
for oxygen exchange to the submerged roots of the plant. In addition to pneumatophores, some
plant species with fibrous roots also develop adventitious roots for mechanical support or to help
anchor the plant in the soil. Overall, while fibrous roots are generally simpler in structure than
taproots, they can still undergo modifications that help the plant adapt to specific environmental
conditions and obtain the nutrients and support it needs for survival.
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Adventitious roots are a type of root system that form from plant organs other than the primary
root or its branches. Adventitious roots can arise from different plant parts, including stems, leaves,
and even flowers. They play an important role in the plant's ability to adapt to different
environments, such as when plants are damaged or need to anchor themselves to new surfaces.
Adventitious roots, which can arise from various structures other than the primary root, can also
undergo modifications to serve different functions. Some common types of adventitious root
modifications include:

I. For storage
• Nodulose roots: These are modified roots that have swollen nodules along their length.
• Moniliform roots: These are modified roots that have bead-like swellings along their
length. They are also used for storing nutrients and are commonly found in some species
of orchids.
• Annulated roots: These are modified roots that have rings or bands around their
circumference. The rings or bands can be used for storing nutrients or for providing
mechanical support.

II. For mechanical support

• Prop roots: These are roots that grow from the stem of the plant, providing additional
support and stability. They are commonly found in plants such as corn, where they grow
from the lower part of the stem and help to anchor the plant in the soil.
• Climbing roots: These are roots that help the plant to climb or attach itself to a support.
Some plants, such as ivy, have specialized climbing roots with adhesive pads that allow
them to attach to vertical surfaces.

III. Other functions

• Haustorium roots: These are modified roots that are used by parasitic plants to penetrate
the host plant and absorb nutrients from it.
• Aerial roots: These are roots that grow above the ground and may be used for support or to
obtain moisture and nutrients from the air. Some plants, such as orchids and banyan trees,
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have specialized aerial roots that can absorb moisture and nutrients from the surrounding
• Contractile roots: These are roots that have the ability to contract, pulling the plant deeper
into the soil. They are commonly found in plants such as bulbs and corms.
These modifications in adventitious roots allow plants to adapt to their environment and obtain the
nutrients and support they need for survival.

Figure 1.1. Zea mays (Corn) Photo: Figure 1.2. Zea mays (Corn) sketch
jjgouin/iStock/Getty Images

Figure 2.1 Raphanus sativus (Radish) Figure 2.3 Raphanus sativus sketch
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Figure 3.1 Pachyrhizus erosus Figure 3.2 Pachyrhizus erosus sketch

(Singkamas) Photo: dashu83/jicama/

Figure 4.1 Daucus carota (Carrots) Figure 4.2 Daucus carota sketch

Figure 5.1 Eleusine indica (Goose grass) Figure 5.1 Eleusine indica sketch
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Figure 6.1 Orchidaceae (Orchid plan) Figure 6.2 Orchidaceae sketch

Photo: bogdanV/iStock/Getty Images

Figure 7.1. Paspalum conjugatum Figure 7.2 Paspalum conjugatum

(Carabao grass) sketch

Figure 8.1 Bryophyllum pinnata Figure 8.2 Bryophyllum pinnata

(Katakataka) Photo: Jonatan Boow sketch
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Figure 9.1 Ipomoea batatas(potato) Figure 9.2 Ipomoea batatas sketch

Figure 10.1 Saccharum officinale (Su Figure 10.2 Saccharum officinale

garcane) Photo: Trong Nguyen sketch

Figure 11.1 Dioscorea alata (Ube) Figure 11.2 Dioscorea alata sketch
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Figure 12.1 Opuntia sp. (Prickly pear Figure 12.2 Opuntia sp sketch
cactus) Photo: Juergen Menzel/Flickr

Figure 13.1 Antigonum leptopus (ca Figure 13.2 Antigonum leptopus

Dena de amor) sketch

Figure 14.1 Rhizophora sp. Figure 14.2 Rhizophora sp. sketch

(Mangrove)Photo: Don Mammoser/
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Figure 15.1 Ephorbia hirta (tawa-tawa) Figure 15.2 Ephorbia hirta sketch

Table 1. Roots and Root System of Some Angiosperms

Scientific name Monocot or Type of root Modification (if Fuctions
Dicot system any)
Zea mays Monocot Fibrous Prop roots Mechanical
Raphanus Dicot Taproot Fusiform Food storage
Pachyrhizus Dicot Taproot Napiform Food storage
Daucus carota Dicot Taproot Conical Food storage
Eleusine indica Monocot Fibrous none Absorption
Orchidaceae Monocot Adventitious Aerial Absorption
Paspalum Monocot Fibrous none Absorption
Bryophyllim Dicot Adventitious none none
Ipomoea batatas Dicot Adventitious Tuberous Food storage
Ssaccharum Monocot Fibrous Stilt Mechanical
officanale support
Dioscorea alata Monocot Adventitious moniliform Food storage
Opuntia sp. Dicot Taproot none none
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Antigonum Dicot Taproot Climbing root Mechanical

leptopus support
Rhizophora sp. Dicot Adventitious Pneumatorphores Respiration and
Euphorbia hirta Dicot Taproot none Absorption

