Diagnostic Procedures

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For most measures of lung function, 85–115% of the predicted value can hypertension), or reduce alveolar capillary hemoglobin

oglobin (e.g., anemia). 1951

be normal; however, in health, the various lung volumes tend to scale Single-breath diffusing capacity may be elevated in acute congestive
together. For example, if one is “normal big” with a TLC 110% of the heart failure, asthma, polycythemia, and pulmonary hemorrhage.
predicted value, all other lung volumes and spirometry values will also
approximate 110% of their respective predicted values. This pattern is
Arterial Blood Gases  The effectiveness of gas exchange can be
assessed by measuring the partial pressures of oxygen and CO2 in a
particularly helpful in evaluating airflow, as discussed below.
sample of blood obtained by arterial puncture. The oxygen content
AIR FLOW  As noted above, spirometry plays a key role in lung vol- of blood (Cao ) depends on arterial saturation (%O2Sat), which is set
ume determination. Even more often, spirometry is used to measure 2
by Pao , pH, and Paco according to the oxyhemoglobin dissociation
airflow, which reflects the dynamic properties of the lung. During an 2 2
curve. Cao can also be measured by oximetry (see below):
FVC maneuver, the patient inhales to TLC and then exhales rapidly 2

CHAPTER 280 Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease

and forcefully to RV; this method ensures that flow limitation has been Cao (mL/dL) = 1.39 (mL/dL) × [hemoglobin](g) × % O2 Sat +
achieved, so that the precise effort made has little influence on actual 0.003 (mL/dL/mmHg) × Pao (mmHg)
flow. The total amount of air exhaled is the FVC, and the amount of air If hemoglobin saturation alone needs to be determined, this task can
exhaled in the first second is the FEV1; the FEV1 is a flow rate, revealing be accomplished noninvasively with pulse oximetry.
volume change per time. Like lung volumes, an individual’s maximal
expiratory flows should be compared with predicted values based on Acknowledgment
height, age, and sex. While the FEV1/FVC ratio is typically reduced The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Drs. Steven E.
in airflow obstruction, this condition can also reduce FVC by raising Weinberger and Irene M. Rosen to this chapter in previous editions.
RV, sometimes rendering the FEV1/FVC ratio “artifactually normal”
with the erroneous implication that airflow obstruction is absent. To ■■FURTHER READING
circumvent this problem, it is useful to compare FEV1 as a fraction of its Bates JH: Systems physiology of the airways in health and obstructive
predicted value with TLC as a fraction of its predicted value. In health, pulmonary disease. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Sys Biol Med 8:423, 2016.
the results are usually similar. In contrast, even an FEV1 value that is Hughes JM et al: Effect of lung volume on the distribution of pulmo-
95% of its predicted value may actually be relatively low if TLC is 110% nary blood flow in man. Respir Physiol 4:58, 1968.
of its respective predicted value. In this case, airflow obstruction may Levitsky MG et al: Pulmonary Physiology, 8th ed. New York,
be present, despite the “normal” value for FEV1. McGraw Hill, 2013; http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/book.aspx?
The relationships among volume, flow, and time during spirometry bookid=575. Accessed June 6, 2017.
are best displayed in two plots—the spirogram (volume vs time) and Macklem PT, Murphy BR: The forces applied to the lung in health and
the flow-volume loop (flow vs volume) (Fig. 279-4). In conditions disease. Am J Med 57:371, 1974.
that cause airflow obstruction, the site of obstruction is sometimes Pederson OF, Ingram RH: Configuration of maximal expiratory
correlated with the shape of the flow-volume loop. In diseases that flow-volume curve: Model experiments with physiologic implica-
cause lower airway obstruction, such as asthma and emphysema, tions. J Appl Physiol 58:1305, 1985.
flows decrease more rapidly with declining lung volumes, leading to Prange HD: Respiratory Physiology: Understanding Gas Exchange.
a characteristic scooping of the flow-volume loop. In contrast, fixed New York, Chapman and Hill, 1996.
upper-airway obstruction typically leads to inspiratory and/or expira- Weibel ER: Morphometric estimation of pulmonary diffusion capacity,
tory flow plateaus (Fig. 279-4). I. Model and method. Respir Physiol 11:54, 1970.
AIRWAYS RESISTANCE  The total resistance of the pulmonary and upper
West JB: Respiratory Physiology, The Essentials, 9th ed. Philadelphia,
airways is measured in the same body plethysmograph used to mea- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.
sure FRC. The patient is asked once again to pant, but this time against Wiley Online Library: Comprehensive Physiology: The Respi-
a closed and then opened shutter. Panting against the closed shutter ratory System. Available from http://www.comprehensivephysiology
reveals the thoracic gas volume as described above. When the shutter is .com/WileyCDA/Section/id-420557.html. Accessed August 12, 2016.
opened, flow is directed to and from the body box, so that volume fluc-
tuations in the box reveal the extent of thoracic gas compression, which

