Ind AS 12
Ind AS 12
Ind AS 12
Current Tax
Recognition of Taxation - Recognition
DTL Introduction of DTA
Current Tax Tax Base
Note : DTA can be recognised only to the extent it is probable that taxable
profits will be available against which deductible temporary difference can
be utilised.
DTA shall also be
recognised for carry
forward of tax
losses and tax It should be probable
credits that sufficient
taxable profits will be
available against
The carrying which these losses &
amount of DTA credits can be used.
should be reviewed
at the end of each
reporting period.
Does the temporary difference arise on NO
the initial recognition of asset?
Did the transaction give rise to the asset YES IMPACT (Subject to
or liability affect either the accounting exceptions)
profit or the taxable profit at the time of
As XYZ Ltd recovers the carrying amount of the asset, the entity will
earn taxable income of 1,500 and pay tax of 450 (1,500 x 30%) but can
recover from depreciation only up to 300 (1,000 x 30%).
A taxable temporary difference exists of the asset that does not affect
accounting profit or taxable profit on initial recognition.
The entity does not recognise the resulting deferred tax liability of
Rs.150/- because it results from the initial recognition of the asset
in a transaction which :
a) is not a business combination, and
b) at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor
taxable profit.
XYZ Ltd intends to use an asset whose cost (carrying amount) is
Rs.1,500/- throughout its useful life of five years and then scrap it.
The tax rate is 30%.
Depreciation of the asset is deductible for tax purposes up to 1,000
(i.e. the tax base of the asset on initial recognition is 1,000).
As XYZ Ltd recovers the carrying amount of the asset, the entity will
earn taxable income of 1,500 and pay tax of 450 (1,500 x 30%) but can
recover from depreciation only up to 300 (1,000 x 30%).
A taxable temporary difference exists of the asset that does not affect
accounting profit or taxable profit on initial recognition.
The entity does not recognise the resulting deferred tax liability of
Rs.150/- because it results from the initial recognition of the asset
in a transaction which :
1. is not a business combination, and
2. at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor
taxable profit.
Measurement Issues
3. The Company that exercises the option for the lower tax
rate, will need to make necessary adjustments to the
deferred tax asset created on such brought forward losses
and credits which are not available as a deduction in the
new tax regime.
Associate Joint
20% 50%
Temporary difference arises when the carrying amount of interests in
subsidiaries, branches and associates or interests in joint arrangements
(i.e. in the consolidated accounts, the net assets including the carrying
amount of goodwill) becomes different from the tax base (which is often
changes in foreign
the existence of a reduction in the
exchange rates
when a parent and carrying amount of
profits of
its subsidiary are an investment in an
subsidiaries, associate to its
based in different
branches and recoverable
countries having
associates or joint amount (due to
ventures impairment)
Recognise all deferred tax liabilities associated with
investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates, and
interests in joint ventures,
except to the extent that both of the following
conditions are satisfied: