Diagnostic Procedures
Diagnostic Procedures
Diagnostic Procedures
280 Diagnostic
in turn reveals the pressure fluctuations driving flow. Simultaneous
measurement of flow allows the calculation of lung resistance (as flow Procedures in
divided by pressure). In health, Raw is very low (<2 cmH2O/L/s), and
half of the detected resistance resides within the upper airway. In the
Respiratory Disease
lung, most resistance originates in the central airways. For this reason, Anne L. Fuhlbrigge, Augustine M.K. Choi
airways resistance measurement tends to be insensitive to peripheral
airflow obstruction.
RESPIRATORY MUSCLE STRENGTH To measure respiratory muscle The diagnostic modalities available for assessing the patient with
strength, the patient is instructed to exhale or inhale with maximal suspected or known respiratory system disease include imaging stud-
effort against a closed shutter while pressure is monitored at the ies and techniques for acquiring biologic specimens, some of which
mouth. Pressures >±60 cmH2O at FRC are considered adequate and involve direct visualization of part of the respiratory system. Methods
make it unlikely that respiratory muscle weakness accounts for any to characterize the functional changes developing as a result of dis-
other resting ventilatory dysfunction that is identified. ease, including pulmonary function tests and measurements of gas
exchange, are discussed in Chap. 279.
Measurement of Gas Exchange • DIFFUSING CAPACITY (DlCO)
This test uses a small (and safe) amount of carbon monoxide (CO) IMAGING STUDIES
to measure gas exchange across the alveolar membrane during a
10-s breath hold. CO in exhaled breath is analyzed to determine the ■■ROUTINE RADIOGRAPHY
quantity of CO crossing the alveolar membrane and combining with Routine chest radiography, including both posteroanterior (PA) and
hemoglobin in red blood cells. This “single-breath diffusing capacity” lateral views, is an integral part of the diagnostic evaluation of diseases
(Dlco), value increases with the surface area available for diffusion and involving the pulmonary parenchyma, the pleura, and, to a lesser
the amount of hemoglobin within the capillaries, and it varies inversely extent, the airways and the mediastinum (see Chaps. 278 and A12).
with alveolar membrane thickness. Thus, Dlco decreases in diseases Lateral decubitus views are useful for determining whether pleural
that thicken or destroy alveolar membranes (e.g., pulmonary fibrosis, abnormalities represent freely flowing fluid, whereas apical lordotic
emphysema), curtail the pulmonary vasculature (e.g., pulmonary views can visualize disease at the lung apices better than the standard
Disorders of the Respiratory System
FIGURE 280-2 Chest x-ray (A) and computed tomography (CT) scan
(B) demonstrating a right lower-lobe mass. The mass is not well appreciated
on the plain film because of the hilar structures and known calcified adenopathy.
CT is superior to plain radiography for the detection of abnormal mediastinal
densities and the distinction of masses from adjacent vascular structures.
in reducing the radiation dose reported for CT scans of the thorax. positioning system (GPS) unit, which allows precise tracking of both
Low dose MDCT is now a recommended screening procedure for lung position and orientation through the use of electromagnetic fields.
cancer among persons who are aged 55–80 years with 30 pack year
smoking history and currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years. ■■POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHIC SCANNING
Disorders of the Respiratory System
In MDCT, the additional detectors along the z-axis result in Positron emission tomographic (PET) scanning involves injection of
improved use of the contrast bolus. This and the faster scanning a radiolabeled glucose analogue, [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG),
times and increased resolution have all led to improved imaging of which is taken up by metabolically active malignant cells. This tech-
the pulmonary vasculature and the ability to detect segmental and nique has been used in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules
subsegmental emboli. CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) also allows and in staging lung cancer. Detection or exclusion of mediastinal
simultaneous detection of parenchymal abnormalities that may be con- lymph node involvement and identification of extrathoracic disease
tributing to a patient’s clinical presentation. Secondary to these advan- can be achieved. The development of hybrid imaging allows the super-
tages and increasing availability, CTPA has rapidly become the test of imposition of PET and CT images, a technique known as functional–
choice for many clinicians in the evaluation of pulmonary embolism; anatomical mapping. Hybrid PET/CT scans provide images that help
compared with pulmonary angiography, it is considered equal in terms pinpoint the abnormal metabolic activity to anatomical structures seen
of accuracy and with less associated risks. A further development is on CT and provide more accurate diagnoses than the two scans per-
the dual-source CT (DSCT), which uses two x-ray tubes and their cor- formed separately. FDG-PET can differentiate benign from malignant
responding detectors offset by 90°. These scanners can emphasize par- lesions as small as 1 cm and can be very useful in detection of distant
ticular tissue characteristics and combine functional and morphological metastases. However, false-negative findings can occur in lesions with
information, which may allow better detection of perfusion defects in low metabolic activity such as carcinoid tumors and bronchioloalveolar
the lung parenchyma. In addition, the newer generation DSCT systems cell carcinomas, or in lesions <1 cm in which the required threshold of
allow high resolution scans of the thorax to be performed in <1 s, of metabolically active malignant cells is not present for PET diagnosis.
particular interest for dyspneic patients who are unable to comply with False-positive results can be seen due to FDG uptake in inflammatory
breath hold instructions. conditions such as pneumonia and granulomatous diseases.
wedged into a subsegmental airway, aliquots of sterile saline can be carcinoma in situ. NBI capitalizes on the increased absorption of blue
instilled through the scope, allowing sampling of cells and organisms and green wavelengths of light by hemoglobin to enhance the visibility
from alveolar spaces. This procedure, called bronchoalveolar lavage of vessels of the mucosa and differentiate between inflammatory ver-
(BAL), has been particularly useful for the recovery of fluid for cul- sus malignant mucosal lesions. CFM uses a blue laser to induce fluo-
rescence, and its high degree of resolution provides a real-time view of
Disorders of the Respiratory System