280 Diagnostic
in turn reveals the pressure fluctuations driving flow. Simultaneous
measurement of flow allows the calculation of lung resistance (as flow Procedures in
divided by pressure). In health, Raw is very low (<2 cmH2O/L/s), and
half of the detected resistance resides within the upper airway. In the
Respiratory Disease
lung, most resistance originates in the central airways. For this reason, Anne L. Fuhlbrigge, Augustine M.K. Choi
airways resistance measurement tends to be insensitive to peripheral
airflow obstruction.
RESPIRATORY MUSCLE STRENGTH  To measure respiratory muscle The diagnostic modalities available for assessing the patient with
strength, the patient is instructed to exhale or inhale with maximal suspected or known respiratory system disease include imaging stud-
effort against a closed shutter while pressure is monitored at the ies and techniques for acquiring biologic specimens, some of which
mouth. Pressures >±60 cmH2O at FRC are considered adequate and involve direct visualization of part of the respiratory system. Methods
make it unlikely that respiratory muscle weakness accounts for any to characterize the functional changes developing as a result of dis-
other resting ventilatory dysfunction that is identified. ease, including pulmonary function tests and measurements of gas
exchange, are discussed in Chap. 279.
Measurement of Gas Exchange  •  DIFFUSING CAPACITY (DlCO) 
This test uses a small (and safe) amount of carbon monoxide (CO) IMAGING STUDIES
to measure gas exchange across the alveolar membrane during a
10-s breath hold. CO in exhaled breath is analyzed to determine the ■■ROUTINE RADIOGRAPHY
quantity of CO crossing the alveolar membrane and combining with Routine chest radiography, including both posteroanterior (PA) and
hemoglobin in red blood cells. This “single-breath diffusing capacity” lateral views, is an integral part of the diagnostic evaluation of diseases
(Dlco), value increases with the surface area available for diffusion and involving the pulmonary parenchyma, the pleura, and, to a lesser
the amount of hemoglobin within the capillaries, and it varies inversely extent, the airways and the mediastinum (see Chaps. 278 and A12).
with alveolar membrane thickness. Thus, Dlco decreases in diseases Lateral decubitus views are useful for determining whether pleural
that thicken or destroy alveolar membranes (e.g., pulmonary fibrosis, abnormalities represent freely flowing fluid, whereas apical lordotic
emphysema), curtail the pulmonary vasculature (e.g., pulmonary views can visualize disease at the lung apices better than the standard

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1952 PA view. Portable equipment is often used for acutely ill patients who
cannot be transported to a radiology suite but are more difficult to
interpret owing to several limitations: (1) the single anteroposterior
(AP) projection obtained; (2) variability in over- and underexposure
of film; (3) a shorter focal spot-film distance leading to lack of edge
sharpness and loss of fine detail; and (4) magnification of the cardiac
silhouette and other anterior structures by the AP projection. Common
radiographic patterns and their clinical correlates are reviewed in
Chap. A12.
Advances in computer technology have allowed the development
of digital or computed radiography, which has several benefits:
(1) immediate availability of the images; (2) significant postprocessing

analysis of images to improve diagnostic information; and (3) ability

to store images electronically and to transfer them within or between
health care systems.

Disorders of the Respiratory System

Diagnostic ultrasound (US) produces images using echoes or reflection

of the US beam from interfaces between tissues with differing acoustic
properties. US is nonionizing and safe to perform on pregnant patients
and children. It can detect and localize pleural abnormalities, guide
percutaneous needle biopsy of peripheral lung, pleural, or chest wall
lesions and identify septations within loculated pleural collections (i.e.,
for thoracentesis), improving the yield and safety of the procedure.
Real-time imaging can be used to assess the movement of the dia-
phragm and can demonstrate changes in clinical condition. Availability A
of portable machines has allowed point of care (POC) ultrasound
to provide rapid and accurate bedside diagnosis and monitoring of
several common respiratory conditions, including pneumothorax, and
pleural effusions. In experienced hands, POC ultrasound has higher
sensitivity and specificity than chest radiography in detecting pleural
effusions and pneumothorax, with an accuracy approaching computed
tomography (CT). Pulmonary congestion may be quantified using
lung US monitoring pulmonary congestion in heart failure patients in
response to therapy.


