Selection 1
Selection 1
Selection 1
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3 authors, including:
Harmoko Harmoko
STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
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All content following this page was uploaded by Harmoko Harmoko on 13 August 2018.
The aim of this research is to know the effect of natural insecticide from gadung
(Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on mosquito mortality. The research type was experiment with
Completely Randomized Design consisting of six treatments and four replications. The
treatment in this research is (P0-) negative control without insecticide, (P0+) positive control
with chemical insecticide, (P1) 5% natural insecticide from gadung, (P2) 10% natural
insecticide from gadung, (P3) 15% natural insecticide from gadung, and (P4) 20% natural
insecticide from gadung. This research is done by making natural insecticides, providing
mosquitoes, making the concentration of natural insecticides gadung according to the
treatment, treatment on mosquitoes, and observation on the mortality of mosquitoes. Data
collection was done by observation technique which was done in observation 30 minutes, 60
minutes and 24 hours after treatment. The data of the research were analyzed with one way
anava and continued with BNJ test. The result showed that Fcount = 15,64 bigger than Ftable 0,01
= 4,25. This means that there is a very significant effect of the natural insecticide (Dioscorea
hispida Dennst) on mosquito mortality with optimum concentration 5%.
1. Introduction
Indonesia is a tropical country and one of the places where the development of several types
of mosquitoes that endanger human and animal health [1]. The presence of sewers and garbage
that are increasing in number are considered able to increase mosquito population in a
settlement [2]. In humans, Anopheles mosquitoes serve as a vector of malaria, while Culex is a
vector of Japanese encephalitis, Aedes aegypti as a vector of dengue hemorrhagic fever, as well
as several genera of mosquitoes Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles can also be a vector of filariasis
disease [1]. According to [3] behavioral factors that support humans to be bitten by mosquitoes
in the process of mosquito-borne diseases include: sleep without mosquito nets, not doing 3M,
and the habit of hanging clothes.
Various efforts have been made by the government to control mosquito-borne diseases by
monitoring of larvae routinely, monitoring of larva periodically, eradication of mosquito
breeding through draining, closing and burying, sowing larvasides, distribution of fish in water
reservoirs, and other activities that can prevent and combat mosquitoes breed [1]. In the control
of adult phase mosquitoes have been done in many ways, among others, using spray
mosquitoes, electric, and mosquito coils burn. Use of mosquito coils and chemical spray that
may have an impact on long-term health [4]. According [1] The use of synthetic insecticides are
excessive and in the long term can cause some losses such as mosquitoes become resistant, the
occurrence of poisoning in humans and livestock, and pollution. The use of chemical
insecticides that are excessive and not in accordance with the rules will have a negative impact.
Excessive use of chemical insecticides has caused resistance to chemical insecticides in many
insects, and has become a troubling issue [5].
Conference Proceeding BICSE – 2017, ISBN : 978-602-8043-84-7
A good way to control mosquitoes is to use natural insecticides, because our ancestors used
natural insecticides to harness the surrounding plants to protect the crops from their harassers.
However, after the development of this tradition began to disappear and began to be abandoned
by society [6], but the use of a natural insecticide has been done again as an action of the back
to nature slogan. One of the plants that can be made in a natural insecticide is a gadung that is
still found in Lubuklinggau.
According to [7] gadung contains dioscorine which is a poison causes seizures. It turns out
that dioscorine found in gadung can be used by farmers as a substitute for synthetic pesticides.
Dioscorine is a protein contained in the tubers of tropical plants [8]. Based on existing problems
and descriptions that have been conveyed, it is necessary to do research to find out the effect of
natural insecticide from gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on mosquito mortality. Based on
the description that has been submitted, then the problem in this research is: is there any effect
of a natural insecticide from gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on mosquito mortality? The
purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the natural insectiside from gadung
(Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on the mortality of mosquitoes.
2. Methods
This study was an experimental study with Completely Randomized Design consisting of six
treatments and four replications. The treatment in this research is (P0-) negative control without
insecticide, (P0+) positive control with chemical insecticide, (P1) 5% natural insecticide from
gadung, (P2) 10% natural insecticide from gadung, (P3) 15% natural insecticide from gadung,
and (P4) 20% natural insecticide from gadung. The tools used in this research are: 2 pieces of
100 ml measuring cups, 1 piece of 500 ml beaker glass, and 1 piece of 250 ml beaker glass,
cutters, blenders, knives, 24 pieces of jars, scales, filter cloth, spray bottles, 24 treatment
containers, stopwatch and bottles. The materials used in this research are: gadung‘s tuber,
chemical insecticide (as positive control), 120 mosquitoes, and aquades.
This research was conducted through several stages: making natural insecticides, providing
mosquitoes, making the concentration of natural insecticides gadung appropriate treatment, the
treatment of mosquitoes, and the observation of the mortality of mosquitoes.
1. Making of natural insecticide gadung (modification of [9]) is to peel the skin of gadung
tubers, after that the gadung tubers in the blender until smooth, then the gadung bulbs that
have been finely filtered using a cloth (pressing) and generated extract of gadung that is
ready to be used as a natural insecticide.
2. Provision of mosquito sample is done by capturing directly. Then the captured mosquitoes
are inserted into the jar (each jar containing five mosquitoes), and then will be put into
several containers for treatment.
3. Preparation of concentration of natural insecticides according to treatment by dilution.
4. Provision of treatment is done by spraying of natural insecticides from gadung on
mosquitoes with different concentrations.