Anatomy of the Root

Herbaceous Dicot – Ranunculus (buttercup)
The outermost layer is the epidermis, which
is a single layer of cells that covers the surface of the
root. Beneath the epidermis is the cortex, which is a
region of tissue that contains many parenchyma
cells. These cells store nutrients and help to transport
water and minerals throughout the root. The cortex
also contains many small, circular structures called
cortical cells that help to regulate the uptake of water
and nutrients. The center of the root is occupied by
the vascular tissue; xylem and phloem, which are
arranged in a characteristic pattern known as the
Figure 16.1 Ranunculus root c.s under 4x vascular cylinder and is surrounded by the endodermis.
The endodermis, starch sheath, contains the casparian
strip which is made of suberin making the stele or vascular bundle impermeable. The xylem is
located in the center of the cylinder and the phloem surrounds the xylem which is responsible for
transporting nutrients and sugars down from the leaves to the roots.
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Figure 16.2 Ranunculus root c.s under 40x Figure 16.3 Ranunculus root sketch

Monocot – Zea mays (Corn)

Zea mays, often known as maize or mais, is

a member of the grass family (Poaceae) and is a
staple crop for humans. The root system of corn, also
known as Zea mays, is fibrous and common in
monocotyledonous plants. Fibrous roots are thin,
slender, and highly branched roots that develop
horizontally in the soil from the base of the stem.
Zea mays' primary root (radicle) develops from the
seed and grows vertically downward, but it soon
ceases to grow, and fibrous roots form from its base.
Its root anchors and ensure water and nutrient intake.
Figure 17.1 Zea mays root c.s under 4x
magnification It forms some of its roots throughout embryonic and
post-embryonic development.
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Figure 17.2 Zea mays root c.s under 40x Figure 17.3 Zea mays sketch

Root Tip – Allium cepa (Onion)

Onion, or Allium cepa, is a plant often used in cooking. This plant is a monocotyledon with
a fibrous root system. The root cap protects the
sensitive meristematic cells behind the onion plant's
root tip. Meristematic cells are the cells responsible
for the development and expansion of the root. Root
hairs, tiny, finger-like projections that enhance the
root's surface area and facilitate the absorption of
water and nutrients is, a significant characteristic of
the onion root tip. The region of root tip maturation
contains the greatest number of root hairs.

Figure 18.1 Allum cepa root tip l.s under 10x

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Root hair

meristem protoderm



Root cap

Figure 18.2 Allum cepa root tip l.s under 40x Figure 18.2 Allum cepa root sketch

In conclusion, roots are an important part of a plant's anatomy and structure because they
support anchoring the plant in place and obtain water and nutrients from the soil. There are
different kinds of root systems, each with its structure and function. For example, taproots, fibrous,
and adventitious roots are different types of root systems. Roots are important for plants to grow
and survive. In some cases, the roots change their shape to do more than bring water and food to
different parts of the plant. Roots keep changing or modifying to keep the plant's physiological
and mechanical health. So, these changes to the roots are adaptations that help the plant grow and
adapt well in a certain environment and set of conditions. Through this lab activity, students
learned how the physiology and function of roots affect how plants adapt to changing
environments. They can be used most effectively in agriculture and other fields by understanding
the different types of root systems and how they can be changed.

1. Which root system is best adapted for anchorage? Explain your answer.

Taproot systems have a long, thick, and prominent central root extending deeply into the soil,
ideally suited for anchorage. That enables the plant to securely establish itself in the soil, stabilizing
against winds and other external influences.
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In contrast, fibrous root systems, prevalent in grasses and other monocots, consist of several thin,
shallow roots that spread horizontally from the stem's base. Although fibrous roots may provide
adequate soil contact and nutrient absorption, they may not provide the same degree of anchoring
as taproots.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that the optimal root system for anchorage might vary based on
the plant and its environment. For instance, plants with fibrous root systems may be more equipped
for anchorage in places with shallow soil or strong winds. The efficiency of a plant's root system
as an anchor depends on several factors, including soil type, climate, and the plant's specific traits.

2. Which among the root systems is most advantageous to the plant? Explain your answer.

A root system is advantageous based on the plant's or root's needs, as different types of root
systems give different advantages and are adapted to different environmental circumstances. Each
root system form has advantages and situations that may be most advantageous.

Taproot systems are advantageous in settings with deep water and nutrient availability.
Their deep, central roots can penetrate the earth and get these nutrients, enabling the plant to grow
larger and healthier. Several trees and woody plants have taproot systems, whose deep roots offer
stability and prevent them from tipping over in high winds.

In contrast, fibrous root systems are advantageous when water and nutrients are closer to
the soil's surface. This extensive network of shallow roots can rapidly absorb water and nutrients
from a vast area, helping the plant to establish itself and expand rapidly. Many types of grass and
other herbaceous plants have fibrous root structures.