Nuclear imaging depends on the selective uptake of various com-
pounds by organs of the body. In thoracic imaging, these compounds
are concentrated by one of three mechanisms: blood pool or compart-
mentalization (e.g., within the heart), physiologic incorporation (e.g.,
bone or thyroid) and capillary blockage (e.g., lung scan). Radioactive
isotopes can be administered by either the IV or inhaled routes or
both. When injected intravenously, albumin macroaggregates labeled
with technetium-99m (99mTc) become lodged in pulmonary capillaries;
the distribution of the trapped radioisotope follows the distribution
of blood flow. When inhaled, radiolabeled xenon gas can be used to
demonstrate the distribution of ventilation. Using these techniques,
ventilation-perfusion lung scanning was a commonly used technique
for the evaluation of pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary thromboembo-
lism produces one or more regions of ventilation-perfusion mismatch
(i.e., regions in which there is a defect in perfusion that follows the B
distribution of a vessel and that is not accompanied by a correspond-
FIGURE 280-1  Chest x-ray (A) and computed tomography (CT) scan (B) from a
ing defect in ventilation [Chap. 273]). However, with advances in patient with emphysema. The extent and distribution of emphysema are not well
CT scanning, scintigraphic imaging has been largely replaced by CT appreciated on plain film but clearly evident on the CT scan obtained.
angiography in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.
Another common use of ventilation-perfusion scans is in patients
with impaired lung function, who are being considered for lung
plain radiographs. Second, CT is far better than routine radiographic
resection. Many patients with bronchogenic carcinoma have coexisting
studies at characterizing tissue density and providing accurate size
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the question arises
assessment of lesions.
as to whether or not a patient can tolerate lung resection. The distribu-
CT is particularly valuable in assessing hilar and mediastinal disease
tion of the isotope(s) can be used to assess the regional distribution of
(often poorly characterized by plain radiography), in identifying and
blood flow and ventilation, allowing the physician to estimate the level
characterizing disease adjacent to the chest wall or spine (including
of postoperative lung function.
pleural disease), and in identifying areas of fat density or calcification
in pulmonary nodules (Fig. 280-2). Its utility in the assessment of medi-
■■COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY astinal disease has made CT an important tool in the staging of lung
CT offers several advantages over routine chest radiography cancer (Chap. 74). With the additional use of contrast material, CT also
(Figs. 280-1A, B and 280-2A, B). First, the use of cross-sectional images makes it possible to distinguish vascular from nonvascular structures,
allows distinction between densities that would be superimposed on which is particularly important in distinguishing lymph nodes and

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Data from the imaging procedure can be reconstructed in coronal or 1953
sagittal planes (Fig. 280-3A), as well as the traditional cross-sectional
(axial) view.
Further refinements in detector technology have allowed production
of scanners with additional detectors along the scanning axis (z-axis).
These multidetector CT (MDCT) scanners can obtain multiple slices in a
single rotation that are thinner and can be acquired in a shorter period
of time. This results in enhanced resolution and increased image recon-
struction ability. As the technology has progressed, higher numbers
(currently up to 64) of detectors allow submillimeter spatial resolution

CHAPTER 280 Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease


FIGURE 280-2  Chest x-ray (A) and computed tomography (CT) scan
(B) demonstrating a right lower-lobe mass. The mass is not well appreciated
on the plain film because of the hilar structures and known calcified adenopathy.
CT is superior to plain radiography for the detection of abnormal mediastinal
densities and the distinction of masses from adjacent vascular structures.

masses from vascular structures primarily in the mediastinum, and

vascular disorders such as pulmonary embolism.
Helical CT and Multidetector CT  Helical scanning is currently
the standard method for thoracic CT. Helical CT technology results in FIGURE 280-3  Spiral computed tomography (CT) with reconstruction of images
in planes other than axial view. Spiral CT in a lung transplant patient with a
faster scans with improved contrast enhancement and thinner colli-
dehiscence and subsequent aneurysm of the anastomosis. CT images were
mation. Images are obtained during a single breath-holding maneuver reconstructed in the sagittal view (A) and using digital subtraction to view images
that allows less motion artifact and collection of continuous data of the airways only (B), which demonstrate the exact location and extent of the
over a larger volume of lung than is possible with conventional CT. abnormality.

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1954 to produce clearer final images, allowing this technique to essentially Virtual bronchoscopy has been proposed as an adjunct to conven-
replace high-resolution CT (HRCT) in the evaluation of lung disease. tional bronchoscopy in several clinical situations: It can allow accurate
The pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) seen on MDCT assessment of the extent and length of an airway stenosis, including
(peripheral, basilar predominant honeycomb structure, and traction the airway distal to the narrowing; it can provide useful information
bronchiectasis), together with typical clinical presentation, and other about the relationship of the airway abnormality to adjacent medias-
causes are ruled out, the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) tinal structures; and it allows preprocedure planning for therapeutic
can be reliably diagnosed without histological confirmation. MDCT bronchoscopy to help ensure the appropriate equipment is available
allows for even shorter breath holds, which are beneficial for all patients for the procedure.
but especially children, the elderly, and the critically ill. It should be Electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy systems (EMN or ENB),
noted that despite the advantages of MDCT, there is an increase in using virtual bronchoscopy, have been developed to allow accurate
radiation dose compared to single-detector CT to consider. However, navigation to peripheral pulmonary target lesions. Electromagnetic
using iterative reconstruction techniques, there is continued progress navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) uses technology similar to a car global

in reducing the radiation dose reported for CT scans of the thorax. positioning system (GPS) unit, which allows precise tracking of both
Low dose MDCT is now a recommended screening procedure for lung position and orientation through the use of electromagnetic fields.
cancer among persons who are aged 55–80 years with 30 pack year
smoking history and currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years. ■■POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHIC SCANNING
Disorders of the Respiratory System

