information do
citation provide?
It involves:
• author’s name
• publication date
• publisher name
• year of publication
• page number,
• in case of journals, books, and anthologies
- journal name
- edition
• online sources from where the information is
A “citation” is the way
you tell your readers
that certain material
in your work came
from another source.
Contains the information
a reader needs to be able
to identify and retrieve
works cited in a text citation
Formatted list of all your
sources cited within your
• APA format was first
applied in 1929 to help
writers in doing their work
in a proper structure.
Cited info
There are risks inherent in drinking
tap water (Lee, 2016).
Author Year of Publication
Narrative citations intertwine the author as part
of the sentence with the date of publication (in
parentheses) following.
Author Year of Publication
Lee (2016) investigated the risks
inherent in drinking tap water.
Cited info
Basic Format:
Author, A. A., & Author, References
B. B. (Date). Title of the
work. Source where you Including the
can retrieve the complete citation
work. URL or DOI if at the end of
available your paper
List each author's last name and initial as:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C.
Peligrino, C. J.
Peligrino, C. J., Andam, L., & Rosales, A. A.
Title of the article.
Note: For works that are part of a greater whole (e.g. articles, chapter),
use sentence case. Only the first word of the title and subtitle and
proper nouns are capitalized.
Title of the Journal,
Page range
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
For example:
Collins, M. E., Garlington, S., & Cooney, K. (2015). Relieving human suffering:
Compassion in social policy. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 42(1), 95–120.
Magazine Article Retrieved Online
Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year, Month Day).
Title of article. Name of Magazine, volume #(issue),
pp-pp. http://
For example:
Clay, R. A. (2014, December). Taking action against
Ebola. Monitor on Psychology, 45(11), 14.
Newspaper Article Retrieved Online
Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year, Month Day).
Title of article. Name of Newspaper. http://
For example:
For example:
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-
based practice for nurses: Appraisal and
application of research (4th ed.). Jones &
Bartlett Learning, LLC.
What if there are
NO author
An author/creator won't necessarily be a person's name. It
may be an organization or corporation or a username on a
site such a YouTube.
NO title
In square brackets, describe the work that you are citing.
Vividata. (2018). [Potato chips - personally ate in the past 6 months
for all respondents 14+ in Ontario].
Alphabetically sorted
Hanging Indent Section Label
Properly citing the works of others is important
✓ Proper citation allows others to locate the materials you used.
✓ Citing other people's words and ideas indicates that you have conducted
thorough review of the literature on your topic.
✓ Other researcher's ideas can be used to reinforce your arguments, or, if you
disagree with them, can act as positions from which to argue an alternative
✓ Just as other researcher's ideas can bolster your arguments and act as evidence
for your ideas, they can also detract from your credibility if they are found to be
mistaken or fabricated.
✓ Outside academe, ideas are considered intellectual property and there can
serious repercussions if you fail to cite where you got an idea from.
For every in-text
citation in your paper,
there must be a
corresponding entry
in your reference list.
✓ You do not have to cite your own ideas,
unless they have been published.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association:
The official guide to APA style (Seventh ed.). American Psychological Association.
11. Citing Sources - Organizing Academic Research Papers - Research Guides at Sacred Heart University
what-is-citation.pdf (
In-text Citations in APA 7 | University Writing & Speaking Center | University of Nevada, Reno (