BSHM100 - Chapter 8 (Topic 3) PDF
BSHM100 - Chapter 8 (Topic 3) PDF
BSHM100 - Chapter 8 (Topic 3) PDF
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Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapteri the students should be able to:
. understand the role of customers in service delivery and co-creation of service
. differentiate and learn the concept of self-service technology and customer
participation in the delivery of service;and
. identify the different strategies involving customers to increase satisfaction,
quality, value, and productivity.
Reality Bites
insights relayed by the clients become valuable inputs in improving the services. !
Further, in the creation of value, both customers and service organizations develop
a collaborative relationship which creates benefit for both. Co-creation of value is I
a two-way road where expectations and objectives from two parties may not be i
on the same direction.The expectations from either the customers and the service ii
that is mutually beneficial. Similar to a highway, the direction that the customer wants rl
is to get the type of service he/she prefers and the organization profits by satisfying
the clients' requirements and needs. lt is very important that value co-creation
should be sourced from both sides of stakeholders. lnputs should be derived from
all stakeholders in order to create a service acceptable to all.
The following are the three major roles played by customers in service co-
creation and delivery: customers as extended employees;customers as proponents
to quality of service; and customers as competitors.
The use of SST became popular
due to some reasons. organizations
that when they transfer from berieve
manuar service to technorogy-based
could save more from personat process, they
service. rf communi."a"J pr"perry
method would most tikely succeed. to customers, the
Some organizations use SSTs
customer demand' crients in order to meet
tend to rook for irforr.tion,
lnternet' onrine purchases, ,"rri."r, and products via
deriveries,lnd transaction, ,r"
because of the convenience u"ry popurar nowadays
and ease of doing urrin"rr.
have online access can be o.grnizations that do not
considered at a disadvantage against its
Chapter 8 | Co-creation of
euality Service 11S
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using SSTs
rorother.rr.or!rr.rheset"rrcr,uppl:til;:T'r:?fi t:r:ll"r;:JSITITfJ:*:
tasks in the o
Chapter 8 | Co-creation of
euality Service 11g
unfamiliar with the policies and procedures are oriented by seasoned members to
make them feel welcome. Customers of theme parks help each other by sharing
how best to enjoy the different attractions and amenities of the park. ln doing
these, customers are somehow helping the company heighten the level of customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
First, the organization must be able to attract the right customers to fill the
roles.These roles to be performed by customers should be clearly communicated
by the organization through promotions and marketing.
consumption;others are for families;and some for groups or establishments. With iiH
these, checkout counters are provided for small quantity shoppers, separate from tiE
the bulk buyers to avoid long queues for both types of customers and avoid long
waiting time for express shoppers.This situation is related to the concept known as
compatibility management.Compotibility management is the process of managing the
encounters or interactions and space requirements of severa.l market segments in /
order to maintain customer satisfaction and avoid customer flight.
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Discussion Questions
l. Discuss the general importance of customers in the successful creation and
delivery of service experiences.
2. Why might customer actions and attitudes cause the service performance gap
' to occur?
3. Discuss the customer's role as a productive resource for the organization.
4. Discuss the cust,omer's role as a contributor to service quality and satisfaction.