In MDCT, the additional detectors along the z-axis result in Positron emission tomographic (PET) scanning involves injection of
improved use of the contrast bolus. This and the faster scanning a radiolabeled glucose analogue, [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG),
times and increased resolution have all led to improved imaging of which is taken up by metabolically active malignant cells. This tech-
the pulmonary vasculature and the ability to detect segmental and nique has been used in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules
subsegmental emboli. CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) also allows and in staging lung cancer. Detection or exclusion of mediastinal
simultaneous detection of parenchymal abnormalities that may be con- lymph node involvement and identification of extrathoracic disease
tributing to a patient’s clinical presentation. Secondary to these advan- can be achieved. The development of hybrid imaging allows the super-
tages and increasing availability, CTPA has rapidly become the test of imposition of PET and CT images, a technique known as functional–
choice for many clinicians in the evaluation of pulmonary embolism; anatomical mapping. Hybrid PET/CT scans provide images that help
compared with pulmonary angiography, it is considered equal in terms pinpoint the abnormal metabolic activity to anatomical structures seen
of accuracy and with less associated risks. A further development is on CT and provide more accurate diagnoses than the two scans per-
the dual-source CT (DSCT), which uses two x-ray tubes and their cor- formed separately. FDG-PET can differentiate benign from malignant
responding detectors offset by 90°. These scanners can emphasize par- lesions as small as 1 cm and can be very useful in detection of distant
ticular tissue characteristics and combine functional and morphological metastases. However, false-negative findings can occur in lesions with
information, which may allow better detection of perfusion defects in low metabolic activity such as carcinoid tumors and bronchioloalveolar
the lung parenchyma. In addition, the newer generation DSCT systems cell carcinomas, or in lesions <1 cm in which the required threshold of
allow high resolution scans of the thorax to be performed in <1 s, of metabolically active malignant cells is not present for PET diagnosis.
particular interest for dyspneic patients who are unable to comply with False-positive results can be seen due to FDG uptake in inflammatory
breath hold instructions. conditions such as pneumonia and granulomatous diseases.


The three-dimensional (3D) image of the thorax obtained by MDCT can Magnetic resonance (MR) provides poorer spatial resolution and
be digitally stored, reanalyzed, and displayed as 3D reconstructions less detail of the pulmonary parenchyma and, for these reasons, is
of the airways down to the sixth to seventh generation. Using these not currently considered a substitute for CT in imaging the thorax.
reconstructions, a “virtual” bronchoscopy can be performed (Fig. 280-4). However, because of the high soft tissue contract available with MRI,
this technology may be used to distinguish tumor from post-stenotic
atelectasis and assess infiltration of the chest wall and/or mediasti-
num. In addition, for superior sulcus tumors, MRI can be valuable in
preoperative planning to better visualize if/where the tumor is in con-
tact with the spine. Further, “diffusion-weighted” MRI is an emerging
technique that has been used to differentiate metastatic lymph nodes
from healthy lymph nodes with sensitivity, specificity, and positive
predictive values higher than PET/CT or CT alone. Finally, the use of
hyperpolarized gas in conjunction with MR has led to the investiga-
tional use of MR for imaging the lungs, particularly in obstructive lung
disease. Imaging performed during an inhalation and exhalation can
provide dynamic information on lung function.
An advantage of MR is the use of nonionizing electromagnetic
radiation. Additionally, MR is well suited to distinguish vascular from
nonvascular structures without the need for contrast. Blood vessels
appear as hollow tubular structures because flowing blood does not
produce a signal on MRI. Therefore, MR can be useful in demonstrat-
ing pulmonary emboli, defining aortic lesions such as aneurysms or
dissection, or other vascular abnormalities (Fig. 280-5) if radiation
and IV contrast medium cannot be used. Gadolinium can be used as
an intravascular contrast agent for MR angiography (MRA); however,
synchronization of data acquisition with the peak arterial bolus is one
of the major challenges of MRA. The flow of contrast medium from the
peripheral injection site to the vessel of interest is affected by a num-
ber of factors including heart rate, stroke volume, and the presence of
FIGURE 280-4  Virtual bronchoscopic image of the trachea. The view projected is proximal stenotic lesions.
one that would be obtained from the trachea looking down to the carina. The left Disadvantages of MRI include less spatial resolution and longer
and right main stem airways are seen bifurcating from the carina. study acquisition times compared with CT. MR examinations are

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Sputum can be collected either by spontaneous expectoration or
induced (after inhalation of an irritating aerosol such as hypertonic
saline). Sputum induction is used either because sputum is not spon-
taneously being produced or because of an expected higher yield of
certain types of findings. Because sputum consists mainly of secretions
from the tracheobronchial tree rather than the upper airway, the find-
ing of alveolar macrophages and other inflammatory cells is consis-
tent with a lower respiratory tract origin of the sample, whereas the
presence of squamous epithelial cells in a “sputum” sample indicates
contamination by secretions from the upper airways.