5. Observations were performed after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 24 hours, then calculation
of mosquito mortality. According to [10] Observation and counting of the number of dead /
unconscious mosquitoes in permanent confinement, done consecutively 30 minutes and 60
minutes after spraying. The cage was taken after observation in the 60th minute that all
surviving or dead faeces were removed to the jar and re-observed after 24 hours. The
mortality data was calculated in percent mortality by the following formula:
The data obtained were analyzed by one way Anava and followed by BNT test.
Conference Proceeding BICSE – 2017, ISBN : 978-602-8043-84-7
Number of Dead
Number of Mosquitoes Percentage of Mosquito
Treatment Mosquitoes
Mortality (%)
P0 + 20 20 100
P0 - 20 0 0
P1 20 13 65
P2 20 15 75
P3 20 16 80
P4 20 18 90
From table 2 it can be seen that the largest percentage of mortality found in positive control
treatment with chemical insecticide is 100%, followed by P4 of 90%, P3 0f 80%, P2 0f 75%,
and P1 of 65%. While the negative control treatment without insecticides did not show mortality
in mosquitoes.
After analyzing data with one way Anava, obtained F count = 15,64 bigger than F table 0,01 =
4,25, so it can be concluded there is influence of natural insecticide from gadung (Dioscorea
hispida Dennst) to mosquito mortality. Furthermore, the calculation using the BNJ test obtained
results as in table 3.
Conference Proceeding BICSE – 2017, ISBN : 978-602-8043-84-7
P0- 0 a a A A
P1 3,25 ab B AB B
P2 3,75 abc B ABC B
P3 4 abcd B ABCD B
P4 4,5 abcde B ABCDE B
P0 + 5 abcdef B ABCDEF B
BNJ 2,02 2,52
From table 3. It can be seen that the result of calculation of BNJ test at 5% level of influence
of natural insecticide from gadung at 5% concentration (P1) is only different not significant
with the influence of natural insecticide from gadung at 10% concentration (P2), 15% (P3), 20
% (P4) and Control + (P0 +) and significantly different with P0 (-). At the level of 1%, the
influence of the natural insecticide from gadung on the concentration of 5% (P1) only differed
not significantly with the effect of the natural insecticide from gadung at 10% concentration
(P2), 15% (P3), 20% (P4) and Control + (P0 +) and significantly different with P0 (-). Based on
these results it can be seen that the optimum treatment is the treatment of natural insecticides
from gadung at a concentration of 5% because it is not significantly different with other higher
concentrations and by treatment using chemical insecticide. This is because the poison in a
gadung called dioscorine is a poison causing seizures [7].
Mortality of mosquitoes occurs after treatment with the use of natural insecticide from gadung
allegedly because of the compounds contained in the gadung. [11] states that toxic properties of
gadung tubers caused by dioscorine, diosgenin, and dioscin that can cause nerve disorders. [12]
also states that gadung can be used as a deadly bait for those who consume and is a toxic
compound. All parts of the gadung contain toxic, but the most important bulb parts and can be
utilized as the basic ingredients of natural insecticides. Because the tuber contains dioscorine
with a bitter taste that causes paralysis in the central nervous system [13]. According to [8]
dioscorine is a protein contained in the tubers of tropical plants. The dioscorine content in the
gadung is different. [14] states that dioscorine content on gadung bulb is as much as 1.81%. The
more content of dioscorine, the more likely it will become a natural insecticide. [15] states that
the older age of gadung bulbs then the level of toxins contained in the gadung tubers will also
be more concentrated. The color will turn green. According [16] that the higher concentration of
natural insecticide solution given, make the lower percentage of live insect pests. The higher
concentration of gadung given to mosquitoes, the lower percentage of mosquitoes that survive
will be the cause of the high mortality of mosquitoes. According to the results of this study is
the treatment with a concentration of 20% able to kill the mosquitoes as many as 18 mosquitos.
The workings of natural insecticides gadung killing mosquitoes through mode of entry which
is the way insecticide into insect body through respiratory or respiratory poisons [17].
Respiratory toxins are insecticides that enter through the insect trachea. Gas exchange on insects
is done by the trachea system consisting of chitin and branched-up tubes that spread throughout
the body and transport oxygen directly to the body's cells. The trachea system opens out of the
body through the spiracles, the pores that control airflow by opening and closing [18]. When the
spiracles are open, the oxygen and the natural insecticides from gadung will enter and then
spread throughout the body directly to the mosquito's body cells. One of them goes to the nerve
cell, which is a functional cell of the nervous system.
According to [19] on insects there is a neural strap that is the organizational arrangement of
the nervous system in the form of a collection of nerve fibers. The nerve strap stretches across
the body of the mosquito. In nerve fibers there is visceral Sensorik (axons sensory nerve cells) is
Conference Proceeding BICSE – 2017, ISBN : 978-602-8043-84-7
a fiber that is in the organ that brings stimulation to create a feeling of nausea due to natural
insecticides gadung that come in with oxygen. Furthermore, the stimulus is carried nerve center
(brain / ganglia). After that the response of the brain continued by motor nerve cells to the
muscles causing paralysis caused by contamination of natural insecticide of gadung which will
then cause death in mosquitoes.
From the results of the study there are some mosquitoes that still survive after 24 hours. This
is thought to be caused by the existing content in natural insecticides of gadung not entering into
mosquito body. This is supported by the opinion of [20] which says that the spiracles are open
during flight and closed when the insect breaks. In non-death mosquitoes, when sprayed with
natural gadung insecticides, the mosquitoes are resting / not flying. So that the spiracles are
closed and the gadung insecticide can not enter the mosquito body.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that there is influence of
natural insecticide from gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) to mosquito mortality with
optimum concentration 5%.
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