Adventitious root systems, which can develop from stems or leaves and the plant's base,
can be useful in environments where the plant needs additional support or must receive nutrients
from the air. Many epiphytic (plants that grow on other plants rather than in soil) plants have
adventitious roots that enable them to adhere to their hosts and receive moisture and nutrients from
the air.
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

In conclusion, the optimal root system for a plant relies on its growth environment and the
specific obstacles it experiences in that area. It will be more likely for a plant to survive and flourish
if its root system is well-adapted to its environment.

3. Differentiate a monocot root from a dicot root.

Monocots and dicots are two flowering plants that differ in many characteristics, including
their roots. The fibrous root system of monocots is comprised of multiple thin, branching roots
that originate at the base of the stem. In contrast, dicots often have a taproot system consisting of
a single, thick, and lengthy root that grows deep into the earth. In monocots, the vascular tissue is
dispersed throughout the root, whereas in dicots, it forms a distinct ring around the central core. In
monocots, the root cap is generally basic and merely covers the root tip, but in dicots, it is more
complex and covers a broader amount of the root tip. Monocot roots develop at the base of the
stem and continue to grow throughout the plant's life. In contrast, dicot roots develop from the
embryonic root and branch into secondary roots as the plant matures. Monocot roots are suited for
taking water and nutrients from the soil's surface and anchoring the plant. On the other hand, Dicot
roots are adapted for deep penetration into the soil to receive water and nutrients, and their taproot
system provides stronger anchorage. These distinctions in root shape and function reflect the
varied adaptations that monocots and dicots have developed to survive in distinct ecological niches
and environments.

4. Why are monocot roots slender and diffuse in appearance?

Monocot roots are thin and diffuse because they lack a central, dominating root and instead
have a fibrous root system composed of multiple thin, branching roots that develop from the base
of the stem. These roots extend horizontally and form a thick network covering expansive soil. Its
fibrous root system enables monocots to rapidly and efficiently collect water and nutrients from
the soil's surface. Many roots increase the available surface area for absorption, and their thin,
branching shape helps them to penetrate tiny soil crevices and pores. In addition, the thin and
diffuse structure of monocot roots enables them to adapt to various soil types and environmental
circumstances. They can develop in dense, compacted soils, where a taproot would have difficulty
penetrating, and in shallow soils, where a deeper root system would be less successful.Monocot
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roots' slender and diffuse appearance is an important adaptation that enables these plants to absorb
water and nutrients efficiently and adapt to various soil conditions.

5. What is the function of the root cap? From which meristem did it originate

The root cap is a protective structure that covers and shields the actively dividing apical
meristem at the root tip. It supports pushing the root through the soil, detects gravity and other
external stimuli, and secretes chemicals that facilitate the root's passage through the soil. The root
cap also shields the delicate meristematic cells behind it from abrasion and infections.

The apical meristem, which is responsible for the growth and development of the plant's
roots, gives rise to the root cap. When the apical meristem continues to divide and differentiate, it
produces the root cap, a specialized structure that protects the developing root and facilitates its
migration through the soil.

6. Which tissue gives rise to root hairs? What are they for?

The epidermal tissue, the outermost layer of cells in a plant's root, is the source of root hairs.
At the maturation zone of the root, which is just behind the root cap, the elongated, cylindrical
epidermal cells develop into root hairs.

Root hairs have several crucial tasks for plants. They significantly expand the root's surface
area, enhancing the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Moreover, root hairs
assist in anchoring the plant in the soil by increasing the friction between the root and soil particles.
They can play a role in the exchange of signals between plant and soil microbes.

7. How do endodermal cells differ from other types of cells?

A cell that develops from the endoderm, the innermost layer of cells in the early embryo, is
called an endodermal cell. Endodermal cells have distinctive properties that enable them to
perform physiological functions. Casparian strips, formed of suberin, are impermeable to water
and are present in certain regions of the cell walls of endodermal cells; they serve as a
distinguishing feature that differentiates endodermal cells from other types of cells. It functions as
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a selective barrier between the inner and exterior surfaces of the root and enables the endodermis
to regulate the passage of water and nutrients into the plant.

8. What is the significance of the pericycle?

The pericycle is a specialized layer of plant tissue found in the root endodermis. It is in
charge of initiating the development of lateral roots. When activated, pericycle cells divide and
differentiate into new root primordia, which then extend from the parent root. This also
supports adventitious roots, which develop from non-root tissues such as stems and leaves. This is
essential for plants to establish new roots when their primary roots have been injured or cannot
obtain water and nutrients.

In addition, it transports water and nutrients from the earth to the plant's other parts. It
includes the endodermis, which controls the circulation of chemicals into and out of the root, and
the xylem and phloem, which transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.
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30.6: Roots - Types of Root Systems and Zones of Growth. (2018, July 16). Biology LibreTexts.





Biology – Root | askIITians. (n.d.). Www.askiitians.com.


BYJU'S. (n.d.). Root System - Roots, Types of Roots and Functions of Roots. BYJUS.


OpenStaxCollege. (2012). Roots. Pressbooks-Dev.oer.hawaii.edu. https://pressbooks-


Types of Root Systems. (2015). Cliffsnotes.com. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-


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