CHAPTER 280 Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease

In addition to processing for routine bacterial pathogens by Gram’s
method and culture, sputum can be processed for a variety of other
pathogens, including staining and culture for mycobacteria or fungi,
culture for viruses, and staining for Pneumocystis jiroveci. In the specific
case of sputum obtained for evaluation of P. jiroveci pneumonia, for
example, sputum should be collected by induction rather than sponta-
neous expectoration, and an immunofluorescent stain should be used
to detect the organisms. Traditional stains and cultures are now also
being supplemented in some cases by immunologic techniques and
by molecular biologic methods, including the use of polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) amplification and DNA probes. Cytologic staining of
sputum for malignant cells, using the traditional Papanicolaou method,
allows noninvasive evaluation for suspected lung cancer.
FIGURE 280-5  Magnetic resonance angiography image of the vasculature of a
patient after lung transplant. The image demonstrates the detailed view of the ■■PERCUTANEOUS NEEDLE ASPIRATION
vasculature that can be obtained using digital subtraction techniques. Images from (TRANSTHORACIC)
a patient after lung transplant show the venous and arterial anastomosis on the A needle can be inserted through the chest wall into a pulmonary
right; a slight narrowing is seen at the site of the anastomosis, which is considered lesion to obtain an aspirate or tissue core for cytologic/histologic or
within normal limits and not suggestive of obstruction.
microbiologic analysis. Aspiration can be performed to obtain a diag-
nosis or to decompress and/or drain a fluid collection. The procedure
difficult to obtain among patients who cannot lie still or who cannot lay is usually carried out under CT or US guidance to assist positioning of
on their backs. MRI is generally avoided in unstable and/or ventilated the needle and assure localization in the lesion. The low potential risk
patients and those with severe trauma because of the hazards of the of this procedure (intrapulmonary bleeding or creation of a pneumot-
MR environment and the difficulties in monitoring patients within the horax with collapse of the underlying lung) in experienced hands is
MR room. The presence of metallic foreign bodies, pacemakers, and usually acceptable compared with the information obtained. However,
intracranial aneurysm clips also preclude use of MRI. a limitation of the technique is sampling error due to the small size
of the tissue sample. Thus, findings other than a specific cytologic or
microbiologic diagnosis are of limited clinical value.
The pulmonary arterial system can be visualized by pulmonary angi-
ography, in which radiopaque contrast medium is injected through ■■THORACENTESIS
a catheter placed in the pulmonary artery. When performed in cases Sampling of pleural liquid by thoracentesis is commonly performed
of pulmonary embolism, pulmonary angiography demonstrates the for diagnostic purposes or, in the case of a large effusion, for palliation
consequences of an intravascular thrombus—either a defect in the of dyspnea. Diagnostic sampling, either by blind needle aspiration or
lumen of a vessel (a filling defect) or an abrupt termination (cutoff) of after localization by US, allows the collection of liquid for microbio-
the vessel. Other, less common indications for pulmonary angiography logic and cytologic studies. Analysis of the fluid obtained for its cellular
include visualization of a suspected pulmonary arteriovenous malfor- composition and chemical constituents allows classification of the effu-
mation and assessment of pulmonary arterial invasion by a neoplasm. sion and can help with diagnosis and treatment (Chap. 288).
The risks associated with modern arteriography are small, generally
of greatest concern in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension ■■BRONCHOSCOPY
or chronic kidney disease. With advances in CT scanning, MDCT Bronchoscopy is the process of direct visualization of the tracheo-
angiography (MDCTA) is replacing conventional angiography for the bronchial tree. Although bronchoscopy is now performed almost
diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. exclusively with flexible fiberoptic instruments, rigid bronchoscopy,
generally performed in an operating room on a patient under general
MEDICAL TECHNIQUES FOR OBTAINING anesthesia, still has a role in selected circumstances, primarily because
BIOLOGIC SPECIMENS of a larger suction channel and the fact that the patient can be venti-
lated through the bronchoscope channel. These situations include the
■■COLLECTION OF BLOOD AND SERUM retrieval of a foreign body and the suctioning of a massive hemor-
Testing of blood and/or serum can be useful in situations where respi- rhage, for which the small suction channel of the bronchoscope may
ratory diseases are secondary to systemic illness. Collagen vascular be insufficient.
disease is a frequent cause of diffuse interstitial lung disease (DILD) and
serologic tests for autoantibodies may be helpful in determining if an ■■FLEXIBLE FIBEROPTIC BRONCHOSCOPY
autoimmune disorder is affecting the lungs. In addition, blood tests for This outpatient procedure is usually performed in an awake but
inherited respiratory diseases are available. In patients presenting with sedated patient (conscious sedation). The bronchoscope is passed
COPD, a low level of α1-antitrypsin (α1AT) confirms α1AT deficiency and through either the mouth or the nose, between the vocal cords, and
further assessment with α1AT protein phenotyping and/or α1AT geno- into the trachea. The ability to flex the scope makes it possible to visu-
typing can be carried if needed. Beyond emphysema, next-generation alize virtually all airways to the level of subsegmental bronchi. The
sequencing has allowed development of respiratory gene panels that bronchoscopist is able to identify endobronchial pathology, including
identify genes implicated in several different lung syndromes includ- tumors, granulomas, bronchitis, foreign bodies, and sites of bleed-
ing cystic, fibrotic, and bronchiectatic diseases. ing. Samples from airway lesions can be taken by several methods,

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1956 including washing, brushing, and biopsy. Washing involves instillation evaluating nodules that have a ground glass appearance on CT scan
of sterile saline through a channel of the bronchoscope and onto the and a high reliance on the bronchoscopist’s ability to navigate the
surface of a lesion. A portion of the liquid is collected by suctioning branching architecture of the airways to position the probe near the
through the bronchoscope, and the recovered material can be analyzed nodule.
for cells (cytology) or organisms (by standard stains and cultures).
Brushing or biopsy of the surface of the lesion, using a small brush or ■■EMERGING BRONCHOSCOPIC TECHNIQUES
biopsy forceps at the end of a long cable inserted through a channel Additional techniques that can be performed using bronchoscopy
of the bronchoscope, allows recovery of cellular material or tissue for include video/autofluorescence bronchoscopy (AFB), narrow band
analysis by standard cytologic and histopathologic methods. imaging (NBI), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and endomi-
The bronchoscope can be used to sample material not only from croscopy using confocal fluorescent laser microscopy (CFM). AFB
the regions that can be directly visualized (i.e., the airways), but also uses bronchoscopy with an additional light source to screen high-risk
from the more distal pulmonary parenchyma. With the bronchoscope individuals and identify premalignant lesions (airway dysplasia) and

wedged into a subsegmental airway, aliquots of sterile saline can be carcinoma in situ. NBI capitalizes on the increased absorption of blue
instilled through the scope, allowing sampling of cells and organisms and green wavelengths of light by hemoglobin to enhance the visibility
from alveolar spaces. This procedure, called bronchoalveolar lavage of vessels of the mucosa and differentiate between inflammatory ver-
(BAL), has been particularly useful for the recovery of fluid for cul- sus malignant mucosal lesions. CFM uses a blue laser to induce fluo-
rescence, and its high degree of resolution provides a real-time view of
Disorders of the Respiratory System

ture. In addition, immunofluorescent staining with antibodies and/or

nucleic acid analysis via PCR can facilitate more rapid diagnosis than living tissue at an almost histologic resolution. OCT uses near-infrared
culture techniques for some organisms. Cytology, cellular analysis, and light source and has spatial resolution advantages over CT and MRI. It
examination of acellular components such as cytokines, viral particles, can penetrate the airway wall up to three times deeper than CFM and is
and microbial signatures are commonly performed. less susceptible to motion artifacts from cardiac pulsation and respira-
Brushing and biopsy of the distal lung parenchyma can also be tory movements. However, careful assessment is required before these
performed with the same instruments that are used for endobronchial methods find a place in the evaluation strategy of early lung cancer and
sampling. These instruments can be passed through the scope into other lung diseases.
small airways. When biopsies are performed, the forceps penetrate
the airway wall, allowing biopsy of peribronchial alveolar tissue. This MEDICAL THORACOSCOPY
procedure, called transbronchial biopsy, is used when there is either rel- Medical thoracoscopy (or pleuroscopy) focuses on the diagnosis of
atively diffuse disease or a localized lesion of adequate size. With the pleural-based problems. The procedure is performed with a conven-
aid of fluoroscopic imaging, the bronchoscopist is able to determine not tional rigid or a semi-rigid pleuroscope (similar in design to a broncho-
only whether and when the instrument is in the area of abnormality, scope and enabling the operator to inspect the pleural surface, sample
but also the proximity of the instrument to the pleural surface. If the and/or drain pleural fluid, or perform targeted biopsies of the parietal
forceps are too close to the pleural surface, there is a risk of violating pleura). Medical thoracoscopy can be performed in the endoscopy suite
the visceral pleura and creating a pneumothorax; the other potential or operating room with the patient under conscious sedation and local
complication of transbronchial biopsy is pulmonary hemorrhage. The anesthesia. In contrast, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)
incidence of these complications is less than several percent. requires general anesthesia and is only performed in the operating
room. A common diagnostic indication for medical thoracoscopy is the
■■TRANSBRONCHIAL NEEDLE ASPIRATION evaluation of a pleural effusion or biopsy of presumed parietal pleural
Another procedure involves use of a hollow-bore needle passed carcinomatosis. It can also be used to place a chest tube under visual
through the bronchoscope for sampling of tissue adjacent to the tra- guidance, or perform chemical or talc pleurodesis, a therapeutic inter-
chea or a large bronchus. The needle is passed through the airway vention to prevent a recurrent pleural effusion (usually malignant) or
wall (transbronchial), and cellular material can be aspirated from mass recurrent pneumothorax.
lesions or enlarged lymph nodes, generally in a search for malignant The increasing availability of advanced bronchoscopic and pleu-
cells. Mediastinoscopy has been considered the gold standard for roscopic techniques has motivated the development of IP programs.
mediastinal staging; however, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) IP can be defined as “the art and science of medicine as related to the
allows sampling from the lungs and surrounding lymph nodes without performance of diagnostic and invasive therapeutic procedures, that
the need for surgery or general anesthesia. which require additional training and expertise beyond that which
required in a standard pulmonary medicine training program.” IP phy-
■■ENDOBRONCHIAL ULTRASOUND (EBUS)– sicians provide alternatives to surgery for patients with a wide variety
TRANSBRONCHIAL NEEDLE ASPIRATION (TBNA) of thoracic disorders and problems, including therapeutic interventions
Further advances in needle aspiration techniques have been accom- (see further reading).
plished with the development of endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS).
The technology uses an ultrasonic bronchoscope fitted with a probe SURGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR OBTAINING
that allows for needle aspiration of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes BIOLOGIC SPECIMENS
guided by real-time US images. EBUS allows sampling of mediastinal Evaluation and diagnosis of disorders of the chest commonly involve
lymph nodes and masses under direct vision to better identify and collaboration between pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons. Although
localize peribronchial and mediastinal pathology and offers access to procedures such as mediastinoscopy, VATS, and thoracotomy are
more difficult-to-reach areas and smaller lymph nodes in the staging of performed by thoracic surgeons, there is overlap in many minimally
malignancies. EBUS-TBNA has the potential to access the same paratra- invasive techniques that can be performed by a pulmonologist, an
cheal and subcarinal lymph node stations as mediastinoscopy, but also interventional pulmonologist, or a thoracic surgeon.
extends out to the hilar lymph nodes (levels 10 and 11).
Radial probe endobronchial ultrasound (RP-EBUS) produces a ■■MEDIASTINOSCOPY AND MEDIASTINOTOMY
360-degree ultrasound image of the surrounding lung parenchyma Proper staging of lung cancer is of paramount concern when determin-
and has significantly improved the bronchoscopic diagnostic yield for ing a treatment regimen. Although CT and PET scanning are useful
peripheral pulmonary nodules, particularly for larger lesions (>2 cm). for determining the size and nature of mediastinal lymph nodes as
RP-EBUS can be combined with ENB (described above), to provide part of the staging of lung cancer, tissue biopsy and histopathologic
accurate navigational assistance to localize peripheral nodules and examination are often critical for the diagnosis of mediastinal masses or
increase the diagnostic yield. enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. The two major surgical procedures
RP-EBUS has a superior safety profile compared with transtho- used to obtain specimens from masses or nodes in the mediastinum are
racic approach, but limitations include a poor ultrasound signal for mediastinoscopy (via a suprasternal approach) and mediastinotomy

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(via a parasternal approach). Both procedures are performed under ■■FURTHER READING 1957
general anesthesia by a qualified surgeon. In the case of suprasternal Bahmer T et al: The use of auto-antibody testing in the evaluation
mediastinoscopy, a rigid mediastinoscope is inserted at the supraster- of interstitial lung disease (ILD)—A practical approach for the pul-
nal notch and passed into the mediastinum along a pathway just ante- monologist. Respir Med 113:80, 2016.
rior to the trachea. Tissue can be obtained with biopsy forceps passed Flohr TG, Schmidt B: CT technology for imaging the thorax: State
through the scope, sampling masses or nodes that are in a paratracheal of the art, in Multidetector-Row CT of the Thorax, Medical Radiology,
or pretracheal position (levels 2R, 2L, 3, 4R, 4L). Aortopulmonary Schoepf UJ, Meinel FG (eds). Springer International Publishing, 2016,
lymph nodes (levels 5, 6) are not accessible by this route and thus are pp. 3–28.
commonly sampled by parasternal mediastinotomy (the Chamberlain Hirsch FR et al: New and emerging targeted treatments in advanced
procedure). This approach involves a parasternal incision and dissec- non-small-cell lung cancer. Lancet 388(10048):1012, 2016.
tion directly down to a mass or node that requires biopsy. Hoffman EA et al: For the IWPFI Investigators. Pulmonary CT and

CHAPTER 281 Asthma

As an alternative to surgery, a bronchoscope can be used to perform MRI phenotypes that help explain chronic pulmonary obstruction
TBNA to obtain tissue from the mediastinum, and, when combined disease pathophysiology and outcomes J Magn Reson Imaging
with EBUS, can allow access to the same lymph node stations asso- 43:544, 2016.
ciated with mediastinoscopy, but also extend access out to the hilar Irwin Z, Cook JO: Advances in point-of-care thoracic ultrasound.
lymph nodes (levels 10, 11). Finally, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)– Emerg Med Clin North Am 34:151, 2016.
fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a second procedure that complements Meyer KC et al: American Thoracic Society Committee on BAL in
EBUS-FNA in the staging of lung cancer. EUS-FNA is performed via Interstitial Lung Disease. An official American Thoracic Society clin-
the esophagus and is ideally suited for sampling lymph nodes in the ical practice guideline: The clinical utility of bronchoalveolar lavage
posterior mediastinum (levels 7, 8, 9). Because US imaging cannot pen- cellular analysis in interstitial lung disease. Am J Respir Crit Care
etrate air-filled spaces, the area directly anterior to the trachea cannot Med 185:1004, 2012.
accurately be assessed and is a “blind spot” for EUS-FNA. However, Mirsadraee S, van Beek EJ: Functional imaging: Computed tomogra-
EBUS-FNA can visualize the anterior lymph nodes and can comple- phy and MRI. Clin Chest Med 36:349, 2015.
ment EUS-FNA. The combination of EUS-FNA and EBUS-FNA with The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team: Reduced
the use of radial probes has made these techniques a clear nonoperative lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screen-
alternative for staging the mediastinum in thoracic malignancies. ing. N Engl J Med 365:395, 2011.
Walters DM, Wood DE: Operative endoscopy of the airway. J Thorac
VATS is the operative technique for the diagnosis and management
of pleural as well as parenchymal lung disease. This procedure is
performed in the operating room using single-lung ventilation with
double-lumen endotracheal intubation and involves the passage of a
rigid scope with a distal lens through a trocar inserted into the pleura.
A high-quality image is shown on a monitor screen, allowing the oper-
Section 2 Diseases of the Respiratory System
ator to manipulate instruments passed into the pleural space through
separate small intercostal incisions. With these instruments the opera-
tor can biopsy lesions of the pleura under direct visualization. In addi-
tion, this procedure is now used commonly to biopsy peripheral lung
tissue or to remove peripheral nodules for both diagnostic and thera-
281 Asthma Peter J. Barnes
peutic purposes. This much less invasive procedure has largely sup-
planted the traditional “open lung biopsy” performed via thoracotomy.
The decision to use medical thorascopy versus VATS technique is based Asthma is a syndrome characterized by airflow obstruction that varies
on the clinical scenario with input from the consulting pulmonary and markedly, both spontaneously and with treatment. Asthmatics harbor
thoracic surgery providers. If a surgical technique is preferred, the deci- a special type of inflammation in the airways that makes them more
sion to use a VATS technique versus performing an open thoracotomy responsive than nonasthmatics to a wide range of triggers, leading
is made by the thoracic surgeon and based on whether a patient can to excessive narrowing with consequent reduced airflow and symp-
tolerate the single-lung ventilation that is required to allow adequate tomatic wheezing and dyspnea. Narrowing of the airways is usually
visualization of the lung. With further advances in instrumentation reversible, but in some patients with chronic asthma there may be an
and experience, VATS can be used to perform procedures previously element of irreversible airflow obstruction. Asthma is a heterogeneous
requiring thoracotomy, including stapled lung biopsy, resection of disease with several phenotypes recognized, but thus far these do not
pulmonary nodules, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, pericardial window, correspond well to specific pathogenic mechanisms (endotypes) or
or other standard thoracic surgical procedures, but allows them to be responses to therapy. The increasing global prevalence of asthma, the
performed in a minimally invasive manner. large burden it now imposes on patients, and the high health care costs
■■THORACOTOMY have led to extensive research into its mechanisms and treatment.
Although frequently replaced by VATS, thoracotomy remains an
option for the diagnostic sampling of lung tissue. It provides the largest ■■PREVALENCE
amount of material, and it can be used to biopsy and/or excise lesions Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases globally and
that are too deep or too close to vital structures for removal by VATS. currently affects ~300 million people worldwide, with ~250,000 deaths
The choice between VATS and thoracotomy needs to be made on a annually. The prevalence of asthma has risen in affluent countries over
case-by-case basis. the last 30 years but now appears to have stabilized, with ~10–12%
of adults and 15% of children affected by the disease. In developing
TECHNIQUES ON BIOLOGIC SPECIMENS countries where the prevalence of asthma had been much lower, there
Histopathologic examination of tissue samples and cytologic exami- is a rising prevalence, which is associated with increased urbanization.
nation of aspirates or fluid are critical components in the diagnosis The prevalence of atopy and other allergic diseases has also increased
of many respiratory disorders. In the area of lung cancer, improved over the same time, suggesting that the reasons for the increase are
understanding of molecular changes and genetic mutations that drive likely to be systemic rather than confined to the lungs. Most patients
cancer has allowed development of specific molecular tests that guide with asthma in affluent countries are atopic, with allergic sensitization
therapy (e.g., epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFR] mutations and to the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and other envi-
anaplastic lymphoma kinase [ALK] fusions). ronmental allergens, such as animal fur and pollens.

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